'-.V-i-. Jv- '. --- .,. ;:. ' V.'-" PHRIIHC ORDERS PUN FOR FOURTH. 1 Committees Namsd ta Sleet Friday Niebt and Confer ReiardLiftbs Celebration July 41b; The vrious patriotic fra ternal orders add societies of Salisbury an Spencer are plauinng for a big patriotic and ' victory celebratiba in Sa 1 i h u r y J ii 1 y 4ih and com -milters Irive b e e u uamed from the l;fferent orders to meet Frida y night of thi: week ahrt confer about a suit able . observance of tin Fourth. This meeting will be held iu the Junior Order hall at 8 30 o'clock and is com posed of the following, Wiuona council. No. 18, Jt O U A M Lee S Owraau. CBWebb,-.JiidgH,-P-a Carl ton, Wm. U Stewart. Washington (lamp No 24, P OS of A W A Daniel, Di W B D altera A L"'Jarrell. DrC A Owens, VV M Daniel Salisbury council No. 26 Jr O U A M "Walter tl Woo, son, A H Price, D- J. Sides, A B Wertz VV B Udchaii, t M Bargtr. Bagiey ' couucll No 5, S & Dot L -W M Ruth, E V eonard, Mrs Mary Morgan East Salisbury council No 88, JrO U A M Gr O Kluttz, 1 W .. Sumn-ersette, Geo Y ts ' alisbury council No, 54, S & D of L J O Kesler, Mrs J ioa j, J O Ford, Mrs P E Tii mpson, J N Wi?e. "!-eneer counci No. 74,-Jr O U A ML W (Jrowell, 0 T Wa. i. .-r E H Kainson, P 81 nudemire, il;; Ci'.dwel'. S & I) f L No. 40, Spen or Mm O K Tate. Mrs KA G .v,jHl IM R E Smith, R If KU'Mz J W ParKs. Do Your Ssst. Eviry"tie should do all he can to provide for his family aud in order to do this he must keep his physical system in the best condition possible. No. one can reasonably h-ipe to do .much when he i half .sch a&obd shar of.tue lime If you are cousti paied, bilious or troubled with iinlige-! ion get a akage,of Chamoftr-ain's T..'oh;ts and fol low thepiaiu printed directions, and you will so m b feeling al ril)- and able i do a day's work. Ficnic at Yost Local. There w 11 be a nicnTc at Yost Lceal No. 280.. F E & C U of of A on Ascension day, Mny 29?h, T919; begio ii;ngat 10 3n with a program as to! lows. Soug by the Local Devotioual exercises. Mu?ic by the String Band. Address of welcome by G H Pagd. . - Kesponse by G F Houcke. Mtiic. Aiidrres by Rev J H Keller of China Grove. Subject, Farm Life. Miiic. Add reps by Rev H A Wel krr of Faith Subject, Edu cfi'iou. Music. Dinner, 1 o'clock. 2 o'clock,, sack r?ce, let prizv one dollar, second 50 cents. Evg race, lfrt prize one dollar, 2nd 50 cents and other races. 3 30, Baseh-il, s?ngle men at?9iiist the married men 5 o'clock, box supper. 8 p m. Spelling , match women against the men. There will be refreshments on the grounds. Everybody invited to come nd bring wjM filied baskets aud let's enjoy the da J together. . v J. F. Winecoff,, O. H. Yost. F. RoDQEas, F. Gv Holm an," Committee. otSMityU.WiniamiRtt; e j)ossi bill ty of T ; C 'Wit iiamsr not being no7 of sound mind caaseda coiitinuance otf tiisx case till; the next ter m of ', Rowan Superior "court. Williams was to have been tried, for criminal .assault, his alledged victim being a 13 jear old girl. A special venire of 1 OOwere present bu t Williams attorneys; R Ii Wright, of Salisbury, and Judge Osborne of Charlotte, raised a question of sanity. The" court was ad journed lor an hour to enable counsel to consult a local physi cian who has recently attended Williams and wlio rwas himself too ill to cotne to court Solici tor Clement accompanied Mr. Osborne and when they, return ed and repoeted "that Dr John Whitehead had stated tbat Wil liams was ot abnormal mind and tliat it would take a thorough examination to determine his sanity the case was '-ordered continued. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine.. E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. - -J., Breakers Ahead. It is highly improbable that Germany will ratify the treaty proposed by the 'Allied and As sociated Powers," without a (severe increase of economic or military pressure, or both In the end, she is bound to yeild, but the German people rill have to be further instructed in the hard facts of deleat betore they :an be reasonably expected to agree to so humiliating a peace. They see their cities g"ay, their country unravaged iy war, and they easily be Icve the lie -everywhere told that their armies were unbeaten The national state of mind was well reflected in the insolent ar rogance or the manner and peech of the German representa tives at the Versailles meeting- on Wednesday last The superman obsession evidently persists. The existing- government has lacked both the wisdom -and fhe courage to inform public opinion of the circumstances aud condi tions that put Germany complete iy in the power of her enemies, it is altogether probable, there Sore that the publication of the drastic terms of the proposed treaty will provoke a popular out cry that no government would dare ignore There need be no surprise if the time allowed Ger many for the consideration of the treaty is improved by the ju dicious exhibition in various parts of the Empire of the now familiar f:atures of the Bolshe- vik oosreyman, as a pruuae to a categorical refusal to'sign, 'Upon the. pretense would be to deliver the country over to a condition of hopeless anarchy. Then will come the final test of the nerves of the ''Allied and Associated" powers If they go forward with measures of unre lenting steruess the German peo ple " and g-overnmeut will soon come to their senses, and the treaty will be duly ratified., If they hem and haw and back and back and till after the manner of their dealings with Bolshevik Kussia, thenJaell will be to pay sure enough. , Of the steadiness of the French nerves in such an emerg-ency there can be no manner of doubt Nor do we desoair of the other 4. ' Allied and Associated" powers. Albemarle News. Suggestion for a Camping Trip. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy be fore leaving home. As a rule it cannot b obtained when on a - hunting,, fishing -or prospecting trip. Neither can it be obtained while aboard on the cars or steam ships and at such time and plac es it is most likely to be needed. The safe way is to have it with; you. , 1 .. :" 1 - Buy War Savings Stamps ifflrpMHRPlEDL Money Wasted Dn Fa and Freaks Is Forc ing Iaxes Higljcr. ; The board t)f punty com missioners at ;tHeir regular monthly session .last week; with all memberf present and Chairman H E Rufty presid ing, -transacted the following business. Ordered that J S White be allowed the privilege of sell ing, medicine in the comity without, paying county tax. for the same. It was ordered that a bridge be built oyer Royal's creek on the Piny Richfield road, Stanly county to buttcf and an approach and road to same and pay $100 on sai bridge. " Owing to the factithat all of the oM macadam roadt leading out of Salisbury are badly woru and vefy much iu need of repair it was order q'& that the chain gang be brought from the hational highway at China Grove and put on these old macadam roads as soon as the jvork on the national highway leading through China Grove is com pleted. It was ordered that no trac tors be used on the improved Toads in Rowan county with out blocking said tractor wheels between the cleats It was ordered tha't the report of the committee on the Mt Moriah road be accept ed, which is as. follows: No right of way could be secured for a new survey and no work was ordered on the old road bed. The third Creek church road was deferred on accqunt of the right of way. Ordered that the old Gold Hill road leading from Bos tian's Cross Roads to China Grove be built by the first available force for doing this work It was ordered that thechain gang be given two work dayn ou certain roid leading tow- arl tb old Fisher mill. Ordered that Kiiis Flem ing be given five dollars crop .damage. It was ordered that a con crete road 18 feet wide be built across the bottom from Town Creek on the Stokes Frry road to the small stream beyond the the bot tom, and also that Geo R Martin be given contract for said work, and to build the same on the 1-2-3 plan. An older for six