, , I ........ tf A Home Newapaper Published in the -IiiterellJ' (jj '"i;. : VOL. XIV. HO; 47. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY N, C.t WEKjj3INOVJER: 61918. ICL. TAPHSHEK1832 f . 4 - WHITE MEN, AND COLORED 'HEN CALLED. White Men Go to Fort Caswell and Colored . &Ieo Go to Camp Green,; The following is a list of men called for entrainmeiit to Fort Caswell, N G, during- five day period from November 15 18: Lafayette CJ'Blackwell Richard F A Stirewalt Garland Henry Pope. Baldy Monroe Heili-, . Thomas Brown: Wood Charlie Archie Warie Thompson Dunn Lee Roseman " -1 Thomas H Safley Wade J Safrit Bur well B Deal Jennings E Kester Sidney Clde Beaver John. Henry , Baity . -Guy A Hegler Henry Caldwell Wesley C Agher J I Sj6nge David C Jordan - L M Troutritan ' Ralph S Karriker f James Leonard Mills v Cecil. Augustas Petrea The following negro men are called for en train men t to Camp Green, N C, during three day period beginning November 19 under call No. 1347. Benjamin Trott rA; Kaclo Gentry . Charley Haley ickSifTord WkUer Ashford. 'Idel Hargrave Hezekiah Krider V John Austin SaniGaither Adolphus Heilig William Setzer Leo Thorn . A SALISBURY INTERVIEW. Hr.GIiver Tells His Experience. The following "brief account of an interview with a Salisbury than -ten years ago and its sequel will be read with keen interest by every citizen. J Wt Glover Shoemaker, 116 N Maine St., says: I haveNsuffer ed. at times from speils of back ache. The pain was so severe vattimes l couldn't get . out of ' be4 without help. Finnally a frien advised me to get Doan's Kidney Plls..ajd-a lew doses stopped the backache. - Since then when L have had any trouble, a few of Doan's have al ways made me well a&ain. I J - - - - o - j can't say too much in praise of u an s aim nope oiners win xry them. Statement giyen January 6, 190. On May 11, 1918, Mr Glover said: Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of kidney trouble and back ache several ' years ago and- I consider them the best kidney remedy. I use Doan's when I feel the slightest sign of trouble returning and they give me satis factory relief." Mc at all dealers. Foster Mil burn Co.. :fgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. IFea'Jisr Forecast for Nov. 1918. From 3 to 11th, changeable with rain along, cool with wind and frosty. From 11 to 18, changeable with cold wind, threatening rain and sno v. " ' From 18 to 25, fir and cold win I s. Slightly warm a'ong, Snfj.y northwest. From 25 to Dec. Zjfcte and win ) along and,sJme colder bliz zards. ' N vember has appear nee for more rains than the past month. Sno f heavy northwest and west, threaiehmg central states. Nor ill west heavy rains central mosi'7 about the 25th xut, with so in . vyarm and cool along with wind i Killing frost to all crops aftet- he 11 ih or about then. This October 28th. H.ENRY Reid, R. No. 3 Box IG7. , Salisbury, N. C FULL SURRENDER OF AUSTRIA. Terms of Armistice Under Which Austria Laid Dawn Arms Given Out. Washrnarton, . Nov. 4. The terms of armistice' under which the land and sea 'forces of what was once the A u s tro-Hu n g ar y empire has laid down their arms were announced -today simultan eously in Washington and allied capitals. They accomplish com plete surrender, and open" Austria and Hungary territory for Aeri can and allied operations against Germany.' From this drastic document it is stated may be gleaned an accurate outline of conditions nearing completion in the su preme war council at Versailes under which: Geftriany may ha 2 cessation of hostilities. The terms under which the debacle on the Italian front end ed today at 3 p m (9 a m'eastern United Stat'etime) include com plete demobiltzation of AU;itrian forces, surrender of one half of all artillery and military equipment, occupation by Ameti ca and the allied forces of such stragetic places as may later be selected, use of "Austria's rail roads for operation against Ger nany, evacuation of all invaded territory- leaving behind all equipment andsupplies including :oal; surrenderf portion of the Austrian surface and submarine deets and disarmament of others and undfer fericaji: and allied cbnjtronrfifderfbc all