LOCAL NEWS i interest to - 6 I m V!.,v.ctii : : a. i't.u A ii 'i i i in ti . Broi.z N V atl-iiiiiiK th a? uoiivtfiilion f the' w nationa So.i&aiid Diugln is of Lib erty. Ho e ,t via T ttin. O f.L-i...r t'iuip ..!.; i. m.... 4.. il nan i i ui yu luuiro or Tfi 1 .1. . .. n T.O IJ M J! 1 U X lM i ii- iKo i.iu v iiiiii:y camps cf til Pilritic Dr-lnr So s of A lHiii-.i will i)ii thir uoti'i y ciMiV Mit in a' Fiith Fri lay nigut o" hi8 wek. t':tw m -MthinH am gHiiwraliy p i-Mv wfil at.tMiif)fd and ate of n inter -st to the inem bel - .f tii- v?r iwi ig ordnr. i h - tnhlsc schools of Salis biirv wiU opnn .VI ond ay tetnher 25th. Th boys and girls will take uoticrt au get th-:r hakt balls, gyrana :ii.n paraphmilia. etc., in workiugtjrdir. Theo At well has just re turned fi;om th home of h& pi re its, M and Mrs James H Atell. who liv neat Mooresville, Iredell County1 and wh celebrated their aroK dtu wedding during his visit. Mr and Mra At well are high ly e tem I citizens are oijly 0 and 68 respectively. Quite a number of friends were prHcnt beaide the family and a very ple-wiut occisio i had M H ti "ve is th n une of a ;iev ptMctitiotier for SaJi-1-b it y. treats dii-eisei' by ti.e nw method Known as cM'ropr h MMdifi-i( ion. o sji-c'-'i t y m oieop t h y . The, dd Hellow of tl twelfth dMtriet. cosnpoed of K iwaii aid reve'al adj inrng c mntieri eommenced w?f' Benlah Lodge, Sp i:cei last Friday nigh". The ad dree of welcom" was by D P-tbel and the re;p uy P 8 Carlton, E-ti A laig number of delegates wer present-and. both a piestn' -a?i ! or lilable mjetittg wa held. Something over tiFty work men ar busy on tbe Meac!i ery b-ing erected near Hie toll bridge at the, Yadkin river. The land has be bought up around there an i is to he, p-ld oil in lot tor businesd aud residential pu? poses and, it seem, it 'w i not be long before a typ ( a mill village, will b j Hi" re n)' Tftis village is t b - k . h i as Yadkin and -- I c iHo? is a splediii we. ri. !J . v. .. Pa'd Reiner t S ii irst iH,-.e;ved '1 t ! tel Hug him of the death o!; lor father a! vi itleo'ier..'. -any, J ly H l b - death ocurre Icius' a year t th day f ro n-b - le,itn o. a of 'he eldr Reiner who bill. I i n hat tie, at V'a w a s -w w. Poland: A S MtJ ' ' vHhvi I Teuu, va purchased i-f "K s MiHer the Uem City La-in-ritr ,,. nt'i LrtrtStre.rti a id wt I take ch irge of Hie httsi uess at tice. Charles B Mole, . . f N-w Jersey is t new pivsi-lent of the N 0 Pu li ;; S rvic Company. succ-ed" g Birl i C ler w.bo esigue I fumi i5- n.aui.ni HtJnfti'.es .vii iOiliru in (nreeusb iro J If Saba ani B th -rs wil o 4 ' v h -' r n k ! m l by the B - wi . MM st ii - put iu shape for buBi-ne-s The Salisbury Normal and Iud istrial Institute open to day. The exerc ss will he held at the First Presbyterian Church. lie .rge T Norwood died at his home in St uth Bostou, Va, last Sunday. He was a , , . - T kt a .half brother of J D Norwood of thta city. He waa 60 years pld. SPSiKS IN SALISBURY. Msgj Mm D$;ii3srati5 Party and its Leader. t.1 . , for two hours Mondav North i . " next, i 1 - 4. - o,- ijt - i nan i . i . . . bl - V tilled of Rwan people. His speech was almost entire1" vu i u 1UUU1 jomforfca- ly illPraise of the National Dem- ,ocratlc PartY and its leader. 