JOB PRINTING lu lleojjlc press. L V. & E. T. BLUM, is ran r.3 isiinai U anwBtte wtln a la felly nwH W wot we MATH CM, DlaUAT04. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Publishers and Proprietors. IEKMS:-CASII TS ADVANCE. Ob copy yr tlx month!, " thro 14 u U glv m a trial vol. xxxyi. SALEM, N. C, THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1888. Ui u UJ "" ""' - - " 1 ' ' - - ,. , . iinjimn i- .. i. , i - - - - - i -. ; NO.. 47. f tor Mansfield has been robbed rf "0 by English thieves, but, un f,.rt mutely, they didn't steal his copy of "lr, JekyU and Mr, Hjde." ' half the APART. nnri:v the last Tear and a (,tto:i manufacturing power of Japan has increased moro than 150 per cent. ( h'l-f 1 lectrician Preecc, of the Bnt TeVr'raph Department, thinks New YV'j act of capital punishment by i.otricity will be a failure. ; - ' One of the" boasts of Pittsburg, Penn., is that there tire seventy-two millionaires in that city, anyone of whom can Sign a thee k good for 23,000, 000. A swimming dress, -to enable a swim nur to blow up and hostile boats, ha-ibten tried in the German, navy. It is a sort of modified Taut Boyton afla'r. The eutire outlay of Switzerland next jear f r its executive a id legislative de- artinents will be no more than $Gl,0C0, a modest sum even for a couatry of Ic33 than ;', 000,00) inhabitants. Out on a leafless prairie, where No song of bird makes glad the air No hue of flower brings to her eyes Outward glimpse of Paradise, A thousand miles and a halt away, My lady is in love to-day. And all her heart is singing, singing. And every new south wind is winging Tidings glad from her true lover, And kisses bridge the distance over Lips to lips and heart to heart, A thousand miles and a half apart. Orelia Key Bell, in the Century. FROM SUDDEN DEATH. Out in Oregon, Lake Melburn, which has heretofore covered seventy-five les and beeu wholly without an outlet, has broken itself a passage and is now roaring through it to such an extent that miles and miles that -. r nnr.e its bottom, are now high and dry. ' ' The discovery has been made that m kIi of the tea brought to this country U colored with poisonous chemicals. The Custom House othcers in New York havu l.een direcied to test all suspicious cac3, but it is feared that some of the tia ha already been distributed over the country. . "Mr. there Th3 Cincinnati h'nurer says: Bancroft's report shows that arc it -,713 miles of railroad mail service in tlris'country. and o)73 miles of steam boat mail service. Altogether it amounts to a distance which is six times the cir cumference of the globe that we live on. The United Stales of America is a pretty big country." , BT LTJCY H. HOOPER. An intensely hot and breathless Sum mer day brooded over the helds and mountains of ,Kew York. State featsd in one of the leading cars of the after noon express train on the Freightsville and Brightshurg Kailway, I was speed ing along, half asleep and extremely warm, Buttering all the discomfort which dust and heat and flies combine to be stow upon the Summer traveler. We were nearing the station where we were to take supper a smalltown known as Clavnor. Bum pity! bump I bump! bump! The motion of the cars had changed with a horrible suddenness. Startled broad awake ' by the change, and too old a railroad traveler not to know what it i portended, I gazed out of the window j with alarmed intentness. The tars j were off the track that I knew too well. We were running at full speed, and the j road led alongside of a narrow stream down whose precipitous banks we might j in another moment be hurled. 1 saw , the car in front of the one in which we sat sway and topple as though about to fall over. If it did so, a general wreck and ruin would ensue. Still bump, bump, bump, went the car-wheels over the sleepers. Then the motion of the train slackened, atfsldwer stilL and finally it came to' a stand-stilL We were saved! "Goodness gracious!., what are you stopping for?'' asked a stout lady, look ing up frqm her pictorial paper. "Twenty minutes for refreshments, ma'am," answered a youth beside her. He was pale as death, as was natural for one who had just looked death in the face, for he had fully comprehended our peril, but even m that moment the strange recklessness which is one of our national characteristics had come uppermost. quoth Dr. Max, after we had gone a few . .... . , - T..4 mues; "inere is inunuer in mo air. xmi. it will hardly come up before to-morrow morning, I think." Our way at first lay among verdant pastures and productive fields, which skirted either side of the road, uraau ally the road began to ascend, the traces of cultivation became fewer, and half- cleared patches of land took the place of well-tilled farms. At last even tnese gave way to a dense forest of pines which rose on either side like walU of gloom, looking dark and ; dreary in the gather ins shadows of the twilight. The road, too, became rough and stony, and our progress was necessarily slow and im- Seded. Suddenly a heavy roll of -thun-er was audible in the distance. The storm soon burst upon us in all its furv. The rain poured down in tor rents, wetting us to the skin. The blazing streams of the lightning, at traded by the tall pines that studel the wood, ran hither and thither like ser pent of flame on either side of us. Finally our road emerged upon a clear ing, half way up the side of