- - - 1 Tit RsssCSssab M Ecjattfltt tccsd-d9 matter fiwiiry Salisbury, N. C Feb. 28, 1917 tte Udnlna That Does Not Ait'sct The Ban i . .1 ,,i i. r.AXi liVS BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary aac noe noi cause nuvyuaucoa wi ftaiA ia kcatk Hr aemon tne ruu name a Chas. Sparks, manager of the Sparks circus who under went an operation for atom ach trouble in Baltimore last week, is reported to be doing fine. COUNTY STATEMENT Bills Audited and Ordered Pad by Board of Commis eioneis of Rowan County for Month of January, 1917. E B. Neave, County Auditor. Peoples Nat B , int Morgan township 1? V? hinila do ao E S Reavis outside poor J B Henderlite refund poll tax Mark Lentz on salary 2000 00 60 00 1500 2 55 17 00 General Fund. 7 P. Hall, salary J F MftCubbins.aalary J V. Deaton to J HKrider do J C Kesltr' tio CMC Barger do E B Neave do J L Sliuping do CMC Shuping do J H Barber do E D Barber do Mark Lentz do E B Lentz do J M Brown, assisting on statement Gilly Krider, outside poor Elizabeth Heglar do J A Beaver do Jesse Rankin do Joe Ballard, Sr and Jr do nh.rl.ittfl Chambers uo flint to the JUed. If peoplepast sixty years of age could be persuaded to go ta bed as soon as they take cold and remain in bed for one or two days, they would recover much more quickly, especially if thty take Chamberlain's Cough Rem- rlv Thprfi would also be less danger of the cold being follow ed bv anv of the more seriou WW diseases. Eliza Frontis Lee Wagoner Millie Knox Nancv Watt Joe Elliott Jim Si fiord Fane Rumple Mary Freeman do do do do do do do do Sandy and Hannah Partee do Mrs Slurp Matilda e leroing Harriet Kerr Mrs S C Thompson Mike Swisher Sam Wagoner Christina Muss do do do do do do do Mrs Mary JJcDaniel do Eiatlie Bostian Mariah Hoffner Vic Hoitye E E Gray Florence iNeal do do do do do $41 67 383 33 291 Pfi 9na as iOOOl 1&7 50 100 00 50 00 20 00 41 67 30 00 32 50 45 00 11 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 4 50 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 4 50 6 00 12 00 3 00 t 00 3 00 6 00 5 00 9 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 2 00 3 00 6 00 3 Ou Bank China Grove, interest Farm Life School 90 00 Luther Efird labor on bridge 10 65 Tnm Tipazer do 2 37 Him Spfrsf do 8 85 Orowell Lentz do 5 85 Harris do 8 40 P.Qflo Knatian QO 0J- T ( Pastier do 40 Linn- do i w Chas Darter teams on bridge 11 60 Earle Bostian do 18 0J Luther Efird do 8 7U nVias Parriker do 9 00 JAM Brown burial of pensioner 20 004 c R Julian telephone rent J B Henderlite retund pou tax Mrs J Q Foreman do nfrn-ir Ha vps outside ooor Salis Realty & Ins co, ins jail 3 50 5 10 10 34 450 200 00 Township Ho id Funds. Salis hdw & far co, Slilis T'ship 1 60 Hartline & Fays'x do 4.40 K M Peeler, drag Pmv. do 3 15" "Kowan hdw & mch c o S-Trish do 4 05 J A campbeil payroll do 2t 77 Peeler co, feed. Unity township 15 CO Hartline & F , harness oil do 3 45 G A Overcash, drag China G T. 4 5i W M Brown payroll 16 9 25' do do do 27 39 do do Atwell V 16 84 G M Stikeleather do Gold Pill 25 79 Sh Elliott da Unity 49 81 NeaJ inecoff drag China Grove 6 00 Scott Shoaf pavro'l a4isbury 31 90 ao ao LOCKe y oo S H Elliott payroll Cleveland 44 60 do do Unity 39 61 Grimes Milling co. feed Salis. T. 20 55. E O S-hoaf blacksmith Locke 1 85 Total special township dis bursements for Jan l 18174 $341 06 M J M Brown assisting co. statem't 41 25 Mrs M E Harris outside poor J F McKnight lumber bridge Stawover Nat B'k. int fund b'ds Jt'W Phillips freight 3 00 47 90 40 300 00 12254 Total reneral fund disburse ments forJarinary, 191J. $11,559.57 FAITH. Venus receives a great manj letters from a great many people on a good many subjects but here is one different from any we have evw received. Athens, Greece, Jaauary 1917, my esteemed Venus, in reading my Anabatis of Cyrus which took place in 401 B. C, I find