LOCAL NEWS , of interest to -ALL OF OUR READERS The brick wrk on the Gon-i gregationalist ctiirrch has been completed, the roof is now ou and a force of men are placing the lathes pre paratory to plastering o the interior. T hern was received Thurs day throagh Holshouser & Howan a beautiful lecturn in the form of a large Americau eagle in handsomely-polished brass for St John's Lutheran church which is worth about $300. ' The sale of the personal property of the late Philip Sowers was held at the home stead ou the Yadkin Wednes day and many Salisburians were present. Prof LC Brogden, of Ra leigh, supervisor of element .ary and rural schools, will be in Salisbury ou the 24th to address the Rowan County Teachers' Association. Rev C L Brown, a returned missionary from Japan, who is touring the South to raise funds for broadening the work of the Southern Luther an church in Japan, address ed two large congregations a St John's and Haven Luther an churches Sunday After speudiug two months in Spencer with his mother and relatives H T Hackett and family left Monday for their home in St Anothy, Iowa. The old Ben Fraley home on East Inness street was sold Monday at public auction to Charles Klultz. the highest bidder, the consideration be. ing $8,300- On this lot ptands one of the oldest frame struc tures in the city. Drives Out Malaria, Cuilds Up Sys v The CMd Standard gc-ccral strengthening wx , GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drre Malaxia,enriciies the blood, and boUdsnpUw- -frm. A true tonic For adult and children Hk A check for. $451.40 was received from the State trea surer to he pi id to the mei bers of the 4th Co, 0 A O, for teir brvices in Wilmington last July. The Sparks circus will start on the epr'ug and summer 1nnr some time tlie firt of April, pr jbably 9th or 10th As has been the custom Salis bury will have the opeuing performance. To Care a Cold In One Day Take IJUEATIVE BROMO Quinine. It topi the Cough and Headache and work ofi the Cola. Drurcista refund money if it fails ; to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. zsc. Miss Margie rtitcn and n W Harry left Monday even ing for New York to pun-h ifh spring and pnrnmer goods for the Belk-Harry store here, Miss Ritch making her serai- annna! trin to ourchasS the millinery stock. Thtt srftpnnd week of thb February term of Rowan Su perior court didn't open Moo day morning as was scheduled but convened Tuesday morn ing with Judge M H Justice presiding. It is handling th civil cases this week. Tte'aisiaina That Docs fftt at"ci V-.c f 2 v-vv c its tonic at!'! laxaave e'cv I. A. .jet QUININE is better lh-n or jr-ai 6'J-io- tni'Vv" "t cause nervousness- v. li'l i. Si- r- -.atT the to.SI ? S. w th. The Martin meetings began Sunday night in the First Baptist church with Prof Lycn as master of singing and will continue through the week. Large congregations are evident iiv attendance every day and night. The Southern's -station at whitney has bstrn torn do u owiosrtothe fact that there is not much business for tut railroad". The water when the big dam is completed will cover much of the old power plant which came to naught. No. 633 This it prescription prepared eipedaSy 1or MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or aix dote will break may caac, and if taksn then u a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on die liver better that Calomel and doea not fripeornckca. 25a I """"j . CJ W Whitlock attended tin funeral and interment of I his brother, W. E Whitlock, in Concord Wednesday after- f m J ' a - nn Uuuu. xueittjeasea was oa years old and his death was uuo lu WPitay. George T Wilhelm, of Gra- ham, who was in Salisbury for treatment, died Wednes- day night and his remains were sent to Graham for in- terment. John Allison, the 15-month I old son of Mr and Mrs Clyde Enuie, died at their home on West Innea street Thnredav morning of pneumonia Thr. interment took place m the. Chestnut Hill cemetery Fri' day morning. Clyde William, the seven mnnthwM infant nf Ur M ,ru , j.j . rs Thomas Waller, died at their home on Chestnut Hi' 1 Friday after an illness of some a days andthe interment took place in the St Peter'e church I cemetery iu Saturday. an