the moun tain. By the quick flicker of the light ning we discerned a long, low two-story frame house, standing back from the wood, and with more than one light visible in its windows. "Good!" cried Dr. Max, in a tone of relief: "here is a habitation, and pre sumably some human beings to help us to dry clothes and a shelter for the night." Wc drove up to the door, and after knocking for some little time, an inner bar was withdrawn, and a woman, with a lantern in her hand, presented herself. "No. we could not come in," she said, in answer to our queries. "She was ill she had just sustained a terrible be reavement she wanted no strangers peeking about her premises. Not that theie was anything to hide " And she was going on. maundering in an imbecile sort of way. when she was suddenly thrust aside by a short, sharp-looking young fellow, who took upon himself the office of spokesman. "Conein? Of course the gentleman should come in. It was not a night to keep a dog out in. The horse could be put under the shed, and would do tnere very well till morning. Ana li ine gen tlemen wanted any supper, they vould have e??3 and ham. and some hot whisky-and-water to keep off the chill, Don't be a fool, mother ; stand aside, av. and let the folks in, out of the wet." We found ourselves, on entering, in spacious, low-cemngea Kitcncn, wnicu somehow looked desolate, instead Over $,000,000 is annually appropri ated in France for the promotion of a-jrieulture, of which V00,10 . is de voted to cducatiouai work. Uussia ap propriate? over H,0d0, 000 to promote her agricultural interests, and Brazil over $20, 000,00). These are official figures quoted by United States Com miss'.oucr Colman. The Jnwriran BmTccr notes the dis covery lately of a deceptive $"0 counter feit. The paper of the rountcrfcit is said to l e fully as gor.d as that of the giit-cclgcd $:0 bills, but the counterfeit can be easily discovered by rcason.of the fact that it is one-cicrhth of an men shorter and narrower than the gold biils. The engraving is also coar-e. of eheery and comfortable. The woman who Aa tnnn a flm rtanror xpa ImrJ MrAiWl bad first accosted us retreated to a seat became generally known, there was a beside the blackened hearth, whereon no universal chorus of cries and exclama- nre naa apparently ueua " tions, some of terror, others of surprise, some time, and there seated herself, and some few of thanksgiving. In the I swaying herself to and fro, with her midst of it all most of the passengers , hanas ciaspea over nor uew au uci started to get out of the cars to look eyes fixed on vacancy. She was I'past over the wreck. We found the engine ! middle age, and was red-haired and and tender half way down the embank- f freckled, but with the remains of con- ment. The foremost car had lodged sideraDie Deauiy sun pparcub m uc against a small tree, whose tough, tena- regular features, white skin and shapely A 1 form. The man who had insisted- upon ennad ti(T thrnnirh tha oorth hart Annhlarl ; nlir emriDCe. IO HDIIO Ul U13 uusuiiau it to check the outward motion of the ; action, was anything but a genial and train, alreidy slackened by the breaking ! prepossessing-looking personage. He of the coupling that attached the engine ; was thin and sickly-looking, with shif t tn it Unmanly I ivakinff that, t.nuorh I insr. uneasv eves, and a sallow, unshaven ihf. livii nf nrwaihlv face. He seemed uneasily and ostenta- one-half of the passenger's in the train. tiously anxious to welcome us, brought Aa it was, poboby was hurt, save one j us chairs, and set about lighting the fire nnfnrt.nnn.ti' hnv who had hnen Htmlinc and getting supper, while the woman sat "The most interesting feature of the de-cription of the sea 8er(nt lately seen in Winyah Hay, S. C, is,"' observes the New York Sun. "that he was red-head ed. Nothing could be a more impres sive, decorative marine picture than a rvd headed sea serrent. We hope that it nny yet be possible to get one of the ied lu ade l variety for the Central ,1'aik." . : ' a ride, perched upou the step of the fore most cars, and he was past either surgery or prayers. As I stood gazing upon the? engine, standing on its head in the mud, a well- known voice sounded my ears, a friendly slap tingled o my shoulder. "Well, Brooks, can this be you? Were we fellow-passengers without knowing itr I started, turned, and warmly grasped the hand that was extended towards me. "How" does the learned physician? Well, this is a strange rencontre! And where have you been this hot weather, in intr herself to and fro and noticed nothing. Her son introduced himself as Ludwig Schultz, and also ouf hsafed the information that his mother had married twice, her second husband being ' old Jacob Gruber. "He died of apoplexy t this morninggentlemen.' he continued; "that's why she's so upset. And you'll not mind things being a bit dull, as the : old man died so suddenly only a few hours acro'f" We assured him that we would not ; . the idea of the presence of a corpse be neath the roof that sheltered us neing anything but agreeable or enlivening, , nam of wnnrlpr 1 nmoncr whilst the Presence of that silent Woman, th mnnittinn ,' J seesawing herself to and fro with "No; I have been to Brightsburg on " monotonous actiom, and her eyes fixed The room where the Court of Appcais tits in the Capitol at Albany, N. Y., is (lc-cribed as the most gorgeous in its appointments of all the couit-rooms in the country.. The woodwork is bea ti fully i arvrcd and panels are Of mahogafly a:. d onyx. The carpet vas woven to order a ross the water. 