WASHINGTON White House Com ment Richberg and Johnson Look Toward Winter i The first organized opposition to the New Deal that is taken serious ly in Washington is the American Liberty League. This is a non partisan group of industrial leaders and political experts which has as its avowed purpose the stopping of further encroachments upon the constitutional rights of the taxpay ing, property-owning classes. The caliber of the League may be gathered from the character and reputations of the men who organ ized it. These include two former candidates for the Presidency, John W. Davis and Alfred E. Smith; two former chairmen of the Demo cratic National Committee, John J. Rascob and Jouett Shouse; such Re publican leaders as Representative Janies W. Wadsworth and former Governor Nathan L. Miller of New York; a powerful industrialist of independent political standing, Irenee Du Pont, and several others of national reputation. The only comment that has come from the White House on the Lib erty League is the President’s re mark to the effect that it seems to be an organization in the interest of property, with the Ten Com mandments left out of its charact er. The Administration plans to re organize all of the recovery agencies into one unit—putting NRA, AAA, ERA, PWA and all the rest into one bag, as it were, are said to be making headway, but there is wide diversity of opinion as to how to do it, and a great deal of dissent among the executives charged with making the New Deal go. This dissent is not merely in words. Gen eral Hugh Johnson got so mad the other day that he offered his resig nation as head of the NRA, and was only dissuaded by a personal ur ucucidi juuusuu » at tempt to quit lies an interesting personal controversy between the General and Mr. Richberg, his chief assistant. It is no secret that Rich berg wants to be the head of the five man commission that is to take the place of the one-man control of NRA. He has been working for a long time on a plan of reorganiza tion. General Johnson beat him to it with a plan of his own, which he handed to the President as soon as Mr. Roosevelt got back from Hawaii. Richberg followed with his own plan. In a three-cornered conference between the two and the President, General Johnson sud denly walked out and declared that he was through. Inside gossip hys it that the President, who leans more to Mr. Richberg’s point of view than to the General’s has been looking for a chance to slide the General out gracefully. But he didn’t want V*Irr» fn rrx'iA onrl nnscihlv make trouble for the Administra tion. So he sent for the General who in the meantime had sent his written resignation to the White House, and suggested that he tear up the resignation and take a six months’ trip to Europe, for a rest. General Johnson smelled a rat. He wasn’t willing to absent himself from the scene of action for six months, but he agreed to withdraw his resignation and take a two weeks rest at the seashore. He will stay on the job until a more subtle way of shelving him is devised. The expectation is that the com ing Winter will be the hardest yet, not only in the matter of relief for those without resources but in the strain upon those who have jobs or ; incomes. Out of this feeling arises 1 growing talk of monetary inflation, 1 printing press money to help the nation’s debtors out of trouble. Lindbergh’s Expect Stork This Month The Boston Post says that Col onel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh are expecting the birth of another child about the third week of Sep tember. "The stork, according to pres ent expectations, will arrive the i third week of this month,” says 1 the newspaper, "and a private suite 1 has been engaged for Mrs. Lind- i bergh at the Wyman house of the i Cambridge hospital.” s The Carolina ^Watchman founded 1832—1Q3RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1934___VOL. 103 NO. 6 PRICE 5 CENTS Six Mills In County Are Closed Violence Flares As ‘Fly ing Squadrons’ Force Shutdowns GOVERNOR ACTS Violence was reported Tuesday and Wednesday as the adherents of the United Textile Workers of America pushed their plans to ex tend the general strike into every southern cotton mill. The strike effects the cotton, silk and wool industries. It was reported that over 200,-' 000 were already idle as the strike; continued to spread. Six cotton mills in Salisbury, em- j ploying about 1,500, are closed. Two were closed directly as a result of workers on strike and the other j four by a shutdown. Those closed by the strikers were Cannon mills No. 7 and Klumac. Rowan Nos. 1 and 2 posted a notice of closing at the end of last week, is did etc Cartex mills. The Salis bury mill, which was observing a holiday, posted a notice it would oe closed indefinitely. The China Grove cotton mills of China Grove also closed, workers going out Monday. Mills at Landis, Rockwell and Yadkin continued to operate with-I out interruption. Carolinas leaders, their battle to I close every mill half won, showed | the way as automobile caravans of j strikers roared through the coun- j tryside, shutting down mill after j mill through persuasion or weight1 of numbers. Eighty thousand of the approxi mately 160,000 workers in the two states watched the battle or turned in themselves to aid organized pick ets. Approximately 250 cotton textile and silk mills were closed, with a similar number operating. In most cases the appearance of the Carolina "flying squardron” was peaceful, but in the Gastonia area doors were broken open at some mills, power shut off and ma chines unbelted as workers were ordered from their frames. The "flying squardrons’’ ranged in number from 20 to 1,000 men. Many mills closed at their mere ap proach "until further notice.” Many workers walked out at the persuasion of