THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. 0. A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR THR3A 1 IFT YHIID nnniiA I Tonr hoi it wiu. Bl unniDlD by your draggis, WKhont any question If this ramdr doe not benefit lery case of Asthma, Bronchial Asthma, Hay r DR. R. SCHIFFUAU'S Hft flSTHHADOlni in either form (Curette, Pipe i Mixture or Powder) .positive INSTANT HHLIBF In we ease and has permanently cured thousands who had been onsidered Incurable, after baring tried eTeryVther means of relief In yaln. Sufferers are afforded an opportunity of availing themselves of this "Money, back" guajuntee offer as through purchasing from ttlr own regular Druggist, they are sure ttaelt luouey will be refunded By him if the remedy faili Ton will be the sole Judge as to whether you are benefited and will get your money back: if you are We do not know of any falw proportion which we could make. " B. Schiffmann Co., Proprietors, St. Paul, Minn. Easy to Remedy. Jones was always complaining of his wife's memory. "She can never remember anything," said he. "It's awful !" "My wife was just as bad," said Brown, "till I found out a capital re cipe." "What is it?" asked Jones, eagerly. "Why,"' said Brown, "whenever there's anything particular I want the missus to remember I write it on a slip of paper and gum it on the looking glass." Jones is now a contented man. A Poor Counter. "He's an expert accountant." "I don't believe it. I played golf with him the other day and the score he handed in convinced me that he never studied arithmetic." Deliberation is a good thing thnt has broken few records. A PHYSICAL WRECK Laid Up In Bed, Barely Holding Onto Life. Doan's Effected Marvelous Recovery. "Without warning I was dragged to the brink of the grave by malignant kidney trouble," says Robert Wen gatz, 114 Cypress Ave., Bronx, N. Y. rHy kidneys seemed to stop acting and tne pains m my back were terrible. Big, bloaty puffs came under my eyes and attacks of dizziness often blinded me. My limbs swelled twice normal size and I could press big dents in to the flesh. "I was confined to oJ I J 1 ' , ucu auu uau wuviuuuug nr. wengsa. several times a day. Despite the best of treatment, I grew worse and was taken to the hospital. I didn't improve, however, and was brought home again, barely holding cnto life. "Toward the last of 1913, a friend persuaded me to try Doan's Kidney Pitta and I cannot put into words what they did for me. The first box helped more than all the other medi cines and treatments I had taken. I continued and from an emaciated wreck of a man I have taken on good, solid flesh until I now weigh 225 pounds and am in the best of health. Doan's alone deserve the credit." Sworn to before me, JAMES T. COUGHLIN, Com. of Deeds Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S STiV FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Chills and Fever, Biliousness, II Constipation and ailments V requiring" a TONIC treatment! GUARANTEED and made bij BehrensDrog Go. T.-IPE CENT. ThcreWlVoinotiDi Ki w in.tiAnMiiu Chccrfiimcssanat'r Mineral. KotNARCH Ruhxafl Jhonpktft Setd jUx Stint tit iii "TiTS1 ..f Remedy for m ana r4y,?p . mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. ml ii i -r 'TL nan, in. mt -m 1 mm SP5SSW3 OFF WITH FINGERS j How to loosen a tender corn or callus so It Hfts but without pain. "-T--- . . . . . . Let folks step on vour fepr horcoi.. wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never aernin son aioi sparks of pain throurh you, according w mia Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender,- aching corn, instantly re- ,,c'w soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all. lifts rtehr nut This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. COSTLY CHIMES FOR CADETS Big Set of Bells Is Being Made for Chapel at United States Military Academy at West Point. What is said to be the most costly chime of bells in America and one of the most musical sets in existence is now being made at the foundry of the Meneely Bell company of Troy, N. Y., for the massive tower of Cadet chapel. Revi H. P. Silver, chaplain at the United States military academy, West Point, as the gift of Mrs. James M. Lawton, in 'memory of her father, the late Maj. Gen. Robert Anderson, who was graduated from the academy in 1825, and whose brilliant command of Fort Sumpter at the outbreak of the Civil war has thrilled millions of read ers of American history, says the Watchman-Examiner. There will be 12 bells in the chime, the largest weighing nearly two tons and measuring 50 inches at its mouth. The cadet chapel is of stone quarried from rock found on the military grounds and cost to build about half a million dollars. Its commanding po sition on the hill back from the Hud son river makes an ideal place for bells, and the patriotic airs from the chime will sound throughout the beau tiful highlands, in the midst of which the military academy' is situated, and prove a source of inspiration to the fu ture generals of the United States army that will always linger with them pleasantly. CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION While You Sleep With Cuticura Soap and Ointment Trial Free. On retiring, gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment, . wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, and continue bathing a few minutes with the Soap. The influence of this treatment on the pores extends through the night. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. A Measly Haul. First Burglar Hello, pard ! I haven't seen ye since you cracked dat crib on Jenkins street. Git anyt'ing? Second Burglar Yes, but I didn't know it until about a week afterward. I got de measles. It your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro man Kye Balsam applied upon going' to bed Is Just the thing to relieve them. Adv. There is no place like home when a man is broke. J For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years m OBMTAUN i nn Use m ' ' ' ' ! sjsBIBBnssnjBPwSc kflflC&ft ... . rys. s , - - - About the In a season when quiet colors and eserved designs prevail in suits and hats and the rule is for simplicity in dress, the new blouses appear to he quite independent of these ideas. Ex cept for lingerie blouses and plain shirtwaists, much like those of the pioneer days in blouses, the new mod els enter1 a brilliant and' vivid com pany, in colors and decorations, com pelling the eyes. They save the day for a season that would otherwise be too tame. Costume blouses of georgette crepe, are made in flame red, petunia orchid, purple, gold, green (emerald) char treuse, wine, and in pale tones as' well. Bead work of American Indian inspira tion and embroidery of East Indian origin sparingly used furnish jthe logical decoration for these more or less vivid flashes of color. Lingerie blouses are of another or der entirely. They are made of fine voile or batiste or organdie, with the finest voiles favored. They are not by any means inexpensive when the work of making and decorating them is all done by hand as it is in the best examples of this kind of blouse. Mi nute, hand-run tucks, inlays of real lace and embroidered applique, worked by hand, bring prices ranging from twelve to twenty-five dollars each. But voile is so durable and so fine that it Velvet Hats Although you may make your choice among hats of many different shapes the chances are will fall upon something made of velvet, either plain or paume and lhat that something will be simply trimmed- The capeline, the casque, the toque and the turban shapes, varied and interpreted in many ways they are all here. And they are dressed up in velver sometimes of two kinds and often of two colors. Since the matter of trimming Is easily dis posed of that of making and draping the hat may take much time. Soft crowns are everywhere. In the first hat shown in the group above, a wide brimmed shape, covered with paume velvet, has a crown that is a puff, accordion plaited; both these ficts marking it a hat of the hour. Its trimming is an ornament At Jet and It la a brilliant all-black triumph of millinery art. The beautlfull) draped turban in & pi " New$louse. raems tha time spent in i.oing nand- worR on it. 0'p of the simpler new models is sholtett'in the picture. It is of fine whita voilSvIth all seams hemstitched, and is tmmed with Venetian lace. Its especially new feature appears in' the wide jabot ends gathered to the sailor eollai? ; at each side. The sleeves are fullfid prettily finished at the hand witliffthelr fullness gathered into a ban'whlch is hemstitched to a nar rowfljaring cuff. The blouse fusteps withsmall, heavy pearl buttons and a lacepsertion is set at each de of the &m in the front. at ! . " l ' Indefinable, but Unmistakable. "Pjli blest if I know- what you wom en vsjiaht with dressmakers nowadays; cut Ipiole for your head in a piece of stuffand tie it in around th waist and Itiere you are!" So said a smart soldtiy man on leave, whose own uni formlas immaculate. "I have a good minJko follow your directions and takegfa walk in the park with you,M counllred his wife. It is difficult to see sphere the modiste's skill comes Lin, fkr the gowns of today fit nowhere and sdtsguise rather than improve the figure All the same, the costume turntcd out by a first rate house haa a stye about it indefinable, but unmis takable. . That is what we women cheerfully pay for. fofJFall. petunia velvet has a very narrow drooping brim. All the draping flows upwayd