it -.1 PX daM-1 V. Wfii ... SUn CORRESPONDENT , , FAITH. fflfep !F-Vcttii ukderstinds SfMr&' br. A B Goodman pf Lenoir, N. C, has gone to a hos pital in Charlotte to be treated bCpilist. Her stauy friends ioacrjnjjaith wish for her fcoyory. t wejre baptised at the Reformed;. churchy. by Rev. Welker last Friday night, three were grandchildren of J-A Peeler, two were grandchildren uf L M Peeler vTstnti one' grandchild of Alex 'Jackson Venus took di drier Easter Sun- 4ay, for the firat time, with Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Holshouser and Aiata yerly iand his N loving bflde ifew They are good cooks and "ejE?6t a -fine dinner. Mr.Sid Mrs. George Ray and sisier..5Thelma, formerally of Gfanite Oudrrv but now of HigfcBOinu a? in Granite Quar rTWstflMf ' friends. MfesJose Wjfcjr, of Rockwell, VfMentfmtdaj with her parents at Graltlgarry. ii Klnttz, son of Mrs. D M Kltrii 9pent Easter with home folks Granite Quarry. He left Monday for bis school work at Leioir College, Hickory. Mrs. Carl Walter, little son and'fiattghter, of Mti Airy, were visitiUg relatives . at Granite Qaarryvdurimg Easter. YdUi"3ady at Mr, and Mrs. John Hodge's Easter Sunday night at Granite Quarry. Young lady at Mr. and Mrs. Ed, iifitlj Easter Sunday night at Granite Quarry. Venus took dinner for the first time with Mr. and Mrs. J A Bame Easter Monday and got a fine dinner. In one more week eighty little chicks will come out of his incubator in their cellar. Dr. John H Peeler of Faith met his brother, ?Rev. J A Peeler in Salisbury with his aut mobile. He comes down to attend the sale t the home of his father Alfred eeleTwho died a few weeks ago. Qxi JH and Bev. J. A Peeler, are hrbihers of Mrs Bame; they came in and took dinner ; Easter Mon day--with their sister Mr. P A Peeler died here Sun day night. He was one of the leading merchants of our town and one of our best citizens. Kid ijey trouble was the cause of his death. . Hike D Gant, son of Frank Gatit, is here cutting granite at Granite Quarry at the big Pink quarry. He is from Winston Salem. On the train from Rockwell to Granite Quarry we met John Mc Call,. wife and little daughter, Minte, on their way to Salisbury. They had been visiting. On the train we met Thomas Peeler, of near Crescent, on his Way to school at Roanoke College, Cat! Lyerly going to Hickory, B F Wagoner, who spent Easier at feockwell, going home to Spen ceiv . v Harry Wyatt is boring a deep -well at Rockwell this week Dr. H H Newman and wife, of Salisbury were at Faith in their automobile. They had with them E G Neiss Warner, of Pittsburg, Pa , who came to look at our fine granite on the granite belt that he had heard so much about. He says that Pittsburg is the work shop of the world and that the people are the most patriotic in the world. Mrs. T L Bame of Barber, N. C., who has been spending two weeks here with her parents and people, left today for herjxome. Young paving block maker at Mr. and Mrs. Griffith W Mams' Easter Sunday, April 8th. J ShuDinsr. suoerindent of - p - the county work home, is in Faith today. April 14. W T Howell passed through Faith today with a milch cow that had twin calves by her side that he sold to Walter Page at Richfield. M A Holdshouser passed through Faith today from the ex press office, where he got his fine Gernsey bull calf that he bought from a New Jersey cattle raiser. It is of the finest stock to be had. filling his bake oven the other dav. He is one ot trie best bakers in this part of the country and there are lots of people in Faith eating his bread ever' day. A M Frick on the U S S Flor ida, sent Venus a bunch ot fine postcards for his post card col lection J T Wyatt rot an order today for a lare millstone to go to A1a: baina At W I Urbanskys. the pawn broker in Salisbury, we saw some old-iime things just like we have. He has a coin of 1723 and a five cent postage stamp paper money, a five dollar Confederate bill made in Lexington, N. C, ard payable at Graham N. C and a Harpers Kerry musket dated 1838. Who can beat 1hat? He also has a lot of cap and ball pis tols, old