T Hi , 4. ill . . . ' . y ft'' 's- - " ; " HE CAROLINA WATOlOfaAN, SALISBURY, N. & I A C a -Written by: SUR CURBESPONDENf FAITH. Oct. 4th. Rev and Mrs H A Fesperman, who are spend ign tneir vacation with their mother, Mrs Sttie Peeler, has returned home to Star Town. - Rev HA Welker is holding a series-of meetings at Mt Hope church this week, .being assited Tuesday by RevFes permauand the remairder of the week by Rev Wagoner of Salisbury. John D Browu has the cons tract to enlarge the residence of Ghas JSarger and is at work there now. John O Julian is helping him. Three more rooms will be added. Misenheimer is making mo lases near Faith and thera is piles of cane there the like of which has never "been seen before. So . many people raised cane this year and that one settlement ill be sup plied with syrup this year. There are two fine young uan nanaie tnem any way and they wont bite They were . caught when very young. One of our neighbor ladies wants to buy an old time ecub broom made of white oak wood. Bring one to Faith and you can sell it. After many. years' experience in the use of it and other couh medicines, there are many who prefer Chamberlain's to anv oth er. Mrs A C Kirstem, Green ville, Ills, writes "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in my mother's home and mine for years, and we alwa3's found it a quick cure for colds and bronch -. ial trouble?. We find it to be the most relnble coujrh medicine we have used " The Community M Cross Bazaar Will be opened Wednesday even inff the 10th., in the Washing ton Building. At eight o'clock on that evening- a patriotic meet ing will be held in the old court house. The Hon Cameron Morrison will speak on that oc casion. Following the meeting, the audience will be invited to the bazaar, where refreshments are to be served, on a large scale. This is the first time that so im portant a bazaar has been under taken by the united efforts of the ladies of the county. The inter est and work is not confined to the county seat. There will be nine booths for fancy works, candy, novelties bags etc. The ladies of China Grove and Granite Quarry will each have a booth. The ladies of South River Cooleemeer and Cleveland will have one booth together. In these booths will be sold besides fancy works. canned goods and cakes, eggs, , i ' fund, messeu cnicttens ana gen'le squirrels for sale here, vegetables. These will be all of the best and sold at reasonable prices This is an opportunity .for all the women of the community to work towards realizine- a laro-p tund for the work, and the sum realized therefrom, is for thp Red Cross. It is for our soldiers in the trenrhpti Th made at this bazaar will buv wool to keep our soldiers warm durino- . i ... vuc uumiug winter ana will pro 1 r. A crowd of boys went odos- "?J:?u,e? ouF. ou2.e suiuicia in our nnun ta s H'nr 1 J . . I t-"- J VJM. OUU1 auntinff laRl niff It. thicrpan tk rrra 1 n - cj I - ' WVSLUll Jl IVUWdU Their doe trailed a rin'SRn m I county work with uncommon in- into Faith under J T Wvatt'a teestdrawing together the bonds l"T CTTtT-1 nothi' n U 1 . 1 .storehouse where they ca bi Si " LUi-eu u. iney gave it to J we Dpe to do tor "Our Bos. T W. WUat hunters can n u every aay aun"S u-uiutoa mcuviuutu, nam, pota- Veniis thonj?ht Tih ImH thm loe saiaa, baked beans, 35cts ' O ua -uvuj ,i , 1 j r ... all hPfll nn th nnmnVin Kn. T ldUl. "St pickle, " i-ut iu oeaten Discuit, 3octs. me corresponaent irom tue Oysters stewed, or fried. 35cts. Cross RoadR p,nmM fm-warH )"ster cocktail, 15cts. - . r w v . vj. i rr .... wit.honwIihlniKnr,,0 oaee servea with lunches, Sets. 4 inches in diameter and 25 inches long. ' So we give it IN HEALTH People Taking Much Interests and the Pros! - pasts For a Successful Fair are Excellent! October 22 to 26 promises tol ninereeaniDgtiuXd0f Woman Te!! How $5 Wprth nineteen -Hundred seventeen;! n 1 1 r j in Rowan County. Interests develft . .amCwpound opes more and mnvo qo f, 45. Made Her Well. approaches for our approaches for our B Pair . t.. t i. U7 Lima, Ohio. "I waa all broken dorm we are proud to announce to the&inheaitiifromadisplacement.Oneof my the ,.eople that the prospers,! UtljlUiH iJSd