Scott Y (Auburn, 14 year' old aon of M D Coburo formerly 'of Salisbury, died at Henderson ville Tuesday. August 5th He fell off a bicycle, lraturctl his skull and death followed several weeks lat Cr, His remains were brought to Salisbury and the interment took' place in Chestnut Bill ceme lery last Wednesday evening-. A number, oi cases qT typhoid fever are reported froii different parts of the county and one deaih lias resulted near Likeny in Solri Hjll township, that or Roy E igle. Will Melton, a ngro res;den of East Sp?ncer, went to a near by wood Tuesday night oT las week and shot himself. Re'.i tiv.'s soon found him and befor dying- admitted that he shot him self. Itjs thought he was som what unbalanced. C T Norman, a well known citizen of Salisbury, died eati Tuesday morning at Abbeville where he had been for several months in the interest of hi health. Mr Norman was abou1 SO years old and. hd been for a number of ears storekeep r it. charge of supplies at the South em's. Spencer shops. He leaver a widow, who was Miss aude Smithdeal, and one daughter The remains were brougut to Sd isbury Tuesday evening turd the funeral look place from St JohnV Lutheran church this afternoo Br M M Kinard offici a ting" !. Norman was City alderman fo Several ears and a member o the Patriotic Sons oi - Americ and! the Junior Order Unite American. mechanics being a d egate to the State Council Tiu Storeheu o1 . department of th Spencer shops closed tor half a day in honor o! Mr Norman, wh had been storekeeper since soon aftr tli e i hops were built Hi had been in service of the South tm and its predecessor for 3 years General Storekeeper Gu ber and a number of the store keepers from different parts on the Southern were here to at'end the funeral. Numerous, hand som? designs cl floral offerings testified to the popularity of the deceased. ' Train Kills Unknowi Negro Woman. An aged negro jwomin was in stantly killed by the incoming Yadkin train Monday" morning shortly before 9 o'clock at a point near the three miled post out ,ot Salisbury. Ttie woman was walk ing along' the track and stepping off and just before the train reach td her she stepped back on again, being- so close at that time that it was impossible for the engineer to stop his engine in time to avoid striking" her Her body was placed aboard the train and brought to Salisbury. The idem ty of the woman was not known but she is believed to have been a partially demoted inmate of the county home, located not far from the scene of the acciden. who had strayed away from trie home. Estail Groor First Person Convicted on P.o fiteerjnsc Washington, Aug 13. Impor tant new developments in the gov eminent 's fight to reduce the' tight cost of living came today. One of the most' interesting was the announcement by Attor ney General Palmer that the first federal conviction for profiteering fcad been obtained. District At trnejr Lucey telegraphed from Binghamton N. Y , that a retail grocer liad been fined $500 for Selling sugar at 15 cents a pound Ko details were given and, the law under which the case was Drouernt was not Known nere 'A few good cases of profiteer ing in each state will settle that trouble," Mr Palmer remarked. Tbo Flist Rural Carrier?; ; :- v Mr and Mrs Guy- Trexler, of Salisbury, areyisi ting- MrafTrex Jer's father, Mr Q A Setzer, and other .relatives in New tbh during- Mr Trexfer's -vacation f rom the Salisbury nostoffice. It will be of interest to people in general and especially to rural mail car riers to remind them that Mr Trcxler has the distinction of be ing the first rural mail carrier ifi the United States Back in 1894. Congressman John S Henderson, then chairman of the postoffice and postroads committee of the House and lather of the rural mail service,, had the first experi menial routes in United States I'stabiiNbel in Rowan county There were twoof them, one 18 long and the other 12 miles. Mi PivxJer was carrier, for both routes, taking the longer route in Cue afternoon. He furnished his iwn horse, and buggy and 'got $1 : d ty ascompens:ition '(Newton E iterprise ) 1 Salisbury Township S. S. Holds a Successful meeting. t community teachers' train ing class and a religious census of the city may grow out of the Salisbury tou nship Sunday school v invention, which met Sunday afternoon at the First Methodist i hurch. These were two oP th.e things discussed and machinery was started towards their accom p' ibhment i , P 1; Lewis was elected presi- f