the fol lowing sentenc in book 1, chapter 5, section 5, "Hoi de enoikountes onous aletas para ton pstamon onutlontes kai poiountes eis Ba bylon egon kai poloun kai antag nadyontes si ton edyon". This I translate as follows: 'And the inhabitants who quarried and made millstones took them to Babylon and sold them and 'by buying food in exchange they mantained a living." Did J. T. Wyatt have any thing to do in the manufacturing of those millstones, if he did I can't tro a man to beat him Young granite cutter at Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander Peel er's, February 17th. Mrs. Leo Lomax of Chifla Grove and Mrs. Frank Corres of Kannapolis, spent Saturady night with thier father, John Barger, and Sunday visited -thier grand mother, Mrs William Canup, who is confined to her bed with lagrippe at her son's, Willie Canup. Another store has opened in Faith in the Jr.O.lLA.M. granite building by Monroe Fesperman and son. . There was a box supper at the home of W. H. Earnhardt's on Saturady night, February 24th, for the benefit of Rock Grovt church. Twin girls arrived at the home of J. T. Walter Feburary 20th. They are the largest and pret tiest we ever saw. - To Cure a Cold la One Day Take LAXATIVK EROMO Quinine. It stopt tke Cough and Headache and worfca ofl the Cold. Brnegists refund money II it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 2c S S Stabler, farm demonstrator, salary 60 01J B P Canble, city otjice, vwness Cant Steel, witoess J F Trazzare Ethel Melton Cap Carter V ti Allgoou f H Krider J H Krider H L Elliott Jim Jordan L D H Brown do do do do do do do do do K Lee Wright, trial judge salary J F McCubbine, fees to treasurer do inquii-ition in lunacy J H Krider, officer's fee L A Swicegood, lees, solicitor L A Swicegood do W H Woodson, mayor, fees R F Cauble, city officer, fees do self, do L D H Brown, officer's fees j R Crue, officer's fees 0 E Fesperman, J. P. fees r H A Lyerly do T G Furr. solicitor fees VV W Taylor, groceries Overman & Co groceries co. home J P Webe. horse shoeisg Sanitary Market, t roceries co. home Peeler & Co, groceries county home aiwl wnrlr house n T Klnttz rpnnir fnrnroe. W honse 104 40 Smith Drue Co. drugs, jail and co b. 21 90. Salisbury Ice & Fuel Co, coal jail, work house, court house Salis I. & F. Co, coal Com. Bldg Salis. Hdw & Far Co. hardware Brown Shoe Co, shoes work house D L Cauble. groc. work house J Feldman & Sons, clothing w house 1 95 35 3-5 3o 35 3o 35 35 1 10 1 10 So 100 00 85 04 14 00 12 0U 5 50 10 00 6 51 17 80 1 45 2 90 3 45 1 78 37 2 50 19 05 5 52 1 40 5 35 General Road Fund. M E Miller salarv 125 00 Sanitary Market provisions 17 64 Overman & co prov's and oil 40 75 Kesler-Summers Hdw co, stove 3 76 T D Floyd horse shoeing 10 00 Hartline & Fa yssoux oil 3 00 J G Arey corn J R Jordan beef '."athey buggy co supplies In d c Wyatt hay Salis, Ice & Fuel co. coal E F craven, roller parts Gallion Iron Works road dray Smith drusr co druers Tyack & lUoigan provisions Gray concrete co sewer pipe W H Canup hay Good Koad Machine co, supplies Rowan Hdw & Mach co hdw Peeler & co, provisions Frank Thoiuason hauling pipe Salis Hdw & Fur co, hdw W M Snpp 12 cords wood Bell Shoe Store shoes S M Hellard biacksmithrng Harris G Q co. stone 1 L M Stikeleather payroll Scott Shoaf do S H Elliott do L M Stikeleather do Scott Shoaf do H c Kenerly do H L Elliott do W D Earnhardt do central hi'y do do Grimes Milling co, feed J T Plott Wilkesboro road cont 1 G Y Thomason. salary Dec Paul Davis, surveyor helper Sell Brown do do do Will Marlow do Paul Davis do Tom Horah repairs to camp 1 Jno I Shaver do Always Come to 78 50 209 20 100 97 74 15 6 00 '2 60 4 25 r.anrlia FTlw fVi. hdw suDnlie bridse 11 40 J D Floyd, blacksmith work bridge 3 00 C R Hropst, cement, bridge 223 90 Brown Shoe Co, shoes, bridge 6 00 I A Poole, lumber, bridge 28 