, .jj. . ft ;T . .. .. V A Home Newljji&er Published in the Interest, of the People and for Governmental Affaire. VOL. XIII. NO. 14. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, I?. C, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21ST, 1917. Wm, H. STJ3WABT, ED. AND PROP. v ' ; S,:-'7. fif. i . V. I LOCAL NEWS of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. The county school coin- mencement will be held in Salisbury on Thursday, April 5th, and will D3 the biggest event ot the. kind ever held in Rowan. W'seoever You Need a General 3W Take Grove's TRse Old Standard Grove's Tasteks Clhj Tank: is equally valuable as ;wmi2 Tonic because it contains is vvlk;wn tonic propertiesof QUINU? S I & IttON. It ucts on the liver, Drit i I ftuuoria, E riches the Blood er ': -i f fcte v 'hcA9 System. 50 sen The esse of Clarence Pope agaiust the Southern Rail road ended Tuesday by tbe court awarding the plantift $2,680 for damages that he sustained while employed on the road. James Fisher aud J B Mor rison have moved their dairy from the northwestern side of Salisbury to a point on t La Granite Qorry road aboni two miles from here and hae erected a m &t modra dairy, changin&r the nara.n from Fisher's dairy to Fail-view Dairy. Rodert E Lee, the popu!s youngS. Salisbury traiusman who was seriously injured cn a local freight at Landis some weeks ago ana who has been in the sanatorium here since, is improving but it will probably take several veeks before he is entirely recover ed. aalnipe Th3l Does Net Afct The ' E Kse of its ton - and laxative effect aa 3 & BKOln) QCIn IN E is better thao oru ifn Q-ri'Sps stici Qe nnt cause nervousness i. ' Ivttj v' r. u ivu ' vid Brown, a weP knov n i "Me?a farmer living in the Chris' i- Frz L Jink, Riehfield; Percy ana church section, met withl M diet, Salisbury; John- naiufnl accident W'ednee-'stoa Settlemyre, Salisbury: day. His young son was en imaged in shooting rats in the granary with his rifle and oue ball went through the rat, a box and finally ledged . in the shoulder of the edv Brown but his wound is not of ay very serious nature. To Cure 6 Cold In One Day TakeULXATIVE FROMO Qumine. It stopsfce . COUgn ana xieaaacnc auu kwm -a.. ; Druggist refund isoney if it fails to cu: e. ' B. W. GROVE'-S signature on each box. 25c j The annual inspeutiou :t the local n ilitary orgauiza ition, 4th Co. O. A. C , took 3laeehere lpst Friday at th. aarmory, the nispection beir;g .conducted by Maior ward of ; Roanoke. Va., and Colonel Stringfellowof Baleigh. The -company proved to be of a fin9 showing. iDrives Out Malaria, Buikls Up S ys'" Old Standard reneral sUejistbemtis: . - tVVB'S TASTET- USS chill TONIC, if.ve . Matia.enrichesth:blood.andbuUdsdptU-' Atruetoaic-Foradult-aodcbUdrea c The Salisbury District Sun day school Institute was or .ganized aljth closing meeting of two days at the Tabernacle last Wednesday night, 'lhe officers elected were: Presi dent, D B Coltrane Concord. Tice-Preeid'ut, P N Peacock, Salisbury, and secretary Tiessurer, J F Shiun, Nor wood. SprliRCtlflsjanDanserous. , . . Sudden changes of temper- Mure and urderwear bring sp - 'ir coldswith stuffed up h, ;? ' S Df fl- CflUflf Krjetlllg. oM throat and general' cold! The regu'ar quartely coun symptoms. Adoseof DrKinFs!ty meetin8 of the Patriotic . . :Orier Sons cf America will New Daseoiery is sure rehef, -wi xr . cj i- .- . , . . . . .meet with Camp JSfo 24, Salis th.s happy ,obmaflon of Monday eVf)Ringat.7:30. 4iepfe balsams clears the ibead, ; An eIC,ent prograID haa soothes the irritated membr.uios . , , , .and what a,! have been a hn- cringed and a number -ering cold i, broken up. Dou'ti.of Eomient speakers have top treatrr. vit when relwf is : ;nEbitd to make addresses jfirfc felt as half cured cold ij? ' Vatfl frora every camp dangerous. Take Dr. King's, in fie couuty are pected New Discovery till ycur cold is .aad a largely attended meet one. Mr Brown's famous blood hounds of Granite Quarry were called into service Wednesday, by J F Copley to trace a certain party who was bent on having a chicken din 1 m ner last Sunday regardless 01 t' e high cost of living. Mr Co ley 1'ves just behind the handsome residence of M L Jrsksou, and the dogs suci eeeded in tracking to a cer tain point but the thief wa not insight though the feath ers were in evidence. The ground hog's time was said to have expired on the 16th and according