'I . . -a SALEM, :N,,C. -ITerBsnTillXtettarr -TheHStsto Legists V t tl. The recapitulation of the statement I rZT. lie. bttuact or nocrauKU. of the public debt of the United v. enjoyed tho privilege of attending the . SENATE. Tuesday. Feb. 4. tbo cionus ri- .a "T" ; followinsr bill and resolutions wer oa ! .1 -in i tn U .u-i-.,i:.... . . . . ..... r .. t States for the month of January, ltR THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 187ft. 1879, just issued is as follow! : Interest bearing debt : Ing from tort. Passed aocond reading. Hill to provide a fund forth pymnt of Jui or.' TUT kill provides that ia nil ciril canH iWta-nuIned a Uz fee of ;:t Bonds at 6 per cent. Tobacco. The ' prospect for the Bonds at 5 per cent. none. at s per cent. Bonds at 4 per cent. Naval pension fund. reduction of the tax on tobacco is ' Rumor has it that President Hayes aspromised the, Democrats an Ex . ecutive session of the Senate. $656,839,000.00 703.266.650.00 330,700,000.00 14.000,000.00 f 1,954.805.650.00 ence o. --"r lr iOlequestlBr our member and Ben.- ; lh wlllrU h.,:i con ti tola a fund 1 JrdAn' of .11 VesenL Thera I toM 7 7oU fo! Prt- IW th payment of Junira. Tatscl teo- the MtbfoeUdft . o f all present. Tliera prf,,, wr t Ucra.-f-B.il to fiwt g. - - -were auurew,,.,-. -, ...... -i .i-n act esbiblUhine courts tnrrlor t .1 irnirci.' i. t . . I an lira avvj.K a I m ui mi .w to tlie baurema Uoari. ui 10 crenw Debt on which inter est has censed since maturity. $6,608,680.26 , v Public Schools. -The Raleigh Debt bearing no in t. , V .1 jn. Old demand and le- ' Obterver says, there is one dollar ga, tender notei " 'per child school money for the year Certificates of deposit, o A 1 ioto i Fractional currency. enaing ocpi. xotv. Coin and silTtr certiS- good slnging.trf feitare not often fand in Common; jxuoois. una song w called the Eclio, and the echo part was done to perfection; where it came from I don't know, nnless it came from under the floor, or Johny 3Jac ' is a fefatrifo- qaist. ana uiu it. ooma 01 iw hiu a tboM - Ukiag wrt wtr the l ei McCoistians. Ixmnx. Iloffs, , IipTillt. McKaaghans. Powells,' Ktnnamoos and oUiers that I cannot now remember. a finance committee in tbt several coun ties in the Sute. Resolntion to apply the mileage of members who use free pne Id tlwcorumon scbool lpl. I , i Anions; 'tho bills which pasunl tliinl Resolution to raise a joint select coin- miitoe oa rnihtMuN and t mm port lion compKnie. to se if any of the railroads had ioUted their cliarters in overcharge Vc i t's cates. . Inaugural Address. The good, plain, common .sense inaugural ad- ' dress by Gov. Jarvis, will be found, J Total debt, ;-in full, in this issue. It elicited i frequent applause in the Legisla ture, during its delivery. Interest. Total debt, principal and interest, Total cafih in Treasury. the Tildkn. Mr. Tilden testified be fore the Potter Committee, the oth er day, and denied all knowledge or complicity in the cipher dispatches, or in the buying of the Returning I Decrcaso debt dnr Boards. $346,743,031.00 40.940.000 00 16.027.495.73 20,197.880.00 $423,908,406.73 $2,385,322,136.99 23.024,689.40 $2,408,346,826.39 $382,450,695.00 . ....... .. I. I fWWWJ II And I can oniv say iney an irieu 10 f Mzhia nXio io ,ttTO t, ,cm! their best, and the only draw back was f ftn, mlM:ra nnd administer the want or room as Uie Ivon wm . Adopted; crowded and a great many had to re- in lbe HOUSE, among other Ulls. main ouUide. , t . , bill to contlnne tho normal school act Its A good string hand, consisting of ttmtktuX io extcm Ua UmcHu to fc Knaus. Cliadwick and Collins, furnishe mHs 1RII1 ff . nnrance the mnsic. and they play well. passed. Tho manner of laying out After lue scuoiars were luroagn. uj ' lh . ,vf..rr1 . To recnibitt. tho I r port frttu his ring committee, submit ting the trutiinooy taken by the com mitter, without consent. Tl Mil to allow tint Western Rail road Coniimnr to change its name. &c. ncuuetl thinl readme. - Th Wll tn entablHJt w ptiblte rod In Stokes county pnsrl Iu retulings. Bill to ro(ect ItoVltTS of lkle In flru inaraic companies by reqniring sorb companies to lrmU $10.0 JO In U. S. booala with that Trrasarer. and open failure to settle anr loss in 90 dajt tho amount sliall Ito Uken from the deposit. Tliis law not to api4y to those cota pa nics which invest all their asseU la tho Satr, KtS4Hl its readiags. Indiana Lkuilatiox. The In- ditna .Legislattar1 erioulj con siderinz allU, rtportcI from the benate jn-ucianr vornmittee. wmco forbids certain' cla.c to marry. Among thoM denied admi.Mion to the benedictine fold are habitual drunkard, person affect cd with certain transmissible disease, pcr aons who have pven evidences of hcrediury insanity, persons who have been twice conricteJ of crime and those who are mentally locapao I "vptT 1 . t . r...v i Vv eitla?10r. uaa.io proTiuc iur.iicuiciics.. aaic rbiect aimetl at L commendable.