Predict Party Division The Treasury Report Excitement Ahead President Roosevelt’s personal hold upon the affections of the American people' does not seem to have diminished, to judge from re ports brought back to Washington by political scouts^ of both parties Even those in and out of his own party, including many rock-ribbed Republicans, who never have voted and never will vote the Democratic ticket, admit the charm of the man and concede the effect of his per sonal magnetism not only upon those who meet him face to face but even when it is projected over the radio. There is no question that Mr. Roosevelt’s voice is the most persuasive that has ever spoken in to a microphone, while his cheery smile wins the personal regard even of tohse who are most pitterly op posed to the course of his Adminis trauon. For that reason, most of the criticism of the Administration so far has been directed at its acts and methods, and aimed ostensibly at the President’s subordinates, usually with the explicit reservation that no personal criticism of the President is intended. And that state of af fairs probably will continue, even though some conservative Demo crats desert the standard of the Ad ministration. Out of this peculiar situation some astute observers here believe that a new party line-up is definite ly on the way. Some even go so far as to predict that the major party division in 1936 will be between a "Roosevelt Party” and a “Consti tution Party,” by whatever names they call themselves. Indications which give color to this idea of a new party line-up in . , t • . rr*1 American politics arc many, mac is, for example, the coalition of Re-1 publicans and Democrats in the new American Liberty League^—whose leaders, incidentally, profess the usual personal friendship for Mr. 1 Roosevelt, while setting up an or- 1 ganization which cannot be any thing but opposed to the Roosevelt program. There is the recent resig nation of Lew Douglas, Director of the Budget, latest in the series of resignations of conservative-minded men from their Administration' posts. Mr. Douglas openly avowed his lack of sympathy with the Treasury’s system of bookkeeping, which Secretary Morgenthau de scribed in his recent radio address, whereby one set of figures is used to show that the campaign pledge to reduce .the Government’s ex penditures has been kept and an other entirely different set of figures is produced to cover the amounts of the heavy increase in the Na tional Debt and the disposition made of the funds so borrowed. According to Mr. Morgenthau, the $6,000,000,000 increase in the debt is actually only $4,400,000, 000, because the. Treasury has $1, 600,000,000 of the money still on hand, without counting the "pro fit” of $2,800,000,000 arising from the devaluation of the gold dollar. And much of the borrowed money has been re-loaned through the R. F. C. and other agencies. (Continued on page fotir) “As Maine Goes So-” Dems. Win Gov. Louis J. Briann, Maine’s first Democratic governor in 16 years, was re-elected Monday in the face of Republican demands for his defeat as a symbol of Maine’s re pudiation of the' "new deal.” It was the first time in Maine history that a Democratic governor had won a second term. Brann, who went into office in the sensa tional Democratic overturn two years ago, was the fifth member of his party to occupy the executive chair in this state since the Civil war. f Another Maine tradition was shattered as the state voted by 2 3 to 2 margin to repeal its half century old constitutional prohi bition amendment. * The Carolina 5 Watchman FOUNDED 1832—103RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 _VOL. 103 NO. 7 PRICE 5 CENTS 10,000 STRIKERS RETURN TO WORK Democrats Preparing For Fall Campaign Doughton And Winbome Will Make Speeches District Rally At Boone Will Be Big Occasion For Democrats GUIRE PRESIDES The Democrats of the Ninth Congressional District will hold their district meeting and rally in Boone, N. C., on Saturday, Sept. 15 th. A large delegation from Rowan county expect to attend this meet ing, along with delegations from the other counties in the District, composed of Alleghany, Alexander, Ashe, Caldwell, Iredell, Stanly, Cabarrus, and Watauga. This will be the occasion for the opening of the, campaign of Con gressman R. L. Doughton, and his address Saturday will outline the is sues of the campaign in "Farmer Bob’s” characteristic aggressive style. I ms event will also mark tne opening of the fall campaign in the Efferent counties in the district for :ounty and congressional offices. Congressman Doughton is offer ng for re-election and basing his bid for favor from the voters on bis splendid record in Congress dur ing the many years he has served this district. He will be opposed by Joseph M. Prevette, of Jefferson] who is the Republican candidate for Congress. J. Wallace Winborne, chairman of the Democratic Executive Com mittee of the state will address the meeting at Boone, and there will be brief speeches by the chairmen of the Democratic executive com mittee of each county in the dis trict. A band will furnish music for the occasion and a record-break ing attendance is expected. It will be a big day for Congress man Doughton’s candidacy, and will mirlr flip lipifinnintf of hiS campaign. He is now serving as chairman of the ways and means committee, the most important place in the United States Con gress. Chairman V. D. Guire, of Le noir, will preside. The program, will begin at 1:30 o’clock, with Mr. Guire opening the ceremonies. Music will be fur nished by the Efird-Wiscassett band of Albemarle. The program calls for the roll call of counties, with recognition given to representatives; introduc tion of Chairman J. Wallace