J - 1 1 V J. r V ' 'j. "--V iWmu N. STfWART, Editor jnajSetl If I -. ; . i I I. Il I . H Fufcllshad Every -Wednesday - : vyAt;aHbury N. C '- "V jCtttlei-Pf ice fr--f-v -TTatAma, 1 yri. ......$ .75 mm AH t for a year each, Only $1.50 . BaiUeury. N. under the act of Con- Li nn-vm,nTnnn. '--iT- t" ; PATRI&TISM. ! r- iias 44 1 . CI ! lfll jbave inrich fqtfof wlthr; the matter f Ho it will be seen t a nnal stand is to be mane oy the pros and -ante?: The Na tioriaLLiqabr Dealers' Apso ciation with headquarters in Itincinnatl, bkgbecQme,, des perate and is circulariziogthe entire eodntry ' each week f; tor the purpoBerof getting a Mur phy 'from evfy district possi bte? "and,11 it they can et enough JVfurpliys the battle wiil-be ! won VIth sua and grog. 8,bop'i,;b8 re-established niflebaichriand crirn .will again stalk abroad in the land. But worse yet, we are at war and i f our soldiers are to go into : battle' with ' their bodies Weakened a n'd minds bfogewitbblyjse i it'will mean certain defeat and a tier man yoke for .us and" the world. Murpifiy stands with bis buuch, he s sb elassed at this very hour, and whatsis worse, he ia a confirmed, hun gry aud crafty- politician, loud . mouthed f about the things he wants you to believe and shut-miouthed about the things he is expecting to do. The honest patriots or prohi bitionists calu no more afford to vote for M urphy than they can afford to put Germsn of. ficers in charge of American troops. Mr. Voter if y6u want to; know ho w badly you can be fooled j ust fool wi th a : con firmed politician and; repent at leisured nounced Jiimself a candwate forpongre f rpm.fiis d triqt, nalteri rQadin hi& autoioxajtifi i , ,and. w ineinuatij adranaai.th4rustat hisj oppo nent,i without whiob it would have only beu cheap1 and most demogogic buncombe; thepighfr'welgtit 'those ho cantt teft gbld from5 red clayV threwp theW Jats and yelled." In reading -what ' Mr Murphy seems lo aesert as eeniimentsin regara io me war, we have taken, the trou- ble Jtp jlbpk abputaiittlelto dis cover theifighting,rmolecu!es in theJMurphy blood, but the effortwas somewhat-diecour aging; However, it is not our intehlk)n3 to dai in jper eonali - ties asxMr Murphy is a clever ehap ih man ways, is a fel low-tbWh'eman ' and has a right' toVuh for Congress, or xora iram inat uas leu me tation for two , hours, , if he xrantsfctpt Jptal chances oi jyuccss .ut,. aet's go bacjto the war ithatjis i some t?arT j Mr Murphy evidently lrants some one to fig tit, -in f act witbh is' g reati: 1 i hst inc t s true to Bembbratic ideals Hoz-' infirutn all 1 sMes, he per mitslhis: lit)sl to "use the' auto eratic phrase, "Damn a man Mti1 giffor ; his; comitryi,r 'and yet ' he does not otter ltd lead or. follow a mgany . of j . soldiers any where. Hefijjust, merely waqts f ooj (a3 near n all the peopleTfts i upossible and . i take advantage of the situation with the iValn hope of secur ing a soft rr$h:t!SrPGd pay at t pubji fib, hat he nasvvirao;x , gron ;4at , and came think not .?aitagether on. the salary, attached;! Altebugli-niiinerbus1 patTi otic4 Bdefeties4iavb existed "in; Salisbtirrttiyydifears1 withutHSrMurphy's nem bersDip or. other encourage -ment, he has all at once die covered that hei .is, a - patriot. , With4niYde grpiach and an aftpilo.a);:the-:.,sore heailfit. he, makes a number ut Worthless promises; as e veryS body know4 a30nfirmed poll tlcany lifee'thwKaifr snakes promises only to deceived The a people-are not eaMiir 'hbod winle'd ''ittoAS- da fa . ; Air w hb , 2mo Jthe1 ne fio of the oay are iuiy aware ,tnat ne ery'.aptto datngyi tore ;beu flpne and. .uiore whhyowej if b ha9 no IwtiexcEUse ior his candid acya the sooner he retires from fhexaee the better. The peo pi are -inb mind to give . lieed to a fellow who is mere- . iy KnocKing tor a 30b. ,mw m Baty itettake