to the fulfi lment of this prophecy we have had inclement weather for which the critter was responsible. It is said b.a he has since came out saw bis shadow and returned for two weeks more. Hick's al? manac gives, no promise of good weather before the last of .April. Big storms are pre dieted for this week. In the SuDerior court of Re war. held last week for the 1 i Jal of civil cases, only Can up Qi se, ajrowiug out of the kiting of a young woman an"5 serious injury of anoth er in an automobile which was struck by a passenger train some mouths ago at the Sarnner school house cross ing and because which dam ages were sought from the Southern Railway, was order ed a non-s jit by Judge Jus tice. Among the jurors drawn for service in the Federal court in StatesvileSahsbury Adi i' term are as follows: J 0 IjcosreM,- peucetf W 1 M Suet lerly, New London; John D Earnhardt .Richfield; T H Bernhardt, Salisbury; Joseph W Miller. Richfield; John H Frick, Saliibury; J Slrill, M't Ulla: McLRitch ie. Chiua Cilrovrt, aud Cx O Ktuttz Salisbury. Piles Cured in 6 to 1 4 Days Your tirugrfcist will tefund money U PAZC r iLiTJIENT fails to cure ruvcase of Jtchingr t; i r . A v i ; . - t 4 a : .. tij... Tt,, &:U appliCRtic,0 e:ve! ;;aEe and Rcat 50c luauiry made by officials in ! the War Department as to a 1 possible mobilization site for first North Carolina infantry has made to Charlotte and SaiisbUry for the purpose of ass. rnbln g the troops incase ot emergency during tne winter season as Camp Glenn ou tL-e coast would not be suitable.' Salisbury, will no do a t b chosen first because of - ailroad and tauspcrtation IP !!! 1 3 1 'J J I.rCU'UHS UUPOUHiea, SpieUUlU r mudgan(J located in the state. Ths Pneumonia Season. The cold damp weather of March seems to be most favor able for the pneumonia germ. Ilow is the time to be careful. Pneumonia often results from a colo. The quicker a cold is got ten rid of the less the danger. As soon the first indication of a' cold appears take Chamber- Inin'i Pniio-Vi RpmpHv. As to thp !,ye of this oreoaration. ask g. .... ' any one who has used it. j ing is anticipated. New Lsn Wan is B8in5 Hunted. Albermarle, March 14, -The community aroundNew London and the many ac quanintances generally throu ghout the county of J. E. Crook are very much inter ested in his wherebouts, aa he mysteriously disappeared a bout three weeks ago and no trace whatever has been learned of him since. It seems that about three weeks ago Jyf r. Crook, who i3 a dealer in lumber and spends quite a lot of his time away from home, addressed a letter to his wife from Lumberton stating that he was on his way home aud would spend that night in Charlotte arriving home about 10 o'clock the next day. Several days passed and Mr. Crook did not return and some investigation was made by Mrs. Crook and friends priv itely to learn that he did arrive in Charlotte on the night specified and registered at one of the hotels there. It was learned that he left a portion of his baggaga in the room where he was not found. Mr Crook ii a rather promi nent citizen of this county, being a prosperous farmer, lumber dealer, and having for a number of years served as President of the Farmer's Union of Stanly county. There are many theories as to his disappearance, but all of them are mere speculations. There are no indications that he has commited suicide as hib business seems to have been in fair shap and no known reason exists for an act of that k-'nd. It is said jtfjat .hdoc-othiife' only carried with him $200, and it would therefore appear that he has hardly decided to purposely make his disap pearance and many think that he has possibly been rob bed and murdered. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J jCheny & Co. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that canot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDI CINE. FRANK J. 'CHENEY. Sworn to before me and suthr scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D. 1886. A W GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is tak en internally and acts through Blood on the Mucous Surf aces of the System. Send for tesli monials, free. F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, G. Sold by all druggists,. 