JOB PEINTINGi pas. I THE PRESS JOB DEPAimiENT L. V. & E..T. OI.UC.1, U supplied with all accessary maUrisl , asd Is lolly prvparvd to do work wU PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. Ay NFATNESS, DISPATCH a4 at U' I VERY LOWEST PfUCES. Tcrau-cMb lai Advawee. On copy one year....................$2 00 " six months .... 1 00 three months . 75 VOL. XXVII. SALEM, Ni 'C , JANUARY 16, 18T9. NO. 3. Do tar to fclra us a trial bafor liberal DlMtaat tm Claba. rmctls with aay one cIm. cm 'Vim - v mvvj L-yv.,ir ;. i a aw The Harked Arm.' I sincerely hope the arpropr- actually come, temptation to incon- I saw Colonel Humphries busy with I the occupation of B 21a by Austria, I (Mass.)" RnmUiatn ; John A. G ra-1 more capital hare not equally ad stancy assailed her. For many years (some rare plants he had just set out to I the ceding of Cyprus to Great Brit I ham and Col. Tbos. B. Thorpe, I raneed, Owing to the financial de-1 tkm for both schools nav be renew- Click I In the dead of the night a I a fine house upon the neighboring j the warm sunshine that fell through I ain, and the latterV 'declaration of I British war coirerondcnta, and Cc4.rngcment referred to, in conse-jtd and the law made to embrace? share sound awakened Mrs. Halifont. I estate had been empty, but now there l the class. He had taken off his coat I war acrainst Afghanistan and tunc- I Jam en Johnson, nronrietor of the I qoence I which there has been dis- I both sexes. For thourh females i - a w a - mm a w"w vi. - - The room was dark. . Not even a I came to take possession of it a gentle-1 and rolled up his sleeves. Now he I tical victory over that, power. A I London Standard plpamofmoon or starlight fell through I man not vet fnrtv. A widower with I left the conservatory, and comincr for- I remark abla feature Wia th rninri InnvlUfa CIm 1Tnrv T n.mnt I . u . 1 11 r-v 0 , o . -- - j- y- i I ' I : " 1 ......... . -I-1- nlil Iav I i 1 . the curtains of the windows. It was I plenty of money and no children ; a I ward proceeded to wash his hands in a denco of ' socialist demonstrations in Whito Neville and Sir Wm. SUriin i? " fe . ! . 1, , ' .. a noi ICI V ur . . e J rictor or the 1 v wu- doui sexes, ror uouga icruues the Enrrllsh I lrcsa m0T15 mr tnecllAnic1 popol- hare attended both schools by per , v Lewe. Capt. Uon.anJ PnCM of 11 pwJncts, in- trnwion, yet the Board of EdacaUoa . x a very, strange sound, indeed, but she saw nothing, heard nothing more. ' She sat up, leaning on her dimpled left elbow, and put out. her right hand and touched her husband's shoulder. He lay upon his pillow, sound asleep, handsome man, well-built and stal wart, ' with magnificent and hair.' and eyes that black eyes were like I font. He did not see her, but she ... 1 i black diamonds. Spanish eyes ; in- could have reached out her hand and deed, he called himself a Spaniard, toliched him. and his speech betrayed a foreign ac- ' Why did she not. speak, and call "'""h I t v r -v.. it .v n i c... r .i. 1 vr.i basin of water th tad bcea.. rd, G., lu.y, ,CH. a-d Bp-j. iTa.weU In Udr. proton tTSSaT "tataS SST S, fadSS: ' for him. Hewas close to Ida Hall- Two attcmpu iwm at the life were Robt. Heller, Gwrg. gut, yocr Ugidatore thouli be people aour who art to welt aware v ivr wt vjcuujuij, wwcre, ucnrj- j. jioniaguc, oaa. directed toward the improvement ol that aj a general rule our fenale one at that of King Humbert, of Matthews, Wm. G. Fredericks, Miss that interest mainly. In this con- tetchers are better than the dale. Italy, and one at KlngvAlphonso, of Mary Wells, (Mrs. Richard Stanclls,) nection I beg to call your attention The cieellent worded memorial of Spain, while Kmneror Joscuh I of IMiss Lil? Davenport, film. Frost I to the fact that the hxat aivd per-1 the teachers thensflYcs, which ao . m . ones her heart: , She felt pleased; and fiat tered by this stranger's admiration Then she knew she was loved, and re joioed ; and so discovered that she herself loved again. j At first she was angry with herself ; then she wept over her inconstancy but at last she' yielded utterly' After him by name? Why did she sink down upon her hands and tremble ... . . like an aspen leaf? Alas 1 the awful reason-was this: Upon that arm to Austria, is said to have escaped only by tho timely discovery of the oon- and did not waken at her touch. I cent "It must have been a dream," said I The : dark eyes and the blue Mrs. Halifont ; and her young head I met, a few neighborly words exvang -r-she was only the bride of a year -1 ed, a call followed soon. ? Mrs. Halt nestled down again closer to her bus-1 font felt a new emotion creeping into J wich she was about to give the right I moderate bucccss, ad. A nerican ex-1 Joseph Henry, of. tho Smithsonian band s ; arm, atl-slepfr again. 