WASHINGTON Peck Explains Relief. The Corn-Hog P ro gram. Cotton and Tobacco. Milk Agreements Next. Washington—The Administra tion is beginning to get a bit peev ed with the farmers. Not so much with the real farmers, per haps, as with farm "leaders” who are opposing the Government’s ef forts to do something real for agri culture and are formenting "farm ers strikes” and other uprisings against the Federal program. The feeling fin, Administration circles is that the relief of farm conditions, through the raising of farm prices and the distribution of huge cash sums to farmers as pay ment fy Unitec States Senator Robert R. Reynold for the post of United States mar' shal for Western North Carolna Tn nominating Price, Senato; Reynolds announced that he hac withdrawn his nomination of Me Kee Cooper, of Asheville, at hi own request. Cooper asked thai his name be withdrawn to preservi "harmony in our ranks and promoti the welfare of the Democratc party.” A fight had been stagec against Cooper’s appointment on thi grounds that two offices as import ant as those of district attorney and marshal should not be fillet from a single city. Marcus Irwin of Asheville, is slated for distric attorney. NEWS BRIEFS IS KILLED FOR QUARTER An argument over "two bits,” or price of a theater ticket, cost J. R. Jones his life at Roanoke Rapids. Will Gurganus ftabbad Jones when the latter refused to lend Gurganus the quarter. ' $600,000 FIRE IN JACKSON Forest fires in Jackson county are estimated to have rayaged 16, 000 acres of timberland last week at a loss of $600,000. Fires were I reported in other western counties. | ROOSEVELT IN SOUTH President Roosevelt has arrived 1 in Warm Springs Ga., to spend a two weeks vacation in his resort jiiome there. \ McLAMB ESCAPES CHAIR j Luther McLamb, convicted axe slayep of George R. Hudson, was saved from execution in the electric chair when the governor commut jed his sentence to life imprison ;tnent. McLamb was sentenced from Johnston county. 2 DIE IN FIRE AT DANVILLE Mrs. Emma Crane, 47, and her daughter, Annie May, 23, were fa tally burned at their home, clean ing gasoline igniting and throwing flames over both. The flames ruined the home. TOLL OF AUTO TRAGEDIES John H. Allen, Johnston county farmer, was killed by a hit and run driver Saturday night on highway 22 near Four Oaks. The dead body was found on the highway. Three died Sunday from automobile ac cidents. Robert Stone, 17, Leaks ville, died in the overturning of his automobile near Stoneville after it ’ had sideswiped another machine ' At Lincolnton, Homer Boyd, 19 was fatally hurt in the overturning of his machine after he had swerv ed it to escape hitting another John E. Surratt, 48, High Point, died Sunday morning of injuries taken the night before when a ma j chine he was driving left the road , way and ran into a bank. SAYRE IN STATE POST Francis B. Sayre, son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson, has been named . an assistant secretary of state. He , has ben teaching at 'Harvard uni , versity. j WELLS BACK TO CUBA Sumner Wells has been sent back to Cuba by the president to con j tinue his efforts to stabilize condi tions in that country, without re { course to American intervention. ! DRY MAJORITY 173,294 The official canvass of the No : vember 7 vote has been made at : Raleigh by the state board of elec 1 tions. It showed repeal opponents hcildingl a 173,294 majority against the convention and a net majority of 184,572 for dry dele gates. The dry carried 87 coun i ties. _ TWO HOMICIDES REPORTED ’ Zack Cook is held in jail at Mor ' ganton for murder after admitting he slew Tom Helms with a shot in ’ 'the abdomen when the two met west of Valdese. He claims Helms ' was breaking up his home. Luke . Bean, 18, was killed instantly at Granite Falls with a knife slash across the throat inflicted by 1 George Lloyd, 15. Lloyd admitted the deed but said Bean was threat ening him with a knife. : $185,000 STATESVILLE BLAZE ! An underwear plant and 900 : bales of cotton were destroyed in ■ a Sunday fire at Statesville entail ' ing a loss of $185,000. The loss I throws nearly 300 persons out of , work. The blaze started from : some unknown source in the cotton warehouse. Ready for Thanksgiving Day in-A--— In Massachusetts, home of Thanksgiving Day, Miss Ruth Fisher of Laseele College, near Sudbury, selects