92 W A Hannah, do do 328 59 M L Gantt, rep to closets 1 75 H T Sykes. burial of pensioner 20 00 J H Krider, jail account 94 80 R N Edney rep to radiator 9 30 J C De-ton fees to treasurer 19 00 Suramersett Co, burial of pensioner 28 60 N C Pub Ser Co. electric lights 39 99 Rowan Hdw & Mchy co, hdw 3 95 V Wallace & Sons, ledger 3 15 State Hospital, expense of insane 16 60 Empire drug co drugs 75 W J McOorkle, burial pensioner 20 00 Peeler Printery printing C8C 10 00 Wachovia B. & T. Co, interest co bds 25 00 Pnr.Ws Ntl Bank. int. county bonds 50 00 uu 1,875 00 30 00 20 CO 42 75 1 43 1 CO 100 Inamoartiin Special to Washington, D. C, vij. Soathsra Railway System, Sunday, Tuarcii 4th, 1917. Southern Railway System will operate special train from North Carolina points to Washington, D, CM Sunday, March 4th, accouat Inauguration of Presdent Wilson. This train will consist of Stand ard Pullman sleeping cars and high class day coaches, to leave Charlotte at 7:45 p m, arriving Washington at 7:00 a m, Monday March 5th. The following round trip fares will apply from stations named below: From Charlotte . SALISBURY... High Point 9 95 Greens ooro 9 50 Hickory 12 70 Statesville 1170 . North Wilkesboro ........ 12 75 MtAiry 1160 Albemarle 1190 Winston-Salem 10 40 SilerCitv 11304 Fares from all intermediate 1ohits, same basis. S. E. BURGESS, D P A, Charlotte, N. C $12 35 1100 do interest court h. bonds Davis & Wiley B. do S F Lord, iot. Farm Life S. note L B Miller, burial pensioner Salisbury Water Works, water W H Burton ma'yor fees j G Hudson cost r ff f.rrimo nPKnMr'a prist J H Krider expense on acct G McCoy 53 40 17 TIT fn..: l Tk i.lo-v anil irialla ftS fill 2 40 10 00 14 60 10 80 -13 90 10 00 14 80 3 50 43 20 11 85 1 95 23 90 300 18 00 12 10 900 25 00 50 00 200 00 175 CO 250 00 200 00 25 00 50 00 75 CO 1 27 E WT Uurrie M D salary and visits O A Brown S Bro, lumoer E E Gray, per diem and mileage N W Menius do 0 J Fleming do W M Kester do F D Patterson do L A Kesler do Fisher Bros team on account poor A H Price attorney Tankserly case J L Sewell cost do J L Eller refund of taxes Sou Bell Tel Co, rent and tolls Thompson Garage use of car A. L Nash court officr P D Linn juror T M Morgan juror First Nat Bank, interest R R bonds 20 001 5 85 I 5 56 j 21 75 1 57 56 30 9. 1 25 CO 4 70 58 62 108 40 87 88 46 54 7 85 748 77 300 95 40 36 00 13 00 6 25 478 66 81 37 37 00 6 50 S6 50 23 80 235 03 294 82 36 25 33 62 14 60 500 00 150 00 3 00 6 00 900 3 00 1 50 15 25 13 20 We Cure All Diseases Of the eye that Glasses will remedy. There are few that they will' not remedy though, and the use of the knife and drugs is every day abused If ydu need the services of a special surgeon We Tell You So, just as your family doctor would if you had appendicitis. Jno. H. Browo, Opt. D. GHINA GROVE. N. C. Make our store your Headquarters when in Salisbury. We are always glad to have you stop with us and leave P your bundles here, and if you need anything in Dry Goods, Goat Suits, Millinery, Shoes or Clothing, you cannot find a better place in thi section to get it than at our store. We show a well selected stock and moder ately priced. Always come to our store and get posted on prices before you buy anything, Total general road disburse ments for January, 1917, $5,536 33 400 Typewriters All kihdBandall grades, REMINGTONS $12 up. Instruction? with each machine Type and repair pertB for all makes oi Tu.ewri:era.. EMPIRE TYPE FOUNU RY, BUFFALO, N. Y 11 1-16. 