Aiii II ' Dafia" frla .nil : Dr.vant If far UfBM All WHISt Oil? MIL rillSHl iuii Cff.nla Crin - LlllVIl VI Blip Thfl Stat.ft Board of Health is adfiiiDg grip sufferers to live out in.ttis nnon aSi an mnnh AH notftl III WW W0U HI MB J- ble ia order to get rid otthat per nioioui disease which Mr. Dooley After yon get well. t4The after effects of grip," s?s a a recent i bulletin from the State Bard ol Health, is usually the wont pait of the disease and it is jatt this for which fresh air is both a pre Tentative and a cure. Grip suf ferers usually feel that ccol mov ing air would be the death of them but the trouble is they are ' not on gocd terms with fresh air and cant appreciate it's good qualities. They nerd to cultivate it's acquaintance by living in it every day, walking in it and sleeping in it at night. "The saddest story conneoted with grip," says the bulletin, Mis not that a person has thagrip now but a later story that not infre quently follows, he Lever got ovtr the effects of grip, or. his grip went into pneumonia or tubercu losis. Only fresh air, sunshine, rest and good food taken in time will prevent this sad story," Do You Know That There is no Fsderal institution in the continental United States for the reoeption and care of lepers? Plague is a diaeaie of rodents? Malaria is spread by a , special mcaquito? House screening is a good disease preventative? Pellsgaro may be prevented or cured by proper diet? The United States Publio Health Service believes that ths common towel spreads trachoma, a disease of the eyei? Ohildren'if rom sanitary homes ad vance more rapidly in sohool than those from dirty premises? A Sroesoms Flsd In Rowaa Cooaty. Joe Deal, of the Bnoohville sec tion of Rowan County, was in town Saturday and reported to the Enterprise the suppressed ex citement prevailing in this oom munity last week, when s some young boys passing along the highway with their dogB, found the hand and other parti of a new born baby at the old saw mill site on the place of Caleb Overcash. When the boys made the diaceviry the dogs were devouring parts of the body, and only the hand and other parts mentioned were left by the canines. The La by had been left cn a blanket in the old saw dust pit and abandoned. Mr. Deal says the oounty authorities have been notified and an investi gation is bsing made to unravel the mysterious an gruesome find Mooresville Enterprise. Widt, UcSru i&tf CifiBfci. The Menace. Our readers are well aware of the srennous effort being made bv the frier. ds. of Jim McGraw, KHgbt of Columbus, to eitesnim Republican natiobal committee in Oklahoma. In the Henrystta FreeLanoe of March S2, it was stated that at the state convention in Oklahoma city the fiht on Mo Graw grew quite heated and for a time it looked as though patno- tism and truth were going to pu Rome and ruin to route nut it. was openly charged that the Mc Graw people were offering as high as five hundred dollars a vote in their desperation to control the Republican party in Oklahoma." From hat it will be seen that money flows freely when Romish influences are at work in the ir -terest of ao characteristic a pape as Jim McGraw. The main thing is to get oontrol and Rome is af- tar Oklahoma this vear with a vengeance While McGraw and his pape and propape friends are using money, ... . .1 j - muscle and artillery in tneir am Deration to get him over in order to cinch the only Republican dee triot in the state for Rome, there is another Roman Catholic gring after the place of national com mitteeman on the Dtrroorskic ticket. Tom Wade is the one choientolx)k after the interests of Rome in Demcoratio Oklahoma. This Roman Oatholio combina tion which will seoure absolute control cf appointments in Okla homa if McGraw and Wade are succeisfnl is full of sinister situa tions for the non- catholics of Ok lahoma. With such an arraug ment there would b9 abiolutely no chance for a non-Catholio in any appointive, office should a Roman Catholic be a candidate, and of csurse thera will be Roman Catholics en'ugh to go around ai.d fill all the places. Oklahoma is in the shadow of the moose and only prompt and. cone i ted action can prevent a minority oontrol in that state now, and that minority is thf Roman Catholic political machine the moit deadly menace to Ameri can institutions. And still they say Rome is not in politics. Iu addition to capturing both committees for Rome there is anothir incident in the making that will mean much if it is nt through as popery has planned. Tom Wade has the support of the Goyernor Williams machine in in bis oandidaoy and in return for that support Wads is to clelivtr the Oatholio vote to William for United States senator. Williams has already shown a dangerous Hat toward Rome in his hobnob- bery with Romish prelates and persons of prominence in Cathoho eduoational circles. The whole Oklahoma situation needs watohiLg just now. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Sillsbori Piopla Should act la Tiai. If you suffer from backache; If you have headaches, d zy spells; If the , kidney secretions are ir regular, Don't delay, likely yar kid neys are sick. Fahsnury. people recommend Djsl's Kidney Pill. Hare is a Salisbury woman's experience : Mis. J. E. Ingram. 