... : V A f f - rp -v f t - - V w-- -; Vin. H STf WRT, ffelUr and Owharj U fttslishetf ivtry Wecfoesday At CaHaburyy N. .C. Oubaertptlan, Prlea: Watefttnaa, l rnr. r. . . .$ .75 Baoee. .1 ear. ...... .TO - Ail t for rtar uch, oal0 -rr iHfc. ito6 m cb ixsstaflic 41 atlftttry N C ttndtr tb of -Con Cii grVi K l;r Dough 1 11 wiirt tou: hi fr'm Noth I dml-tr!! raajcriry of tw-rijiyrfivi ; boiidrtjd to r y ! iv 11 n t v xepf for pmail mjoritief ji AVatuga and Airxaiidi. .Tbe; Strooi W!thUnd the Het of Suaaer Better Tbftn the Weak Old scosl wtio t fwbl and yoaniet people aho yirill b tyeayheaed nd enabled tc la GROVE'S TASTELESScUU WNIC. Jl puifies -. . adtntlcotUf btoodud ttdlds Bptw voi sr ' ttbi Effect IDe. ''' Ki JUMe hr ttto-He Whs HUsitttss b list On the fieti (J of honor a soldier has no alternative when told by his superiors to go q over the top.' Thesis no chance for' delibera- 1 C3L- v.Ton, no room ior aesnancy, ou necessity for questioning He who hesitates is lost.' Rarely an op portunity comes to him to redeem his indecision and lack of will. -This is as it should be. Hesit- if,. ancv, indifference and lack of decision would never win a bat. tie, either over there, or overy here. People Who intend to take action, to do something for their couniry. out wjfio;:aeiei nntti a more convenient .. $ eason never Jhelp the country when it aeeds ifiit most. People who intend to buy War. Savintrs Stamps, and rhapithey have promised their10111, After tek5Pr Oovcwiment that the? would bur, who wait and satisfv nprnn Jkl pleasures first are nothing ewt-f eiooi,0 V rrw n.'rU yi oo, hJ soldiers at the front should be the spirit that moves the people at bon . Nothing should be ex pected. of the Army over there that the artny over here i not wiHing- itself tp meet. J Constipation i.;x Kiuousaess Just try one SO-cent jbetue of LAX-FOS WITH PSFS AUqnid -Digestive Laxati ve pleasant ttie. . Made and recommended to tbe pabSi ty Paris Medi- doeirXnumufactai ofXaxative Sromo Qut&toe add Grove's tiwfteleaa clullToak. jfjo. a. cnoivn opt. o. . Professional Optical Service H ead ach es , Ner vousn ess, Neu ra!gia, Dizziness. Nausea and many other Nervous 'Disorders Due to eye strain Positively fegetteved: - OoliciterJ Thwe employed duringr; the day may have their eyes ex amined in the evening, oiicCoMunftGPO Vy e the undersigned Farmer and land owneripJJrest'oni- mitnity hereby. w arilal 1 ' hunt e rs aatBai inc iiuuun jji Ajposr sums Kaoous. dqutrreis utrosor anv other irame at ,attr,."tun( n our lands, .Anyone doing will be prosecuted to the fullasfc extent of ihe Law P J Cress, I Ross Cress. J R Crass, G F Rostian. G C Propst, W O Parks O R Menius, L F Ileiltg. E D Bostian, Flora O Scchier. R W Petrea G A Ketch ie. , De Witt C Swarrinfeii James EOrriber, .1 J'ftatian. O L Heitijf . J" L i I , i i Nancj E KimJi n F C 'rei i r a " - , .c- - reikis israsnx Poop! e of Prominence . And TJn4 . quesioncd Integrity TelJ- r Celebrated MedirineHa " ,tDone ForThem. ?; On of the motnote worth r features iacoiinectUm -witbtvTan Ucahd the one that: stand ou more protninenijv tnan any ober pThaps; is the Wy large dumber- of : well kHowii men : and wometf froinVau partstrf the :outh who have recentl y repott ed; astonish i ng and rapid increase iif weight as' a result:of its us .. When so: tnany weiklcnown people cf unquestioned integrity mftke statement after statement, each coroborattntf the, other, the truth of such statement can no loHger be doubted : c Thousands have testified; that this famous medicine has com plSffly restored them to health ani strength , after ever? othejr medine and the most skilled treatment have failed. x One of, the most y remarkable cases on record is fthatMrs Viola Ives, of 315 Cross Street, Little Rock, ' whose statement appears ojelowWv; u 14In May, of , 19l3Vrsaid Mra. Ives? I - suffered a complete breakdown of my mervesi and. my entire system gave away. About six weeks- afterwards - I was carried to the "hospital. I be came perfectly helpless couldn't. mo ve any part of my body and just lay there iu bed for five months, not knowing anything or attv bodv. I was brought home in October 19 IS. and triedJ all kinds Of medicine and ev thing X-was tola about. - - "1 read about so . many getting relief by taking TtliiC and my husband got .