-? r.ir.J 1 0 U 1 u.i rr n' .n;uaMji7 moil iaJi:J JT I .Tni f trt -1 lit t 1 .JT . . . . . U toppUW vlUi ftl mirmmrj BaUrUl PUBLISHERS AND . PROPRIETpRS. Terxnax cash in. Advance .t Ons copy one year. .. r...?2 w six 'months J.... I... v.....;. -1 00 three months......... :......J1'.. , 75 . i -J l ll!r 'll J . . . . zlL 7T- '- e! - rt . I' IIJS , i f VOL XXVII. !. -r.vt i -nr f 1 1 :. f it" .. vi; .".!. . o! Liberal Dincoant to Clubs: 3 1 .1 )W..M ,..f r . -;'( . Ilti"! . I fc k JI V-.v.l in 11 V If yl'J fi It L 1 -, , ' ":r J If t I Two jo.ungDifiJiemMiirPmeated on the piazza of & palace n Seville VVhat v An toll me h,nsrm naif "What you tell me. EustaceV said the elder, is sufficiently romantic to have oHdhated lin ',the brain of the Knight of la i Mancha i a -t -. & Yes ; you lch6w.hdw!I have heeii one of the favored suitors of Blanche La Meda. 'the handsomest and VHd-' est woman in . Seville.' 1 1 thought my heart was given "tip, to. he'r-but the. mysterious mass, encountered nt. th HnkB ha.1V charmftd witt'''-"' vfraithfuf tastece I1 etwi -laa ! companion) laughing ftdnbtjesslj y oul adore JioUuiUaajrh fYV rut ,VivrU val, who refused to show her Yace. 'Tis hard to choose, I fear . ' ') It would so appear, for yester day I received a note warning me that I had mcurfed itheTVTiatred of lady Blanche,"ahd that I must be on guard against assassins. Last night, as I was returning home, on passing under the piazza of the Marquis D'Almonte, an assassin sprang ! from behind, a pillar, and would undoubtedly have murdered me had not a slight boy -like figure interposed Uk ward off. the blow.- 1 he cowardly villain then fled, but when'l turned to thank my deliver er she had fled.' '- She?' ' . ' Yes: ffrXthough fJgot i "nut ! momentary glimpse or her, yet the shape of the figure, and the long tresses which had fallen from be neath the cap she wore, convinced me that.-.I had been saved by a wo man.- Although" the note I had re ceived was! unsigned, yet it was written in a delicate female hand. Can I doubt that my savior and the mask are one : Well,' then our course is plain. Discover your inamorata, and if she is worthy of you, marry her. It is plain thatshejoves you.'.,,.,, 4 ; It is impossi blei the';? estates t)f uie ueijeons -ann ine .uei2.uoiues join together. The Marquis Del Monte has a daughter ; Maria, Tsaid lo be very beautiful, but I have not seen her for years. In early life " . '. 1 ' 1 1:5' ? ' we were . oetrotnea, ana our mar riage is, inevitable hi if A.i m i Fernando . .remained buried in deep thought ' for a few - minutes. At length he said : G'TTC Eustace, you must crush this strange attachment for one whom you have, never seen. Your honor is pledged, and you must wed this Del Monte. To avoid temptation you must; quit : Seville. A) month's absence will efface the memory 5 of this unknown, who is doubtless some intriguing adventurer, I will ac company yon on a vist to your fath er's estate. Let us leave to-morrow.' 4 Your counsel is hard, Fernando,"' sand Eustace, with emotion, ' but 1 feel it is for the best. ' I will eVen do as you say.' I he next day j. to the great sur- prise of the good people of Seville, the gayest young gallants in the town, Eustace. De Leon and Fer- nando'DArtois had disappeared. A couple of days - ride, and -Eus tace was once' more ""domiciled be neath the roof jbC his forefathers, to the great delight of tue Count. The latter alsp. cordially nwelcome2 the friend! of Jnjsjsn. VtheMaiuis Del Monte called over during the morning. and and pleased to meet Eustace f After dinnerEustad-apcompa- nrpd thp ATnrriTira5 tnvvsTt cli?a trothed. The old gentleman aftrj conducting him to the f -entrance of her boudoir, merely said iiU I Maria? youY 61d playmate, Eus tace De Leon,' and pushing him in retired,- leaving :the yoting folks to their tete a tete. U.'f. j ;l Maria "-was ftgagextTn embroidery when she . was so unceremoniously disturbed. She arose and bowed rath er coldly id EustaceY 'saying : 4 A fair evening. Sno?."' ! As Eustace gazed upon the 16 vely girl he fell madly and "desperately in love, and all , thoughts t of ,f"Lady Yi 1 1 .1 , " . . iJiaucue ana iue tr;in(rfi masiinnii- j. i v . , ' 07 ,A ted his mind, as--with trembuner nmus ne sanit ore nis Knees ana ae- clared his passionr ? - - ' Are you BurWeplieCsh'e, mis cnievousiy, tnat you love me as much as .you say.?' . ; V ' ... VCU . V uu .UUUUL tur? l- . lit- M.M k hii But Lady Blanche:; La .'Meda ! Is it possible that.yon have' already. forgotten her? That argues ill for your constancy, - A j i.?x Pshaw Maria, I know riot Vfhere you learned 'of my flirtation'' with Blanche ; but be assured that she is not the kind ; of person I could love. . - Ij- : "Well, I believe "ton-, Eustace' ; but there is still another. ' Nav. there' vAtf'irrnncr mp snifl I aT' ' anaj iaaea., uerehe.lKisekeeperl life !-Develop; mind and 3 tH'l him-, to,, announce; ts -comingv Educate yourself! Mehti eu, wHii a miscnievous laugn ; tnen and tor some time he remained alone.1 pline makes superiority. 'alrpadv forgotten na.m6raia,,iand " preserver, , vlth the mask '-!n! J c - so i r !; ? --.;!: 'Ett'stac blushed as he replied r ! I J see -'fyoh have heard of my foolish jUcWeht fox onei .whose, face I have never seen, i But-Maria jalthonghf lI was fascinated by'the air. 'iofv.tery' which .ubundelxcT,' I havQ peve yet i i'elt'oward any jfci ,Tnale the; same .tender attachment I have for you ' - i 1 jyKat need to further pry into the secrets of the' y pung cojiple ? Suffice it that : when they separated Eustace ebvered hW former 1peccadillos. 01 1 fancy to, spending a, few ? weeks in I Seville. As her will t was virtually I law, it wasnot long ere thej Del j Montes and" De Le'onswere enscohc- I ea in vneir lown resiuenccs. j ? At i ; j I A? few days after their arrival there was a brilliant masquefader to be given. Maria expressed a wish to attend), and Eustace offered , to accompany her; but her reply was that her .father would !, accompany hef ; and that , she. would defy him to recognize her. . He declared it to be impossible, and in return de termed to disguise himself so as to prevent' detection. ' jv . . , .Well, the eventful night ; came,' and - Eustace was there early . Earnestly he searched the room with his eyes,' but . although there were pretty girls in every disguise, he could nowhere, behold the grace ful form of hisj beloved.' It was late ; the guests had all arrived, ana iustace iearea, tnat sometning had deterred Maria from-attending: j He -was i about to leave the saloon I when a French ' shepherded) a new I arrival, brushed by him, attracting his attention. Her mask . was a peculiar one,' different 'from the black' and' white usually 'worn. It was a gilt one. beautifully chased, had Maria 8 promise that the hap young; man as he repueq t. ; ( pj diy 'should iidtVe fa? 'distant; a't Senorita,' I feel that you.wilf b.u!fffe.JicjfPe.lphi spise me, but I cannot give.y0ft.th3 puxtletl 'to riiiwiJwijsihad.ais-i pledge ton reqrnire AYhile m your and in .lhe , cornerrpf .the forhead winter with her aunt, who lived neat contained a small silver star. It Seville." She frequently spent day's was the mak- of the nnknown. who had once saved "his life. His strange I anection tor her suddenly returned, 1 and forgetting . his anxiety! about 1 Maria,- ne hastened to her side and soon led her to the dance.1 She conversed freely with him, though evidently ia an assumed tone. Still ne tnougnt at times mat her voice was strangely familiar. i 'After the dance.the Mask excused h erself for a moment and retired to an ante-room. Eustace waited some time patiently for her to appear, but at length a thought