WASHINGTON Maybe A Balanced Budget. Bankers and States men. Pointing at Agricul ture. Washington—The political fore casters are busy guessing what President Roosevelt will say in his first annual message to Congress, when that body convenes o e Wednesday following New \ C day. There are some things at ^ which it is not necessary to gu '/ very much. The President will report that the business of the Nation is much better than it was when he took office. That is now generally un derstood to be true, in every im portant line. A hopeful business sentiment is reflected in the letters which come to Washington every day, and in the first-hand reports from men in the field. That was not true a few months ago. The id will tell the Congress, that his program has changed the national psychology from despair to hope. Certainly, more men are back at work. Entirely outside of the sev eral millions who are employed in projects of the Public Works Ad ministration and the Civil Works Administration, other millions are back at jobs in private industry and business. Instead of being a harder winter than last, as looked possible even a few weeks ago, it now looks as if there might be less strain on charity for the support of the un employed. The President will report that business and industry are organiz ing themselves, under the National Recovery Act; that they are pret ty well organized now, and are be-' ginning to see the benefits of or ganization and to like it. And that will be truer than seemed pos sible in September. There will be a Government financial statement * which will amaze many. The budget, which Lew Douglas will submit to the President and the President to Congress, will be balanced, or prac tically so. Understand, the budget relates only to the current annual expenses and income of the Gov ernment. It has nothing to do with the borrowings of the Gov ernment, except that it must pro vide, means of paying interest on loans. Including that, the item of interest on the huge sums which have been borrowed to pay for Public Works, to lend through R. p. C. to industry and financial in stitutions, to finance unemploy ment relief in various ways, and so on, the Administration expects to be able to show' Congress that if it does not make wasteful expendi tures out of current funds it can reduce taxes, instead of increasing them, and still pay all of Uncle Sam’s current, bills. :The big controversy on financial matters is likely to be over the in crease in the National Debt. It ought to be remembered that under Secretary Mellon , which means through the administrations of Pfarding, Coolidge and Hoover, the United States paid off seven thous and millions of its public debt. The total borrowings under the present Administration have not reached that amount yet; so it is a fair statement that we are not as deeply in the hole as we were in 1920. Offsetting that, of course, is the failure of European nations to keep up their payments on the war debts, wliich were counted upon to take up a good deal of the National debt. But the theory of this Administration seems to be that a nation’s debts are not meant to be paid, but merely to pay in terest upon. Bankers look on debts as some thing" to be paid, and Mr. Mellon was a banker. Statesmen look on debts as something not to be paid; and in that respect this Administra tion is decidedly statesmanlike. If the emergency can be met with borrowed money, and the ordinary affairs of Government kept down to an economical basis, the tax payers can stand a pretty stiff im pose for interest on the debt. The Federal Government can borrow at, say, 3 percent a year interest. That would mean that if a billion a year can be lopped off the budget, which Mr. Douglas be lieves he has found the way to do, that billion can be applied as inter (Please turn to back page) The Carolina Watchman f=?i I FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1933 VOL 101 NO. 22 PRICE 2 CENTS . ■abor, Capital \To Put Issues j % Up to Solons \ - Obstructionists Will Remain Quiet, But Labor Is Gong to Urge Shifts. DISCUSS 30 HOUR WEEK - i Results of The Blue Eagle Canvass Will Be Made Public. Organized labor and organized capital both will descend upon Washington in the first three weeks of the congressional session to de cide what changes they want in the national industrial recovery act, it was learned. The changes sought for the most part, will be in opposite directions, the administration, though