L' "- Imm I a 1 1 1 II IT yaE5-?Bei3 - nog HELLO! 'MEET ME Headquarters for i j . Made every day. Seeus tjefora yoa buy for your Christmas Tree. We "Will Save Yon Money Tie Quality High, the Price Low. - AJF SALEEBY'S COENER Where innea Meets Main. , Salisbury . - - - N. C. SALISBURY AND COUNTY LOCALS Faro Life Scbsol CalenOar By the publicity committee. China Grove, N. C , December '8,h?-nf 'Henry Literary Sc cif held its Uit regular meeting Defietaber 7th The debate. Re ioTved: "That the National Con titutibn Should be 10 Amended ;v Giving Wcmen the Right to Vote,'' vwai decided in favor of the affirm " at ive'r although the negative tide pat up a good argument. A. read ingvreoifeation and quartette were 1 given- Ereryt'unK was enjoyed 'to the fullest extent by everyone present. It waa deoided at thii meeting that we should enter a 5 triangle debate with Spenoer and Mt. Ulla, and the preliminary will be held soon after Christmas. The High School students are loDkiug forward with much delight to thd reoeption that will be given next Toes Jay. 5 For the benefit of the. girls at 1 the dormitory the piano will be moved from the graded sohool to the dormitory. ' The agrioalture class have just nniabed putting down 20 square feet of concrete fl or in the Farm Life Sohool Barn. Prof. 0. M. Miller was married last week iu Ashiville. After a dry quiet wedding, he and his bride, came to China Grove, where Mr. Miller has charge of the Farm Life School, There will be a parent's dinner given at the dormitory Wednesday before Christmas. School will close for the Christ mas holidays on Wednesday, De cember 22nd, for ten days. Messrs. Grabiel and Arey. sent ' out by the State, and Crampton, the county demonstrator, gave a dairy school at the dormitory tc- dy. GOLD HILL. There was a marriage of Julius A Earnharfed's, a justice of the peaoe near Gold Hill, Deoember 19th. The contracting parties were Miss Margia Lee Poole and Marbury Lee Morgan, Morgan Township Rowan county. This voting couple have manv friends who wish them a long happy life. Paul T. Goodman, the enter prisiog merchant of Gold Hill, is diiug about these times. He is selling goods and will buy rail road ties snd pay oash. I guess he 1 ought over six hundred, one hundred one dav last week. The Southern railroad gave a good in speation here last week that gate perfect satisfaction to all. James Leonard has moved into 'his nice home near Gold Hill and will farm. John Slier his bought B. R. A Baaver's farm and will move on it iu the near future. Mrs. J. A. Earnhardt went to "'her barn one morning last week and to her surprise found two young calves. I think she wil havi plenty milk soon. Trie old Gold Hill mines it is thought, will pump water soon ' then our people will be feeling Letter, but still better if they get ton money that is due them. Abbobaut for PfOOQt Printing aall at the Real ; Salisbury Printing Office, ISO W- I " 98 Sr. nr -tir AT GOLD KNOB SCHOOL BURNS. Deo. 20. Welcome Santa Glaus. Christmas tree exercises it St. Peters' bave been cnangea irono December 25th at 1:83 to Decern .i ber 24th at 1 :80. i Misset Dora and Pearle Lyerly have returned from the Farm Life Sohool at China Grove, to spend the holidays with home folks Q. O. Lyerly is expeoted home torn Roanoke College in a few days. Edward Morgan from western Rowan, is spending a few days with relatives here, Mrs. Eva 0. Trexler and daugh ter, Miss Francis, will spend the holidays in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fonts of Cabarrus, spent latt Saturday night with Jno. L. Waller. Miss Maggie Goodman is visit ing in Cabari us. --. . M. Le Morgand Miss Margie Poole both of Morgan's Township, were happily marrisd Saiday, Deoember 19th, Eta. Julius A. Earnhardt cffioiating. Mr. Mor gan is the son of James A. Morgan and Mrs. Morgan is the daughter of Theodore Poole, - They will make their home near here. We with their many frieuds join in congratulating them. Saturday morning at about 4i80 o'olock telephone bells began t ring ana in answering tnem in formation was received that the Gold Knob sohool house was on are. H. J. Brown, who lives Aear the sohool house was awakened about 4:80 to find the primary department almost consumed by Are which soon spread to the principal's room.