1 ortraits of all the judge that have ever sat in the court arc p'aced in panels about the room. Miss Kva Pemberthy, the daughter of wealthy parents at ;'Massillon, Ohio., went to Pittsburg recently and secured . a position as nurse in a hospital. She had been in the institution but a few days when she witnessed a frightful surg'cid operation which made such an ini ires-ion that her mind became unbal anced. She was taken to her home a raving maniac and has Leen placed in the asylum at Toledo.'. "The first statue crer.ted to General flrmt in the Cnited States was, with its founda'ion aid pedestal, placed in ihe cente r of Twelfth street, between Locust and Olive streets, the other day, in this city," says the St. Louis H rdd. ' In due. time St. Louis will have a gala day, when the time comes to unveil thisbtau til ii! work of art to the aimiring thou sands of our old hero citi.en, beloved nd renowned patriot and General." i I 'V. ihe movement of' the Mormons to ward Mexico i-s assuming defin'te shape and large proportions. Recently dis 'patches have bean published to the ef- lect that the Meacan Government had granted a conce-sion of 10,000.000 acres of laud to the Monhons, and that they had purchassd 10,0 )0 square miles of the y.'.ni Indian land in Mexico. There is no foundation for such statements l.very foot of land obtained by the Mor mons in Mexico so far has been by pur chase from private owners, and the Gov- eminent would no doubt utterly refuse to make them a concession of land. The facts are that the Mormons have quietly bought from private parties large tracts of "agricultural -lands in Northern v ninuanua, principally in the valley of t he Casas Grand River, and are negotiat ing for more. Several flourishing vil lages exist in that neighborhood already, the principal one being called Porfirio J-inz. The colonists arejhe precuuors w greater pocues u-- ,qre. professional business." 'And what are we to do now, I wonder ! It will take ten hours at least to clear the track, replace the rails, and get things in good runn ing ord er again. This id. what the conductor tells me. And to-morrow is Sunday, too worse luck, for they run no trains on this road on that day, except the early morning one." Dr. Max Melfort buried his hands in the pockets of his linen duster, and looked abroad over the land. "Have we got to stay here till Monday morning?" he queried, at last "A ot here, .but at Clavnor. Of course, we shall reach there too late for the solitary Sunday train, which passes there about eight o'clock in the morning." And how lar is it from here i We called the conductor and held a parley. - .We found that Clavnor was forty miles off by rail, but that a road to it lay over the mountains, which was less than half that length. "I tell you what, gentlemen," said the conductor; "if you are very anxious to get on, why not strike across the fields to that little town over yonder there just where you see the white spire above the trees; iou can hire a horse and buggy there, I've no doubt, and, if you,'re not afraid of a night-ride across the mountains, you can reach Claynor long before the tune that the tram is due." "I must reach New York before Mon day morning, if possible," said Dr. Max, turning towards me. "What say you, faulf Are you ready to make the attempt?"' "Of course. Anything is better than to stay stewing here, with a prospect of being roasted at Claynor all day to morrow. Besides, the moon is at its full, so that a night-drive in this weather will be rather pleasant than otherwise." "Come along, then." And with a good-by to our friend, the conductor, we turned our backs upon the disorgan ized train and the idle groups that were collected round it, and started on in search of the 1 ttle town to which we had been directed. We reached it after about- fiSJf an hour's walk and found it a very small and sleepy place indeed, though rejoic inc in the riomrjous cognomen of New Isineveh. Ihe little whrte-wasneanoiei afforded us material for copious ablu tions and s good supper,, and the horse and buggy were easily found, and were hired by us at a reasonable rate. We were to leave them witn ine prupneiu f ti TM-inr-i! hotel at C lavnor, tneir A. . h 4-hA owner having Dusiness uwie i " week, and as he very sensibly said, "he could go there by rail and then drive himseii home, jub ti,. cun rmrl not long been set when ctai-torl on onr iournev. The heat waBRtiU intense, while the atmosphere seemed stagnant with a dull, oppressive "m - . J m inn Of) fTl closeness that weigaeu ou olilrn "We shall have a storm before long, r on vacancy, was enougu in useii io ue- press our spirits. She meal when served was more appetizing than might have been eiDected. and we both did it full jnstice. Before we had quite finished, a door at the end of the room was pushed nnpn fin d a half-drunken. heavv-lODK intr vounsr fellow staggered into the room. He glared at us with a sort of stupid ferocity mixed with amazement. "Now what the deuce " he was be ginning, roughly, whea his brother seized his arm, and, saying something to him in German in an undertone, half HrncrorAd. half pushed him out of the room. There was the noise of a sharp altercation outside for a few minutes, and then the man called Ludwig came back and offered to show us to our room. We accepted his offer, and he lea tno way to an upper story, arounu wmcu - - 1 ' A .1 VArrV. ran a wiae porcn, suppuiiieu hewn pillars. On this porch the win- . . a dows and door oi eacn room upeuuu. There was no corridor, and the only access to this upper floor was by a flight of stairs, leading from the kitchen we had just left. Our guide unlocked the door of one of the rooms, and set down the candle on the little table. "Do either of you gentlemen speak German?" he asked. "Not one word of it," answered Dr. Melfort. much to my surprise, for his mother had been a German lady, and he spoke the language like a native. 