75c Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. fraglcDoatl of Davia County Lai, One of the saddest affairs that hasoccured in this coun ty in years occured in Farm- ington township, near Cook'a store, last Thursday morning when Kermit, the little three year old sou of Mr. Jno. .Sparks was kicked and in stantly killad by a young horse being led to water by the child's father The blow landed in the little fallow's stomach and he never breath ed. The body of the little one w is laid to rest at Macedonia church Friday Enterprise. Mocksville Despondency Dae to Constipation. Women often become nervous presiding elder of the Waynes -and respondent. When this idue i ville distri t, an uncle of thebride. to constipation it ineaulv crrrc-t Mrs. Turn, r is anativt; if Row ed bj taking an oc asion . ". , .-n county tit now b.ld a positior Chamberlain s Tablets. These , with the Ed Mellon Co, in Char tablets are easy to take and pleas- ilotte, where the couple will make at in effect. , i their future home. HOPES TO SEE WORK-BOUSE CUTOUT. Cirresitndint Hipes to See Commissioners let Wisely in Reari to Discontinuing It. Salisbury, R-&, .Fe 26. In regard to the work house I think the county commissioners will do a great day's wtrk for the couutv if they should see fit to discon tinue that place .they call work house, but better known in this section as play house where the people see. what is going on there. This institution as it is called is nothing more than a recruiting place t feed and rest -fi tn i'moIq tf-., small crlmai such as low class of women from the dirty holes of the city. Aa the writer of an article in last week's issue of the Herald said in opposing the proposed closing of the work house, I want tbe public to know this does not voice the sentiment of people in St Paul's community,, for if it were left to a vote of the citizens in this community this institution would not be left in this section no longer than a snow ball would last in a red hot fire. We think it is a disgrace to this community instead of being a credit to it. We have a jail and a chain gang in this connty and the proper thing to do with such a class of criminals is to put them in jail and the boys on the gang. Those that are too young have their parents to give, them a good whipping and they lill not borne for another soon . instead of this they are sent tathe rest up house, on a pubw highway where we can see njij well they are cared for, and haying a good time sitting around-:- This cer tainly is not encoufjiging to our young people for tfhey have got to work much harder" for their living than theserwttinals who are placed Ihejre fo&,jBOne $ crime A s- for this institution becom ing self-su-itainiug is a question which is not worth discussing, for there is nothing to it. The biggest thing-1 see to this insti tution is the salary that the superintendent and guard draw. If it has ever been any benefit to the county or community I have not seen it. and I don't think anybody else has, unless he was drawing a salary from the coun ty. I hope that the County Com missioners will investigate this place carefully and act according ly, see what it is costing the county to maintain three or four degraded women and four or five worthless boys, then see what this small bunch of criminals is producing for the county. If we consider that we are supr porting this bunch of dirty crim inals out of our tax money, which everybody helps to pay, and that they are spending money that is much needed at home by the poorer class, many women and children have worked hard for money to help pay taxes which at the same time is needed at home for clothes, etci, jind I hope and trust that this board of coun ty commissioners will act as they see best and not be led by a few. Biu.. Cfiamberlain's W Remedy a Favorite for Colds. - J. L. Easley, Macon, 111., in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy says, "During the past fifteen years it has been my sister's favorite medicine for colds on the lungs. I myself have taken it a number of times when suffering with a cold and it al ways relieved me promptly." Miss Magaret Lucile Gallimore daughter of Mr au4 Mrs. NA JJodgers, and Arthur Neal Tur- nerof cbarlQe were married at the home of the bride's parents on south Fulton street Sunday eveninsr the ceremo nv bein con- Iducted bv Rev .IP Ro(Wrs. ST. PAUL. March lo. Wheat is looking fine since the freeze. J S Koon will soon be done cutting post for his pasture that he will start this summer for a new leaf. Colonel Webb has Belgian hares, all