A Home Newapaper Pnblished in the Interest of thrPeopie and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs . ' - ; - - -. VOLrXIV. M 51. FOSTH SEEIES SALISBURY, N. C WEDNfJ; DECEHBI& 4m UM8. ESTABHSBEi) 1832 a ' .- .. THREE IHERICM FR174TES DID IT. j AEREEHEHT BIS BEEN REUSED IT BERLIN "Catflj Lj.se , TWrWl Giy8 French Ctvillians of Thiacourt i Between the German Saldfers and Work- Greatest Thrill of Their Li:es. mens mm ana in whiuun With the -'American Forces in Copenhagen, Nov. 25 - An France, Nov. iT-It was three agreement has been reached be American privates who gave the tween the German Soldiers and French Givilhans of the German. occupied village of Thiacourt the creates t thrill of their lives For four years they had been waiting, and then the Americans came. When the three privates an advance srtiard of SWarms of the government, it is officially announced inBerlin. The agreement provides: 1 All political power is to be mi the hands of a German socia list republic, and the Soldiers' and Workmen's Council. "2 Their aim is to defend and ' I. . . . t i t-: j other Americans in their wake develop wua u uu vW -- :u- a- viliao-e by the revolution, and to sup- of Thiacourt, not a soul was in press all counter revolutionary 4 Via o foof o Rut rxri tViin a few activity. 5-n.il amonirthe -3-Pending election of r epre- ArA Avians that the sedatives of Soldiers' and Work & . it.. a I man Council to an executive Americans were me ,auu wcu . .. a a .v.ir.ri it, council of the German ' rep ubhc, droves from the cellars where the executive council in Berlin is i,0nv,Ka0 initio- in tP.rror to exercise its functions. - , , aJ '4t.h-Thfl arroomtment and lor two aays ana mgnis auu " '1,11. and na-nnm dismissal of all members of var 4v,.,mo c;v hundred Herman ious legislative bodies of the re tidier who were delighted with public and until final constitution Investigate Their Al though the gelation of the act of chewing the cud to the natural process of digestion in cattle improbably guite generally understood, the United States Department frequently receives inquiries concerning proper treat ment for cattle which have Host fiimV ttA " ViP imnrcasion ao parently being that the cud istcow; something which can mecnani- cally disappear, and when so lost must be replaced, m order to re store the animal to health. Rumination lof cattle chewing their cud is. a natural orocess in the idea of giving up. The offensive of the first Ameri can army, which wiped out tb" St Mihiel salient, began on a Thursday morning and it was a Saturday afternoon when the wearv Americans reached Thia court, hungry and fatigued from fast walking in their eagerness tokeeooace with Abe fleeing t iT i . 1 8 T"k ! . i. n is estaousnea, or trr ussia, are iv be made by the central executive council, which also has the right of coutrol. 5th Before the cabinet ap points assistant ministers, trie executire council must be consulted. 6th A convention of depu- ues drawn irom soldiers ana workmen's councils is to be sum- As the Americans poured into moned as sooa Posslble" the village and the French real ized more and -more that again I Keen Young. Thiacourt had come into her own Peopled with bad backs and men stood in the streets and wak kidneys are apt to feel old cried openly and women sat at sixty. Many old folks say about on doorsteos and bits of Doan's Kidnev Pills help them wept until near exhaustion. Anc case: in the contusion the children N. Dunham, retired farmer, children cheered but even some 523 Park Ave., says: "1 suffered of them, the older ones realizing with my back and other symtoms what it all meant, cried too ano 0f kidney trouble. 1 nad a auii, kissed the hands of the officers heavy ache in my back that took and men. th 5 life out me, and when I tried What food they had :on hand to bend, sharp, cutting pains the French turned over 'to ithe wuld go through me and it was Americans, the villagers insisting I almost imoossible for me to upon the Americans taking all I strighen. Black specks ap they wanted of what they had. J peared before my eyes and I Som the streets and in the hous- was so dizzy I could hardly, es. some of them occupied only a stand. My kidneys acted irre- few hours previously by German gularly and the secretions were nffirartftanrl men. the Americans hi hlv colored and nainful in made themselves at home, for alnassase. I was advised to try short breathing spell, and ibe Doan's Kidney Pills and got some "Prtirli nnnulation of the village I at t hp Smith Drusf Go. Doan's endeavored to satisfy the appe- fixod me up in tine shape, entire- tite of their deliverers. ly emoving every symptom of From the time the Germ?s kidney trouble. Doan's finally reached