- Marriage or person i a filleted with hereditary dleae, physical or mental, or thoe who cannot pro vide for a family, U a fruitful source of misery and social disorder. But it will be found Terr difficult to et forr Mich a statute 10 ascertain Floral Guide. 0 1 A t-ot!ful work of W otk! flower I"Ute, an-1 r.!(Mrmi " Willi JrT4.fi'Wmf Hm l4 I V m rr, Mu VrlLWtkavJ4Aw Mfwribw. AHi a 'if s tljrt bt -l 0 KuUU t Wn.i, .' Tim KIir ami -TrU - ff4v. ;i Pare. FlV ."rtVrl ni an-l ttnjr h,,. Jml Knrtr. ' Vr T) rrfrf tn ta,.. COrr. 41AM ln elrrnt ckitJa. Ia Urru.u or Kr.jtlih. i Ykk l:illWrtM yonlhlr JalCOift,. :. Pare, a CbJomJ list In rxrrj tmtoW ' mtnr not r.nrrTinr. i- a rettU. .VaA'aJa la a Urn blim lit wi Send Iltt CVnl Cunt far a FVnl t;,,. conulsix VL't acJ A;j534 t Vt.ir frf i jaMkx vick. nift. s. v. NORTH CAROLINA pre sb rr& R I . Tblt ortan of lh NrH rartn lY'-t . icrUtv aiair onhnOuji and abtr e4n-f Ka brrfi irat-r JToJ W il aJ4.ti tlui rmneit of the teacher. 1 said a few words and men. Air. Aicimisuan ami Mr. Kennamoa. two . of the District Committee, expressed their satisfaction and that of tho District. lor the cnorts made on the part of the teacher to bene fit the children, which was Debt, less cash in treasury Feb 1. Ditto. Jan. 1. 1879. ing the month. ; At Pittsburg, Pa., three Radical members of the return hoard have been tried and found guilty of con spiracy, changing and stealing bal lots, and ballot-box stuffing. f There seems to be an unusual number of deaths among prominent citizens of Raleigh. John G. Wil liams, a highly respected citizen, died a few days since. - - Outside Lunatics. The Ral eigh Newt of the 9th, says : "The total sum of $1,486.64 was drawn Decrease since June 30, 1878. 1 Current Liabilities: Interest due and un paid, Debt on which in terest has ceased. Interest thereon. Gold and silver cer tificates. 1 U. S. notes not held for redemption of certificates of de posit, U. S. notes held for redemption of fractional currency. Called bonds not matured for which 4 per cent, bonds from the State Treasury, Saturday, Cash balance aTaij: for the support of lunatics outside the Asylum, from five counties." able Feb. 1, 79. $2,055,896,130.43 2,028,648,111.09 $2,751,980.66 $9,890,711.39 $5,989,288.87 6,608.080.26 320.622.89 1 29,197,880.00 40,940,000.00 8.560,824.00 157.161.950.00 142.672.049.94 The Plague Continues. Latest reports from Russian villages con tinue to give alarming statements of the prevalence of the plague and other epidemic disorders. Available Assets : Cash in the Treasury, $382,450,695.96 $382,450,695.96 R. ,R. -It will be seen by refer ence to our Legislative summary, that the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val ley Railroad bill passed its third reading in the House. The bill now goe$ to the Senate, which has al ready passed the bill granting aid 1 gth to the road from Greensboro to Ore Knob. . Bonds issued to Pacific Railway Com panies, interest payable in lawful mon ey : Principal outstanding, $64,623. 512; interest accrued and not yet paid. $323,117.56; interest paid by the United States, $41,773,745.22; interest repaid by transportation of mails, etc, $10. 657.028.13; balance of interest paid by the United States. $31,116,717.09. The Akmy.- It now takes $600, 000 more to pay the commissioned officers of the army than it does the men, and sixty per cent, of all the officers 'above the rank of captain belong' to the;8taff. General Ban ning by his re-organization plan, ; proposes to dispense with 337 com missioned officers, 201 of whom be long to: the staff. FROM WASHINGTON, The army appropriation bill was un der consideration in the House on the Tho amendment for the transfer of the Indians was rejected. The amend ment for the reorganization of the army was agreed tol The amendment to keep troops from the polls was adopted, yeas hv Mr. Heeo: and it was evident the best feeling prevailed all around, and the only regret with all parties was that tho school could not be prolonged, ns tho money had