- Mr. Brown ran to a neighbors house for help out wnen trie scnool noase was reached the wnole building was enveloped in flames. The build ing was a tworoom structure and iaustd a large fire which oould be plainly seen for several miles n, i , i : 1UD nBI LHMUg IUVUOIIIUII J I SALEEBY'S 8 principal and Miss Mollie Hols-r?ca bouser assistant. Just how the fire originated may navei be learn ed. Miss Holshouser had had no fire in her room since noon Friday aud had always used every pre caution for the safety of the building. The primary daises were in Mm L.yertya room from 3 o'clock on Friday evening, The supposition is that tome one, pos Bihiv r feravflliir. who had onennnt. ered a bad rainy night had taken -.e L:l. l- l reiuge ana cuui hh wmon caused the loss of the building. A new library had been installed L.i .r .ni nn NntamLor IfttK of this year 82 patened steel desks " " lay of f 100. It is estimated that between $50 and $75 worth of school books were lost by the ohil- a. oil t Ki- .ngA . . . ' ... Tv.u...,w wM.eu ; will cover about half the loss. On Saturday night a meeting of the patrons of the district was u-a f..uCil . , erBOou ui uo6uer, oesser ananoviJj- remembrance of her, that larger building near the prevent sita. John A. Lyerly donated an acre to the one P. C. Barger had given whioh will add much to the rohool property. Plans and spe cifications are now under oonsid oration, and it is hoped that by February 1st, 'the buildinr will be ' ready for ' use. the Tfiaa and mD, wniCuwa.presenwaDyjt4e Jr; O. U. A M. a few; years aio. war. both lost in the fttl. It"ai patbetio to see the little obiidren crying for theif books and talking about 4heir sohool hotrecand their teaobers. .Lux. 11 - I 1 I I i a . . . I Co:c fiiij He Deali of Ilrs Last Monday, Df cember 18th. one of the saddest f ud most dis- treisinsr accidents occurred that baa- happened for some time in this f icinity , when Mrs.. Julian Troutman burned to death. Just &or the aoQident occurred will probably never be known, as Mis. jroBtman' uvdd alone am was subjeot to some kind of spells, it is- thought' she might have had one of these spells and fell in the fire. The body was found by a n igh bor, Mrs Mottle Troutman, who ran as fast as she ccujd to let it be known.' Her son-in-law, G. H. 8. fiord, telephoned the nearest neighbors and weut to the s ene at once. sirs, iroutman's body lav on the back porch, partly in the kitchen ' door,' with her clothing about all burned off. Mr. Sifford discovered that the e was a con siderable amount of smoke in the house. About this time John D Id Deal arrived and these two went iu and it waa found that piece of obthing lay on the floor burning, the door also caught from tnia and a small nole was burned ia the floor Fom lH iu dioations Mrs. Troutman matt have fallen in the fire and tb flames catching ' her clothiug oblwi out and drug herself t the back porch where she kept water bocket. It is thought that by the time she reached the porch death claimed her as a victim The funeral service was held at Organ Church on I nesday by Rev R R. Sowers. Mis. Troutu.an was 7T years old and leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn hsr loss. Last Wednesday eveuing. De cember 15th, Miss Myrtle Browu of near Shupins's Roller Mill, aud D W. Barger, of Salisbury, were happily married at the homn of the bride. The wedding was quite a surprise to many of their friends as it was a quiet affair and only a few of their closest friends aid relatives were present. Rev. R.R. Sowers performed the ceremony, we wisn snem a long and .happy life. Some time ago we noticed that Bro. Venus invited some one to trot out a mule that oould beat Mr. Gantt's. If our memory serves us right we have found him. W, 0. A. Park has a mule that is 83 years old and can do a cousid erable amount of work yet. Th e mule was owned by J . F. Park a long time and helped by his good work to raise eight children and six of them learned to plow with him. Three of the boys are stone outters and do farm work also, one is a minister aud two are on the farm,- One of the girls are married and