struck him, and he hastily entered. The only occupant was a Greek Fisher Girl, wnose teatures 'were nidden ! by a white silk. mask. ' ' ' " mj good girl, said he, can you tell me which Sway a little French Shepherdess tpok i j oenor ue Xieon seems to tase a stnge interest in that mysterious mask of his, was the somewhat bit- ter reply. Maria ?' exclaimed Eustace, as tonished,.,' you here?1 Ave : vou misrht have found me sooner haof nbt tour eyes been daz- zied oy tne gut masK. 1 assure you, .Maria, that 1 searched earnestly for you.' It is of little consequence she replied cojclly.. t must go now- 1 shall e Mr iiapDV: to hear vour j enses at som ' future period nt i nrpapnt. ndnia I and slip win nrrvriA w gone ere. he could reply. Enstace. sat down, feeling o J vprv miserable., tlis conduct was a sort of mystery to himself. . While he felt- 1 that ; i he 1 had loved Ma ria asrwell as' man . ever loved woman1. yet;once in the presence 6f the Mask .anu nenaa!eyesf or, ears ;ior none! else, ...lie -came , to the conclusion that hef was the most false and le'ofhis sex t J and while in this. enyiable, statef mind he sought his hat and coat and left the saloon. : i As he was about leaving the room hann uro loin htva' 1 . nug iuiu uuwu Alio al 111, aim i i ; i .1 i. ramg ue Denem tne gut masK ui;- a. covering the Same Hot1' wbr hjtrl hfrTA ovor1 his life. ! The mask thrust a note in His nand and then disaimearftd in ! -.1 the crowd; The note ran as follow -:lTtfs'-BeiVaiIarfoW we mystery one tie pretends to care, for.! li4UU vcsr iwspireu mem oy snout he shall be gratified. Let him call to-mor I !n' ' 'Kovar fetir ' inn .oUV ni-o'. row ' at the old ralai3 de Ttrt anfl , triti discover who is" '! - ... 15 Bustaqe ire read ; the note, and as; You have a better," higher inspira h'e was'driv'en: "home he determined tionl 'than' any General could brine uc yiuu,uiuom ineimystery wnicn cuvircieu ine DiasK, Accoramiv the hext;morriirig found liim at the aumieu lpcaiyxxe ,was cor - ductednbyavefyancient.housekeeDer' to 4 bourdoir,i the fittings of.frhich 1 At lengUi he hearl flight foot-fall,1 and the page who had once preaerv-' ed him entered. ; Eustace i eized the little hand of te' pretended 6'arid pressed it to hs '4ipar','.j''i" 1 i n'- v'' At last I am to knom thy iecret fair lady ?' , i lon " Stop moment; Senor. , Before .reveal .my 1 pountenance wilt-' tlu give thy word 7. that i thou loveat but ' The : tones1 6C )ieJady Vere'evi- dently assumed, , .,;, , , ;;::s A mingled look f shame and pain overclouded the countenance of :the presenc rfepl las'thu'gVmadly'in the same , feelings ' towards my be- trothed, Maria Del MOnte.r. truly I feel that T am the most faithless of men, and am unworthy of the love r r .'' ' " r "ii r ' You have at least one vutue, be? nor you are candid.' - ' Well, your answer : am I still doomed to ignorance V You shall learn, in a tew mo ments ; for the present, excuse me. She left the room, and for a few moments Eustace remained brooding moodily. He heard not the light step mat t approacneu. nntu ne r was startled by ; a voice which thrilled through every vein. 1 - i Well, Senor De Leon, do vou recognize me now V t : i Maria ! he exclaimed, ' starting to his feet. ? - ' 1 r:Nay, the gilt mask ! was .'the reply, in he old assumed, tonesi ; mi Eustace gazed & moment doubt- tuny, men rcpnea ; . t- . :, ; - I see the wh6le scheme, Maris. You cannot deceive me longer. I can now understand ray strange at tachment tor the Mask. ;jrhe; next moment the bldhing girl wa& cLaspeu in ms.aims. -. , v. A little explanation aoon. cleared the mvsterv. Maria had spent the In the town' With her friend, Blanche La Meda, who ..w as really a good- hearted girl. it swas the who- had persuaded Maria to adopt the mask ihe warning note and rescue was merely a little plot, of-the girl's to win