4- OS iiELiiEs you SICK, UGHl ITS MERCURY AND SALIVATES THE CAROLINA W ATCHLVN, SALISBURY, N. C. -'L-:" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' rvn nrrn 7) n mF 3 So o So 1 cllF 0ver some M Kefep your soWler or I jc-. sailor boy supplied, ; it :Yv refreshment, the pro- 31 A-3 awu n qi CT VrtJU, irr torfinn aoMnsf thirst. 31 i fcrP the help to appetite II ! K mrt W . . 4 w gu-p H and digestion anoraea 5 by Wrtelev's. 5 II It's an outstanding J 11 feature of the war j 11 l 'Ail the British Army 5 pJ-' AFTER EWERY MEAL OLD NORTH STftTE HEWS MEKiMlONAL Straiohten Up! Don't Lose 1a 1 Day's Work! Clean Your Sluggish b Liver and Bowels With "Godson's Liver Tone." Brief Notes Covering Happenings in This States That Are of Interest to All the People. Lenoir county has four community fairs this vear. SMTSfflOOL 1 I FSSfiN T, h- Mv.el makes you sick. Take lg " i vile, dangerous drug to dose V morrow you may lose a da(Vr-h'is mercury or quicksilver v in 11 it comes into contact ,,- -.-ic crashes into it. break Ibis is when you feel that emd rramninsr. If you g u" ". . v nnd "all knocked out," if your "Vt ; which with iDg it ! 6CIV'' 1 S TlC ALL mo C rli and torpid and Dowels const! , : have headache, dizziness, i;Kll0, if breath is Dad or ur just, try a spoonful of h Ison's Liver Tone. . :nv guarantee uo to any , or dealer and get a 50-cent dson's Liver Tone. Take tonight and if It doesn't straighten you right up and make you I leei nne and vigorous by morning I ' ui. you -10 go Dack to the store and ! get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is .destroying the sale of calomel be- 1 cause it is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetanie, therefore it cannot sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one sDoonful of Dodspn's Liver Tone will put your slug- gisn iiverto work and clean your bow els of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guar antee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feel ing fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. "Everybody's Day" was celebrated at rhomasviUe last week. . A life extension campaign is beiag conducted in Lenoir county. The tobacco sales at Winston-Salem last week totaled 2,552,043 pounds. (ByUBEV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D.. Tllpher of English Bible in the Moody Brae Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1917, WesternNeBpapero? Z &SS0N FOR OCTOBER Zl TEMPLE REBUILT AND DEDI CATED. " I LSON TEXT Ezra 8:8-13; 6:14-18, iUIRIES NOT ALIKE for f:.i5 Lawyer illustrated "Lead estions" in Court With Dip oaiatic Kiss Story John G. Johnson, a Phila- ..;yor, was once explaining v the-nature and the unfair- i ending" or guiding quistions. -truttHl hiss explanation with an 11 Ho i -A y.Uii-. chap and a pretty girl " he ,xr on a secluded bench at t. ,,,,, mil. The girl turned to him earnestly: " V u as-ic me for a kiss. There is a ii,iuii?e in kisses. A kiss on the hv () .uMiotes chivalrous respect. On th, f..ivhead It denotes a firm and faitliiul friendship. On theT Ups er color rose and she drew a long breail - 'a kiss on the lips denotes all things Kiss me, then, once, prejx in one kiss your feeling t me.', "Ti.( I'ashful youth pondered. "l ,iont want to lose her,' he said ts ,.!uelf. 'Where Is it best to kiss her? Hand, forehead or lips? "a mellow whistle interrupted him no !..okel at the cirl. Her red mouth wc i tickered up in the form of a rose- bin1 she had pulled down her hat so ;i to hide her forehead completely, iuv, l-iih hands were thrust up to the wr; in her pockets.1 Taken in Bales. "Few people are in business their health." The pawnbrokers seem altruistic, however. I'm sure they can never get rid of all those guitars and revolvers' they so graciously loan money on.". twvt min-VT Fntsr into his Kates fthankseivtne. and into his courts Dr. R. L. Carlton, city health offi- witpraise.