given out. Formerly this District iias had as long as eight months, now it was only two months and a half. I staid over night at Mr. McCuistian's. and had for my bed-fellow . Mr. Mcaser, the principal teacher of the Yinston District School ; and in the morning he told me that was the first time he had ever slept with a proacher. and I gare him the anecdote of the Irishman and the Judge : The Judge came to n town where the only hotel was crowded, but finally it was found that 000 bed had but one occupant, and he an Irishman. w1k finally agreed to let the Judge come in. The next morning the Judge said : "Well, my friend if you would have remained in Ireland it would havo been a long timo before you would bare slept with aJudsre?" "lis." said Patrick. ''and if you had been in Ireland it would have been a long timo till yon wmild havo been a Judge. Yesterday a little son of Rev. Moses Hunt fell out of a bam loft whero he and some other boys wero playing; for tunately ho was only badly bruied, and no limbJ broken. ' The other day I heard that an effort was being made to get away tho Post Office from Uncle John Kcrncr. and havo it moved down to J. L. King s store, and that a petition to that eficct had been gotten up on the sly, and for warded to Washington City. Now I have asked a number of citizens here in town, and have not found ono that says he saw or signed that petition. If the Post Office is to be moved it should be moved in this direction f the town, as this is the longest end. Uncle- John Kerner has been connected, off and on, with the Post Office here, sinco 1816. and I don't think there ever has been a word of complaint against his adminis tration: and now it is a upecialty with him, as ho tends to that nnd that alyiie and besides, there is not a moro conve nient place fur the office than wlicre it is, and it is as near in the centre of tho town as it can be got. C. L. It. Kerricrsville, Feb. 10, 1879. practice of denlilrr. passe!. Tho Senate, headed by its officer pro ceeded to the Hoime of Representative to witness the Inaugural cemiiimicn. Tho innuzural cere monies being oon- VllZ IZl T . eluded the .Senate tepiired to their Hall. JStH d was called loonier by tho President. Deaperato Fight with Negroes New York. whether a candidate for marriage is I rAf.,.Mi.Bf-u ai4 inmi v. an habitual or onW an occasional 1 1 ntrf UcfK. lu Kaialir and M.c:w., in Mr. Brnum moved that tlte body do now proceed tw the election f a Presi dent, as a vacancy had occurred by Uiu election of Hon. T. J. Jarvi to the Gov ernorship. Carried. Mr. Luach nominated the Hon. James L. Robinson, of Macon." Mr. Kvans nominated Hon. George 11. Kverc'tt. of Forsyth. Tho ballot was taken, which molted in the following vote: Robinson. 33 ; Everett. 11: Dortch. 1. Mr. Robinson CIUSINU A BAND of tiikm into tiik WOOD AND KXCHA.NtiK FII0TS WITH klTtCT. Tort Ciikstek, H. Y., Feb. 7. Henry Hart, Wesley Hart, Alexan der lianVs and two others, names unknown, all negroes, were drink- ilrunkanu whether a lise ts tranmiible or otherwise, whether a man i or U not mentally incapa-1 ble of making a living any or all of thee iuction. will oftenb ex ceedingly difficult of solution. . . - - Cheyenao Ha Ids. Omaha. Ni b., Feb. 10. Adkjuich having received a majority of the votes the negroc had left, going across cast was announced as being doly the street to the HarU home. The elected. . . , . ... officer seeing there were too many Tho new President announced tho r i . . 1 . 1 r, Senate now readv for the transaction of for him to arreht singly returned for business. ing and fighting among themselves 1 rcrtivctl at the ilritartmrnt' of the IIeaiIiujrtcT from hort Kolxmon, vlatr that the Indians who murdered Mr. Moorhcad and three others on the 29th of Jintury, and Little Wolf land left for thedotiration to night. The Cheyenne, in all alut one hun dred lmcks. who were well armctl with gun and pistol, and having plenty of ammunition, recently sur rounded a wagon train, and took all a a ft a prisoner, out ktucti none, save one in a saloon on lower Main street to day, creating such a disturbance that a woman living in the house trocured a warrant for their arrest, lefore the officer reached the saloon In SENATE. Wednesday, a bill was introduced to repeal the law Which pro vides for ;tlio maintenance of lunatics outside the i'4at Asylum, Calendar. Bi!l for the payment of Justices of the Peace for the transaction of county business was tablod. Rill to regulate tho degree of kinship in which persons of this State may not marry, passed. assistance. The negroes upon see- mg me uiuttr uiiwn lur rniutuc-i0 the train rundi. irre were no ments prepartnl themsclvea with I vjuj-h or chiUlrcn w ith the arty. guns and revolvers and threatened 1 Cajtain FcrrU .tclcgraphcil from a to shoot the Lit person who crawtl I ramp on the hruke river trut lc ru.1 ' la- a a .. . the strept. ami nrevente! rwraon I uiscovercu from going either up or down lite street. The officers called upon the citizens for altance. The darkeys retreated toward the woods, with rraJrcU bo'li allrartite ax.J innitjf An ej4time f .x-ulr Ne ! f4tt.i3.