1 . I , , -JO I. M -HAW All rignii BaiU OUUUll, mm a pci- ceptible air of relief. "Only, you see, the old woman ppeass uermaa uetter than she does English and I thought so, if you want anything . w en, l n say good night and a good sleep to you." He took his departure, and as soon, as his lumbering footsteps had died away in the distance, the doctor uniasienea the door and stepped out on the porch. "I am going to reconnoitre a little," he aa'd in a -whisner. "Come with me, if u., .. r you like." I followed at ashort distance, and saw h'm suddenly pause, with a stifled ex clamation, before a window, the Bhutter of which had been apparently forced back by the wind during the storm. Then, without speaking, he beckoned to me to come to him, which I did, and oauBing before the open casement, I ooked, as he had aone, into me room beyond. .Never, to my dying aay, snau i lorgei the horror of what I saw. Upon a low bed, at the further side of the ltttle chamber, lay the corpse of an aged man, unwashed, unshorn and un- C... 1. .. TV , straightened ior tne grave, nis cioiues C3 . . 1 - were the rough, soiled garments oi nis everyday life and toil. He lay on his back,, his limbs contorted, as mouga me parting soul had left its tenement amid pain and struggling. But the most fear ful element of that dead spectacle lay in the fact that above the half-open mouth hovered a cloud ot paie, iuuunou v.pur, broke and quivered and floated away with the slight disturbance of air caused by our presence at the window. I was about to utter an exclamation oi norror when Dr. Melfort laid his hand upon my HP- ' "silencer he wnispe.ea in my ear. "Our very lives depend upon our making no sound, on our giving no warning of the discovery we have made, we are in the house of murder I" , - "That jtrange light " "Is a symptom that the dead man has been poisoned with phosphorus a drug common in crime, because so' easy ob tained from ordinary matches. Back to our room ! We must get away from here as ouickly as possible." - We stole back to our allotted chamber. The storm was rising again. One of the sudden gusts of wind had blown out our candle, and we looked in each other's faces by the pale gleams of the light ning. After a brief pause, to make certain. that all was auiet in the house, we lambered down one of the rough hewn pillars of the porch, and, making our way to the shed, we uniastenea tne horse and waited till a long roll of thunder came to cover the noise of the wheeh. Then we started, turning our horse's head, not towards Claynor, but in the direction of New Nineveh, trust ing to the animal's instinct to find his wav home through the woods. As we plunged into the forest, a shout in the distance, touowed Dy a nne-snor, were audible. "They have found out that we are . . ... , . . . L gone," muttered tne doctor oeiween teeth, "isow, Paul, lor a drive ior ine . He whipped up the horse as he spoke. and we dashed; along at breakneck speed. The road lay down hill, and if we were pursued, we were soon out of reach of the pursuers. ve saw anu heard nothing further of the brothers. In fact, the tempest, which bad orgKen forth again m redoubled fury, was enough to check the progress of any one who had striven to loiiow us. Amiu me continuous bla.e of the lightning, the violent gusts of wind, and the bunding rain, we made our way, thankful when, at last, we emerged from the forest. As we did so. a red light shone on our nath. reflected from the lurid clouds overhead the light of a distant con- flarrrstion. It was not till we were comfortably established in the best room of the hotel at New Nineveh, our wet clothes ex changed for dry garments, and wine and cigars on the tablj) before us, that Dr. Melfort told me one of the causes of ; .iddn fiitrht. In the brief alterca- tion between the brothers, ne.a ouisiue the kitchen while we we.e finishing our supper, he had heard Ludwig essaying to pscily the other oy a promise luav wo should never iiu.t the premises alive. When we were nearing Now York, on the early express train the following day, my friend, without a word, passea to me the paper he had just purchased. pointing aa he did so to a parucuir paragraph wnicn ran ai iouow a : .ter rible Catastrophe. A House Struck by Lightning and consumed a vtuoio Family Perish in the Flames. During the great thunderstorm of Thursday night, the house of Mr. Jacob Gruber, on the road between New Nineveh aud Claynor, was struck by lightning and entirely consumed. Four persons. namely, Mr. Gruber, his wne, anu Johann and Ludwig Schultz (the two 8oni of Mrs. Gruber by a former mar riage), inhabited the house at the time, and all lost their lives in the flames. The building was constructed