S A L I S B U AND ROWAN COUNTY LQC Li C A (-J 'RioniH of Mount Holly ioiui 'ily p-tor of a Baptist t hutch litre, sp w BHveral days in th rity last week, re upeiating from an illnts of several weeks Miss Sally Chmm lias given up her h me on "Thomas street and wll live iuStates vil:e, af er spending s- vera! mouths in wtthUrn North Carolina, at Chimney Hock and Aidi-villn. Rev M Luther Can up. pat tor of a Lutheran cliuich . New York, has arrived heiv acconipanifd by Mrs Canup, a 'id thv will visit in Row;! Mi Can up is a Rowan bo who as ohu in N w Vj k for s vera! years as pastoi oi Epiphany Lutheran church RA Kohlossani (Jhas A Klutlz are preparing to oper ate an overall fact., ry, hav iny secured the n'd- knitting mill in the South H ard ioi the purpos-. John 1) Kent!' rly who wat driving the a : mo!i !h re Cfti t ! y wd i e ? i W A B ' y w a t killed and hims.-i svritius'j injured, sahle to be out hu. till iim- s. Trie-it Anthony of th JSali-'hury Roman (-atholi church has been transferi to ( hai lotte and Priest VVi liam of various places ha been s-mt to occupy the va can position. hu- is said t have been a chum oi thn latt Prirtst.Lo of unsavory mem dry R A Byr1 has moved frf m the South Main Street ston room which ha been occu pied f-r about 40 years as a ahoe store This place was occupied by the following firms. Overman Shoe Com pany, Whithck & Raine Whitlock & Byrd and R A Bym. Sgt. Charles Bie't of the French army, is in tie city vir-iting Lieu. Ben McCuhbius. Sgt Ble't was attac lied to the spates and is ependiug awhile with the offieers ( f the com pan v U1 which he was attached. Sgt Ble't rode at the head of Salisbury V Fourth of July paradd. Mies Myrtle McCubbii b who has been a missionary in China for several years is visiting at her father's, J A McCubbius, at Mill Bridge. The many friends of Henry Davis, who has -been with the Coub Export Co, in Greensboro for several months, will be glad to know he has Tturned to Salisbury. He is back on his ol 1 job with V Wallace & Sons as book keeper in the wholesale de pirtmeut. Sheriff Krider was called to the China Grove neighbors hood Saturday night on ac count f an automobih wreck, two cars having he-u in collision. No one wh. Hfirionslv iniured. but th- cars w -re damaged cousi ier ably. The passengers who were slightly injured an I bruised were atteuded by Dr B C Boy den of Chiua Grove. Rev J A Koou, formerly pap tor of a Reform church Tha Quinine Ti:at Dees Hot Affsci tue UzzG Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Qaiaine and does not cause nervousness nor nneing in head. Remember the lull name and look tot the signature ol . W. GROVE. 30c. at Rockwell, but who- has been living in 'Salisbury for sometime, goes to Maideu to take charge of a pastorate. A message from Baltimore brought the news that an operaU m wan performed Sat urdy afternoon on Dr Byron (lark's eyes an ' that the operation was apparently sue Cevsfui. The Bui ke Culpepper com munity re' iVal c unpiig!) is sta'ting mi its fourth arid tinai wtiek here Mr (-ulpep eer has pt eachefi io large con gfg.itions The 'tabernacle, with its addition added Levrly in the meeting, has bnuM to s?t ail for the jemnu nsr croVxds that hav attended s mj of Mie services. Al ready many have joined the lifl r nt. churihe.! as a result f the meeting. , When In i--aves here ' . r Culpepper goes to Okiahoma. but iat-i will conduct, services at Win -tou-Saleui and Lexington. Summer Complaints Quickly Relieved. 'About two years ago when suffering from a severe attack of summer complaint, I look Cham :erlain's Colic and Diarrhoea fiemedy and it relieved me al uost instantly," writes Mrs Hen ry Jewett. Clark Mills, N Y This is an excellent, remedy foi olic and diarrhoea and should-bc v'ept at hand by every family Auto WitliFour People Goes Into Yadkin River There wa considerable excite ment at Urubh's ferry on 1lu VadUin river about noon Satur ;av when a Ford car owned ai d dr ven by B R Ihu rier, of Hooiu township, Davidson county, took i the deep water. In the ma chine at the time of ihe accident was Mr Barrier, Arthur Ilellard, V W Koontz and a young- son. All escaped though it was a nar row escape frv)tn drowning-. A crate of eggs and other things being- brought to market also went down The machine is still in the river though it will be saved later. The accident hap pered when Mr Barrier attemoted to drive off the large ferry, which was not securely fastened to the bank, and skidded back when the machine -.truck the bank in front and followed the ferry back into the river Fortunately the stream was about normal and this made it possible to rescue the machine TRilNED NURSE NOW TESTIFIES. Says She Feels Made Over Since Taking Taniac Gain nine rounds. Mrs F O Forrester, a trained nurse residing at the Grand Central Hotel, Denver, Colo., is but one of this high profession wno have testified to the merits of Taniac, -'rs Forrest recently said : "I had been in miserable health seven years suffering: from indigestion. Everything 1 