-.gottae bbttlei-l began to feel 1 bettifcrl l have .akeiiv several bottled of where and sleep .like tifijl When I took my first dosit ol Tatllac I weighed only one red and twenty-two povru I now weih one hundred and six two-an actual g-aia of .forty pounds since I started , on Tani lac.M V r TixiilltaJcSx Anot'ier remarkable case was that of John Crabtree, 4, sentra merchant at Five Afiie' Station, A, Dallas, Texas. T 1 -- - 1 AiLi f ..y Ka,Deaw. four pou pds on: three bottles of 1 aniac apu 1 jennw wnar tc 1 XO enjoy good health after suffer ing for twenty "years, V said :Mr Crab tree.' " "I suffered with catarthDi the stomach (and indigestion, lor twenty yearsj and for - eighteen months, before starting I started taking Taalac, I had to Kven- tirely on cereal. I spnafv all ofonevcir in bed and 190-; able to do any th ing at a ad fell off;in "weighi to tlSfpotSlsi' rtusinic my third bottle of TanUcI found I bad increased in weight from 1 1 8" pounds -, to 52. pimnds, 'makuig' an actual :ai ofL thirty-four pounds-all my troub1es,'-werfr gonev and l was feettirsrike another : man. n Caotaia r3 J) Kiggs, popular Y SfM V engiaeet, running be tween Vldksbiir land New Or leans and residinirat 2020 Pe&lei street, Vteksbresti for .expetience EBl rQUBCK " - " "WT f CUDYIOT. ' China Orove: Monday, Tuesday ana WBdnesdqr.. Lsndis; Thursday, Friday and Saturday., t . -Examination Frees arovesTasttJeaai cbT.lTIe f MstoresTftalItrjidcaflWa9rittIfaa4 ' . fllaTB Baiaed twenty younfy'. on seyejj pottles of Tanlc W when a bOy;said Mr Weeks. "B thirty years' IrsuifereaS v. .with nervous indigestion of the worst sort, " he continued, andS a nazes qnnnif tne past tuteenf years didn't think I would last muca longer. To tell you the? truth, i nai:y reached the point; ! where Xiot much care wheth-IA er iUrelordied. .l 'Thaejust finished my thirdg bottJe o&Taslac and have sraiuedv tweotyseyeu pouodSk- was the) 1tru1 , remarkable statement! j maae prars;i;nar!e9 reaen re- ru at 6S Mill .street, Huats-il ville, Ala. - . - m - f? neo- i commencea xaKing the ; meinei " she I continued, I only -wighe4 ' jpouis feltxtpjh I havesSTered with a bad form of stoiracjti trouble, constipation and DainsvthrmT side and back AttimesAe) pains took the form of torture, and I "was twice examined and each . rtife was tolihatf Md atis and thaVan ojeratioit be my only hooe.rL I hadrmide IlU rclWions, tor gie omm fmmm, m sister m&t Pfct I did not wlbUeV would live to seeder agjuti cf J&K- My sister begnl stnd feade With menot to fallow them to cut on. me and tojjd me to wait awhile Ifed try a i feood tonic. The next as I reBirned from the con sultation toom I thought of what she cud, and as I had heard So much ateut TanJac. I decided o try it and got it bofUe.f f'J !rer iTetiinted for the oper- n Jwit Hiist : kept , taking-the) ac ; tQarht from the start I to fell better. The med'- 4ih$ eetneSto take hold right & t TtJas so; happy over the wen yemeWin my condi- at I sint for my neighbors txfte7t aehow much better I felju ke.utamd got another b.7anlac;an4,-bive just Cim$tta4 takfg my third bottle and feci asMl have been made oHnto.a niw woman. faiA; i3trit?s an actual fact, thi:sined 25 pounds on Tanlac.: - When. ! tffan taking the medicine, cotUin,Ued Captain Cggsr wmiavk. a nervous anT iMi7Mct..:a4 dropped dolic from Sir : ona , tthflllp ; one $undred;ja4'IHiojl Tlav&Jujrtpy s onoscfoive gain- w3ftS feel .n. . . EugineeTChas. J WeJls, who runs the Seapoard Air fyine fast tr aln "FoS1 between Json iindats -this-oTpre llnlrnjt of service wilaUrbi ni compay Irv ;ttry th Ta.nlao ii-now sold ixfilnsivsly; in Salisbury by tbft Hipltli?0rBg Co.riftsmi by Iplejp BBpencer SeYeral lad w v td,S5 years olc employment by calliofj at this of8c fttJbnce; Watchmatx - - vr UyPfT11 tla Cj-T!t Cess Hot Affect Heti F mad 4oc iiot cause nervousness nor iihM(L SMnanbn' the full xiame stui ioc the is&atax rf & W.SROVE. 