timers. Venus took dinner at the home of William Foil recently and a history of the family that will be interesting re: ding in seventy five years from now. W S Earnhardt, who is remod eling J T Wy alt's big storehouse has his son, John Rinehardt's oldest boy and John Shoe helping him. They commenced Thursday, April I2lh, and will finish uext week. A fine spriug is in three steps of the building and is the best kind of water. Some think it is mineral water. If so it will be a fortune for J T. One of the largest crowds of people ever assembled here at tended the funeral services of P A Peeler Tuesday. The Re-t formed church was crowded and a large crowd outside. Faith has lost one of its very best citizens, and one of its leading merchants. Venus will buy all the old Dutch books he can get, and all the old-time things of every de scription. - If any one has any old time bibles with names of people, their birth and death, and will give them to us we will make interesting reading for their descendents. Venns wants to will bis collec tion to some saving girlwho will take good care of them and keep them together. Where can we ! find one. We saw T J Brown, the baker, ; John M Wyatt is going to sell his handsome house and lot' for three thousand dollars, or less near the Lei and Granite Ho. 's cutting shed south of Salisbury. Venus expects to go to Badin before long and take his kodak and see what is going on down there. Vknus. Bad Cough? Feverish? Grippy? Youneed Dr. King's New Dis covery to stop that cold, the soothing balsam ingredients heal he irrated membranes, soothe the sore throat, the antiseptic qualities kill the germ and your cold is quickly relieved. Dr Kings New Discovery has for 48 3'ears been the standard remedy for coughs and colds in thou auds of homes. Get a bottle tc dav and have it handy in your medicine chest for coughs, colds croup, grippe and all bronchial effecdons. At your druggist, 50c. MUSIC FESTIVAL. Charlotts, N.C., May Island 2ih1, 1917. Featured by the Metropolitan Orchestra to gether with several stars of the Metropolitan Grand Opera Company . Account of this occasion, South ern Railway System will sell tick ets at very low lound trip fares from all points within a radius of 100 miles of Charlotte. Tickets will be on sale April 29tk, 30th. May 1st and 2nd. Final limit May 4th prior to midnight of which date return trip must be completed. This will be an event of unus ual interest and you cannot af ford to miss this opportunity to enjoy it For information as to rates, etc., consult nearest Southern R ailway Agent, or write S E Burgess, Divisidh Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. . "A ... "I have used Chamberlain's Liniment, for "pains in the chest and lameness of the shoulders due to rheumatism, and am pleas ed tb say that it has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, Batavia, N.; Y. Trade with THE GBGCER. He carries a full; line of Higti Grade Groceries at very low price?. Hays all kipds of Product .Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Elead quarters for Watkin Medicine Co. v 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. CP. SHUPI " m VULCANIZE M ills? (j w o n o n snzz n .7 ; N TO WW ate Retreading and Sectional ' work is part of our b iness. Thie depart ment is under the supervision of a man who is not a novice at the business but one who really knows how. All Work UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED. RQUZER GARAGE CO.. SALISBURY, N. 0, , S y K v Coming on the Big Redpath Chatstatiqtia "f $ The Big Redpath Chautauqua will be in Salisbury May 2 to May 9, T5TT HARDWARE, AND CAREEN TOOLS, PAINTS, ETG LITTLE DUTCH SULK? PLOW Our stocks were never larger nor more complete than they are this spring. Great care has baen exercised in ' the selection of our machinery in all lines this spring and we offer yai which we believe to be the very best that money, will buy. Come in and let us showyou ' ' Ruwttiuiaruwarc anu nacnmery Company, Salisbury, N. C. v- : feJgatet.i,li 'toil Mi-Tfca. s-re i ". 2X3 4 I.. I 1 , ' : -"is