a look at fiomfeif xtheti documents the1 CCnJlemanhe itthis shoeSi ? WeaJJifeuow,, Mr,? Murphy has prstjentlyi opposed, prohibis tloneliknow:the strugs gltthpQple ??ofthij5town cndthi81 stktehad towipd out The Watchman is opposed to turniiig American troops over to German officers; it is opposed to putting Waiter Murphy; the arch enemy of prohibition, in Congress, to 'defeat and repeal ths the laws made to keep our people sober and soldiers fit to fight. The word of a confirmed poli tician is worthless. DOING THEIR DUTY, Scores of Salisbury Readers are Learning the Dii.ty. of 08 Sidneys. " To filter the blood is the kid neys,' duty. : When they fail -to do. this the kidneys are. week : ' Backache and other kidney iils may follow; - Help the kidneys do their ,Wrk , -v. , : Use Doan's Kidney Pills the tested kidney remedy. Salisbury people endorse their worth. V Mrs J F Barber, 510 W Innis -St., Salisbury, says : "My back causes Line a lot of misery, when ever my kidneys get out of or der. 1 hnd Doan's Kidney Pills are the onJy medicine for reviv ing that trouble. I have tatren them for - years and they have always, been beneficial.' V - Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy -get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that -Mrs Barber" uses. Eoster -Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. . jNOn.iinoivrj Opt- o.r J Cliinq Qpoto n.C V: . :-w - :-- - - Z Professional Optical Service, HeadacbeSf Neryousijes's, Neti ralg fa, Dizziness. Nadsea and mahv other Nervous Disorders 't$u0i6(i$k strdinr Positively Relieved..! Complicated Casosv . . : , Solicited Those employed during the day may have their eyes e x amined in the evening. -vl'virrtie of 1a(Jirment4)f -the uiie tilt ;e6ur? of Row county rendered ( Irv ine special proceeuing siniiieu jiu nvi, Hume, tJ II feeler ,and others: ex bSrtei-the tiDJersjgriedbmtiuiBi' ners atithorized by said r judgments Sr, irdav, U 13th Day of April, at 12 H., Court hcijise ddor in Sahabury r-: to i public auction for the purpofe dividing the pro?eeds of . said pale !ai ioheTihe'Eefrs-alaw of the late A'L -4:;eler, the ; following described rea jate. lyirijr and being three and on ?- ieburr on $he Munt Pfeasant road, ivUjdining th lands of Wilas ?tixewltv t j Kiattv, B Barringer, Mrs. Karn rdt. James Moyle, and others , con taining about H!ty-eight, (5) acis, orv iwhih there is a lot of valuable timber, to-wit:-1 . - j Beginning at a slake in the; public roa4 Peeler s corrierand runs thenee C jth 87 east 24.50 chains to a stone, tz's corner ; thence a new line North Carolina In tht Superior Court. ' Rowan , coontj7j. September Term, 1918., R. L. McDaniel ) - . vsr Notice of 8nmmons and Elsie, McDaniel. , ? : Action. Th defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa abore hts been commenced in the 8uperior coart of Rowan couaty against her for the purpose of obtaining a divorce -from the bonds of matrimony a pop th gl-ound of infidelity:' and that the said defendant is required to appear at September term 1918 of Rowan Snuerioc opjart -i which begins on, September r plaint of the plaintiff 4n said action, or the Dooq 'Promtly ' and" x" 'rightly at the Watchman Office. -' :'Oive usa trittl. tlaintiff will apply to the court for the re ief demanded in Uie complaint filed in this cause , , Ttiis ADriL8th.l918. " " " V J F. McCUBBIN8, Vyiers oupenor v,oun R. Lee Wright, attorney. " . Hottce to CreOltjsrs ; . Raving qualified, as executor- of the estate of J. L Shulenberger, this is to hotify aU persona having claims against the said decedent to file ai$ itemized . verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before "the tice will be 7 pleaded in bar of their recovery persons indebted to said estate are notified to make, prompt settlement,,. . . ,v This March 14th, 1918. ' . . W. E. Shuwsnbbhgex, R. Lee Wrjght, Atty.