1 Click! This time the sound did not arouse Mrs. Halifont. , It was her husband who awakened. He did not pause to listen, but grasped the revolver be neath his pillow and jumped out of bed at once. In an alcove in the next room stood a safe which con tained valuables. It was not one of the wonderful new safes which1 defy fire and burglars, but an old one that Thome,) Arthur Cheney of Boston, haps greatest need or aa mencuitur- coopaaies the report cl rrc. I5at- Wm. Kiblo of New York : Fro-lcrick ,Fcur,l XUIUJJ 1 "r''J Pf spiraey, Tho Paris exhibition, which Gyo ofjx)ndon. Among tho roll of x"al 01 wrJ. opened on tho 1st of May, proved a scholar, may bo mention-ld to clasp her in tenderest embrace she saw a terrible mark a mark she had I seen once before. She knew its shape and size and color. Her eves had Deen rivetea upon it as the sinewy hand, at the wrist of which it ended, grasped her dying husband's throat. tation for persons and product. As a reneril rule from the lowland belt westwara the highways ot our ctaie are as bad, if not worse than, any to be found in the Atlantic States. The old STstem of locating them 1 She had learned it off bv heart : she 1 1 ' all, it was the lore that made her unj I could not be deceived. Though years true. - Since she had loved, she coulQ I had rolled away, that horrible marked never pride herself on being faithful I arm was not to be forgotten or mis- again, and so she listened to the sweet; J taken for any other. hibttors carried off n handsome share Institution, and Dr. Peterman, the of the awards. Tho latter half of German geographer. Not included tho year was wgnalized in Great in any of the abovo classifications Britain by the failnro of tho City of arc John Morriwcy. of New York : flinarmw anil Wffil r r Vni.n,i I Wm wt.k r.r Pk;u,fAinv:. . I and kecninrr them in reniir. adopted Ttnir. xrStv, I; t i ; i animiMtinn I wrn r,f i. v. m. . I by our fathers more than a hundred about $50,000,000, and the beginning Wm. Orton, Prcu. of Western Union of a period of almost unexampled Telegraph Co.; Theodore Iloosovclt business and industrial Htagnation. thoNcwork merchant; Wm. M. Among tho many disasters which Tweed (the.'Boas) Dr. James C. occurred during the year, the moro Ayer, and Minnie Warren, tho fa- notablo wero tho loss of tho British mous dwarf. eojlk.0 or Aoxicnirxii. The wtallbhraent by tie lat' 'purahci ofxt?" Legislature, in . years ago, is still in use, though its utter inefficiency for nearly that length of time Las been apparent. Of the inconvenience cost and de pressing tendency upon all industry Constitution, of a Department of Agriculture was a very important step indeed to the welfare of thi State. As was to h it c been expected the law has in some respects proven defective, and .will require some amending at your hands, but in the cain it is an admirable one. It is the first step ever taado in the direct interest ot agriculture aul had been in the family a long while. I words that despite herself, made het Suddenly Colonel Humphries felt I training ship Korydice, with 300 xr xt i r a . -V . 