the young man's gratitude, nis sudden departure, frustrated their plans and compelled Maria s hasty return home. "Maria s father was cognizant to the plot, and Eustace vowed it was not strange that he should have fallen a victim to the Mask. . Who Succeeds. Evidently the man - who tries ! Try" is the golden ''key that un bolts the strongest doors and reveals the hidden treasures. . It laughs at difficulties, at opposition, finds sue cess in failure, victory in defeat and triumph in every conflict. ; It spans the'deepest chasm,' bridges the lar gest rivers, tunnels the highest mountains, and by tiny connecting wires unnga continents witnin a tew seconds of each other. It has gives to the wiorld the greatest discoveries, the. most wonderful inventions, and the most useful, men. . The world will never forget many of its worth ies who' have arisen from humble callings to a place among the wises - j t. -i. -' ... ana best. , t . Roger Sherman, who was a mem ber of the first Congress, was once a shoe maker. ; Franklin, the pnil osopner.ana statesmen was a joor printer : ooy jcunu , oarnut, me mathematician was a ' blacksmith. These men , became, great by dint of their own effort.. They were self made men. "And, is not every great man a seii-made man. lie knows. etter than any one else, how he clunbed the ladder. Some begin on lower rounds than thpr bnt nil Wn the samp warl.'"rftiind vrnnA lUpn'Mn wlit. tl,ir'VV.f k ' a llL Where there's a will there's a Way.? None ever make lif mnr 'f n cess' jthatTthe' expect tO'mak'elt. I auvu uvnuuyvi kaub LU 1 VV'IJ IUC 1 11 . . courage nn.i Keep iryinir -.Tkf -A .r. 6 ' purpose hurt von T ' i 'J Uft w real, life Is earnest !' L" vA?.mWn Keep your ideal above jvh f -LiyoK.uwarus aim, at n, ..... J T-' hit, t There csn.be no failure ."When Wen oespaired of reaching ,a' . ' " . Z A Ue. conuuence ins i your. , nur poses, 'yourself and yor God.-i- w oear.; upon, nis men, true.. I ne eooa.rt!ijoe nenw ' AssertTonr- self in 'all &od things:1 A slate Is iKnown eyen oy nis songshow full l of boridaee his plaintive minor air. Let i thee sunshine and genial air ruur- wnoie body. u .uisct- Seelc wis- -T rtl' I dom, r and.' xemeaiber .that as dhu body to the tnlnoj' does n6t become I fully gToyWfr&pl'Jt ter six ueieaixaju- uie seventy 0t- I gaTe Brace of deotland the final I Oe !Dav4 Yi)H 'tie'looIt.',! I I TI1K ADVAKCDJO SUSLKUIT, i IFrOm thdiKttiicsMr'-Kxivrm.l,;nM'n :l' A Bochest Jr ' jonfnalbt who rii: tf'.'Prbr:,.$wirtJ. the . other ereniiie and had a view cf the moon, ays : I thirty-six diameters, was turned nr on the moon. At first the flood of ight was blinding, and the view was but cursory. The moon looked like shield of embossed silver the shield of Achilles hung by his god dess mother in .the azure, of the heavens. Prof.' Swift -looked over the field and noticed as he Jooked many of the interesting points, and suggested that we follow the sunrise on the moon. Un the moon the dawn advanced at the rate often miles an hour, lighting up new fields and furnishing to him an ever chang ing panorama, btill, there is naught but desolation, yawning craters, and sharp peaks of volcanic mountain and circular , vails with perpendicu lar sides that surround deep pits.- j.ne moon is aead to an appearance burned out wit volcanic fires. No water laves the desolate and rug ged shores or its great sea bottoms. But in the gray, plains where some astrohbmcrs tlnnk an "ocean once spread, craters are seen with per- pellicular walls. The gray plains can be seen with the naked eye, forming what is call ed " the man in the moon, on a map like the eastern continent. Under the telescope we would trace what seem at first to be shore lines on the borders of this plain. . On closer inspection, instead of ware- washed sand, these lines appeared to be but rounded steps formed by successive lava bursts spreading over the plain and making, by the lessen ing flow, the gradual exhaustion of the; volcanic force. From one of the largest craters rue three vol- came cones, tne summits ot .which I are tipped with sunlight before the' floor of the crater is lighted. 