tank cars of asphalt be shipped as need ed and have the privelege of getting all the asphalt need ed at the price agreed on. - Messrs VV M Brown and G Y Thomasou were appointed a committee to sell some mules for the county. Ordered that a wood en bridge be built across Dutch Second creek ou the read leading from Rockwell to Lower Stone church It was ordered that VV L Harris be made one ol: the property assessors ana ap praisers for Rowan county to succeed C L Carr, who has been appointed supervisor, andJ C Kesler is made cliief clerk to Mr Carr. It was ordered tbat owing to the high cost of labor and material the road tax be in creasen from 25 cent's on the 100 to 35 cents on the $100, and that the special township tax be increased from 15 cents to 25 cents. Since we have the chance J of six months school term and j owiher to the tact that all of i the teachers have to be paidj - Oicts what you oat more mon ey for t heir services it ,waa or d ererl tht ythe ? tax be i her ea sed 1 r om-20 Gdnts on the $100 worth of property" to;?!7 1-4 cents tlrs i ncr ea se . hro w e v er 4 i s to ta ke care of the appropriation of $3,000 for Farm Life School at China : Grove, as well as providefof all of the- other school needs of fh county, The two . paragraphs above ought to" read thus, O winoT'to the large amount of money x wasted in various, de pal tments for the past ten to fifteen years, the interest we are paying on. borrowed mon ey, spent to supply auto mobiles, trips taken by coun ty employees, including county commissioners, money wasted on the erection and maintenante of a county work house, farm demonstra tor, home demonstrator, public dentist health officer, the 'extra price paid for articles ou which no bids are asked , articles stolon from chain gang quarters, wasted and lost, by improper use of the old court house, etc., etc , etc r etc., ad "in finitum we find it necessary to increase taxes and force the sale of the homes of citizens this fall to get the money necessary to keep us going in such extravagant methods. There is going to he a reckoning gentleman, and the guilty will get off lightly if their property is not se.zcd and ci edited on the account of their extrava gance as a return to the peo ple for the. unjust burdens put upon them without their consent Pubi c se vants in this country are merely care' takers, the servants of-a ma jority of citizens, .not bosses and overlords. Ed. Watch man 3 Heals The Throat -Gures The Cough Price 35c. A FREE BOX OF GROVE'S O-PEW-TRATE SALVE (Opens the Pores and Penetrates) For Chest Colds, Head &lds and Crouo. is enclosed with everv bot tle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY You get the Cough Syrup and the Salve for one price, 35c. Made, Recommended and Guaranteed to the Public by Paris Medicine Company Manufacturers of Grove s Tasteless Chill Tonic Trade with THE GROCER, He carries a full line of High Grade Groceries at Very low prices. Buys all kinds of Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him J V Headquarters for Wat kin? Medicine Co. 'rhone57. 119 W Inniss St i - ftodol Dvsseosia Ogir? Ml NISTERS OF GOSPEL -VP- PUT Well- Known Ministers of the South Gome Out Openley and Fear-' Iessly-anoVTell What they Know to be the Truth -About the Medicine That Has Helped Them. . . 4 Rarely will the ministers qf .Gospel indorse a proprietary medicine. The preacher's high calling, the influence he cooi mans puts a grave rdspous'biiity on his every word. He will not jeopardize his reputation by commending a thing With out first assuring himself it is all right. His word carries carries as nfucujveight in the hom, on the street, or:ia the publiq prints as in the pulpit. When, ministers of some of the greatest-communions in the land endorse Tanlac their words carry convictioni They say what they know to be the truth. They have put Tanlac to the test of personal service and have not fouftd it wanting. The propritors of Tanlac have received countless testimonies from