STJE lor our Fair is better than People from all over the county are writing us they are coming They are groins: to make exhlhiur- of Live gtock, Poultry, andfH Agricultural products gator.e. i the ed in our races for farm horses, in th-3 hay loading contest, and other features and amusements. Entries are being made daily, in iho different" departments, and and our offices are. the busiest in town, all of. which indicate a big success and a big fair. Our free attractions will be among the best ever shown here, while our mid way will be filled with showe of a higher. class than those usually found with ariy Carnival company. There is a reason. for this; 'we are booking independent shows only, and have a choice of placing only the best. We are expecting a firm in Ohio to bring a car load of Shetland ponies here during the Fair, which will be a free Lttrac, tion for women and children. Taking everything into con sideration we can give positive assurance that our Fair will be better than before. Space in the main, building is fast being taken up for different exhibits, and others contemplat ing making an exhibit would do well to let us hear from them. The sa!e of advance pickets, by members of the Red Cross, is progressing satisfactory. We are giving7 a liberal per cent to the Red Cross, andVe urge people to buy tickets now from them. T.D.Brown, , Secretary. I I P j . Mi 1 '.f ' ; it 1 t ,-.'a' iiiiii see me and she ad vised me to com mence taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I began tak ing your remedie3 and took$5.G0worth and in two months was a well woman lifter three doctors said I never would litand up straight again. I was a mid flrife for seven year? and I recommended rr - j - fean to take before birth and after Syards,. and they all got along so nicely j.nat it surely is a goasena to suitenng iQinen. If women wish to write to flu I will be delighted to answer them. " a, Ohio. .1.' 'II ssJi.- IAVbfei3te MUX , ' I i Vv'VMOS .itl $y Cooke SI I Lei IT HzzfcJ IX I II T" III IWomen who suffer from displace ments, weakness, irregularities, ner iisness, backache, or bearing-down gt&ins, need the tonic properties of the fgcjts and herbs contained in Lydia E. liikham's Vegctabij Compound. up. Wlo can, beat Croesi .Roads pumpkin now? State of O1 lio Oil.v nf 'Polo -In Lucas Coumy, ss. B'rank J. Chenev malt-pa that hp v ,w wuuu uat Liir;i ui tiJU Vemis rHftflivH.d a nln. nnai nrm or v. j. unenev & (Jo . doino- .t .m.uiv' Kvkiii . . v - t r5 .card today from HiUsboro. N S,f 1 t I ' m-i m. in I 111 UUi V 1 j I I r . , irom a Drettv ..srirl. sum of onr HTTNrnT?Trn nnr U I i iLW i.1 iXDiJL' L WM ror eacn and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by the use of HALL'S CATARRH FRANK. J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me snd sub scribed in my presance, this Gth day of December, A W.Gleason. a. u. 1886.. (Seal) Notarv nnhlin Hall's Cktarrh Mod Herrr Cauble has the '"terually and acts through the uioflBt farm in this toWa and T','L Sli?.eMu5?." ?urface.s is improving it every year. monials, free. n. u , P. J. CHENEY & Co , Toledo, ..Cbas Barger has the finest o. Rniri w au ' cane patch we ever saw. One ball's Family Pirs for constioa stalk in a olaco and pvpv tlon- one about eight inches apart. Weat&or Altftr tetobor7l917. If you can beat that trot out . . . ! your farmer. ' monw to 15, tair, clear, Duuic uuaugfaDie, miia witn Lawrence Brown has the tnuder, rain followed by ouiu. wave wiin irost along The Ouinine Thct Does Not Afreet the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LA.XA ax y c ojs.vivivj vuiiiNi!,is Dettertbaa owmarv Quinine end does not cause nervousness nor jingiiif m r.caa. Kemembcr the lull name nnd iuujs. 101 lae signature ot EJ. W. GROVJJ. 30c To The Farsner o " Bore is vhat is printed on it : Orange Co. court-house, Hiilsboro, N 0, clock in tow- er was presented to the town oi Hillaboro by King George 3rd, 169, and has been a re liable time piece since instal lation. largest red apples hanging on nis trees we ever saw. . Venus.. - The Beauty Secret Ladies desire that irre siblecharm-.