'In another large crater two cones arise. From the larger craters rays spread out, as though - the volcanic 'farce cracked the firm crust" in its' uphea val, injecting the broken . surface ridges of dazzling in white' lava. that spread oat like the arms of cuttle-fish covering a vast surface. nt- Tne stolen Telegrams. The Potter Committee 'has very properly directed its earliest in oni rics to the larceny by which the dis patches were obtained, assorted, ex amined, manipulated and published. I ana puDiisneo. It is a piece of secret history which is disgraceful to al the participants. It is fully cstahlisheU by tho testi Iha fa vf iMMsnls mony that the Morrison- Committee of the House committed no theft and violated no confidence.. A care ful list was made pf all the telegrams it received, and when thev were- re turned to the Western Unidn: Com pany a conipari? on 'was made with the list and the telegrams duly re ceipted for There was a much lar E hatch of telegmm9 some thirty thousand , in number, , Vhicli was uenvereu to too senate committee on Elections in obedience to a sab- poena, and a made' of returning Brnf In ohin rrt rv the same trunk was sent back, with an attempt to convey an impression that it was returned with or iginal contents. That pretence U proved to have been a falsehood. The contents of the trunk had Tecn furtivelr"8earclied arid'a'lafce num- ber of the telegrams stolerL.., Quite aside from the partisan tiset made of mat men xno transaction was lma- mous- deserving the same 'scorn as a tampering ith letters in the Foit Ofiice.-- It is now in evidence that the sneaking theft 'by which certain, telegrams were selfcted 'and renam ed and the'othera.reatored'.to' the tivexpiauis the nature, oi; the pro- ceeding. . DemocTatkT.i t dispatches were kept for Publication. and such Rennhliean disTiatehe1 kmtrht off- set them,culled out' an'a destroyed. There is nroof that some lUtrshlican . . T dispatched .were- coVertly taken loot ! - fV ' previous w.pe issue ox, any roppoj nas ihe president of the company watf ed ashamefd of hirder to that etfect'that Ke'dtrected it'io'bc'biirhtj t ue peopie wno ezamineu anu aortea ti n r. 1 vfotorr. ' ; '-V:'. thera'claideslineiy to" ieips'pY Sff-' flSDhrtt2ilr 16 oCci (Jenf fal 751 effort.4 ' l" " ''" "'"'"I itun.i- rp WW ' V-I "- &uR:6 t! J7i - , . : o4.u 1 1 ,M im .,$ i ghoaU hosUlp Mx..SUrt fxUoT deceitful pretence was hsts, snoet,1 girths and straps rxitied f 7,Fuum- To the native,- whose normal poet cans. The motive of the theft was tion when not standing; or' sleeptog to make party capital;' ihd that mo- h sonaltinff on the Jieds of his feet. ..i- . r ti: I th con teats iif thirtV mA h but 11 cr' Fcrcples. " TheY " Ctft 6mfging Uiipci'U aeairoy.or hida. thtip, t fimfgjjafl Democratic dwpatch! to ctmvetf M - did no coddact their Op? ratios will l-irn - ' i..r. Hluii X m U.wscarteiy POMihU "16 inaziae! ltUout.f haviajji. witueel it, lU vi ivtin vxmiHf very uay. i tt buwy,1 bntlihg- crowd,' the torcf. innlcs. 