try Mrs Lela Bullock Foy, of exington, died of peritonitis at the sanatorium here Thurs day where she was for treat ment. She wae a favorite witn the people of Lexington. I Three small children besides I he husband survive her. She was 31 years old. David Yates, aged about 21 years and single, died at tht home of his brother on Boun dary street, near the Kesler mill, of measles followed by pnemonia, Sunday afternoon. lie had ben employed at a sawmill near Wood leaf but Cime Mere wneu BtricKen. The interment took place in the Chestnut Hill cemetery Unndflv. I A. Jones Yorke, of Concord well-known traveling and 1 : .if :ilhim as the medicine we gave uutiutra wail u BbBte rnputation, aied at a JSalw-1 more hosDital Monday night -1. : it,:. on Fit jo j I operation performed Saturday to relieve some stomaen trouble. He was welt known in this city, having married Miss TnomDon uera some years ago, , Johu EUiP, aged 75, who was one tine a resiieni 01 a T A f , Prospect Church - ueighbor hnnH hnt mnvd to Tl!inoifl i 1 I-- ai where he lived for 40 yars vwv - was ground to pieces h.neath a passenger iraiu uniug iaci mai UBauu iu i and quite deat. He was a Confederate soldier antl wall known in the'eountv. Hrtfll. affHd 90 vears. ' ""c 1 ' uio" " u - """' itH o( hi 1 nnmn npp I ifilTiJi Grove Fridfiy , grippe uciug me oauDC. remains were miBrrt-u u iuc . A. J f 1.1. I ML Zion chnrch cemetery Sunday mornicg. feurviviug are two grown eona and Cia brother. He was a Confed erate soldier and throughout the war served Constipatip Bakes Tin Dull. That draggy, listless, oppres s ed feeling generally results irom nonstioation. The instestinea are cloarffed and the blood be- nomes Doisonea. JK-eiieve inis . . T- . 1 condition at once with Dr King's New Life Pills: this gentle, non- griping laxative is quickly ef-! fective. A dose at bedtime will make you feel brighter in the morning. Get a bottle today at I your druggist, 25c. - Wednesday Dight Sheriff Krider had no trouble in finding tbe man wanted for peddling g30ds in Salisbury without license as the peddler was unaware that Krider was an officer, exhibited him his pistol and said he expected they would fine a fellow for carrying a weapon around. The man' was taken into cus tody and proved to be theon wanted. He paid the fine $25 and costs. MARRIAGES j Miss May A Cbristenbury, of Cabarrus county, and C A Harrison, of Spencer, were married at the home of the bride's grandfather. VV H Lee, in Cabarrus Wednesday, Rev Snyder officiating. Friends in Salisbury will beinterested intheaiiDoiince ment of the coming wedding of Miss Laura Heirue. of Al nemarle, and Ernest Myron Henning of South Carolina, the wedding to take place in June. Winter Brina Colds to Mien. ' A chilu rarely goes through the whole winter without a cold, nd evaiT mother should have a reuao! remedy nanay. r ever, v 1 1 erouDv coughs are sure symp- v.ira rnnwr. Tier nr. n.nasr. n.nn torns. A dose ol lr tfeii s me a j ti-h r; Tar Honey will loosen the phlegm relieve the congested lungs and stop the cough , Its antiseptic piue balsams heal and soothe. cor croup, wnoopmg cuugu aau Lhronic Vronchil troubles try Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. At u druggists, 25c. TfrQ tflf DOg SaYQS t Child. Portland, Ore., Feb. 15. Mrs Ben Gehlem dived into the mill race which runs past her home and rescued her two-year-old son, who was being swept down the stream when the boy's dog with which he was at play, warned her nf th child's dane-er. The mother noticed the dog running frantically up the stream and barking. She rushed to the ditch to investigate and found the j boy being carried away by the current. The boy suffered little, but the mother has been ill from the shock. Wkftn Tsa Hits 1 Cild. It is when you have a severe cold that you appreciate the erood Qualities of Chamberlain's Cou2h Remedy. Mrs. Frank ,jrocker, Pana, 111., writes Our five-years old son Paul caught a severe cold last winter 1.1 . ii . 