1 1T v - V MEliaT'-'r"-TfiifTiifni ' l rT- - p LOCAL NEWS , of Interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. - ' - - - . - ,.. . '-- ------ I ! Christmas Holiday Round Trip Excarsfon Rates M Southern Rail wai The Southern serves the South southern Railway will- soil low rouLd trip Christmas Holiday tukete to all point evnrv dar December 16th to QRlh iin.,A Hundreds of People Daily are Visiting Dr. H G Heiligjvho fell down hii offioe steps several wteka ago aad broke his hip, is able to be out on crutches. He left for Char lotte this morning. Friday evniug tbe barn on 0. M. Miller's let on North Maiu Street, was destroyed by fire. The fire oompany kept the flames from spreading to other buildings. W. 0. Lisk, one of the wide awake revenue c ffioers, is kept? at god to return until midnioht f home in Morcau Townshin with Janua.y 10th, 1916 an attack o small nn, Mr Round trip uokets will aliobe r.s.t'..n. i, will soon be restored to health. so'd to points in Illinois. To. Mmnessota and other Northwest ern 8tates. 8peod your holiday vaoakioi with fiieuda and loved- one? Travel via Southern Railway Fast through trains, through Bleeping oars and dimng oars tr all points Let ns route ycu by the beet and quickest echrdulpB. For full information, ihd Pullman reservations and fares to A fire originated Sandsy morn- ing in the Heilig tuilding on South Main Street being remod eled for use by T, -ML Kesler. The fire company wis soon rn the scene and extinguished the flames fhefire probably started by spon taneous combustion, there 'being any point ask any Agent Southern 8om oil? ra8 P1' d n heap on itau way, or write, ine noor. K. H. Dx Butts, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. O. i ti V 'Oil ! I SI ill The community Christmas tree has be n erected in front of the old oourt house. It will be lit un with eleotrioity but will not be loaded with presents The city church bells will ru g at 6 o'clock iud the ttee will theu be lighted, we suppose Friday evening. J. H. Mingers has resigLed as 3 ULty game warden. The State Dental Examiners will mtet in Salisbury January 18th for a three days' session. The People' Fair is bow busy paying eff their premiums and have arranged for another fair nxt fall. Mrs. J. M. Morgan, who wts about 29 years old and had bee; ill w.th consumption ff r s me time, died at her home on N rth Long 8treet Saturday morning and leaves a husband and five small children. The fotseral took pine from the home Sunday morniig, Rev. Byron Clark officiating Tht interment was in Chestnut Hi! Cemetery. 8nnday, December 12b, Jacl Bailey of Woodleaf, died in a bee pital in Texas after an operatio for appendicitis. His reman e were shipp d t( Woodleaf and tb funeral washeld there last Wed nesday. Robert S . Sigman, an ex ei gi neer of the Southern, one of tl Oldest in the service, died at hi heme in Spencer early this mm, ing from the effects of Biiiit' disease. He was 80 years o'd ai.d the fnneral was held at hie late residenoe this afternoon and bis remains will be shipped to Char lotte tomorrow mcrnicg whsxe the interment will take jplace. He has a splendid record as to dt -portmet t in the railway service( He leaves several brothers and 8 sister to mourn their loss. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing -it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Qainine drives out malaria, the Uoa failds up the system. 50 cent? MARRIAGES What Splendid - Light the RAYO Gives! ITS glow is so soft andbright that you can read all evening without tiring your e3'es. The Miss Lillian Ford, daughter oi J. R. Ford, and Olan Lonn. all r.f TheErwin-Hix Shoe Company Lexington, accompanied by Rev are now preparu e to shin its t rt t j j , stock of shoes to Baden, where tdiy afternoon at tlu they will re-open for business. homft nf Mr fcnd MrH r-aWin r- Don't forget the Farmers' Un tingen South Lej Street. ion meeting at Oak Grove Decern-I At a party at the home of Dr. ber 8081 r.nj mm w w iu,ir I UU lull, Tf . ,1. OHlMUI- jri" St. John's Lutheran ooDgrega-I