one single. '1 his mule had a very narrow escape from death by being out iu a storm and a tree, which had two forks, fell on and left him between these forks unharmed This mule hnv always been ucted for his good n-laraces ana small oniid.en o and small child, eu o uld lie draw a buggy filledwilh the fair aex with great delight aud has always bjen admired bj all. BB&alalions of Respect Whereat, it has pleased the all wise JTatner to remove trom our association. And our church work I era League, our much loved friend and oo-worker, Miss Sallie Catnip, . at great League above, we WI" g'eatiy miss fipr presence. &8 r " .eut mm r . mm iirifHaB au u w m u mm I therefore be it Resolved. That we bow in hum H9 mbmission to the Diviue wil), aUQ lOOK rorwam SO tUA time tvl5? jiD her iu HeaVen IWm 4w mm a (SI V 1 m w S a I jtsesoi vea, l nac we express ur feelings and sympathies to the bereaved family, pointing them fco the reftt Comforter, for peace, and' further. Resolved That in -the death of MissrbalUe Uanup St PaulV 1 Church Workers League lost ope I of its best and most active mem ber, BfelU f nrtner. Keslved. That a page in lour 1 minutes be se aside in he nor and a copy of these resolutions be fur I nisbed the fa'mily, aud same be published in the county papers T D. Bbown, Mes. W'P Sloop. MlSS PXABIS JtFUAN. BearTbUio Mind, oonsider Chamberlain's ( Oouglr -Remedy by fa- the best 5 - . i ' u m,clne ,n, ha mtrk1Jet forA!ld! and e,0UP iaT Mr, A,ber ' MftCf etttnsiweMe . Obtainable everywhere. ' HUSBAND DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from tlfis place, Mrs. Bertie Bullock writes as follows : 1 suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At tunes, I would have severe pains In my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to mv bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. The UJacho via Bank & Trust Co is the tron gest Bank in Nqrth Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL. LARGEST ASSETS. This gives afdty and Protection to oar Depositors 4 per cent, paid on aving deposits. You can open an account with one dollar and upwards. 7 arms 1Z If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If vonhcive a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY REALTY And Insurance Company. Holiday Gifts of Suva thoucht when for any season or graceful compliment can be extended than an offering of rich silver elegant in design, per fect in taste and in the newest shapes. 1847 ROGERS BROS. b the mark which represents the highest perfec tion in silver plate. With this imprint on every article you can buy "Silver Plate at ifely u an expat. aplees that each oeugn ana ruuth. I PAY HIGHEST PRICE -for CREEM HIDES- CHAS. S. JULIAN, 10 27 8m Balisburr. N 0. WATCH REPAlRiNG. For new watchos, jewelry and repairs at reasonable prices, g to the drug nfcore at Granite Quarry, cr tc R. L. BROWN. No. 6, Salisbury N. C. 10-27 6 m W. pd. Kotice To Creditors. - Having qualified as admir i-trator of the estate of jf. R. Wallace, dee'd, this is to notify taH persons having claims against the said decedent to file ao itemized, verified statement of game with the undersigned on or befote the 26th day of October 1916, or this notice will be plead in bar of thMr lecoyery . Persons indebted to' said estate are notified to make prompt settlemeut. This October 15 , 1915. A. A. Wallace, Adm'r. Theo. F. Klotlz Attorney. ' Notice to Creditors. . Having qualified as Administrator of V e estate of Sallie L. Ganup, this is to notify . all persons having claims against the siid decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or bef are the 9th day of December, 1916. or this no tice will be ( leaded in bar of their re coverv. Persons indebted to said es tate are notified to make prompt set tlement This Deoember 8th, 19' 5; . ... . . D..L Oamcp, AdminiBti-ator. Theo F. Kluttz Attorney RESCUED I had gotten so weak I could not stand. and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 com menced taking it From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladles Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Special Irutructions n your case and 64-page book, Home Treatment for Women." sent In