30c,- 4 toot -1I1AICM,L LETTERS f rom our boys in the trenches and from the women in canteen and. other war work, all bring to us the same mes sage SEND US NEWSt FROM HOME. World news is all righthut OUR BOYS want NEWS OF THIS TOWN. They want the! home newspaper. - Publishers are prevented from' sending their papers free to anyone; eyen boys In the service. Consequently a national mpvenient has been started by Col. William Boyce Thompson of New York, who is acting as President of the Home Paper Service of America to give the boys what they are calling for. "Every community is joining the movement. Lot us Sea that our boya are not forgotten. " Send to the publisher of this newspaper whatever amount of money you can 5 cents or $50.00. We will publish a list each week of those contributing, and the amounts contributed. .Every cent received will be used to send this, paper to our boya at the front. If at the end of the war, there is any surplus, it will be turned over to the local Red Cross Committee. There is no profit in this to the publisher even in normal times, subscriptions are not sold at a profit. With war prices prevailing, and thV high rate of postage on papers sent to Franc, .our cost will scarcely be covered1 by our full Subscription price. , . Remember that over, in France, .some brave soldier 0r. sailor from this townperhaps even ;some'spldid woman working within sound of the guiis is depending on you to "KEEP THE I, it- 7? ' it HOME -; LOVE KINDLED. They are calling to YOU from "Over There" V . GIVE WHAT YOU CAN Send to 4'. ' " . ' . I3ie Carolina Wathman or The Rowan Record Salisbury, N. C. X- - . IMMMl.MMWMMMW.MlM.MMllll.tllllimummMmWlMMIlimMMlM j.; t J 11 lVVU UUUl'l I UV IflUil IlVlil Because goods were bought in large quantities before the JL 7 present day prices came. Complete line Pry laoodG, LJotions and (Sloth- ing Yor ujen ana usoys. (LiiiOES KEADV TO tEAR. Shoes, Etc. Time to f.. . All sizes Fisk, Red and Black Tread, B. P. Goodrich 4rand Diamond Cases in stock. No more tire troubles if iron use one of these standa? d cases. - r-v: r eea funna uowunow the war. In checker board Tfr ' . ' JLUU19 1U1 ... . CHINA. GROVE, Mi Corriher -"mi ' to"Attend Best College in the South " TlIOr.lASVILLE OUSirJESS COLLEGE, "' " 1 Tbomasville, N. C, ' or Hiss Thomas' Commercial College, - Hight Point; N. C, ..;f" .4-r--. . r.i 'it Rat is and Board reasonable. 13 liillftliillfi " i "1 . - - ' - ? itocitCJimg,joiHi. Dieeamsorrroniaing rues. " Instantly relieves Itching Piles. aBd yotrcanget eeatfcl sleep astetttiptst appiicotwtt grice buc UU '4 - 1! 1 o t Re-Tire. J to tne o4d eow and hp.ln -win basrs. Can't beat it. 4 UUSiUCSS. . .. -Carpenter Co. J B. 8. 8HUFOED, manager iif INOR I n CAROLINA 9 4t3tpd Terms Easy. . Done Promtly and . rightly, at the Watchman Office. . Oive us a tril OttvYOUHELP ' OUil BOYS ABROAD? Evpry f Man, n Woman and Child Can iloin to .Send News of - Thi8rTown into the Front Lino Trenchei WHOLE NATION MOVES . TO BANISH SOLITUDE Our Heroes Are Calling From' Over Thereive What You z' Can to Help Those From Home. - - Every eitfzen Interested In the boya of his hom town now at the front, and In the'brave women who equally are serving their country abroad, has an opportunity to show his appreciation of the sacrifice they are making. The opportunity comes as a result of the generosity and thought of Colonel Wil liam Boyce Thompson of New York, who has conceived and put Into execu tion what is known as the Home Pa per Service. Under the plan, every man and wo