he township organization ..cai vear, CMC Barger v ce-president. T V Long secre tary and Mrs U S Morris treasur er. These, with .1 C Durham, A S ones and Mrs Prank R Brown, form the executive committee. A B Saiet-by was elected delegate to the county convention which inlets at Bethel at Franklin Sep umber 15. hm ?mk of the Lutlisran Churcii Sdeet. Salisbury, Aug 111 T h e second annual convention of the Young People Federation of the E-.'angelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina began in its ses sion in St Paul's church, near Salisbury Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock and will continue through Thursday. An interesting program had been arratn-ed. This included an address by - iss Martha Ak ard. a missionary on leave from Japan, and several talks by Miss Mabr' :,ippard of Mont Amoena st-miuary, vount Pleasant. The reports submitted at the meeting showed that during the past year five new societies had been organized, making the total of local societies 43. Manorial To T. F. A large part of the Wednesday session of the State Bar Associa tion at Raleigh was taken up in memorials and eulogies to late members of the association, those who ha,ve died since the last an nual meeting of the lawyers' or g.mization Among those whose memories were thus honored was the late Tlieo F KlUMz, of Salis bnry, and a report of this part of the Diov.eedings as appearing in the Raleigh correspondence of tle Greensb ro News says: ' Dr Louis H Clement of the Sal iburv bar, presented the memr.r iai to Theordore F Kluttz, of Sal is ury distinguished lawyer member of Congress and splendid business man. Among all the men strong before ttie jury Mr K'uttz stood high Few men who had this power were strong on the stump, Mr Clement said Mr Kluttz was the prince among them all. Be hlnce of Wales to Yisit America. Si Johns, N. F, Aug. 1 1 The British battleship Renown, bring ing the Prince of Wales to New feundiandj'was.sighted at 8 A- M. local timg today from the Cape St Francis lighthouse at the south ern entrance of Conception Bay. The Renown and her escort, the cruiser Dragon, were - about IS r miles away, preceed ing slowly. S A L I &JU K , ,:: and- - I JlGWAfl COUNTY LOCALS Sheriff K rid ijr aud bis depu ties arretted a negro in East Sp'ucer yeeltrday on a war ant from Soiith (-flroliita charging th fellow, J(ihi Mc (Jnny with 'shooting lo kill. i A, lot of people arH plan ting to goto iMocksville to morrow to attul the auuual Masonic picnic . The animal gathering of Wuodrnn of tbn World at Mill Bridge waej; held Tues day. in oueof thelarg est Katht?rihg in the county each year TnecdayV fea .uiH of the program was an fnddreds by Lieutenaut Gov vlax Gardner " It is said both a creamery nd cotton mill. are tp l e recttd at Kockwell feoon. Th fourth Fs her family reunion will be held tomor row in thft grove at the borne d .Samuel R Fisher in Cabar rus couuty. Ad interesting jfogram has fceeu arranged. An ice cream and box sup er will be served at Orgau diurch Sftunlay afternron, AugueitS3id. Mies Annie Bostian has o-eu elected principal of rth Main Street city -t'hool. A domestic science iud lunch department will e added to tbcity high school. v The city schools it is announced will begin their i xt term September 15 and rim nine mouths Miss Bos t i a u is a uative r of Salip bury and her selection goe iu show that Salisbury girls are ;ts capable as any. We ird orlad to note that Mies Kostiaa was given the post tiou. An operation was perform ed ou Captaiu DE Murphat V e hospital a Fort McPher son last wek and he is ' re p rted lo be muh improved. The P O S of A will have a picnic at St John's Thursday, AngiiHt 14 W A Daniel, of Salisbury. State Secretary, and Dr W B Dot t era will s;eak in the morning and J A Wellons, State President of Smithfield will speak in the afternoon. Refreshments will be served and the public is cordially invited. Solicitor Hayden Clement went dowu to'Coucord Mon day morning to represent the State in the rial of criminal cae'i- a theA'igust tferm of (abarrns Superior ' couri which couve-ied Monday. Jud.l W dim will pre side atth;s term of cpurt. Job n R (Jrawford, for uearly 2 ) years local manager of the Po?tal Telegraph company has resigned that p sition and is succeeded by C A Ritchie, who has been opera tor in the office '-for some years. The company has leased a new office on . East Oo(iicil Street from Mr Craw ford and will soon move into it. M Crawford is a native qf