plain wrapper. J -6a VI iror 71 71 Silverware is the first considerinz sdfts occasion. No more xs TRIPLE that Wears0 This stamp alto guar piece is perfect in arotoc me Sold by leading dealers every where. Send for catalogue "C-L" a snowing aU designs. , MERIDCN BRITANNIA CO. (iBtVB.tioiuil Sllrer Co., SooeetMrJ SJIeriden, Conn. H.tiee to Creditors. Having qualified as executor of th estate of Emma E. Pless, this is to notify all persons having claimt BSiinat the .said desedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 12th. day of December, 1817, ot this notice will b plead in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to said es tate are notified to make prompt set tlempnt. This Dec. 12th, 1915. J. M. L. Lykkly, executor, A. H. Pride, attorney. Moved to 119 East Fisher St. 4 doors below w ere we were looted Where you will always find a full line of Field and Gaiden Seed, and for the Ladies BULBS AND FLOWER SEED, We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies PETALUMA. INCUBATOR3, and full line of SPRAYS and INSECT POWDERS for trees and plants. 'Phone 1191. Farmers' Seed House! 119 East Fisher Street, 7 21tf Salisbury, N. C. NOTICE. Notice is hereby giveu tbater tifluate No. 294 for 3 shares of the oapital neck of the Patterson Mfg Co., of China drove, N. C, stand iug in the name of the uudersisjii ed, has been lost aud application has been made to the raid Patter 8 'U Mfg Co , for issuance of a new certificate . P. N i Patterson. . Om SeCODd Sheet, shoild beju every office, 40c per 1 1.000. i he real Salisbury Printing Office, 120 West I u ues Jtieet, np sbsirs. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo o Come io and get a bauk book free and joiu our "Christmas Baukiug Club" by depositing either 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents or 10 cents. You increase your deposit the same amount each week. No charge to join. In 50 weeks: 1- cent Olub pays $ 12.75 2- cent Club pays 25.50 3- cent Club pays 63 75 10-cent Club pays 127.50 We add 4 per cent, interest. You can deposit 25 or 50 cents, or $1.00 or hiore each week. Come in we will tell you all about it. SALISBURY BANK & TRUST OO Salisbury, N. C. SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE. A. Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want in hosiery or whe ither it wear you will get it if you get"Foot Rest " And th s too is an enduce ment to mostof us. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SECURITY FRUIT JARS, fresh lot just re ceived. Pints, Quarts, and half-gallons. pring and ummer goocK light weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress GroodiS, Sboes, Pants, Overalls, flats, Notions,; Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc When in need come to see me. Farmers are iuvited to make my place headquarr ters while in the cMty. Yery truly, j W. W. TAYLOR, ' 'Phone 3.9. 103 S. ftmsii rr a go 4 CARLOAD 4 of - T IF " TPli CI 1 MARES - We will have to arrive at our stables at Tuesday, December 14, '15 four carloads of etosk. - We will have 1 carload of Large Blocky Mares. They wilt be the GOOD KIND. of Mares that you' need to raise Good Colts from; also a car of the Best Mules that grow in Middle Tennessee? and 2 cars of Tennessee and Virginia Horses, x Marea ani Mulea? Come to see us we can suit you. . Prices and Terms Right. Craip Main vSt , Salisbury, N. C. to Texas via Cotton Belt te the only line oper- solid trams without ge Memphis to Texas. Two trains daily: through coaches, chair cars and electric lighted sleep ers. Dining car service. No change, of cars, either coaches or sleepers. Trains from the Southeast connect at Memphis with these Cotton Belf through trains to Texas. V Winter Tourist Fares daily to many places in Texas. Louisiana and New Mexico. Stopovers. Long return limit of May 31, VJ16. All Year Tourist Fares daily to certain points in Texas. 90daylint. Stopovers. Make a trip to Texas now! "'l.Tit fine farm opportxirjitieflTexasoffera. !??nd koUsy for free illustrated book about Texas, and get full Information about low fares from your town to Texas via Memphis " and tne Cotton Beit Route. TC0W. ?. c, Cb?aBoora,TM. LES ll'llj anr Uuestocli Co a.