1 A Home Newapaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs. VOL XII. 110. -41. FOTTBTH SERIE3 SAUSBTJRY. C, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27rH,1916. Wm. H. STEWART; ED. AND PROP. LEECH Bfim BT ZEPPELINS. Hiw Tksy Wtn.Cst Witl Stisa Siccess tni tit tez:$ Est. London, Sept 24. Of the 12 big Zeppelins which invaded the British Isles last night to deal death and destruction from the skies, two today lay stark and black masses, of steel and alum inum in the little village of Man gold, EsseV:County. They fell victims of the antiaircraft de fenses of Loudon and outlying districts. One. came down a flaming torch, as did ihe Zeppelin L 21, destroyed' three weeks ago, while the second, disabled by gun fire, effected a landing which saved the lives of the crew who ttonight are : prisoners in Eng land. The crew of the first raid er died in the consuming flames of their own -ship, but they were mot so terribly charred as their predecessors. This latest raider to light her own funeral way on English soil collapsed and was consumed much more quickly than tne tu 21. It is possible, though, that some of. the men were still living when the great vessel struck the. ground. The cap tain's body was found some dis tance from the wreck. The death and burning of the first Zeppelin was witnessed by tens of thousands of London's residents but the wounding and descent of the second raider was a matter of doubt until today's official statements were given dut; Pew details are available j of this second raider's condition, but it is reported tint the crew surrendered to special consta bles. Many who saw the shrapnel bursting like skyrockets about the invader, which subseq'ientlv caught fije, think there must have been several direct; . hits' Many aeroplanes were nlolt and attacked the Zeppelins iro.n all sides. Tne raiders took a heavy toll of lives before their destruction, 28 persons being killed and U9 wounded in the Metropolitan district of London. Two per sons were killed, and probably four and 17 were wounded in the provinces The property damage, While widely distributed, is confined for the most part to small subur ban - dwellings and shops, al though one railway station was damaged, some empty carts be ing destroyed and part of the tracks torn up. The roar of dropping bombs was heard in many districts where the raiders were invisible. It is not believed that more than twoor three invading Zep pelins which crossed the east coast succeeded in reaching: the environs of London and that two of these paid the death penally gives the greatest satis Taction to the military authorities. A part frotn the loss of material the casualties of the last two raids, it is believed will have a depressing effect on the moral of the Zeppelin crews in the future. Londoners were jubilant today but there was not the same ex ultant enthusiasm as three weeks ago, indicating that the destruc tion of giant sky-raiders is al ready taken as an ordinary inci dent in this unusual world war. The fact that the airships were brought down well outside of London, both last night and September 3, shows the care with which the defenses have been developed. The efficiency in dealing with the raiders was further evidenced by the speed with which the searchlights piCKea up me nrst raider that turned partlyaway and sudden appeared above the suburbs j y dissolved apparently into thin about midnight. Suddenly a 1 air. Evidently the Zeppelin was searchlight beam shot into tha ' beclouded in the smoke and the starlit sky. Three more dazzling ! shafts followed and within 15 seconds the. whirring airships were caught in the toils, and the giius began sending up shriek ing snrapnell shells. For a minute or two the raider Jcept its coui;se, then wavored, Steel Car Shed 109x600 Feet to be Erected at Spencer. Washington, D. C , Sept. 23. Greatly enlarged facilities for re pairing cars at Spencer, N. C. one of the most important car repairing points on the system, wuXbe constructed at once by the Southern Railway to consist of a new all steel car shed 109 feet by 600 feet with a shop ad Joining 50 feet by 100 feet. The new facilities will replace the present small and congested wooden shed used for this pur pose and will permit a greater output at less cost. The shed will be equipped with overhead cranes for handling car bodies and materials and will have all modern conveniences and econ omic appliances, while the shop will be provided with machine t(Kils of the latest design for this special line of work. Addi lional track room will be provid ed for handling the increased number of cars that can be re paired. The plant will be elec trically operated with current purchased locally. A transfor mer house will be constructed to take care of the current. Bids are uow being solicited from contractors for the founda- tiou work which will be com menced as soon as contract has been awarded and the remainder of the work will follow promptly. Doi't Neiiest Your Cell Neglected colds get worse, instead ol better. A stuffed head, a light :hel must be re lieved at once. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey is Naiure's rernedj'. Honey and glycerine heal the ir ritated membrane, antiseptic tar loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and your cold is broken up Pleasant to take, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Th'ney Ts an ideal rem edy for children as well as srrown-upa Al your 25 cents Druggist $1,000,000 Loss and Oaa Dead In Phoenix, N. T- Fire. Syracuse N. Y., Sept. 24. Fire e-rly today destroyed the entire business district and more than half the industrial section of the town of Phoenix, causing a loss of more than $1,000,00 One person is known to have perished. Eightv-two buildings were destroyed . The fire burned without check for IS hours and the volunteer fire department was made helpless by the early destruction of the water pumping station The fire started from a hotel journal in a power plant according to the authorities. Not a stors was left standing and the people were tonight con fronted with a serious problem of food supply Looters in vaded the ruins, and scores of deputies were sworn in with orders to shoot. Several paper mills s silk mill, bank', several chair factories, large warehouses, the potoffice, four hotels and a church were destroyed. One man was burned and a number of firemen and resi dents injured. m m Hooresville Will Get New R. R. Depot. Mooresville, Sept. 22 Supt. F D impson of the Southern Rail way has written to President Donald oi" the Chamber of Com merce to the effect that within one year from the 20th of Sept- ; emDer Mooresville will have her new passenger station, something j that ts 'very much needed and desired. lights lost her completely. In the meantime, howt . r, bombs were droDned and red flares were visible as they hit the earth. Then the , city wavs quiet for an hour, the search- lights flashing only occacionally in the hunt for raiders. ' JEWISH NEW YEAR FALLS ON THURSDAY. More Orthodox Will Observe Thursday and Friday in Celebration; Rosh Hashanah (the - Jewish New Year) also called Yom Hazikoron "Day of Memorial," falls this year on Thursday, September 28th. Itcommences, however, the evening previous since in Bible usage the days are coon ted from sun-down to sun down. The in re orthodox will observe not only Thursday but Friday as well, it being their custom to keep a second day in connection with practically all the more important Jewish holi days and festivals This custom on their part grew out of certain complex conditions in the calen dation of early rabbinical times and the practice, once estab- lished, has been kept up by them, even though the original reason n longer obtains, rue Reformed Jews observe only tne day scripturally prescribed The date of Resh Hashanah is the first day of the month of Tishri and the New Year now to be ulhgred in is, according to the traditional Jewish Calendar, the year 5877. Unlike January 1st. Rosh Hashanah has been fully able to resist secularization It is in form and spirit a holy day dis tinctively, not a holiday. Solemn services characterize its observ ance both evening and morning. It is a time dedicated! to retro spection, introspection and reso luti i .s for the future. The day bears the special designation of Yom ha-Dinora Day of Judg ment. With puaiut mysticism the old tradition represents the souls of men as being on this day before the Divine Tribunal at the auuual assizes on . high. The great Recording Books lie open aud-4he VhUivkUjiUeUuis are set down, but (and this is the significant element in the con ception) the award in each given case must be sealed by the per son himself, meaning thereby, that, though the varying issues of the New Year proceed rrom God's providence, no one's future is determined apart from what he himself is and does. Out of the above conception has grown up the familiar greeting inter changed by Jews on Rosh Hash anah, namely, "leshonali tovah tikasevu," meaning "May you be inscribed for a good year!" An important feature of the ritual f Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the Shofar or Ram's horn. In ancient days the sounding of this instrument was associated with times of national crisis and other solemn occa sions. There are various fanci ful explanations of the counec tion of the Shofar with the cele bration of Rosh Hashana. Each of its dominant notes likewise nas been given a symbolic sig nificance. As the tones of the Shofar are of a peculiarly pierc ing quality the sounding of the Shofar may be regarded as a clarion -call "to the conscience to . - strive