-Psalms .100:4. - cer and commissioner of public safety, j remnant whih returned had has been granted a leave of absence L cottiprt in their new homes for six weeks to enable him to study Sfiwould be a considerable time be- health work in several of the larger forhe temple could be rebuilt, ar- cities of the United States, more es- ranment was made for the religious ' pecially the North arid East. - nSL nrlv as possible, as religion i diw vpfv heart of" the nation's life. j Gastonia's second" hoital, the Gas- j Thefirst set up the aUar of the toa i ton sanatorium, opened its door to tha cf Iael (3 :l-3) and oserea Durui ui public last week. Robert D Erwin, a prominent citi zen of Concord, was thrown from a loaded wagon and killed when his team of mules became frightened and ran away. - How's This ? We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for over forty yearr Price 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Rev. Joseph L. Murphy, D. D. pastor of Corinth Reformed church, of Hick ory, for nearly 27 years, died, follow ing a stroke of apoplexy which over came him while on his way to his church .to conduct the regular .mid week prayer service. A. W. McAlister, fuel administrator for North Carolina, announces that he has appointed A. M. wcales, Greens hnro; Clarence Poe. Raleigh: Presi- Germany Disgusted. Elihu Root, on his return from Rus sia, said at a dinner in New York: "fiprmanv. while I-was abroad, tried very hard for a separate peace. She ! dent Graham, Chapel Hill, as a central staate committee on iuei aummis na tion; C L. Shuping, Greensboro, as secretary. i hprpon. They next reviveu thelSnual festivals (3:4-7) which had -a tlerful, unifying influence upon thenS; I'ihe AtJDointment of Officers to ketlibrward the Work of the Lord's HouH (v. 8, 9), Overseers-were neeo ed tp&irect this great work. Rubbish npor&d to be cleared away so the build ing Operations could begin; timber needfd to be cut in the Lebanon forests and boated down to Joppa; Mopes needli to b5 cut from the quarries ; in- telliSSht- arid consecrated men were needM to direct tnis worK, as n wuo needful that it be done with the utmost 0mpMinn. The Lord's house demands the i&ost systematic adjustment of its laboiit; Mere zeal will not make up for lack$ intelligence. mht Foundation of trie lempio soon gave up, however, disgustedly de claring that the allies were more in clined for separate pieces." The Era of Censorship. "A little learning is a dangerous th; exclaimed the man who quotes. Ti.siblv " replied Senator Sorghum. "A Ki t at deal .Just now depends on how yon srot your information and what yon intend to do with It." Weil-Known Firm. "Who painted Brown's house?" I'tliink he said it was done by Fitz & Starts." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every lanei, snowing u u Quinine and Iron in a tasteless lonn. i no Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 6o cents. In Better Standing. "You citizens of Washington, D. C can't vote!" remarked the visitor. "No. And at that we're entitled to more The University of North Carolina celebrated its 124h birthday last week in a manner befitting so important an occasion. Addresses by Governor Bick ot and Prosident Graham, of the uni- versity, with an inspection of the mili tary forces of the university by the governor, were the chief events of the day. To know actual prison conditions as they eiist in North Carolina, and in compliance with the state prison law. A torpid liver condition prevent proper tood assimnation. Tone up your liver wnn Wright s Indian Vegetable Pill. They act rentiy and surely. Adv. The -chap who steals a woman s lAiro is apt to get a lot of trash. credit than numerous residents the executive staff tf the state board of health is making a complete survey of all (fonvict camps and jails in the state. It is the plan of the board to publish in booklet form, early -next year, the findings of the survey, which will be made by personal inspections, photographs, and gradings by use of the score-card system. of other cities who could vote if they chose, but who prefer not to interfere with political bosses." Washington Star. vcadq mn UU ILMI1U ULUJ HALE AND HARDY WAS ALL RUN DOWN Faulty Kidneys Caused Acute Suf ferings Completely Recovered Since Using Doan's. Mrs. Harry A. Lyon, 