- rrery wk . Tlae aJbi wnirra w r f 4 amonf wlai arc Ut (Jtiwtnf: li.It. Irary lcr i. Henry nilh. J. A0,-t aa4 A. TV. Miirr.lU. Mrr. Ja, M. Ai ViaM. 1134. lUMin;, I. K JvLa J P.uaiH". r.r Ikwe:i, 1 It In.. L Yai. II S Hill. W S lrt. WW PU.r. II JobnUM. I'T iVnkk. It 7. JJMtti.,, It rrlf. J W lHmMf. J M SmiU, . 1 Ikkn.J M Wlanirt. I.C J K Mix (Vmetia 11ii!U tiwr. Mr, y,,, Af MMr Mr 11 M lria, . 1 auiur rrJrr. I'm tJaT a'irfr. tj f e I'm8ui Ad-lrry.- - . .JOUii MtLAVKtv. r.ltftf-a-l !-wf . . WatMtiBVMl, NOTICE. prtiii c.Miatr. Karinj; qnalifw! Tho:aa Caiulvll aao tlx ITll i nary. I7fl. Mkr t MtyT firm mil aoni irxlrt-4rl u lL rUklr wf T !. y fatnjJ-l. lt nVr ltanrJijila rnw.i jn. 1 tlrmii. tt clafnn will ! ff ... Itx nal 4 aa rtStr e er.lkrton ; ail tvraam lajiix rliini arii4 u lr-iv rill Mrvnt llrtil L-T tut rtw-nt itL L- firae ractil by la. oet!.iri:t i. d a Urge trail ten iLiy or I Hall it lr iir werT. old, leading soiitheast from hU Aa.Kau i ...... ters In the HOUSE, bill ta punish minis- officer and cituen in pursuit. The lions who apply funds of such inslllu tions to their own private uses, nssetl its reailings. surrender. I hey wheelel ana breil without efTect. The negroes then scattered in various directions, whereupon the pursuers fired, shoot-1 here tonby. and left for their dotina aftJsf It. ft J I . . . I . a; i.ouie noose was 1 caiei loonier n llcnry JIart through the tight lo-nignt. THE IXAUGVKAI. CF.ttVONirS. two week a a mm noariiman lork. inev were ci dently let ween three ami fmir hun-, drel heail of itork with many vuaw and chiKlren in the piny. Captain Kerri will follow the trail. The Cheyenne prisoners from Fort Rxbin son, en route to I-eovcnwortb, are twenty-two in number, including ikl I log ami OKI Crow, who axri vctl and the entree of the Senate was an I ww a a a The members of that bodr advanced shoulder blade ; Uanks was shot 1 . .L- iii : 1 .1. nonncetl u,w,t ua eiuerj;i unuer uic FOR SillaE. onk nrr.nAt. nk iuhikcam v WAHUROIIK. I INK MMVK. Can lw im al lW mmlrtu fUr.t I !UcU!. Trrta iua.l known tm mJi. I, iir. T. K.t'rUt. LATE NOVELS. lMHVmiUUNTN". at Tin: i;ik.sT.i:r. Ilabi mm m. m T . 1 .1 1 .1 W ty twos. 11 10 iionse on its lect. ami loos 1 tnrougn trie arm, but escapeu to the 1 1 rat reUabi rviucdy scats to the right of tho Speaker, while woods, as did the other three I f tUIr diseoratt i Ir. Umj Clerk took Haces by jhv of tho Vt.w II. T. yrap. Only 25 rrnl -r IIom.e. Mr. Dortch. tho President pro v-a,... tern of the Senate, took Lis seat bv the negroes have been a dread to all ... Speaker and called tho joint assemblage I law-biding citizens for some yearn 10 oruer. . rat P.t.1. -a I .......t. r a I I aicvi ij iaa uuuii aim n)piuinu m aiaai Supreme Court was announced, nnd these then entered in the following or der: Rev. W. S. Black. Chief Justice Smith. Assoc into Justices Aslio ami Dil lard. Gov. Z. B. Vance. Lieut. Gov. Thos. J. Jarvis. Senator Nicholson. Everett, and Leach, and Representatives A Correction. Messics. Editors: Sirs t I ak a small space in your excellent paper to The Western N. C. Railroad. Our friend. Major J. II. Hum- bough, of Warm Springs, North Carolina, is on a visit to the city. He informs us that he has just r- Jon. Covington, Armstrong. Normenu turned from Raleigh, over the line r"l?ark0ft,,0Con,raUlec0,Arr'lD!: of the Western North Carolina Tlacso all took iiositions near tlie Kailroad to Asheville, and that the Speaker's desk. IIkj Governor and IJeu- I work is progressing roost satfacto- cry brcaaaa Utcy suffer; and for lb relief baU's ttaby U.ttle; Marriod Without Shoos.' 