1 ' " ' i . . ''''.11..' . . . . . ..I . ' Mr. Halifont knew on the . instant that some one was opening this safe. A man of courage, a man who never hesitated in the face of. danger one, too, who had a warm regard for his worldly possessions, Mr. Halifont strode at once into the room where he knew house-breakers were at. work. and,, running in the dark against a powerful man, tackled him at once. The light of a lantern flashed across the room. There were two more men. Three against one. The sound of blows, struggling, and the report of a pistol, aroused the young wife once more. Amid her terror she had the good sense to light the gas. It shone upon a spectacle of horror. Her husband, weltering in his blood, wrestling with a gigan , tic man whose features were concealed by a mask of black crape ; a man, the upper part of whose person was cloth ed only in a knitted woolen shirt of some dark color, with sleeves that left his great arms bare. On the ; right one, the one which clutched Mr. Hal i font's throat; was a red mark or brand, a scar, a birth-mark. It would have been impossible for Mrs. Halifont, even in a calmer mo ment, to tell what it was; but it in delibly impressed itself upon her mind, as she bravely cast herself into struggle, and fought with all her might to drag the horrible hand from her husband's throat, screaming all the while for aid. A blow, a kick would have silenced her. The burglar must have known that, but there are very bad men who could not use violence toward a wo man to save their own lives. This man could not. His companions had flown with their booty ; help might arrive at any moment.: .With a great effort he wrenched himself from the happy, and promished to marry Colo-j himself grasped by a hand that, small I lives, the steamboat Princess Alioe, nel Humphries. i I as it was, had the fierce clutch of a I with C50 Hvch, tho German iron-clad When a widow does marry a second J tiger's claw. The fingers closed over Grosser Kurfurst, with 300 lives, the uarvits or 1877 axd 1878. Tho following table, which wc which such roads occasion, I need has been hailed by our Uraiaf peo not stop to remind you. I shall in- Pe wtH great satisfaction. , So far ly beg your earnest attention loHhe bureau has cost the people no neccssity of change and express ray thing, the tax on license to sail fer decided opinion that no permanent tilizcn having yieUed ruScieot re nrwwniT Tiwni Iws mirtfA nnls Ttnuc for all its purposes. As soon time she generally contrives to make a tool of herselt. - M Mrs. Halifont had certainly not done as foolishly as so me widows do.1 She had neither chosen a little boy nor a titled Italian without money enough to keep himself in macaroni. Her future husband ' was older than herself, and too rich to be suspected of any intention of being a fortune hunter ; but, after all, no one knew him. He came into the neiehbor- hood without letters of introduction to any one, and whether he won his fortune by trade or came to it by in heritance, remained a mystery. that , red mark a white face came close to his. " You are my husband's murderer," hissed a voice in his ear. Then the two stood staring at each other. ; He made no denial ; he only look-1 Uvea, and the ed down : at the red mart upon his I with 2S0 lives. arm and cursed it aloud. , ",How. dared you make love to me?' she gasped. ' You " " Because I loved you," he said. "Woman, if I had not fallen in love with you that night, I would have copy from tho Sum Almanac for 1879, 5 1 was compiled from the official rctnm 1 t,;. I as rwualhlfi after the r.ntre of the steamship Pommerania, with 54 livw, jved at tho Agricultural Depart- tain crcat lcadinjr thoroughfares 1" in 1877, the organisation of the and tho steamer ISezantin, with 60 lives. Three fterious colliery explo- mcnt at Washington. sions occurred in Great Britain, the first at Opcdall, involving a loss of I 35 lives, the second, at I lay dock, 200 third at Abercorn, ! Mention should also be rondo of tho memorable panic at at the Colliseuni Theatre, Liverpool, when 37 persons wero trampled to I death. ROYAL DXAD. Among tho distingimhed dead of Wheat,. Corn". IoUtos. Barley. Cotton t-..... Uackwheai Kyi OaU... 1S77. .-3R.O00.O0O ...5O.OD0.0i J 1,790.000 Acrraxe. -1S7S. 32,000.000 il.OO.0u0 .100. 0U0 .12.750JOUO YW1J. 1877. 