-agood pected. Magi Jbroml5to23. rain, and if wind is north-east a! from 8 to 10 ii m on the 15th. onr. rain with snow north. From 93 to 30, cool slight equinox wirm Ptorm and cool wave. JBrom 30 to Nov fi.-fair nnrl frosty, witbrain. thvAi snow .heu cold wave is ex Wc will give you 4olbs of Su preme flour and 121bs of bran fcr your bushel of good wheat. 3-udwick mHSing Co., 'Phone 137 Salishurv. M C j , w 9 19 tf . North Carolina ) Rowan Uounty a. ti vv evtz Ic Kowan County Court NOTICE 8 Reams ) - C S Reatrs will take nofc-v that an ticti n enti'ied as above, has betii c mm need in Rawan county eocft to n cmev the sum of fcur hundred dol lar;, (00 00) s damages for breach of contract for failure ty oonvey said" r al estate ,in accoi-dance wi'h ih? written contract, and the "said defend ant, will further take notico that he is r quired to appear at Kowan county c urt, the same tc be held on 'October 9, 1917, at the court hiu?e of t id c;nnr , in said State, at Q-RC, n ' or,;- arswer or demur to the complniiru in saia aouon, or tne plaintiff will apply to the cjurt for t! e relief demandpn in paid complaint. This, September 6, 1917. ' J Fbank McCubbins , Clerk Superior Court. John L Rendleman, attoruey. complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been' used so they buy a bottle of Lolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER and un according to simple directions. Improve ment is noticed at once. Soothing, cooling and refreshing. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan. Pink. White. Rou-ReJ. 75c. at Tniggit or Ay mail direct. Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co., 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. October slcw8 cold wa.v along, with equinox, some- warm and some raol lmio. NotB all weather 'mmiHnu in forecast does not irnn rain every day, outvote the expectingsm eectiorje, f'mm 1 i. s7 4 1 . ' to 6 or 4 flays ram aa above Henry Keid. li 8, B -x 07 j Salisbury, N U. Executor's The undersiened. havinc nimH.f!! executor of the estate' of L J Dan 1 ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said -deceased to nresent the same to the. nn,i. siened duly verified on or hefnrp ' iho' day of July, 1918 or this notice will "be ' pieaa in oar oi meir recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate. win please make immediate payment. July 9. 1917. J M Dancy, Execu or of L J Dancy, deceased, Mooresville, R FD., j! Zeb V Turlington, attorney. Mn??frjfro Qj1q nf DqoI Pctta mirsnant to the provisions contained in a tigrigape trust deed regis'ered in Book 20 pg 304, reyHer's Office of lredel County ap'a!so in the iiei-'ter's Office of Powan OSiuihty iii Book 57 page 74, executed by M L Overcash to R Lee Wright, Trustee diilt h iving been made in the paymfnt o)'rinp.ipal and interest, the holder of the nejhaving demanded foreclosure, the un designed will sell, at public auction, to tl e hlgliiest bidder for cash, at the court house dpiijin (he Town of Salisbury, at 12 o'clock tpn October 3ist 1917. both of the tracts dcriSe l below fust sep r.itely and then together, and will also sell at the Court ?jse dior in Statesville at 12 o'clock M., oiiie i mth day of October 1017, t'1 first named trad, the following describ ecfcHal cst Ue; fesl Tra( t: In Coddk Creek Township. afgofnihg the hinds of histon M.-llon, Lfclj -.MriKnight, and otheis, and beginning ata; Hickory, Mdlun's coroner, thence wfhlthis line W. 70 poles to P., O N. JtiiisJ oil's corner, tlience with his Hue . -.i 25 polos to Mulberry; thence S 20 gl4 poies to a Swffctgiim; tnence S. 20 E oles to a stake, cor er of 5; thence- j said lot E..92 poles 'to a stake: tlience S5 E 29 pa'es to a stake at the corner of thsflmn lot, thence N. 75 E. 31 poles. to a sl;ke; thence N. 20 li. 16 poles to .-lake, liT.e S 78 E. 45 polts to a t-take corner offo. -1; thence with said lot 52 pries tOjg .grake, G. G. iIcKnigbt'8 lim ; thence wi5w his line 123 poles to a s'ont; thence N 12 poles to the beginning, containing six acres. See deed Book 25 page 465 ThTrbove tract is in Ired ! 