after the higher life in New Year The prominence ac corded to the ceremony of the sounding of the Shofar during the services has made Rosh Hashanah known as the Yom ha- Teruah, "the day of the Sound iug of the Shofar." News and Observer. Stop the first Cold. A cold does not get well of it setr. rne process or wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough becomes serious if neglected. . : Hacking coughs dram the energy and sap the vitality. For 47 years the happy combination of soothing antisep- tic balsams in Dr. King's New Discovery has healed coughs and relieved congestion. Young arid old can testify to the effective- ness of Dr. King's New Discov- j ery for coughs and colds. Buy ( a bottle to day at your Druggist, i Rn non)sa ! 50 cent. PICKETING ON NEW YORK CAR LINES, How Labor, Refusing ti Work. Attempts to Prevent Outers mm So. New York, Sept. 24. While several unions, representing vari ous trades, met today and discuss ed plans for the threatened "sus pension of work'' Wednesday in aid of the carmen who quit their places September 6 active picket ing of the transit lines which have been declared "unfair" by organized labor was begun by thous nds of men and women Sentinels were posted through out the city to Watch for union men riding on the cars. All cases of the kind will ba reported to the unions to which the men belong and fines will be assessed it was said. Eight hundred coopers, affiliat ed with the longshoremen's union, it was announced voted in favor of a general strike. They will take no further action, however, until a definite decision is reached by the longshoremen, it wusaid. Except for sporadic attacks against elevated railway trams by men lurking on housetops, there was little outward change in the situation. Service on the subway and elevated lines con tinued normal, while surface car travel showed improvement. What few attacks there were up on cars today were or a minor character, according to the police. No one was injured. Jitneys and various other vehicles pressed in to service during" the strike an parently did a thriving business especially on the East Side of the city where many union sympath izers refused to patronize the transit companies. Forget Yonr Aches. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame backmgke life aSu rden . I f you suffer from rheumatism, jrout, ulmbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the univer sal remedy for pain. Easy , to apply; it penetrates without rub bing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effec- ive than mussy ointments or poultices. For strains or spains. sore muscles or wrenched liga ments resulting from strenuous exercise, Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergencies. Atyour Drug gist, 25c. No Business Concerns Left in Hiddenite. Statesville, Sept 23. As a result of the disastrous lire at the little village of Hiddenite Friday afternoon and night the entire business section of the town is completely wiped out, with the exception of one or two small store buildings which were locat ed in an isolated part of the town. A visit to this town by your correspondent since the fire oc curred discloses the fact that there is practically no business enterprises left. Formerly a thriving and pros perous little town of around six hundred inhabitants, located in Alexander county, near the foot of the famous Brushy Mountains, and with a business section which comprised a large roller mill, planing mill eight or ten stores, in addition to a drug and hard ware store, and other various es tablish men tStHbe place now pres ents a spectacle -of ruin and de solation. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that every family should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be endured until - physician arrives or medicine can beobtained, ChamW.ain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it af- - , . n,, . , , .fords. Obtainable every where. OF POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Politicians s are Tiyiw to ' ton, M tb Ftt-1 pie Are Harching fram Victory to Victory. Romanism dies hard io Florida the same as elsewhere. The treatment being accorded the Hon Sidney J Catts by his disguntled opponent, W .V Knott, and bis Roman Catholic backers and henchmen, after Catts honestly and fairly secured the Democratic nomination for . governor at the June primaries, is enough to dis gust every citizen who believes in law and order. Knott is contesting the nomina tion of Catts and in the course of the contest it develops that Knolt is gaining voles. The latest re port is to the effect thai he has gained 401 votes, leading Catts by 134 votes, while prior to the recount Catts hd a plurality of 267 votes. According to Florida papers with the cour ge to print the truth, ballot boxes have been opened, ballots