THE CAROLP WATCHMAN Wm. H. STEWART, Editor and Ownw Pufclkhad Evry Wednesday At Salisbury, N. C. ubsorlptleii Price: Watcfrnaa, 1 year......... $ .75 Record, 1 year .75 The Progressive Farmer, 1 year.. 1.00 .All t tor a year each, only $1.50 Entered as gecond-class matter Jan uary ltth. 1905, at the postoffice at Salisbury, N. C, under the act of Con gress of March 3rd, 1279. Salisbury, N. C , Nov. 19th, 1919 Who has met with th most miefortuue and rt-ctived th the greater puuishuiHnt? Wilhelrn or Wilsou? It look? as though each had set ou to conquer the world, using different means, flut none thf less ambitious and both end ing Jike some of the kings of old, with flat failure. One man power is too insignifi cant for such a job. Ih reference to the placing ot the captured German can on The Watchman wants to make several suggestions. Fii'et.don't place it on. govern ment property at the post office, it is to be a Salisbury trophy, not for the federal government. Second, why not erect a pedestal of gran ite on Innes street inscribed with the names of our soldier dead, either cut in the gran ite or arranged on a bronze tablet surmounting this pedes with the canon. The Christian women of Salisbury have always done their full duty in season and outj and they -do not gc about with a tiumpt in do ing so. Their work is certainly more desirable and more iii harmony with our customs, traditions and beliefs than that of fault finding and itn ported meddlers. The work done here in past years ba shown' as much intelligent and real paciifice as that of any place or any secHon and they deserve all the approba tion we have. The-y have given of their time anti their means without stint and with out hope for no greater re ward than the Master's1' Well done, thou good and faithful servant." We notice that Republican senators voted solidly ballot after ballot for the reserva tions in the peace treaty. In stead, therefore, of being actuated by patriotic motives for the best interests of the American government and people, it now all appears as mere political bickering. The vote reveals the scheme, re veals the tact that repuM;can leaders are more interested in the welfare of the republi can party than they are in the nation. It is certainly unfor tunate for the country when men in trusted an responsi ble positions, regardless rf party, refuse to consider a measure on its merits. A vote indicates a partisan fight, nothing more and noth ing less Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c KILLS RATS Also mice. Absolutely prevents ordors from carcass. One package proves Una RAT-SNAP comes in cake9, no mixing with other food. Guaranteed 25c size (1 cake)-enough for pantry, kitchen or cellar 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken house, coops, or small buildings $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and outbuildings, storage buildings, or fac tory buildings Sold and guaranteed by . Foil & Bessent. Salisbury Hardware & Fur niture Co., 8 U Purceil, Salisbury o) AT-S El A P GOVERNMENT SEEKS COAL SETTLEMENT. Miners Have Not Returned to Work and emir ij?i;iu 1 itf; -Mil 1). Washington. Nov 18 The government stepped to the front toda to force miner and operators to negotiate a uew wage agreement and to niKiune work in the bitrmi iioui fildt before the eountrv if in the grip of a coal fam ine. G-othd wth all of his war time powers as ful adminis t rat or and acting by direct u'thcrity of th President's cabinet. Or Harry A Garfield called a joint meeting of k m1- committer at hich he wat expected to give formal no t'ce that the time bad con m to resume operations on a dt ;r al scale. While the joint conference was set for this afternoon, J)r Garfield found that a full at tendance could .not be ob tained, so it went over until tomorrow. Meanwhile word was passed that the strike sit uation had reached that