a.t,p. would sour and evon cold water wauld cause me much die tress The pains in my chest and about mv heat", were almost unbearable and at times I suffer ed terribly from neuralgia I would have my vomiting spells daily and for three mon'hs could not retain a thing on m stomach but oatmeal. Often at night I would wake up feeling like I was smothering to death and would haje to get up out of bed and stand on my feet awhile to get my breath. "One of my friends knew of ray awful condition and who had been benefited by Taniac advis ed me to try it I did so and my relief has been remarkable. Really I feel like I have been made over agnin. i have already gained nine pounds in weight and intend to keep on taking Taulacas long as it does me as much good as ib does now. Taniac is now sold in Salis bury bv the Smith Drug Co, S M Purcell and the Empire Drug Company and by leading druggists everywhere. Adver- ' HaQUieab. John Butncr Foard died at his home at South River, on the Dav ie county side Monday morning. Vsr Foard was born at South Riv er and was a farmer. He was a Confederate veteran. The fun eralVand burial took place at Third Creek church near Cleve land Tuesday morning. He va: a prominent man and leaves a large circle of- relatives and hun d reds of acquaintances who will learn with sorrow of his death His wife nee Miss Laura Cra liMtn, three sons J I, W C and J Y Foard nd four daughters, 'esdames Win Mac Miller, II S Trott, Mkses M;.ry and Laur;i Foard. MrsFJlen Miller. Wright wife of (leorge W Wright, prominent furniture dealer, died Monday afternoon at her home on South Fulton street alter having been critically ill for several 'days. Besides the husband fourchildrep survive, these ueing John and Joe Wrig-ht and Mrs C A Ktuttz and Mrs H vi U'Ac, of Salisbury. Four children are dead, Mrs Wright was 59 years old and a native of Salisbury. The funeral was held at the residence-Tuesday afternoon and the interment at Chestnut Hill, Rev C A Owen, pastor ot the First Baptist church, officiating. Floyd Plummcr aged 21 , son of James Phi miner, a local drurrist. died yesteryday afternoon, fol lowing an iihiessof many months. The funeral will be from the First Methodist church this even ing. Mrs W G Morgan, aged 56 and the mother of IS children. H of whom, with the husband survive, died at noon Monday at her home on Fast Liberty street following a very brief illness Mrs Morgan was a native of Montgomery county, but the fain ily had-lived here 2- years, three sons (nly having recently return ed from service in France. The. funeral was held from the Park Avenue M e t hodi s t c lui r c h . James L Russell aged 50, a contractor, died at Durham, July 5th from kidney trouble after be- mg critically ill for a week. ThcJ body was taken to -StatesviUc for interment. Mr Russell's widow was formerly Miss Addie Rkkert of Salisbury. Tiiey were married last November. Revenue Officer Taibori And Others He Raids. . Ke venue Offi ter Talhort, accompanied by Officer S F Dry and Deputy Marshal H 0 Trott. las' vek made a raid in Davidson county, lo cating a place where a block ade still had buen in opera tion. They seized 800 lb. of sugar and a large quanti ty of meal and malt. Olli'.-er Ta i hurt i corn pain wil h Ollicer Dry and D-put Sheriff Fowler mad anotliej j raid Union county, and ; i? -t a .75 g illon copper till and othe-r apparatus for inak I ing liQuor. fl hjs was found : in a tenant house on the ; farm of a well to do farmer .Se"enty-five gdlons ot. beer and ten gallon of liquor ! were destroyed. At another jplaein Union county these Utlicers came a u'oss a place j where a still hid beu oi.era j ting but the night had been camouft-jged by planting cabbage. However by follow j ing a path the officers found etill and worm in a gushing lake and had to disrobe and get in the water to secure the outfit Indictments wi'I follow iu these cases. Bay War Savings Stamps Mereniial Conferenci The Confeieiitial Convex tion of the Sou hern Confer ence wi1! meet at Centre (rrove E L dirndl ou the 4th Sunday in J uly. All church s in tin- confer 11 e are pechtlly urged to h a Vrf a 1 e ! eg at h this con -vention as Horn-; matters, of importance are to re discuss ed. F i i ( ) ' n 11 a m Sunday school a h m Cotiferenf ial serh Khv J B Moose. N' on. , 1 lit) p m -Devotional ier-vict-.- Song Becitation M!s Mary Ho? tian. U e a d i n g ? K d ii a II ur locker ( ise.ek. Dialogue Miss 4! d iiv Castor. Q'.artette Misses Brown ud Lingle and Messrs Lin gle. Reading Miss Pearl Fish er. Solo Miss Edna- Brown. Story Miss Margaret Link Addiess Rev F B Lingle. Offering Business. Piles Cared in & to 14 Davs Prufjuists refund money d PaZO OINTMENT faih to cure itching. B.Lad, BWdinii or Protruding Piles. Iastantiy reiic-ves Itching Tiles, and you can get estiul sleep after the first application. Price 60a County Buys Another Car. The hoard ordered that the clerks employed by 0 L Iverr, county supervisor of a:-jHsments, he paid 5 per day and transportation while out in the county at work, and it ie? ns further ordered that the stenographer for Mr Kerr he paid $50 per month Mid it was ordered thft the county buy a five uasengei Ford (Jar for the use of Mr Ken and hie help New Cotton Hill For Salisbury. A (J Lineln-rger f f Belmont off Hug to put, up2o (TO tow lid the eie,-tiou and equip ireut and e: l ron i f ' a '50 0(H) mill in Salisbury or--viu-'d tMtiz.jii-j he?e lurn-i-h the. a'avce and make him maot.ur'r Th' mUl w:U v'll manufacture yarns suit able for th.