v. THE CAROLINA WATOEDgAN. SALISBURY, N. 0. " CRISIS OF WOMAN'S LIFE Change Safely Passed by , Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Wagoner, Okla. "1 never get tired of praising Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vge- ta d l e Gomnound became during Change of Life I was in bed two years and had two operations, but all the doctors and op erations did me no good, and I would nave been in my grave today had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Comnnnnrl which brought me out of it all right, so I am now well and do all my housework, besides working in my garden. Several of my neighbors have got well by tak ing Lydia EL Pinkham'sVegetable Com pound." Mrs. Viola Finical, Wagon er, Okla. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dizziness should be needed by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has carried many women safely through the crisis. v j ! j 1 NnriFn Kills Chills I Good for Malaria, constipation biliousness a fine tonic Guaranteed or money back Ask uour dealer B eHr ens Drug Co..Waco.Tcx. 1 v J- Juice of Lemons! t. How to Make Skin White and Beautiful ; jit the cost of a small Jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful leon skin softener and complexion befeijtifler.aby squeezing the juice of tw$ iresn lemons into a Dotue conuuu In three ounces of orchard white. Care, should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp ge$ In, then this lotion will keep fresh for-months. Every woman knows that Ienon juice is used to bleach and re mote such blemishes as sallowness, freikles and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. . &st try it I Get three ounces of or chard white at any pharmacy and two lenams from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly-fragrant lerfcpn lotion and massage it dally Into theface, neck, arms and hands. It naj$rally. should help to soften, fresh enleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is wonderful to smthen rough, red hands. Adv. CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? HQ! STOP! ACTS LIKE DYNAMITE Oil UVER I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had Doesn't Make You Sick! 'Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don't lose a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti jrnted, listen to me! ! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking It up. This is when you feel tha't aw ful nausea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out," ii your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store or dealer and et a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a -5 Most Pressing Need. dith had been ill and mother had besyt coaxing her to eat. SViH you have an orange, dear?' ftftfon't you. have some ice cream?" ;$o, no." flJi.p questioning continued. Finally i a w-vary little vo.n ' p;p;j(j : 'in xeu jou wlat I will have, mother." Vhat, darling?" eagerly. - rest." spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fin and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying th sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefor it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't 'gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. W (&LLTKIl Granulated Eyelids, Sties, Inflamed Eyes relieved over night by Roman Eye Balsam. One? trial proves Its merit. Adv. Cpenings sometimes come to men anp, oysters when least expected. Distinctive One-Piece-Frock. Among the many new one-piece crocks of wool for winter, there are a few that contrive to be as simple as fashion demands, and as original and clever as the most exacting of careful dressers could ask. These two at tributes simplicity and originality The Boy Prude. Representaitve La Guardia of Michi gan was praising the president's Flag day oration. "How well he speaks out against the German militaristic autocracy i" j nave no rivais wnen it comes to con said Mr. La Guardia. "Every true j ferring distinction on any sort of ap Democrat must speak out against that j parel. They are the hallmarks of hydra. To use soft words about it is ' genius in a designer, to be weak and silly- and mistaken j The neat and spirited frock above like the little bov Drude. ! ls an example of fine draping in an MA little boy prude, having eaten j otherwise plain dress, tnn mnv mir chprrios wns rnken ill i new management of with a clever the skirt and matter?' said the What's the matter, in school, and began to groan and writhe. " 'What's the pretty teacher. Tommy?' "The boy answered in an embar rassed voice : "Tve got a terrible pain In my my abandon.' " ELIXIR BABEK WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD IN THE PHUXPPTNBS. I contracted malaria In 1896, and after a year's fruitless treatment by a prominent Washington physician, your Elixir Babek entirely cured m. On svrriTins; here I came down with tropical malaria the worst form and sent home for Babek. Again It proved its value It is worth its weight In rold here." Brasie O'Hagan, Troop B, 8th U. S. Cavalry, Balayan, PhUlpplnes. Elixir Babek, 50 cents, aU druggists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Xlocxewskl