1 pi. for Spl a 3-horse -power New Era g-asoline Only used a short time. Apply at or address Watchman office. -will make even Arithmetic a little easier. Built of solid brass and nickel plated, they last a life time. Steadier than gas more restful than electricity cheaper than either. Use Aladdin Security Oil the most econom ical kerosene oil for best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE. MD. Washington, D C Charlotte, N. C. norioin, va. nariesion, w. va Davis& Wiley Bank- do do do do First Nat Bank do do do do do do do do do do n n TTarpiann rofnnfl of t TPS J . i.,.. -- People's Nat Bank int court h. bonds 75 00 do do do do do do do do J A Thorn agt freight on pipe A H Boy den P M, stamps W M Brown payroll bridges Linn Edwards drug co, oil L M Stikeleather payroll bridge Scott Shoaf do . Perry Torrenee do W M Brown do firlnipn Millinc Co. feed, bridee Jas A Hess 5 loads manure w'k house J H Rozzelle M D prof services J S Hall board of health R G Kizer do W H Woodson do do do do do do do do do M stamrjB J F McOubbins express paid Wachovia JJ S T U, mi co Donua J S Hall W H Woodson R O Kizer R V Brawley do W H Woodson BO Rszer J S Hall A H Boyden P People's Nat Bank do do do do do 12 50 25 00 350 00 200 00 15 16 5 00 9211 2 90 11 50 19 50 41 05 71 37 17 10 5 00 11 35 400 4 00 4 00 400 400 400 400 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 5 00 1 26 ; 25 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 25 00 Norfolk. Va. Charleston. W.Va nS'jSliSSJP'IJ Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use HNAUD'S EAU DE 0UININE e wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your- seli : . X ate its exquisite q uality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world over use and endorse tli is famous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all things don't neglect 3'our hair. PARFOMERiE ED. PINAUD, DpL H ED. PINAUD Bldg., New Yn .2 t Q Always trade at Children's Dress. Why bother with sewing- when you can buy the dresses here al most as cheap as the material. Children's dresses 3 to 6 and 4 to 14 years Nicely made long- or short sleeves Price 48, 50. 59c Children's dresses made ot amos keag jfingham beautifully made size 6 to 14 same price cr last year only - 93c 1 We are daily get ting in New Spring Goods, Crochet Threads. You cau always find a big" selection of white and colored crochet threads here J & P Coats and American Maid silk finish crochet cotton 6 spools for 25c J & P Coats O N T mercerized tatting- thread all numbers 5 to 80 10c a ball C M C, American Maid, Star, Columdia, Royal Society and its tatting- threads in white and colors for 10c a ball ROWAilSi MA-1 Generalflardware Mercli ants I -...... -n-t j -im 'i ARE . Tak ilk SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? ; care of your complexion end your complexion will take care of$ou. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. CHOOSE CREME ELCAYA PURE, DAINTY. TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. "Makes the skin like velvet" SEND 10c FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON ST., NEW YORK .The old established line of Johnston Harvesting Machinery, the Bed Rook Island Drag Harrow, the Sunny South Cotton Planter aud the "Little ButerT Sulky Plow is being continued; s stock of which we hive in our warehouse at this time. These farming tools are so well and favorably known to the farm ers of Eowan and adjoining counties that we feel it is only necessary' to remind them of the approach of spring when the cultivating of the soil requires these implements. There never has been on this market machinery that fs better adapted for the land in this section, and in the purchase cf any of the above named machinery you can be assured of not only getting the best that can be obtaine , but some thing that will really do your business. Don't wait until the very day you need farming machinery but let us have your order now. Everything we sell is unconditionally guaranteed, and if you make a purchase from us through misrepresentation or otherwise, you will confer a favor on us by making you complaints known. Rowan Hardware & Ma chinery Co., 14 M M M M mi M u 5 y do do First Nat Bank t do 3 12 50 J