a r s e Public or Party Service? New York World. Most of the comments of Re publican members of Congress on the President's message are pitifully flippant ' or partisan. Unless by some process this at titude can be changed to a sem blance at least ot sanity and re sponsibility, the prospect of wise legislation must be regard ed as poor indeed. Common remarks by gentle merr.charged with the solution of momentous problems are that "the President has stolen our thunder'' and "the president has . passed the buck " Whether the Republican response to the mes sage is angry, bigoted or merely foolish, it is pitched in this key and by that fact reveals tirst of all a spirit of obstruction. Hardly a question raised by the President has any relation to party. The restoration of the country to a peace basi calls as imperatively for unity and patriotism as did our decla ration of war, and unless men of all parties approach the subject unselfishly, with no rivalry, ex cept for the common good, -there can be no doubt that we have some trying experience ahead of us. The so-called difficulties of reconstruction will all become neglilbe if there is a purpose to meet them fairly and squarely on national rather than party grounds. In some respects con dition are exceptionally favorable to economic and social adjust ments which before the war seemed to be impossible of execution. The President has not stolen any body's thunder, has not put an7 body in a hole and has not passed the buck. " He has summoned Congress to the highest public service, 9nd the people await its perform ancd. Suggestion for a Camping Trip. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy be fore leaving- home. As a rule it cannot be obtained when on hunting, fishing or prospecting trip. Neither can it be obtained while aboard on the cars or steam ships and at such time and plac es it is most likely to be needed. The safe way is to have it with you. Patriotic Suns Close Convention in Gastonia. Gastonia, May 21. Winston Salem was selected as the 1920 meeting place of the tenth annual convention of the Patriotic Order Sons of America in North Carolina which closed its session here yesterday. Officers elected were: state president, James 'A Wellon; vice president, W A Hershman; mas ter of forms, G H Peeler; state secretary, W ADaniels; treasur er, H H Koontz; conductor, J M Brannack; inspector, F H Lee, guard, John T Stone; trustee, Jethro Almond, funeral benefit director, E A Timberlake, nation al representatives, W B Duttera. Fred O Sink, H H Koontz, J C Kesler.. Officers were installed by "National Secretary J S Stees, of Philadelphia. You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when your blood -is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite, tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ago, folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a member of their family had Malaria or heeded a body-building, strength-giving tonic The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it from any drug store. 60c per bottle. i Buy War Stamps. flboat Rheumatism. People are learning that it "is only a waste of time and money o take medicine internally for chronic and muscular rheumatism and about ninety-nine oui of a hundred cases are one or other of these varieties All that is nec essary to afford relief is to apply L-hamberlaid's Liniment freely. Try it. It cost but 35 cents p2r bottle. Ljanre size 60 cents. Official Figures For Yictory Loan. Washington, Mav 26. To tal subscriptions to the Fifth or Victory Liberty Loan were announced tod;iy by the Trea SUry department as $5. 249 908 300 an over subscription of nearly $750,000,000: MB' UfcJLi o mm STANDARD OllCOMPASY Copyright 1919 by R. J. Reynold! Tobacco Co. Mllflfrl'litf l! 1 w a N ii i iiiliiiln "'7 ;, m MIA l! i!Pi-" . " ....mis! ! is us i: i,mm h p 1 1 i mm w J m 1 1 si ill: iir il l i !l U I' Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy Of purifying anf en riching the blood. Yoa can soon feel fts'Strength eningt Invigorating Effect. Price 60c - the solos rendered by Seniors AV Negro Students Hear Fine Address iiy Dr w Turner f Greensboro and Abemathy. ' ; (leorjfe A Tay'mr of Fioru'.i. Friday evening- was the second The gem of the evening was night of the commencement ex- the annual address by Dr J E ercises at Livingstone college if Abemathy pastor of the