KM I i lB---BB-BBM--- A3 1 est Ira. J r xd.. - - Zed. 1379. Salisbury N O, Mar. 22, '16, Dangers of Draft Drafts feel beit when we are hot. and perspiring, jait, .w.U4 they are most dangerons and thf remit u Neurelgis, Stiff "Neok, Sore Muscles or sometimes an at tack oi Rheumatism. Ia lach' cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the.sore and pakful patt The blood flows freely and in a short time tht tiffneiB and pain . leavei, Those lirTerinsr from Neuralgia or Nen itlgio Headache mill find one or two applxaticns of Sloan's Lini ment will giro grateful relief. The agonifing pain g yes way to a tingling B8nsaiiou of oomfor- anf warmth and quiet rest and sleep is p'liible. Good for Neuritis, toOr Price S5o. at year druggist . MiiB M. P Ifo-ver, a maider comabof ') ut 77 years of age, was foand dead in b d oa Monday afternoon at be hi me in Trout-ma-Vl01 :e unty, ':b"y neigh Hos. She was a iter to Robert F. Hbcvar, of this city. Mrs, Emeliue Walton' a' wilcw and a native o' R 'a:: C ant, died last Sunday inomii'g at her hom9 on Ch stnut L'ill. The fn neiral was held Monday ith in terment in C ,'tnnfc Hill c m try. Mrs W. D. Grim, wife of i. well-known machinist of the Spen-. cer shop fir?e did last Suuday. moming at her home in Spencer after an iJlnrss of several days She was aged 56 years and a na tive of South Carolina . The fu neral was held on Monday with interment in Cbe9tnut Hill ceme. tery. Frank Hargravs, a well knowr a. ' jk . . . You. Need a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Carduii the woman's torifb. " Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened Womanly organs, and helps, build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking A The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite, Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever-did, and can eai most anything Begin taking Uardul today. Sold by all dealers. rsn 1 i!EW SPRIMO COODS LoJ Has Helped Thousands. i di r l HHHHHH Rev W H Hopkins, of At- The old fiddlers' convention which was held on Monday night in the oil court house and participated in by many been in the employ of the Southern nf thfl pnnntv'is host, fibril prs railway f.r over 25 years He Droved a bier success There was a Mason a id K of P, were twelve viol nists who V ; J 'II 1 J piayea ineir own selections, Tigers .nil Rhfn ceruses fn Neb iska. a'so two mandolin contest nnts swpp.I .,it;,ra nnrlnt,! Could the traveler in Nebras a banjoist. The trize for the wtore the landscape of late Ter- bes' fiddler was a tie between tiary time, he would find himself A R Kluttz and A 8 Hudson liurroa ided by scenes greatly dif ferent from th se of th9 preaact Mrs. Jabea Qallcway d ed tt lne swampy lowlands were coyer the home of her sor.-in-law, Rev led with vegetation similar to that ai d respected colored citizen of lanta, Ga,. superintendent of Salisbury died last Thursday ai the Congregational churches h's home on North Long street of the south, vis'ted Salis from the effecta of a oomplicatkii bury recently and had a con- of disegses. He w-s atont 4 ference withR-v WB Dut- years cf age. l&e deceased bid UftPfl ti:, .5iiif wto f iU purpose of urging immediate steps toward secu'ing a site for the erection of a church here and assurance was given that, the mission board would give substantial aid in the work . The secretary of state last Saturday chartered the H E Rufty & Co, general mer chaudise with H E Rufty, 0 E IStevenson and J C Mason as incorporators, They paid in $900 of their f 25,000 capi tal. The Spencer Vorr;p Plan Co was ao chartered Saturday. It begins bushier with $900 paid in and may in crease to $25,000. The in corporators number nine and are all of Srencer. J. K. Cort, Sautae, Ga , Thursday? the funeral being held thr Fri day and her remains were brought here Saturday for intermtnt.whicl took place tt noo", Rev. Byroi Clark officiating. Mra. Gal owar was a native of Cansda and leavei a son, Mr. Galloway living in To ronto, Canada, a daughter, Mrs. Ruby Cort, and a husband. Rv Cort and Mr. Galloway accompa nied th remains here. Wbsnever You Need a General T Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tash, -Cbfil Tonic is equally valuable at