1878 There were those who shrugged j calling men to hunt me down " their shoulders and declared that Mrs. Halifont would regret not having chosen some one of whom more was known some retired merchant, some gentleman of fortune, whose father had been known to her friends. . No thing, to be sure, could be said against this Spaniard or Cuban with the Eng- killed you also. It was risking my 1 1878, aro Victor Emanuel, King of I ' O I 1?va Vtrta life to spare you, with your screams Italy ; QUCCn Mercedes and ex-Qocen aita, bai " Oh, if you had but killed me then !" she moaned. Well, I am at your mercy now," he said. ' ' She answered : " You can kill I I wish you would. I pray you. do it. You killed my husband. The murderer of my hus- lish name ; but who knew anything I band must be brought to justice, and in his favor? ; I yesterday, nay, an hour ago I However, no one said this to Mrs. loved you! O, God, pity mel I Halifont, and if any one had, words have loved this man, this thief, who never changed a woman's fancy yet. came in the night to rofc my husband Mrs. Halifont believed in Colonel I and who murdered him." Humphries, and meant to marry him. j She remembered saying this. After Indeed, the trousseau was prepared ward yi strange drowsiness overcame and' the wedding day fixed,' all was her.- She seemed to let go her hold ready, and Ida Halifont believed her- upon the world. She faintly recog- self to be a very happy woman. She nized the tact that Colonel Humphries once more built castles in the air. knelt at her feet and kissed her hands. Her old sorrow seemed to fade away Then there were blank hours, and in the distance. She was a girl again. I strange, wild dreams, and she awak- , At 'last twenty-four hours ened in the twilight and found her- tween her and her wedding day. self bound fast to a great arm-chair, She was busy in her sewing-room long cords about her arms tying her on this last day, finishing some ruffles hands and confining her feet, in lace and ribbon, and singing soft- So her servants found her ; but clutch off his victim, and let go his I ly to herself when suddenly the house she was the only living being in the Christina, of Spain ; ' Princess Alice, urand Duciichs ot Hesse; Archduke Francis Charles Joseph, of Austria ; George V, of Hanover ; Princo Na poleon Murat, of France ; tho King of Burmah, Sultan of Morocco and heir-apparent of Japan. DIPLOMATS, 8TATESMKM, XTC Bayard .Taylor, minster to Ger many ; Baron Adelswoend, Swedish minister to Franco ; Don Manuel Freyrc, Peruvian 1 minister to tho United States, Senator Bcnj. F. Wheat, bus SGS 000,0" n Com, bns... ..1A42I00.O0O PoUtocs. bus... 170.000.(00 Barter, ban Jj.ujo.ft.) CoUoa, f bale. 10.170.0U0 22.H1.000 4oe.otw.oio Tobacco 25 rT cent, lewi than 177. "1 iekl per acre Z7.S baabela ror 178. t Estimating 440 pounds to the bale. thronAi the most convenient cen- I Board of Agriculture wm cotaplet- trej, and all pouring into the near- cd by the election of the two initi al railroad lines, might be cheaply nt fanners who now occupy seats and thoroughly constructed by con- in it J a Comtatsmoner was elected: tVrft' wKJrh I Secretary and Treasurer chosen and rSSSltW n? innnortin tho convicts : I work beran inaediauly. For the lioiTO and as to the other roads discharg-1 resulu of the firit two years, I re- ing into these, I ad use that some you vo vac accompanying rtpoji other method of their construction and, repairing be devised. I am happy to le able to state that an increased interest is mani fested among all classes in popular education. This belief is mainly due M7.O00 1.621 .0LO 13.170.0u0 42S.Ofl.0)O i; 124.O00.OiU 42MU.0UO &,3 .&!) 1140.000 23,rm,aTi 4ll,m,io The GoTcrnor's Mcssagtj. of the Commissioner, CoL L. L. Polk, which sets out everything in detail. I regard the beginning as excellent. The chief tUSculty in the way of doing any new thing aaonj; a people so eonservatire as ours is in securing their prompt co operation. It was found very L5 cult at first to awsken an active in- . . .i .? r l accordance with the law, the Board "'J pcruo?. of EducaUoncsUblishedoneforthe .K11 V"". cue pro whites at the Unirenity and decided WUD5 ' to locate one for the blacks at Fay- cial attehtion has been guen to the abuildin- tendered by a.n.x,D? .ucauon ,cr.. to the action of the laH Legislature itf appropriating money for the es tablishment of Normal schools. In UJ I . -- . .1 . 