Ifcreirn llfcfrgftireyi j , "' jr 1 "" " " ' -i ,0" ' ii egj MISS PRETlCCH AND THE WILUBOYS1jgjpl t " " i ' SalUooty Nt Oi, Mar. 8, '16. V H "Y i I BrgM "V I 7 i Files increase very rapidly in warm weather an 1 they are known to be conveyors rf disease, typhoid in particu lar. It is therefore wise now while there are but few, to kill every one possible and thus reduce the production. The Audubon Society of North Carolina has sent out a rtirfinlar stainc "Tha de itructive insects cost the corn growers of the United States $100,000,000 annually," but they fail to say that this means only 1 cent for each inhabitant! We infer they want the, farmers to spend about $5.00 each to save a few cents. What has become of the common sense of our peo pie? MISS PRETTYPEACH: 11 Oh, Bertie, I want to get over that horrid mad. Will you help me 1" BERTIE: "My dean Miss Prettypeach, I assuah you Walter Ralegh fievah mmra trallant than I om "'oigii ..v,-.. ..WW b. ...... ....... . was Don't mention it; it will be a pleasure to remembah that youah dainty feet have walked on it." c i ' - - . i ! i . . . v "Ah ! ha I Percy, that's the time that Bertie got ahead of you." There is certainly a lot of aenti mental rot now being spouted about babies. If we have a large death rate amongibabies, it may be prop- er to suppose part of it is due to ignorance and care lessness, which of course no one nndorses. but Isn't there another side to his matter? erp. of the two counties, IShoo's Catholic Pihst While at Confession We are not greatly m neea WIX1U av ft 1U a U1H St. Pan. Mild .. March 4 of a greater population, es interested way, means the While Rer. Heady Jajrky, pastor pecially of the ignorant and many wouia oe taxed tor te of Po ish Oathoho oburoh wai narftlH vnriptv We have convenience of a few, HowU riug couf ssions toneht, Mrs. heard it before now: "What 8ver' is not our intention Agnes Dudslte, pratardiog to be a .. XX? Ji j A or. -tcUi. 1.1 t 1 anittv itlivad" "It would lu uuor -ODjecuon to a tree oulk 1U , . ... , hrirlwa if if Ja StlO nave been better naane; orr"ww " w 1D ywotuio iu PERCY: "It was awfully kind of your being here first, Bertie, deah boy: it II i wiii save, me treiune mv snoes niacKftnfta." BERTIE: " That howid Percy is a narsty mean thingl" ANMOTJNCEMEN RSSHg U t J jj 1 1 f ? i i n ! 1 1 n l i n i i n n rrrrrrri in II It IS obtain it in a wav that will T'I -i . . beiiwttnall PnnPrnH JJ'y. tue.pansbicnera the o:ufe8BiOv.al hs prie8t.to death. Jjat after kneeling before Fath- say, Salisbary, N, C, Feb. 18, 1916 T l l . . i nereDy aunonuo myse t a ca. didate for she cflBo of hieh sher iff of Rowan c jrnty eul ject to the acticu ot the Kepnbl :can prima ries atid convciiiti in, J. B. Yost she. nevar been born, or. had ordied joung." .But oi course uyuuerueu. om fche - whi"Bd oal ft revoWIr awate for the i bur health department rath- we do want to make. objection aude.-TS MaSoltoi erone ol tne orate s iaier cDaJ died wi-hiu a few minutet. The party, pd. nalistic meddling tentacles, Salisbary, N. C. Feb 22. 1916. I hereby announce mvself a can didate for the Iloaee of Represent- must do someth'ng o make moieY, by self constituted it appear reasonable for tak- cotrmitt?es. The county commissioners are the cuato t uu uuayu uiu uvsuw y It. Fifty per cent, of the activN rIane of much that belongs to ties of this board ought to beruo poupie auu tney are swon) abolished. auuuiiiBier mmr trust win iairness, justice and imparti nonffrflaaman Robert N. ality toward all. Thecoma appropriating public oonfesiional at which the shoot ing occaned was opan, cousiiting nly of a kneeling benoh iu the fronk of t' e cburoh. to the primaries c f the Republio&n .A L. L INGLE. EXCHANGE COLUM This in a specimen of reports I Notice. Any reeniar isuHeoriher of often se8n iu tha pabho Dresi. ln Uaroiina Watchman or to administer their trust with As wil1 bo nctioed the blann is Bowan Reocbd may use ;this col- all on the woman: It is made to 7T" , , , " " 00 lt . . . . ten-line local fcr two week's at appear tnt i sne uiu tne sn oting I a time. If von have anvthinc Paffe of the seventh North misBioners of Rowan are of wlthout the 8ll?ht proyooation, yon want to sell or exchange iage ot the seventb JNortn ttu. ,:Z j"t pure cn.sedness, while the write ,t ont m a few wordejas po.. priest hides behind hi robes