tsrday evening annouueem m t, . i won has finally decided to at one the coming marriage of h.: proceed with the remodeling and charming daughter, MUu E,:.z. additions to their house of wor betb. to Peter A. Wallen! -uvo . Every one seems to betaking advantage of the wonderfully low prices wc quote this season. - Belowej we list a few suggestions in gifts for Men and Boys. Each and everyone marked prices. We have planned this Christ mas that every purchase made at this big store must be a "Bargain," nothing less. ... nsnt iv i Men's Suits and Overcoats Every nan ; wants a good suit si Cbrisfmas day. We ;a're off er ' insj tbe: incu of Rjwan and scr rouiidiug connties .the mcstj won dbrful vaiuea in Suits and Over ooats ivr. put before the people for ele itkMi . AJi we ask i s a look. WhffiiBj$aHsbuy drop. in at the big'itoreo'big vafues and" s'-in on one of tn-se" wonderful bargain Suits fti d Ooctat.:; v-d it youi dou't fii.d irdt-Wii chsuce of lH-t m-,' do v. a rid OVERCOATS Cod? .The House of Kuppeohdmet Chicago $6, $6.50, $7; $7. 50, $8, $8.50ioS17.$6-"; Boy's Suits and Overcoats v!-tWhy throw away ycur mor ey on worth lets gifts fbrboys when they oau be made equal if as happy ou Christinas morning with a new suit cr ov ercoat. Think hov happy a little chap can be made to f el if he 6nds a i ice. new suit to jump ii.to cn Chrietmas m r i ing. Yen will find our eL tire sti ck marked at especially l( W prices, a few of the wondf-rJuN U low prices y u will Bi d i i s feel- w : - $1.98, $2.50f $2.98. $3.00 and $3.50 UWDEHWEAH lace's Bi Store. If in need, don't fail to loot over the wons derf ul line that is be ing shown at Wals 50 cents to $1.00. 8 ship on North Main Street. Th iwork will cost in the neighbor hood ofr $15,000 and of this amount something like $12,000 hae al- Lamp is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. because it gives a clear, powerful, mellow light because it is easy to clean and light because it is durable, good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond - White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one of our many products that bring comfort and economy to the farm Matchless Liquid Gloss Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mica Axle Grease If your dealer does not carry these, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE W.hinto4. D. C. CharlotteN. C. Norfolk. V. vnarieuii. - -w- was made. Ths marriage -u take piece in J,une.w : Vance Bettis of Cbarlrtte aid Miss Alice Reamey of Dat vsv, were married in Salisbury Wed- Y U- ! Shifts Something ;aJ;w ;a y wanted '; on ; "Clirtetmas morning-a nice .clean shirt. Not. a" bad gft, either, if .y QU ! 4tdp i;o think oi it. c We are - of fering some vfndjerful 'Bargains at dtfd aiid f 1 COLUMBIA J, B, STETSON CO. Hats Hats Hats One of our big leaders, our hat stock We have the;largest and most com plete line of Hats in the StateJaudjWe.have marked them at wonderfully low prices for the holidays. They range from 98c to the well-knownhat of J. B. STETSON $3.50 Richmond. Va. Charleston, S. ready been pledged. It it pro - poisd to begin work as soon ueadar erenii.tz. the oerem. n a 11 . a 1 .1 I me unnstmafl nonaaye as 1DP :ng performed by Rev. T F. Mar weather will p-rmit. A inoderi ptBtor 0f pif6t Methcri;:-- Sunday school annex will be one J Churob. of the principal things gained by ' n...... the proposed work. Lr ...a w v 1a Bu oi va Aua atu ur s.- . . Rimer, of Silisborv, bu-J Lec fourth annual livestock exhibit of Qocdman. of tbe U .icu Cnn.-h the North Carolina Liveetcck Asbo. I ueighborhbod, took pl?c9 fcii'ur u uo u'u iu Dinibuij 'uhi) i day mgnt at Liexiugs: n, it v:v- e. 25 to 28. A number of liberal riL.awv affair, lb ev hav u:- : v prizes have been ar.rangd. friends who wish tbm rot.