Gtacxal Tonic because it contains t SffjUtawwntonkfpropertiesofQUlNitS ' i I3IBON. It acts on the Liver, Dtis i Malaria, Enriches the Blood a LvldJ Cp the Whole System. SOcen AOmiBlstratrix's Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of W. M unlock Wi'ey. deceased, this is to notify all person having claims against the estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16tb dat of March, 1917, or this notice will bt pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 16 th day cf March, 1916. . JJABION E. WILEY, Administratrix. Sale ol Valuable Real Eslale. Pursuant to the terms cf a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed Marcl. 23, 1914, by Manual Osca Parker and .wife. Mitel K. Parkei, and recorded in book of Mortgages No. 49, j,age 52, j to secure an maeoteaiess therein pr vided for, and defaclt having -beer made in the payment of said indebted nfES, the undersigned, Trustee and Mortgagee, will expose for sale at pub lieauotio- for cssh, at the courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C. on Saturday, April 22cd, 1016, at the hour of twelre M., the follow inc 1 T J 1 uescnueu. reai esiam. Beginning at a stake on Long St. corner of Lot No. 32, thence in a west erly direction 50 feet on Long St., to a stake, corner of lot No. 30; thence in a wexterly direction with line lot No. 80, 125 feet to an alley; thence with alley in a southerly direction 50 feet to a stake at corner of lot No. 82; now growing in most ol mat s farther south. Cam Is ai.d llama. were abundant, and during th n i rnocece epeen great grounr sloths and glyptcdonts, whese re latives now live in South America inhabit d western Nebraska. Mas bjioiib with tuifcs on both upper ind lowerjawp. much like thoar jf th" KiocaLe epech, still per iist-d. Short leggd rbiuocer s remained abundant, and ther was a great variety of wolf-lik .sarnivora. babar- toothed A tiger tnd true cats, aoine of;hens coc- idirably larger than the rooderi tigers, were also abuuda it. Tfcre A. Jl 1 ! ioea norses Wfre still numerocg. but the modam geuuc Equns war not among -them. One of tb most ourious animals of the timf in jvansas ana iNtorasKa was s gopher-like rodent that bad twr arge horns i n its ucse. It enorm us claws indicae good burrowing powers and its herns also m y lave be a used in digging. (Ovr and Guidebook, Bulletin 612 U. 3. Geological FuiVrfy. AN OLD-TIME NURSE CURED Of Catarrh of the Stomach by Peruna MRS. SELENA TANNER, Athens, Uhio, r This Cure Dates From October 3, 1899. "Catarrh of the stomach. Was nearly starved. After taking Isruna I have a good appetite." "I can assure you that I am still a friend of Peruna. My health is still good." "Yes, I am still a friend, of Peruna. TV113 'oe as long as I live. I keep it in the house all the time." "I recommend Peruna so. often jt they call me the Peruna. doctor. Perifeia i iVnends ,itself when once tried." . ' . "I still tell everybody I can thaft Peruna Is the best medicine in the world." "Peruna saved my life years ago. I still take it when I have a cold." "I was threatened with pneumonia. Peruna saved me." "I am glad to do anything I can for Peruna." "I have always been a nurse. Peruna has helped me in my work more than all other medicines." "I have divided my bottle of Peruna with neorjle many times. It always helps." Th above quotations give a vague glimpse of th correspondence we have had with Mrs. Tanner since 1899. Our files, which cover twenty-five years, include many similar cof respondents. Oct. 3, 1899 Sept. 11, 1904 April 23, 1906 Dec. 18, 1907 Dec. 27, 1908 Aug. 15, 1909 Jan. 4, 1910 May 17, 1912 May 6, 1914 Mar. 22, 1915 M M TRADE AT The New Spring Goods have bfn coming in for several weeks and now we have a full stock, mopt of which was bought before the advance and we ars able to sell goods at samn old prices, with only a few exceptions. As Usual, You Can Save Honey By Trading Here. n SPRING COAT SUITS Big selection of new Spring Goats 'D tbe popular check, aleo all wool poplin, trge, taffeta, eta: Price $10 to $25 CLOTHING. New Spring Suits for men. AH wool eerge Boita real $10 value for $7.50. Other good values in Spring Suits at $10 to $20. NEW SPRING SHOES. Of oo irse you 11 waul a