miiimm ,; I, , i -i -rj wry .r iTl ... X , , A Home Newapaper Published 4a the IuteregfiTtbe People and for Governmental Affairs. ' 1 . - -. : : ..::::. Tlffi volxiii. no; u. fourth series CANCER NOT HEREDITARY NOR CONTAGIOUS Says Arthur Hunter Who Bases His Remarks on Lif8 Insurance Figures. People should ao longer enter tain the fear that they will have cancer because some parent or aucester d'.ed with it, advises Arthur Hunter, president of the Actuarial Society oE America. Mr. Hunter bases his advice on the facts obtained from the vital statistics recorded by six of the largest American life insurance companies He summarizes their investigation as follows: "The statistics show that a man or a woman, one or both of "whose parents died from cancer, is no more likely to die from that disease than those whose family history was free from that blem ish; strong proof should be pre sented in the future to justify asking the public to take any - other point of view. Men and wnmfn whn are in anxiety of mind on-account of the apponr ance in iheir ancestry or immed iate family may dismiss such an xieties as there is no statistical evidence at the present time that the disease of cancer is trans mitted by inheritance in man kind." ' According to Mr. Hunter agai n , there seems little to support the views that cancer is contagious. "If it were," he says, "then in a goodly proportion of cause, the wife would be infected by. her 2augband, or vice versa.'' Offer iug some original figures on this . subject, he says further: "Twenty thousand applicants for insurance were reviewed, and it waS-found that in 483 cases on- , If one of the parents of the ap plicant was stated to have died from cancer, and in four cases both parents were stated to have -jied of "thjdisease. Sumqifag" up the results, it . appears that out of the 492 cases where one or both parents had died of caacer. 43 per cent, of the other parent. Jiad died of some other disease, 6 per cent, were living at an av erageage of 61 and less then 1 jaer cent. 4 out of 492) had died ifrom cancer. This clearly in--dieates that there is very little to ifear from contagion as there (Could hardly be a stronger test than the case-of husband and trife. The significant fact in thi investigation is that there were only four cases' ut of the 20,00" applicants for insurance in which both parents died of cancer " A WOMAN'S BACK. The Advice of This Salisbury Woman is of Certain Value. - "Many a woman's back has many aches and pains. Oftimes 'tis the kidney's fault. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills :are so effective Many Salisbury women know this. Read what one has to say about it: Mrs J F Barber, 510 W. Innes -street, Salisbury, says: "My back causes me a lot of misery, when ever my kidneys get out of order J find Doan's Kidney Pills are the only medicine for curing that trouble. I have taken them for years and they have always been beneficial." Price 50c. at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs Barber had. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y. Old Form of Goyerment Bach at Charleston. Charleston, W. Va., Feb. 23 After heing under a city manag er for two years. Charleston will return to the old form of govern irieut, with the manager rein tisted to a Mayor. The char tebill was so amended yester da,y by the State Senate and the House concurred early today. ChamliMlalifs Tablets. These Tablets arejnteuded es pecially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If yoare troubledith heartburn, or constipations they J Rev. J. H, Weaver Fell 0sai. Rev. John H. Weaver D. D , a prominent minister of the Wes tern North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church, South, and for merly pastor of the First M E. Church, Salisbury, and presid ing elder o the Statesville dis trict, died suddenly in Greens boro Wednesday evening. He was standing on a street corner waning for a car when he was stricken. He fell to the pave ment and was dead in ten min utes. He had just left the pray ermeeting service at West Mar ket Street Methodist church, where he made the closing pray er, and was on his way home when the summons came. Dr. Weaver was 63 years old and a native of Ashe countv. He was educated at Emory and Henry College, Va., and in early !if3 taught school at Jefferson, Asiie county. He e terd the ministry at the age of 27 and at 85 was made a presiding elder. LTa was first a member of the Hjlstcn Conference, which em braced portions of Tennessee, Virgina and western North Car olina and transferred to the Western North Carolina Confer ence when the change hi bound -ry was made which placed all western North Carolina in the W '3 tarn North Carolina Confer ence. He had served charges in this State at Asheville, Hickory, Monroe and other points. He was lor four years presiding el der of Statesville