f i trr4 Mft i o(sssttoeadM8imsttr3asMy Salisbury, N. .C, Aur. 9, 16' ARMENIANS A SPLENDID RACE Valuable HemeM in a Country Which Has for Centuries Sought Their ' Extermination. f Travelers have recognized for cen jturies, says Sir Edwin Pears, that the 'Armenian population of Turkey, nu&Lbering about tfro millions, is a most valuable element in the country. tThe people like ourselves, belong to Ithe Indo-European race. A large portion of .them occupy a mountain ous country, add the men are usu ally stalwart aal iadostrious. o gfi&m tjfeafc irs cmlized and proeyspcn? Si fl.ttiteW Christ, and thfflfe'ean lie doubt fnat the gen eral average iot-elligence of Armeni ans is dua to the f act that they are the deseea3ans of parents who have been civflzevi for centuries. Arme nia was the first country to establish Christianity as the religion of the state, tfnea: great Christian teacher and national saint is Gregory the Il luminator. It is rare to viaitthe house'of aa Aaneiian in a fairly prbaperoua condtioa.v where there ia not evidence ef artistic and musical taste; picture's or a piano, or other musical instruments. - " mt' i i '' ' i Ignorant of the heave&is (Apparently There Are Man People i . in LomJoji Whose Strong Point ft Not Astronomy. K'tK f Tbd Worf of ike woman police teerySod.gqsJfii how some of its mem bers reaSfiidred. a crowd who sgispect- could not believe that nftflre atar would make; alt thatf display Yet ignorance of thhefivenis shared by many who should know better. The late Lord Avebury used to tell how he walked from the house with a well-known M. P. across St. James' park one beautiful moonlight night. "I wonder," speculated his companion, "if we shall ever know how it is that the moon, so constantly changes its shape ! I suppose that is one of the things" we can never hope to know !" London Mail. LIFE-LONG PATRON. The vicar of a certain English par ish stopped one of his aged parish ioners, and congratulated him on his approaching marriage. . "I am sorry," he added, "that a prior engagement will prevent me from performing the ceremony on Tuesday, but no doubt my curate will do just as well V "Ohnowt o' t' soort nowt o' f soort ! ejaculated the old fellow. "That be 'anged for a tale! Mebbe, now, ye'd be at liberty on Wednes day?" 'Well," was the Teply, "I certainly shall be free on Wednesday, but " "Then Wednesday it is,,r went on thevprospecWve feri&egroom. "Just mak? a nite.ep. it, paison? "But surely," protested the vicar, "you'll never postpone the wedding for twenty-four hours " t "Aw'd postpone it for twenty-four year if necessary," came the firm re ply. "You've alius done this job for me, an' you alius will as long as Aw live' Then the vicar remembered that the old fellow had (been three times previously married. Meeting for Girls at Methodist Church, Led byMrs." Jenkins and Mrs- Hoff- man.. ;g - ..- Devotional, BlevVV. R Stickley. Roll call and Reports of Schools in the Township. What-Benefits the Church receives from the Sunday School, A. B Saleeby. Pastor's Relation to the Sunday School,;A. H. Snider. The Preparation of the Teacher, Eu gene H. Bean. General Discussion of any Topic relat- " ing to Sunday School Activities. Pladg-es and Election of Delegates to the County Convention. Reorganization. Offering. Adjournment. Everybody invited to come prepared to take part and make the Convention a day of joy and profit to the Sunday School. W. F. THOMPSON, President. W. W. FOSEMAN, Secretary leu xnm Bmac t-v.enus or Deing tne light of a ZcppeliH. That is one of Jt&e resufe; &o doubt, ef the popular igrioraa&k of astronomy in large itowipa owing to He. oompetiMon of jtha municipal with ,tne heavenly lights . The suspicious populace Cleveland Township Convention Aupst 25th. The program of the Cleveland township Sunday school conven tion to be held at Cleveland Pres byterian church, Friday, August 25, at 10 a. m., is as follows: Devotional Services, Rev. J. W. Ken nedy. Welcome "Words, R. M. Roseboro. Response. Mr. Z. V. Moss. The Relation of the Sunday School to t e Church, Rev V. R Stickley. The Sunday School as a Bible School, Rev. J. L. Yandell. The Duties of the Sunday School Teacher, Z. V. Moss. Offering. Recess AFTERNOON SESSION Meeting for Boys, at School Building, Led y E. M. Hoffman. Home Coming at Salem. The program of the Home