sizes, for sale. See Colonel Webb for rabbits. Bill Koon and R P Page went to China Grove Sunday evening to see their kinfolks. G H Page gave a quilting and chopping Thursday and they all enjoyed being together. It seemed like old times to me. The S. C. B. A. Club has start ed to work the roads through the community and any one who would like to help is invited to do so Frank Rogers was on his old run Sunday night. T E Webb had a lively time Thursday 'morning when his roof was found to be burninar, having caught from a spark from the flue. It was gotten out with out much loss about two or three hundred shingles having burned, Mr and Mrs Jacob Yost are getting along fine now since spring has opened. They have had the grippe. Miss Luanna Troutman visited at Mr Waller's the past week. Miss Cora S afrit visited at L J Beaver's Saturday. John Beaver and family are visiting at L J Beaver's. J T Webb will soon start truck work for the year. Watch, girls, how his truck grows. John Safrit has plenty of hay for sale. Buy his hay, feed and keep it from wasting. L H Honbarger and Samuel Bernhardt went to Faith Sunday evening. Soninal. Bai Cqld$ Ffom Sudden Changes, Spring brings all kinds of weather and with H come colds and the revival of winter coughs and hoarseness. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey will bead off a new cold or stop the old one, the soothing balsams relieve the sore throat and heal the irritated tissues. Get a bottle to-day and start treatment at once. At your druggist, 25c. Formula on the bottle. Dr W S Rankin, secretary to the State Board of Health, was a Salisbury visitor Mon day and was before the joint meeting of county commission ers aud ci;y aldermen and explained the duties of the whole, tiine beaHh officer and said he was in hopes of se curinglthe Federal aid and Koekfellow Foundation's as sistance. You Need a Sprint; Laxative. Dr. King's New Life Pills will remove the accumulated wastes of winter from your intestines, the burden of the blood. Get that sluggish spring fever feeling out of your system, brighten your eye, clear your complexion. Get that vim and snap of good purified Wealthy blqod. JXx Ring's New tiife Pills are a non-griping laxative that aids nature's pro cess, try them to-night. At al druggists, 25c. Saturday was St. Patrick's Day-aud the wearing of the green was in evidence on the streets, the day of the year being celebrated by the sons of Qld Ireland. IJ- ' VOIUU A trinity of f 1 most people, and which follow one on the VOUSf 118 &r to h ordr named, unta the last oi e t - la spread through the system, leading to CjatSTTn y6 But their course can be checked. T PERUNA CONQUERS It is of great value when ally eheJrinsTt and overcoming it In a few daj's. Anle evidence has proved that it is evn pJE mora value in over coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, erb. ' the diseased merrbranes to parform their naturtl functions- and toiinl The experience of thousands - liquid or tablets both tested THE PERUNA COMPANY, . Southern Impnving Westen Line. Asheville.N. C, March, 13. Every frame trestle on the 228 miles ol the Southern Railway System's ?l.3 be tween Morristown, Tann. and Salisbury, N. 0., will be replaced by permanent btruc tures of steel and concre when the work of strr.cgh' ening this line, which has bsen in progres for several mouths, is completed. To facilitate the movemenl of the very heavv traffic which -passes over this line, the Southern plaus to put in Santa Fe type fret ght locomotives, much Le ier than the power now Ir. uae.and it therefore hftr.nmfiin en a large uura er of -r- i ure. The extent of thid woi wil! lie ii dert4.; 1 from tht fact t is ;t t ji ii,c ude-: erecMoii of 18 in-' wlt-l hri'g?s t take th ph -p (,f lighter structure; fimariiig 5 stone and brick arches in reinforced concrete; elimination of 119 tresMrfl by construction of. e unl-ipaes for h;gin. v and 14 concrete eulvtrnJ Mi" the filling of he re.r. in r.g trestles, large concrete and cast iron pipes being placed to take care of drainage. Over this line is handled a large volume of coal moving from Virginia and Tennessee mine? and a heavy rniecel laneous traffic in both direc i ins. Th.it part of it but ween Morristown and Asheulle has the heaviest traffic of any line of i ldSQttkerjQ JBsiiwylfollo wing-measles, - Saturday . System, including the recent ly inaugurated movement