German ubmrigisin iAhstri asn waters and repatriation ol allied jgid Evacuatioii oil Austrian terri tory roughly cqrresponiiing to the - boundary linesVcl aimed I by Italy under the Italian Irrenden- tia or treaty of London program. The right of occupation by allied forcesfis reserved, local authori ties to maintain order under allied supervision. The terms of the armistice are to be carried out under ,the direc tion of Marshal Foch who will! designate material to be turned over and supervise the move ment of Austro Hungarian forces to the rear All.' German troops in Austro-Hungary;: Italy or the Balkans must be out or interned, within 15 days. Destruction 'of. any property by retreating forces is specifically forbidden. 4 ; Ship3 to be surrendered include fifteen modern Austrian -submarines, three battleships, : three II y g:ht crusiers: nine destroyers twelve torpedo boats: one mine layer and six Danube monitors to be designated by Uie allies. Other war crafts are to be con c e n t rated and disarmed under allied direction. Free navigation of all Austrian waters by both the war andcom -mercial fleets of the allies' is pro- vided for. The Danube route is to be kept open by the occupation of dismantling of fortresses to be selected by the allied comman der. Existing-. blockade of allies against Austria remains unchanged, Austria's ships being liable to capture where found except wherea commission, to be later, made provides otherwise. All fortresses protecting the Austrian naval bases or stations are to be occupied and the arsen al at Pol a is specifically i surren dered. All allied craft held by Austria are to be returnad im mediately. The only organized mi'tary force Austria is permit -le to retain is limited to that co laincam oraer in ner own border. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic destroys the malarial germs which are transmitted i J to the blood by the. Malaria Moequitq. Prioe fiOc China Grove Boys. Jwr Dead , and Ote.littics to Ecliolders; The folio wine- is' tiken' : f mfe jQvnterp: rise: . . api vc oaun, Clarence A, Sloop," who ;caM$ ? r - to M ooresvi lie about? seven -eiMt asfo'-from; Chrha GifdvldlixMgAWaM with Mr and Mrs J cGriw.4:auounce died at sea on Octobpof .gf uuenza, ateiegram n aving reaenvu here Tuesday 5?-s'anuicg?"fe sad fact. Only last week MksI W McGraw receiyed a: cardThfii!p Loau 4nto foirr -and ;a stated the ship on which ;hef hup sailed had reached itsjpbr4 satelyoverseas, and it was f sumed with the were sent back' to Hoboketi N and will be sht to Mooresville. from thete It is exiyectd the body will-, arrive Ffidy nidrning and the remains wilie conveyed- to Ebenezer" chJrcW near China Grove for intermepi Mr Sloop was a son of thelkte P A Sloop and a brother of Sohn A Sloop of the post . ofiide aTft Salisbury. ... .; . r Letters have been received here stating that Iitz Linna-ndl Mason Wilhelm ate wdutided slightly and John Linn is; gassed 3 All are in."a hospital in France Mrs Will Gorreir daugh'terof. John-W S Correll 'of this 'place; received a telegram sayingfheit husband had been' killed in-iac- V tion in France All are iarthe" 30th Division. r. J. f ARE YOU "GRlP-r THI-D0W Caused By Influenza. Thousands of men and women,- some who are young- ;in years, but old in actions and feelings, just drag'themselves around be cause their system is run down from lack of enough iron, the one great body building mineral; necessary for a healthy glowing man or woman.- Acid Irqn .Mineral contains- just the right amount of iron1 needed to make the system do its work rightly, and efficient ly it is a compound made from iron ore highly concentrated,;' and those who are unable to getl relief from -vegetable compounds should try s this famous remedy for run down systems, Influenza kidney troubles, catarrh of the stomach, indigestion, and coirt less other diseases that .are sa'p ping their life cfway.: It is abs lutely free from alcohol and other injurious drugs, and is guaran teed to give satisfaction or your money refunded Thousands of testimonials now on file in . ..