Coming at Salem E. L. church to be held on Thursday, August 17th, which is to be one of the biggest event of the summer, is as follows: Anthem by the Choir. Devotional Exercises by Rev. J. Lr Yost. Words of Welcome by pastor, Rev. G O. Ritchie. Hymn, No, 230 in Book of Worship What Should be our Attitude Toward our Home Church, Rev C. B. Miller, of Charlotte, N. C. Hymn, No. 48 in Book of Worship Historical Sketch of Salem Church, Rev. H. A. Trexler. Hymn. No. 245 in Book of Worship J The Service the Home Church Rend ers to the Church at Large, Rev. L. W. Sifferd, of Indianapolis, Ind Hymn, No. 481 in Book of Worship Luther the Reformer, Rev. H Miller, Wytheville, Va Hymn, No 240 in Book of Worship AFTERNOON SESSION Anthem by the Choir Prayer by Rev. G. H L Lingle Justification by Faith Alone, Rev . S, Brown Hymn, No. 338 in Book of Worship TheJWord of God in the Reformation! Rev. V. Y. Boozer, Lexington, N; C. Hymn, No. 293 in Book of Worship Why I am a Lutheran, Rev. V. R Stickley. Hymn, God Be With You Till We Mtet Again. Everybody, whether past members or pastors, is invited to be prasent and enjoy the day. Don't forget to bring full baskets for the dinner. w. B Pressing Local History. lie history of our, rural conpiuDities euouia not o e forptten, and it is gratifying to jid schools here and there gajeriag up the early reo ord'dand traditions of the locajty, preserving and pop ularzing t h e m , Pageants andplnys of a historical ua- turtfshonld be encourage 1 as weii as the prr snrvation f relid aui the marking of hist ic sites. The traditions of p neer days, Indian life, the ?arly settlements, war timt and re:or.struction, all shoi d be cherished Inter esting for example, were the remfoiscenoaes of ex Speak er Cliuon, "Uncle Joe Can non,! in congress on Tne oc casioi of his eightieth birth day (recently. His people left tfoi'th Carolina wheo he was put a small boy. Here is a sample paragraph from the bDort of his talk: "ilr Gannon told patheti callr of his mother's last look back over the trail o thp east ks she passed beyond the fountains of the State ana yitii teari in tier ys said, poodbye, Civihzatiom He told of the log cabin hie fatlieY'built. and of hisweav ing 011 an old handlcom the first rag capt ever woven in IndiaDa, and ot how the neighbors said, 'Old Dr Can J A A 1 non is getung so biuck up with a rag carpet on his floor that the balance ot us wu have to mov out of, the township.'.' The old Indiana home of the Cannons cou fisted of the log house, witl attk, and a 'lean-to' as kitch en, In the attic the Cannon boys slept, and 'Uncle Joe recalled that 'sometimes the wind fould t)low the snow thrnyjgb the clap,-boarr'ed roof and under th cave and cover the bedquilts whi' the boys slept peaceiuiiy un dear the snow." In nearly every neighbor ood are old men aod women af full of interesting reminis-. ! cences as Mr Canr.cn Why not have an 4 'old folks' even g' at your consolidated schoolbouse some time soon and get some of these old people to relate their experi enoes and recollections in a simple way? The Progres sive Farmer. rhe Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, Attd youneer people who are weak , will be strengthened aad enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. 50c Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effective Lsxativa & Liver Tonic Dees Not Gripe nor Distirb tne Stomaeb. In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cascara in acceptable form, stimulating Laxative andToaic. Lax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomaeb. At tne same time, it aids digestion, arouses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c Sale ol Yaluall3 Farming Lands. Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed on JhIt 27th, 1913, by O R Shaver ond wife Dovi'e tj Shaver, to W C Carroll, Trustee and Mortgagee, which ia duly recorded in the offiee of the register of Deeds for Rowan ounty in Bodk of Mortgages No. 47, page 11, default having been mads in the pay ment of the indebtedness therein secured, the und rsigned will expesa for sale at public auction for cash at (ha Court Hourse doer in Salisbury. N C. on Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1916, at the how of 12 M., the folltwing deser bed lands: A eertian tract of 32 acres ot land situate in Morgan Towaship, Wing tha-sasse lh in Book of B4i JTe 1ST. MBrtr Of, m deicrJbea fellewf ; tiUMtt' f jp ffRaJ North tide of Flat Creek a arCaaetfi as follows: Beginning at a "shit oak on the bank of Flat Creek, c raer of lotNo 3; thence North 3 deg. East with the line of lot iso 3, z5 chains to a stone o; a pine pointer on the old line, eeraer to No 3; thene North 87 deg. west with the old 1 n 14 chain and 20 links to a stone by a white oak pointer: therce eoath 3 deg. west a new line 20 chairs and 40 links to a .ntesa in m:ddle of said creek; thence d;,wn the meander- mgs of said creek 7 chains and 75 inkg to a hickory on the bank, ef said crecK, corner to the brick yaid lot; thence south 87 deg est with thr line of the brick yaid lot 4 chains and 70 lia' s to a large Spanish oak on the bank of said creek; thence down the meand rn of said ereek to the beginning, cantaming 32 aeres. This August 9th, 1916. W O Corral 1, Trustee aad Mortgagee JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, Atiorney. 1 ilj : , i : :3 1; Comfort Service and Style: V!U will And all three in Warner's Rust Proof Corsets- one and be Convinced. Wea Every Warner, even at the lowest price, must giv satisfaction Every Corset Ghiaranted. Also nice lot of 50c Corsets. Delk-Harry Co. Do You Want a New Stomach? "If you do Digeseneia" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which U benefiting thousamds, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY SALISBURY, N.G. 9 Sale ei Taluatile Farmlaa Lands. Pursuant to the terms of a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed on Apiil 4th, 1914, by O 14 Shaver and wile to (i Morgan, 1 rustee and Mortgagee, which ia ly recorded in the office of lb? Hi gister of Detas for Kowan County in Book of Mortgages No. 49, page 44, de fault having been madein the payment of tie ndebtedness therein peenred, the undersigneJ will expose for sale at public auction ft r cah at the Court Horse door invalisbury, N O, on TlurHclay, Sep tember 14th, 1M0, at the hour of 12 m.. the following de.-c ihed lands: Mtuat; in Morgan Township beginning at a blac' gum by a post oak and d g wood pointers on John ) Baa inger's Fr line; rum thenc - Ninth 80 deg eat on new lire, crowss'ng Fat r e at 22 d chain, tame cours in slj with the line of lot No 4, 42 40 ehai s'to a Hone by a whi'e oak pointer on the ol i line crowing to lot No 4; thence north 87 deg. wcet with the old 'ine 7.?0 chair s to a s one bv : . t a ved o.ik and white-oak, pointers1; theme. south 3 fleg west a new line c-ossing said reek again at 25.65 chain, same course in o'd line 42 40 cli dns to a stone by a dg wood and sweet gum pointers on J U Barring, r's lin-; thence ou h 87 J deg. east with his line 7 50 chains to the bfgin ning, contai ing 31 acre-, more or less. This August 9ih, 916. C P. ii oiga n. Trustee and Mortgagee. JOHN L R EN DL EM AN, Attorney, Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. Look as good as your city cousins. No matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia Balm will surely clear your skin instantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle to-day and begin the improvement at once. White, Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at Druggi&s or by mail diredU SAMPLE FREE. , LYON MFG. CO., 40 So. 5th St., Brooklyn, N.V. a i3 Or. Bell's A : Wsntfid to repair sewing- machines and organs. I have also opened a g'eneaal iepair shop at Rock well. Bring' ine your watch and clock work. Will call at your home to do your machine and organ work. 'Phone or write to C W Harring-ton Rockwell, N C 'Phone, Lowerstone, 3520. eason s ffifflfl 9 ni an Wallace's big Semi-Annual is now on in full blast, offering wonderful values in Clothes of the Better Make. Honest Discounts Unusual Ba ams. This fact is generally understood and our special sales al ways attract a host of buyers. Every Straw Hat in the House re gardless of value and former price Half ID) nee J- l mmmrmrmr-mmmim A t . Gonuine Genuine EXTRA SPECIAL 1 lot of l lot of PALra BEACH PALO BEACH (FODDAV AIMD SATUKOAY HEH' PRJE 50c Underwear ht color Darkccor MenJs Fine Quality $0 08 S"IRTS Special $3oQ5o g4.45. Cool Cloth Suits 42c 25c SALISBURY STATE'S LEADING CLOTHIERS, CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO u s r

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