point wheie action was regard e l by the authorities as abeo lutely imperative. There was no evidence, as presented to the cabinet, that the scale committees, called here last week to negotiate a new wage egieemeut, had made the least head way. Re ports from the central compe titive fields, embracing he States of Ulihoi, Ohio -and v- estern Pennsylvania, stroDg holds of the United Mine workers of America showed Jill mines shut down and not enough coal conning from the non-union plants in other tatea to meet the normal demands by several million tons. WANT TO CAPTURE NINTH DISTRICT. Practically Certain Republicans Will Spend Both Time and Money in this District. Washington, Nov. 18 The liuth congressional district f North Carolina today ap ealed to Republic" l politi cians as a potential opening wedg into the solid south md it is learned that an uuus uai amount of attention and money is to be given to this listrict at the approaching election. Regardless rf the identity of the Democratic nominee whether it is J D McOall of Charlotte, or Clyde Hall of Shelby the Republican cam piign managers here are pre paring to invade the district and if possible play the Demo crats off their feet. Developments within the past few days have pleased members of the Republican national and congressional campaign committees. Tbey see prospects of inte parly strife among the Democrats with iViecklenr urg county arrayed against Cleveland county and other counties divided up likely to line up with either of the factions. RepubMcans are depending upon a certain amount cf inr terncine stufe, no matter what Democratic candidate is nominated and they are planning to take advantage cf the situatiou. v Rib Quinine That Dees Not Affect tiie Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. $25 Weeklr Men Women. Ad ver tise. Start Candy factory at home, small room, anywhere. We tell how and furnish pvprv- thing. Specialty Candymaking- ! house, 5 South 18th. St., Phila- I delphia, Pa. B 10-20 10 w You Do More Work, You are mnrA nmhJtinna enjoyment out of everything whpn vnm- i - .-wvvw uiju jruu KCC 111UI t blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, s lll8- .... ,r and EnnchmS thft Rlond. Whn vm fi its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELRSS Chiii TnMif is noc a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup.- ov pieasant even cmiaren like it. The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON SSfllSrii'f reliable tonic prop- never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. gtheatingPower Of GROVES TASTELESS Chill 10MC has made it the favorite tonic m thousands of homes, woJm rid? $yLrJ&n ?JS fcq 0n ftan.getGf0VES TiTELESS Chill TONIC when member of their family had Malaria oi needed a body-building, strength-givinj tonic. - The formula is just the same to- day, and you can get it from any drug store. 60c -per bottle. Batchers Soein lo to ?Mi'm. Speaking or ro;ail dealers in fresh meat tne State's MonthlV Review of Pioriiuer - prices savs Retailers are taking undue ad vantage of t'oe ituttin to in crease prorus. That retail deal' ers have no par'kular scruples against proliteeriug. if the oppor tunity presents itseif, is demon strated by the present prices e ing maintained ior retail beef. With good butcher cattle avail able at 8 to lOe per pound on foot and wholesale dressed beef at JS to 20c, they are still asking 4oc for this same beef at retail. At any rate present high prices of pork products on retail markets is one of the important factors responsible for the -resent low price of live hogs. People are balking at present prices, ' ere retail prices in line with live hog (rices, there would be a decided increase m consumption vvhic' in turn would have a wry stimu lating effect ou the h-.u market. The month closed with hogs sell ing approximately as follows on northern markets; medium hos 1501bs and up 13 25 to 13 6", lights 125 to ISoibs SI 2 f0 lo $13 00 shoats S: tu V2 i D- to 13 00 soft and oilv" lusgr, 2 to 3c less. u i 3! 