'carriagtji, hthd-barrowfi and wMlan chalrs, all mixed In Inextric. ble confusion, and amoogul them the ill nerant dealerv, w5tno with hamp ers containing the (ock;lh.trJe suspended around tbeir nctka, othr cra standing before porUbie tovc, 011 which they cook the viands they vend. These and many others are 10 e sccn n, the streets, not silently ofTorlog their, wares, bat endeavor ing to attract the attention of txWi- ble buyern by shnll, car:pircin ence. and loudly vaanLoir the low price- 4d superior (jaality of the commeditiew. The barber with his littla bell loudly summons alt wbb have not rformed tholr toilets to bo shaved in the open air. ', lis mo tions, bis customer, to a low, scat, with one torn1 of the hand lathers his head, and dsxteromUy performs with his triangular raror; he then paints his eye-brows and adjusts bis queue,' brushes his garments, and .re ceiving a' small fee, sends him away satisfied. Often a civwd collects to listen to. a story-teller or, a sing er, to watcn a tbo tnckt of a eon. juror, or to hear - of the man venous properties possessed by cer tain drugs and remedies sold by lo qaacioos quacks ; but suddenly there is a stir amongst the, awmblage, which hurriedly diaprics' Or draws to one side, (caving room foV'the passage of some grandee; whoftca1 cd in his chair, and surrounded by a nameroma cortege, expects .all infe riors to make way at his preaence. Guardt of soldiers are itatisoed dar and night in the principal thorough fares, with btrict orders to use their whips upon all, without dUtioction, who are disorderly, .or. betray the ngnveinncnnauon 10 qoamifoo- ,doa h every, street la divided 1 to sections of ten ' houses, which are each under the surveillance of one of the' inhabitants, denoted br the authorities to fill the office of tith-ing-roan. As , soon as night . LtXLi, each hoasaholder, bo he rich or poor. mandarin or mechanic,' must light the lantern which stands at his door. At both ends of each 'street' there h a wooden, barrier which Ts ctoed at dark,' and sentries posted at ' these barriers will permit of neither in gress or egress unless , the spplicant carries a letter and can' show good cause for his absence from home. Watchmen patrol the streets daring tho w hols night: who. 'Inntcad' tf --.tnciK- .vA.tt.;... b stnkinc a oamboo tube cverv I . . " ties few minutes, causing; a doll, hollow oand, ' which it takes Europeans sometime to become acquaisted with and sleep through. - 1 . ' . Travetllnj: In Japan! . . X long ride on a' Jspaoess horse is an epoch ia the. life of any traveller. As the animals are shod with straw, and as the roads are very rough; they never attempt scything violent , indacemenL Tbe traveller i, perched high' pp. in a hard pillloo, ia a sort or taller, las sides of. which are- composed of his j luggage spare n lbo sensatioo is like thai of bf- ing on the back pf a cameh , Thus placed, be ranst perform his jourasy, or, as an altsraative, he'snsy be drlVetfin the'Esgo or HtUir. This may 'either bo a basket slang on a tv1a nf a. rnirflTr Kn xrTtK A do r n fl i;mcr'.Kntn.r TWiaUn rf f7.fi of raok,such as once were CrtSQ enough, ia the- town of Yeddoj bat i wokb mts gvno n wr t u nyrcrdBints oT old Jspsn, were-or- ten small rooms, gorgeoosly decorat ed and' paiDteU; hot' the Utters which tbe ordinary traveller must use .are of. the, basket type, and, as proTOcanta of snfTtriog and misery, aro ' secOnd only to the pack-horee, a confinement, of several hours in a Kago,;with scarcely a change of po-j sltion, ia no hardship, hat to the a- ropean tbe ajrosry m savaotr crmpw 0p 1 I m . "" v ""r , " .n "V Wa P f J 1 'l omrrsrv Mliaf vtisit - , by sittioij with the lees hanging over I ne sides;-but lo'this caae they elth mT Jmcts' the Vroond or erymtj i n ttrd tact .wHh'.the .hoge bOaUcra'-wlthl i irnicn ine roau is uucrvut it ij I thenl.. The were into bundles : bis legs are flouWed r, : V mt n,l I so that. .his kdccs touch' his thin. ltrakidnElIvem out Jiv front whea tay atntosi&Ali9 cooUa ; at by stooping i altogetbeed afed .walkiajr, , whrch tneans km of time, bat which ftw&iTf eflTeadotfs taethod of V. man tits pack UCn axd . tar more - ' - I--' ----- m w w . w -m w a A sttiabiiMcsX'JXlfiocilsf :ar well trafsiwswe-fdotstL Stalwart Jellows ft3r7rrleP4rtralIlttH' ewvris D7Vr-IV "7. nPJ!W in.ni ncn Ximmtla; Mil Nncv, uit rmija-siaiujrx io. aon--i don,' of jewels and.fthicily