Thiacourt in September, cu ed me." iqu. until a few davs after the 60c. at all dealers. Foster- village had been retaken by MilburnCo, Mfgrs, Buffalo, N Y. American troops, the civilians W$ ir Forecast, lit December, 1918. vjfom 3 to 10 rain, some change able, some stormy south, west 'a!4Wth. j35om 10 to 17, colder,- threats emng snow, and rain, some bliz zard! cold-along. rim 17 to 25, cold with snow and jcain aloner snow storms northwest to north eest, cold wlnHs along, threatening hard :&ffam 25 to Janurary 3, 1919, f a&rith rain and snow alonff be present inia otii rnM rrsntrU The President said he will be w&ner along. in close touch by cable and December shows more rain and wireless and that Coagress will Quasi ((an T o of m rn f Vi atlfl ffA I know all that he does on the w r""" -t - -1 . Ansmceiflis Intentian to Go to Paris Fer Adspts Resubt! C;;:j tfes tnpzi the FeacfiGonfansnce. . v. Chances U CiUf s Earcrdix to py . Washington, Dec. 2. In an ' Salisbury. Nov. 20, 1918. address to Congress-ttf joint ses- Whereas certain interest A and sion todays President Wilson influences are being brought to formally announced his intention bear upon membership of ; the to go to Paris for the peace con- Farmer's Union throughout ference, saying the allied coun- North Carolina, and in view of tries h'ave accepted the princi- certain proposed changes in the oles enuciated by htm for peace, laws governing this body to be and it is his paramount duty to brought up at the forthcoming annual session of the state orga nization at Wilson, and Whereas we believe a great gams is the state connection with the digestion hatdl weather with some warm otner sine, xveiernng w ni an- .f - iii j 4. I Ai-, xrrt4t, romiitia Inouncement tnat the v rencn ana mals In ruminants the tood wi sudden changes, mis "uau .8wuuiw t?ttt moved all cable restrictions on wnen nrsi.. ia&ea iuiu iuc oiuw iruiuw xiaai i arii i imnerfectlv chewed, and R 3-lSalisburv. N. C. transmission ot news or tne con i returned to tho mouth for re-' - ifcSte this all who are liviner in ference to America, the Presi- mastication. This returned vafWus localities will witness dent said he had taken over the ball of food is termed "the cud." fheat storms and heavy hails American Cable systems v'qtt 9ft v a Tntia 9.nth. on exoert advice, so a3 to make a Denartment exolains. is simolv a m in North Carolina and unified system available. He exoressed the hooe that he Suspension Ol CUC WlUg t iicucui- I vvm: vaiunuai afauMaAjr jw"v i j 1 WnnenftVie first indications ot rou&h. Februarv fair and clear, woum nave vine co-operauon 01 " -w w .-w- - . s 3, rf - . . ' I sickness in any kind of ruminant cold. March, some rough the public and ot Congress, sav- c; rnmiti a f general- Xrird wet month. Mav drv to the inff tnrougn tne caoie ana wire ly stop chewing the cud when 2&U 1919. Showing up to me less constant counsel and advice feeline- out of condition. Any bv' atoon chauere times along. would be possible. Ak.'. nronoroi I Tsfiro iiie rarii npnnif'si Mucn ot uis aaaress was ae- health of cattle mav result in attention, not knowing-how much voted to tne rauroaa prooiem, for which the President said he wnwi ii-ti w i i r i fit aril-" w i iijj . f uu 1 1 1 1 . l u i ijulli oj uaLuaic v-w w vv &a w ma w i - - t - ,i T ' - ' . . . 'a i i i .r i a. is almost certain to oe an inter- inis ,ovemoer i tu. ruption of this process when there is any pronounced disturb ance of digestion. Placing wads of hay in the mouth, the use of all salt porks and similar methods for restoring the cud are the outcome of local superstition and a lack -of knowledge concerning the diges ivoe&-oe-o;mr-Itts.tead of such treatment, an effort should be made to determinethe exact nature of the illness affect ing1 the cow with a view to ap plying proper treatment. -Vi . fflisMy'sMtter. - - Tri a recent letter Mrs D W I4ejfi of Litchfield, 111,, says, l,iave used Chamberlain's 'fatfits for disorders of the slm achflnd as a laxative, and' have tdatji them a quick and sure re- If vou are troubled with SHVs--V., , -. , mdif iestion or constipation tabh js will do you good. machine for personal about to be formed in union, therefore Resolved that Mulberry Local No. 451 Farmers' Union places itself on record opposing: : 1 The increasing of yearly dues from $1.00 to $5.00 per year. 2 The increase in salary of state president to $3,000 per y;ar with expenses. s 3 The increase in state secre- ary-treasury's salary 2,500 jer year with all expenses. 