man In foreign service will receive the town newspaper, and so be kept in constant touch with the places and the people they know and love. Every branch of the United States Government Is interested in the plan. The Government realizes - the Impor tance of keeping tboae;trNhe service happy and constantly inJffijeSr tth ing Is more depressing Id a national emergency than the spirit of loneliness In those serving their country, and of -flciafe know that nothing can dispel this feeling more effectually than read ing the home town newspaper. Publishers of newspapers in all parts of the country this newspaper Includ ed have grasped with pleasure the plan outlined by Colonel Thompson, and they have' agreed to co-operate in every way. Under the ruling of the War Indus tries Board newspaper publishers are forbidden to send -their newspapers free, even to soldiers. The newspaper must be subscribed for in the regular way, the only exception being soldiers who formerly were in the employ of the newspaper and who left that serv ice 'to enlist. Colonel Thomnson there. 9re proposes that the public ;in each; community contribute to a fund so that the home newspaper (In our case this newspaper) may reach every man and woman now In the service of bis conn try. w Anyone may contribute to the. fund, and any sum may be contributed. It la not necessary to contribute the entire amount of one subscription. It does not matter whether the rich man sends in one hundred dollars or the'poor boy or little girl sends In five cents. Each trift will Ha ft mpsanco rkf lwo onrf haln. . fulness to the home town folks "Over There." The money will be lumped into one fund, out of which subscrip tions; will be entered as fast as the money is received. Contributors who Send in -the full price of a year's subscription may, If they wish, designate to what particular person they wish the newspaper sent, but if the name given is already listed as receiving the paper, then the pub- subscription to some less fortunateaol dier boy or noble woman who Is just as lonely for. newsnflwmeand home folks. .Tfc The name of every contributor to this home paper service will be pub lished in this newspaper, and the name of everyone: entered-for a subscription win ue pounsueu as wen as tne num ber of those remaining whose subscrip tions have not been covered. ,If the amount of money received shall be more than is necessary to send the paper to every person from the town now in the service, then the bal ance will be turned over to the Red Cross, y The plan Is endorsed by the pub lisher of this newspaper without any thought of profit, either directly or in directly, but with a sfneere desire to help keep the home fires burning and to send to our heroes and heroines news of our town, to keep their hearts warm for us and to let them know they are constantly in our minds. The publisher, of course, cannot make a profit on circulation, and addi tional circulation such as this will be circulation from non-purchasers sent far across thesea can have no added value to the advertiser. ' ' These facts are stated so that every contributor may feel that every cent contributed goes to the good cause. The mothers -of ocr boys , are facing an ordeal with a bravery, that com- uiouuB.ri;i nuu aamiration. Here and therjLpre tiny stars are turned irm oiae to goia, wnere anguish grips the heart the nation stands In BflottM and honors the. women who have given of "their blood, the verv hnna . t,At. ; r - ' utcu bone, to their country. To them, home has lost its meaning the soul of it has -fled there is no home, tt Is Just a place, and bo piace Is quite so lonely, unless It be within the hearta of those brave sons in far oil France wbo Iodic for just a word of home. There can not be a man, there cannot be a wo man, nev not even a cblld, who will fall to contribute Just a littl.o to iniike the hearts of these natziota lirhtac . 3 ' .T r- :sy