a 35 pound bird which manifested much interest in the grindstone operation of sharpening an ax. Racing Issue Is Defeated By the narrow margin of 12 5 J rotes Rowan county decided against the bill introduced by Walter F. McCanless to legalize horse racing and the operation of pari-mutuel bettingmachines. Five rural precincts, Franklin, Sumner Bostian Cross Roads, Barn hardt’s Mill, and Scotch Irish fav ored the bill, but the vote in these precincts was unusually light. The city of Salisbury was great ly in favor of the bill, voting 1,628 to 810 in favor of horse racing. W. F. McCanless, who introduc ed the bill and paid the expenses of the election, accepted defeat in good sportsmanship and declared that he did not want to bring any sport to the county if the majority of the population did not approve of it KIDNAPERS CONFESS MURDER Thomas Thurmond and Jack Holmes have admitted to San Jose,! Calif., police that they killed Brooke^ Hart, 22, son of a wealthy merch-j ant within a few hours after he hadj been kidnaped and then demanded! $40,000 from the father for the return of his son "alive.” COLLEGE MERGER GIVEN APPROVAL Merger of Davenport and Greens boro colleges ine6 Greensboro-Dav enport college, to be located at Greensboro, has been approved by the Western North Carolina con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, at Charlotte. The report of the educational committee recommending the mer ger was adopted. It suggested that a new board of trustees con sider the advisability of using the Davenport property, in Lenoir, as » girls’ academy to prepare studnts to enter GreensboroDavenport. Ickes Approves Park Highway The proposed scenic, mountain ridge parkway between Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountain nation al park has won the approval of Secretary Ickes, the public works admnistrator. Ickes says an immediate survey has been ordered but that the pub lic works board has not acted on the proposal. However, Senator Byrd and oth ers were emphatic that Ickes assur ed them "whatever it takes” of pub lic works funds would be supplied for the project. Ickes has had the matter up with President Roose velt and his approval was consider ed in informed quarters to be tanta mount to approval by the board h« Kharis. Prior to Byrd’s announcement, a conference was held in Secretary lekes’ office at which Governors Pollard, of Virginia and McAlister, of Tennessee, and Senators Bailey and Reynolds, of North Carolina, on behalf of Governor Ehringhaus, pledged the three states to furnish the necessary rights of ways and surveys. Also attending the conference were Representatives Doughton and Weaver of North Carolina. At a later conference in Senatot Bailey’s office. North Carolinians interested in the proposed park-to park scenic highway named a com mittee to represent their state in negotiations with the federal gov ernment and Virginia and Tenne ssee authorities on the route the road shall follow and matters per taining to its construction. Do You Know The Answer? Answers on Page Four 1. Name the U. S. vessel that sank the Confederate cruiser Ala bama. ' 2. What unit of measurement contains 5,880 billion miles? 3. What does the word velocity mean? 4. Where is Lake Biakal? 5. Near what city was the Bat tie of Bunker Hill fought? 6. What measurement is a kn(W? 7. Who was John Keats? 8. Who wrote "Adam Bede?” 9. In which city is the Plact Vendome? 10. What is the equator? GOOD MORNING DOWN PAYMENT A Chinese in New York enter ed the office of a lawyer and ask ed the fee required to get him off a charge of murder. "Five thousand dollars,’ he was told. Counting out the money carefully, the Chinese said: "Velle good. Now I go kille man.” "The doctor said my wife needs the sea air.” "So you’ve sent her to the sea shore, eh?” "No, I’ve tied a herring to the electric fan ”—Berliner Illustrier te, Barlin. I "But”, protested the new arrival, as St. Peter handed him a golden trumphet, "I can’t play this instru ment; I never practiced while on earth." "Of course you didn’t”, chuckled the saint. "That’s why you are here.” LOOSE SHUTTER, MAYBE Elderly Aunt (to her nephew, a poor preacher) : "James, why did you enter the ministry?” "Because I was called”, he ans wered. "James”, said the old lady anx iously, as she looked up from wip ing her spectacles,. "are you sure it wasn’t some other noise you heard?’ Suzanne—"That butter and egg man from Texas offered me his hand and fortune when he took me out riding last night, but I re fused him. Elizabeth—"Oh, why?” Suzanne—"One was too large and the other was too small. Wife—"I can’t decide whether to go to a palmist or.to a mind reader.” Husband-—"Go to a palmist. It’s obvious that you have a palm.” Joe—"What were you doing at the jail today, John?” John—"I wanted to see the man who broke in my house last night.” Joe—"Why did you want to see that burglar?” John—"I wanted to ask him how he got in the house without waking my wife.” "I have decided,” ' remarked Senator Sorghum, "to train my memory.” "What system will you use?” "I don’t know. I’m looking for one that wilt enable me when I am interviewed to remember what to forget.” OVERHEAD ON NOAH’S ARK Noah: "And why so sad dear?” Mrs. Noah: "Who wouldn’t be gftim, traveling with this beastly crowd?” SURE WAS ANGRY Local lady suing for divorce tells court her husband spanked her, pulled her ears and hair, slammed the door on her arm, and locked her in the closet. She says that she doesn’t know why he did those things. We do.' He was mad at her. ALL SQUARE A Scottish farmer sold some eggs to the local laird. He discovered that he had included one egg too many in the consignment, and went at once to thelaird, who said? laughingly that it wasn’t really worth all this fuss. "You may be right”, said the laird, "but, anyway, have a drink and call it square. What will you take?” "Egg and milk”, snapped the farmer. Motor Lines Protest Rate Reductions Bus Lines Considering 1 1-3 Cents A Mile As Minimum Rate to Meet R. R. Competition. FILE PROTEST WITH F. D. R. Some Railroads Announced Rate of I Zzc Per Mile; Bus Lines plan to Cut to 1 1-3c. A fierce fight between motor bus lines and railroads for passenger business in the southeast was indi cated as bus lines announced plans to put in effect a minimum rate of l 1-3 cents a mile, to meet the I 1-2 cent rate recently announced by some railroads. Representatives of bus compan ies at a conference said they also would file with President Roose velt a protest at the "destructive move ’ of the railroads.' C. B. De Berry of Charleston, W. Va., chairman of the South eastern Bus Traffic association, said, "The railroads are trying to cut our throats.” De Berry and C. G. Schultz of Jacksonville Fla-, operator of sev eral bus lines, said after the con ference, "It’s ■ wrfiir- for a trans portation agency which is really subsidized by the government to force down our revenues, when the railroads were exempted from the NRA code, and shortly after bus lines signed the code.” Both emphasized that there was no intention of "buckng the terms of the code.” 'Vc want to be good boys and go along with the code, but we can’t stand a 30 per cent increase in costs by reason of a code accept ed at the behest of the government, and stand on top of that a 30 per cent loss in revenue forced on us by an agency which is really subsidiz ed by the government through loans to the railroads,” said Schultz. MURDERS GAIN SUICIDES DROP Deaths in North Carolina from homicides and automobile acci dents showed startling increases last month over totals in October 1932 but suicides this October wese only* half as numerous as in the month a year ago. The North Carolina Bureau, of Vital Statistics reported 74 deaths in automobile accidents in October, compared with 31 in the same month a year ago; 38 homicides as compared with 31; hut only 13 suicides as agasnst 23 in October 1932. There were 166 violent deaths reported last month, railroad acci dents claiming a toll of 11, air accidents killing one person, fixes killing 16, accidental gunshot wounds claiming eight and drown ing taking a toll of five. During October 2,399 deaths were reported in the state, a rate of 8.9 while births nearly trebled deaths with a total of 6,232 and a rate of 23.1. Cancer claimed more lives than any other disease, 143 persons dy ing from this cause in October. Pulmonary tuberculosis claimed 136 lives, pneumonia 100, diphthe ria 79. I The diphtheria death toll wis 17 greater than that of October 1932 and the prevalence of the disease over the state is running far ahead of lost year at this time. Health board officials have issued several warnings that- care should be taken to prevent further spread.