- Xandis, N. Notice to Crete. nith80 east 12.02. chains to stone on JQunhle's line ; thence north 5 west 1142 chains to a tone ; thence north 6((wet 11 25 chains to a stone, Earn hrdt's corner; thence- north 72J w st Xi j63 chains crossing the creek to a ist kke at the public road; thence wijv 4 public road to the beginning, con- i. t . B-n v irinii'g oo acres. sterms oi sale cash. . battel, this the 8th day of March, "J. H, Peeler and J. A- Peeler, Administrators and , Comissioners of ?l the late A. L. Peeler. . Clement & Clement. Att'ys. pd. North Carolina, ) In the Superior Court Rowan County, f May Term, 1918 William G. Sitter 1 Notice of Summons I vs. and Warrant Paul A.Cauble ' ) -of Attachment. J The defendant above named will take noti'je that the summors in the Gainst said defendant on the 2nd day Uff March, 1918. by J Frank McUubbins. rk superior court, for Rowan coun t i for the recovery of the sum of Ten ;la)U8and Dollars ( K.OCO.OO) evidenc- he by a judgment obtained by the a mtiff asrainst the defendant in the $ strict ct urt in and for the county of lb&njr, state of Wyoming, which sad S dgment is wholly unpaid.which sum- ons returnaoie neiore, Jt wan sape- Unr court at the court to be held on v ;l6 ninth Monday after the first Mon thly of March, the same bi ing May 6, t.v i - ac tne court no use oi saiu county :r Che defendant will also take notice il t a warrant of attachment was is- si; ed, by J Erank MeCubbi s. clork.on t 3 th day of March, 1918. against the Terty of said defendant; which w; rjint is returnable before the supe- rn, rourt of said county at the time &i ilace above named for the return Having qualified as executrix of the es-: tateof J E Goodnight, -this is to notify all persons having claims against the said de cedent to file an itemized, verified state-; ment of the same with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of March, .;1919,gsKtthe summons when and where the or this notice will be pleaded in bar offiAfpndant is reauirei to anoear and their recovery. Persons indebted toawaid Juuwer or demur to the complaint or eswie are nouneaw maae prompt semeiji reiici demanded will be granted, ment. " - Jh, i . J. Frank VcCubbins, This March 5tb, 1918. Clerk Superior Court. ; M.K8. juasy Hi. vjrooDNiQHT, ifou h. KeDdleman, Executrix: John L. Randlemari, Att'y. 4 Attorney. bi -an. -Jim MIBffi n . m in v bk aara au r.-.- mm i a .ma.n -m-.----' s . . mm mm - m mmmwm : .i -r . 1 1 1 ' 1 ,g ' 11 ' - AW -'I mi T1 I A "v rtthe g P 3 pieasurcthe cnomy 5 : ll vhJ send it to your friend g V 1 AwV at the front: . ? VlSrl -t8 the handiest, ? t AA K longest-lasting re- 2 f JV freshment he can c rrUV 1 EUERV MEAL ' -'jGKk'.SI r f 1 - . .- - IC i swapped T'no &ioirr f acte I iwi .1 w Kolice tq.Creditors. Having qualified as executor of- the es tate of Mrs. M. Yost, this if to notify all persons lmving claims against the decedent f to nle an itemized, venned .statement ot, nam a with thti iindproivnAil nn nr hfnrp thcr. 16th day of March, 1919, Or this notice will f be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Per sons indebted to said estate are notified to. make prompt settlement. This March 16th, 1918. H. L Baegrb, executor of Mrs. S. M Yost John L. Bendleman, attorney. Pd North Carolina, i In Bowan Connty Court Rowan County J V Moffit, trading as Peerless Mattress Co. VB G.R Rost, trading as Rowan Fnrni tare Co. The defendant above named will take no tice that a summons in the above entitled ac ion was issued against the- defendant on the 26th day of March, 1918: from Rowan L County Court, to recover the. sum of Two Hundred 8e,t entv nie Dollars and Twenty five cents 279 95 due by account, which summons is returnable be'ore said Rowan county couat at the court house rn Salisbury N C, on the 25 day of April, 1918 The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Rowan county -court on the 26th day of ' March . 