district and during that time made his home in Lenoir. At the close of his term as presiding elder he was appointed pastor of Broad Street iihurch, Statesville, but was sub- jquently changed to Hickory. At the time of his death ha was presiding eider or brreeusboro district. $103 Reward. $100. The readers of this paper -.viii be pleased to lesrn that .here is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is cat arrh. Hall's catarih cure is the only positive cure now known to j the medical fraternity. Catarrh j bcirg a constitutional disease, j requires a constitutional treat-! merit Hall's catarrh cure is taken ' iniernaliy, acting- directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of I the system, thereby destroying i the foundation of the disease, j and eivins1 the oatient strength ; by building up the constitution J n A. C3 ' aud assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have sp much faith in its curative powers j that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails tocure Send for of testimonials Address: F. J. Cheney. & Co., Toledo O. Sold by all druggists 75c Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. Civil Servief Examinations. The following civil, service ex amiaations will be held in Salis bury on the dates named: Clerk ! qualified in modern language on March 7-9; Electrical machinist, Landscape gardener, and Mech anical draftsman March 13; Phy sician March 14; Foreman brick maker March 20; Assistant in market business practice and Copyist draftsman March 21. When Yon Have a Cold. It is when you have a severe cold that you appreciate the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Mrs. Frank Crocker, Pana, 111., writes: ' Our five-years old son Paul caught a severe cold last winter that settled on bis lungs and he had terrible coughing spells We were greatly worried about him as the medicine we gave him did- not help him in the i least. A neighbor spoke so high- iy of Chamberlain's Cough Rem- dy that I got a bottle of it. The drst dose benefited him so much making their rounds for this pur that continued giving it to him pose. All togeter for a cleaner, until he was cured. SALISBURY, Nt WILSON WAITS FOR GONGRESS. Sinking of Laconia Officially Declared Violatiou of Principles for Which 0. S. Stands. Washington, Feb. 27. The sinking of the Cunarder Laconia by a German submarine was stat ed officially to constitute a clear clut violation of American rights. Conclusive official information at the State Department shows that two American women lost their ji.es; that if four other Americans among the passengers and the 14 among the crew were saved, it was only by good fortune and that the vessel was sunk without warning, in direct defi ance of all the principles for which the United States has stood. Consul Frost's reports from the survivors landed at Queenstown and Bantry show that the vessel was strncK oy a nrst torpedo without warning at 10:30 o'clock Sunday night 150 miles off Fast net, when the steamer was travel ing at 17 to 18 knots, on her voyage from New York to Liver pool. The engines were stopped as the ship listed to starboard, wire less calls were flashed broadcast, and six large rockets were sent up. Thirteen boats with pas sengers and crew got away and scattered over two or three miles to prevent collisions in a high sea rolling in 12 foot swells About 20 minutes after the first torpedo, the reports add, and while some of the boats were still nearby, a second torpedo was driven into the vessel, which sank three-quarters of an hour afte? the original attack. The small boats with survivors pitched about during the long hours of the night until rescue came. During this time, the two American women, Mrs Mary" E Hgj and Miss Elizabeth Hoy, of Chicago, died of exposure and were buried at sea. There were several other deaths, ' not of Americans. No further facts are needed by this Qoyernmelit, it was stated officially, and no inquiry of any sort is necessary to establish the facts of the case. Both White House and State Department officials seem to feel that the answer must come from Congress. The President, they point out. asked for authority to take steps to prevent just such an act at the very moment when the first news was coming over the caDles. Navrl officers are puzzled by the fact that the Laconia was torpedoed at night. It has been an accepted condition of subma- fine warfare heretofore that the U boats were hampered by dark- j ness aud that snips in open waters ! were in little danger at night. It is believed that the German U-boat happened to be directly in the liner's path, or close to it that the big vessel was distinguishable even with her lights out. Will Take Oath of Office on March 4th. Washington, Feb. 23. It was deflniteiy decided today that President Wilson will take his new oath of office in private in the