official ly silent, is not expected to ask any important alterations. Congres sional oppositionists, seeking to •1.1 r < “vuiu uu. appcdJ ante Ul UU5L1 uULlllg recovery are in the main willing to keep hands off. But the American Federation of Labor and the United States Chamber of Commerce may have different ideas. William Green, president of the A. F. of L. has issued a call for his organization’s executive council to meet in Washington January 24 to "consider recommendations on leg islative amendments” to the recov ery act and "improvements which time and experience have shown to be necessary—” presumably pri marily strengthening of labor pro tection, and perhaps a mandatory 30 hour week. The board of directors of the United States C. of C. will meet January 10 and 20 to consider the results of a questionaire circulated among member associations and chambers, designed to collect data on how the recovery act and other general recovery program is work ing. Specific figures are sought in the questionnaire, answers to which are beginning to flood the, cham ber headquarters. Since the NRA decided not to make public the results of its cen sus of Blue Eagle operation last fall, this will be the first national survey of how the whole program is re acting—in the judgment of cham bers of commerce. It will be a one-sided viewpoint but with no more complete data available, it may be impressive to congressmen facing re-election next fall. The A. F. of L. will have no such compilation of data to support its demands but it will have the ef fect of a well-knit body of voters. Another sharp difference in opinion toward NRA, with 411 en tirely distinct line of cleavage of viewpoint, is growing more evident as congressmen return to Washing ton—the vastly different view point of the "big fellow” and the "little fellow” in business. Various plans for modifying the method by applying the recovery act, if not the act itself, are being considered. The U. S. C. of C. is not likely to be sympathetic to them. The A. F. of L. probably will be indifferent to this aspect. The divergent viewponts of the groups concerned probably will more or less counterbalance each other’s effect and aid the adminis tration goal of keeping the NRA about as it is but there will be plenty of talk of changes. WESTERN UNION UNIT TO EXTEND BONDS New York—Northwestern Tele graph company,. $1,300,00 4Vz per cent first mortgage bonds, due January 1, 1934, will be extended for 10 years at same rate of inter est. Bonds of holders who do not desire to avail themselves of exten sion offer will be purchased at par by Western Union. Telegraph com pany. Astor Engagement The parents of Miss Eileen S. S. Gillespie, (above), New York, an nounce her engagement to John Jacob Astor, (below), youngest son of the late Col. John Jacob Astor, who went down with the Titanic. The marriage will unite two old families which figured in early American history. NEWS BRIEFS WOUNDED DURING HUNTING TRIP Woodrow Horn, 21, of White ville, was in a serious condition at 1 Lumberton hospital as the result af accidental gunshot, wounds suf fered on a Christmas Day hunting trip. The youth’s right ear and part of his head was torn off' by the discharge. IG/LlGLiU/liV Gli YXlKKJLuJLJ Willi HAVING WHISKEY L. G. Jones, a High Point po liceman, was arrested on a highway near there and charged with vio lating the state prohibition law and carrying concealed weapons. Dep uties investigating a wreck in which Jones’ car figured, said they found one and one-half gallons of whis key in the car, and also two shot guns and two pistols. Jones said he was on a hunting trip. HIT-RUN DRIVER KILLS DAVIE TEXTILE WORKER Tom Mayse, a textile worker of Cooleemee, about 30 years of age, was instantly killed when struck by a hit and run driver near the Cooleemee cemetery Tuesday night. Frank Ratledge, of Mocksville was arrested and accused of driving the car that struck Mayse, and was re leased under $5 00 bond. GORE WON’T QUIT PLACE Robert M. Gore, denied he would resign as governor of Puerto Rico. 