4 Tho increase in salary of the rganizer lecturer to $2,500 per ear with alt expenses. The re-election of Dr HfQ Alexander as state president. Resolved further, that copies of these articles be mailed the dififeKt locals in this county, witlf'tie "requt ttfaKiay. take similar action, that copies be furnished the ddegatesJroni this county to the state union, and that they be requested to fight these proposed changes, that copies of- these resolutions these President said he Suppoi k the County Paper. RvWnbli&hinsr the man v notices hoped to see a formal declaration jr nig iuici ii&aiiukubi t It may be confidently expected that$Lre being seut by different of peace by treaty "by the time with an c-pproacliing return of tiovrnmenc aepartmenis xo toe spring naa come. : i A f conflW naners. the uubhshers No definite program of recon- health, there will be a restora- are flying the public information struction can be outlined now : c j.t c iv, whinfl ithA Government desires Mr Wilson said, but as soon as lion oi me process m mc uiutcaj i 5 - i , . of digestion, including the func- tbemto receivo in the only pos the armistice was signed tne gov a 1 VlKS tVV ,y iu vCku w o givciu niiuvun ciuuicui wutui ui u mj ia-o-j uuv. putting the Government to an industry was released as far as enorfious expense. The publish possible. He expressed the hope ot rile.AivAs not.hinsr but sr rati that fiontrress would not obiect tudelfroin the Government for to conferring upon the, war trade his services, and that is all he board or some other agency the experts from the Government, right of fixing export priorities But ijie publisher has a right to to assure shipment of food to the expo; it the support o: nis com starving peoples a oroaa. mun y the"same as a soldier at has no solution to otter He re- commended a careful stuay by Uongress1. saying it would te a disservice to the country and to the railroads to pet mi t a return to old conditions under private management, without modifica tions. . 4 The President declared he I be released to the press of Hhe stood ready to release the rail-1 state; KAnila frrt tki' orrtverrtment Wn- 1 ' PaaaAr! at a Aflriiiai", meetinff, of trol whenever a. satfaxtorypt of readjustment could be worked Union held Tuesday night, Kor vember 19; 1918. T. D. BROWN, Sec, out. The lion of rumination or cud chew ing. Holds Socialists to Blame For War. tfew York World At a meetiug of pro war So cialists recenlly. in New Star Casino, Frank 3ohm, one of the leaders of the party, declared: 'If any group of people is re sponsible for every criminal act committed during this ,war, that crowd is the Socialist majority, Stat L down to the ofiacers of . . e i I -jr- . ieaaersnip or uermany. Few Escape. There are few indeed who es cape having at least one cold during the winser months, and they, are fortunate who have but one and get through .with it quickly and without any serious consequences. Take Chambe- Iain's Cough Remedy and observe the directions with each -bottle, and you are likely to be one of the fortunate ones. The worth and merit of this remedy has been fully proven. There are arvmg peoples aoroaa. f amilieg whQ faave As to taxation, the President 1 . were entirely without fresh meat of any kind excepting now and then a chicken or a rabbit which was raised in cellars without the knowledge of the Germans. All the cattle in the region of Thia -court " were taken by the Germans, but the cows being left to furnish milk for the babies Until the United States entered the war food was sent to Thia court by way of the Netherlands hv the American relief commit j tee and later by a 'Spanish relief committee. This consisted prin cipally of bacon flour, sugar rice, beans, peas and some cocoa. Two boxes of condensed milk were received in Thiacourt. each month and now and then a shipment of salt meat. Twice several boxes of American shoes arrived for the inhabitants and at long inter vals there were small shipments of clothing- During the four years occupa tion by the Germans none of the civilians was allowed to leave the t wn. ' However on one or two occassions individuals were permitted to Visit atacarby vil- lage to attend iae luneral oi re'a tives 'accotapamed by a guard. Mtm Catching Blockers. Revenue Officer Talbort, Sherriff Krider and Deputy Skerriff Rankin, confiscated a car and about five and a half gal lons of booze last Thursday near E lis Cross Roads in Franklin Township. After they has shot Bohm said American Social- ists exoected the Kaiser to act 4 like a Kaiser- expected Prussian field marshals to live up to their titles. "But we expected Ger man Socialist to be Socialists, and in that we were greviously disappointed. All the leading politicians and writers of the German Socialist party acted V - I - - w. - I J up the rear tires of the fleeing the miserable vermin they au'omobile. the three men in the ca? got away. Officers Kennedy and Talbort captured an