of wood. and must have burned with great rapidity, thus entirely cutting oft the es cape of the inmates. It is probable that thf brothers rcnuitz. wno were ncu known in the neighborhood as hard . drinkers, were intoxicated when the hre i broke out, and so were unable cither to take measures to extinguish it or to mane their escape. Be this as it may, the re mains of four humau bodies were found amongst the ru ns, thus proving con- clusively that the wnoie iamuy uu shared the fate of their home." Thrice, therefore, in the space of single day had sudden death by rail roaii disaster, by lightning, and by mid night assassination come close to oui path, and had passed us by. And on Simrlnv morning, when, with bowed head, I listened to the petitions of the Litany, my heart responded with an unwonted thrill to those well-known but newly impressive words, "irom sudden death, good Lord, deliver us 1" Frank Leslie. BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SKKTCHE9 FROM VAHIOUS SO UKCU3. Sad Waste of Time No Dearth of Victlme Liove on the Frontier Not Taking Any Chancca All Tastea Suited Etc.. Etc heard a woman's voice yelling: 'Brute, monster,' etc., and a voice that sounded ike yours shouting back: 'Old hen, old fool, and I doa't know what all. and then there wts a great banging of furni ture, and pretty soon a broomstick came through the window. Wasn't that some thing unusual? Come now." "No, nothing unusual" A2aW'piia Record. There was a man who had a clock, His name was Matthew Meares, He wound it nicely every day, For mny, many years; At last his precious timepiece proved An eight day clock to bo. And a madder man than Mr. Meares 1- would not wish to see. Jeweler' Weekly. No Dearth of Victims. "Times are a trifle dull, sir," he said, addressing a fellow passenger. "N'n with mf " waa the renlT? "'mv business shows a gratifying increase every year." "May I ask the nature of your busi ness?" "Certainly. I'm the fool ki'ler." San Frannxo Wasp. rOPl'LAR SCIENCE. Liove on the Frontier. "Mr. Lariat," said the lovely young Arizona maiden, "I would spare you this sorrow if I could, but what you ask is impossible. I can never be your wife, "Will you tell me the reason why, Miss Eacktus; ' he demanded. "I could not trust my happiness, Mr. Lariat," she continued, with d wncut eyes, "in the hands of any galoot that can't bust a bronco in less than two daysJ" Clticagj Tribune. . Not Taking Any Chances. Mother-in-law (who is going home af ter a visit of six months) "Have we plenty of time, Witherspoon? I mustn't get left." iMr. Witherspoon (dubiously) "wen, it's ten minutes' walk to the station, and the train will leave in about an hour aud a half. To be on the safe side. I think we had better start at once." Eyoch. The Shut-in Society. Miss R. was telling her Sunday- school class of small boys about the "Shut-in Society,' an organization whose members are mostly young per sons confined with illness to their beds or rooms. "Whom can we think of," said she, endeavoring to awaken the interest of the class in these uniortunates. -mat would have had great sympathy for those that are so shut in s" "I know," said a little boy, with brightening face;"some one in the Bible, isn't it, teacher?" "Yes," said Miss R., "but who, Johnny?' "Jonah," was the spirited answer. Harper' Dux tr. When He Drew a Sword. "Bah, he don't know how to draw a sword at all," exclaimed Fakirto Broke, as they camo out from one of Frederick Wardc's performances lat week. "You ought to have seen me 1 think it was in !.; you ought to nave seen mm draw a sword. I teli yon "Come, come now, old man," inter rupted the merciless Broke, "come, com now, you drew a sword only onceio the ! whole course of your life." "When was that!" Fakir Dished back with indignation. "Don't you remember? That's funny. Why, when you drew one in a rarl'e at fair, old man; when you drew one in ralEe." All Tastes Salted. Clerk '"Perambulators? Yes, sir. We have just got in a new stock, satin-lined. Uk-rimmed, silver-plated full-jeweled handle, &c Experimental Farming. "now are you getting along with the experimental farm?" asked a member ol the Board of Rcgeuts, of a Western ag ricultural college, of the President of the institution. "First-rate," replied . the President, "wheat all killed up and calves taught to drink sour milk. I'm having trouble with some of the students, however. iron-work, I They claim that it is too hard work for on please. First Step this way, upuose?' Customer "No; seventh. ' Clerk "Oh! John, show the gentle mau those latest improved $10 baby "coaches." Cirtcm. ly f0. them to dig the great holes necessary in child, I ; planting the pumpkins." I "Fire 'cm out. Professor, fire em out!" returned the Regent. "If they kick on that, what will they do next fall wnen they nave to dig tne pumpains with maybe fifteen or twenty la a hill I" Time. Vegetarianism docs not protect from cancer. A ray of light traveli 11,600,000 miles in a minute. It has been estimated that an average of five feet of water falls annually over the whole earth. Trofessor Emmerig, of Germany, Snds bees the most reliable of all weather prognostications. Aluminium resembles silver ia appear ance, is stronger than steel, will not tarnish and is s ipenor to silver ior an purposes for which that metal is used. Icerxrgi have been seen ia North Atlantic laden with lumps of rock, sand and soiL The banks