1 . . . uout twenty year ago a young r..l1 I !.. r .1 -a a lliiasa IUIIiiarl JOIII1MJI1, in IMC WlhlS of the Cheat Mountain, in West Virginu, nuhlc tip his mind to la: marrietl. Rut you have not a inny rc tnonstratel his frietwl. I have my hands. A man was given two hamU, one to scratch for him?lf, and the other for hjs w ife," he said. On the lay of the wedding, John- SiCIXiltl OK IAHK UKK t:.STi I.IKK IIAt K TO TIIKOUl llut'.tr. fXr.IN iTiI.LVHl.OUi MINI At ll Jshik?Ill:H OItTII C4ltUl.t. HAND BOOK, a f.u r f..r JuMke tho IV v tVfVv Sla-JT. IV . It, (ronrr. CnaCabU aifl 4la-r 1 -m.i jTTr : Including the ui, roftM ask raw-cMvr. 1 1 V A M f : M L K n U K T H C I : A 1 j: I U 1 1 1 : A I : For i iW h 1.1:31 hook fcroiti. THOS. R PURNELL, Attorney- at-LawJ no, nays yo. a strict party vote with correct a misstatement by your corres- uoTtnor sunnjc on 010 ngni. riy. Truna will run to urav iiagle n appcareti in a wnole coat anfl .ia.ii.iuii, it. . the exception of Brogden. of North Citr- pendent. " C, I. R.." ia your: Issue of hile ih members of tliouprawe station, twelve miles eat of Aihe- trousers. Init lurcfottol. will attend u, bmineln tU Mir... omn who voted in the affirmative with tho 3tth of January. Court sat Jn front of the Speaker . c UTrh ThZ " This is hardly decent," said the mJUnl itourt ClMa.. cHru4 tn the Democrats. I do not accuse C. L. ILW of inten- 1T w S- Black, of the Kdenton u,et oy ihe nrt 01 .March, lhe . . .t"iii 1 tn t the vlic. Tiro Mississippi Ievee bill passetl the tionally . misrepresenting, but certainly Street Methodist Kpiscopal Cliurch. then work from that point to Aheville w ?VJ .. 1 Ul ,cn,f ou a flT r - : . - House, and the general improvement of he did not uke much pains to get tho offered a Pra.er- . . in a forward state, and w being rap- v . ,111. . Dnnfv'c Mnrlininnc that river has been favorably reported on. real facts. - He says: As we are de- Tlie oath of offlce was then taken and iJlv nushwl to eimnletion all th . . l Johnon- " V hen I rUllU b 1 T 1 U I C 1 1 1 On the 10th the House bill authorizing barred the use of the Academy bell anbscrlbcd to Governor Jarvis. being . J .r 1 w "F'uwu a "c ran buy Uioes, I will wear them not lipif Ifj:i VT1 miirnTlTlVi: the issue ofcertificates of deposit in aid since tle urooertv wnt ..v-r into ihn administered by tho Chief Ju.llce. tlai heaviest grading on that part of the before." . I1IS.1L1.1U A .111 1 UU I I.Ali. ; The total receipts from Governor Vance's lecture in Raleigh last Fri day night were $128.60; the ex- i;renses were $16.50. The net re ceipts go to the Oxford orphan asy- of the refunding of the public debt, was taken up, and after being amended so as to make tho into of interest four per cent, was passed. Tlie Senate confirmed Good sun M.' Roberts as Postmaster at Asheville. N. C. 1 ho House was principally engaged in discussing Legislative, Executive and Judicial appropriation bills. Hampton's . Condition. . WE TA OETTrVO AI.flNfl Tf 1 VHP 4HT.V .vuTiwr-r-rr -r.r. " " 0TJT RIDING YESTERDAY. Democratic Plana at Washington. Special to Baltimore Gazette. 10th. Washingtox, Feb. 9. The Democ racy has at last taken a firm and decided stand in favor of Ihe repeal of the ob noxious statutes prescribing test oaths ior jurors, ana iney nre determined to force it through Congrcs. At the cau cus held on Saturday night, when about I J a r il .i property hands of tho Metli. E. District Confer ence, although tlie bell was bought by the citizens with the understanding that all the churches should tliaro in its use, and until lately there was no difficulty.' 1st. The gentleman who bought the bell says it was bought lor the benefit of the school and not fur church use. There was but one church organization in the town at that time, and that was Metho dist with service once a month, as a rule; and by courtesy tho school bell was rung. 2nd. A fow years ago a church house was built for the Moravians, (to whom. I suppose " C. L. It. refers, when he says we") and, I suppose, by courtesy, the school bell was rung for church ser vice, as I can find no traces of any spe cial contract. 3rd. Something over three vcars at new Executive repealing tho words In a clear volco. The new incumbent of Um guberna torial chair then ascending the platform delivered his Inaugural address, which was interrupted by frequent applause. and at their conclusion the Governor employed on the work. elect received the hearty congratola- Raleigh Maj. U. Canvassed tions of the distinguished gentlemen ... b 1 ,J . aronnd. tho first to grasp his hand being citiien and prominent men a a . I line uvmg many cuiupiricu, aim uie Ami he Moo-I up to I marrietl owanauoa tunnel, one ot the long-1 without any thought of his fctrt est in the country, only lacking! The same turdy directnev. showed about eighty feet ol being finuheC I tclf n hi future c ourse. What he A force of six, hundred convicU is I ,ud not money to pay for he did While in hout. He hired himself to a tar- leading mcr lor a car wurk- . With the members of '""" n5 l?"Khl pl r I STM KNT rae r . Special to tho Observer. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 8. His fit.tfnflinor nnvsininn savi thorA is I i j j r o rj j- -- uuuurwt iron, opin nouses were I the school nmiipriv wtih M If. r, verv small nnrt remaining of th oresent. the .fnllnwliio. o I . enooi property, with all its appur- .i -.t r n 7 . I .i "L. "r .; " I lenances, .was aoiu ana deeded to trus snauerea none in uov. nampton s UT 7 " """f8 OI tees as custodians of the property, for a leg. It is imperceptible externally. Jrsl? ??"c t dleni C JQ- chool to bo known as thoGrein.boro District Conference School." and no ro serve was made on lle bell; hence, if M; -kU . ,nrf tn .r-al ih t- t... : " w original siocanoiuers. ' ' .i .i i . r I rrrkvttnrl in aaKlinn. fiOH .n.l COI f I. carriace. eniovinir tno mi ut ouawtro i r------ uwUviotoi iu kJL ; :: r: statutes. ,. iue uu e. Aispavcpes nave Third. To repeal all the sections from peen received Douriy. irom ail parts 1 810 to the end of the title, Grimes imperceptible ex ternally, giving the lie slightest inconvenience. He L'i'? . ana is not giving ine liovevnor the I $3 to f 2. was rorsoftbe United States Courts from Second. To bring it within the rules ber, l" "IIICI. Al 1 1 . iH UK IIUIIM! I . , , n . ml vi. , tfn tl adjourn.. " aennrwn aysiems oi by he bought more; then he mM ofT In SENATE. Tliuml-vy, tlie following I railroad, unirera. The people the cheaper kinds and imcstol in oius wero iniroouceti: 10 reguiaio uie ana auinoritiea ot north Carolina Mxuth-Iowns ami French Vrrlnm no longer regard thi.- road aa a lo cal enterprise, but one of the ut- i I io exijcnmcntal fannincr - terest of the whole Sute, giring J0"" having once found can them, as it will, a ahort and .litwt I"1 khcrI ranK n hh lirMt connection with the whole South and the northwestern region of the country. A large portion of the work from Aherille to the Tennejw ee State line is already done, and : r t . . . . . i . dr. TjrA.STKn Vav Srraaioa. of J-n-' JL rrft In ra. t4 ki tmmmlitm, aw.l. riATAHRII KKMr.nY.-KrabodWs lL w IlKttiu Vian r or lui'a Kitk-t w Uifla a trreat (r (bnl. rl ni eirtAi!T rr tlHtrate an1 rttiitH eram. - FOR SALE AT THE SALEM BOOKSTORE duties of Constables. To incornorate the Grand Lodgo of Good Templars of IN.' C' -Reonirlnz Jostlcea of the Peace to file an annnal transcript of all Uie State cases tried and fees irapoaed by them. The following bills passed their third reading: . , To prevent the carrying of concealed i deadly weapons, provides a ienaty of A ami imprisonment not to oxeved thirty days. This bill calleil out a two Ikmiis' ditenssion Hh neighlwri trictl by turns racing 'A VPr'? A PHI ft" OlirA cattle, hors, or gave their ;ww,ntioh "rSU" VUrC, Supervisors and in the Congres- respective States of the Country, since the announce- 1 against the elective franchise."' That ment that there were annr, hpnsinns 18 to J" osq sections that relato to e t . r rr I the appointments of of the necessity of a second ampu- Marslialls in elections tation, inquiring anxiously as to the sional Districts In the patient's condition. for members of the House of Represen- uiiiYi's nnu ueiegaies ,ucreto. - All I. K n M ... ... . BiisTvVss tk Nifw Ynnv ,;a 7 , proposifcions win no in- factory progress continues to be probably the executive, legislative and up next in In the HOUSE, bill to prohibit, the it ii almost certain that the Legv removal pf causesivil or vriaiinal. un- lature, seeing the great importance !l,t,,cy,MHwni",rSl:IMe1 of this work, will provide for plac- sccond time. Nothing eie of import- ? r . ' ... . ... I"-. nan any nnuerstanuing or agreement about the bell, it was transfered at tliat time as no reserve is mentioned. 4th. Something over two years ago. I took charee of said scliool. Kerner. f II . a .-. . w - .. . I 1 . t ... V ..if 1. . t . viuu Acaacmy. . l loonu it was tlie cus-I lT;u"" i,u,c- coining cue oi imnori- i r- l . tomtoringtho sclicol bell for Sundav Uce to our rea'der-. " ,nS a Torce on thw end of the road School and church service. I never at- T to meet the lorce working from tempted to debar any ono from the nso I . 