1 . e spoke not a wnrrl a.Kmt quelle ISSUGS flKmiscinrt tUf . ' suoect with the simple state-1 ment that no r.n i8 ! I w VV V 1 UtlXJ L Li CC. that the neoole . . . " turning this State oyer to the Republicans. He exhonerated Roosevelt from blame for the panic dur ing his administration and did a like service for Cleveland, plac ing the blame for these and other money scares on defects of the money system that was enacted as a war measure in sixty three. He charged the Republicans with the sin of perpetuating this system after its defects be came apparent. That peace and prosperity a bounds in America now was at tributed to the fact that a Divine sense of justice rules in Wash ington. In justification of Mr. Wilson's c-iauges, the speaker said when,! oie was bounded on tue North by yellow jackets, ou the East by rattlesnakes, on the West by man-eating sharks, and on the S -uth by helitire and damnation, hv has to niake some lightning changes in his position or he would soon have no position to change. Every change of the Presideut .vas made in the interest of the honor, peace and prosperity of the American people. He explained in detail the working of the Federal currency law aud other laws of the re oent. Congresses, aud claimed thaL this is the first time 'since Lincoln that .the people have been in the saddle. Lax-Fos, A Effectivg LsxatSva UverToatc Does Not Erips mr Disturb tin Stonacip. In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cascara in acceptable form. & stimulatingLaxatiYeandlonic. Lax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion, arouses the liver and secretions and restores the healthy functions. 50c. Manning Defeats Btease. Columbia, S. C, Sept. 12. In one of the most tensational fights for the governorship since the days of "Pitchtork hJen" 1 Hi- man's activities in the Palmetto Mate, Tole L. Blease former Governor for two terms was de feated today in his aspirations for a third term by the present Gov ernor, Richard I. Manning of Sumter. S. C Striking a lead oarly in. the evening, with the first official returns from various arts of the State ot about 5,000 votes. Governor Mann'n main-iin.-n this lead all through the :venin4" hours.- t H?ea-ea!) ul midnight admitted :is d feat, it is understood, but tL!ousH'.vU remained on the streets i mi i t i i -iJ- o.'iiecs until the i-i. nv.ii' i iie r- ur h were in. ivlj returns late ;e ;i clean-cut vie t. ii . . r a by a irmjorfly et ni iHMl a i between 3,n U and 7.0 vote. Willi ,iijout !2(i, u) votes re- trted out ot a registration of i'lic more lli-Hti 150, n the inures give Manning 67.467 and Bl a-v:n2 5 '. It was confidently asserted that the boxes still to be heard from couH not change the result. State of Ohio, City of I Toledo. Lujas County, Kiank J.. Ciieney makes oath that he is senior partner of the rinn of K. I Cheney & Co., doing businein the City of Toledo, count v State aforesaid and that said tinn will pay .the sum of One Hundred Uohais for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv ihe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chkney, j Sw-rn to beiore me and sud !cnted in my pre -ence this 6th 'day ot December. A. U. 1886. vV VV. Gi.eason. Notary Public, j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the bio d and mucous surlaces or the system. Send for testimon a.ls free. F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Address: F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all drug gists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. 5 Fflf S3iB full-blooded Jersey bull, , "e old. Price $5.00 Write to or call on C. A. Weddington, Rural 1, Glass, N. C, j MAR ffi AGES J x uc mduiu"t oi miss uciuuuc T, iicxier anu iviuses iessiei iuua piace sat.urdav evening- at uie home of S. L. Canup on Narth - - - i Sh nffi aver street Esquire W L. Ray officiating-. The marriage of Miss Lula Kenerly and Joseph Wilson, both r"--' ' r'-r- -- i,0 Lmo f (l Kr o n,r,i)C , V n ur, q Mr.nd Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Sun- - r A day atternoon, Kev. 2r. Jbv. Kicn- adsoflof the Methodist officiating:. church Cowles-Lnnn. . North Wilkesboro, Sept 9 A wadding of morn than usu 1 1 interest lk;re as well as in oth-'r parts of 4he State was celebrated at the Metho dist C'i