3 i f i j 1 had terrible coughing spells! We were greatly worried about Wm did notUelp him least. A neighbor spoke so high, Iy of Chamberlain's (Jough Kem say toai 1 ifut a uuwa ui it iue first dose benefited him so muh lhat t COniinued.giving it to him until he was cured " Gen. Fans tin is Stricken Onto Dsath. San Antonio Tex., Feb. 19. Maj (yea. Frederick Funston, comm ander of the southern department of the United States army bince enruary. iy aiea suaaeniy a, a hotel here tonight a lew mm I ... - . n lutes alter ne naa nnisnea am- I a lobby hotd ulki to friends and was playing with iiule Iflez silyerbenr, of Des M0ineSf ia., a guest with her pa rents at the hotel, when he fell I unconscious. Death was almost astantaneous I o 1 tn..-. ei I J I : x -l. inn 1 1 aver aiuce utariu, uit, w ucu ; he was plaeed in command of all United Stat forces on the Mex. f border. General Funston had worked at an urlusuai paCe. At critical times in border develop meats be frequently remained on duty 20 hours of the 2. HOW YOU GET SICK 8omet!mea yon overload yonr atomach with rich foods. .Tour life may be an active one. and thus you may care tor all you eat. But a few daya of inactivity ahow your system doea not call for bo muen. You awake in 'the morning tired. Tour body feels heavy; you know you are not up to the mark. Tour dl-eatlon has not cared for the overload. Part of it remains. It reiterates gas that inflames the deUeaU llnlnga. The;? tail to pour Sat the figes&ve fluids and nerlect to absorb he Ufe-grivfns elements. Ton know something is wrong. Tour body gets weak, and soon opportunity la offered for some se vere Ulnes. Taken in time, the Indigestion A.t .nt kannrA ftfri nnH. First re- move the overload: then soothe thn sort vtembranes; then build up the weakened body. It'a simple to say, but not too easy to do. Tou need help. A tonic that win Quicken diges tion, help remove waste, soothe the soreness and arouse the system that's Just what you need. Peruaa has an enviable record in this respect. It has aided many thousands in the test century, to overcome Just these conditions, and thereby prevent serious sickness. The tablet form Is convenient for regular administration. rnmiUn, JZT. Wver tonic. 7 U.fO unpleaa- enecis form V. aw no- he iitv 10c and Sfto. of.Jfl Jiliw? Co O. THIRD TER1 BILL DEAD Road Band Bill Gm to its Third Reading vi b Lares Following Raleigh, ,Peb. 1'. Oovernor Bickett's measure ioraiaendins; the state c-nstituuou to prohibit more than l vyo successive terms for state ainl three for- country officers, barring 3uc(jc;a), educa tional and liealih branches, was tabled in the senate today. Thus passed into nothingness a recom mendation that brought perhaps the biggest applause gained in the inaugural address. . Not only was the bill tabled but it was killed so dead that it cannot be revived durning the remaining days. . The state officers who have held steadily throughout the century and received last year renewed commissions iu statewide primiries were happy today. The house bill by Senator Clark providing for semi-aunual bond issues of $4 0,000 at 4 per cent, to take care of county bonds at 5 per cent, in roadbuilding under the system of liquidation of principal and interest in 41 years, was laia oeiore tne senate and discussed at leugth before opposition ny Senator Little oi Anson, and others was overcome and the bill put through second reading without opposition. It is a roil can Din ana naa to go over for final reading. Senator Little feared that there would be a crippling of the state's credit by this automatic semi-annual system of bond issues, but the b:g following the bill had ou talk ed the senator. The bill to limit the terms of state officers to two terms and c iuntry officers to three terms, 11 line with the rec )ninaendttion of Governor Bickett. came up ii the senate and was disposed oi in short order, a motion by Long of Halifax to table beinsr carri without discussion ar.d thei mot'on to reconsider atul tSen to table ihit motion being put thro igh to apply "the ''clincher ' so that it cannot be resurrected at this session. IV.c-s Cured In 6 to 14 Days Seer drng'ffttt wlU refund money If PAZC OINTMENT lail 10 cure any case of Itchlna" B'rtK' , Dleidi nj or Prot rudinf Piles In 6 tol4daya The fit it abolition wivca Eaaaod Beat SO INCREASE IN BIG INCOMES Figures Show What Current Year Government Tax Is. Expected to TotaU- War prosperity has doubled the muinber