people in every walk of life, earnestly. recommending, it. Among them are a number from prominent ministers of various churches. A few of- these are printed below. Rev W C Norton is pastor of the Wesley Memorial church of Jacksonville, FJa. He "says;-"I suffered from chronic indiges tion for years. I seldom slept well and had severe headaches. Since . tatting Teniae I feel as well asl ever did-ieep splendidly and eat anythin I want. Tan- uy hoaith abd 1 tQ recommend lac has restore 1 feel it ray duty it." ' ' Rev A H Sykes, pastor of Wat kins Park Presbyterian church, Nashville, Tenn., says, "Mrs Sykes suffered from stomach and kidney troubles and a.ner.- yous breakdown, ranhic .re stored her health, she is gaining strength and jlosh rapidly and her full restoration is but a question of iime.': Rev G E Buttler, pastor of Central Baptist church Musco- gee, (Jk.la., says: 5 I had attacks of acute indigestion. Results from taking Tanlac have been most satisfactory, am glad to recocdmendvit as the best medi cine i have ever tried." Rev F M Winburn, Methodist, San Antonia, Texas, says: "I had no appetite, suffered from weakness and general debility could not work without quickly tiring. Pound Tanlac to be iust what my system needed. I con sider Tanlac a irood medicine to build up run down systems." Rev J R Taylor, pastor St: Pleasant Baptist church, Prank lin. Texas, savs: "Grione left me in a very "bad shape had indigestion, nervous headaches, could not sleeo well. Tanlafc The Man With the Correct Scale Asks for Shipments of BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, VEAL, we sen TiLLIA&l WALKER.- Everything Grown on r- Farm 4-- Reference; Qity at large. . SALISBURY, N. C. ; Established, 1883. Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent,' Compounded Quarterly. OFFICERS H. N. Woo.dson, President Dr. R. V. Brawley Vice Pres. Start Tout Savings Account NOW for Next Christmas. vResponsible Banking, Courteous Treatment and Coufiden- tial Service is Our Policy. We. Cordially Invite You to You are We are Autlicrized Agents or Sale of War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps TANLAC TO Lbl gave me a good appetite, strength ened my nerves, I sleep' as well as ever have gained five pounds. ' " , Rev A L Tull, Methodist" Atlanta, Ga, :says, "My . grand daughter was a nervous wreck from indigestion. Tanlac gave, her an appetite-r-she can eat any thing. She is on the road to recovery." Rev Jas. H New, Baptist, Clarkston, Ga., says: "My .wife had severe cramps, headaches, was ,v'ery nervous, badly run down, weak and thin. Tanlac caused her troubles to disappear and she never complains now." I Rev J A Vallery, former su perintendent of Bethany Home, onroe, La., now of Memphis, Cenn., says; Three years ago I tiad a general breakdown with indigestion had rheumatic pains in legs. Since taking Tan lac am relived of indigestion rheumatic pains- haye stopped feel like a new "man. I give Tanlac unqualified. endorse merit," Rev John M Sims Baptist, Atlanta, Ga.. says: T suffered from nervous indigestion and in active liver- digestion badly impaired. Tanlac corrected these troubles entirely gained ten pounds taking two bottles." Rev.. W-T Robr, Pastor West Lonsdale Methodist church, ; Knoville. Tenn.. testified from personal experience as to the great benefit he derived from taking Tanlac for disordered stomach. No greater praise can be given a remedy than the unsolicited testimony of men whose lives are devoted to the betterment of their fellow men. Their in tegrity cannot be doubted. They serve their calling often at great personal sacrifice. Tanlac has helped them they so because they want to do you good. Tanlac is now sold in Salis bury by the Smith Drug Co, S M Purcell, the Empire Drug Co. and by leading druggists every where. Advertisement. Commission Merchant,. Richmond, Va. 20 years in same Building, TIONAt MM W. B. Strachan Cashier E. H. Woodson, .Asst Cashier See Us On Any Banking Matter Interested In. 4.