1 1 Home Newapapar Pablished in the Interest: otae - People, ahd: for honesty in Governmental Affairs VOL. XIV. N3. 53. P0TJSTH SSSIES SALISBURY; NCM WEDIiAlDECEipER: i8!ra ESTA?USfiS 18 'S& - ... ... -H,- Ms tmtigple and for :5 the Influenza and ignorance. Tba So-Called Health Baard -Makes Another Bat has Gattsn Howhora let. The board of health met last ' week and found the -influenza on the increase in this coinmun ity, After talking-over the situa tion it was decided that the churches be closed with the ex ceptions of the 11 o'clock servi ces Sunday mornings. It was also ordered that all picture shows and pool rooms be closed until further notice, that all public gatherings be prohibited, that loafing on the streets or at the passenger station be forbid den and that all public and pri vate schools in the city and county be closed until further notice.' Dtfring the past week the number of new cases daily have been reported was between 64 and 115 axd it is not known whether all reported reallv had the disease or whether all whodid have it were reported. The situation Is such that nc one seems to know just what to do to do to stamp it out. This; is the second time influ enza, or la-grippe, has broken out in North Carolina. In 1892. it. was quite prevalent and & number of people died from it effects. There were no mcr'f!liH' liealth officers, no so called board of health, and no foolish quarau tine?, so the disease soon passed, but it is different now, and con siderably worse. We are paying $4.00 per day each for., a number ' oi men taisingovei: injs situation p' " -'. ill!.; : .1 !j. j ;nng quarantiness and get mff nownere. j ne state tjoaro of Health sends out pretentious bhlletions, frequently reversing itself and accomplishing nothing, and the United States investiga tors make entirely different re ports, while the Thomasvilie orphanage goes through, an attack of the disease and comes out with flying colors, just used common sense, and did'nt lose a rase. The State Board of health, to keep itself before the public, says: . ' "Spanish Influenza and tuber culosis are communicated? in the same way. There is, however, a marked difference in the incu bation period. Influenza shows up in from a few hours to a few days after the infection enters the dody. Tuberculosis,, on the other hands may not show up for years. uThe prevention of both these diseases is the same. "The ' flu" is spread by the cough and the sneeze,' without shielding the mouth and nose, thereby spray ing the air and all persons near by with the infective material, or it is spread by kissing, or by handling, things that have been handled by a sick person and then putting the fingers in'to the mouth without first washing them, or by spitting on the floor; or ground or by using the same towels, drinking vessels, eating utensils that are used by the sick The United States navy health service, which has made thorough tests knocks the block from under our health 'authori ties'! when it sends out Cttie fol lowing: 3 Boston, Dec. 13. Experiments undertaken by the navy depart meu t at the navy public . health -service hospitals in Callups island to ascertain the cause - and Spread of influenza have had merely negative results, accord ing to a report given out today. One 'hundred, volunteers wh have been under observation for several weeks have had influenza germs placed in their nostril throats and have eaten, them HOLD ROADS FOR FIVE YEARS. Talk About the Disposition of Railroads Like tise Kaiser Would, Extension of the period of gov ernment control of railroads for five years, until January 1. i924 is recommended to Congress bv Director General !cAdoo. Ad vantages of this, iVr. McAdoo said, are that it would take the railroad question out of politics for the present, give time for carrying out an extensive pro gram of improvements and pro vide opportunity for a fair test of unified control to indicate the permanent solution of the rail road problem. "The President has given me permission to say that this con clusion accords with his own view of the matter." Mr. Mc Adoo concluded. , The letter was addressed to Senator Smith of South Carolina ad Representative Sims, chair men, respectively of the Senate md House Inter - State. Com merce committees. Mr. Mc Adoo explained that to continue government operation for 2i months after formal declaration of peace under present condi 'j'-ms would mean disruption of muale among employees and of H'jrs and could not enable the government to go ahead with -im-piovemenis .nd purchase of equipment. Another alternative, the prompt return of the rail r ads to private control, without legislation tsf pur mit elimination c; the old wastevul competition, would