pf ldia I . T w . - i w - moads, rained at more than IIDOJXH) In goVJ.ttbroagh Uo wwlmsws of art attendant, brings' oat Into strik- Ing light the extent of the Invent- menu maae in u way ; by ine rtcn I and irreat In the O d World. The I wrm utuwnu. epormoait a mtir. vaue ley jewels," famous uow'throu'gho'at f.arupc. ,uom vaaicy. vstxa was one of .the wcalthkVL landed proprietors 10 ureal. lintain, Mas teen for yearn eoilector osgerna ami prtciows Strnic; 'At the WorWa ' Fair of in Pari, he allotred one of the leading jewelers to eihibit fbr him NPgio Bei o(;sappiirc ana uru liaots belonging, to LU.wif which was valued at 00 leas, than f4Q.00y In gold. Y1 the -Dudley Jewe" eosthr as thej- are, are by no tntaas the finest prirste collection, In Crest Britain. The Dukes of w ctmlnstcr and of Sootherland.'and HrUope, are all understood to possets coore and finer diamonds than the Kari of Dudley. 1 .Tho Duke of WesUaiaster owns one stone, the KaMae diamond. triamrafar jewel with- roanded facet?. of the weight of sevetity- eiht and five-eighths carats, which jriyals Jn, splendor ai. in fite one of tns Joosl aupcro cetns in the nth est royal treasure. Tbeasnae.dia- mood"was onginaTJy iaasa tr the Marquis of llasUngvthe Lord Raw. dom of our own rev Ota tie nary war, in the conqueu or tae, pecesn in 10 aad:i but little ssaalkr than the carecly less fsmove Sbsh," pre sented trr OoroeS. the1 son of " Abba Mlrza; hsix of "Persia; to' Iho Jn perbr oCBass'ia.', ' ",,'" An Alibama gsnrfapopdfnt of tbe rost seem lo be when compared I VTVYJ now. n increa sae trith ik- r ik. laeBX for Ue piwtJIni? 'montriof by lenient persons In this x try, fpJK??0,' 'T In, went ret rhnsdclphlTTavisays: The exInlrotSowUgare'tltajrUicrila, of winter has lapped over; and cot- arsdshUlsJagoona aod pias Ur- roa of ths'suany SoQLh", with. a mantle of -snow,. and la tho .&rat time In a generation the natives cf the Golf SUtes tare erjoyed the laxury and novelty or a snowbainng aenreni a ngia inrpecuoa cy reter bouU, Jt is imposwbls Lo present an lTr sargeoas before thrywsre pet adequate .description of tu'cxciu- board. .;f " meat prodoced in South Gtorria and Upper Florida, when ExtatLmj tng revealed the en woe ted aceasv At JacksonrUle aad"aIoirr tbs St, John's 'riverho itcrm toor the form of sleety covering every, expe- m4 riKfft wit K. m. mtmn t . iratlrrr rf inswiwwEuwwwwiBis arM. v ine notsi .mso .viewea ue sceno with alarm, aod the ianlid ur?1 .gw'.thfir. windows ge.cuitare at all pointa north tfrilatka bar, gram and well founded fears foT heaafety of not' only the .fruit notion' the trees, bat Tor joan groves blsn. fed thxeoc four years, ,,umeeAa oniy aemoastrat thavco wyoaaat tiuadirsctkm. i Jhe. hotel Bias .ham at least the consolation." of knowinr that the InUQie fold the Kerth wiu iort,an unusually large rrnusDcr olj peep is to se tne .cuiacr. eute, and thus pOfapeQuW tj;n for the present, dwptriWsci ihrccait weather saosi hive opon ihrir cnests. The latter geaerally ?take tba ihfiio- tSott gooxJ najirredryj aod admit I cat, accord la g to the' rules' cf ct xbf repstllion of . tlut expenence Is hsfd- S.iiJteiy.ia joccur agsinuiis winter, aov .laikrocLS stories are toJJ of tbe ffoci of the snowy viritalion wpoa tbe people and amzaaia of these "Dccuens CT lis woodlsndi came Isjo the towns by scorti tcf rrport the won4raI sj bL only to find the paaic noiversaL ..In the lanraage of a eitiaen; "It only needed a bob-sled and for can on- tbe street-to dean ..... .... out a' town and convince tne native that he day of Jodrment bad come. ' -Ons old.' lady Is; cmJitoJ, with cironks.- j- ji t f .'i .f'UArsea geaeraDy refaaed tasup from thai stahlssw JThavjeaathae li overcoats, or annue ana cenoua pstteni whic1 themtrncjr.'