-... ... oar offices, telling in an1 emphatic' way how Acid Iron mineral has helped sick and suffering jnen:; and women. .. J For sale by all druggists and general stoies. Don't dilay,' call for it today. Ferrodine Chemical Corp , Roanoke, Va. Young Man Shot in the Leg. Ed White, of Chestnut .Hill r was accidentally shot through the calf of one of his legs Sat urday ' afternoon by Homer Gardner. The accident occurred down on the creek near Chest- uut Hill where a party of young men were hunting. White was taken tothe sanatorirm fos treat ment. Sleep and Rest. One of the most common caus es of insomonia and restlessness is indigestion. Take one of Ch amberlain'o Tablets' immedra: tely after supper and see if you do not rest., and sleep better. Thej OTlly COS t a quarter." that Mr Sloop had blelftppe exteoVpf l . ship. .The remaio&iWC honeML 1 li2'J 11.' 1 Mr- - fe:' '-? ' No4. 2 1 918. wing iJPhe: privelegVitlieitttn ilpWi cannotSS" Uhe.,attehJMfl nmeiitatet-: setrar mc at uaeper; tcent oonqs expires lpiber Nintii I? IStttiffeen 3P.WSpPpg quoting the;TBby tt, ikfcuio assumetliai kpoA 5trie ex- le the f4at ili eflec' .itsel- in avorablyitrthe market price f ' iL1J -'5? " - -i " - & 'A- .t Jk : . - ; fn a .4ar4x. ?wthhe.;tc tted o)i py Tt-ocj' jerxisiencrorne tve bovnVrh"a&f "irt;aury .'now afks tfie''news pjersol: the. ;pnit6d 'States lilkers,' brokers and ofiers to-do wliat theTVfi 'o .' rJing .these 4ts bef ot'the at(entqfioif tfee' bfr'fti boldWs. 'Pleaser 'tttaKai; k sjecial effort "-aC; once , to rig; tf is announcemt to tneajtfn1 lond holders. - :?73f 't , popje. ge i-ixuzn eu 10.; l-'V.-- 111- . i A All " Kj'jDw win Doi sen .uuvi,igni nejr ferty;bqna;s io tQ; L :Jber ty .bon d s otf If esei cjpnliest asecurity ior-ioajn "auQ.., wn tl money- -tae 'JPI?- cfjgrse Qcltn 4JfcomJifs , Liberty tian toi-iith sfes issfettt fet pi'ldi j Carefully investigate any e.ffurt' tnducm iOv"xch;a3ig; : for l)di tig! .-prf t iupiieyff; pTA be'rtyy iJ ma4iycaLS6& brily 'U'-'tJitflf-. ItricGjdiyma 3v':.7V 3 . iv.rr . ft-. k.S? ,-jr . .fc -JPg rtWWggre thtSJ'gecause ofhe"f?c6Jftr;;rh;etGines gfy.e y pu relief th at.--. wiilfc bj . .,the sme wi;H 6hama?so ipm a sman Degianiag iais rlitnedy has "gained a w(rld wide rfputation and ininlense sale. A ntbdicine m,ust have exceptional n-erit to win esteem wherever it becomes known. - Vr ; Lliarty fnrtnUirertyv lioansraffif over-. ffhscribea-r f J. today by1 :tffe: weurytshow CJoscpptyms yteoT5i3.o. fersQn bought bnds. ff. 'jf hFederal"reservaistrlcts versnbscribed, s t he Bbs torf d is - ' i- J L! : . 4 rirt ' A' v-V A.XL acarag io.pervcens.- oi.iis quo and standiagfirst in. percent e cqIu mh " K ch mop d '- ,ma,de 3 i per cent, a u4 Philadelphia is pier cent. -, ,.;..- x " i- :-X . tiM? jeswr.swaj ana energy .9f-fTOi IQiEjfc iartnrattn tnect. rnce euc. a.i ...;r-;. n d ei43-p.lnrf v pisiId.. pacftjcb. -i . .. - ltll)lss(feMtiis rtlifertk BELTEVEDliERlANYSllJrjCArlTUPTE E Council atVisnna Issuss flDDeal to GerniMllfi CarJ Dslsjatisn in Coneress Ra- ; - feoplyt Austria Statins Conditions, London; 6y -way of Monjrreal, Nov. 5.- In sending the new al liedagreemefit'on arm is. lice con. d itidhs Qc&Qp$miy theVTims Faris' eorKespQndnt "sa-ys that ff eftca f ron ilea e life tie : "do nib t' of Gernjany's acceptance: x? London, Nov. 5. A dmoh4 jstration was held before the BIsV marck monument in Berlin Sun day in favor of continuing ,the warand a resolution was passed protesting against t h e accep- MX&k of a humiliating peace, ac mMM - to a CopenJha- .'Amsterdam, Nov 5. Th e tte'Couricn'at Vienna has is oftorl an nnniiol In tVi.i (lifm a n : iiVi--V -V-"- u- .t esgW Austria m which;' it is declared tl6 co HHi try is-m ftaiierer and the army -breaking up in dis orderVTrj! the soldiers to 'volunteer to join the gen-4ur;iaarmy cor j&; ;08btfb : -S" Tiief Bos heviki" govertiient or iKn'ssia, ij; ! is reparted'frpm Peti'ograd, has handed the neutral ministers a :rpte.for transmission to the e.t - ; :lente-Orations asking for the op eniiSg , of peace negotiations inr border, that. ' hostilities between the-allies that the Soviets gov ernment may -bVended ,says an: dxchnge Telegraph dispatch frjOBc Copenhagen . -.1 ris ofie )fsheyihi govern merit to dias tttire withdrawal of United a. fb Vffrar-feistic dttracfeed no ser i ou s attrrjherej as the riations.do tioeiognize '-the'- Lenine and XGvt-lS Regime in riy' way. ' your children are subject to oroUp.r if. you, have' -.reason . to leaf,. -1.6(1 r peui atiacKea oyxnis a1iseas, yojK 'should- . procure a battle. -ofv ;Chamberlfiin ' s Cough 'Remedy 'and s:tudyv -.the directions rfor.use5tSQ that in, case; of an at- .t.ack yoi wiu.k.now,e2fcatly what hcnurs&' to nufsue. Th s is a fav- Hirite'aa very : successful, rem e 4yrroup.nd it is iiaportaut that.you ohsferve the directions car: Sdsarllowaice Increased: - ; - .