'J ti Shreve Says he Couiii Fin: Ni;k? to Help Him, Teniae iMes Life Wtr-ii Living. "I hav;; tri;j(l :li kinds of jii ' cl cines and 'treatmetils or tny trouble, bat notlmig evor vo me the reliof -that Taohc hns.'' said Ezia D Shi eve, of lj(V 8 Har rison St., Oakland, Cal. "I had constant trouble with my stomach, "he con tinned. and had a poor appetite. Nearly everything I would eat soured and formed gas on my stomach and felt like there was t knr h, it. I would have d u ;i heavy headitche- and was so nervous at times that the least little thing would upset me and I could hardly rest at night, Gas on my stomach caused my heart to palpitate till I cou' l IvucUv get my breath, and when I got up hi the morning I feU V ti rec ant! worn out I could hardiy keep going. In fact, I felt hire 1 .would just have to lay off from my work completely. "While in this condition I be gan taking Tan lac and felt some relief in the start, I hnve a fine appetite now and . nothing I eat hurts me. The gas on my stomach is' about gone and my nerves are in good shape. I sleep like a log and get up feeling fine and ready for my work. Forty years I had " been troubled with malari-i, but after Tanlac got mv stomach in good siTap' I wa. surprised to find tirt even sign of malaria had disappear ed." Tanlac is sold by all drugg sts Advertisement. LOSt A Perpetual Building jnd Loan pass book, somewhere be- tween Moore's chapel chu ch and Lash e's store, on Innes 'Ht Reward if returned to Js Thi j f plkton, 507 West Marsh St., Salisbury. ! WMsr Forest For NflYgsnsr, 7 j oin i to 7 fair ei-a,r - . i l-i i rswiu V J f L V ill! iJ I k LA l UJ1 w in- f'i)-t I . From to 11 lair, threatening" ! stormy wet and south mostly with slight stormy uar east, . ui.,. - , . 00 . , , . oai 14 H 22 chang?au!e TUh lain, st-irrav mostly houih . west, threatening cooler. From 22 to 30. fair and cotd. th nA, r-tn np:1T. ,hrt.a.,pn ' i ing slight snow, but heavj - : uo ,n- . ; November appearmgly shows ; not Sf rIJ uch! r;lin but hard Cold i ' along, some local storms, warm, -hangcabie. disagreeable weath- ' , , ' p , ah along. By moon change times, fro v- 2ut.ll OUt -ome colder ; wi ! tn :e further notice lhat ihvy are re TV. i O .tnhor 97i h loapoear ii. lh? offioe' of the cltrk U-tobei ioV-.i-e upe ior eo .rt t r r.ovvan county.-in Henry Reid. K 3, Salisbury, N (,ffi-e -h cor.rti:on?e, in wid co-nty, - ' i n ()p'-i-nihpr l-th. 19i9. and answer or de- Cy. - Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy Ojrpurifying and en riching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength ening. Invigorating Effect. Price 60a L a El3 BEST THAT CAN BE MADE t Cost to you $35 a .Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or - LONGMAN & MARTINEZ 1 was tiiere to inalte a sketch ot her. Luncheon was just over, and she was talking to a little knot of women. The iWtls I heard, as I slid quietly into a Mirby seat, were National Biscuit," Mcallins vJjm- antly my own tasty 03& eon. I liked lieigaWfxed com fortably as sorTgijin, my pen and oars bm& A "Between 'tne dark anla.jgj. she was quoting. 4,thMPfSys a I bit of PuseM'i1 world i eem:s waiBapsteninMfor the', cnuurtui thirRSJve given that Then, when thov. i . i it -. to toddle, i uyr always "o 'ono"1 . cme- .An '-I YeM? Snrn hfttpr nnrl md i j vureW taction when the served, riothmgf cai take the m Dlace of Uneeda B t' ' .' r- t rX X T At BISCUIT too-rM. COMPANY ten il&x pm w :o IIo;tr. " rk'i coo mals. They are most ge': mott tractable after tlieyiP! :m&WMm .. , - .... JnSSv( something to eat. National BisbSg If-never missM the Chii dainties always be-in or.r Chil-. '-f .3 7 v:tb its tasty feast. ft SALISBURY, N. C. Established, 1 Savings Department 9 Compounded