of Newfoundland would appear to have been formed in this way. The light emitted by the corona during the solar eclipse of 1-C, was leas than half as great ia that of I; accord ing to t apt.da W. de W. Abney and Mr. T. F. Thorpe. As is now well known, the Great Salt I ake of Utah is an immense, limitless magazine of salt, that tan be readily ob ta'ncd in any desired quantity by the simple process of evaporation. A cubic foot of ice weighs about 930 ounce, but the same volume of s a water weighs l'-'MJ ounces. Hence ice floats on water, and but one-ninth of the volume of an iceberg is exposed to view. Dr. Ja-.trow, of the I'niversity of Wis consin, proves that the ear is the dominant organ of the mind in some person, and the eye in oihera. People are therefore car-minded or eye-raioded. According to a Chicago wagon-maker, white oak require eighty years to mature ; .hell-bark hickory, fro thirty to fifty years; white aNh", thirty years; tulip tree, sixty or more yeirs; and red or Norway pine, at least sixty years. Long ago wise men learned to weish their words, but an Itabaa scientist has invented a machine for weighing one's thoughts. He can tell whtiher a friend is reading ItdUa or Greek, the greater effort of the latter affecting the Cow of blood to the brain. The fact thit the satellites of Mars were not dUcovered until 1877 is con sidered very remarkable by Mont. E. Dubois. He suggests thst they rosy have not long held" their present places, but that they may be bodies drawn only recently from the zone of little planets lying between Mart and Jupiter. Observations at titty-even stations in I "A3 A BELL. IN A CHfttE," As a bell la a chime Bats ita twia-ooU a-tingias. As one poet's rbyms Wakes another so aingias; So. once she baa smiled. All your thoughts are begaiksd And flowers and sung from your chudbooi are bringing. Though moving through sorrow As the star through the aliht, Ebe needs not so borrow. She lavishes, light. ' The path oC yon star Beemeth dark but afar: Like bars it is sure, and Uka bars it b bright Each grace ia a Jewel Would ransom the to a. Bar speech has no cruel. Her praise at renown; T ta ia her as thong h Beauty, Kesigning to Duty The erepfer, bad sUl kept the pnrpU and crown. Robert Joajuoa, le CmXery. A "Snap" "Maria," said Mr. Game. Jones, complain- ingly. at breakfast, those ginger snaps are soft. I bate a soft snap. Djlng For a Little Excitement. Office Bov (to Arizona editor) "Dere is a big bloke out in de udder room wid Well. Jeptha," answered Mrs. Jones, P f. aJ he w"u with spirit, "it will be a toft snap for you when 1 make any more of them." And breakla&t was nnishcd in silence on the part of Mr. Jones. Dttroil Free lYe: His Departure Delayed. Brown, when did you "Hello. back Irom the other tide:" "Yesterday." "I thought you were expected a month ago? "I was." "You must have been stuck on Eu rope." "No, Smith, I wasn't stuck on Eu rope, I was stuck in Europe." Life. Debtor and Creditor. tcr interview ver. Editor (taking down his Winchester and throwing the lever "Ah, I haven't killed a man for seven weeks, come SaU urday. Show him in, please." Hoy "Oh, he don't want ter fight, he's just got a book ter seil." Editor (with asigh) "That just my luck! Here I'm dying for a little ex citement and ihe mm don't want to fight ah, did you say he had a book to Bov "Yes, nice big red book." Editor (fiercely) "There is still hope, jif he,isa book agent, (Covka rule.) Show the wh lp in and I will roceed to ! mangle him." MUauk, tun. Spain show enormous difference ia the annual rainfall, which is do let than 1 inche on the Sierra da 1 streits oa only eleven inches at I.erida, in CaU- loni. The minimum rainfall at an sta tions occutt in July and Angutt. and the max mum fall at some stations in May and at others ia October. An instrument, called the autographo- meter, which records automatically ine topography and differences of level of all placet over which it paes it a new French invention, the utility of which rannot certainly be queiliooed if it realies the results claimed for it. It is carried about on a light vehicle, and those who wish to use it have nothing to do but to drag it. or have it drag cd. over the ground of which they desire to obtain a plan. Why Chinamen Escape Yellow Fevet The New York Sun' Chinese reportei asked Dr. Yong Tsye Hong, of Pell street, about his experience with yellow fever in China. "In Kwong Tung, Fot Kifn and Kwong Si." ho said, "thers were a few cases of yellow fever several years ago. The fever was called by tn natives wun blun.' It never becsm epidemic, owing to the people's habit oi smoking opium." "Does the smoking oi opium prevent or cure vellow fever " "Certainly it does. Wherever opium is smoked it destroys yellow fever." "But is not the opium smoking habil as dangerous as the fever?" "Xo: it takes at least a year of con stant smoking to acquit e the habit, as all old onium smokers will testify. There might be yellow lever all over the United state, but the Chinese opium smokert would notbe erlected." Dr. Li Shi Leon, of 19 Mott street, said: "Whv. certainly, opium smoking cures yellow fever. I had two cousint in Memnhis during that terrible yellow fver scourge in 1873, who simply smoked their pipes the moment they had caught the fever, and got we.l in lest than twentv hours. jSo, there is no rUncrer of getting the opiun habit if the rtaHent does not