1" M. . - . V Ti, . L,Ai:.v.i ..t., itockmg of our rivers with fish, and different systems, regard being had to the circumstances ot each race. of a handbook of concerning the State To th Honor able the General At tenlly f Horth Giro Una : In compliance with the constitu tion and the time-honored custom of I It was considered that the white my predecessors, I hare the honor race had already many educated to greet you as the representative teachers who simply needed instruc- of the people and to confer with tion in the art of teaching, whilst you in recard to the state of our the blacks needed teachers instruct- Wade, Congressmen T. J. Quinn, of I commonwealth. To an Executive I ed in both the elements of teaching -t r t t t 11 : . ft - . . .t .... T 1.. T C a V . new iorK, i-x. xiconaru, oi axuis- i uesirous oi serving wen nis ctate, o v iwiuwg. wi I rircrrntvl from beirin " tron' the iana : A. S. Williams, of Michigan, the meeting of the General Assem- one, therefore, a six week's school P" . v..:A. t and Beverly Douglas, of Virginia, M always the occasion of re- held at Ch iormai i " iieO- joiang asu not on y d rings to his scr tu a i V"" ulous. This will disarpesr wbea re- 21 or legislators a perma nCnj scnooi waa u . the preparation information cot and Its resources. Much rood has been effected I am sure, and an in terest excited that will lead to still more a serious drawback to th pro pagation is the numerous dsns and obstructions of the streams; and public sentiment is in many places Lord Kumell ol England, and Le it rim, of Ireland ; Senator Henri, of Franco, Senor Rivero, of Spain, und Count Sciopig, of I taly. iresa irora incir consuiuenis. DUt i ijtmiHic u - . i r .vr. : -ni r m m in ii.i in iiiia imiiir lojil i.iai kuMr k am lui at the tint I :r , ; t 7. . . . IN TUB CUIUCH. . mm IT 1 T . r 1 U " 1 m W a . I aw aHAAMi relieves aim oi mucn cmoirnusmg vjm.wh MV u , , v-r,;nn ,m- resnonsibilitv. I therefore rladlv session of the white school 2 25 teach- iHe U helped ml wefcome tou to the capitol. and era attended, and at the second one, "J?" . r tJl Pope Pius IX, wlK) luxs been sue- '. k? UJ ';;"nlhak has been the actual lev ' I with trnri in iinTKtnff mim tn nm. I teachers were present. reprcseniiOa? 1 .. - . . . cooded by Cardinal Peccl.i as Popo IZAZZ vT IS 1 I f a .r.,nt poasibihty ot getting autuaca l ne a a lies rcriuirru vi iu iiirs a .a .. a. under the ota section oi tne acx throat, and sped away. It was not - " . a . m " " too soon. Assistance arrived, now j that it was too late, but Mr. Hal ifont ; did not live to tell the story. He was mortally wounded. His young wife watched by his bedside until he breathed his last, then drop ped beside it senseless. For weeks she raved in wild deli rium of the murderous hand, of the I understood wounds as well as though j had been prepared for. And he was was filled with cries. ' An old man servant, while cutting the grass upon the lawn, had wounded himself seriously. The doctor was sent for at once, but he was not at home, and meanwhile poor Zebedee was bleeding to death. great house. Colonel Humphries and his two black servants had vanished, no one knew whither. The empty bottle of chloroform on the floor the fact that he had left little behind him, and that he had i always kept his money in a form that I mote the nuhlio rood. T vtit . r -i- r i. i - .ueo aiii : vyuruiuui.i r rancui aim I i ' l It i rnnvn in vnn tnit nwinv fn Cullen; Bishops llosecran., of Col- Uusca which I need not here at- umbus, Ohio, and Galbcrry, of Hart- tempt to elucidate, tho people of the ford, Conn., Archbishop Dupanloup, United States and in a great of Pari ; Rev. Dr. Cbarlen Hod go, measure of the civilized world of Princeton; Rev. Alexander Datf, have been for some years past, and corps of instructors were employed. The University gave the use of its J buildings, its libraries, laboratories UbUshing this Department, biTe', .till r retain rr itirnnof. a rvmrinA 1 mCniCd lUC appropoai f mvat rmrVhU fintn.l trn. handsome douauon, and ctcry dol Ma nrnr. .rrr.f,r. mnl, 1 that COuld b Spared WSJ UJed tO nl aparaiui. i tie rmiirosuji TerT , , r r . Cfncroojl, garc rcJoctd rat. Thi "t1 1 arStljr "Jff W .rjff PeaW, t?Bi "fu mjm mmr v n mm m r iuu mm aaaa m. a connection, 1 beg permission to re mirk generally that the vital defects of our laws lies ia the machinery Suddenly Ida Halifont remembered j left him free to leave the country at that Mr. 