1918, against the propetty of said defendant, which warrant is returnable be fore Rowan county court at che time and place above named for the return of ihe sum mons, when and where the defendant is re quired to tppesr andknswer or demur to tne complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. - . J. FbAZTE M0CtTBBIN8, , clerk superior court John L Rendleman, attorney ; . v- - - OA MAGAZINE For r ,a snip n Nearly 50 Years! mm Join -the 1,300,000' tubmen who tarn to McCALL'S every month fcr correct fash ions, for patterns, for economical buying, for fancy needlework, for good stones for pleasure for help, for style. McCALX Patterns fit. 10c Copy M9CALCS 3 I nm l8FJ0 A POSTAL CARD AND ASK FOR exvptB cone :ot 4WoCaixjS; r smoo pin. MONEY Offer to TVomon: or List of GIFTS elven without cost: or BICYCLE Offer to Boys and Girls; or latest PATTER CATALOGUE; or hlr CsslrOffer to AGOT3; or ficCCO "rize Offer to XHEMcCALL CO., 2JG-230 V: 2?ti StreRwy.l, N,Y. lllilliilllilllliliiiiliilillllljli 'SdtiruiBiMtiaifls. . C . Purapant to an order made by J Frank McCubbins,' clerk In the special proceed ing No 339, in the cause entitled "Lola Harris and, husband, Peter p arris, and J no Holbrooks, vs. Wm. flolbrooks, H O Mc M allen,!et al v- the UClerSigned com mis sioner will expose fpr sale at public auction fdr cish at the court house door in the city of Salisbury ' on : ' 1 - ; at the hour of twelve M., the following de scribed lands situate, lyidg and being in in China Qrove Township, and described as follows, "' ; . . First tract beginning at a stak s and rnn s 'ihence North. 85 dejU; West 45 chains to a stake; tbence b. ou deg, W. 6 75 chains to a stake? then fiifc deg. ls4naih to a stake; thence & 82 deg; :. 7 GO chains to less. Book , of the beginning, coctaining two and onehalf acres, be the same mdi'e or U Deeds, No. 137, pajrel4S.A ': Second tract beginning on a stone, Lewis corner, now"M M Kirk's and runs thence ,8, 49 deg. W 6.X0 chains to a stone; Bev. Kimball s corner; thence with his .line 8 27 deg; E l 60 chains to a stone;- thence N 49 deg E .675 chains to a stone, thence 33 deg. WJ1.50 chains to the beginning, eon taining'oneacre, be the same more or less. Books of deeds Nh 187, i page 142. Both of the feregoing 'tracts are eontiguoual This, March 25, 1918 : -v : WL KIMBLE. 'i i .h'Hy-ii ii commissioner John It Sendieman, attorney 5 " . " fBuiy Y ourSprin Same as m oil - . . - " ts TTTl m m wnen you sell bogs or corn or oats in the market, you know 'they're, graded, and your pay rnent is based on how your shipment is graded up. ' If that holds good with farm products, why not with cl the? Cloihes are gt-aded ' jThere are ,;just clothes" that come from somewhere and are said by the unknown makers ; to be fine; and then there are " IliUPPENHEIMER and the FAMOUS BRAND CLOTHES VICTOR :B frnown throughout the land as top notch eirs m quality and style, md made in large plants Where modern facilities and skilled craftsmen make quality absolutely certain. - , . o - 7 - -' f tSuits and Topcoats r " Brand Suits for Young Men $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00 4 3H : . - 8 StiatvHats " SMARTS See our. display of Panamas and Monr mn4v . , , , r Straw Hats. New materials and colors Reasonably priced, . One special lot of shirts $1 5 worth ; : . : more. , . - Felt Mats ..r ' ' In the'leading spring shades, eiv SilEi Ties $ ;50 ; $20& and Washable material and silks 25c 50c and St GtSOII MatS : p0puar priced hosiery all-colors aiKl New Spring and Summer pru es. 5 Boys' Suits; Hats ktid PurriiAhingi A large assortment to choose from Prices reasonable. 1 1 -41 j I'M 'r Salisfcury .': f V ( t " 9T j. a dpi v j " ' '- '.. ' ' - - . " j X