Co, Washington, D. C. A Bungle. "The kaiser tries hard to please, but his efforts are very bungling." The speaker was Seward Prosser, head of the New York Red Cross. "The- kaiser," he went on, "kicked out Bethmann-Hollweg, who only want ed an honorable peace, and took on Doctor Michaelis, who demands a peace of victory. Yet the kaiser tries to please his people he even tries to please the allies but he bungled like the bachelor. " 'Why, Miss Mamie,' said the bach elor, gallantly, at the seashore hop, yow mother positively looks as young as you do.' " 'That's no compliment,' said Miss Mamie, with a toss of the head. "'What I meant,' stammered the bachelor, more gallantly than ever, 'was that you er you look as young as your mother does.' " One on the Doctor. The following anecdote is carefully preserved by a family whose Scotch ancestors took a rise out of the lexi 1 cographer : Hostess Doctor Johnson, what do you think of our Scotch broth? Doctor Johnson Madam, in my opinion it's only fit for pigs. Hostess Then have some more. beautiful adjustment to the figure. Any of the reliable wool fabrics, as serge, gaberdine, broadcloth, velours, serve equally well to make it, and it is to be recommended to those who intend to remodel a last year's suit into this year's frock. The bodice is long on the shoulder, where a plait extends over the top of the sleeves, and a shaped panel is sloped to the waist line. Three buttons, set on at each side, from the bust to waistline, tack the panel to the lining or under bod ice. . The sleeves are set in the under bod ice, and the chances are that the dress fastens along the nnder-arm and Shoul der. . The panel in the waist is met by a panel in the skirt stitched down about six inches below the waist and .fall ing free from there. Two cascades in the material terminate at the knee and below this drapery the skirt ls buttoned along the seams with the front caught up a little at the hem. The sleeves are plain, with cuffs of organdie that are detachable. One of the new ruffled collars of organdie is worn at the neck. These collar and cuff sets are made in light colors tmd white, and are the forerunners of a variety of sets that will be worn on plain, one-piece frocks this winter. They will take the place of the shirt waist in freshening the dress that U worn day in and out. Invariable Rule. When fifteen people go picnicking with fifteen lunch baskets the one bas ket that gets lost always contains the salt Because mackerel travel in schools It is proposed to have a bond issue to build a few schools for them. Sold for 47 years. For XVIelaria, CmS find Fever. AIM a Fine General S tren-tiienixis Tor-c, uiu vl CO st &d Drag btsm. i "fr' in FRESH -CRISP-WHOIESOME-DELICIOUS THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IM TUB MAKING OF THES BISCUITS MAKE THEM THE STANDARD ( EXCELLENCE fyttr Pttlcr tus Sum. or if tu tit thouU. 4sk him or write us qivtog nts name CHATTANOOGA BAKERY CNATTAN904 Tim, If' !&et Contents 15 Fluid Prachmj Children Cry Fop K9 n . . ' i " i ii i i 1 1 in ii i mi m m L.U...I ..iii.ii! ft ALCOHOL.- ii Aveeeiaoie nvjwiauui" sinulatingtlieFood by Regular tmgtheStomactoandIkwefc irjJvviu i Mil 1 1 iiiiaiB v uiv.vvj .T-r ? Cheerfulness ana psu-1 neither Opium, Morpmnc. -Mineral. KotNarcotic JumplunSml JbdUtSdt JffcfW fcp (rtion.Diarrhoei. !resiiltinilherefroiajnli facsimile Sijnatarep r mi"1 The Centaur GOMPAV5C 'NEWTS? E - iii..h- .im unriB ----ftr-ft--f-l-""''irTlr''I,y What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mothers Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBears the Signature of S3 Exact Copy of Wrapper In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THB CINTAUR COMPANY) NIW YORK CITY. X coal A Loss. barons and the steel Important in the Fall Wardrobe. I'm glad there's such a big corn crop says MORIS DOST TOASTIEb Within her own four walls the earn est and busy woman of today may for Ket to be strenuous and throw aside her new responsibilities for a while. Along with a cup of tea she will be able to gather refreshment from a negligee as simple and pretty and alto gether adorable as that snown m the nicture, and she is a wise woman who will indulge herself in this kind of re laxation. Many of the new negligees are pre tentious and really splendid, but this particular example is simple, and weet The richer ones are of satin, elaborately draped with lace and look more showy than comfortable. The npeligee printed might be of colored voile of crepe or thin silk, in plain or fiwed patterns. It is made with a plain, loose-fitting bodice, opening sur Sce fashion at the front Joined to a gkirt shirred on two cords below the linn and open down the front. SelM ?ne front of the bod ice is bordered with lace and ace bor rs all the edges of the skirt. El Sw sleeves are finished with a Mil i?7he material edged with lace. . 