827 E, Kerr St., Salhbury. says: "For five years I was under the doctor' care for Inflamation of the blad der and disorderee kidneys. Mv hack was weak and I could hardly get about. I bad a burning sen sation across my loins. My kid neys ware inactive and the kidney secretions caused me anuoyanoe. My head ached and I was to drzsy that I almost fell. Spots floated baf r my eyes. The doctors oouldn't give me relief and I be gan taking Doan's Kidney Pi'ls Every b.x I took did me more gocd than the one before and it wasn't long before I wae cured of kidney trouble " Pries 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the sime that Mrs. Ineram bad. Foiter MilbumOo., Props , Buffalo, N Y. Attrictiie Easter Excision to Washington, D. C, and Return Thursday, April 20th. The Southern Railway will operate a low fare excursion from the North Carolina territory to Washington D. 0. for tl e Easter holidays Special train consisting of both staudard Pullman sleeping car and first olais day coaches will eave Charlotte Thursday, April 20tb, arriving Washington Friday morniDg, April 2Ut. Schedule and fares as follows: Round Road Men Will Inspect Highway. The touring of this Bee tic n will be as follows: The North Carolina Highway Commisiion has made arrange ments with the United States Of fice of Publio Reads and rural en gineering for a joint tour of in spection over the central highway and the post roads to study the conditions of these roads and to determine the advisability of the establishment of a patrol system of maintenance The tour as planned, will begin on April 12 from Morehead City and end at Greensboro April 25. This tour of inspection will be made by the State Highway En gineer and an engineer from the United States offioe of Publio Roads and one or more meetings will be held in eaoh oounty where this Question will be discussed with the offioials having charge of the road work in the oounty or township. These meetings are open to the- public and all inter ested in these highways and their maintenance are oord:ally invited to attend. Leave Greensboro, April 18, 10:00 a. m., arrive Lexington, April 18, 1:00 p. m. Leave Lexington, April 18, 8:00 p. m., arrive Salisbury, April 18, 4:00 p.M. Leave Salhbury, Aprii 19, 8:00 a. m., arrive Btatesviiie, April lv, 10:00 a.m. Leave Statesville, April 19, 12:00 m , arrive Newton, April 19, 1:80 p.m. Piles ZtareJ in 6 to 34 Pays. sVr dmesist vriU rifond .tuouy U PAZO OUxZMEHT fails to can arv eaj ttchtog, UimL Me?-ft"g or Protruding Piie in tl4dsy. tttis spWMcattoa gftce Be tod fee, so Oofy the Well to do Can Afford to be Sick. Seme people think that poor people can't help from getting sick, that it'sjuBt natural to be sick and that there's nothing to be done . to keep from it. They think that rich people have the money and can afford all the things that are neoeiiary ia order to live a healthful life. Because poor people can't have money and all that they consider neosssary to live a healthful life they usual ly resign themselves to whatever oomes and thick there's nothing thev can do to better conditions and improve their health. The truth ot the matter ia pocr people, if they only knew it, can't afford to be sick. Only the wall to do can afford it. Sickness is exnensive: it costs time and money. It often costs a good job It brings on poverty, and poverty we all know is an open door to disease. Rich people have ' to a larger extent realized this and an taking the pains to stay off di sea8e as much as possible, and cultivate healthy habits. But fortunate for us all there are a number cf things we can do to have good health that don' cost money. Thai ks to the makf r thatrfresh, cool, moving air is no boneht bv the quart. It costs nothing to walk and rest the mind in it, to breathe it deeply into the lungs and to sleep in it. It costs nothing to drink water freely and to eat slowly It costs nothii g to form regular daily habits It costs particular nothing to keep clean, the teeth clean and to eat clean food, Aa a matter o fact, the things that are best- for health are ths things' that the poor have with them always and that money can't buy. Leave trip far. Gaatonia 5:00 pm $3 00 Charlotte 6:45 pm 7 50 Concord 7:86 pm 7 60 Albmar'e 4:58 p m 7 00 Salisbury 8:85 pm 7 00 Morganton 6 :08 p m 8 00 Hiokory 5:44 p m 7 50 Newton 6:05 pm 7 50 Statesville 6:55 p m 7 50 Mooreiville 1:07 pm 7 50 Davidson 12:51pm 7 50 Vinston-Salem 8;60 p m 7 00 Mount Airy 3 :80 p m 7 50 Nor Wilkesboro 4:00 p m 7 50 Elkin 4:58 pm 7 00 I.exingtcn 9:18 pm 7 00 Thomasville 9:30 pm 7 00 High 9:45 pm 7 00 Greecsboro 10 46 p m 7 00 SilerCity 3:45 pm 7 00 Reidiville 11:20 pm 6 50 You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable Ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking 'mm The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eai most anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. rWI R 17 1 .rr. Fl 3 3 k a mm Has Helped Thousands. IS 1 If you want to buy a Farm, Large or Small, see us. If you have a Farm to Sell, List it with us. SALISBURY REALTYl And Insurance Company. Sale cl Spencer Real Estate. Pursuant to the terms of a certain mortgage deed of ti uit executed Ly J N Had en to the undersigned on Apr l 14, 1915 , which is duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Roran county in took of mortgages No 51, page 86, default having be?n made in the pajment of the debt therein