0 4 .f.-KZ'K"' ' ... --- - , . ,.('" - . . " ft .... J,' 1 . ' " 7 " : , 'f. . .": .. s.. -., . : ... .--:..?'r;':- ry. etipv t Enetrad wccadxiim imwrf Jaaaagy fed, 1379. 0 Salisbury, N. C, Dec! 13, 1916 AU the little societies are getting ready to send com mitteeato the legislature to tell the people's representa tives what their little handful of members want done ' to keep the masses straight. The pity of it is the , legislature seems to forget that laws should only be made at the behest of a majority of our people and not to accommo date a mere handful repre Bented by irresponsible com mittees. I So Germany, she that was bo anxious to get into a scrap, now wants peace when there is no peace. Facing utter and ultimate, destruction she calls for a cessation of the hostilities she started crying in the name of that humanity that Bhe has ruthlessly and deliberately trodden umler foot, of which the little Bth gians are a bleeding example. All would like to see the war stop, -but let Germany fiibt; enjoy soma of that humanity Bhe has shown others. There will be no permanent peace until this is done. We fenow not that Germany mereW wants time to recuperate aud pick a betier opportunity to strike again. Her overtures seem more of a boast and demand than a sincere wish. Fxposure is the most fre-" w a aiient cause of cousrhs. Si i j j u ; TT . w AUU8 CU1U gllJJJC. X ItC JCL1C z trating dampness starts the chill, the germ gets a foothold and sneezing, "sniming and coughing are the consequences. - " When you notice that grippy, stuff ed-up feeling take Dr. Kings New Discovery and stop its progress. The pure balsams in this old reliable cough " and cold remedy soothe the sore throat, the antiseptic qualities cut the phlegm and kill the germ and the cold is quickly relieved. Have a bottle handy for grippe, croup and bronchial roughs. . You'll like it Your druggist has sold it for years. Christmas Holiday Round Trip Fares Via Southern Railway. The Southern Railway will sell round trip Christmas Holi day tickets to and from all points between Washington, 1). 0., New Orleans, Memphis and Cincinnati, taking th entire Southern Railway Systnm. Dales of Sale: December 20lh to 25th inclusive with final return limit of January 10, 1917. Why not spend at least part of you" Holiday Vacation with friends and loved ones, and in so doiug, travel v:a the Southern Railway Fast thru trains, thru sleeping cara and dining cars to all principal points. For full, complete and detailed information, call on any agent of the Southern Railway or write R, H. DeBctts, Division Passenger Agent, No 23 South Try on Street. 'The Travel Shop" Charlotte, N. C. uThe Southern Serves the South." J udging by some stuff ap pearing in print recently one might imagine Salisbury boys are in about the same condi tion as the Belgians, or rather that theit? not a church, a school, or a single opportune ty for any of them within fifty miles othw plaee, and worse, the parents of these boys are1 a- set of molly 'coddles who haven't brain enough or interest enough in their offsprings to furnish them with" a shoe string or a drink of water. When par ents fail to jive their children those things necessary for their welfare they had as well decide on the child's failure, . No one else is fit to take such responsibility nor are they any more virtuous or compe tent to do 60, nor can they be expected to bave anything like the feeling and interest in your child that you should have. After many years of community effort in London a meeting was held la'st week deploring the fact that such efforts were a flat failure or rather vice among the youth of that place had reached its flood tide. Parents look after your boys " yourself , about all the men jn this country worthy of . the name "were raised by their parents. WeotedCoIJs Grow Worse. mA cough that racks and irritat es the throat may lead to a seri ous chronic cough, if. neglected. The healing pine balsams in Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey Nature's own remedy -will soothe and re lieve the irritation, breathing will be easier, and the antiseptic pro perties will kill the germ which retarded healing. Have it handy for croup, sore throat and chronic bronchial affections. Get a bottle today Pleasant to take. At all Druggists, 25c. Peoples' National BecK Salisbury, N.O. -WE PAY FOURPER CENT on time de DoesGeneral Banking Business posits. Interest payable every 8 months Prompt attomon given to any buai- . Mis entrusted io us. Your business solicited. 