TV. - - wm -fir - .A tfAITH- ' Jan 28 Teams are haul iu tta cement today to be ttsed in the erection of the large new Reformed church here. J T Wyatt got the contract to furnish granite for the new Baptist church to go up near Concord. One of our neighbors has a new dog. He jumped at us and tried to bite us in the. face. We would not go there, for $5.00. We' don't like a dog no how Venus. GRANITE QUARRY. Miss Gertrude Dry of Em manuel's, is visiting Mrs Martha Beaver. Rev R C Kirk and children and wife have been very sick vvith the influenza bu are all improving now. Mrs Martha Beaver had a big o'possum .dinner Friday. H L Lyeriy and wife, P H Lyerly and wife, 0 H Lyeriy and wife, Mrs Mack Lyerly and Mies Cora Lyerly enjoy ed Mrs Beaver's hospitality. Born to Mr and Mrs Jim Russell, a daughter, January 20th. : Miss Margaret Owens, who recently underwent an opera tion at the Whitehead Stoke? sanatorium, is getting along fine. Miss Kluttz is still assist ant to the freight agent here The section Boss here has just, put in new cross ties near the depot. He is a good sec tion boss. mi . t ine raiiroaa men are un loading a fine lot of railroad iron at the station here. a m r a i n . ... mrs isoy Ariz oi a aim is nursing at Rev KirK's. "She is very succesful and is pro nounced to be one of the very best nurses. She is call ed upon from every side. Mesdames Martha Beaver, H L Lyerly, C H Lyerly and How Death Was Caused. We are hHjrinni'ng to be lieve that the ' fluey" was the only cauee of death" in our fair land but the editor of a monthly bulletin of vital statistic? find the following in reports of causes, of death sent to him: "Died suddenly, nothing serious "Went to bed feeling w-11 but woke up dead." "Patient should not have diad, as he fully recovered from his sickness. The cause of death was his mother died in infancy." "Don't know cause of death. He died without the aid of a physician .' 4 Kicked by horse on left kidney. Died from blow on the head with ax. Contributory cause was another man's wife. "Deceased died from blood poisoning caused by broken ankle when automobile struck him between the lamp and the radiator." Of course these deaths took place in places where they had no all-time health, officer Hire a smart aleck health officer and the deaths will immediately cease automatic cally. COOLDNRAISHRfHO HIS HEAD. 1. i I mi A Tonic Laxative Hasn't Had a Sum of Rheumatic Sines He took Tanlac. Thirty Ona Pounds. "I have actually gained thirty kne pounds j on three bottles o Tanlac and I now feel like a ue man in every way," said J Hawkins, rssidiag at 335 John; son Place. Memj his, Tennessee some lime ago. "I was just racked with paiiq from rheumatism for a TOrirlen; year until I couldn't hit a lick of! work and was just up and down;g mostly down, all the time. Mvit joints wouia swell ana cramp so neaa, couian t comb my Hair anqr when I stooped over to tie !V. shoes, the. pain would almost! J make me cry aloucL I got inj J. such a shape that I couldn't eatl' anything without suffering after-Jp ward and nothing I tried in the!j,f way of medicine helped me anyj at all. . "SI ''I only weighed one hundred ff r and eight pounds when I started -taking Tanlac and now I weigh. ? 4 one hundred and thirty eight. f, My ioints don't hurt me anyU more and I can bend over and use! my arms at work with as much ease as I "ever could. lean eat any thing i want and as much as I wish and feel like a new person all the time. Tanlac is now sold exclusively in Salisbury by the Smith Drug Co., in Cleveland by J. A. Lyerly nutet. r vysiuf&ii Rowan Drug Co. that will remove the bile from the Liver and I in Granite OuarrV bv the BrOWU rOosnao the fivotm THDPniTflHT.V within drln init I or disturbing the stomach is truly a Perfect Lax- Drug Co., and in Spencer by the euve. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN Is the name of a Reliable and Perfect Laxative which Boon relieves Sick Headache, Dizziness, In digestion, Stomach Trouble, Gas and Piles caused by a Torpid Liver and Constipation. Always use a Reliable Laxative in the treatment of Colds, Grip and Influenza. LAX-FOS WmrPEPSIN Is a Liquid Digestive Tonic Laxative excellent) in its effect qn the System, both as a tonic and as a laxative. It is just as good for Children as for Adults. Pleasant to take. Children like it. 50c. ' Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic E L Lyerly and little Mies Rose Catherine LTyerly, all spent Thursday at Mrs .JVlar t;n Bamnger's and enjoyed a splendid dinner. Piles Cured in 6 to 144)ays Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fafls to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching piies, and you can gee restful sleep after the ilrst application. Price 60c. Daylight Saying A?ain in Effect on March 30th. Washington, tea. 3. in ac cordance with the daylight sav ing bill the clocks throughout the country will be set forward one hour at 1 a, m. the last Sun day of March and an hour's cjay light will be gained Tor seven months, the clocks being set back again at 1 a. m. the last Sunday in October. Daylight proved a success in more ways than one in . the, United States last year, and-it is predicted that its institution will be permanent. Those who are thoughtful have concluded that something more than chance is behind the re markable popularity of Royster's fertilizers. Those who have investigated, find neither chance nor magic, but simply common-sense ap preciation of values. Those who ate prudent are placing their or ders now and insistings on being supplied with While a poor cTaCooke clerk in a Phila- delphia bank he got his start , to wealth and honor by investing his own saw ings and practicing thrift During the Civil war be raised one billion dollars for the federal government. Cooke was a great financier in his time. You will need an accumulation of money sooner or later. You may want to buy a home, or make a profitable investment, or go to college, or save the life of loved one stricken with disease. Start an acuit with us with a part of your earnings this week. Add something to the de posit every week. Know the courage of prosperity and the independence of ready funds. Multiply your money in our care. AL1SBURY BANK AND TRUST GO. FIRST NATIONAL i SALISBURY, N. C. Established, 1883. AIM Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent, Compounded Quarterly. OFFICERS H. N. Woodson, President Dr. R. V. Brawley Vice Pres. W. B. Strachan Cashier E. H. Woodson, .Asst Cashier P6C8D3. $1000 per acre would not buy onr bred up paper sneli pecan -groves. rrees nave cleared over $50 each this year. Very fine bread up budded and grafted trees from these early prolific and mammoth size papers he. 1 pecan trees for sale. Write for free catalog and price list. Write today. Bass Pecan Company, Linmbertou. Miss. I2 25 7t Gasoline Ensine for Sale. 2 k l,oise pow er upright JNew iiira gasoline engine can be bought at a reason able price. In good condition and a bargain for a quick buver. Write, 'phone or call on Cbas. P Stewart, rural 3, Salisbury, N.C. Start Your Savings Account NOW for Next Christmas. Responsible Banking, Courteous Treatment and Confiden tial Service is Our Policy. ci2) (Q)'r"aail",,a9) fee: nrsir U We, Cordially Invite You to See Us On Any Banking Matter Ynn a.rfi Tntfirpstfid In. 'We are Authorized Agents for Sale of War Sayings Stamps and Thrift Stamps 1-h TRADE MARK REGISTERED. ORDER EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT R 5. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk,, Va., Richmond, Va.f Tarboro, N. C Charlotte, N. CM Washington, N. C., Columbia, 5. C, Spartanburg, SC, At lanta, Qa., Hacon, Qa., Columbus, Qa , Montgomery, Ala., Baltimore, Md., Toledo, O. FOR 25 - WHITE OR GRAY 2S EACH CAPFRINGE SHAPE "HOLD-TJGHT HAIR NETS ENJOY AN ENVIABLE NATIONAL REPUTATION AND THE FRIENDSHIP OF MlUJOrW OF WOMEN. "HOUVTJGHT" HAIR NETS ARK MADE OF THE FINEST AEAL HUMAN HAIR. ALL SHADES. EVERY "HOLD-TIGHT" HAIR NET GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED, ORDER AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE. IF THEY CANNOT SUPPLY YOU., WRITE US. STATE COLOR AND SHAPE. SV9L it ? '4LHAVENUE NEW YORK V'BLUE BONNETS" Jl