pair of new Spring Oxfords We bave a vry com plete stock for men, women and children. As usual oar prices are very rdasonable. Coma lure for year spring oxfords. NEW SHIRTS. Exceptional valne in wool skirts. Black and Navy, for $2.45, $3.50 to $4.98. a Salisbury, N. C. z mi II EXTENDED TO m l About 34 residents of Sal isbury and Spencer, all em ForYowCHid'j ccogh plojes of the Southern for If your child has a cold, ncs- more than 25 years, were runs or coughs mach get a email among the 413 employes who bottle of Dr. Boll's Pine-Tar Hon- wcre preseuted with medals ey. its a pleasant Pine-Tar- for faibfnl aprvi hv Prpai- tioney syrup, just what chi!drd L,,nf Harrison Urpa,,Hhnm ike and juss the medismv t , , soothe the cough and check the ia 1 Jay. ine veteian I 3old. After tak ug ah.ldrsn at. r them all was Ed Kiuc. a ma retting, sleep good ud are son Lhiniat. nf Snennpr whr. p,i . -uiireij wtu. 1U8IB6 CD LT 081J S Pine lar-Honey 26o ti ycjr iiruggnt. - KLUTTZ ACADEMY. March 20. Will Shoe atd tw teied the service in 1856. received the first medal. He The Me4hodist tabernacle meetings will tvgin in the big. tabernacle next Sunday morning although B'shop Kilgo will not arrive her un til in the afternoon on ac count of preaching at High Foint in the morning. Prof. J P Mooimau rf Bristol, who will direct the singing, will arrive here either Friday r Saturday. Preliminary s?rv ices are being held tnis week, THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER announces the exten sion of. it's Special "Bargain Period" to April 10th. Until that date New Subscriptions will be accepted at the rate of $6 00 per year for the Daily and Sunday. $1.50 for three months trial subscription. The Observer's Special Leased Wire News Service from Washington is worth the sub scription price. ' The Foremost Newspaper in the Two Carolinas." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 M - ' ' ' ' I RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's the surest way to stop them, lne best rubbing liniment is G3USTAHG WATOH REPAIRING For Dew watches, jewelry an) repairs at reasonable prices, r to the drag store at Grani Qaarry, cr tc R. L. BROWN, No. 6, Salisbury N. C. 10-27 6 m. W. p. Good for the A ilments of Horses, Mules, Qtttlev Etc Good for your own A ches. Pains, Rheumatism, SprSnt, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c 50c $f. At all Deafen . . . . A 1 1 . inence in an easterly airectiOD with I L aij. . line of lot No 82, 125 feet to the begin- " pouu oa.uruuy uigai nit g, the same being lot No. 31 of the with W. F. Yates. J D. Dorsett addition to Spencer, as Mimaa Annia and TClma R-,r, filed in iheReeisterof Deof Row. Misses Annie afltt Jiima Up anOounty. kins spent Friday Light w th theii Dr. Kin s New Discoverv i " Instantly Relieves and ; Breaks Up the most spent Saturday and Sunday with Stubborn and Treat Coughs and Colds At Once to m i a - J m - I eeaea cr..j-esier, 8lster, Mrs. G. I. Csrter. Oren Klattz of the M P. C This the 18th day of March 1916. O.H. GRAEBER. Trustee and Mortgagee John L. Rendleman, Attorney. Sale ol Valuable Real Eslale. I.; home folkB, Dun Boieman spent last Sun day with David Bearer. John Hcpking, of CHy Poiut, Va. is at home now. David Beaver spent Sunday Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed cn July 14,1914 bylsomDavi and wife, Emma Davis, to J. J. Stewart, wliich in rinlv recorded in the effisa of the Register with J. T. Carter. , oi ueeas ror own uennty, in book m. and Mr Jake Yakfia vimi aH of Mortgages No. 63 page 108, to se- . . lasesvitited cure ar indebtedness therein provided 11 oar oommnnity Thursday, for. the said J. J. Stewart having died, Mr. Editor. I noticed a good and the undersigned i aving qualified w w m e-u as administrator of the said J. J. 8 tew- itatement in yor:pipfer sometime . . . . . . . . . . I arc, ine anuers.7nu, aaminiswator, ag0 about sperllMf-cotrtests being ublio auction Jor cash at the court I better than oaskftt ball . I think D house dcorinlSalisbury, N. O., at the hour of twelve M on Saturday, April 22nd, 1916, the'following described real estate: Beginnirg at a stake Ben Kerr's corner; thence N. 26 E. 5.78 chains to a stake : n n. o.ou onsins to