-Raieigh, "October l.'The rapid manufacture of the new crop beet sugar in th west ajid new crgp ..Lpuisana, cane, . sugar ay i thB 'South 'together. t withr;. tbe -iretlay'-ransporrtatioa c'dti-" llitjoh'the Reductions', that haVe 'been made in the consumption of sugar in manufactures and trades and the patriotic conser vation in the past four months enables the household allowance of "sugar- to be increased from topourids per person per month KVo three-pounds' per person per month; with the same ratio . to ttieating places "after. Novem .-- ..... .t '3''Jthis' makes "good the promise .6-f th e f ood a dm yp, vs t ratjp tifio? i n r jtrease the - household .alloss-ff nee of sugar, at the. earliest. .ssWile moment that the Supplies ,y ould justify and make's; it possible for the householder to more, freely use the apple, cranberry and gruipe A f u i t prod uctsc and to use "the fruits' canned . during- the su in met Without sugar. v TlTe 'rsr ul Lt tfon s are also re- vised to. the extent that any pers month's sup fAthpnf-ir famiW- in imp purchase from the retail tirade, StsEtjeff nd' allied for cefrom 'BrigiarouVrr noitatfehlfJoV1 .WpiffEAIS BRITT IN TENTH. . T Halns Solfdlyteicratic. . . ' Kot withstanding tfiedt)itter .ma,u ziebuloh VVaver and inn iibUcann '- the; Tenth Miigriotjalr strict to r .? ct roriner: t;otifi'jfsinan .1 f Bri tt M r ? Veavr was re fleeted, it is safely estimated by. a majority of i,3g0 and fie -North Carolina delga- Hon of ten in Cqugresa re haina polnlly JJorn$pratic. The ijly? ehangrj ia the 1 eleatfou s th e e hn t ilm of : CongaCreorgrj "Hood xho Mm$0 can lid ate to The f ipwtrJi e. etU John i,4mallTlj trict, -5,000. timmm Olande rfitehiu, Second Distric', 7,5000, - - S M Brihso n Th i rd JLfts f r ict, 8,000 : ,. -:f Z -: ' JEdwaid W Pou; ' Fourth District; 67500. - ' " Charles M Stead raah, Fifth District, 3,800. 'x-' V llanibal . God win, Sixth' District, 6,700. . " i - Lee .Rohinson - SerenthTf )trict, 5,000. District, 2.7O0v Mil Y VVebbr N ijitfeOiriet; . .5.500. ; v iZ -nmvi-n Zebulon Weaverv:tPehffe " Di4ict, 1000 Alve?iNe, Nov. 5 In e74yrpr.ecjiict so far heard frprri, wilhohe exception, Weaver has rqae material, ga ins over t i years ago Present Jpdjcatipns, aegerd irig to Democratic headrioar tersi,: ehhatWSr carried v-;-r-94iiii w i i hmSito Wknet W ea vepscrHetf A sh e vi 1 1 e, thi rd preciucty by . nnagority ' of 157, a gaijbf 76 over twi V years ago Weaver -r. alo gained fif tym : Bit majority ih,Foiest'Ci4f ;Rutherfrd. V'x BritVs majorities are beanigr cut largely in all Hnndersou county precincte. Britt!s majority In Haw CreeS&in cotnbe, shows, an i ncreV&e : of height oyef!two years ago! ,i 4" Swain, with-; three pre ;cts.to hear from, Vitt has '. -a majority of 227j which is a a very heavy loss. He count ed on a majority of 650 in Swain. His majority in frWain two years ago was 378- -- :; " ' WeaverX ffijoiity in Me Dbwell is 50. Britt carrieitiV the couuty two ekroa, Ago by 17 VOtHS. ;.&x "- rx. Greatly Benefited Jy aaipbjerJaWs -Tablets. I am thankful for the god I have received by Using' Cham 'Berlain's Tablets '' About' two years ago when I began taking them I was suffering a great deal from distress after eating, and from headache and a tired lan guid feeling due to -indigestion and a torpid, ;jjyer. Ch amber Iain's Tablets. . corrected these disorders in a short time, and since taking two bottles of ,them my health has been good ' , writes Mrs Sd P Harwood, Au fbatn,N. Y, 1 -Jr f . . -y-t&' ytx -i T. ? j : . i - -s.., iiT-ii-'1' T

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