of our citizens having an nual incomes of $20,000 to $500,000 in the last year as compared with the year previous, Thomas F. Logan writes in Leslie's. The receipts from the individual income tax show an increase of $27,000,000, the total for the year ended June 30 last being $67,943,294. According to the esti mates of the commissioner of inter nal revenue this will be raised during the current year to $111,750,000. New York paid one-fourth of all the corporation income taxes and nearly one-half of all the direct income taxes collected last year. In the lat ter respect it yielded nearly five times as much as Pennsylvania, nearly six times as much as Illinois, more than even times as much as Ohio. The five states named paid four-fifths, of the income tax collected m the Unit ed States. One hundred and twen ty Americans have incomes of a mil lion or more a year, not counting in come from capital stock. New York supplied seventy-four and Pennsyl yaniaten. New Jersey and Ohio fol low, with seven and aix, respectively, while Connecticut, Delaware and Il linois have four each. Of the south ern states having residents with in comes of $1,000,000 per annum, or moTe, the returns give one apiece to Georgia, Missouri and Oklahoma. HIS PLACE Mr. Teapot All 1 just put me "hftok nn a nio hot stove and VOU bet I can drawl w Mf4r' 81 J r IRESLOEBTUW Provides $1 ,00a Fun For Any Perm Trt&kJ porting honor lata Dry Territory Washington, Feb. 19. "Who ever shall order, purchase, or cause intoxicating liquors to be transported In interstate com merce, execpt for scientific, sa cra mental, medicinal and mech anical purposes, into any state or territory the law of which state or territory prohibit the manufacture or sale therein of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or six months in jailor both." The above little "joker" which Senator Reed placed in the post- office appropriation bill is giving members of Congress and sen ators from dry states no end of trouble. It is also worrying the prohibition leaders. It has wor ried the latter so much that not withstanding the fact that inso far as dry territory is concerned the passage of-thia amendment means "bone dry" states wher ever the states desire such a conditon. E, C. Dinwiddie, head of the national temperance bur eau and president of the Nation al Anti Saloon league would not give a direct answer tonight when asked if the league favored the bill. "We are not opposing the measure," was the way Dr. Din widdie evaded the question. "Does not this bill go as far is the prohibitionists may even expect to go?" was the question put to the head of the Anti-Rum league. - "We are not opposing this bill," was the answer to this question. Dr. Dinwiddie, along with a number nf other people svho have been agitating the nt saloon movement feel certain however that this bill is going t pass. They know it can be pass d if thoy exrt half mfluet'co hey have exertel en otlur neasures which gave a h t'f wav orohibition in maiy states, ff ney really wantpr hi mi ion they an g-tit now. Do th-iy vant it? R heamatism attacks the r j uuuiuc roan, rains ana aches stiffen his ioints and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the nrst twinge get Sloan s Liniment, easy to apply, it pent- 'rztes 'withoot rubbtn and soothes he soreness. After that lonj? drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply 31osa,s Liniment to those stiff fingers; aching wrists and arms. For gout, neuralgia, toothache, bruises, praim, cold feet, it is promptly effective. At all druggists, 25c. 50. and 5l,Wi Met. North Carolina, Rowan County. ) In Rowan county court S March Term. 1917. Mary Annie Earnhardt s Robert Lee Earnhardt j The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in tbe Superior Court ol Rowan county, K. C, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plamtin and defendant on account or tbe defendant having committed fornication and adultery as alleged in the complaint, aid the said Robert Lee Earnhardt will further take notice that be is required to appear at the term of the Roperiwr court of said county to be held on tbe nrst Monday after the first Monday in March, the same being March 12. at the court honee of sai county in Salisbury and answer or demur to tbe complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will appeal to the court for tbe relief demanded in sain complair.t. This February 7. 