-h U y . Oar good friend, H, 0. Hwiibar-I r.v. q. y pasto t i'a, ger of St. Paul's Church neigh Avenue Method. st Choreb, l borbood, has placed ob ui der ot irived in the oity Friday at'tr:i- 1 1 ligations for a lot of nice puddii g from a.fisit to bis old h ma u. n- mush. Thank you good friend. (aiteru parfc Lf feLe Stat ' The publio sohools of tbe citv brought with him a ' r d Mrs have suspended for the Christ mat Vick was former ,3? At.. holidays to resume January 8 Elizabeth PitU, daughter ot M The olocing day was marked by J. J. Pitts of Spriug Ho 1 b- Christmas neroiaes at all tbe ceremony was perfoimeu lasit w echccl buildings. Superintend- nesday evening. Membtr of si r. ent Allen announced that the Viok'a cor gregatiou gave b:m & a - . . i : I - J I . fix. white .onoolB uad reaoned an en- nis oriue a royai reception . i ney - ,4 1 8 n s-v H M BUSINESS We must vacate the building, occupied by us January' 1st and- will start at once a sale that will move everything in our store in a few days. Now is the time to buy nice goods for less money than lias ever been offered. s rollment of more that 1.8C0. Mi which 1 ft i 95 Plies Zw e ' - 6 In " 4 ioar drngrsnst wil i ft i not i OINTMENT fails io tart cn, 's BHnd, Bleedins of ProtrudJk 'Jnw-v. Tbe first application .gives fuse i a , n i r z i will live iu the parsons k i 1. 1 i i i nn t 1 1 anol lant mha Ta und nin it.' ? stanos near sne nanascm? ca acn iM;, MEflitfof Coipplional Ctoche which IB now nearmg c:mpleuui.-. A TWICE TOLD TALE. The State Aisooiation of Cod- eresatioual onurohee opened a One of Interest to Oar Readers. JOHN n. BROWN, OPTOMKTRI9T. Fitting Glasses a Specialty Relief or no Pay. Ewninitjoo WittJoat Orugs or Drops. China Gbovb N. C."b2-1 Peoples' national Bask Salisbury, S. . Does General Banking Business Wi PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de- Good I ew bears repeating, &nd J when it is confirmed af er a loin ! two days' session in Ibis 6ity Fri Uple of time, even if we hesitated j day night with a sermon at the to believe it at first hearing, w feel secure iu accepting ns trui t ; old court house by Rer. ID. Ly ,10w. Th following exp&neuc. man Hood, president of the At jf a Salisbury man is confirmed i lauta Theological Seminary, one after saven years : j of the leading institutions of tbe lfiJ0 J.M- repairer, n t- i nu u - 180 N. Mam St , Sili8hury6av: ! Congregational Church in Amen- . x luffered 8everely roui back-1 o. Dovotionat ezercijei were Bohe and peine aoross mv loit a. 1 conducted by Rev. J. K. Higgin. I couldn't get out of bed. D both am of Albemarle llfid closed HU bad greatly rehvd one oi toe family of bid f-y The business sessions bAfran Sat-1 . , ... - ' " i jk ww aniM tnnni tna nmn in urday mormog , with the election my baok and I was scon w!l." of officers wbioh resorted a fol (Statement given Jann&r? 6 h, lows: -moderator, Rer. I B; 908). Oi Maroh 10ib, 1915, Mr. Thrall. Aiheville; scribe. Ber J. ArJ??,',!1 bv"' hud tl Ladies' That sold for S 15.00 now '$10.00 Hats now " 8 00 Hats uow ; - 6,50 Hats now 5.00 Hats now 3.00 Hats now 2.00 Hats now ' Hats $4.25 3 50 3,00 2.50 1.98 1.25 88c FURS 117 00 Furs now 13.00 Furs now 8.00 Furs new 0.00 Furs now 2.00 Wurs now RIBBONS 50c .nd 75o goods Soq and 40c goods 10- cent goods E realize that it takes prices to clear up a stock and we will make Ridiculous Prices while we have anything left. EVERYTHING M U -T BE SOLD. You will not fiad such values for yaur money as wev are giving in North Carolina. -Don't forget the place. i n & r- The K. Higginbothaoi, Alhemtftej. sate io an b A.iauey rills 'or a Intis timA T .till mwruteiDi. j-v -;-T--T- ibmu, uafuwn tot Dit meaiouie lor Kidufiv - . ' r ' southern rmeB. Tour busine sf solicited. CCT peoples National Dank John 8. Henderson, J. D.Norwood, f resident. cashier. 1, W. T. Busby. V-rraident. Asst. eaahier trnnhiAi Other bminess of the . d$y see rncfl 603, at all dealrs . Don't, sion included the reception of the ply ik for a kidney rmndv 8.U.bor, Cong,t,jnrCboh KSySJ anaiM r, . w, . xo. ter-Milburn Co., Props , Buffalo, tera into the association, IM.Y. South Main Street, Salisbury N;' C; $7.98 3.43 3.00 2 25 75o 120 per yard I 10c pTr yard II Scpryard I eljBjr-,ll"'Jtl",gaSBBBSSSSSSBSBB : "j IS 4111 1 1 1 ";."

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