be "hurtful alike to the pixliclnrs":cti id HKir Wfc-i roads themselves," he said, and trio difficulty of obtaining imme diate legislation providing a per manent solution, is apparent." In reading the above you will notice it seems to bo merely aj matter as to what Vr. McAdoo. the President aau congress wants and seems to be a case of "the people be damned." The rail roads can purchase their equips uinnt as they have always done) and the waste tnat the govern ment is using for a talking pGint, do?s not equal the extra, freight and passenger fares now being mulched from the people.' It may be of some satisfaction to Mr. McAdoo to receive praise for raising wages, lor a lew,- but! there is little satisfaction to thet many who are bearing this extra burden without any correspond ing raise in their receipts. Fcf Croup. "Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edv is splendid for croup," writes Mrs Edward Hassett, Frankfort, N- Y. 4 My children have been quickly relieved of attacks of this dreadful complaint, by its use." This remedy contains no oium or other narcotics, and maj be given to a child as con fidnllv as to an adult. w -li their food and some, have been inoculated with serum, but n -i cases of the disease have de veloped thus far. "Increased appetite and more vigorous health have been the only noticeable results ot the experiment, according to the phvsicians. The test will be coutinned." - So with the health authorities admitting their ignorance on the subject, it is well for the indi vidual to look out for himself," do what he can to keep in the lopeu, avoid colds, if possible, and !kv :p his system' i g-ooc!.- order. Fresh air ud wc A'-ir i laturrs jre ".'dy and iu . 'Mr doctors skin-! id or ty utiles. j j Buy War Savings Stamps ENGINEER RILLED BY A SOLDIER. iiBESIDENT WILSON'S ENTRANCE IN PARIS. C. A. Snyder of Coeleemee Slashes Tbroat H. A. Winders and Attacks Wife. Wffencti Treats tteMire Length. Ohorlotte. Dec. 14 H;i Snyder, of Oooleemee, a;flisVWiIson made his entrance ihtq charged soldier from Cam pf weene, Siasnea ngineer ti. - jhe President's arrival at the A. Winder- at th Hotitbernapital waS greeted with a salvo Biaiiuu ai .ou wiib. fiuuuuf artillery in salute. wi. u a th flr tn-th hhital . Siivte1 America s executive hailed rW wif wa talking wiHvraing withvollies of eheer- Wiiiders and Mrs. D. -AC May hew vheu the.?oldier,apsIPresident Wilson was greeted proached iLem, drew a razor and slashed Winders throat. He then attacked Mrs. SnJ-1 dnr, cutting her arm and hand. A military .police of-j fleer, attempted taitlrBst ny- oi . j 'ij ied by his wife, walKed from the station to thw poatoBBice vera! flocks away with theiC 1113 m ui4 nana, ae was ioi iownd by Patrol raan Vy. H. 1 ettsand provost guards. - A machine in which were three officers haite d; S uy d tr , ti ea r the.pofetoffitiH leo42ts abgut to fire on Omc-erypnewfieu he saw other omces-fiifd him covered, lie raised the gun again, but his .wife knocked it from hisf.haud. He was takeu into custody by Officers Johnson, Daweee and Riley. At an' inquest held by Cor- oner i iiovis it was ae3iaed tliat Winders had died as the result of razor wounds inflict ' d b y 8 n y d h r . N o r easo n ioi1 J 41 rl'l. l fi T Thu iriin 'iirir 'I hii nnni.tu ; had ber married igpsqu ontbis occasion spoke in months, fenyder is said to h; 1,UWS'S1U lyiu& w f jyaious or urr wrre. ne ish1.135 htild in the county jail. The remains ut H. A. Wiu 'itjria, the engineer who was killed in-Charlotte Saturday ij. Chas. H. rfiiyder, a-dis hd'ged s idler, were brought tu Salirbury and taken to the home of his sister. Mrs. V. T Leonard, iium which place the funeral At-. 3 held ard the interment wag'in Chbstmit hill Cemetery. S2r.;2 Dead Bsais Escepa, But these Did Net. Thursday a well dressed young white mau and woman registered at the Empire hotel as L W Goodman and wife, South Caro lina, they contracted for an inner tuhe to an aulo tire at Rouzers garage and a check was tendered in payment. This 'created sus picion and on investigation it was suppose to have been the same couple operating in Con cord. The check was on a Gas tonia bank, cause was found, and the couple spent the night in jail and were held on a $100 bond each for the Superior, court. On the charge of registering as man and wife aud not being mar ried, the couple was taxed $23 each and the cost in the case. T3i8 Armistice ExMed. Copenhagen, Dzc 12. The German armistice has been ex tended until 5 o'clock on 1he morning of January 17, according to a dispatch from Treves, where the delegates of the various countries have been in confer ence. This proldngnation, it is added, will be extended until the conclusion of- preliminary