smoke longer than sis months; but, then, it is a hard thing tc learn how to use the pipe." Answering Conwclence'a Koll CalL There live! once in the little city ol Bobley (as his friend rushes past) j Williamsport, Penn., an old judge by what a your the naineol Williams, mis oia juugc ! was noted for two things: For getting mellow occasionally and for being plucky and courageous under all circum stancesa gamey old man. It was a pe- ' cuiiarity of the old judge that whenevet he got mellow he grew correspondingly religious. One n;ght he wandered into a protracted revival meeting and seated ! himself unon the front seat, full of spir- i itual influence of some kind. The cler ' gyman, engaged in his preaching, rose to fervid pitch of eloquence, and ia the ' midst of it exclaimed : j "Show me the drunkard I Show me j the drunkard? Of all men on earth the ' most unfoitunate; show him to me!" t To the conxternation of all present the ; old judge arose, and unsteadily main taining himself, exclaimed: "Well, sir, here 1 am." Sammy (suspiciously) "Oh, I know; ! The clergyman having reauzea upon ,u mean to die in vacation." Life. his investment much sooner than he an- tirinsipa a tin i kuuw w ua, w v . . ' .. ,. i . i .ii -...1 Good gwacious, Tom, hurry?" Wiggins "I on t stop me, please. I'm going down town to settle a bill." Bobley (stupehed) "ltunning to settle a bill? Impossible?" Wiggins "Yaas, dear boy; I owe Charley Crafton five dollars and ho owes me ten, y' know. 1 want to settler Jtg.'. Fearing the Worst Sammy (who is never allowed to stay out of school ) "Howdie Hurlbut didn't come to school all day." Mamma "Why not?" Sammy ' 'Cause hit mother died. When you die may I tay home all day?" Mamma "Yes, darling; you may stay UU I B rl UfSlQ t.tav uvu. Grow I a; Hock. The AmerUnn Aaly ayt it it true that many rockt actually do grow. The limestonea have leen formed by living organisms, like the coral polypes and it mav even be said of many limestone deposits that every particle ht at some time formed a part of a living animal. Sandstones, slates, and protLly some varieties of granite have all been de posited underneath large bodies of wster, and in thit sense have grown to their present dimensions. Only the igne ut or volcanic rockt cannot ttrictly be aa:d to have "grown." and those of thia claae which are hiffhlv crvetaline may be in directly to considered, as the formation of a crystal, either irom tusion or ao lution, present in many ways a wonder ful resemblance to the growth of a liv ing organism. It is, however, the decay of the rockt that ia of the most importance, and with which we have roost to do. The "eternsl Vita" are not onlv often "shaken." but riTH AND POINT. High tees Astronomers. A scaly trick Cat bio g a fish. Whaft the score P Twenty 1 There ia as idol ia a t bines temp! that weep tears, idol tears. Crooked work will always bring a maa into straight. PuUtrj Cvn.if. Some plays a so solemn that men have to go out of the theater to ami'e. Nobody knoet where ' go to. Per haps tbey go up the -Cew." Ltrnt Free iYem. They buried the milkman la the old fashioned way. II took no stock ia creamation. The dentist should make a good work ing politician. II is always ready to take the stomp. i'-t Trnrif4. It was compta ned at a child's party. where the grown-up people were ia lb majority, that it was too much adult erated. While cost of living may be i educed down to a mer nomioal turn. the iroabl remains with many to get the nomioal turn. i-ittinj. A fashion article ia one of our ex change aaya that terra -col U ia ranch worn thit falL We suppose it is either in the shape of tiles for gentlemen or piping for dresses. LcU Corner. Two Strike is the name of aa Iod aa chief at the Pin Ridge aweary ia Dako ta. There it evidently baseball talent on the Sioui reservation, Mr. Aaoa should look into this mater. Ciioae ye. Wbea the fro U on the pownd caka and the pert-rib a la tb pot The chilly autumn's ber and the furnace fir at hoi. And the maa wWo he drr-Tia eaU thoa toiaga winch he aheni-t not ('4100.7 Xrw. Thit comet from th WeatAt fro r en fact, but w more thaa auspect it is mad to order: "Jliu Clam has married Mr. Fritter and now signs herself Mrs. Clam Fritter. At tb tal come from 'Bad Maa'a Gulch," out ia Ariooa, lb mari time favor it all th more remarkabks. CVmavTvidi Jdtrtiter. Judge Tree, of Illrhola, it is said, is to b th Minuter to l.uttia. It will- therefore, be in order to say that hi bark will soon be on the tea to stem it way to the other tide of the Atlantic There will, of course, be proper lrav taking, and at soon as h arrive at hi destination he will make his bough to the Ctar. There is little doubt but that he will soon take deep root ia the esteem of the Bus iaa court. Crrr. Skin Carreaey. It it not a generally-known historical fact, says the I ituburg Ji?k, that from to Kfc the territory now known aa Tenneasee formed a)rt oj North Carolina, and that ia V,! th Tennetteeant, becoming diaaatisfied with their Government, organized a Stat Government under the name of "Frank lia, which was mfntaioed for torn years The State afterward organized disbanded and territorial Tranes was a train anne ted to North Caroline. Th are very far from being eternaL Tbey J ia among the lawe revvaed by are constantly decreasing in size and I the Legislature ot the Stat of Frank- wathed down into the valley. I No, w copy you Ho Strongly Suggested Her Fate. "If this is your final answer. Miss Jrobinson," the young man said, with ill-concealed chagrin, as he picked up his hat and turned to go, 'I can do nothing but submit. Yet, has it ever , occurred to you that whenever a lady ' lasses the age of thirty-seven sho is not ikely to find herself as much sought after by desirable young men as she once was?" It occurred to me with sudden and painful distinctness when you offered yourself just now," she replied- "Good night, Mr. reauncie. vntcago lrwune. His Son Had an Object I reason. Little Dick "Pop, what's a dema gogue?" Fop "A demagogue, my son, is a mean, miserable swindling rases 1, wno keeps himself in power by currying favor with fool voters, f or my part, 1 wi!