and "i! aDdm8.end or brtUK u to thi I OnlQft . Thia Will ' nrntn r. f nrna poss as a martyr. Who knows o0" t0 V ii , B1I" r . advantage ti thft 'armors of thu wuai, wwuni uis wuuiao, or pos. section if taken a(1vanss7 of. silly a daughter ha9 snffersd at Carolina congressional dis- tne People, and we believe, for trict in announcing his inten- tne people, they are intelli tionMondav n'aht not be a pnt and capable of atttend- , . . mg to the duties of thir nf canaiaat ior reeioBiiuu, - , sitly a daugnter nag snffersd at Said: "I will not stultify . aV6' 0r Can ea8lly the hands of this fellow called a TreSQ8SS Notices free for the friends obtain, the necessary data for Lriaot? Hafa i. httina Hr.ji-r., and patrM 8 of Thk Watchman 4-V. , I J j i I n ' w i al i P oinAnn tneir guidance, they know doughnuts she had amph jnstifi my conscience or st in my nanas witn tne nioou ui my j - . WUSuuu00 04.0 uu nw conntrvmen. thflrflbv forfeitJtne fiaaBCial condition of the cation for the shooting ing my self -respect," and fur u. the ble need of hM w w nni. of the demands that are made uc laiiuK . luai' " .j. ... xivsm liiuin iu timo ana tne pledges alrcady made that must be met. and. cons Call and gt them. have a semblance of neutraL ity and are likely to be drawn j XI, X 4-Via aila iuiu tue Kreat war uu mo wuo e Of England. The WATOAMANlQ,,'Dtly' aftef.8,v'n8 rpect- Till v-. r. W XZ n u X. - lnvi - Th i ( GR() Ma!;;- A ti to tha PtK? d GicMv ir'' genera.' f -c-. -ning ton S i KLESS -J-Ul J.-..IC,irive3 out cs tne Dlood, Duilds up the system. Poland -China pigs for sal, ready to deliver Saturday, Jaunarv 22. Gallon or write. L. L. Fesper- man, Rockwell, N. C. TRADE AT- 3BKIvK:HlIEY GO'S One of the Belk's chain of 12 stores jThat sell it for Less." New spring Goods coming in now, and, whether its Spring or winter- goods you need, you'll find Belk-Harry Co's the cheapest and best place to trade. M COTTON GOODS. Althongh all cotton goods are advanc ing iu price we ' fixed" for it several mo; the ago by laying in a good supply and yen don't have to pay any advance her 3 et on scrcely auythirg. However, wben onr present supply is sold we'll have to t dvance too. 39 inch sheeting nice and smooth for only 5o Best 7o indigo aprom Gingham in short lengths for only 5o 10c F! id wide percale in short lengths for culy 6C Yard wide Pajann check for 70 98: R uu'ar size counterpaiie for only 75o TATTING AND CROCHET THREADS Whit' and oolore, all numbers in J & P Ccate, OMC.ONT, Columbia, ets, for 10o J & P GoatB Bilk-finish crochet, all best colors 5o, 6 for,25o New lot crochet needles for ' 5c luUii ghuttera for tOn luc uiuuu, Duiias tip the system. r For adults and .iidren. 60c FOf Sale. About twenty buiheli o wnic? peas, iar?e black eye va- ParWb- Htfn y- i"e tor table uie. $8 00 'x-i . - " oer nnsnei. la rrnn a nxria 1 11 1 rnnairtorounn ; . ij j -i nr . n - .....v., concedes the right of all rnen,: " UBUl.anQ w a uamel, State u. Gloveb, R. No 8, cox 46, to think and act as they may Z7 J1 ?f. ..or A? usnry, in u. , . i oafln,, n x . , ut ullcutH togetner witn w M. Kuth, all , , , . , n r 7 " -euiu uucuiH, UUBLUBr wun w iu. Kutn, all " see nt. ut it certainly seems Koostflrs whn wiah 7. . ' , j, , i , . xl xwn,o odiiBi uiy, last oacuraay ndiefoui ouuer wrappers prmtad at nwnlini tnat, nt. thfl moment SOmetbini? on thfl mmmnn fu I inaf i'f .-.fo o m r a-l I Ttt. U .rr,, . ... i'""'-"' I c - --"""vaiixwj luouiunou a UDH Ul, Hie " aiunaiAn UUJU8 III OgllS ofdangwr, the moment when -uereiy to satisly their ego- order at Lower S4 one Church bur' or fen9 Reoobd office xi x : . j i . I tism are very unsafe nnhlir. thin wmntc 'i viana tuts iiaiiinu uraiu nuu oa ' i j w i . a o cio Derienced helo is needed to B about tbirty applicants. j . s. I r or sne keoobd onice in a Grove. Oar charge ii onlv mm . . " J iO cents per 1,000 for the print ing kicking and bickerings among tne crew. Sure tJryan ana jqj Page have not all the virtue, If there ever was a time when we near! shit sacrince ana Da triotic service it is no". All Americans B'ould st ana as a init for America first last and all th i tisc j, for ''Unitei we stand and Vivited we fall." The tender c n science of po liticians cer la ialy operate at times m very mysterious ways. B Fresh Mi-k Cow for Sale, 5 years old, call on or write J. I, Snkhar- rcnte 