3Peo;?23s National Bank JohnS. Henderson, J. D. Norwood,' president. cashier. p. Ia Oaskiil, W. T. Bnsbjr, Y-rrssident, Ait. cajfcier 0 H K K W K m n "Onyx" ' Hosiery i You Get GOOD Value at ANY Price Silk; lisle or Cotton 25c to $5.00 per pair WHOLESALE Emery -Beers Company, inc. 1S3-J61 EAST 24th ST, NEW YORK n ii (Vnio to Helk-Harry Cos to do your shopping. We sell for ash only and sell for less. You not only save money in buying your Dry Goods. Shoes and Clo-hing of u bu you have the satisfaction of knowing that you always get a r equiire deal and everything must be satisfactory or we make it so. M lef ore Christmas Specials in t adies' Coat Suits, Coats, Etc. Coat Suifc, 498. We still have a few of last season's coat suits that were marked $15.00 and $25. 00 You ccn buy one of these coat suits now for only $4.98 $10 00 Goat Suits $5.95 New, this season's style coat suits made of all wool serge, $ 10 value, Our before Xmas price $5.95 $12 50 coat suits made of a A wool serge, new this season's style fur trimmed etc, Our special price $7.95 $15 CO coat suits. These are especially fine and stylish materials serge and poplin Our special price $9.95 $20 00 coat suits made of poplin, serge, velours etc All new this season's style Our special price $14.95 Our Shoe Stock. We have a big stock of shoes of all kinds Women's $2.00 Kangaroo blucher shoes for only ft 1. Aft Women's $2 00 vici kid dress shoes 1.48 Women's gun metal shoes 1.95 Women's high top fine shoes at $2.75, 3.50 and 5.00 Big stock of men's and boys' good heavy winter Tuff Hide shoes. Priced for less than others ask. Specials in Coats of All Kinds. Women's $5 long black coat for $3.98 Women's $7.50 nice iong black coats velvet collar and a real nice stylish coat Our special price $4.98 Ladies' $5 oo sport coat for $3.98 Ladies' $8 50 grey and brown plaid coat These are exceptional values $4.95 Better coats for $7.45 and 0.05 Millinery Winter millinery at reduced price Children's hats at 25c and 48c Ladies' hats at - 98o and $1.48 Children's 50c Teddy Bear cap for 25c Men's Clothing Men's nice winter suits $4.98 and 6.45 Our Belk's special suits made of- all wool material at $9 95, $12 50 and $15 mi If you do not tr; de with us we both lose money, so let's do buainess. -HARRY CO., Salisbury. DELK M t4 M M aiMHIMHHHIlIIiniHHIHmillUUIMIMUNMM 1 r .. - '-v eai - . Hi Notice. This Big Store is "BRIM" full of Gift Ideas. Never before have we had such a complete stock, nor has it been in our power to offer you the many "Bargains" we have in store for you for this. Holiday Season. See us before buying. Here we List a Few Useful Gifts Shirts Sweaters Hats Neckties Caps Hose Shoes Boys' Suits (x loves Boys Caps Tants Boys' Hose Mackanaws O'coats Handkerchiefs etc. A Word About Christ mas Gifts. Read this suggestion with care, it is to your advantage. "Give something useful this X-mas." Think that over, Does it not sound like a suggestion in many ways? First, by doing so you save your friend money, bacause, if you had not given him a hat, sweater, pair shoes, shirt, nsck tie or something of that sort, he woufd have to buy it, "al so your gift," in the old way making Christmas a heavy expense and being no better off but worse when it is over. Fecond, he will want what you give him and you will have the satisfaction of knowing it because you will see him we nr it. Just think it over. I! id! sums I 1 St II SALISBURY CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO Or you wil! be struck by Christmas before you know it. How about that Suit? Look it over. Think you can pull through the Holiday Season with it all right? If not come into this Big Ftore and let us show you some wonderful values in AND O'COATS: $10, $12.50, 15.00 & $25.00 I DRO j 1- - .:;