New Fabric with Ntw Ftaturti. Blue Bonnrt"v !et the needs of the wotnaa who want a beautiful, durable fabric tliat wean without nnUing, rapek dtut and iauoden perfecdy. Admirably adapted foe taikr-made draaea. port coats and ikirtx, cfuUrem ajannenta. pettinafc. etc. AWdrap erie, fumkure covering etc. Guaranteed dye fast and durabta. Wide rabety cf ez quwte patterns. I rf dealer doean't carry "Blue Bonnet" tend at mil ad with name of dealer and W 'rSl rend him tamrlri and notify him of your leqaeaL I EZimn WHITMAN & CO. Im Ml Broadway. NwYork Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! One or two doses ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or $ sent to any address postpaid, by the 9 V. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y Aak your newsdealer. He can tell you the correct answer. POPULAR MECN&fyiCS flflAGAZIKVir witn its tour hundred Dictures and iojt hundred articles each month, is bicreer J and better than ever. Our correspondents in all parts of the world are continually on the vatca tor new and interesting things for our readers. flOPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZSNE IS FOR SALS BY ALL NEWSDEALERS sgAsk them to show you a copy or send 20c for the latest issue, postpaid. Yearly sub- enpuon .uu to au pans oi ue umtea Mates, its possessions. Canaaa ana Xvjexico. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE. 6 N. MIchfe-an Avanua. Chlea. lUInAl For S3l8. ne Star pea huller and oue. Cypher s incubator 4 120- egg capacity Both good as new. Write or call on O O Oddie, K. No. 6, Salisbury, N. C For Safe Fine piano at low fig ures. J. b. JLeonard, balis bury, N. C, 23o W. Monroe St. 1-22 4t pd Trade with c.p.s THE GROCER, He carries a full line of High Grade Groceries at ?ery low prices. Buys all kinds of Produce, Chickens,. Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkina Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W Inniss St c. i We do the Best and will appreciate your orders. Call at office or address Wi . H. Stewart, Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury, N. C. The Peoples Nalicoat Bank SALISBURY. N. C Does a genera? banking business and cor dially invites yonr account. WE PAY I OUR PER CENT interest everj three misithe in our savings depart ment. Prompt, cai-eii, and confidential atten tion giyen to uLl business entrusted tons. . B. kVTcCan, . i . Busby, 1 resi'iem. Caphier. w 0, Norwao : John McranJt sg Vice-Pi uoent. Asst. Tasbier. J. Gaskill Pri3oni. Sale ?I Yiluaftle Lsdc's PURSUANT to the powo-is tontttiued in a certain Mortyrfe Trust Deed executed on April SO, 1918, hy G u y Pen i wife, Mary L Pennington, ;iiel Margaret Tartee, wwovfx to John J Kat.!if man, Trustee wh'fch is duly rerr rded in iheof fiee of the Register of Dt for Hownn county, in Book of Mortg!is V. 59 pa e 235, delaolt having been made in the iv L-itnt of the intvret therein provided, jiiid ' at the request of the holder of tlN- note 'herein secured, the unde rsiued trust' e. will expose for bah: at public auoti -n for ersh at the Court House door in the city of Salisbury. N. C, Saturday, -the 22nd Day of Febreaiy, 1919 at the hour of 12 M . the following de scribed real estate: situate in Salisbury Township Rowan county, and des ribed'as follows: BEGIN- ' NING at a stake in the center of 'the "Statesville Read, corner to lot Ho. 11; thence North 45 1-2 dg East 12S5 feet to a stake on bank of Railroad, rr-rcer to lot No 11; thence South 71 deg. East 382 feet to a stake, corner of lot No 9 on Railroad; , thence 8outh 45 1-2 deg. West 1215 feet to a stake; thence North 48 deg West 100 : feet to a Make; thence South 42 1 2 .deg. West 221 feet to a stake in he center of the Statesville road; thence North 48 deg. West 240 feet to the beginning, containing' ten acres, a-nd being lo- No. !0 in the di vision of the lands of Robert Partee, as shown by registration of Report of Com missioners, recorded in Book of Deeds No. : 94, page 337, in ihe office of the R egister ; of Deeds for Rowan county. DATED, this the 21st day of January. 1919. JOHN h, RENDLEM AN, Trustee, 1 I i MOM