5 St. William St.. S. Boston. Mass., says: "voans Kidney Pills have surely done me wonderful good. About two nwu prior, to the birth of my DaDy, i un" two convulsions anu was taken to a hospital. Doctors said the convulsions were due to my kidneys' not working properly. "I had swelling of the feet and ankles so that I had to wear large - sized slippers. My back ached In tensely, I was nerv- HM. ous and unable to sleep. I also suf fered from awful headaches and felt weak, tired, languid, and run down. "After I came'.home a friend sug gested that I try Doan's Kidney Pills, and I got some. I soon noticed imnrnvMnont- mv back became stronger and I felt better in every way. I kept on taking Doan s ana was cured, They are sureiy rename. Mrs. Lyon gave the anove state ment in May, 1915, and on March 12, 1917, she said: "My cure has lasted. I take Doans occasionally, however, as a strengtn ener for my kidneys." Get Doans at Any Store, 60cBox DOAN'S p FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N- Y. Ninety-nine men and one woman, nparlv all of whom have gained state wide prominence, have accepted their appointment as county food adminis-, trator and are enlisted in Federal Food Administrator Henry A. Page's Nortn Carolina volunteer army. No call since the campaign for the production and the conservation of food began lias re ceived such ready and hearty re- I began suffering with change of life , and was suffering very much. . . 1; rprpivine from his commissioned And Praises Cardui, Which She Say Pulled Her Through a Most Dangerous Period. Mercer, Ky. "About 15 years ago," writes Mrs. W. T. Ball, of this place, II gfhe LaldV?3:10-l'3). Thit-Was done amid grealfejolcing. The consciousness that the fed's house was taking shape, evenf though the mere foundations rnnldibe seen, provoked great enthu- siasngibn the part of the people. Mu siciai were appointed to furnish mu sic wfiie the work was being done. Un- der tfe influence or music men win bettefirwork, armies will march and fightfletter when bands are playing. Whilfethere was great joy, there was also, pingled sorrow. This was on the part'f the elders who had seen the formed temple. The meanness of the present temple .in comparison with Solonpn's temple caused tneir praise t-ffli titUVi Tio1r sorrow. THesJIpeople belonged to that class who nk that nothing now is so good as irifyhe former days, so completely were liese voices commingled that the peoplfeould not discern the one from the oer. . 1 lll.he Building of the Temple De layedy Opposition. (Chapters 4 and 5). Fife a time matters went smoothly with feiem, but ai soon as the work had tpen such shape. as to show that there vas some prospect of success, the hpf-heathen Samaritans Deguu tu opposMihem: No vital work of God will bpallowed to go on without oppo sitionMHSatan resents and bitterly op fosesfil inroads upon his kingdom. Theseamaritans sought to frustrate this wpk of God by : began taking Cardui after having suf fered for 3 years, and I was dread fully nervous. Hardly felt like doing my work. Couldn't sleep well at nights. ! However, after several doses of Cardui I saw an Improvement and in a few days I could do my work with ease and in two weeks I was able to walk six miles and went to the street fair at Central City and enjoyed myself. After using two bottles. I got my natural health and strength and it pulled me through that most danger ous of periods in a woman's life with no trouble or suffering. I am now hale and hearty, and was 59 years old the 11th of this month. I will never cease praising Cardui, which did me so much good. It also savedmy daughter's life when she had such a dreadful spell. . . " Over 40 years in use, Cardui has .as no "tho wnman's proven us eiucacjr o j. t vnn are weak, ana LUiXlV.. - down, and suffer from symptoms troubles peculiar to womea, give Cardui a trial. Adv. county officials the names and aa dresses of the school committeemen and district workers who -will carry the orders that are coming down from the commander-in-chief in Washington. The Forsyth highway commission has proposed to the state