peace, subject to !the conference of the allied governments: Copenhagen, Dec 14. The German armistice has been ex-? tended until 5 o'clock on the morning of January 17 and the allies have notified Germany that they reserve the right to .4 : - oocuj:, tne iiCvrtrai ione east of the .Rhine v-rU; lac Colo&rfg bridg-ehead on th Dutch" frontier according to a dispatch from Preyes- oflRopte ito His Place of Residence lined With 1iaris, Dec. 14. President Paris at 10:05 this morning. The dense throngs gathered to Hpyi President ; . and Madam Ppin- tare, Premier Clemencau, Andre Irardieu, French High Commis- iotjer to the United States and tlier high officials. SThe route to the the Presiden mal residence was lined with '$)rench; troops in solid array along its entire length. 'The welcome given bv the crowds as the President drove by was vociferous and hearty. ' Te formalities of the greeting jbve; the . President entered a carriage with President Ppincare fend Mrs Wilson and Miss Mar- faTet Wilson, a daughter of the President, followed in another carriage accompanied by Mrs Poincare, The party 1 drove im mediately to the residence of Murataih, in the JAue de Mon eai, where the President will reside while at the iFrench capi til.! , President and Madam Poihcare gave dinner at the pal aislle l'Elysee, in honor of Presi- President "-W lUVt 11113 . II USVUi 1 1 sr "Mr President. I am deeply in debted to you for your gracious greeting It is very delightful to find myself in France and to feel the quick contact of sympa thy and unaffected friendship between the representatives of the.United States and the repre sentatives of France. 4 'You have been very generous in what you were pleased to say abou,t myself and I feel that what -I hye tried to do has been said done only in an attemp to speak the nought of the people of the yntted States truly and to carry that thought out in action. ; "From the first the thought of the people of the United States aim "toward something. more than hthe mere winning of this war. It furhed to the establishment of eternal principals of right and justice. It is realized that merely to win. the war was uoi enough, that it must.be won in such a way is the question raised by it andjsettled in such a way as to secure the future peace of tte world and lay the foundations for the freedom and happiness of its tnany peoples and nations. "Sever before has war won so terrible a visage or exhibited more grossly debasing influence of illicit condition. I am sure thatI can look upon tjhe ruin wrought by the armies of the Central Empires with the same repulsion and deep indignation that ibey stare in the heart of men of France and Belgium and I appreciate as you do that the necessity- of such action in the rlua) settlement of the issues of the w,ar as will not only1 rebuke, such acts of terror and spoliation butjnay command everywhere that5th,ey cannot be ventured up on without a certainty of just j punishment. ' No Worms in a Healthy Chfld All children troubled with worms lurre m healthy coiur. wbkh iadfcRtea doot blood, and as a J i-oie, t'&ere 13 more or leas stomach disturbance. for two or .thrs" weeks will enrici tie bloodL btt- crove the digestion, and act as a Gcr.enf StrcetfOt- j tluow off or oispel the worms, and the ChiH wSbft j in perfect health. Pkaaant to tXe CSepcdotttel QEIICANS GLftSH WITH AMERICANS One Mexican Killed and Jaotber Mortally Wounded la Row Begun by Oexicens. New York, Dec. i5.-Ina clash on November 28 be tween tha arfriy navy guard of , ttie American , steamship Monterey and Mexican cus toms guards at TampicoJ one Mexican, said o have been' a captain, was killed, a Mexican soldier mortally ..wounded, and a ch?et gunner's matn, named Berry, in charge -of the American guard less se riously hurt. Ihiswas Jearn. ed tQday with the steamer's arrival here from Havana and Nassau, where 8he touched after leaving Tampico. Members of the. armed ffuard and officers of. the ship reiQSed to discuss the inci dent, bat details were learn- ed from passeDgers on guard at the time. According to them, the fight occurred shortly after 5 a-m., after members of the navy" guard went to the rescue of Berry, who had been attacked. The Americans at first responded to the call without arms, but upon the Mexicans opening tire, they secured their wea pons and;responded. in kind. The fight, passengers said, was brief, the .Mexicans run ning away as soon as the Am mericauB opened fire, leaving their dead and wounded. SALISBURY PROOF. Should CtiYince Every Salisbury Reader. The frank ' statement of neighbor telling the merits of re Bids you pause and believe. The same endorsement By some stranger ar away Commands no belief at all. Here is a Salisbury case. A Salisbury citizen testifies, Read and be' convinced. Mrs Hattie Frost, 603 N Main St., says: I was subject to back ache and general kidney disorder. At times my back and limbs would get so weak and lame I could hardly get around. Morn ings I was in the most misery My kidneys were irregular in action and caused me a lot of trouble. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills and found them to be all that is claimed of them. Doan's relieved the misery in my back and regulated my- kidneys. On May 13, 1917 Mrs Frost said: "I haven't had to use Doan's Kidney JPiljs since I re commended jj them several years ago. Doan's relieved me entire ly at that time and I advise others suffering with their kidneys to use Doans. 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil -burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N.Y. Weather forecast, for December, 1918. From 3 to 10 rain, some change able, some stormy south, west and north. From 10 to 17, colder, threat- emng snow, and rain, some bliz zard, cold along.) From 17 to 25, cold with snow and rain along, S snow storms northwest to north erst, cold winds along, threatening hard cold. , From 25 to Janurary 3, 1919, fair with rain and snow along 'and some cool- and cold rough weather along.V . December shows more rain and snow than past month, and cold hard weather with some warm days along, for North Carolina with sudden chancres. This November 27th. Henry Reid. R 3i Salisbury, N.C, drove's Tasteless chill Tonic ,'A L'k. , anA en- HeWnfth Uqpd. Yoacan mod feel ito"Sttenth toilrfsj!tan Bkct. Fxic63c. PRESIDENT OF FORTUGflLASSm Body Taken ta (to Bslsn Palaw b Iwsittbs Funeral tareisiinlss: Lisbon, Portuga', Dec 16. The body of Dr. Sidinio Paes, President of Portugal, who was assassinated late on SaS urday was taken to the Belem Palace to await the funeral ceremonies In the mean while the Portugese goveTn ment continuing in office un der the minister of justice while, both chambers of the parliament have been sum raoned to meet tddav to dia cues jointly the question as to the successor of the:preei dency. ' The whole capital was in mourning today with a deep undercurrent of excitement of both military and civilians ho are organizing parades in which the marches call for '-ngeauce for the crime. President Paes waBsbot and died nhorUy before mid light Saturday while in the Lisbaru railway station. Hit .cpassiu . was killed, by the rowd. if Focb Were a Romanist. In their bigoted efforts to de- ceive the world into believing that Marshal Foch is a Roman Jatholic the propagandists of tiome encounter many insur mountable difficulties. This con tention of theirs seems doomed to the same fate as their similar couientions resardmsr Joffre. Baig, and Persliing. ,V In their own diocesan orgrans the Romaa prelates never tire ofi; dmcnrrciiig?PrieliM3ieeiJt; of France for his militant hos tility to the papal gang. But evidences multiply that Foch owes his preferment, including his selection as generalissimo, to the French premier. The following associated press dispatch, which appeared in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch Decem ber 3, is significant in connec tion with many similar bits of information: London, Dec. 3.-7-M. Clemen- ceau, the French premier, caused a sensation in his address at the French embassy last night by declaring that but for him Mar shal Foch would have had no command. - The occasion was a reception . 7", in nonoroi tne premier and Marshal Foch , When it is remembered that Clemenceau is as uncompromis- . ingly Protestant as Governor Catts and that Rome incessantly denounces him for that fact, it is manifest that he would not have placed the destiny of France and the world in the hands of a Ro man Catholic as supreme com mander. Not till Governor Catts or Gov ernor Kilby appoints a fourth degree Knight of Columbus to the United States senate will the public believe that Clemenceau placed a Roman Catholic in com mand of the military forces of democracy. As stated in "The Menace" some weeks ago, Foch is a Bas que, and his people have been noted during several centuries for their successful hostility to the papal autocracy. During all the ages when both France and Spain groaned under the heel of popery, the Basques suc cessfully defied the papal hier archy and kept their mountain home between France and Spain free The Menace. rbs Qu&rim That Does Not Affect -the Head 3ecause of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA riV'i EHOMO QUININE is better than ordinary ui .ine and does not cause nervousness nor 4n;rinar in head. Remember the fall name and i3o lor the signature oi B. W. GROVB. 30c Ouy XZcr Otc3ri3. e: 1 v i is-