an May I7,ftj4yrcsperman has bought an automobile. Apolphus Uantt oas po automobile. :; Young- granite cutter at P C Holshousr's Nlajth.; . v '. Faith won the' ;the , first game of baseball between Faith and Rockwell on Faith's new ball grounds Saturday, May s 11th. Score 63 .was in faor of .Faltlh. Peariie Earnhardtlias Bought an automobile. . 1 ' -: The Peeler Fraiey.' ,Co, ' mer chants here, have bought a new ' motor truck to use; in delivering groceries . Edgar S Fisher and wife who have been visiting Mr Fisher's parents, M G M Fisher and wife, have returned, to Los "Angeles, Cal , where they will make their home. Mrs G C Miller and little daughter, Estelle, spent last week with friends ' in China Grove. There is a great Cdemand for the little Durock paving block and a great many V people ' are at work making them. Send eight cents in postage stamps to Venus, Salisbury, N C, Route 3, box 10, and get a picture of the Bear Creek! picnic crowd. " John A Peeler has men- plant ing cotton seed this week and has one field up. Mrs Lizzie Sh.ipton,. widow of the late Hiram Shipton, of High Point, is visiting her children at ... Thomasville this week, One of our neighbors is going to i sell ... his farm of fifty acres. It has good pasture wir ed in, house, barn and good meadows cheap for asg. . Venus. Wetter Forecast for Hay 1919.- - From. 6 to 14, lair and clear, with bea.vy-rains northwest, lo cality east and south. ' Fom.14 to 22, fair if wnd is northwest at from 6 to 8 p m.r tlie 14th, if southwest, local shower. -From 22 to 29, fair, clear, some changeable, with cold pend ing frost, slight rains around." From 29 to June :5 'rain, some stormy tpeft ding iiedVy hail in iyflities urouud if wind is. v?4est at trn 64o a m tile 29th, looU i orbuMtoiisit J , May soma' cool, with slight rjns around, hail in localities some frost, warm, some windy, by storms west, mostiy dry and cool for May. ' TJtiis.vAprU 30th. He'ry Reid, Box 1 8. Salisbury, N. C, UVWM V MUIH MWilll People arer. learning tKat it is only a waste of "time and money to tarke." medicine' in tefn-alj.y.. ".for chronic and m'scul ar rh"e u trrat k tn and about "ninety-nine oul 'fit, a hundr.- cases are on e) r o t her of ,... these varieties All. that -is ' net- ) essary to 'afford relief is to 'appiy Chamberlaid Liniment 'freely. Try it. It cost but 35 cents per bottle. Large size 60 cents. . .. 1- The Jilney Still Jits. Recent articles on the : war tax just issued on soft drinks, con fections, etc., have given tise to some misunderstanding and the Wm. Wrigley Junior Compan issues statement to the feffect that the thr:e par cent -tax on chewing gum does not affect the retail dealer or the consumer. Mr Wrigley explains that the manufacturers stand this tax and there should be no change in the price charge! you for your pack age of Wrigley's Spearmint Double Mint or Juicy Fruit. In other words, the jitney still jits. Thanks, Mrj Wrigley. Grove's Tasteless chill TOnic destroys the malarial germs which are transmitted to the blood by the Malaria Mosquito. Price 60c. - Serious Fire Loss at Caldsboro Stemmery. Goldsboro, May 15. Fire here early this morning partly de stroyed the three-story brick to bacco stemmery owned, by J P Taylor company, of Kentuckj, who "recently purchased the 'stem mery froth the W H W instead oi this city. More than a million dollars worth of tobacco Was stored in the burned building, a large majority of which; -was either burned or damaged bv smoke and water, the lbss being estimated at between" $7d0i0UU and $8U0,0Q0. . ' j. You Do More' Work, : You are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of 'everything when lyoiir blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, -nervousness and sickness.: i r qrove's Tasteless Chin tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When ydu feel its strengthening, invigoratmgreffee see how it brings color to the cheeks' and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its. true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is dimply IRON ' and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it.! ?The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON 40 Enrich it These reliable tonic I prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in tbe1lood. r Hi i .,., t" s ? ?eStrengm3reatingRn)(rer r GLOVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands ofHuomes. More than thirty-five years ag, ' folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC, vthen a member of their family had-! Malaria or needed a body-bhUdmg, strength-giving tonic The formula is Just the s&ne to day, and you can get it from any drug More. 60c per bottle. ' -MiWVJ&:&: Jl LrCUlIL lS: UifJL BRER. X"' &&Ffl t .5.. ... '. : A S The League of Nations? The Freedom of the Seas? Gov't Ownership of Rail way s ? These are great problems which are confronting the people of America. 4 IT I They must be discussed and con- 'sidered if we are to make a wise decision on our future pplicy. Authoritative speakers will present these questions from every angle at the coming Chautauqua. Every man and woman should hear these timely lectures. Day; SEASON TICKETS $2.50 AND WAR TAX w REDPATH CHAUTAUQUA iREDPATH CHAUTAUQUAI Chaiitauqua Week in Salisbury May 22 f o May 29 iiW I - Any Cooking Heat Without a Hot Kitchen Puritan Oil Stove apply the heat just where it's needed on th$ cooking utensil The clean flame like gas gives quick even heat for frying, boiling, toasting, canning. You set the indicator at low, med ium or high and there it stays. In thousands of farms, bungalows, camps and country homes, Puritan Oil Cookstoves abolish the dirt and drudgery of coal and wood fires. They burn kerosene oil economical fuel that's always available everywhere. They keep the kitchen comfortable in summer, and make cooking easy and success ful the year, round. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jertey) Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C. Norfolk, V. Richmond, V. Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. .Charleston, S. C. Forrest Rqsults " : Use- PL OIL GOOK STOVES jALADDINl J I SECl'Kin OIL f o STANDARD , B Tft first savings banK iri the United States wag opened inl81& , TKere. were tHen242n banKs in 'the United S tte7 Today-f this country 'is served by 27,062, banKs wiibse coinbined resourees are nearly 28 billion dollars. Thrift has. done that much in one century but there is much greater worK for thrift to do. Help yourself by becoming inde pendent. Help the country by helping yourself. One Dollar Starts an 4ccountl SALISBURY BANK AND TRUST CO. vw Lai buy for the price rA?Ml Y tiVsA The greatest five-cents worth of beneficial , rcwSiirnant passl&le to get. ft1 i Ml 1 Mmm &ne Iks ms r savor w : - - . . ' " ' "' MONROE ARROW COLLARS THE ?EST AT THE PRICE Cluett, Peabody t Co., Inc., Troy, &. y. .SOFT ..Carter's You Caaaot be Constipated py Snsan P;il Smail tiote . SmaE Price Cartels ITTLE IVER PILLS. iver-riMs - A Remedy That MalCes Life Worth Living Geaoice bearo-gismature ABScLt.Ir,l JpAETER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but wffl greatly help most paie-faced people Si

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