1 law Detticoat Is essential to the success of the negligee, and it should play its gay role supported by pretty slippers and silk stockings. A cap of net and lace and ribbon belongs in this dainty company. One may spend much or little money on an outfit for restful hours at home, with good results, either way. Fine colored voiles or thin wash silks will make lovely negligees at small cost if pretty colors are chosen and voile is very durable. There are some new boudoir caps, in spired by the Chinese hat, made of s.atin ribbon and lace. " The Dutch cap is also a candidate for the favor of those who are looking for some thing new, but none of them are an im provement upon the plain caps. A band of white ribbon edged with lace and finished with a small. bow and a cluster of flowers is a successful sub-' stitute for a cap. A new gasoline stove folds up Into a tiny box for transportation. baroisb' promise to give the people a squar deal during war time, but I guess? there's no danger of their going too fr and robbing themselves in the people's behalf." Thjspeafcer was Samuel Gompers. "YesV' he went on, "there's no dan ger ojhtheir acting like the young lady at thsliore, who said to her father: 'Pipa, I lost my heart on the moon lit be&ch last night, and accepted old RakelHarduppe. Poor Rake is no longed 'young, I know, but, as I said, I've l&t my heart.' "TOmph,' snorted her father, 'I thlnk-s your head that you've lost.' " SOOTHES ITCHING SCALPS And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cuticura Soap and Ointment, OniPetiring, gently rub spots of dan- j aa ji i i- f lit. i"l if rw-l- oruu. vuuu ltcuiug wiui tuuciua vine ment4 Next morning shampoo with, Cuticia Soap and hot water using plentyof Soap. Cultivate the use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every day tplet purposes. Free sample each by mail with Book. AddreSif postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Bosto Sold everywhere. Adv. ? sBroken Heart Cure. He-Sfunderstand you have been at tending an ambulance class. Can you tell mis-hat is the best thing to do for a broken heart? She-rOh, yes. Bind up the broken portioir with a gold band, bathe in orange-blossom water and apply plenty of raw-rice.. Guaranteed to ge weii in a moritJt, Pearson's Weekly. If a toan has money to burn the rest of us try to make light of his fortune. NOTHING SAID ABOUT LION Showman Had Forgotten to Mention a Highly Important Point When He Made His Offer. The enterprising impresario of the mammoth circus offered $100 to any member of the audience who would en ter the lion's cage. He made the in vitation nightly, but no one seemed in a hurry to accept it until one evening a very sheepish looking Individual rose and shouted : lf you please, sir, I should like that hundred dollars IM The audience was horror-stricken, but the Impresario replied, with a con temptuous and rather incredulous smile : "Oh! So you want to go Into the lion's cage, do you?" "Certainly I" said the man, starting to make his way from the audience. "Very well, then; come along. I will open the door for you and you can walk in." "All!" said the man, stepping for ward with a knowing wink. "I'll go in, but you will have to take the lion out first. What you said was that you would give a hundred dollars to any one going into the lion's cage." Freedom Purchased. t "Buying Liberty bonds?" "Yep; still paying alimony" Yale Record. Mm '"""UMnilllHIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllHUL" - m!h!1! Murine Is for Tired Eyes, i mOYleS Red Eyes Sore Eyes Granulated HyeUds. Bests 1 Refreshes Bes to re. Murine is a Favorite r i Tour ' 2 CARE FOR THEM. YOU CAMMOT BUY REW EYES B Sold at Drag and Optical Stores or by Mall. E Ask Marina Ey Remedy Co.. Chicago for Frae Book WHIM HI 1IMIMM iiiiiiiii.imiimiiiim you Asrr enr out a Bog Spavin of horoughpin but you can clean them off promptly with and you work the horse 6am e time. Does not blister or remove tht hair. $2.00 per .bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, JIL, the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Mntcle or ligaments. Enlarged Glands. Wen. Cysts. Allan pain onickly. Price SI and tX a bottle at druggists or delivered. Made in the U. 8. A. bf W. F.YOUNG, P. D. F.. JIOTinpH Jt.,$prinoBld. I GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATM INT nis treatment la the result of man years of ttody ana experience in tnespecuu treat ment of diseases of the lungs and throat by the late Dr. J. H. Guild, graduate of New York Medieal OoV Iege and New York Chemical Lab oratory, a practitioner in BeUeTTt and New York Charity Hospitals, and an eminent physician. 26c and tl.00 at dniggists. Wr Baapto and practical treatise on Asthma, It causes, treatment, etc Sent ott request. J. L Guild Co., Bupert,Vi Every 'Woman Wantn HfMBMaiw lanvmaa FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved In water for douches stops pelric catarrh, ulceration and faflain mation. Reccmm ended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten yaars A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Has extzaoaSnanr mnA Mnuslil VSUTeftTotS5SS'. Boaffldaas.1 The Muiray School Supply Co Btradackaa, ass. Desks, beaters, shades, crayon, erasers, blackboards rrerytmna. Special dlseowrts an snatl swu iiww . it I 4 - ?y

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