inch when Miss Louise l.unh aud ( barles H 'Cow let, editor of The Wilkes Patriot, were married Wednesday. Mi's Luuu wadi at one time a resident of Salisbury. The church was filled with the mauy friends of thenar ry couple, lhe decorations were in green and yellow and white, having been beautiful ly a i ranged by friends. Mrs. Ii E Prevette presided at U:e organ. JUdt reiore ue nri--dal party ei tered th- church Mis Uharles S Sink sang with great sweetness "U. Promise Me and "At Dawning." Lo- heugiiu's world famous bri dal chorus was rendered ah the party entered the church and Medelssohn's as a reces sional. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that every amily should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be endured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chaiilnatn s v.'olic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to nonej for the quick relief which it af fords. Obtainable everywhere. Wilson Takes a Personal Interest in the Mexican Negotiations. New London, Conn., Sept 12. President Wilson lent bis per sonal touch today to aid the efforts of the American-Mexican Mint commission in seeking a j permanent foundation of sympa Lhy and understanding upon which may rest tluj future rola tions of the United States and Mexico 1 1 Patting aside For an h ur ins own cares ana ins vigu 10. uie I ? I A I bedside of bis sister, who is dy- i n r Mr Wilson exchanged calls with General (Parian- i's rMre- ienUitives. It w;i. tbtj tir1 time duruiiT In- .vdiniuisi ra'.ion Mia! Eecti!iv! bad desilt M-rsoii i.iiv vvii !i a ! eol-i ?oiila' 1 Vf ol' the !-xif;t.!t defae.to iovern inent 'ind 1 lie significance of this fact .vu-s not iost upon either the A m.M-ira.-' or M 'ican coinsnis- mi.mrs For t.lni first time alst l'epi't se.'itaiivos t tJHtioritl Car ruit reo-ivo l dnc fly from the man in whose hands pet ilaps lies the fate of their country his state men ol sympainy wicii .ne aims of tho revolution which has torn iVlexico. The regeneratit)n of the strick en Nation must come from with in, Mr. Wil-son said, and, in an swer foe hi eo'.ieairues and him self, Luis Cabrera. Carranza's Minister of Finance and chair man of the vexican delegation, asserted that his country was struggling toward the light of j rree anu ueuiouicuio iruvei mucin. Mr. Wilson laid great stress, it w-ts learned, on the point as to the present conference upon which both Secretary Lansing and Secretary Lane centered their remarks at the ttrst meet- ig f the commission in New, York, the protection of A.meri can lives aud property in Mexi- co. The President said he hoped . , a u , the commission would be sac - cessful in finding a solution for its problems which would insure the security of . Americans, not only along the border, but in any . j- : -. pari, oi me.'. A aa&una Thct Does Hot Affect The Ht it r . i--tive rffect. LAXA- ir-v" : T .jmcni 15 STATE EMM HINT OF WOODMEN. Gam? Lee Overman at Fcir Grounds Observe Regular Army Rules. With 300 men in uniform living n-ic ",c l a ,u,uiav tu . catnpment Camp Lee Overman, at j the Fair grounds, has been an! interesting place for visitors since Monday. The teams of Wood men of the World from North and South Carolina comprising the twelfth district, began the week's encampment officially at 10 o'clock Monday morning when there were present besides the regular encampment officials a number of prominent citizens including Senator Overman and Mayor Woodson, each of whom addressed 1 the men. The camp is in charge of Gen. t$. G. Sipher of Luinberton as commanding officer, with Col. C. L. Mather of Omaha, assistant adjutant general detailed as re presentative of General Frazier's general staff. Capt R V. Ladd, U. S. A , is here having been detailed by Gen. Leonard