-; fabric put inU a'ut oinolule tires. It is paid hat Jhis mateiial is scarce and tha tu e demand is larg and iiirreasiug. You Do More Work, Y ou are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when you; blood is in good condition. Impurities' in the blood have a very depressing effect or the system, causing weakness, laziness nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chi!I TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifyin and Enriching the Blood. When you fee; U. strengthening, invigorating effect, ser. how it brings color to the cheeks and how it miproves the appetite, you will ther. appreciate is true tonic value. OROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC ts not a patent medicine, it is simply 'RON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The b!V.d needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON u Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties ru;ver fail to drive out impurities in lie blood. Tha Strentth-Crcatin Power of GROVE'S j ASTilLKisS . CfciH TONiO has made it 'Je favcrite tonic in chonods of homes. More than thirty-fiVf ye.t ago, folks .vould ride a long distance to ae ROVE'S TASTELESS Chili TONIC heu. a neniber of their farriii- had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving tonic. The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it from any drug store. 00c per bottle. The ad verl isemeut of the North Carolina State .College of Agriculture and rCngiueei H.g appears in this papnr, Young me?i who contemplate fitting tht-mselres ftr etticin y and sue -"PS in Agriculture ? r in civil electrical mechan ical, or textile engineering . should investigate tile rtO - vantages which fre offered at this well known technical coileg-?. Full information may be had by writ ng regis-; trar iti B Uwens Raleigh, N. C. at West A RR I AGES Capt Henry Grady Vick, of Albemarle for nine years in the aviation service, and Miss Hattie Rhodes Brooks, also of Albe marle were married in Salisbury Tuesday morning July 1st, the ceremony being performed by Dr C A Owens, pastor of the First Baptist church, at the parsonage. The marriage of Miss Ethel Gladys Johnson and Lance Cald well Barringer, both ot Concord, took place at the parsonage of the First Methodist church Tuesday morning, Rev J K Ahernalhy officiating. On Saturday evening, June 28th, at the home of the bride on Clay street Miss Caroline Som mers became the bride; of Griffth L Williams. The ceremony was performed by Rev J A Koons. After the wedding dinner Mr and Mrs Williams left for Washing ton, D. C. Upon their return they will reside in Salisbury. Weather Forecast For July. From 4 to 13, changeable, cool, heavy rains south, with threatening here storm along. From 13 to 20, fair, cleai and coo nights, some dry. From 20 to 26, rain, cool with heavy storms local threatening hail in some sec tions. From 27 to August 2, f iir with threat-ning local rain July indicates cool nights heavy rains north, northwe?1 ind southwest, dry in some sections here HiiNKY Ruin, Box 1 8. Salisbury, N. C . Orove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. Yoa tan soon feel its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. . Price 60c French snd Italians in a Pitched Battle Milan, July 8. Tension between the French and It? 1 ians in Fiume' exploded yes teiday when unfc rtunately there was a real battle in the sLreet between soldiers and marines of the two countries Civilians participating, as sisted the French. There islation, indicated sufficient votes to enact the measure without the 12 hours' of gen eral debate allotted mem bers anxious to speak for and agrinst its passage. Besr Trap Owned by Man at Boone has a Re cord. Boone, July 2. -Until very recently Col, VV. L Bryan, of Boone, had a bear trap which he bought in 1869 from the father of the late JndgL L. Greene. The trap has quite a history even sincH Colonel Bryan has had it. At. one time he loaned ii to a friend who cought 14 w'id cate. 20 odd oppossums. and a large number of wild an' ma Is. Colonel Bryan's last adv-enture setting the trap for a groundhog and in stead catching a neighbor's dog, and the trap disappeared so that he has not since been able to locate it. He says thats he has good evidence that 1 he trap is about 200 years old and of course he dose not know what was the record of its catch before it fell into his hands. Vacation Time is Here vu wn .want your vacation pictures finished up as soon as you get home and you want the very best work in the world tor the price The t- i ni-i o i n r -tnr. oaroer irnoio ouppiyo. oi vVu ! . j- e , -, r j S lev i man oruers ior Kouac ue veloj ing- and finishing" and are prepared to do the work at low est prices. We also sell -all kinds ot photographic goods by mail. Write for onr price list and order blanks. 