commission that it will provide 10 convicts, fore man, a guard, a cook, three teams and wagons, a road machine and all neces sary road working machinery, with a light movable camp outfit, and agree to work this force not less than 200 days in the year on maintaining the i roads to the various county seats un rounding Winston-Salem, designated by the state commission and under tne direction of the state commissioner. Moderate pay for this force would be i $7,500 a year. The Forsyth automo i bile tax which is to be spent on these ! roads amounts to about $6,000 a year, j The above plan was suggested by Mr. i Norfleet before he tendered his reslg i nation as chairman. Ml Trrrrnri qvjs? lr-rMMaaM . GARBAGE PLANTS Balflr J ersey end Ch.rlf.tom Z i ma, nntcn. bbmwbv""-t --- . Pwcel Post 100, ac ; :'MVi'vbri1 IP It D. F. JAMISON. SUMMERVILLEt CABBAGE ?LAhpTe.onnd. 3erse W Akefleld, Flat 'PJes cheaper. Satla- What Name? Orville Wright said at a Dayton din ner The war has developed flying enor mously. We'll all fly after the war Air fiends will then ne i... motor fiends are today. "What name shall we give lu fiend's mania? AeryBipe.a Or would flyfolu oe oejiew ---- we'll call it innewenza. num. u. All things considered, wouldn t the best name be skyatica i From One Who Has Tried. "What is the distinction between in surance and assurance?" "Takes one to sell the other. The under dog is entitled to little sympathy if he starts the fight. run- I unarters nave uocu wucu - rtf ! knitting mill corporations for Burice county, one for Morganton auu uio other for Valdese, the incorporations for each one being the same persons, J. L. Garrou, Frances Garrou, J. M. Brinkley, and W. C. Erwin. The Mor ganton Mills, Inc., capital $150,000 au thorized and $10,500 subscribed. Tha Valdese mill is Liberty Hosiery Mills, Inc., capital $50,000 authorized and $20,000 subscribed. Even With the Barber. "Don't you care for any postcards j today?" asked the postal cieris. us i handed the man the stamp he had requested. "Not today," said- the man. "Or some stamped envelopes; we have some new ones." "No, thank' you." "Would you like a money order r "No." "Or perhaps you would like to open a postal savings account?" But the manWd fled. "Who was that fellow, and why did you ask him all those questions?" asked a fellow clerk. "That," said the other clerk, is my barber. For years when he has nlin Alliance With the Jews Shaved me he has bothered me witn (4 :2- jji! They wanted to bring the work recommendations of massages, Sham ir !iL 1io?t rwr rplifious c Vmivnnts nnfl hair tonics. I am III llil IHVJlly Willi l- V H ' ' " - C JUKJf " " pwictib, as God's pure worship would even with him now." be a cMstant rebuke to them. This is , ever tig way - cf the wrld, to seek to RPp pQES AND RED HANDS en.eci m compromise wiw wvu o vim dren ; !W Gcd's call is separation. VComelfut from among them" (2 Cor. 6:14-1 Nothing so weakens God's cause g$ worldly alliance and compro mise, ifhere is but one answer to be given pi such an offer oi compromise. "Ye hire nothing to do with us in buildinpa house unto cur God." We are infe world, but not of the world. (2) Weakening the Hands of the Peopie4:4). Doubtless this included the wiMlrawal of supplies, the spread- ing of fi'ssension among the workmen, and ti employment of counselors agalnsfejjhem. (3) ;rters of Accusation to the Per sian Kg (4 :6, 7) : Sjo severe was this opposltyn 'that the building was de layed f a term of years, inese coun selors peceeded in . creating doubt as to" whetffer Cyrus ha'd ever issued a de cree fojtheir return. This wicked op posltlonesulted in the undoing of the opposer. for search was made and a copy wall found. Darius confirmed this hv his EtV'n decree, and directed that aid be ven from the royal taxes so that thfhouse of Gcd might be built. IV. T Temple Completed and Dedi cated (H 14-18). The Prophets Haggal and Zaspariah now appear, ana warninM exortatlons and entreaties stir uphe people so that the work goes fofjiard to a successful comple tion. . Without their aid probably the work wld never have been completed. Human