1p SENATE. Frld-iy. tho following Asheville in the direction ofUhc oi uie scnooi ben for any necessary scr- uiim reaumg: io appoint a juint Tennessee line. Aa soon as it i. to church made in the revival of business, and judicial, which will be taken u ;apring:ljafc already o liberal rtSTZ oic. avtvuuw iiuiu laiwua quur- will bo seen Hint fha thlrH nrn-:.i ters report that the manufacturers gives a black eye to the Edmunds' reso ' are increasing their operations, and mdons which have just passed tho Sen "works long' suspended are starting ate; II, h. .r1oaSnt. possible, if hang to- Now i ask . I luvve never beard any one object ,e,ecl committee to investigate Um man- fi f . . , , " the Moravuns ringing the Ull for aReroentof tlie Rank of North Carolina that this road will he fin- irch service. All Hunt was necessary "'nco tbo war. To amend the charter !ncil to the Tennevee line, the Iroad. nnd provide short gap between our own roads f a railroad rmro and it will be built, which will give nob In Ashe county. i . . 0 t . J that this amend- ? ahorl ,,ne t0 the. South At- is to appoint some one to ring ii. I have stated the facts as I received them. The 4th Item is true to tho letter. a generous public1 to say R was generous in ;up... The greatest confidence is felt .ErTi'Tv .' J?L w" t jn he administration of the financ- As to tlm necessary work now before tesr6f the country, while determined Congress it can easily be disposed of in . efforts are being made on all sides le lIne Uian now remains, for a great eWce he, Puraens ot taxation an although many measures of importance aaujjui iaui uiu iv iuc rcBioraiion 01 " l"v w1") win uavo io oe ni'giec'eil ''commercial prosperity. New York lJ tuere is none Md intend to i . r; rtVrV!r?S,f! : : known tliat the proposed reneal of tlie Recently the Iteidsville j ostoffice Was robbed of $150. : 1 : . t Whirried.' and jet unhappy. now ' lu'iiny a home das ben-n robbi d of sun - ahlnei and happiness and rendered sad t! nnd ;defaolat e ; by the kios of tome dear ami net led child. This is a d:uixrerous 9 H!(w far children, and parents should I caneus ' to be hehl to-morrow night it keep Dr Bull's Cough Syrnp handy. I will lj decided where these propositions li-in 9fk iiHtl a bottle." . I wUI tut Snrf1 r ' jury mlhs has been promised support enough from tlie Republican sido of the Senate to focure its passage under ordi nary circumstances, so that if Edmunds cracks the party whip and solidifies them against It the onus of a called ses sion will have to rest at Republican doors. U i too early yet to predict what the effect will be. but the Demo crats are ready for the Issue. At the whether "C. L. his statement. . Very Respectfully :.S. R. TRAW1CK. of the ML Airy Railroad, nnd provide J short gap between our own roads or ora uuutiing oi a Greensboro to Ore Knob Mr Siviim ntnl.lniul tli ment to the charter was simply asking Intic seaports. It will aUo atimu or jaueonvicu laiieauoi iVAi. , , uie toe Dunning ot the short con In the HOUSE, bill to cluingu the nection reouired to put us in direct name of the Western Railroad Coinpn- ' -.i v ny. and to authorize lu consolidation communication with the Cincinnati with tlie 11 l AIrr Railroad. Tha bill oouthern Railway and tho prrat Tll Iviltnlllilnnu TJ . . . a f.a. I in B.l.litt.. . a t. .... . r . I. I I - - XT. 'It rrt ff a.a,iaiijn lULb nk HirirO- I " "H"fl IO Lnil lurill ID I ! XXJlvXTlUt 1 tTIDUHP . 1!... Tl-fl- M( i. a ... I t. .t.l nm raa. a ... I ajunvnn tiao, jwiivikii. vr roncMiay nignt. ia aiiio gives zoo auuuionai convicts to was largely attended and was a most tlie road and allows towns, tow nships enjoyable occasion. Tho Raleigh Ob- counties to Uko stock in It, server says tlie , Governor , entered the Bill to amend the Constitution In rela- room a littlo after 10 o'clock, escorted t!n bi the support of deaf routes, blind oy tne members or the committee, and I Iersons and the insane, was up lnt )nsi following came Mrs. Jarvis. fwcnrti1 I poneil to Thnrsdav. by the Senator from Davidson, General They seem to hate a great as sortment of trouble in , Europe. mere is cholera in Aia Minor, black death" and Nihilism in Rus sia, Socialism and rinderpest in Germany, starvation and strikes in England, and. hard .times every where. In Berlin. lf0.000 brought a handsome iout, stuck to it. ilclul that vhrcwilnoas .in see ing the best way, and thai dogged persistence in following it which