Wood, of the Department of the East as instructor of tactics. Col. V. E. Grant of Hendersonville is in command of the divisional regi ment with Maj. Wiltshire Griffin, also of Hendersonville, post ad jutant, and Maj. W. E. Garren is post quartermaster. Dr. H. H. Newman is post surgeon and Miss Stella Evans is the trained nurse in charge of the hospital. Regular Army camp lif : is ob served in every detail from the bugle call to rise at 6 a. th. until the call to turn in at night. The companies held an exhibi tion drill on the streets of Salis bury Tuesday night and will hold another Thursday afternoon. Thursday night in the open air at the camp three hundred or more new members are to be in itiated. This open air initiati6n is something entirely new for secret orders and will be handled under tne care of Gen. E. B. Lewis who is representing the Sovereign camp at this encamp ment. A degree team from the Wood men of the World encampment gave a splendid exhibition drill on the Innes street yesterday erening. They were accompani ed by the KannapolisY. M.'C- A. band Thursday afternoon the entire regiment is, expected to te in town. Forget Your Aches. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden. If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, ulmbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the univer sal remedy for pain Easy to ipply; it penetrates without rub bing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effec tive than mussy ointments or poultices. For strains or spains sore muscles or wrenched liga ments resulting from strenuous exercise, Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on band for emergencies At your Drug gist, 25c. Will Raise $20,009 for Albemarle School. 'Lhe id eti'Mi 1 f Kev t C Sbive pi -efideni of be Al he" a 1 1" N 1 in 1 i tid ( o1 Ihi7':ih 1 e-iltllt" w;fil a I'll -t.dis"'l by M ri.ii'iiii 'ig eHhvtr-ry ;t mee.'ipur al Q p en-1 Cnlb g - Vi r-t we"k. ihe .irleivoie H'Mi !;f t ;or - Mi direct charge id tliniHfir s to r-i:-ee$-Ju,M) r pift ' be 8 II') l Oil 1 , S D'i'i US) 1 i Ti ! was a is" be . n 1 1 v a p o '. I bis will b (lii i - ! ! e board and llev. Sit.v. in the estimation ol Pre-hyiety, the . 1' emarle chool it do itii a vr.rv tine and lading work i 1 Stanley ('oimty in educating girls and the voting weine,i at a n derile co-t The r p til of the iiisli1 utiou made Wednneday by ScTie llutieyeutt. . c , T . n oaib loou For those who are in need of a romodv fnr Iridnftv trmihlHS and Ku4.ksW.hia it ;a M. ,ofi ll!M.n to try Doan's Kidn. y Pills. Tbey are strongly recommended by i i i i oausoury peopie. n Mrs J. L. Huater 12 2 N Ellis St., Salisbury, says eral years ago my kidneys caus- e(j me a lot of annoyance. My back ached and I felt so weak that I could hardly get about. f In the morning I couldn t get l be(L Te firgt box f Doans Kidney Pills did me good and after taking several boxes, my back felt as strong as ever anumy B. iy Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney PiUs-tbe cmhip that Mrs Hunter nan J" . Foster-Milburn Co., Props., liut- ROWAN SUPERIOR GODRT. Jirtgi Frank Carter Presiding and R. Lee Wright, Esq., Conducting tha Prosecution. The Rowan SuperiorrSEirt - wnui ummiuS with Judge Frank Carter presid- trig and R. Lee Wrigh, Esq., prosecuting owing to the illness of Solicitor Hayden Clement, Esq. The term is for two weeks, the first week for criminal cases and the second for the trial of civil cases, and opened with Judge Carter's charge to the grand jury, which is composed of the follow ing citizens: J D Heilig, foreman; P A Sloop, J P Cathey, Stokes E Miller, Samuel Rothrock, J. W Fink W F Josey, P S Kluttz, Jno F Nurgaw, W W Barber, Robert A Boat: an, D M Barger, W A Casper, T W Lingle, James L