1917. J. rBAHJf Mot FBKprs, clerk Johnii Kepqlenjan, attorney .RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's the sureA way to stop them. The best rubbing Hniment is ST M Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for iiour own A dies, Pains, Rhev.rvtism, Sprez-a Cuts, rsuriii, ttc. 25c. 50c $1 At all Dcalera. j III pi nil TV Many Women in 1th by Convincing Proof of This Fact if J tJ Mrs, O. M. Rhines Ridgway, Penn. T Sfrt, I4ndsey Now Keeps House For Seven. nnille,Ga, "I want to tell you how much I have been benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. About eight years ago I gQt in i such a low state of health I was unable to keep house for three in th ffuaily, . I had dtUL tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and hands nearly all the tfcno and eoiild scarcely sleep at all. The doctor said I had a seveye case of ulceration and without an operation I would always be an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist advised my husband to get Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has entirely cored me. Hew I keep house for seven and work in the garden some, too, I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it saved my life and have recommended it to others and they have been benefited ".Mrs. W. E. Lindsby, R. R. 3, Tennille, Ga: If you want special advice write to Lydia J2. Pinkham. Medi cine Ck. (confidential) Liynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened read and.answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. TQ)oorIy ventilated, drafty school rooms a freqjicnt source of colds. Contact with children who have colds is another cause. -Damp clothing and wet feet are often responsible for that croupy cough, sore throat and tight chest Ur. rving 9 Mew Discovery is the remedy for your children when they catch cold. Grown-ups like it too. For nearlv 50 vears it has been used in bronchial aff ec- tions with satisfactory results. Si It quickly loosens the cough ana cnecics tne coia. Your druggist has sold for yeari, Try it WINTER TOURIST FARES daily until April 30. 1917, to many ploeei in Texas, LoaiEitca and tw Mexico. Stopovers. Keturo limit May si. 1917. SALISBURY'S BIC GENERAL STORE A Full Line ol General Merchandise Constantly On Hand : FOOT REST HOSIERY whether itV appearance .yon want in hoBier y or wheather ii wear you will get t if you get "Foot Rest " And this too ia an enduee ment to most of ue. You'll SAVE MONEY. Fall and winter goods, for men and women, also Dress broodp, Mioes, r;ant?, Overalls, fiats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES.. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, feed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place hadquar ten-while in the city. Very truly, W.W. TAYLOR-, Thone 39. Kh SATISFIED WITH YOUR kyARE YOU KSKV Tat : bsm of veur annotation and your complexion CHOOSE PURE AIDS. THE PURE. DAitJTY. TOILET Cnl THAT hAS 3TOOD JAMES . ORANr. I this Condition Re- Taking Lydia E. i's Vegetable Compound. Ridgway, Penn. I suffered from female trouble with backache and pain in my side for over seven months so I could not do anv of my work. I was treated by three different doctors and was getting discouraged when my sister-in-law told me how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my health, so I now do all of my housework which is not light as I have a little bov three vears nlrt 4i it -only one night Memphis to Texas. No missing connections entire train runs through, Memphis to Texas. Leave Memphis 9:30 p. m. Arrive Dallas 11:45 a. m. next morning, Ft. Worth 1:25 p. m. iolexis Another through train to Texas via Cotton Belt Route leaves Memphis 9:35 a.m. H. H. Sutton. District Paeen?er Agent, 109 Wetitith 8t. CisHftaooga. Tens, heavy weight nuderwear Main St., Salisbury, N. C. COMPLEXION? will Lik? cart cf j?ou. CHOOS ARCHIE r.L,Vf. TH2 TEST FO" VC.:5. "Make th" i&n Be vdiet" SEND 10o F lARjESAMPLc -JLT- T., NEW YORK

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