squadron leaders and lome of them joined the squadrons. Governor Ehringhaus warned in i statement that the full power of :he law would be used to put down oersistent violence in the current , :extile strike in the state, regardless j if by whom it is practiced. jj The governor’s statement came;, ifter he had kept constantly ini, :ouch throughout the day and!, light with the strike situation, and . ifter reports of disorder threats had , ifted in from at least six heavily ( copulated textile areas. , Name Strike ; Board; - i Acting upon the request of the Lational labor relations board, s •resident Roosevelt announced on i Wednesday that he would, in the j tear future name a special media- r ion board to settle the textile a trike situation. |r Batting Strength Which Pat Detroit Tigers on Top in American L. ' 1 —" - ™ n ' rfMg——1 jfitML ■■djLS&t"' ■ . , ^--— DETROIT . . . Above are pictured the claws on thp Tiger, Detroit’s American League baseball team which seems headed for the pennant and World Series glory. . . . Pictured are ten Tiger regulars, including pitcher Schoolboy Rowe, who are hitting over .300 . . . Left to right, Goslin .322; Cochrane (manager), 322; Green berg, .337; Rowe, .333; White, .319; Hayworth, .330 Owen, .337; Gehringer, .366; Walker, .308 and Rogell, .312. NORTH CAROLINA “FIRSTS” i First in the manuufacture of tobacco. First in the manufacture of cotton textiles. First in the production of peanuts. First in the production of cotton per acre. NORTH CAROLINA HAS: The largest pulp mill in America, at Canton. The largest towel mill in America, at Kannapolis. The largest denim mill in America, at Greensboro. NORTH CAROLINA LEADS IN: J j The United States in the production of bed room furniture. All other states in the hosiery industry. Leads the south in mills that dye and finish their products. Leads the world in the manufacture of tobacco. Leads every southern state in the number of wage and salary earners. Leads America in the number of cotton mills. Leads the south in the number of furniture factories. Leads America in the manufacture of cigarettes. North Carolina has the highest birthrate in America. Frank Parker Stockbridge is one if the deans of American journal sm. He is of that school of news lapermen who made American lewspapers great, a vital part of our lational life . . . Stockbridge knows lews and how to write it. He has special gift of paralleling world lews with the little every-day in ident of life so that all who read nay understand. He is a news iaper man whose writings to know s to like. Mr. Stockbridge is a regular nember of our, staff. His "Today nd Tomorrow” column is present d every week. You should list it >n your regular weekly reading nenu. You will find Stockbridge’s 'Today and Tomorrow” on page our in this issue of the Watchman. IT ATE BANKS SHOW NCREASE Resources of commercial and avings banks and trust companies ti North Carolina of June 30 ag regated $210,972,995.65 which epresents an increase of nearly 3 5 nd a third million dollars over the eport of same period last year. Legion Jubilee Here Sept. 7 A jubilee for all posts of the American Legion in the fourteenth district is planned here Friday, Sept. 7, under the auspices of the Samuel C. Hart post of the Legion. The fourteenth district won major honors at the state conven tion in Greensboro last week. Miss Esther Hambley was crowned as winner of the beauty pagent and given the title of "Miss North Caro lina ; the new state commander Hubert Olive, of Lexington is from this district as well as the new presi dent of the Legion auxiliary, Mrs. H. M. Shumway, also of Lexington. These, principals, as well as State Commander Tom Daniels, of New Bern, will be here for the occasion. 30 Report For Catawba Drill Thirty candidates for the Cataw be football team, which was issu ed uniforms and equipment Mon day, took the first real workout Tuesday afternoon under the direc tion of Coach Gordon A. Kirkland, who began his duties this fall with Catawba. A light scrimmage was held at the close of the afternoon’s prac tice, and a hard scrimmage is pro mised by the end of the week. The squad has a number of vet eran backs, including Captain Pear son and Bickett, ends; Machen, center; Garland and Williams, tack- j les; Redd, guard; Meachan, Cesaro, Natcher, Zammiello, Fullerton. Eight members of the Salisbury high school team, which was coch ed by Kirkland, for four years past, are members of the Catawba squad this season. "It Pays To Smile” I NEW YORK . . . Miss Mildred Smith, above, was living quietly in her home town of Wilbur, Wash., population 700, one year ago. . ! . Today she is here to pose for artist McClelland Barclay,, with her loviest “Queen of Dental Charm’’ smile, the title she won over 25,000 other American beauties. « Not Worried About WASHINGTON . . . Rush Holt, 29, West Virginia candidate for U. 8. Senator, is not worried about being seated if elected, even though 30 years is stipulated as youngest U. S. Senate age. The Senate has sole right to judge qualifications oi j members. __I -—-- i The Voyageur Fall Felt NEW YOKE! . . . Above it pic tured the “it” of style in de hue felt hats, mostly fine beaver, for Fall wear. ... It is called the “Voyageur” and the style note occurs in the tailored smelting of the' crown. It can be worn with brine rolled up or down. ' — ■ ' -. State Revenues For August Were Below Last Year Almost Two Million Col lected Last Month Raleigh.