'Humphries had said that he I any time, all proved that detection the Scotch missionary, ami Rt, Rev. BishOn Wilmer. TUK BXvNCH. I wm WW -mr w mrrnm -mmmmm W m ft ft ft:Ar s m. a a i "bvt v r 1: a .1 1 v 1 iniuii a w uv uiiiul' SxAakx aiAiciiiiaf u: a." . yiuvi wuhk-u i czinfun, ui iunn porui mroima naa bojutq incsc ca i r v i- V I ecncnu tenor 01 oar lffntIatHn 19 Carolina ; A Bigg,, U. S. Circuit lam,t.M and h pmtr ha, bn 7.1 . " phil-opU- JuUgo at Korfolk,: Va.j Alex. 8. reiaraeu as nas icai oi omcra. uoi i-j f ' " . ,"i:t I cin u c, r.vuuwius vicjucrc uiutu v.. .v. v .V. o,.,. Or OUr UW1 llCS l distress and even disaster. Of course T Z? !v-? trorided for their execution. The T..t i i .1 i .i . nonniT u mim? ma mTetuiz ri - . great muscular arm with a scar upon n, ana caiiea upon tnem ail to save her husband's life ; but she was young and had a fine constitution. After ... . .i.. awhile her health returned, and at last her mind regained its equipoise. he had been bred a' surgeon. With out this it would have been natural for her to call on one who was soon to be her protector in a moment of anxiety. She would call him herself, . m . m that there might be no had the were set means to upon his never traced or bribe those who track. Ida Halifont lived through it all. She lives to-day in Johnson, Circuit Judge of the U. S. Court at Utica. If. Y. ; Associate Jus tice W. B. Eagan, of the New Or. leans Supreme Court; Judge Sidney Breeze, of tho Supremo Court of II- T fmrkfrdlw .r V.t I OH pOpUUr v v.. .(r,.i .. i:iu .r 1 I almost uauy wun mc dcsi results. . ' I HH.a.Ma... .....a a... . i . ; was to arouse an enthusiastic inter- drcd years passed will confess ; tct a Urge portion ol them, olVca ol a most beneficent character, lie dor oant and inoperative. There Is no She moved from the city and took I seizing her garden hat, she ran along J seen her smile since that hour. No up her, abode in a lonely country I a little path that led from her ground J one will ever see her smile again ; and place, with a favorite sister for a com-1 to that of Mr. Humphries, climbing I from her deepest slumbers she often panion. She had resolved, as all J a low fence to save time which would starts in terror, fancying that she sees widows who have loved their hus-1 have been lost in reaching a pate, and uplifted menacinelv above her that by these hard times than her sisters. TwVinty mt tViA wVinl Rtat and e : . . . . buoh comparing our condition with others, "V" . -.CV . r . " " power circa to the Chief Executire wo V..- vn.lik v.ann i V. I auiuuir aiwz' wiuwiiui vui iw -i. i r . . . 1 q"' !"!! of the. U. S. Circait Coar of Main,, future. Th. pnblie healto ha. ner- P" m Jhe.r oMa ca.Ung among .11 . . . . ,nborf;jut - - " - W many of our best laws take the the local Taror or cLila hich they mar be regard- alive or dead as that cay delay ; and beside the, but no one ha, ever ""JT! T. ..T" JZ teacher. prent hieh willlt U P ran r,Wo-1 hrr smile k nr that Kr,,,r. Kn I a " I - I "V" " . I , i . w - k i Tk. . I OU Uiaaj Ui i of Ireland, died insane at Geneva, h" Pljed pitdess fury among uyjl V.lrAchxnoo of th after nearly murdcrin, his valeL the home, and pleasant place of SSlLt ror with whid onr Houthern and Western nrifh-1 r'"4-"0- i.-.K iyn Maw I. ... : O. I . ... . . I n -a mt . a... mm m - men would gladly have , tempted one I tress. so young, beautiful and wealthy to She thought herself terrified and change her mind on the subject, she distressed. She felt rather injured in seemed to care less for any one of that such an ; unpleasant thing as the them than for thekitten which purred wounding of poor Zebedee should upon her knee, or the little black-and- have happened on the eve of her tan terrier which ran by her side wedding-day. Ten-minutes after she along the garden path. She was thoueht of herself at that moment t,t- nineteen when her husband was mur- terlv at Pr.nHrn.,cjv Wrwf j . - srtrj v dered; at thirty-two she was still true to his memory. ' Is any one forever utterly