pro vided for, the undersigned trustee and mortgagee, will expose for sale at i u fo lic auction for cash at the court hou?e door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Saturday, April 29th, 1916, at the hour of twelve W t e following der cribed real estate : Beginning at a 'stake on the north side of Jordon Ave., 50 ft. from the corner of Baldwin street and at the corner of lot No 16, and running thence with Jordn Ave, 50 feet to a stake, cor ner of lot No. 14 in a westerly direction thence with line of lot No. 14, a north erly direction 150 feet to a stake on a ten foot alley; thence with alley in an easterly direc tion 50 feet to a stake , corner lot No. 18; thence with line or lot JNo. 10 in a southerly direction 150 feet to a stake at the beginning, being lot No. 15, in block 6, R. P. Lively & Company addi tion to the town of Spencer. This the 28th day of March, 1916. JOHN L REND LEMAN, Trustee and Mortgagee, Administratrix's Notice. Hiving q-iilified as Administratrix of the estate of W. Murdook Wi'ey, Jeceastd. this is to notify all persons having claims against the eitate of said dec eased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the loth dav of March, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Join day oi Marcn. ivio MARION E. WILEY, Administratrix. lotice To Creditors. Having qualified as administrator o the estate of Bettie Boyd, deceased of the county of Rowan, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persona hav ing claims against the estate of the Baid de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Apil, 1917, or this notice will be plead in bar of tbeii recovery. All perron indebted to said tate will please make prompt settlement, Thu the 12th day of April. 1916. VJE BUY andfl Pay Highest Gash Prices for Green Hides, Cattle, Mut ton, Veal, Sheep, Pork, - Egge, Chickens, Etc. You are invited to come to see ns. SANITARY MARKET, H. C. TROTT, Prop., 112 East Innes Street, Salisbury, N. C. 'Phones 780-781 3 8 100 Pd. L. F. Shinn, Executor. WATCH REPAIRING For new watches, jewelry ami repairs at reasonable price, to the drug fcnf at- Grant Quarry, cr tc R. L. BROWN, Nc. 6, Salisbury. N. C. .10-27 6 m. W. I'd. Sale oi Land Rear Lands. Pursuant to the provisions of the Ust will and testament of Hettie 8. Alb'ipht, recorded in Will Book No. 5, page 599, 1 will fell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Salisbury, nu Saturday April 22 d, 1916, at 12 o'clock, M., one tract of land about one quarter of a mile from Kan dig, kcown as the Hettie 8. Albright place, and contains abo :t seven (7) acres- 1 1 is tract of land has a small houe on it and adjoins the lads of Deal & (Jorriher, Dock P. thel, George Bherrill and otheresnd being fu ly de scribed by metes snd bounds in deed from Allen Sherrill and Frank Pethel to Hettie 8. Albright. This is a valuable tract of la'd sit uated near Landis. and suitable for building purrcBPs. Terms of sale cash . This Ma ch 18. 1916. J. C. CORRELL, Executor. Landis. N. C SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL- STORE. A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand. FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's a ppearaoce you want in hosiery or wheather it wear you will gat it if you get "Foot Rest:" And this too is an enduce mnt to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. NEW SECURITY FRUIT JARS, fresh lot just re ceived. Pints Quart?, and half-gallons. Spring and Summer good?, light weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress (roods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. - When in need come to see "me. Farrans are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYJLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S, Main St., Salisbury, N. C. mi(iminnii IIMIUWIIIIIIMI The V2achovia Bank & Trust Go. Is the Strongest Bank in North Carolina, LARGEST CAPITAL, LARGEST ASSETS. . Thia'givd afty and Protection to our Depositors A percent, piid oi aving deposits. You can open an account with one dollar and upwards. SATURDAY, APRIL I6TH. v i?i9 m r os &u ADi biiaiiicicu v ai d iui p aooiuiinli Just come around onee and you'll come again The cheapest Furniture Store. 121 West Inne Street, Salisbury, North Oar OR W. C. TAYLOR, Dentist Hours. 8;SCto 12:30, 200 to flV, and othei hours by appointmer.t I henes Office 147 Residenae 25.' Olfce second floor of nmm bank buildikg T.TUTtree firet doer on Council St III THE NEWS YOU HAVE WAITED FOR WALLACE'' A OMIU) $8.50 Are once more ready with a big new line of SPRING and SUMMER SUITS, HATS, SHOES, SHIRTS, in fact we are ready to serve you with everything in the way of clothes for both every day and Sunday wear. "ITJE CAN AND WILL SAVE YOU ItlOEIiEY," Because we are leaders in the State when it comes to clothing the man or boy, just remember, we run three big stores for men, one here in Salisbury, one in Charlotte and another in Greensboro. "THIS IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE" As right here (at your door) in Salisbury is the main store, all stocks are bought here in large quantities getting the inside price and then selling you at retail for less than the average merchant can buy. "WHY PAY OTHERS T.IORE?,, $1.00 $2.00 $1.50 To WAIIUACK KT1D SONS - STORES: SALISBUEY, CHAELOTTE 1T D GflEENSBORO I in '-IK-,