Win borne by Mr. Guire; speech by Mr. Winborne; recognition of county executive committee chairman, with short speeches from each; and a speech by Mr. Doughton, who will be introduced by Jim Rivers, editor of the Watauga Democrat. ONE KILLED; SIX HURT An automobile wreck on the Ox ford highway near Durham caused the death of Mose Emory, 2 3-year old farmer of Northside commun ity, and six others were injured in wrecks closely following Sunday morning. MANY DIE ON BURNING SHIP With a passenger list of 430, all were accounted for except 162 on Sunday night following a disaster off the Asbury Park, N. J., coast when the Ward liner Morro Castle was lost in flames. Cause of the Are is being investigated, and jt is hoped the number of deaths will be lowered as a check-up of the miss ing ones continues. f Sinclair Now Center of Political Spotlight - —————-— PASADENA, Calif. . . . Upton Sinclair (above, right) Socialist author turned Democrat, is the target of all political eyes as he makes plans for his Fall campaign for election to California governorship on the Democratic turret. Above (left) is Sheridan Downey, Sacramento attorney, Sinclair’s running mate for Lieutenant-Governor. Murder 1 rial Gets Underway In Superior Court Trial of Roland Earl Allen and Lowell Massie for the murder of Will Reeves, prominent Rowan county farmer on the night of August 9, was underway when the Superior court adjourned Thursday afternoon. The case will be con tinued this morning. When the court adjourned, the state and Allen had introduced their respective witnesses. Massie will present his evidence this morning. A two-week term of superior court opened here Monday with Judge A. M. Stack presiding. Cri minal and divorce cases have oc cupied the time of the court so far. It willl probably take the remainder of the week to finish the criminal docket. Next week will be devoted to the trial of civil cases. Anohter trial of outstanding in terest is that of Ralph Davis, David son county desperado, charged with three holdups in this county in re cent months. The charges against Davis will probably be taken up upon the conclusion of the cases against Allen and Massie. Davis is also under indictment in Iredell county for the murder of Sheriff Kimball and other felonies. A nol pros with leave was taken by Solicitor Zeb V. Long in a man slaughter case against C. G. Harris of Concord, driver of a car on Jan uary 27, 19J4, in which one of the occupants, Miss Effie Hartsell of Concord, was severely injured. To Repeat Comedy Flay The Luther League of St. Mark’s Lutheran church will present the second production of Lillian Wor timer’s, three act comedy-drama, "The Path Across the Hill,’’ Friday night, September 14th, at 8 o’clock. The production will be given in the Central school building, six miles Southeast of Salisbury, on the Sal isbury-Mooresville highway. The cast: Misses Alley Good night, Lucile Cauble, Dorothy Cau ble, Edna Hoffman, Morgaret Yost; Messrs. Cletus Beaver, Hermon Shulenburger, Hubert Shulenburg er, Murice Goodnight, Carl Deal. Special music will be given by the China Grove string band. We are reproducing this produc tion, because the local people have requested it. It’s a real play, don’t miss it. v JEFFRESS IMPROVING Edwin Jeffress, chairman of North Carolina highway and public works commission, is repotted as showing progress under treatment in Memorial hospital at Richmond, Va. He was stricken at his home in Greensboro on August 26, and while as yet unconscious, he is showing favorable signs towards recovery. Friends in all parts of the state are awaiting with anxiety news of his complete recovery. B. & L. Housing Help Is Sought Associations In Three Southeastern States Asked to Co-operate Atlanta.—Plans for getting building and loan associations in three southeastern states to lend money to home owners for im provement of their property were discussed here by federal housing administration liaison officers re presenting the three states. Representatives from Georgia, Florida and North Carolina agreed to consult building and loan groups in district meetings throughout their states. Their first objective, they decided, would be to urge the associations to lend their pre sent borrowers money with which to modernize and repair theii homes. Wi*h approximately $180,000, 000 in building and loan assets in the five states in Region 4, the liai son officers said that all the associa tions were prepared to make loans for property improvement and that they would do so as soon as dats could be secured on the proper pro cedure under the housing adminis tration. O. K. LeRoque, deputy insurant commissioner for North Carolin; in charge of the building and loar bureau, said the association in hi: state, which have $80,000,000 it assets, had been advertising loan for six months without success. Mortgages On 6,044 Homes Are Taken Up Figures Revealed In The Monthly Report Of State Manager MANY PENDING A total of 6,044 homes in North Carolina have been saved to their owners by loans made by the Home Owners Loan Corporation since its organization a little over a year ago, according to C. S. Noble, state manager, in his monthly report. In dollars and cents, the loans made have reached a total of $15, 369,975.81. These funds were ex pended in rendering assistance to distressed home owners who were on the verge of losing their homes by [foreclosure. \_J:__1_-_- _r Manager Noble, 18,549 applications have been received, seeking loans amounting to $48,822,813.15. 6, 044 loans have been made. 3,250 wgre found to be not eligible under the law. 474 applications were withdrawn. 