Ueaver, J C Julian, J A Hart, Frank L Agner. Quite a number of cases are being disopsed, some by continu ance and others by trial. The proceedings thus far induce the following: John Clark, cruelty to animals. Defendant plead guilty, and judg ment of lower court, $10 fine and costs, was affirmed. Frank Sowers, assault, defend anc plead guilty This was aibo a case going up from the count court, whose judgmenl of $4 ) and costs was allowed to stand Will Massey, assault with deadly weapon another from th county court on appeal. Defend ant plead guilty and takes the sentence of the lower court whicl is 18 months on the chain gang. Emily Howard, vagrancy, Ac tion abated by death' pf defend ant. W T Bowman, gambling, plead guilty. W H Lyerly, plead guilty to forgery in three cases. Judgment suspended in two cases and in the third fentence of two years in the State prison was imposed. Frank Brady, abduction; not uilty. On the charge of forni- cation ana adultery, however, the defendant , through John Busby, bis attorney, waived the finding or- a bin ana plead guilty. inegranajury yesterday at- temoon returned true bills fO! , T murder against Manse Jones alias WillJordon and John Young alias strong, both colored, for murder rvF Tlin Tnnne alio c TTtTrf rv 1 l j vim j j it v-o tvnao c w vkjlm. Xvl Cra3ken, on June 17, 1916. McCracken, is the negro who was shot and killed on No. 45, the afternoon southbound local train, just this side of the Yad kin river when a party of negro liborers were returning to their homes in South Carolina from Virginia aud a shooting scrape stardt.'d in the car in which they were riding,". The court was taken up this norning with the trial of Will .Jordan, one of the men charged -.villi having killed Newton Mc Cracken, the othar man not hav ing be.-ju captured. Judge Car eer assigned Messrs Cbas. Cog- gins and lienj. McCubbins to Intend the prisoner Thesei made a bard tight for thi-ir man uiu ivj i uogffins in this case made bis initial speech to a jury, which was a splendid' effort. The caso went t the jury at adjournment for noon. Are You Looking Old? Old age comes quick enough without inviting it. Some look old at forty. That is. because they neglect the liver and bowels Keep your bowels regular and your liver healthy and you will not only feel younger hut look younger. When troubled with constipation or biliousness take Chamberlain's Tablets. The? are intended especially for these ailments and are excellent. -Easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Forecast fir Sejrtsr. From 4 to 11, fair, some stormy west and south, and cool. From U to 19, changeable and mild with threatening alonp:. some clear and cool. From 19 to 27, frequent show ers along, and cool. A. "V A ill showers and colder from Pacific 1 i swruis uuiiuwcsi. September shows fairly erood weather here only. Some cool, ieeuug irust ai last or montn. Storms mostly southwest east. Hq-nky Rkid, R-3, Box 167j Salisbury, N, O. rrora 4 10 vci. rm, cooii- ELDERLY WODEN "SAFEGUARDED Tell Others How They Were Carried Safely Through Change of Life. Durand, Wis. "I am the mother of fourteen children and I owe my life to Lytiia E. Pinkham a "Vegetable Com pound. When I waa 45 and had the Change of Life, a friend recom mended it and it gave me such relief from my bad feel ings that I took several bottles. I am now well and healthy and recom mend your Compound to other ladies." Mrs. Mary Ridgway, Durand, Wis. A Massachusetts Woman Wri test Blackstone, Mass. '"My troubles were from my age, and I felt awfully sick for three years. I had hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains. I took Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound and now am well." Mrs. Pierre Cournoyer, Box 239, Blackstone, Mass. Such warning symptoms as sense of tiff oaation, hot flashes,headaches, back aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dizziness, should be heeded by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has carried many women safely through this crisis. iarry Lindsay, Chief of Police at Draper, Kills To.a"" fflarpby of Spray. S;r:iy. ept. 1 1 . Yesterday late i the afternoon, another tragedy j ?as enacted near here in which a ipray man played a part. Harry ,- . - , - r r i- r r aiuaj v.UiCi e- .