are a.. a. juioi tlCIIICniS OI SliCi CVv. Stock buyer from the Eastern mar kets found that Johnvon's fleets were the finest and hn mutton the sweetea on the Cheat. He never allowed their reputation to fail the end of which course i that tlie man who married barefooted. i now monh a large propeny. Uie saury U an alolutcly Uue one, and may t,int a moral for live Ivordcs of atout, able-Ualictl men who crowd trie riti,es thi winter, complaining M a that thev must starve r.r ,i ..e 1 m i - .... aiil ai t ... yorYvr aad Ani, TstrmntAt Few. will ha inserted. Ieach. The danclnsr besran iniinediata- ilTbo SENATE. Monriar. was n?vt ly upon their arrival, and il was the n tlie bill to aid In the speedy cum pi e good fortune of thu samo Senator o lion of. tho SjwrUnburg and Aheville lead in I lie first nuadrille willi Mrs. Jar. Railroad: and to reocnl an art mmim. vis. The Governor did not take part in tho sale of spirituous liquor In the lire in cellars, and not one familr in iu dancing, Ins time being; fully occu- Mate Nothing done finally. 1 foriv haa a hotuu f it. an. bled Infrccoivlllfi- tho ,nrfalnJUlt. ' -IMIf roi.rinr llt -lira J... "U4e Of U OWH, WhUe r.it vrntd with! hi. M.ky I fiall : m I- .:.... . u .. . . " . w. ...m .ii ...i w ii'iiiu. r " mi mm-. mtim mil m. ii.-vt maw . aa m ... o ciock oi me LriL tiav or inm trrm. iia i -acaui m ljy rem. ii wonid .a ..... . I .1 . . . ... : tneru. anau m!aurq tho court to the no De) Birange H there should be a uie u-rma or tne tertect exodus from tho or. oi i lie uistrtctaru IinUIieiLiwuMI. I .a . . . BHt concemln? mortiratrea l.iued L- countries, during the com- -..i- t r . in I iTtf JUa vin nr at O ; a uuir. I II r T Will -f- bamuel Mishler walked one bun-.iirst MomUy afl-r dred miles at Reading, Pa., in'23 . ctK,r, oiu district are finlslKd.jxMiI. hours 47 minntpq inrlndin. 1 . Klt concerning mortgages Issued by Al .I "? rpora.e.1 companies. T1,o bill gives and 41 minutes stoppage. a Hen prior to mortgage for work done I come to America. work. Southern Jfum,. , Otrrtti.K IxxATica.-WarTwnis' frmu the varloiis conntira not the PoblUj Treasury, for the -nP,-t or their oat. aiate lunatics cUaiM m poor In. Yes lenUv three wen, received, ana rrom ladkln f-r ttW; IWaofort. fliO; vJT. on. fI93 20. Tl uZZ yeltcrd disenI the nljrct of St,te sp,.-n Jf UieMf onliwtnnala- at aome length, and i""f" H-t -rraagemenu l ext Assembly. f..r tln-lr inalatrnancw L !i.f0ttBlte . u,atlrr of wiiai.li. k-cninl m .irm U1IOO lnlJ time wIhh, It can Illy r uUt? SKATES! SKATES!!! r tMlM? RKATES an. offm, fur. M,e lUr & Sayder'a Ir.Hj T.!Lw,. n, iii. wra. tit oi!rra Pi Ut WuaaaU-M new ' pxiUTB. 1 niil rttar 1 ainni.ni -- tw WnoaicO or liUoua Tr. ai.. ana IiIImJ all ta aJtectioaa wkicb aHaa rrom siaiar ua, taaraa, or bUmibU pviaooa, TU U a raipoa4 tm4f, prraar! wasfc """f 'IGI trom wrrpaU tegtvWM. n vaxrfr Calls ta r W irrr-m. nM p4 (Ul l err aa4 tb romrtmiVkmt. diMnVrra. wl. a rrMtr lW aeaSTtaM of Um fT-l Xm mil rmn9 4xurct 4 mm mm A. tutrrmlkmmm-mrtttf er aar oOrr mli yrt Voerrml Um rare f talrnaineaU 1, tLI It roataia tut t i auarkl,ad umnvww laaa tt lr Irmm tUmgrt of iiaiai or aay lajartoM ttnt-. -!r ne ahr te aa Wf b elltr eaJo7rd darta taa U- " la U trraiatrai tit dvtmua 61rWf aa4 aa ratarrtaa aaa tm ks lam-t UU. It caa. UxTriWa. U uStlf racmaarW a Mr really a4 fmri Tor Um T-t ai Ulhm VTK aa4 ba OOIla r Ux NtMlX t cawalaracta tXm ----t' mtmmum ta U- Uood. aa4 ttrt Ua $rum froca lu iat Icrrr 14 sra. abalet aertu3s UvUaapt7a.L)ao(mara waU O- m acaia rottnrtL T treal varWty f diMmVrt Ura srUa tram JJJUkoar tti Toimorn taca aa Xmmrlglm. Ti HkaiW, KAracW, Cataara. Aaltaaa, fal UarA, Sal U AAhUm, UrrirK ri-C-iU, raraljrata. d Wrsr T Uta lliaitfc, aU of tvir tifaan lawraa' riaical, aava aa padirr nwi tj Us At ii Acta oiaa. which enrm itm aU aiA'. w prottu Xt rUm frota ftttart saarkt. A a 1'iiMUra, tt la of liai n 1 1 aw u a sa ta-' eowaaaHira a tier rrav aa4 Araa arral. ' aarroaaa ctaa if laiuaJlury trm-r ' Jrrtihrr aa.1 UapmryrtiUMf U raU4 U Acff otmt tfiaortlrr. a4 t WW rrtr aCor kg ttw? avaA Tt anmlrrt of iw 9UJ UUs reaMdr aoxU. Tot Urmt CMaaXalata. ariMaf trim UmrymU WW MmOtWr,,,. tt djaalaiM rrv tou kO); aetivar. aad fra4aea say reau- I ... aatidieAaaa CaX il 1 l Prepared by Dr. J. a Ayer L Co. Aii,l..lt)ri'llioiH....... 1 .. - . mmm M.twMJjXmrmxl Cllllw. i rv "lIMItJFFlCI'l. j . , AamlrUml M.OWKU,, MAM. OUl ST AU. VtiMOtm ITUIVSIU. i

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