1 onuty. cond Tract; In Kowan Counts, on Cojle 'reek, adjoining the Iansof Locke' - 'enigltt, Dan Fisher an ! others,, and at egfjit.tng at a stone, G. G. MeKnight's ter ' vt m i . inn iiiit: x. ic UUr polS'fo ? VV. O-; thence W. 27 poles to the cre'-f; nnce do.vn the creek 38 poles to a StkJ'jr'Mn stump; tlience S. 83 E. 33 p.lig to the beginning, containing six (6 icris. " jrinsef sale cask. Tljts ceptember 25. 1917. R Lke Whicht, .trustee. ; ; . I Trade with . SALIS While a poor clerk in a Phila delphia bank he got his start to wealth and honor by investing his ovynsav' ings and practicing thrift During the Civil war he raised one billion dollars for the federal government. Coks was a great financier in his time, You will need an accumulation of money sooner or later. You may want to buy a home; or make a profitable investment; or go to college, or save the life of a loved one stricken with disease. Start an account with us with a part of your earnings this week. Add something to the de posit every week. Know the courage of prosperity and the independence of ready funds. Multiply your money in our care. I 3 A M 1 OHHf T ri e g CO FMI.S, ! U: -HU 1,'IMis We carry in pto-k or make to orrW anv kiod of medal or n (f H.e. vrry latest t-tjles h solid gold and Rrnnn tee our prices. We aU-o do the finest watch and jew-Iry repairiug Hint can be done and yvery i b is fullv suiifiu teed. . We carry the largest line of Watches, Diamonds. nd .?!Ly,j0th c;aro,i"H- usfor reliables goods, lio.MISKKPriESKN'I ATIONS: . W. He LEONARD, Jawsrfy & Diamond Merchant. Wallace.Hidg , 8a I i-bury, N' 0 r THE GHOGEP, I SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line ot General Me, chiiiidkse Constantly On Hand POO I REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want m hosiery or wheather it wear von will gef ' it ir you gt "Foot Rest " Ai d th s too is an enduce ment. to-jnostof ub. Yoii'll SA VE MONEY. tali and winter gocrN, heavy-weight uuriei-wt-ar tor ni'-'n and wo,;i,;r;. iU4 hp-aa ri.w4 i -. A)veralis. Hatf, Notious, (Vockery, Tinware, etc. ROCER1ES. i have i c!l selected -tv.V of f.,..i .,..,1 if..'... aruH-enes, emy produce, f-ed s.ifE.. etc. Wheu in net-'l ooriif to se me. Farn;Ms are i!ivited to make my place headquar. ters wliil; the cily. Very truly. V. TAYLOR, .UtjLcame&a full line of Hik s- ir'aae liroceneg at ery low prices. Kuys all k i nd jof Prod ncf Clfckeiis Eges, Bacon, and vegetaoles. See him feadquarters for Watkiu j ! Medicine Co. : 'Phone 57. 119 W. IuuisB St. -ir- M if. Mi COW Hr Sal8. A veiv line fresh mi'keow.. Apply to T E Webb R 8 Salisbury'; NC. 5i3 Notice to Creditors. ' Having qnalifitd as adrainislMtix upon 1 P'f gera) 1 j the enafo of W A Ramsey deceased . aiallawites imtiro ic l.aroKv nitron - 1 1 i ' ' '.'r Tif iPgoples National Bank Main Si , SaVihnrv. ' N . C. II ThiAU. 89 103 S L 1 i Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days OINTMENT failtn orefUn3 U5ney if PAZ0 ! i r1? faiIs to cure any case of Itchine- Xne first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c! f i SAHSBURY, H. G- R?s gfra) banking business and cor diallytivitea twur account. v . notice is hereby given to all nersnnj hirJ ' . claims .gainst said estate o presen e 1 W? VK PiH CUSJ lnieriSt ' e lo the undersigned on or bVfore Vvi T JW Ur PaVi,,8 "'t- 21,1918, or this notice will be plded in ' bir of thtir recovery. ' . ( . rcPf C:il .': ani( contilentul at ten S Anv person indebted to ibe estate will -r ,i SJ to -iJ8ioe?8 entruated to us oaUand settle with the undersigned at ;N. .iff f ..hi, n W f . Bnsby, T1,is September, 21, 1917. I J. D. fSwoo! d?nt John ;;cr- Mrs VVestonCapps Ramsey.' ' fee Pi ent. Asst. a'sl ier : An Ambition and a Record J THE needs of the South nre identical with the heeds ' Of the Fo'Jth::.l Railway. j . ' fK .,k...-ij: - .C . ' ttuu success oi one meant i Tte-Southern Ri!Iiav aika nn .t -h . accorded to others. ' iwie n The ambrtior. of tS- Snntin i . . " " . .! '"'-'-''V. , . maiiair anatranK poUcy in the manage- ment of railroads which invites the confidence of rorernmental ' .eenc.es; to re.I.ze that liberality cf treatment which 'ill S It 1 rQ tfbe.?vd,Una nr acd or "tion of better zni ' othJei9 'f118 in- lhe bodr pc!itic of thc South omjde of " The Southern Serves the South." . ji If5!

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