OFFICERS: H. N. Woodson, President Cr. R. V. Braw!ey? Vice Pres. H. P. Brandts, Cashier G. A. Fisher, Asst. Siashier Responsible Banking, Courteous Treatment and Confidential Service is our Policy. We Cordially Invite You to See us On any Bank ing Matter You are Interested in. eopies mi 13 SALISBURY, N. C. Does a general banking business and cordially invites your account. We Pay Four Per Cent interest every thre- months in our savings department. Prompt, careful, and confidential attention given to all business entrusted to us. U . B. flf cCanSsss, W. T. Bushy, President. Cashier. I Vice President. Vice President. : Ucv u County. J. F, Mcl dbbins, clei Harvey A M Hol-hou. r Mmnie gnr .,.- K.hnnd Ft- nk Xt'iier.PC Ho shou PI" ijlllltr i nnni in." Pickler ai d l A H;lsl)uuser Vs j HA uP-- ! J ,m y r aiiauuuc 'r,. . - il" onnell J- iin a respeiu-au, "' ..'Feitimaii Uoroihy L Rsptrman, and Ko Feperm-dn, a-d H-v FeFper- iiian. t Frnlc F erm', L-cy McLoniM-l! :,,d husband. J '-,1 . ... he thre defVnd-nt nVuned will i Vjl1 , n t-u H lh . JM1 .u .iv,u M,tiiied a above i h,s been " com menceu inu.e Superior ; lJourl ot PoW:U1 (ll:n!y . 8,-,d H:.Je, ior he prr.(.0,e of hj,,,, in ! mh n.enti ... d . au.l ierribed i" .he '.bum ami con, ; pi.:irit !or hrii,U) ., :iI11 div sion, in wbu h ; .u ,u the s.;irji.,4l v&riivA iave an imer-. e.. . .' ' vnd .he said Fr,nkFes,.ertnan, Lucy E M anf llllsbaf:d, fj H Mc onnell, mi: rr ( t ho ntitiin :inl rnmnlaint ot the e: itif ners and phiinlifis, or the relief de mndtd will begrantd. This the 10th day of Nov mber, 1919. J. F. Mc TJBBINS Cler'i Superior court. J. L.'Pendlemn, Atly. SEMI-PASTE PAINTS Manufacturers New York ! iron s Hour like a feast. ? or tne I Ii :y toddlers there is a varied :n -nu, sometimes Uneeda Biscuit and Aiilk, sometimes Graham Crack ers, Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch Bis eult. This is changed on special occasions t Old Time Sugar Cook--es "L-s'ewtons and, rarest of 'T' ) !"i rlavo -wlidn ii-a Vio1 ,oream and Nabisco, and those -.vcro our party days "Don't think my hour is just a In c a hour. It started us happiljv ,V-i RWLBmde us sure they ry day for must feed Always ready must fresh always wel- appetizer at the be- hp final fnnpli cofio. uvti yjx octtio r-i .chsese and coffee are mm - l .ir-'jaftvi. amty, al- only National can be. Dimr. the Sf 'W-ii&inv babies wpvp cT-.-m-inor P?ys 4 Per Cent, Quarterly. Igfional Ban 9M &ef loaf u f Si&soliilton. ! To i. i.:n h T ; t 'M . O! U V t l. I i I. I i ' y 1 if,. it ' Ui amnions i (r e it 'if ail ; ii stvioi- h ldei-si, dpi g. i;i' iii my ' flic-, t i the "iniwhoti IV !-. niii-i .m j ' r'& i in if thi fy, ")"' p-i'-eip.-i . : ffi i :tuat-l t 120 K E mi- -. i r i t .Vi-y of n bnv . ciMij'i'y f '' '.vr.n Stat o Ni r h (.Un ,;n:i. (n. P. r-'imp-oo ri g ri; ; h rem :i;.! i:- gi h r oi . m p r vr tnic' s ma v h -ei'v- ) '' v-- :' - "l i : , i ') 2. . - t! i l- rt i ii l i : s ' .il i - ,--1 l it in .y : t.b- i-" ii"1;; - i hi- ifivutt- of Di? :i . .'-v, I In--! re, I ' B.-yan im -i' a: i' ' ( tuc -lui of N':: u i) i h, ' i-: rt.iy t tt ;;l' (' !:!' r n ihii, on til !,tlJ - - t t . i i : . . ay o: . v. , !'.;; u . r y on f;e n w; i i g . " d i .-. i : ion i si:(l crp 'S'iit:- , x ut , iy aii s uckh Id. lilt"' of, Wl'i-il H . (1 COIlSPli t,(. i-i. c ri! f th.- proDefdiiu s afoit s!a;o are -iff n lile i'n my said, office ;s r -v:Ue Lj ! uv. Ii; r'-st'm ny whf vof, I have hereto gfM: m1- k'i i d alii m d my officii s ai at ! a! 'his 17th day of No. y ember, D. 1919 ' J. Bryan Geimes, S. ci ptarv of Stat". Katies to Creditors. Having qualified as adrninis rator of the es!ate ci Slu;in Bailey dee'd, this is to nt'tify all persons having claims agiinst the said decendant to file an itemized Htatftnent of samt with the. unde'signed on or be.