changed in Knott's favor and in some instances Catt's entire vote stolen and destroyed. The matter is now before the supreme court of tffe State. Knott has applied to the ccurt to be ! placed on the ballot as the legal nominee, while Mr Catts is con testing the legality of the recount of ballots. Instances of glaring fraud come to light in many precincts where a recount has been made and the fraud always happens to be in favor of the candidate Rome would prefer to see recognized. If this fraudulent recount is al lowed to stand and if Mr Knott is placed on the ballot at the general election as the legal nominee, every patriot of the State, regardless of former affilia tions, should go to the polls at the general election ia November and scratch out the name of W. V. Knott and iusert instead the name of Sidney J. Catts This is the only sure and effec tive way of rebuking-the treason able hand of Rome in Florida politics, and the onlv way to re deem the State in the eyes of the outside world. It will be remembered that early in the game, before the primaries the Romanized democratic State committee of Florida attempted to disfranchise every voter worthy of the name by ruling that no man should vote who belonged to any secret society that had any thing to do with politics. The same crowd that tried to disfranchise the Catts following then are trying to steal the elec tion from him now. The people repudiated the Ro mish gang's first treason Now let them repudiate their attempt to steal the nomination from a man who won it fair and square! The surprise of the campaign wzs the defeat of Congressman Daniel J. McGillicuddy inthesec ond'district, says the New York Times in speaking of the Maine election It would indeed, bo difficult to overestimate the significance of the Maine election, and especially the defeat of Congressman Mc Gillicuddy, the zealous subject of the pope, whose political record has been so pleasing to the up holders of the papal system who are waging war against our fun damental democracy. This congressman, though less offensively anti-American than Messrs. Gallivan and Fitzgerald has proved himself a most faith ful representative of the papal sovereign in his votes and influ ence in Congress, We call to mind no instance where he has failed to support the measures desired by the Roman hierarchy. Constipation the Father of fflany Ills. Of the numerous ills that affect humanity a large share start with constipation. Keep your bowels regular and they may be avoided When a laxative is needed take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Ob- tamable everywhere. Kiffen Rockwell Killed Few Hours Alter Pro- - s.Pt 24.-Aeriai fight-i ing in which Sergt. Kiffen Rock- I well of North Carolina was mor tal! y wounded yesterday morn ing by a German airman t ok place over the town of Thann. The body of the American avia tor fell in reconquered territory in Alsace near the spot where Rockwell shot down his tirtst adversary five months ago. , Rockwell was serving as a volunteer in the Franco Auieri- can flying corps on the Verdun front. A few hours previous to the engagement he had been pro m ted to the rank of second Lieutenant but died without Knowing of the new honor. Ht already had received the mili 'ary medal for shooting down a ertnau two sea-Ler .near llart-mans-Weilerkopf in May. He it :'t i do i awollier before Ve dun and had participated in a ihi illi iij combat in which near ly all the Franco-American to. til la was engaged with a strorg -vt rr T i merman iorce. ne was wounaea during t ie ti. ht by a fragment of shell while enausjed alone with three adversaries. State of Ohio, City of j Toledo, Lucas County, j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, county State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of One nunarea uoiiars ror eacn ana becired bv the use of Hall's Catarrh Our. Frank J. Cwtwrv. Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. Glbason, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimon als free, . F J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. Address: F. J. Chenev & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by all drug- gists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Deaths Due to Carelessness en Railroad. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 20. Death overtook 174 persons, while walk ing on tracks, swinging trains, or otherwise trespassing on the property of the Southern Railway during tne year euaea June auia, JJ .1 1- J T -. 1- Despite all warnings of its dang- er, the practice of trespassing on railroad property seems on the increase! For the three previous jrcaia tuc uumuci ui ncapasacia killed on the Southern was as follows: 1913-155; 1914-126; 1915-146. making witn ivib a total of 601 lives sacrificed ' to careiessness. statistics snow tnat the great majority of railroad rpQrasafr5 Irillprl arp 11sffll1 riti I 7,ens. Wage earners, using the tracks while walking to and from their work, rurnisn a large pro portion while fully a third are school boys, killed, while "hop ping" trains. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 21. As the result of automobile drivers fail ing to heed "Stop, Look and Lis ten" warnings, there were 57 automobile accidents at crossings ot public highways with Southern Railway tracks during the year ended June 30, taking a toll of 12 lives and 59 personal injuries. In 1915 there were 69 such accidents, resulting in 12 deaths and 58 in juries. According to States, the number of accidents, deaths, and injuries in 1916 were as follows: Accidents: Alabama 7, Georgia 11, North Carolina 11, South Carolina 17. Tennessee 10, Vir ginia 1. Deaths: Georgia 2, North Carolina 4, South Carolina 3, Ten.i.ioce 3. Injuries: Alaba ma Georgia 8, North Carolina 14 South Carolina 14, Tennessee 13 Virginia 1. Bow to Give Good Advice. The best way to give good ad vi. r i to set a cood examole. When others see how ouicklv vou get over your cold by taking Chamberlain s Cough Kemedy they are likely to tonow your ex- ample. This remedy has been in frr tnanv rpars arm pmnn art u excellent reputation. J : - j-j - Obtainable , everywhere. TUBERCULOSIS WEEK IN DECEMBER. It is Suggested N. C Will Observe Mena! Tubercuiosis Week Dec. 3-10. Inclusive. It has been suggested that tuberculosis week be observed in North Carolina the week of December 11-10. This week has been set apart by the National Association for the study and Prevention of Tuberculosis in which spectal attention may be gived this all important subject in every State in the Union. Through the Tuberculosis Bu- reau of thts State, of which Dr. L. B. McBraver rf t,hi fifato . w v-- - Vb U w Sanatorium is at the head, efforts will be made to enlist the co-op eration of the churohos. tha schools, and all anti-tuberculosis aud public health organizations in bringing tuberculosis to the attention of the people. During the week three special feature davs will be held. On Wednesday, December 6, which is National Medical Examination Day, an effort will be made to get every body, men, . .... " . women, a id children, whether sick or Well, to have an examination to fi'id out ifthey have any inpay ments or defects oi' their bodies t iat need attention. On Fridav. December 8, known as Children's Health Crusade Day, it is hoped that the schools will pay special attention to fighting tuberculosis, and on Sunday, December 3, which will be observed in this State as Tuberculosis Sunday. speciai sermons will be preached atld exercises held in the church es featuring this grave and timely subject. Are Yea Looking Old? Old age comes quick enough without inviting- it. Some look old at forty. That is because they neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your bowels regular and your liver healthy and you will not only feel younger but look younger When troubled with constipation or biliousness ti-.ke Chamberlain's TaMcts. They are intended especially for these ailments and are excellent. Ei -iy to take and- most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. 150 Gallons Still Is Captured. Acting on a tip received from Sheriff Sprinkle, of Davie county, I . M . Kevenue Utncer Taioert accc .n- panied bv Deputy Sheriff Graham ft Salisbury Saturday, u ale a rjde of thirt v-eiffht ar les u. iuto yacjHn county and on the lai Is ot 1(ot)ert KeaVeS 1 U ti 4. CCl- plete distillery in f ill operiticm. Three nun who w re lendi the still succeeded in escapi on approach of the officers buc t ie The still consisteu oi a t ppor worm ot ?.bO gaivm capici:yt i mice lO-gallon fernicnter "id aii appurtenances trat : o to make up a com r. etc wr skey factory. The plait woulo in ventory $350. Si aie low vvk-cs were destroyed but ihe plant was new and there were no completed spirits. Clear bad Skin From Withui. Pimply, muddy complexions are duo to impuT-iuj u tee blood. Clear up the sk?ri by iaking Lr. King's Now Life P'iis. Tbeir mild laxative qua;ifus remove the poisons from ,he yste a and brighten the eye A full, froe, non-griping bowe- movement is the reward of a doe of Dr. King's New Life Pi1.' the niht beloie. At your Druggist. lic. Forecast for September. From 4 to 11, fair, some stormy west and south, a i i c-o!. From U to 19, c.i neabk md mild witii threo i.uj-N nl .-ng, some clear and ; A. From 19 to 27, frequent show ers along, and cod. From 27 to Oct. 4th, cool showers and colder from Pacific storms northwest September shows fairly good weather here only. Some cool, froof at it of month. mostly .outhwest and j I . . tj I eabl xxk uaiu, R-3, Box 167, Salisbury, N, 0,

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