'I have no intention of resigning,” jore said. "Naturally my appoint ment is at the disposition of the President and whenever he wishes 1 will retire.” SENATORS CANCEL PLANS' FOR CRUISE TO STATE The coastal cruise planned on the cutter Pamlico by three United States senators and a former sena tor to inspect Lake Mattamuskett for proposed establishment of a goose shooting reserve there has been cancelled because of th pres sure of government business in Washington, Lieut. D. F. DeOtte, commander of the vessel, was no tified. REYNOLDS RETURNS Senator Bob Reynolds has return ed to Washington from Asheville, where he spent Christmas with his mother. Hie was out only after his return, despite freezing weather, looking for jobs for constiuents. He said that he expected to wind up his job hunting campaign this week. 105 Killed In North Carolina In November North Carolina’s record of 105 highway fatalities last month should and is arousing private citi zens and state, county and muni cipal officials, according to Cole naan W. Roberts, president of the Carolina Motor club. "Unfortunately, however, we cannot get the public or members , of the General Assembly aroused when tile legislature is in session to the point of enacting a state driv ers’ license law, without which we cannot expect to make much pro gress towards reducing our high way fatailities,” Mr. Roberts said. Personally I do not believe there is any such thing as an unavoid able highway accident. Someone j is always at fault. It may be the j driver, the pedestrian, or in some instances the mechanical condition of the vehicle itself. Another i great difficulty is the lack of severe punishment for those who are re sponsible for these accidents which i are not unavoidable.” The Carolina Motor club special state committee on drivers’ license, headed by Senator John W. Aiken, of Hickory, is schedtrhftrro meerat Charlotte January 13 for the pur pose of laying a foundation to pave the way to enactment of aja ade quate state drivers’ license law when the General Assembly convenes in January 1935. Other members of this committee are: Julian Miller, Charlotte; Richard Tufts, Pine hurst; Senator W. K. Boggan, Wadesboro and Harry Tucker, Ral eigh. This group is a sub-committee j of the Carolina Motor club state Committe on Highway Safety of ! which Senator Allen H. Gwyn, of | Reidsville is chairman. Chairman jGwyn’s committee is now devel- < joping units in every county in the j state as part of a program that will put forth the greatest efforts that any state has ever undertaken in safety work in seeking to reduce : highway accidents during the com- i ing year. 100 Quit Train Held By Storm Missoula, Mont.—More than hundred passengers who wer aboard the marooned Olympiai crack passenger train of the Mil waukee Railroad, celebrated Christ mas Day in comfortable sleepers ei route eastward. . They were rescued from a trail that was forced by washouts am unsafe track to stop in a canyoi about 10 miles west of St. Regis Montana. The passengers walked to ; point where they couid be taker aboard a "trouble shooter,” gasolim driven car. Part of too trip tr Missoula was made in a flat car part in a bus. Travel over the Milwaukee roac was at a standstill. Power line! tarrying electricity used for powei an this division of the Milwaukee road were broken and damaged in many places by land and roci< slides. Word rached here that National Guard planes were being sent from Spokane, Wash., to fly over the flooded area with supplies for ma rooned persons. Admits Killing School Boy Columbia, S. C.—Officers said i 49--year-old automobile mechanic iad confessed he lured Herbert H. [Harris, Jr., Columbia school boy, tc i deserted house and beat him tc death with an iron bar. The 15-year-old lad, described by ais schoolmates as "always smil ng,” was enticed from his home ivith a promise of a job as he with lis parents and a sister was prepar ng to celebrate the Christmas holi days. His body, the head shattered by leavy blows, was found Christmas day—in the abandoned house in the desolate Congaree swamp section line miles from the city. The Jersey Cattle Club of Pear on County has purchased a pure ired bull calf from the1 Randleigh 'arms, of Lockport, New York. Do You Know The Answer? Continued on page four 1. On what body of water is the seaport of Colon, Panama? 2. How was the length of a mile, determined? 3. In what state is the city of Tulsa? 4. Who used the pen name "Uncle Remus?” 5. Has the U. S. Marine Corps ever enlisted Negroes? 6. What is the name for a row of columns supporting an entabla ture? 7. Who were the Milesians? 8. Through what mountain does the Mont Cenis Tunnel run? 9. When was Oklahoma admit ted to the Union as a State? 