Ifature at times needs to be rhppredHind urged forward. These The Particular Landlord. "I understand the police-backed the patrol wagon up to an apartment house in your neighborhood and took out a bunch of disorderly tenants." "Yes. Great world, isn't it? The il, nlnna WfYnlrfTi't man wno owns me rent an apartment to anyone wno na$ children." A Question. "Anyhow, poverty is no crime." "And that's a good thing. Wher would us poor folks get our technical ities from?' III Soothed and Healed by Cuticura Sam pie Each Free by Mail. Treatment for the face: On rising and retiring smear affected parts with Cuticura Ointment. Then wash off with Cuticura Soap and hot water. For the hands: Soak them in a hot lather nf Pnticnra Soap. Dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston- Sold everywnere. -auv. Eloquence Unheeded. "I have laid my oratorical talents at the feet of my country." "And then what happened?" "Somebody said, 'Forward, march!' and my country simply stepped over 'em and went right along." Joseph McMahon, veteran of four wars, at eighty-two, works for a living in Brooklyn, N. Y. Why buy many bottles of other Vermi fuge, when one bottle of Dr. Peery "Dead Shot" will act surely and promptly? Adv. It is unkind to look a man's religion in the pocketbook. Irl For 35c When you buy Yager's Lini ment vou eet solendid value! The large 35 cent bottle contains twice as ,much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. Try it for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers price 35 cents, mm i GILBERT BKOS.& CO- Baltimore, MJL Money back without question If HUNT'S CUKE fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWOEM.TETTER or other Itching akin diseases. Price 60c at druggists, or direct from IB.BIehartt Metiiclne Co. .Shermai Tex. In KODAKS & SUPPLES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galetki Optical Co., Richmond, V. SAVE YOUR SWEET POTATO VINES worth E.00 acre. M7 method will keep them gree 8.11 winter. Write me, w. v. ". - - W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 42-1917. When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy W&M&kSS&S CHICAGO Congresswoman Rankin will speak at the State fair at Raleigh. The Farmers' Bank at Kenley has just been organized. Mrs. Pattie Jacobs Rufner, of Ala- - - 4 1 bama, official representative oi mo National Suffrage League, has accept ed the invitation to make the principal address before the, annual convention of the North Carolina league, in ses sion in Goldsboro, October 30 and 31. Mrs. John S. Cunningham, of Durham, president of the state chapter of the national organization, announced the formal program. The ssiona will consume two tts. prophetit did not themselves work in the bulging of the wans, yet umju R'i - A. .MAA work ws or even greater lmyonaucc. It isifgenerally found that this is so wip the religious leaders today. The wdf of .cheer and encouragement of the iiiristian- minister are needed dallv foSthose who labor in the build ing of te Lord's house. Were it not for thenmany would give up the strug gle. Wwn the building was finished it .was dedicated to God with great joy, This wts possible because they ha hnfldedttnd finished their task accord ing to tile commandment of the God of Israel. TThe service of dedication was much akter the order of that of Solo mon's fnple, only on a less magnin cent scje. - i f - . n- What ConstipationMeans It meana a miserable condition of ill health thai ! leads to all of special ailments such as headache, backache. dyspeps. iffij? various kinds, piles and numerous other disorders CONSTffATION is a enme against nature, and no human being can be well for any lengdi of time while constipated. DR. TUTFS LTVER PILLS is the remedy and has been used wcceiVfully all over this country for 72 years. Get a box and see how it feefc tThaVe your liver and bowels resume their health-gmng natural functions. For sale at all druggists and dealers everywhere. Dr. Mi -Hirer Pi Sold for 47 years. Fcr Malaria,ChiIiS& Fever. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tuk. 60c and $100 at all Oruf Sit tuna