14,829 applications are j still active. -1 Royal Wedding Bells i LONDON. . . . Princess Marina of Greece, (above), the bride to be of Prince George of' England (below) whose wedding this Fall is to be the highlight of European social affairs.' Prince George, is the youngest of the four living sons of King George and Queew Mary. __i ■ Stanly Leader Kills Himself Albemarle.—Lawson M. Almond, Albemarle merchant and postmaster from 1922 to 1933, committed suicide at his home here about 6:30 o’clock Tuesday night. Alone in the house, he fired a shotgun charge into his left lung. A neighbor, attracted by the re port, found Mr. Almond slumped on the floor, dead. No reason had been attributed for the suicide. The coroner, after a preliminary investigation, deemed an inquest unnecessary. He termn ed the death a palpable suicide. Forty-six years old, Mr. Almond was a native of Stanly county and was prominent in the social, busi ness, fraternal, and religious life of 1 Albemarle. He was one of the leading Republicans in the county. | He was a member of the Lutheran church and a Mason. Helps Win Band Title NEW YORK ... The Mil waukee American Legion band has put one woman member in jt$ world championship organiza tion. She is Miss Evelyn Pennak (.above),' solo saxophonist, pic tured aboard ship as the band re turned from Geneva, Switzerland, where they won the world title. Doughton Asks TarTrleel Meel Washington.—Representative R L. Doughton of Laurel Springs, ha called a conference of the Tar He* delegation in congress to be hel Monday, Sept. 17, the day befor the hearing on the location of th southern section of the Shenandoal Smoky Mountains Parkway. Thi delegation will probably meet ii the offices of Senator Bailey. The purpose of the conference according to Mr. Doughton who is chairman of the North Carolina committee urging the western N. Carolina route, is to outline the ar guments to be made at the hearing before Secretary Harold L. Ickes, of the department of the interior, as administrator of the Public Works' administration. The PWA has made an allot ment for the parkway which will extend from the Shenandoah Na tional park, Va., to the Smoky Mountains National park. Thus far, it has been decided to build the parkway as far as Blowing Rock, N. C. PLANS WINTER RELIEF The federal administration has mapped plans for the winter feed ing of nearly 16,000,000 needy, while a drive was launched to erase “chiselers” from federal re lief rolls. Federal Emergency Re lief Administrator Harry L. Hop kins said he “was prepared to take whatever steps were necessary to insure adequate winter relief.” But he made it plain that the govern ment would not compete with pri vate business in the program. Pea< | Efforts Al udoned By l sderal Board Thousands Of Strikers Back On Jobs In The Two Carolinas ROWAN QUIET Anti-strike forces, gvarded by machine guns and bayonets, made headway in the Carolinas this week, with approximately 10,000 more workers reported back on the job than last week, according to a sur vey made Thursday. The strike situation was quite in Rowan county and little change was noted from last week. The textile strike mediation board Wednesday found the issues of that bitter controversy so deep ly seated as to dispel all hope of im mediate arbitration. After two. days of almost un broken conferences with mill own 1 ers it made this announcement and the cotton textile institute asserted that the only "lawful method” of • making the changes demanded by s the strikers was by amendments to 1 the code for their industry. i In practically all instances mill i re-openings occured where bying : squadrons of unionists, and not t voluntary walkouts, were responsi : ble for last week’s close-downs, i Some mills which operated last week were unable to rally sufficient help this week, thus partially off setting the effect of re-opening on the general situation. Meanwhile, strike leaders kept anxious eyes on the hosiery indus try. Several thousand hosiery workers were recuited to the strike ranks, but most mills continued to operate despite reduced force. Only in isolated cases were mills re-opened without national guard protection, and thousands of special guards lent their strength to the announced intention or public or ficials to allow all employes to work if they wish. Increased guards in Alabama and increased strike-ranks in Tennessee were the principal items in news from the far-southern strike sec tors. Five plants in east central Alabama were running behind a cordon of officers, with 6,500 at work. Hosiery workers at Chattanoo ga, Tenn., remained out of theif idle plants, bringing that state’s strike total above 5,000. i Missisisippi plants continued to operate behind troop lines, and all was quiet with Georgia’s 40,000 idle. Both Georgia and Alabama; as the Carolinas, have more than half of the normal textile employ ment idle. 82d Session Opened At Catawba College Dr. Howard Omwake, President, Welcomes Students—Faculty Has Two New Members This Session Catawba college had its 8 2d for mal opening Wednesday with spe cial exercises at the morning chapel | hour. Registration of students; has been going on for several days and the prospects are for around 400 for the session. Dr. Howard Omwake, president, was ia charge of the exercises and welcomed the old and new stud ents. Dr. David E. Faust conducted devotionals. Greetings were ex tended by Mayor Henry W. Davis, Rev. Marshall Woodson and Char les F. Daniel on behalf of the city, the churches and the community. Prof. Howard E. Slagen, new teacher of Latin and Greek, was presented and announcement was made of another new addition to the faculty, Miss' Elizabeth Moore, as resident nurse. Announcement was made of a number w>f campus activities and receptions. • rX

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