10. What is the Spanish title of the waltz "Over the Waves?” .. --v... ■ — . , . Heralding The New Year I jin ■'In Pacific Princess *— I Miss Jane Hincks, Pasadena society debutante, was the California beauty selected to be Princess of tfie Pacific in the Tournament of Rose* at Pasadena on New Year Day. GOOD MORNING AUTOMATIC "I don’t need any speedometer on my car. I can easily tell the speed,” said the one. "How do you do that?” asked the other. "When I go 10 miles an hour, my lamps rattle; when I go 1) miles an hour, my mudguards rat tle; and at 20 miles an hour my bones rattle.” USE NO HOOKS "Harold says that all he wants is a chance to express himself.’ "Fine! Where to?” HE’S MARRIED "What’s his present salary?” "He says it’s never present long enough to know!” GETTING ACQUAINTED "When did you first become acquainted with your husband?’’ "The first time I asked him for money after we were married.” ALPHABETICAL LOVE She—"Will you have some tea?” Her Lover—"I’d rather have what comes after tea.” She—"What comes after tea?” Lover—"U.” A BETTER PAPA Little Boy—"The grocer gave me some chocolates.” Mother—"I hope you were po lite about it?” Little Boy—"Yes, mamma.” Mother—"What did you say?” Little Boy—"I said I wished he had met you before pa got acquaint-; ed with you.’’ WHAT NEXT The inhabitants of a frog pondj close at hand awakened two little; girls who were spending their first night in the country. First, came the high, piping voice of a little "peeper.” "What’ that?” asked Winnie. 'I think it’s a bird,” Su^san ven tured to reply. Just than a basso-prof undo frog sang one of his lowest tones. "What’s that?” Winnie asked in a startled whisper. "I’m not quite sure,” replied Susan, "but I think it is either a cow or an automobile.” NURSERY RHYME FOR GROWN-UPS Mary had a little lamb. • Given by a friend to keep. It followed her around until It died from want and sleep. Appointment Is Expected To Be Made Soon Appointment Will Probably Be Made After House Passes Liquor And General Tax Revision Measures. IS EXPERT ON TARIFFS Mr. Dough ton Is Now Serving His 22nd Year As Representative From The Ninth N. C. District. Representative Robert L. Dough ton of North Carolina, chairman of the house ways and weans com mittee, is slated to be appointed to the federal tariff commission with in a few weeks. Democratic friends of the North Carolina Democrat say the appoint ment will be made by President Roosevelt probably after the ad ministration’s liquor and general tax revision measures are passed by the house. Both of' these measures are being handled by Doughton’s ways and means committee, the group charg ed with formulating all revenue and tarff measures for congression a l r*tiAn Doughton is serving his twenty second year as representative from the ninth North Carolina district. He has been a member of the ways and means committee for many years and has made a study of tariffs. Indications are that Dcnjghtom will be appointed to tlje^'vacancy created by the d^tli of the late Representative 'James W. Collier, Mississippi Democrat. The appointment of Doughton woiuld have considerable signifi cance in view of a reported admin stration plan to submit to Congress legislation proposing authority for the President to negotiate recipro cal trade agreements with foreign nations without having to submit each separately to the senate for ratification. Kidnaper Kept In ‘Solitary' Leavenworth, Kans.—"I’ll be out of here by Christmas.” George "Machine Gun” Kelly, who recently has been given the added sobriquet of "blabber mouth,” sat in a bleak solitary cell in federal prison here and perhaps recalled his loudly proclaimed boast made when brought here several months ago to begin serving a life sentence for the $200,000 ransom kidnapping of Charles F. Urschei, millionaire Oklahoma City oil man. Although Kelly did not say which Christmas he had in mind, prison officials took it for granted he meant this Christmas and ac cepted his challenge. He was ush ered into a solitary cell, where he has remained since. HERE’S A NEW ONE! The average motorist has never even heard of the CFR (Coopera tive Fuel Research) engine. Yet it is one of the most important engines in the automotive world. It is a special engine used to obtain gasoline knock ratings. All gaso line is tested on a CFR engine to day to determine its anti-knclck qualities. Several of these engines which the public rarely, if ever sees, are in constant use at Stand ard Oil Company of New Jersey laboratories. ABIE’S ENGLISH Teacher—“Use statue in a sen tence.” Abie—"Ven I came in last night NyV *30#, .Abie?’ ”