LOCAL NEWS -6f interest to ALL OF OUR READERS Paul Reiner, Catholic and! a lumbus And a has on several a KomaD Knight of man who occasions shown hJs distaste of Arnerf can's free institutions and free speech, makiug his home in Salisbury has just receiv ed nis naturalization papers and has been reported to be very happy, possibly because he now has an opportunity to vote against true Americanz, the public schools etc. The North Carolina library association are in session here to day and quite an interesting program was followed. While cleaning a meat chopper at his market last Friday night. John A Hoff man lost two fingers from his right hand. Mr Hoffman's many friends will regret to learn of his misfortune. A number of Negroes were caught gambling in an old rectifying house iu Dixouvillt Monday night by Officer? Harriion, Kesler, and Will iams. They were all toun. guilty and fiued iu the count court yesterday morning. The WooHleaf High Schoo will close Thursdav, May 3rd A ball game duriug the aitr noon and a play at night art features of the program. Prof A T Allen, who has been soperinteodant of the Salisbury bublic schools for several years, has bee a ap pointed a memJtjer Qtho Sfcate Board of examiners ' which consists of six members and will cost the State between $15,000 and f20,000 per year Mrs T K JJohnston has also been selected a member ol this board. The many friends here ot James Hodges who is travel ing with the Grorma'i & Krause Carnival, will 3ym pathize with him iu tl; los of his pair ponies. The ponies were killed hj light ing while in their tent in Baltimore last Saturday. - "Revenue officers Frank 0 Talbert of Salisbury, oceom panied by J M Newton of Tncmasville' and exSheriff Sprinkle of Davie County, went over into the land of Yadkin Recently where f hey discovered and destroyed a still 'and peverai blockade making outfits. They made no captures butsecured in formation for future use. Rer S E . tlichard son, the popular pastor of the East Spencer Methodist Church, was liberally pounded by the members of his beople Fri day night. Rev L B Wo'f of Baltimore CARRIAGES he marriage of Miss Mar garet Julia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. S Norman of Salis bury and J C Fulton of Greens boro, just announced, toofr place in Greenville, S. C, March 6th The marriage of Miss Nellie Holmes, daughter of Mrs. B 6 Pearson, and J Henry SFoushee of Greensboro, took place at the home of the bride's mother last Thursday evening, Rev. M M Kinard officiating. After a brief bridal trip they will make their home with the bride's mother Jn Salisbury. " The marriage of Miss Rebecca f Rt i Walker of Charlotte, and James ; , T ! '1 -A- John's E L Church Sunday evening. lie spoke of the great part Martin Luther had rendered toward the establish ment of civil and religious freedom throughout t h e world. The closing exercises of the Sunday School were held at the old court house last Sunday afternoon. The pros gram consited of talks invo cation musical selections an address by J H Highsmith of Wake Forrest, and i the awarding of certificates to those who took the course. The Colored Minnisterial Union of Salisbury and Spencer held a meeting on April 18th and pledged their loyalty and passessions to the nation shcnld ihey be needed, that they bear uO grudge or ill will to any people and state theri) readiness to safes guard the interest of all our people. There was a freighttraih wreck near Bali's Junction onXtbe Yadkin road Thurs day movuing. Eight or ten cars were derailed and the east bouud passenger train did not pas that point. A wrecking crew cleared the rack au'4 tha uual schedule has been resumed. The May term of Rowan superior court convenes here Davis of Salisbury, took place at the home of the bride, ia Char lotte yesterday evening. After the ceremony a delightful recep tion was held. The couple will make their home in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. O D Davis, parents of the groom, Henry Davis, a brother who acted as best man, and Miss Doris Harry we)re present to witness the ceremony. Quinine That Does Not Affect The Hjac ;.-tf"Hnse of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA 1 1V H BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinice end does not cause nervousness not dattag fa bet. Remember the full name and sk for th &&txvam oi . w SSOVB. 25a Hospital Committee i The hospital committee of the Western North-Carolina Methbd ist Conference, Rev. C M Pick ens of Spencer, chairman, held two meetings at the Empire Ho tel in this city last Thursday afternoon. Delagations from a number . of neighboring towns, and one from Salisbury appear ed and submitted offers to have the hospital located in their .re spective towns. These offers were taken under advisement and, after visiting each, the com mittee's decision 'will be made known. Deaths. William J Allen, aged about 26, died last Thursday afternoon after having- been operated upon for appendicitis. The funeral was held' from the residence of his brother on East Horah street Friday afternoon, Rev. G W Vick officiating. The remains were taken to 'Enon Baptist Church about live miles - west of Salisbury for interment. The remains of Ethel E., in fant of Mr. and Mrs. E T Cartee of Spencer, who. died Sunday were taken to ilnderson, S C, for interment.. ' Miss 'Nora. Busby aged 16, died at her home near the Vance mill Saturday afternoon from the effects of ' ptomaine : poisoning-. She .took ill T h ursday.' af te rnoon after eating some cake and drink ing some bottled stuff. The funeral was held Sunday after noon,. the interment being in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. WHAT -IS Constipation and Indigestion. These are twin evils. Persons suffering from indigestion are often troubled with constipation. Mrs. Robert Allison, Mat toon, 111., writes that when she first moved to Mattoon she was , a great sufferer from indigestion and constipation. Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not LAX-fSS IS AM IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative CATKA5T1C- AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fes is not a Secret or Patent MecU cipe but is composed of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs: CABGARA BARK BUJil FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN I n Lax - Fos ihz CascaRa is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi 2ni i t-iubir: it better than ordinary CAS AKA,3iid ihVibihc combination acts not. ot-y B a .stimuiating laxative and cathar Lro but also us a digestive and liver tonic. ?yrap laxatives are weak, but Lax-Fos Cf.'?:bi.ue.s stieagtb with palatble,aro isn '- taste: iiiicl does not gripe or disturb Mr iwh.s One bottle will prove . x - in iavcluable for Coustipafion, h svu't! Tor Did liver. Price 50c. 9 RUB. OUT PAIN with good. oil liniment. That's the suresl: way to stop them. The best "rubbing liniment is Era El STm Kill UnnHav. Mhv 7th with his T T , ii t. j -ri.-r-' '-i i T x.m rr t rest weu ai nini ana ien- worn bcuor Jcr.ge M H Justice 0ut a good part of the time:'' One presiding .Ihe term JP-for bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets two wee&s, nrst weeK lor criuinal jasea and the secoad for civil case?. corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Qood foT your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc e 25c 50c. $1. AtallDealew. warn XIShDGEOUS' PRODUCTrON of AT THE BIG it IN" PRINCESS WATAHWASO MARIE MAYER ATORt KAP0 "1 I L mTnlr IX. ' lI I flu II BJ Hill W T ZY - Don't Risk HedecL Don't neglect, a constant back ache, sharp, darting pains or uri nary disorders. The danger of dropsy or Bright's disease is too serious to ignore. Use JJoan's Kidney Pills as have your friends ' and neighbors, v Salisbury case. Mrs. H: Frost, 603 N; Main St., Salisbury, sayst had backache and other -kidney disorders. At times my limbs were so weak and lame, I could hardly get around, In the morn ing the tro able was worse. My kidneys were irregalar in action and caused me a lot of annoyance. I had heard of so many who had bund Doan's Kidney Pills bene- ticial that I began taking them. They lived up to the claims made for them, relieving the misery in Notice of the dismissal o$ the receivership for the Boy? -al Arcanum has been receive i. ed. ' . - , . 4 , .. ' For Stiff Netk Apply Sloan's Liniment without, rubbing t6 the sore leaden and the pain will soon be relieved. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia, my back and regulating the act- gout, lumbago, bruises, strain. Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't a bottle handy. simply ask for a kidney remedy aStS pe ; an.a.ooUeJciener get Doan 's Kidney Pills the sam e 8tftin the Bfcn. that Mrs. frost had Foster Mil- MM Araautm 9, au mnA ti m , . i- t-ci -vt -r at,, . r" ourn uo., rrops., Duuaio, n. i. M A Safrit Was in town aod showed us a large one cent piece dated 1852, which be found at his home in Litaken Township receLtly. 7f t ' only one night Memphis to Texas. J T m m W ino missing connections entu'e ttain runs through, Memphis to Texas. Leave Memphis 9:30 p. m. ' Arrive Dallas 11:45 a. m. next morning, Ft. Worth 1:25 p. m. to WINTER TOURIST FARES dally until Aptll 3(, 1917. to man; places in Texas. Louisiana and New Mexico. Stopovers. Retunj limit Ur.v Si Another through train to Texas via Cotton Belt Route haves Memphis 9s35 a. m. H. H. Button. District Passenger Afent, 109 West Otb Rt Ohattanooa Tenn. r Rowan Hdwe. & Mach. Co. SALISBURY : Sell the Champion Cream Saver I F yon have ever owned a separator of any other make, there is one outstanding feature of the NEW De Laval that will appeal to you as much as even its mechanical superiority. and that is its simplicity. You" won't find any complicated, troublesome parts in the NEW De Laval. It does not get out of order easily, even when it is misused; and. if for any reason you ever should want to take it apart, the only tool you need is tfee combination wrench and screw-driver furnished with each machine. The NEW De Laval is the simplest cream separator made. A person who has never before . touched a separator can. if neces sary, unassem ble a modern De Laval machine down to the last part within five minutes, and then put it together again within ten minutes. This is something that cannot be done outside a machine shop with any other separator made, and any. separator user who has ever had to wrestle with the complicated mechanism found in other separators will appreciate what it means to him. 1 ' ' Don't fail to stop in and see the NEW De Laval the next time you are in town. Even if you are not in the market for a sepa--rator right new, come in and examine a separator that is said by experts to embody the greatest improvements in cream separator construction in the last thirty years. Only tool required SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand FOOT REST HOSIERY, whether it's appearance you want in hosiery or wheatber it wear you will gett it if you get "Jft'o'trRest." And this too is an enduca ment to most of Vs;' You'll SAVE.MONEY. Fall an.d winter goods, heavy , Weight underwear for men and women; also Dress. btoode, Shoes Pants, Overalls,' Hats, Notions, ,Gr)o3y, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, feed staff, etc. Whea in need come to see me. ' a Farmers are invit-id to make? place headquar ters white in the city. Very truly, ) "lSl. . i i. ' 'a. ' tVV6.'U. W 'f 17, The Big I Chautauqua will be in 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St . , SaHsbury, N . C. May 2 to May 9. ie dpath Salisbury

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