White House on Sunday, March 4. Whether he will take it again at the public ceremony on Mar ch 5, or merely make that the occasion for delivering his in augural address has not been decided. Clean Up Days. China Grove is have two clean up days, Thursday and Friday. March 8th and 9th. These dates have been decided on by Mayor Voss and the board of alderman and it is hoped every one will take an interest in our ree-ular ; spring cleaning and do their part. Tt is desired that all rubbish of every charater be placed on the street; conveniently located so that the wagons can get it when healthier China Grove. C, WEBHESAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 1917. PRESIDENT ESTABLISH ARMED NEUTRALITY. , Authority to Arm SIsrcfeantmsn and For Such Other measures Asled of Congress. VV ashing ton, Reb. 2f. Presi dent Wilson today took the in evitable step and. asked Congress for authority to use the forces of. the United Stateslto protect Am erican ships and lives against' the (German submarine menace, to put the Nation in state of armed i neuta ity t l ne immediate response was the introduction in the House of a bill empowering-Jiim to furnish guns and gunners to American merchantmen, "tq employ such other instrumentalities and meth ods" as may become necessary, aqd providing for a $100,000,000 bond issue to be used in bis dis cretion for war insurance to en courage American commerce to brave the submarine peril.. The bill may be brought up in the House tomorrow with special rules for its immediate considera tion. ; A similar bill will be consider ed tommorrow by the Senate fo reign relations committee- The President's Jg epectec action, while received m tije main with expressions -of support, threatens to force an extra session of Congresa. The Republicans,'disinclined to grant him blanket authbrity while Congress is in recess, give evi dence of opposing the legislation the President asks, not for the j purpose of withholding it, but to force him to have Congress in special session to take a hanJ in t'ie next steps which they feel will lead to w:;r. T :e liepuhlic ans are receiving passive support from '.lie B-eraocitic elument cb.s as "paeirht." The President's- advisers de-p-ore this srtuajion fur its effect in Germany, where they are con yinc;:.i ii will f?ed the official im pre aiv. n that Congress will not support the President if he finds it necessary to go to war and that he is i.ot sneaking the semi ments of a united country. The Presidftii's request for authority to -?usp oilier jnstru ment4iitie': is the priucipal stick ing point. lOven the Republicans and some oi" the Democrats who hesitate lo give him what he asks, say they would be will ng to fci vo hi.ii authority to arm American ships or act on a Te rmite p;opoial, but are reluctant to "aigii a bhiMk check The. Adniinis'.raUon faces this division in its own ranks in its ef fort to convince the Kaiser that the U ited States is now prepar ing to enforce respect for its rights on the high seas, Some Democfats point to the" Presi deni's o'.vr statement loqay tin aT he considered that he had already implied authority to act, and might do so without sanction of Congress Mr Wilson himself, however, said he preferred not to act on implications, and did not desire to be left without specific authority and no Congress to which to turn. All these things point toward an extra session, al though a way out may develop at the last moment, But at the conclusion of the ad dress when the President spoke or the fundamental rights on which are based the structure of , family, State and liberty, and said, ''I cannot imagine any man . with American principles at heart hesitating to defend - these things," the cheers broke forth and resounded through the chamber. Whatever might have been the opinions of some of those who dissented from his views, it was plain, that they were touched by his words. I At once the wheels of the con- ' gressional machinery began turn-1 ing. The pacifist element took ' stock Of the war -making possibi- ! iities oi me autnoniy ine .f resi dent requested; Republicans, re- luctant to leave the next steps to J the President without Congress i close by to take a band, consider , ed means of forcing an extra ses- j sion, and Democrats who support the President set about doing , wnax ne asKeo. MOTHER UNER TORPEDOED. American Among Missing From Liner Toroedo- ed by Submarine off Ireland's toast. Washington, Feb. 26. The sinking of tlie big Cunarder La conia. apparently without warn ing and with 27 Americans , on board, loomed up tonight as the most serious disregard of Ameri can representations since the ruthless German submarins cam paign began. Government offici als here made no attemnt tn r . - conceal their concern. Consul Frost at Queenstown, reported to the Slate Department the sinking of the vessel and the loss of