2, Salisbury, N. 0. Horses for Sale. One good farm horsg and a gocd brood mare. fllC. Patterson, China Grove N 0. No, 2. RullglineSS. Suoh as bays, shucks, 'straw, etc , for sale. Call on J. M. Bddlemau & Co.. China &rnvA. IN. U. New Spring Goods Now Coming in, Clothing, Shoes, etc. Always Trade at Sftlishnrv N O, : eg JTrmrra iiiuetr ttttttttt Horse for Sale A blaok mare, me dium B'ze, 5 years old. Terms to suit puronaser . Call on or writa toJ. S Oorriher, 103 W. Harri boo St , Salisbury. N C. I have 14 pigs for the market, 7 ready low the other 7 in Marnh. These are nioepigi ai.d wigh from iuu bo no. J. B. Uampbell, Rural No. 1, Cleveland N..C. FOf Sal8. Ode good farm mnle. good mule, work anvwhere and also seme cioe ccrn stcver. For fnrther information call or nhona No. 24S2. J. S. Wats n. R. Q Sal. sbnry, N C Notice to Creditors 5 Mothers I A free b rid are across the Yadkin coiihecting Davidson and Rowap counties would rf course bd t som henefit to the citizens of the two cun ties. Darticularly those ad jacent to the bridge and the roads leading thereto. 1 hese beneficiaries bf course would compose a very small minori ty ol th citizens an taTpay, D n n u Your cares in comfort- A. 4-1. 1 u- r m . "B U1C aes ana pains . liniment Bruises Rheumatism Neuralgia Mothers : "Keep a bottle in your home" Pric 25&, 50c and 1.00 n n n n xx n n n u u u n n n ror Sale.Ne 132 inrnl ator 240 fga capacity, for 120 caah A bargain, bee S. A. Ilertman. R. 6, boa 86, Salisbury, N. C Also cue .com and cottor. nlantr with fertilizer attachment cheap. nntmHnHnHHHHHHHHEtnttHHSHO Moved to 119 East Fisher St. 4 doors below where we were locted. Where you will always find a full line of Field and Garden Seed, and for the Ladies' BTJLB8 AND FLOWER SEED We sell SAL-VET Stock Remedies' PETALUMA INCUBATOR? .1. 'full line of SPRAYS mil r.-rawriT POWDERS for trees and plants. JL uvuo 11171. Farmers' SeeOniisfl. y ywww 119 East FirIt lit si 7 Havinc aualified as nA the estate of Daniel Watson, deceased late of Rowan County. North Carolina. this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or be fore the 8th day of March. 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebtel to said estate are notified to make prompt settlemant. This 8th day of March, 1916, Rogke D. O'Kkllbt, m adnrnistrator. R. Lek Wbight, attorney. Saturday 11th Two $10.00 Chiffoniers for $7.50 Each, Gash Just come around once aid you'll come igaiE. ROWAN FURNITURE CO., The Cheapest Furniture Store, 121 W. Iun.s St. Salisbury, N. C. Trade with C. P. SHUP i A t 1 N tice to Creditors Having qualified as Administratcr cf the estate of Henry V. Ritchie, this is to notify all neranna hnvina .l.im. against the said decedent to file an itemized verified statement, nf aam with the undersigned on or he'nro tho I lomaay oi reoruary, ivi7, or this no- iice win do pieaueu in oar o their re covery. Persons indebted to said es tat? are notified to make nrnmnt aof. tlemet t. This Februaty 16. 1918 Milo A. Kluttz Administrator. .-.j-- r . iiiaua, Attotnay. THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Higi Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys all kinds of Produeej Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkine Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. SIIUPIfJG Earl v f rt st i;rocf cabbage plantB lUots per 1C0 B? par csl post 15cs for 1 00. Belgian Hires four months old $1 each, fix mcuihs Id 91.60 eaoh. W A Patteigou, China Grove, N 0. That monument order should be placeJ with us soon if it is desirous to hava sarriA erected wben spring arrives. In purchasi no a mnnnmonf of us you assure yourself of First Quality Stono (no second) and the most per fect workmanship The monument which you wish is of course a lasting one, insure securing just such a monument by purchas ig it of THE CAROLINA HARDLE AMD GRANITE CO., Salisbury, N. 0. 'Phcne 495. 'Fiiher St. Aflmioiitrator's Koliee. Havins aualified as Hmini.Mt.;. t the estate of John D Pnar itau..i -v,WMOVU I... of the county of Rowan. Nt f Mk Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February 1917, or i his notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make prompt settlemsafc This the 10th day of February, 1916 Mas MrjfHix Pcbub, administratrixes estat of John D. Poster. 5 - H: 'Si ,11 1- vr; . .7 , 5"'- 1 - 4s a SI 'I 1 3 A