true to another's memory out of a romance any one who does not die young ? I thing. l tear not: In this, the lapsing sum- The mer of the woman's lifig, when she as she reached those windows and peeped half timidly through the cur tains, a thing happened that made all she had ever suffered appear as no- room, the window of which ' Beview of the Year. At tho close of the old year and tho opening of the now, it is inter esting to look1 back over the past twelve months and dwell for a mo ment on its leading events. We con dense from the fall record published in, the Baltimore. Sum Almanac for 1879 the following review. Abroad the year 1878 witnessed termination of . the Basso-Turkish war, the signing of peace at Berlin and tho conclusion of a new treaty I turist, and Wro. Cullen Brj-i I doubted evidence of protrrcss. butJ sure it will be rdcasinir to ail whrj pretended to believe that autumn had opened out of a conservatory,, She future status of Turkev in nn Samuel BowW of the Sprinirfiold Paautann5 enterprises and the desire the real welfare of our color-1 bors especially of our creat danch-1 The colored Normal school atlh Prf f thl it fmmdlathe1 Gen. Thou. C. Devin, Brig. Gen. 1 ter Tennessee the profoundestoui- I FavetteviHe was put ia charrrs of I nv nn-nhr of the ataiutea in rela. bands do at first, to remain a widow so gained the rear of the dwelling, of cruel, terrible arm, marked with the Israel Woodruff, Gen. Daniel McCal- et and most reverential obedience to I Mr. Robert Harris, a native colored I tion to subject concerning which forever. And, indeed, though many which to-morrow she would be mis- blood-red stain. There is no hope of lam, Gen. Robt. C. Buchanan, Lieut. legl authority have prevailed man of excellent character and ca-1 excellent ones are already ra exist- happiness for her. for she never can Benner, Rear Admiral Hiram Pauld- tnrougnout our Doracrs, wnusi not- paaiy, supcrrisca oy a ooara oi 10-1 rncc. It is not a good thing or a forget that this arm has embraced her. ing. Abroad there were Brig. Gen. n1 Ldefiant lawlwsness cal mansgers selected from the best bealthr sign, perhaps, for a people Julias Ilaydcii, Count A i; vi . ifna n nt l ai iu mruw - a. An . i . I . . t t,i!. r, i wuii-.u.vv. a.. j . JWM w.vw.-. a M iv.a a4.-N R,u jcnoos Gcicct ia tue sixnmra- "7 Y , " , ' rr 8hed- The P f last two peeled succeis. The past seaiioa Uoa of our laws, I can see no better birWm. Haley, commander of the seasons have been excellent and the opened with OS pupils, about 40 of I war than the imposition of heavy Angus., iurvv-8 in vunwaj vien. i means oi suosisiance nave never i wnom nave receivea ceruncaies as i pcualues for the omission or refusal ' Herman, of tho Russian, forces : I more abundant and cheap. The in-1 teachers, some of high grades ; the I on the cart cf anr tullic cEecr. to Mehemet AH, the Turk ish command- dustry of our people has becajioU-1 second year began with 74 pupils I pcrfona any duty which, be is re-' er who was assassinated, and Count blv increased and diversified, their and is now in progress. The . same quired to perform. It has not oaly do Paliko, of France. fanns 8tock "d agricultural imple- donation was made to this school by been found rmpmslhle to get the meats show considerable improve- the Fcabody fund as to the white s Utis tics required under the act es- oTniK pRortssiojis. ments ; and whilst the cash staples school and the same scheme adopted ublisiin the Board of Agriculture" James Hamilton, tho marine pain- have steadily increased, the amount to eoualixe its benefits. The report as beforeremarked, and also to ret ter, ueorgo urniisnanK, tho carica-1 ot Dreaastuus nurcnaseu aoroau nas i ot Mr. iiarris, to wnica you are re-1 proper and timelT rtturns from the yant and I wioly diminished. This is an un-1 ferred, will be as surprising as I am I County School Boards and Mana gers, whilst several counties ta the a conservatory.. She! fatnro utalna of TnrlrAv. ; I Samuel Uowles. of the SnrinfrfiM.l i -uv c , Vi uur tuut- lASi eiCCUOU lor UocrresKurn iaucm, 1 at cj a - -- aIak m - m . . aw . M V Vsf Vt VfVVU4-MVU I VUa4 Vv VeMVU to send full and proper mnrns cf the J