one life, but up to a late hour tonight had not been able to furnish details from survivors as to whether it was an American who met death. He expected to obtain full in formation from the 267 survivors due at -Queenstown at 11:30 o'clock tonight. Officials pointed out that vhile final reports ny show that no American lives were lost, the fact will remain that the 27 Americans on board were illegally assaulted on a peaceful mission and escap ed death only by good fortune. The United States U concerned in the sinking of the Laconia also because a large amount of official diplomatic mail had been entrusted to her affer the Ameri can liner St. Louis had cancelled ts sailing, The State Department after naving nad its mail held on the St- Louis for three weeks, had traasferred it - to the Laconia when it was definite!'.- announced thai the St Louis-not sail until it secured guns. Id the absence of official con firmation expected hourly from Consul Frost, no official would venture ans-opimqn .pn the outr come of the sinking beyond s .ly ing that ii would gravely com plicate the already critical situa tion with Germany. - Whether it may prove to be the overt act" will depend entirely on the actual facts expected to morrow. Stiff. Sore Muscles Relieved. Cramped muscles or soreness fallowing a cold or case of grippe are eased and relieved by an ap plication of Sloan's Linimen,. Does not stain the skin or cl"t; the pores like mussy ointments r nr ururc j n c wn . .... . t. i1,:,k,,1 ..uu T . 1 I '.v nmiuu lunuillg. ijlillOer up (your muscles after exercise. drive out the pains and aches of rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, strains, sprains and bruises with Sloan's Liuiment. Get a bottle today. At all druggists, 25c. Wm in Signals, Trouble With Brakes and Fog Responsible. Harnsburg. Pa., Feb. 27. iMis taken signals, trouble with the aii brakes and a heavy fog were today given as contributing fac tors in the wreck on the Pennsy lvania Railroad at Mount Union, early today, where 20 persons were killed when a heavy fast freight train crashed into the rear end of the East bound Mer cantile Express. Investigation oi the accident was begun here by railroad officials and the hearing will be continued at Altoona, 43 miles from Mount Union. The Passenger train had stopped to discharge passengers when the lrflght engine, with a heavy sting or cars, behind it, suddenly struck it. The impact split the rear sleeping car almost in two and telescoped the three ahead, of it. cars Winter Brines Colds to Children. A cbilu rarely goes through the whole winter without a old, aud every mother sh .uld have L reliable remedy handy. Fever sore throat, tight chest and croupy coughs are sure symp- toms A dose of Dr Bell's Pine m tt i, i . nouey W1U loosen the phlegm relieve '1 he congested lungs and stop the cough Its antispntip' pine balsams heal and .soothe, For croup, whooping cuiigb and chronic bronchial troubles trv Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. At aii dmo-oiaf.s 9&n wm. H. STEWART, ED; A2n,Bflfc RIITTCDn I ro llrt-f- ai M.. k . . Lnruw ,y I ALL 5ILtN t Certain Movements of Fragile Crea tures Produce Sounds Chrysalis Known to Make Slight Noise. One does not think of butterflies as making any sounds, nor of cater pillars as noisy creatures, yet the careful student will find some use, for his ears in observing the habits of both. Certain species of butterflies pro duce sound during certain move ments. The "whip" butterfly, when surprised, makes a noise like the siiap of a lash, by opening and shut ting its wingsin quick succession. feome hibernating butterflies, when disturbed, make a faint hissing eonnd by slowly depressing and rais- iiig lueir wings, ine noise thus produced resembles that made by blowing slowly through closed teeth.. Other sounds resemble the friction of sandpaper. A large number of caterpillars maJe sound by striking the head against the leaf on which they are resting or by swinging the boad from side to side, catching the mandibles m the roughness of the leaf or on the silken threads spun upon it. 5 It is said that a certain kind of chrys' alsis, when disturbed, emits a slight, snarp chirp or clicking noise. REAL DAUGHTER OF THE SEA Little Girl, Born en the Ocean, Goes everywhere on Barkentine of Which Father Is Captain. Evelyn Hansen, only seven years pia, is the daughter of H. 0. Han sen, captain of the barkentine James , Johnson, iiow loading, and is here with her father and mother and. what's more, the barkentine isn't go- ing to Australia without her not a bit of it, Evelyn is truly a daughter of the aea, as tar as age has anything to !do with this story. Born on the high seas, she has spent over four years on the water. She has Sweden iwritten all over her face and her yes and hair spell the samp cquik. Evelyn knows ropes and soars KnOWS Which IS the