First being the anniversary of the ; ethodist church, south, of Salis Young- Men's Christian associa- bury. He took a rose and prov tion. . ed that God is love or consuming- The remarks by Senior Student fire- n discussing personal lib Geo. H Scot, of Petersburg-, Va, ' ertJ he U5f d the rules of Lnglisb were of the kind :n buildup the grammar and arithmetic to show association. The program lha liberties can be enjoyed only j showed that' he had rendered splendid service to the church through the Y M C A of Living-- OIL-', COQHSTOVE L A The Stove Makes or Mars Your Recipe Experienced housewives always choose the economical New Perfect ion Oil Cookstove. They know that it is dependable, always makes their recipes successful and relieves tht.Mii ot the drudyery of' coal and ashes. Over .',00(),000 of these stoves are now in use jrivinjr efficient service year in and year out. Ask your neighbor. She will tell you that the flame is clean and intense that it pives no smoke or odor that it does not blacken your pots and pnns. The 1 on y blue chimney insures his --insures t he com bust ion of everv c) rop of oil. Don't let this summer find you cookiny n aa overheated r.snc. See your dealer without delay. Aladdin Security Oil is the best kerosene for all purposes obtainable everywhere.. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jvfrcv'i Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va. KichmonJ, Va SAY, you'll have a streak of cirioke'mck that'll put pep-in-your-smokeriiOtor, pA right, if you'll ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince Albert Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy until you can call a pipe by its first name, then, to hit the peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two -fisted -man -tobacco, Prince Albert ! Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired happy, you'll want to get a photo graph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open ! Talk about smoke-sport! Quality makes Prince. Albert so You buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco is sold. Toppy rr.J bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin l.urr,;dorsand . that classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge motstener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C stone college. Two student features of thie program worthy of note were through obedience to established rales, referring- 10 obed.ence to the Christian Faith. S Charleston, W. V&. I harleston. ( for pri 1 appealing all a!on the rmclze line. Men who never iAoie could smoke a pipe and men wha'e" smoked pipes for years all testify to the delight it hands out! P. A. can't bite 6r parch! Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process ! Right now. while the going's good you get out your old jimmy pipe or the papers and land on some P. A. for what ails yout particular smokeappetite ! p , Alexander Hamilton .Brst Secretary of theTrcasur V V Ul I CwJ VI (U1W W J in a bank. By . study, industry and thrift he learned;- the business; jyaved enough to make profitable investments, became ronv inent, fought in the' devolution, sighe4the Deciaratipn of Independence7 and was first Secretary . '.off 3e' Treasury. Vl - . . .... ' If you are ambitious to get ahead in the world, begin by saving a part '-of .yoUr?frlf'eaj ' ings, for money paves the way to the desirable things of life. Start an acxovnt with us this week -:arid add to it everypa 'day. Soon you will have enough to buy property, take a desired trip, send your son to college or make profitable investments. iiuitipiy your money in our care. ; 'V &LIS81IRV BANK 5 " 1 jljlp EoD-Easfinig bars I J 1 in each package. 1 ilPiSfcl Tlle bluest 11 mMMmf value in ' f . !w xsm refreshment I SpSf you can pos- f ' stoly ouy. 1 I S' a e:::efit to mm. .- I iClffv dSfiestion ' The Price is 5 cefts ' 1 llgS COLLARS ml F . THE BEST AT THE PRICE Mjf t MONROE Cluett. Peobody A Co., Inc., Troy, N.T. --HIP ' 1 r t SOFT ' ' ' ' ".. ' 1 ' 0 3Ti ViSrt9 You Cannot be Constioated TTTT and riappy Small r;n Sm ill L5o?e SuiaU Price 1 iiaLriWZ gjy wirn SCARTEiSj A'ggSJLHSLSfa! BARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but will greatly kelp,not paie -faced peciplo -wu V ''i'? : . - V , AND TRUST CO. A Remedy Tliat Makes Life Worth Living Genuine iars signature .. 1

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