Salisbury and has madn good and has set a splendid example for the boys of the city. Give the beys a' chance and they will allmake good.' No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an on- neaitnycGior,wnicninaicatespoorDiooa,anaaaa'i , 1 LJi,,lia tTi,T, rr,aa rule, there is more, or less stomach disturbance. vlcUtJit! iJlLlcs uvrr llio uicu e GROVE'S TASTELESS chUl TONIC given regularly rtiuimnrla will start im, fortwoor three weeks-will enrich the blood. im- , Wage Uemana8 Will Siart MU prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength- ofl J u f H 1 v tar all Ifhri mnn ening Tonic to the, whole $ystem. Nature wUl then meaiaieiy BIier ail ,lUO men !b SSSSSaSSSS have rerad to. work. Judge P S Carlton r of No ,18, cbaraperoned the children t)f thet First Baptist' church over to Thomasville on a4 pfenic last Thursday. Of course the "kids had a grand time - Lieut Gov Max O Gar4ner, councildf-of the Shelby council, was aLVtsitor at a meeting of Wi nona Council No 18,, last night, lie made a short and interesting talk, saying that the Juniors were now 50,000 strong in this State and that they were 15,000 or 20,000 ahead of any other or - j der intbe State. A Central Labor Council Organized. ' ' A number of men , belonging to various unions in the city organ ized a central council last Thurs day evening and elected the fol lowing officers: - President R B Wright of the boilermakers. ' . - Vice-President G G Shoaf, of the machinist helpers. Recording Secretary Burton Barringcr of the railway clerks. financial Secretary and Treas urer M M Clark, of the barbers. A board of trustees was also elected at tbe initial meeting last evening. - m te . Spencer Heo Return to Work. The 1,500 members of the federated Craft of the Southern's Spencer shops at this point re-, turned to work Monday morning. The decision wds;finally reached at a meeting Sunday afternoon. The men bad been out on strike since last Monday in an effort to enforce their demands foV io creased wages. The men probably averaged $4 00 per day, or altogether $,000, which means a loss of $36000 for the week. State Labor Federation Defines "Recognition" James Barrett, cf the State Federation of Labor, informs .The Albemarle News in a tele gram from Raleigh dated August 12, that he interprets recognition of a union by an employer to mean 'To deal with the regular ly consitituted authorities of the Union through its committees with respect to wages, hours and working conditions." It does mean, he adds, that the employ er recognizes a closed sbop. Tbe Stirewalt, Pless and tost Reunion. The program of the joint re union of the Stirewalt, Pless and Yost families to be held at Mt Hope Reformed church seven miles South of Salisbury, on Thursday, August 2lst, 1919, be ginning at 10 30 a m, is as fol lows. Devotional Services, Rev C R Pless. Music. ' Welcome Address, Roy G Pless. Song. Response, Rev C P Fisher. Solo, Mrs Lily Rozzelle Knebel. Address, Hon J L Reudleman. Address, Rev M L Stirewalt. . Solo, Mrs Knebel. Dinner Hour Business session, including handing in of old records, remarks by members of the fami lies and election of officers. Everybody cordially invited, to come and bring well filled baskets. Refteshments will .be served 4n the grounds. Strike of Shopmen Abont Cleaned op. . Washington, Aug. 12. Reports today to the railway 'employer department of the American Fedeiation of Labor indicated that the strike of shopmen was "clan ed up" exceptin Chicago and a lew points in New Eug'aud where it was expected the men would return to work before the end of the week Conferences with Director :r The marriage"of Misa Rosa (i Trdpst , daughter- of Eli Propst, of the Union cnorch neighborhood, and James M j rexier, wno resiaes near Rockwell took place. Sunday evening at the home of H P Lyerly, where the bride has m?de her home for several years. Rev C A Brown of China Grove, brother in-law of the bride, performed .. thd ceremony. . - At the home of Mr and !Vf rs D D Harwood Salisbury Sunday evening Mies Lillfe Mae Robinson became the bride of B J Miller of Char lotte. The ceremony was performed by Rev C P Fieher of Chiua (irove. The couple have gone on a bridal trij, south and will Jater make their home in Charlotte where the groom is connected with the express company Jones F Broadway, carrier on Route No. 5, out of Salis hury, and Miss Viola Myers, h patron of his route were married in Salisbury rl ueeday afternoon, the ceremony be- iug performed by W L Ray, HI-q., in hia onice in the old court house, rhotrias Sides, ati automo bile mechanic of Salisbury iud Miss iNellie Teague, of Blowing Rock, were married at Leuoir Monday aud have arrived here to make their home in Salisbury . The Best Physic. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Tab lets. They are easy to tak6 and mild and gentle in effect, Thoy are highly prized ;by people who nave become acquainted with their good qualities. They only cost a quarter. Wilson County pan Kills Himself With a Shot Gun. Wilson. Aug. 8, This after noon Joseph Barnes committed suicide at his home in Soring Hill township by blowing off the top of his head with a snot gun. N reason is assigned for this rash act. A.i Old Fault Finder. An irritable and fault finding disposition is often caused by indigestion A man with good digrestion and bowels that- act regularly is usually good natur- ed. When troubled with indi gestion or constipation take Chamb?rlam's Tablets. jThey strengthen tbe stomach and ten able it to perform its functions naturally. They also cause a oronf.lo mnvomont. rf tho VirtTxrale Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. Vacation Time is Here y win want your vacation pictures finished up as soon as you get" home and you want tbe very best work in the world for the price The Barber Photo Supply Co of Win ston Salem, are making a special itv of mail orders for kodac de veloj ing and finishing and are prepared to do tbe wark at low est prices. We also sell all kinds ot photographic - goods by mail. Write for onr price list and order blanks. - - 7-2-5 pd. L0St Automobile . tag No. 41607, tail lamp and part of tire carrier, between Salisbury and Kannapolis, or in Salisbury. Finder will please return same and receive reward. J B Speck, R 2 China Grove.NC. 'Phone No 4222. iu'S NEW oascovEiit DECIDE YOURSELF. iifiere Backed by Salislmr . Don't take dur word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's statement. . - . . Read Salisbury endorsement ; ? Read the statement' of - Salis bury citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it Mrs J O Williams, 311 N Lone Sfc, says, 'My JSack acned con siderably and when I tried to oend over, knife-like pains would shoot through 'me and I could hardly straighten up again. I bad awfullv bad dizzv 90 spells and black specks appear ed before my eyes. Mornings I was so lame I could Hardly get my shoes on and my kidneys were out of order and annoyed mp. L got Doan's Kidney Pills at the Smith Drug- Co. and be gan using them, It was no time before Doan's had me feel- ing like myself again . They strengthened my back and regu latedmy kidneys. 60c. at at all dealers. Poster- Milburn CoMfgrs. Buffalo, N. Y. West Virginia Governor on the PItnnb Plan. Charleston, W V., Aug. 13 Grovernor -John Corn wall, answering a communis cation from the"federated em ployes ou the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad criticisirsg his qpposition to the Plum plan for government ownershiD the railroads characterized the plans as 'neither eane nor fa'c" He avered xthat should the i ublic bdy the roads and give them to railroad men to manage all other public utilities would do the same. ''Then we will have," said Governor Corn well, "not so cialism but chaos- They are trying to run things that way in Russ:a aud we will know the result. drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and en "riching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c . Weather Forecast for August, 1919. From 4 to 12 fair, change able threatening h e a v y Btorms south, mostly this chauge. From 12 to l fair with rains, tnreatening. cola by storms. From 18 to 25, fair threat ening wind and rain and cool nights. From 25 to Sept 3rd, fair, threatening short rains' with hail sligjbtly in some sections, from' changeable storms west. ugust shows changeable all along with short storms, all rains locally this month w f t h slight hails. Some sections still dry accord ing to moon changes, This August 1st. Henry Reid, Box 1 ' 3, Salisbury N. C. You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never faU to drive out impurities in the blood. -The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ago; folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC: when a member of their family had "Malaria oj needed , a body-building, strength-giving tonic. The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it from anar drui a: s I v -. ' i - - 'r '