—The State’s general fund collections for August were below those of August last year, due to heavy franchise collections in that month last year, which had been paid earlier this year, a con dition which placed the fiscal year —two months—collections above those of the same period last year, the report of Commissioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell for August shows. August collections amounted to $1,866,988.36, as compared with i $2,045,754.74 in August, 1933, j but the collections for July and ■ August this year amounted to $4, 1 062,836.16 as compared with $3, 471,959.61 in the same month last year. Sales tax collections reached $549,361.29 in August, as compar ed witn $3)5,579.30 in August last year, while the July-August col lections were $1,105,941.36. The beer tax showed a slight increase, $40,581.09 in August and $39, 930.84 in August, 1933. Inherit ance tax collections were $30, 157.03, and in August 1933, were $8,674.95. License tax collections reached $100,103.06, and were $161,162.17 in August last year; franchise taxes were $1,057,015.88 and last August were $1,402, 198.87; income taxes showed a slight increase, to $89,121.52, from $75,210.61 last August. In the calendar year since last January, automobile license plates have brought in $6,343,981.87, or $1,306,211.67 more than at this same date last year, when collec tions were $5,037,770.20. Revenue from all motor vehicle sources in August was $1,577,147.25 as com pared with $1,345,560.36 in Au- : gust_ 19,33. In the two months of the fiscal year, July and August, J tms revenue was an ■ increase of $245,156.27 over col- ^ lections in July and August of last < year. The bulk of the increase was ‘ in gasoline taxes. 1 Child Dies From I Pistol Wounds I - 5 John Dennis Pinkston, three-and- c a-half-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Pinkston, of 425 South Ellis street, died early Monday 5 morning at the Lowery hospital . from a pistol bullet wound inflicted £ Sunday afternoon while his twin . brothers, Bobby and Jimmy, played 11 with an old pistol they had taken 3 fromi the wall at the home of their c grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. n Pinkston, at 228 West Monroe St. C The children’s mother was in the Salisbury hospital, where she under went a major operation last week. Their father placed the three chil-! dren in a room to take an afternoon sleep and he was in an adjoining room where he heard the pistol shot. The child was shot through L the abdomen, the bullet also going li through his arm. P Mr. and Mrs. Pinkston, the latter ^ being formerly Miss Olga Davis, of i! Winston-Salem, have four children, 1 one younger than John Dennis. 5“ The funeral was conducted Tues- T day morning at 10 o’clock from the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. v Pinkston. _ n ESCAPED CONVICT KILLED ^ Vernon Whitaker, 32-year-old le escaped convict, was shot down in \ Vance county Sunday morning by D. E. Kearney. Whitaker escaped tl from the Halifax prison camp on October 17, 1933. The killing was the aftermath of a quarrel provok- v, ed by the convict, and Kearney was ci exonerated by acoroner'^ jury. el ■ p-*_———' May Continue Excise Levies Another Year May Urge General Sales Tax But Passage Doubtful FUNDS NEEDED The administration will be forc :d to ask the next congress to enact i $500,000,000 tax bill in January, aecause numerous levies now re turning that sum to the treasury will expire on July 1, 193 5. There is some talk on Capitol Hill about reviving the once de feated general sales tax to replace 4,.. __ _i_ ies. Unless the administration re commends the proposition, how jver, the chances for its adoption ire considered slim. The revenue question is being studied by treasury and house ways md means committee experts. Their recommendations are to be placed before President Roosevelt probably in November, when a ways and means subcommittee begins to for mulate the new bill. Representative Robert L. Dough ton, Democrat of North Carolina, chairman of the ways and means committee, who led the fight that resulted in the defeat of the sales tax in 1932, recently said he would favor that method of raising rev enue "only as a last resort.” While the $370,000,000 act pass ed last spring plugged many ave nues through which some big fin anciers have evaded payments, it was not considered perfect. Be sides seeking to perfect that meas are, Doughton said it was planned :o give the whole tax structure an iverhauling that will insure a teady income for the treasury. Because of the short time the lew act has been on the statute looks, its revenue-raising qualities lave yet to be determined. Indi ations are that the capital stock nd excess profits taxes will bring n substantial returns. However, experts claim it will lot be sufficient to take care of he levies lapsing next July. One f the miscellaneous imposts, that n bank checks, which returned 41,000,000 in the last fiscal year, erminates January 1, 1935. Of the numerous levies ending"' uly 1, the one-cent a gallon tax n gasoline is the' biggest producer, aving yielded $202,000,000 in the ist fiscal year. Unless continued y congress, this tax and those, on ibrication oils, electrical energy, atomobiles and parts, communi itions systems, admissions, among lany others go off the' books at le end of the present fiscal year. it. Mark’s Church To Present Play The Luther League of St. Mark’s utheran Church will present Lil m Mortimer’s production of "The ath Across the Hill,” a comedy ■ama in three acts, Friday night, iptember 7th, at 8:00 o’clock, he scene of this production will ke place in the Central school hiding, six miles Southwest of ilisbury, on the Salisbury-Moores lle highway. The cast: Misses Ally Good ight, Lucile, Cauble, Dorothy auble, Edna Hoffner, Margaret ost; Cletus Beaver, Hubert Shu nburger, Herman Shulenburger, [urice Goodnight, Carl Deal. Special music will be arranged by le China Grove string band. Anyway the automobile driver ho tries to race a train over the •ossing is likely to reach the cem ery first. VW& •, -v

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