.fuw caiicu inu service arajiai o rissvi ed to tbe limbo of things thai wsre. . i A v . i., i money prov2sa to ity (rora chill Uatt was gone, Those UryjoestxrhaMy, if1 Interested, m: oras banog filled a track, with Ue,iU,' . ar ct Iks prcycd bul is t7 VT to keep as a.cariosity,.and aaxnl 'W reM-Cl--.-aegro awoke the scoasraatavaa- , T" tu. yrx s- vor haul wisp. tor thota dreffol.hfcabyfroia .tdmm .down in tkA rnMUud . of r i: uu w ;. m 4 achmsry. jJlf,9artte CnUn, gToond; st rhTUdflphlswhkh cVti ntal brfgina2y,ec( VOWW, was U si auction -naiamaT. Ttere wsrs czJf ffre " Udirri aiT"lt wsjf1 kwbcl4 flown to C. AlHi6n -Jt "-O tlf trewd in thst citr trsi;. sieia'GtaJsT.tWtAfcssr Miss Jackwofi. the dtarhlcr JTlL SI ' W - ' " " Aiexsna noti-tNppr, who CaLITJoHb. rT (Lo ZoaaTtTin was kepi ta Tnxtzxj XkptC mtnl place- at.Wahtortow. by Ct Alosbjraatil hm Ul tor iiMyr &oc departare MiM Jara-Mcrtta lost her puce. - '-u. J f wwm m. . w. m t The pablk dbt stateratat s34W4aC3i; totst ithoai .istcr- cst, 142X803,406; total, dsbc 11 &&5321.136; toul iitUmt, tZlCA ;' r -x t .Wi The Atlaata((i.iboan m trmOo pets it foot down Brtnfy eaTM4 tbs .compromise by, which bcCe men ineak out of Jiving their dfbt-v I ts mc mb rs . hsr e noJ , an armv caeot to. settle witit. sx,crJixYT (vc Isns thaa 100 ccaU oe the dollar, no Icm providential catties make It '.mU terly impossible for him ta' aay in folL - - - -. f ..- Zaxh Chandler wanU to frei back into the Banata.' Jodge Chrtsiisfcey U - In his war. Hayes notai nates Jodge Chrirtlaftcy a ifluittrr lA Peru, thus clearing; tie wsj. 75 Chandler is a stalwart Grant man, and Usys is ticrfectjy ,ware vf A Csct. bo U Mr. Kvaru, who has oi hitherto been rated as a Grant TOsa, stalwart or otherwise. lt - Th Washlnrton oornBsnoUaao" the Richmond State ssys : Tbs wife of fenstor Bruce; Hlpls col-, ored SenstOr, has been t thisNreek retumingthe eausef tbetadies vM quite styi 4 some ; vvuticjc saiL , he wears a whit hal, and a whit wail over her taa. ..' i. .'. . . t . 1 J-'oor staaraars saaWl ior aVarope trrmx Kew York -co Batartf sy; Th vy were heavily lsdeoeJ, and eon Id oot taie.al! the fre! rht cred.Tts n,rXK) bushels ; 22,b00 boxes chet fiOO. rcksrra barter, 5C2 bests bacto, 2,10 t-arrtlt vacl Ctt sacks ficmr.' The AustraltsL, cf the Anchor Line, had oa board 143 head ot exC tls and COO sheeK alTcf whit h,a- Thera is manifested by both ps tiM, aotae hesitatioa to;boUiag ih forty or fifty miilioa asoasvaryi le carry oat the proTislosss of. thapess lon arrears law. The Tdte ty which the bill was rsaael vu tib- es,.oat. there srprs to be satire BT1&nimit t. tK. dnA f rr.. m.. mu tk. tirrr i'r nimi r j!,. shouU Urpea!sd o t carry .H vt 'OocrTrsssit'i- I Wms tSoct lair nmk t.t ft, tMagv, Kr. Hayea wX'l ca an tiUa i - ; .'-t . AUIegraa from Fott XV.-A, I . mji: as aoow vo-usy it ;was, lisvwsred by th,testlael ruardiag the buiiiisg si bertha ti70d iiog," th Caryscaa chssi; ia sea ted heavily trooed, tlit the Ic.th was rrlts jf ero th ' rfotitwJ ; ootm'J with blood; ttrfc itillsi Hcbilf In xbur xlacei'In.thsrtoa cf 11 hVart.wUhi tte Jfitsntijpa t5U5 an - snd , to- his hfe rather 4hsst be Ukso soothiTh poU mtrjyoa pc& aooneee the wecads-Tet'y CsjirrrczL, if not' fklat'-TOrtHlirre-Iirs snd twtt3ty4wo.chiwren UAltre this tnotxiri l"qr Pins IHJjn s : -j, and. wtu be trned rrcr q tb I at that aeacy. aa thctf aaral pre- tec tors. aj wi trodaced a tiU la tif cVetia te U lbs rcy c ti , Urn '?rj . f . 1 f to eTfiaj a Sut Gsrttnsmfai tXbSt urnCT7 sn-i rT'T. wr s-iz;i- n ioto out fsrauj of biUt m. Lhe ( r niath. It m claimed Ut .tisrpr tioa of IkoU ooh:;tU st J V D.U rrors,"aDd tLai it will r a li UO Ufra. ths ItrUUlkav admit thsarw Ute is escsplsti-;He iliis.lkaits as sopn 'ss lie M Jwtjfsoch. -;W.T '-s..i PJal:e , hsi Ua ,C-tjaJrt aad iVt ri?s nxytJi eut-Tti it ra. tjar."".ii to se-t lf:tVt with aporlattoQ of a sanoo.rT pwt of Tax. l ,2HTT73 XT Boor laHTw Vw.n.i r.k I . . . r-. - -