of Southern coal for e-rcit through the port of Charles- town. Work has been in progress at the rock bridge on Grant Creek for several weeks. The. piers and abutments are being strengthened with concrete. d. Sloan's Linimant Far Rtaafcm. The torture of rheumatism, th pains and aches that make life unberable are relieved by Sloan's Liniment, a clean clear liquid that is easy to apply a;nd more effec tive than mussy plasters or oint rnents. because it penetrates quickly without rubbing. For the mo.ny pains and aches follow ing exposure, strains, sprains and muscle soreness, Sloan's Liniment is promptly effective. Always have a bottle handy for gout, lumbago, toothache, back ache, stiff neck and all external pains. At druggists, 25c. Thaw a Lunatic. Harry K Thaw has t een ad judged a lunatic by the Com mon Pleas court of Philadelphia and under the law cannot be tak en to New York on requistion to stand trial ox( charges of assault ng a Kansas City high school student last Christmas. Thaw will be kept in a hospital in Phil adelphia pending his removal to an insane asylum. The paying of the Sslis burySpencer highway is not improbable for the early future as the work of staking off a fiftyfoot roadbed began Monday. evils, closely allied, that 9 used promntlv for a coM. nsn- la a safe rulde to what It may t-e by the public and approved . COUTMBUS, rfl Ms Laura A Kelly, aged 63 years, died at her home on Lin -colnton avenue Wednesday of heart leak. Her . remains were? taken to Sanford Thursday for interment. Surviving are several . grown children and other rela tives. Mrs Nancy E Graham, , aged 84 years, died at her home at Barber Wednesday of old age and a complication of troubles. The interment took place at St Jude ' Episcopal church cemetery Thursday. Cics- Lyerly, aged 35 years of fx U;non church section, lir! Sntiday afternoon of .ni-njumia and the interment took place yesterday at. the Union Lutheran church cem tery. Surviving are the wife aud two children. Mrs Effie Gentle Feimster, 34 years old, died at her home i n Taylorsville Thursday afternoon of pneumonia fol owing measles and her res Miu were interred there in the town cemetery. She leaves her husband and six children including one baby that died March 10th, of pneumonia. She was a dau ghter of J C Gentle of Rowan county and is well known in this county. Rastus five-y earmold son of Mr. and Mrs O Jackson, died at their home, on East Hep. derson street of nneumoni afternoon, and his remains wero interred at the ChesN nut Hill cemetery. Three othv children in the sama family are now suffering with pneumonia following measles one of whom being at a point of death. The family moved here from Moore conn ty only a few weeks ago. A SALISBURY 8L1H BYES EYIDENtE. His TcstuMBy Will Interest Every Salisbury Readers. . - The value of local evidence is indisputable. It is the kind of evidence we ace'ey t as true be cause we know we can prove it for ourselves. There has been plenty of such evidence in the SalisDury papers lately, and this straightforward testimony has estao'ished a confidence in the minds cf Salisbury people that will uot be easily shaken M L Earnhardt, carpenter, 128 Caldwell street, Salisbury, says: "I have had attacks of lumbago nea ly all my life and my back has been so stiS and lame that I could, liardly move. Doan's Kid ney, P'Hs hve always given m quick relief when I have taken them." Price 50c, at. all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the: same that Mr Earnhardt had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y. . ; Miss Sadie Measner and Lester Shulenberger, both oJ Salisbury, went to Lexington Friday morn ing and were married at the court hourse by John Moyer, Esq. Several Salisburians ac companied the runaways. I Billions Attack. Wnen you have a billions at tack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become consti pated. The food you eat fer meits in your stomach instead of digesting. This inflames the stoidach and causes nausea, vom it ing and a terrible headache. Ta'if Chamderlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out tour stomach and you will soon be as w ill as ever. They on j cos l a quarter. CFT -ltB OrJ&M EefSfor Sale, v! it urm r.ited numi;r of s: fro!-1 . a stock at $1.00 to i.' Fesrility guaranteed. Mrs W S Hales, China Grove, N H 4 si Vs.- X

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