-r, shot and killed instantly Thomas Murphy of Spray. Ac- cording to reports, Murphy in company with Nicholas Martin . ana unarne Martin were seen driving through Draper, singing and apparently somewhat under J the influence of whiskey, when I they passed Lindsay, who decided Unon arresting them Mounting a bicycle he undertook to overtake then, but failhir in this and havinr an oooortuhitv to use the kpray - Draper jitney buss, this was doQe an tney were SOon ovcrtaWen. In lhe effort to make Ln fest -xn some way Murphv was killed. 1 he coroner's inquest : nQ : oroeTess Th'fe shoot- aA -K1f m;,Troav h. 1 luft "Ulll-U o.www tBM,n uprp unA Draoer and has created considerable excitement. MUrphy is represented as having I . ' . been a quiet man. The funeral will take place tomorrow. MmSmnmll DRIVING OUT CATARRH If people knew how the presence of catarrh Is a constant menace, they would have none of it. It Infests some part of the delicately adjusted body and makes it useless, thus throwing on the other organs more than their share of work. It affords a carefully prepared seed bed for the germs of colds, grip, tuberculosis and pneumonia. It so disarranges Nature's delicate plans aS to make possible asthma, hay fever and other respiratory dis orders. It spreads until it becomes avutemle. thus involving many or gans and debilitating the entire 8ystem with serious results. Chtarrh la easily neglected, and It rarely gets weU of itself. It needs proper medicinal correction. For almost half a century many tiniisnnrlB have found helD in runa. a valuable tonio with special re- efficacy in catarrhal conditions. Th film Ib tn clean out waste mat ter, to dispel the catarrhal inflam mation, and tone up the whole sys tem. Its users willingly testify that it has done all this and even more for catarrhal sufferera. What It has done la (he best proof of what it will do. Tou may rely on Peruna. In tablet form It Is nleasant to ;1 take and easy to administer. ..ii Hanall Tablets are the ideal laxative and liver tonic. They have no unpleas k. ant effects Jk. and do not form a hab it. 10c, 25c. He Perm Co Colombo. O. SALISBURY MARKtTS orretwl wpnkly hy l M M:ll?r $ Ion Rhcih, sides pnr Hi. 16 to 17 shoulder.-, ppr 1 6 'o U " htfm. per 5h, 2i' to 24 ' round, npr H, '9 J Bu'ter, choice yellow, 2" 1 1 ?5 iCk8, 20 to 30 Guineas, 25 to so. gS; ' " twio l.c Flour, Bt-Hi-'ht, per f"k. if 75 to $4 CO pnt, 2i in fiO J !'' .'"Xi'.k 1.1. A. ' J-. r-M ". x Oats, per bu. 70 to 75 ih Pi 5q' W Oni..n. .90 to 100 RJC- P" bushel, t HO - Geese, I2$c per lb i I'lii-waoa rvv iwr WQ l ... . ., .tj for malaria or CHILLS & FEVER. I or rix dows wiU break any cueaad return. It cts on the, HrerJliW and 1 Calomel and doe not fnpf 0B.KING'SraEWDf l mmt t mm - r ' -. .Sale 1 JaluaWe Estate. Under and by virtue of the authority conferred opon me by that certain mortcaee executed by Lillie Miller, dated June 22, 1915, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan county, in Book 50 page 206. default having been Made in the pay ment of the obligation thereby secur ed, I will on Saturday, October 21, 1916, at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door of Rowan county, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing desenbed real