stake; thence S. 16.5 W. 6.46 chains to and the state; cnenee n. oo vv. o.oy cnams to so too.' AU I could find wrong with year statement was that you lid net have base ball in it also. Sweetheart heard from a rela tive in London, Ens:., reoentlv Dangerous Bronchial and Lung Ailments Often Follow Neglected Colds. this purpose there is no better remedy than Dr. Kind's New Dis covery. It is composed of Pine Tar mixed with laxatives and healing balsams. It is antiseDtic. The instant Dr. King's New Dis covery comes m contact with the germs, they die or leave. Your cough lessens, the irritation is soothed, and you begin to get better at once. Don't take the risk of serious sickness. Take Dr. s New Discovery. In use over 45 years and guaranteed all ine time. All druggists. : Hard Colds. We catch cold because our sys tem has become weakened and finds itself unable to throw off the Cold germs. Nature in some cases will effect a cure : but generally. without afd we get worse. How much wiser to help nature fight and expel these cold germs V For Do You Want a New Stomach? If yu o "Digestoneine" will giveyou-ne. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N. C VsSBBBBHBBBHIHHBnBBB-BBiMB- ANNOUBICIiSENTSy letter had one cnehalf - T.TI beginning, containing three and one- ?Q BP ou is . w ao ever can half (3.) acres more or less. This land beat that trot out vonr stumn washeiredby Eiftma Davis and her t,a a. t?ii u;u brother, Benjamine Gay, the grand- Two of Daniel Esgle's children children of Peter Allison. .pant Saturda y night with their For back title see book No. 65, page uncle, Colnrmbcs Lippard. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, P,ow lLr ,uoir BOOU uw," Administrator. - tWEicrHEABT. R. Lee Mahaley Livery ? Sale & Tilotor Co., Next Door To Postoffice, Cadillac $2,080, Oakland $795.00 Sahsbary, N C. Feb 18. 19lft I hereby announco myse'f a ca - didate for she effi.e of hioh hr iff of Rowsn oonnty en' ject to th icticu of the Republican nrima ries and o invention, J. B. Yost. Salisbury, N C. Feb. 22, 1916. I hereby announce myself a oan Salisbury, N. C, didate for the House of Represent Chandler $1295.00 elaxwell .. i. . ! A . B .ivh. .urn c. o ine nrimarier and convention cf the Republican party, pd. A L. I ingik. BUY p:'- and Pay Highest Gash Prices for Green Hides, Catle, Mut ton, Veal, Sheep, Pork, -Eggs, Chickens, itc. You .Tie invited to come to eee ns. SANITARY MARKET, H. C THOTT, Propv 112 Ka?t Innep Street, Salisbury, N. C. 'Phones 783-781 3 8 100 I cumims That monuraeut order fhould be placed with us soon if it is desirous to have same erected when spring arrives. In purchasing a monument of us you assure yourself of First Quality Stone (no second) atH the most per fect workmanship The monument which you wish is of course a lasting one, insure. securing jupt such 8 monument by purchas i g it of THE CAROLINA MARBLE AND GRANITE CO., Salisbury, N. 0. 'Phone 495. "Fiiher St $65500 f Cars now on sale. Place your orders early for prompt rlal.UAn! II-I A A At - -. UB",D, ,' rnune u Tor demonstration. Trade wi h G. P.SHUPiN. THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Higt Grade Groceries at very low prices. Buys afl kinds of Produc Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, aud vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkiii. Medicine Co. 'one. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. Moved to 119 East Fisher St. iiri door8 below w) ere we were looted, Where you will always find a full line of Fisld and Gaiden Set d, and for the Ladies' BULBS AND FLOWER SEED; r.e.se11 SAL-VET Stoek Remedier. PETALUMA INCUBATORS, and a "J" of SPRAYS and INSECT POWDERS for trees and clan ts. 'PhnellOl. Farmers1 Seed House, 119 East Fisher Street, 7 2ltf Salisbury, fi. C. iflmiflLtfalor's lotice. (lie estate of John D Pn.. -. i..- of the county of Rowan, State of orth larolina, this is to notify all persons bar ing claims ttgainst the estate of the said de ceased (o exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February 117, or his notice will b plead in bar oftbsir recovery All persons indebted to said em- TH. SI in.KT- Pptsettlen.tBt This the 10th day of February, 1916 estats of J oka D. Passer. 3