7-2-5 pd Man uxiora, Jaiy t5 Alters tally wounding Gus Tilleyi a young white man who died here early this morning, Jim Couch. a negro, euccumber to day to gunshot injuries in flicted by Chief of Police Hob good, who led a posse to a va cant store where the negro took refuge, following his ess cane after shooting Tilley last night. o - Raise Blockade Upon TReaty's Ratification Washington, June 29. The superior blockade coun cil lias been instructed to be prepared to raie the econo mic blockade of Germany immediatelyupon ratification by the. German national as sembly of the peace treaty. ROWAN COUNTY FARM LIFE SCHOOL The Rowan County Farm Life School has come to stay. Theschool is now under tho direct supervision of the U. 8. Depart ment of Vocational Education in co-opera tion with she State and County Boards of Education. At the recent session of the Legislature the following men were named as Trustees of the' pchool: A M Hannn, chairman; F D Patteruon, secretary; P A Earnhardt, assistant secretary; J B Ling e, vV J Swink, D L .Veal, B L Phillips, J S Hall, VV I) Graham, I T Bailey, I C Shav er, VV P Sloop, O A Brown, (J M Fisher, oione A II Boyden. 'VJiile this is being written, workmen ire assembling the material for a splendid ')oys dormitory to b? finished about the fi:st ( October and which wiil be equal in every respect to the one already built for girls. Both buildings will be equipped with steam heat, electric lights, and baths with hot ind cold water. The building when com pVted will be among the best of their kind in the country. Each building will have thee stories Tfce first floor in each will be occupied by class rooms, laboratories, heating plants, etc. The dining room and kitchen will be in the girl's building. Each building will have a reception room The office and music room will be located in the girls' building. Each building will have an infimary room. The farm now has fifty acres, thirty acres having been recently added. Tke farm consists of a well arranged barn and some modern machinery. There are several head of livestock, including some registered Guernsey cattle and Duroc hogs. Arrange ment has been made for pnre-bred poultry from the state poultry farm and for several colonies of pure-bred Italian bees. Among other things planned for the farm are sev eral smaller buildings, including a modern poultry house, a wood -working shop, a well equipped creamery and dairy room, and a meat curing room. The Home Economics Department ia standard and up-to-date. The sewing room is furnished with Singer machines and oth er equipment necessary for the most efficient work. The equipment in the rnnfeiW laboratory is made very complete. Addi tions wiil be made to these departments as the needs demand. The High School work necessaey for vo cational students will be done at the Farm Life School; thus it will not be necessary for our students to go down for their work. The work in Agriculture will embrace Crops and Soils, Animal Husbandry includ ing Poultry and Bee-keeping, Hortilcuture, and Farm Management including Farm Accounting and Farm Engineering, Sup ervised practice will be given great empha sis in this work. Each Agriculture student will be required to take, either on his father's farm or the school farm, some farm project under the direction of the Agriculture teacher. This feature of the work has proved very interesting and very practical The work in Home Economics will em brace Cooking, Canning and Preserving, Sewing and Dress Making, Nursing and care of the sick, care and feeding of infants, and sanitation and hygiene. The exnenees will be made as low as pos sible. Good wholesome food will be pro vided and furnished at actual cost. There will be no tuition charges. Neither skill nor ability can be acquired from books alone. Both require active par ticipation in the productive operation of those vocation, in which it is desired to be come efficient. Books are necessary, but practice is equally necessary for this reason, the vocational fchooU have been called into existence. We are looking for young men and young women who are eager for this sort of training and who will come here with a serious purpose and an' ambi tion to get the best preparation for their life's work. We shall not allow dancing, card playing, and other practices which tend toxhinder the work of the student. We ehall insist on attendance at church and Sabbath School Clean, wholesome enter tainment will be provided from time to time, and we shall strive always to make the doimitories ae neirly like the best reg ulated homes as possible. Our faculty is mide up of college trained men and women. Write for catalog O. B. JONES. Director. China Grove, N, O. j June 20, 1919.