in graceful lines from the cen ter oj; the crown where a wing is posed , It is in the color of the velvet but it various shades and follows the linescf the flower-like drapery. AnJJddd shape not easily classified appears in the third hat. It lays claim to originality and is made of gray veb vet o a shape that turns back off the faee.?A pair of gray wings with bright irridecent feathers at the front sug gesl scarab, and they are mounted flat aalnst the turped back brim. In dressy hats as in wfternoon dnd evening gowns, much more attention Is given to draping materials than fo? manyseasons and draperies that con form jo beautiful lines, serv to set oftl rich J&brics. , As beneficial as if is enjoy able in other words doubly beneficial: that's why is popular the world over. Many a long watch or a bard Job is made more cheerful by this long-lasting refreshment. c r. A Between Us Girls. Miss Sharpe Some men can be led, but others must be driven. Young Sharper Oh, yes ! But while you can drive a man to drink you can't always lead him to the altar. REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A WELL KNOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST. In reference to Elixir B&bek the syatrtmedy tor chill and fvmr and all malarial ditmate. "Within the last five months I have sold 8,600 bottles or Elixir Babekfor Malaria,Chillsand Fever. Onr customers speak very well of it." Henry Evans, 922 F St., N. W.,Washington, D. C. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski & Co., Washington, D. 0. "Wife a Good Sport." W. S. Desmond, a carpenter of Huntington Lake, Cal., is above the se lective draft age limit, but he wanted to join the army. . He told his wife. She objected. He offered to match pennies with her. She agreed. He suggested heads, stay at home, tails go to the front. They matched and tails won. Des mond enlisted in the field artillery. "My wife's a good sport," he told the recruiting officer. Love in a Cottage. He Their engagement is broken off, L understand. She Oh, yes. He What was the reason? She Why, both were satisfied that they could live on love in a cottage, but when they got to details they dis covered that each of them contem plated supplying nothing but the love. Fifty-Fifty. Bernard was present at a dinner par ty, in which some of the guests brought their children. One little girl wanted to play with Bernard's toys, but he was selfish and wouldn't let her. "Now, Bernard," said mother, "you must be a little gentleman." "Yes," said he, "but she must be a lady." Would Give Him the Lie. Rounder This gas bill is' only. 20 cents. Clerk Well; sir? Rounder Better make it $4.20. My wife keeps the bills, but I've been writ ing her that during her absence' I've spent all my evenings at home. When He Howled. "Hubby, the maid has gone and she took my diamond tiara." "Well, I don't like notoriety. Let It go." "She also took a peck of potatoes." "Send for the police!" Who wants bread and butter when a feller can have TOASTIES says I HfRAPPCO 3 After Every Meal J n Aids appetite ma vjifiumi Jk m bum mwwiiwm iiii(tx.tiwtf -r.ifi mi zxm z POST V corn JjgS 3 j 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 The Flavor Lasts Allays thirst h and fatisos Soldiers and Officers. The lieutenant was testing the sq& in visional power. "Tell me, No. 1," he said, "how man? men are In the trench digging party over there?" "Thirty men and one officer, " waa the reply. "Quite right. But how do you know one was an officer at this distance! "Cos he's the only one not working I Scottish American. Plenty of It.- "Bragley says his new house Is heat ed with hot air." "Then it is well heated. I've bear Bragley talk.' In profanity It is not so much what one says as the manner in which It la uttered. Indigestion nrodnces . Al8S.a-reea.ble sometimes alarming symptoms. WrtgWs) Indian Vegetable Pills stimulate the dfcasv tive processes to function naturally. At. After a woman reaches a certain ags she never mentions it. THE BEST IFY0U0IYHAUTTIEFIEIO 1 FOR THE lAMD'S SAKE , fDJUwnmuTOKAKErfna 3 i-a J-ihiii 1ULSZL3 (3iS530b TEACHERS WANTED SPECIAL ENROLLMENT (1) Men for town and country schools, 75 to 1(a); (2) Ladles combining music and school ; (9) Grade and high school. C&a pbo all qualified teachers. Unprecedented de mand. Writo today. 8pecial enrollmest. Southern Teachers. Agency, CoInnih.SLCL KODAKS EXPERT DEVELCPC3 All roll films developed 10c Prtetelte Sets. Prompt attention to mall enter. R. O. BEENAU, Greensboro, X. sX ..PARKER'S HAIR BALSAtt A toilet prepsrsttcsi of Belna to mdlnti dam FarftiifaKfawCaW Biity toGray or Fadad Haiti sop, sua yuw w urorrw. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of Prices ana Catalogue upon rnst S. Galedrf Optical C., Kkkmi. T.