-'ore the 5 day of November 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery Persons indebted in said estate are notified to make prompt settlement f This November 5th, 19J9. 1 . C-. Fufr, Administrator. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as admjnLstra or of the estate of Alexander Hotahouser, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized: verified statement of same with the undesigned on or before the 15'h day ot'October, 1920. or this notice will be pleub d in bar of thir recover v. Persons indebled to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement, ' This October 15th, 1919. 61 pd L, A. HoLsHOUER, Rendleman & Ret dleman Attys. Aduir, Sale 01 Real Fropsriy Piircuant to the previsions contained in one certain Mortgage Trust .Deed, dated September the 25th, 1914, ex ecuted by f.nne McNeeiv and wife, Victo ria McXet-ly. to L A Swicegtod, Trustee, and properly registered in Book of Mort gages number 49 page 219 in r he office of Register of Deeds for Countv, N O de.aiib Jiavinjr been made in the Demerit . 'or which iliis '.jortg; e wis given to se- enm nnd a', the request of he bolder of the s;iid note, and by vt-tn of the authority confei td by said deed o'li-ij-t, the t under signed Trustee. L 'wii tuod wil' or Bsnday lfeflSiflDayo! December. 1319, at 12 oclock no n.:u ihe con.i: house4 ciooi in fcaliihurv,Nor!h 1 arolina. offer to the hisrh est bidder or bidders, for cfsb. the follow ing descaiud ie;d property to wit; 'Reiiiui!)2; :u .1 siHke on th SrmtliwMt side-of i he. old iruk ro.ul ;nd lj feet i!OHh. b-) le; 45' wtst Ooru the wtst norn- er f -he iii'ei -t-ciir o of.l'ine street and the old jilank road. ;.nd rnn? ii,;-nf- wit.-i flip old ;jmk nnd G, dei 4"' ' es ;"u feet to the "r,ir-pr o! ! t Nu'lo t lu-tce wuh the iine ot lot 'o 15 s ;-:o deo' 'uy w05i onn , ----- - jf 4(VV 'eet to a srl w;,i tr .ord s line s 6 deg bV east 50 feet to l!ie corner ot lot . -o 13 thence with line lot No 1.1 :ortl. .:0 de'SO'Esst 2000 fet to tbe be gining.;,ein Lot o 14 -n SiephenF Lords ioi oi u;e renins Land " This November the 1st A D 1P19. L. A. Swickgooi), Trustee'. J G, Hudson, A:ty. Sale oi Valuable Land. Pursuant to an oro'e-- made bv Frark J ."..i i"-, ele-' in a. peial pr.-c-'-i,rf No. 433, r-n: ied H F Mallei!- and '.vi, A ie- ?f :!Iei-;g, W Ft harnh-,; '. . e!Iy S ally an i hubnod. Kich-i-d Scully, pi. , y-i Chas Frv r rrai. ; hf un ; ev-iyried com niissionpi wil- xr. -V tor s up ar ! ublic auction '- c!li. 'I ' rt hi!tip doo:- iu thft ' it?' ot Sili-tur y, N (; on Saturday, iha 22nd day of November, 1919, nt the h ur f 12 -1, . th following de Fcvibt cl 'ands : . B ginrinp .it k -topo Kilo,- Hols houer' cm n r n lb hr Jt's Mn thetu-e N d g V 10.09 "hains :o a stnk" or 'ilis H I 1 riisor'- line; h'TCf rs 76 g r 15 0 ' hitYs h. a stakp on ijra t's ; rinee S dee N 13 83 h.ii' to th? ginning, ci t- i' i' g i5 f r s moi t- ( r less. This O.'; 21, 1919. Commissu ner. Rendleman & Rendleman, Attyfl. Nonh Carolina, . In Superior Court, Rowan t'ouniy Jsotniber Term, 1919. Manola Vaughn ) vs V Notice to defendant of William Vaughn ) smniii ns etc. The defendant in the above entitled ?jc tion will take i otice tint j -laintift'has crw j menced an :iion in ihe So j.t-rior Coun of Fowan county H-jhin-t him tor the purpose of obtamnsr a divorce born the bondc of' imtrimony upon the groni.d r f hitirielily,, and that said defend mtt will 'urtber tak no;ice that he is req iired to pptar before the cler'- of the -n? f;or e in of said .liaB y on ihe 17th .v o Nov. ,;ber, ii ' eing the fii.-t dav of November I m of P..,w,u Snpetipr puit. 9i. t tl. . it hoi iu, Salisbury. N. n.. at.d arswr or rlemi r to the coni..laint wbi' I- h. s I filed in said c.rso c;- ib- pbiioiift w;!: ,.pply to the cnurl or tbe relief 1 1 i n b u:Mnded This Oclcbcr llb, VA9. J. F MtCUBBINS, 1015 41 clerk superior court. 4m.

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