miZZPn arA -arViinV. is the foremast; knows what a mudV hook is and respects and obeys the I iur is ne not monarcc of all he surveys when on the high seas? But let a hireling aboard the James Johnson issue an order to her and every motion from Hiao fn , .? P0Hfc-TTltftllim. APPROPRIATE SETTING. "I want to put some plants in the jtitcnen, to give it an artistic at mosphere. What kind would you reeomniPTid 9" For the kitchen I would advise some scrubby plants." H I GHEfi FLIGHTS. "You have made a great success filming Shakespeare.,, 'Yes, but I think I can do better. Now I'm going to try an orisrinal Vl3tJm xjouisvine uouner-Journal. CLEVER IDEA. Bones My wife always kisses me when 1 get home late at night. - Jones Affection ? Bones No; investigation. THE WORST. fWhat makes you so fatP "I eat soldier's food." "Well?" "It always goes to the front QUEER. "It's a queer language,' "Whafs the matter now?" call it settling up. 11 it settling up. RIGHT IN HIS LINE, ! "Why is Benson always lookina for trouble?" "That's his business. He's a crim inal lawyer." INDECISION., you decided how you are going to vote ?"' ! "Yes," rep! the cautious citi zen. "I dt -:ded that long ago. Whafs keeping me busy now is de ciding whether I won't decide to change my mind." Wi8i9ver Y. -i Need a Csaeral fvf'- '.'-ice Grove's ftm CM f:-.:iJard Giove TasSi-- Miis l.s equally vi iaa!)!o- .ft . '"-'Missl jai2 tjca-sse it cont&u. . slpiami :-2i-.' ' rorerti2sof yTJX?-. 3 I ii ;iS sa the JUver, I St &alark Er,tkhes the Blood and L3AlG9t&s Iwle System. SOpecU. KfTT-CT JIMtDI r.,n t -v. uu-aiKflna laud IU BKlllafl, Inat and Confiniieiifitirfiment ef Germans Feb. 26President WUson's drpss to a joint session of CoW gre'ss, asking for authority to Place the United States in & state of armed neutrality as & counter to Germany's submar. me warfare; a continuation of the British advance against the Ger man in France; the sinking o Ju ard Lino steamer Laconia, a which Americans were paa engers, and the reeantn w j tne ,3rtish of Kut-el-Amara, in Mesopotamia, from the Turks I ir-r outstanding fooM i ' che world m.r Over a front of ir from the region" of Gommecourt, north of theAncre River to the lis trice of Gupdecourt, south of the rivor, the British have push ed i ) ward thbit- lines to a depth two miles, according to the' British official communication. Too maneuver has served to hrow forward the right and left vings of the British in an envel oping move toward BapaumA ohe German stronghold in this oion, and to place the. British ; :enu r at Warlencourt-BaucoiH ' - or- three miles from Bap- auoie. Bombardments and raiding op-ei-Htiois are still in progren fcbe greater part of the remaini--r ,;t the frort in Prance, nck Beigi.um and a the Russian ustro-Italian .heaters. iu Mesopotamia,; the. British iave captured from the .Tnr.ks -ho entire line (rom SannavYat, "r . . to Kut-el-.rnaia. At the latter pla'-e the Tnr have been for ced tO -eV"'!B.a nrtoHinna U iaptured from he British near y a year &go-aad now are beM... drlt fc t-;' baral8gig Tfyjgfrte? ish cavalrv. sa tho TUtttok , War Office. Large captures in men and war stores were made y tbe Briti iu aamituu- a rot.. fmm Kut-el-Amara, a Turkish official commnninatiAn oow u ".J ment w nvMw. s - , 6, "u earned- out unnotified w . UiltiSU. au vunara june steamship Laconia, bound from New York to Liverpool, was torpedoed Sun day night, presumably off the? coast of Ireland. Applications for the new Brit- War l0an' T"f 7 bills and war savings certificates amount ed to more then 1,000,000,000 pounds, according to announce ment by Andrew Bonar Law. An official . report from Ger many says that since"" the com- mencement of the war, 4,9i.50O L"ua VL snipping Deiongmg to Entente and neutral nations hava been destroyed or condemned as prizes by the Central Powers, Weather forecast fur From 6 to 14. fair. witrTmn northwest, aud threatening to rain and snow east and cold, From 14 to 21, fair, clear. M with cold rains alone- and flurry. t rom 21 to 28. snow. ri cold, stormy. Some blizzard. x rom 28 to March 8, frequent showers along. Some changeable auu consiaeraDiy cold. February shows cold with som stormy cold winds, snow and rains T, "s." Henry Rbid, ST. No. 3. box 167, Salisbury, N.C. to Tia DqII. That draggy, listless. ODiiresa ed foding genorally results from' itistipation. The instestines are clogged a, j the blood be comes poisoned. Relieve this condition at or.ca with Dr Kink'A New Life Pdls; this gentle,. sons. ' griping laxative is quickly fcf- J fective, a aose at bedtime &m jg make you fel orifidbtei? In the morriintr Get a bottle todaw your druggist, 25c. . it jmw; Many fii nd of Lyman a. v Coitsij. win inara with ipl teret.fbs-;.. las been pro moted from 1 eatenanbccp mander to commander by tSj Navy dftbaxtmeat. r . .... ' - ..M "

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