automo bile and a quantity of whiskey at Concord, and on the same day made out a case against a Cabar rus drug store on a charge of manufacturing whiskey, and al so destroyed 3000 gallons of beer at a place in Davie County where blockaders were preparing tojnake a run. The shack in which they were operating was also destroyed. The 'officers have i he names of those in the cases, but are withholding them for the present. were and still are. Mr Bohm declared that Ameri can Socialists should accept the ideals of President Wilson, as ' V i the font expects and deserves it. endorsed the plan for levying H?1isrh Government officials, t6.000.000.000 in 1919 arid for v 1 ' fro ritHe President of the United notifying the public in advance otat v aown to tne omcers oi that ths iy2U levy win oe the I Hate, have expressed tiieir 000,000,000, than, ks to the county publisher The new three vear 'naval "Thr countrv publishers are building program was endorsed, t-, - o m. o ' r o doinJ more to win this war than because the president said it would pershing, any i(ther class of mon," is a be unwise to attempt to adjust he Ameri statement often made oy nign the American program to a tu officfUs. ture world policy as yet undeter- Aliost everv reader of the mined. courfry paper and every adver Paying tribute to the people's .-SiJ.L 1 1 1- 4.UI . ... i use ;is aomg an ijo ua.u xux- kuo conauct.in war, ne spoKc parucu boyjat the front. We are sorry larly of the work of women, and to sf:-v there are a few who don't against appeal . for woman app-eciate the service rendered suffrage by federal amendment, by o jir soldiers. used it for years when troubled with a cough or cold, and with the very best results. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Declaring he had no "private Almost everv reader of tho thought or purpose" in going to the working classes of our allies country paper and every adver Europe, but that he regarded it 1 A XT A ,TAn aA fhaf .. i-; : J i n 4 V-. ! 4-n 1 I . J . . i 1.1 r I nave uuue. uc nuvutaitu -"v t tisek is aoinK suLuptuiuii uu as ms mgeiesi uuiv, ine xrresi- ShOUld SUStain the j' -.- fV,Q nntr-ir mnor Rllt L4. AAaA. Tf ia nnm mv Anrr Socialists President of the United States Pershing CarapaifQ Formally Launched. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 25 A campaign for election of John J commander in chief of the American Army Expedition ary Forces in France, to the presidency in 1920 was formally lauched in Ohio today by an ap plication to the secretary of state for incorporation of the Pershing Republican League. Former United States Senator Chas Dick, of Akron and four teen other prominent Republi cans of Akron and Summit County are sponsors of the move ment. Mr Dicks name beads the list of fifteen names who t . - j i u : ; ame l naa improvea in every, i suij t a I A . ' J . T T A M..1.-J BOiaierl gL.T.jggtb blood. Yai oksx tost, feel tu Strengthr I y f A. imn.Iaviaatin4 Effect. Price 68c I JetterSOtt Llty, MO. JK -1 i - ' , tne list oi niiieen names and vote "in the highest inter- H4iOBU7 -,J lo ,1v iMil ?? - . signed the articles which were ests of the international working arelso a few who don t appre good what they, American sold- presented the secretary today , glass ciatS the service rendered. Ren iers offered their life's blood to ncxiiowa; ximes. obtain. I . - A ...i-i i. i - . ... 1 limited to tne democratic side. ...... 1 1 m iriu, riiiL ue at uiioo jusui n.Mn0fij rArwocn a ti i i - SfOniaCn lrOQBie, varf?.n Qt inst how to snnDort , ' Tnterruotion of the address for "Rpfnre T used CKamherlain's voir home oaner. Thi is done arose ana dppiauaea. voci erous y . t,scll had vn threat - - : when the President announced, ri w" " , T1V.14-o T Anf4-rraA o rrf on f riaol I Vtt (.llKon ninT TOT it. Stlfl. What 1 ' - ' - t : 1 J V. Bn.tx T?or11 Vlllf-a rl mom. ,ov, A,iKi f0it is rf;ore important, paying for it. his intention oi going m person ; Vinn oo Ai tint tna. , ol1 f- To vake apaper, groceries or vous and tired all the time. clog,f;onr another without These Tablets helped me from rjavcrig for same, cannot be con- t he first, and inside of a week's I sidred as help or even friend to the , peace , conference, ihe Republican side was silent and so were many of the Senators on both sides of the chamber., sThe President concluded after I speaking forty-two minutes, and bers of the house did terialize. The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Heed Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Ouinine and does sot cause nervousness nor. , - X , h, 7l , BnrinsrinbeiuL KemessberCne fnU name ana u; War Savinga Stamps left the chamber amidst applause SXtoilke itwfrroi b.w.gxovb. aoc. I i 4 v v 7 T-l V"