estate, lying and being in the city of Salisbury, county of Rowan, bounded as follows, to-wit : one home and lot in the South Ward of the town of Salisbury, beginning at a stake at the side of the new Concord road 110 feet in a northerly course from Ada Holmes' corner and runs in an ee8terly course 146 feet to a stake thence in a northerly course 44 feet to a stake, corner of Martin and Mary White s line; thence with White's line in a westerly course 146 feet to a stake at the side of the Concord road, thence in a southerly course with sail road 44 feet to the beginning. For further particulars and back title, reference is hereby made to the deeds referred to in the deed made by Thomas Bradshaw and wife, Lillie Bradshaw, to Lillie Miller. This September 15, 1916. J, B. Bkatty, Mortgaget. Roger D. O'Kelly, attorney. Notice ci. Action. North Carolina, ) Rowan County. ) . Loretta Burrell ) In the Superi vs or Court, Oct- James A. Burrell ) ober Term, '16 The defendant, James A. Bur rell will take notice that an ac tion entitled above has been com menced by plaintiff" against him in the Superior court of Rowan county tor the purpose of obtain ing a divorce from the bonds of matrimony upon the ground Of fornication and adultery, and that the said defendant is required to aPPear at term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the 5th Monday after the 1st Monday of September 1916, which is October 9, 1916, at the court house in Salisbury, county of Rowan, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint f . . -ff . - th plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint This September 6, 1916. J. F. McCubbins, Clerk Superior Court. fc-Saie ol Valuable Real Estate. Pursuant to a certain deed of trust ex- cuted by K-A. Rainey, guardian of George .M!fc2.bM Lleed of trust i duly recorded in the office f Ka Pariofai rf X&tiAa frw T?.r won fWMinlV . . ftt f f rvrl cracr&a fn 4ft nacrp 2ft2. to secure a certain indebtedness therein pro- vided for, default having been made in the payment ot said lnaebteanesa ana aemana having been made upon the trustee for a 1?"! 1' Sf. "Tifl court house door in Salisbury, North Caro- I linA. fin lina- on Monday, September 18, 1916, at 12 o'clock M, the following described real estate, situated in Morgan Townshi'p being described as follows: No 4 of the Piny Woods tract in the division of the lands of John C. Goodman deceased, and beginning at 'a Vine knot norntr of No. 1, thence 8 85 E. &s5 chain to pine knot on Kitchie'sjine; tnenceW, 6. E. 14 80 chains to stone, thence N. WJ5m. 34.47 chains to a stake corner of mo os thence S 5 W. 15 75 chains to the be 3ni ning containing 50 acres. For back n-i ee division of estate of John C. Good tgtl dece aed, recorded in Book No. 121ane page' 377, etc., also special proceeding Clerk's office. Bidding on this tiact to begin at $368 50. Ter ms of sale, CASH, This August 11, 1916. J. F. McCubbins. trustee Sale of Refused Freight. At the freight depot in Rockwell, N. C, on Monday Sept. J8th, at 12 noon, the Southern Railwav Company will pell for freight charges, the following refused freight: One car load, (10,000 feet), rough pine lumber. Terms of sale, Cash. r.l - L. BARKER , Route Agent. rrWORRaS- Cause 90 of all Your Live Stock Losses You can stop your losses destroy the worms. Best and cheapest conditioner and digestive; costs only of a cent a day for each nog or sheep; of a cent for each horse or head of cattle. Stock doctor themselves with Chas. C. Adams, Farmer's Seed House, 119 E. Fisher St. SALISBURY, N, C' DoYoafaa a New Stomach? If y i "esone3ne, will eiveyot r.e orruH psrticL'!: htprai f snf! rr-. r 1. this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to 'SMITH DRUG" COMPAN If 4'- SAliSBURY;N.C. i 5-