-n the ballot could be limited to people of intelligence. Well. Mr. "Jr eat man met me in tne it. Thcv finally pulled the old judge down, and the incident had passed out of memory almost, when the clergyman again struck an impassioned period and exclaimed in the honesty and fervor of his heart. Show me the hypocrite ! Show me the hypocrite! Of all men on Cod green earth the most despicable. Show me the hypocrite!"' j The judge arose the second time, and resching his cane over to a certain shaky 'old deacon, exclaimed: "Deacon, why ! the dickens don't you get up when you are called onP rhlad'inta liecora. A Complete Town ia One Block. If the block on West Thirtieth street between Sixth and Seventh avenues was suddenly set down in the middle of a fciiiTA uncultivated and untenanted I prairie it would not be long before it ' would have a railway station, and figure ! in all the guide books and msp it a very i imnnrtintnlare. indeed. This block hat all the necessary ad- being whei down into the valley. Even the lofty Alps are considered to r but the "stub" or remains of a much loftier range existing ia past geological epoch. It ia to this constant degra dation and decay that the farmer owes hit fertile fields, as the soil from which he raises his crops was at one time ia the condition of bard and barren rck. The agenciea which cause the decay of the rockt are very numerous and saned. Coin, neat, irosx, ram, wmu, icwuvu, running streams and standing water all do their part; and chemical decom position it an important factor, espe cially with granites and other rockt con taining felspar. Exuemct 01 neat and coin cane ine surface of the rock to crack, and the cracks bevome filed with wa-er, which freezes and expands, breaking it tp still further. Every stream 01 water, irom the trickling raindrops to the 1 ashing torrent. doe its part ia wearing away and pulverizing the rockt la its course; and the finelf divided material la carried along by them, and deposited along it banks or in the sea at tne mouin. it as found ia a perch Webster on th currency l me in inn . .v..:: . it nnxln't ... . 5- m . nonnv anrl 1UUCH Ul """" '"J. . .. ' owc "J " - r J. ' . .n what hannen . n 1. .r,Ar vrxi.v haalth anrl asirt ho - tr honed vou'd call and see' hfm 'cause he corner or any where else How a "Mob" Robs Banks . "A 'mob'" said a New Y'ork detective to a World reporter, "consists usually oi two men. One of them is known as the atall' and the other the 'sneak.' Tht cashier of the bank who usually face th enclosure behind which the clerkt atp. at work, can be made to turn in his chair by the stall, who will, pretend to be deaf, and while raiKing aooui opeu- in an account will lean over bo as to ret the cashier's eyes away from th front of the building. In an instant tht sneak,' with a pen behind his ear and ink on his fingers, perhaps wearing aa inkv office coat, is behind the railing, having entered through tho cashier't room. He is skilful in turning .rapidly so that his face is not 'seen, and! know ing exactly where the money is 'located that he covets, he has it under his coat and is out of the inclosure and out ol the building before' any one knows eyes that he was there." had a new box of just the sort of cigars you like." "My stars 1 Where s my natr- rnua- delphia Eecord. Quite Apropos. Among the wedding gifts of a Lenox . Va a young woman was a tan lamp 01 iron framework, at whose base were three heads of some animal. v hat animal was meant to be represented had been food lor speculation among vucuimoa friends ever since the lamp arrival, as the wedding reception, as a number were lookincr at the gilts. Miss a. saia 10 .ui B., in a moderate tone, xor iear tne gier of the lamp might be near, "I think it s a donkey." A dudish young man chanced a be standing near them, and Miss B. shif tng her position, brought tne young man all nnronacious I etween her and her friend, to whom she then quietly and significantly remarked : "I believe it is." Harper' Bazar. Familiar Domestic Scene. around th Beside aa arm of neoDle and scores of big build- intra it naa a PUOUC KOTUI, ivnv Station, two unoeriaaera, iw uw.kii, two drugstores, a bakery, two laundries, n tmnlnrment bureau, two groceries, a - . . , . 1 t-.. v.i : a meat market, a urancn ox 100 1 Works Department, a mission house, a church, a fire engine house, an insurance r at rot three barber shop. wneeiwriKus a cabinetmaker, a shoemaker, three liverv stables, a tailor, a cigar manufac turer, a boarding house, a dressmaker, a oi vard. an express omce uu saloons. Vie Yvrk Sun. Climbing Mount St. Ellas. Vnnnt St. Elias promises to be th tain climbing center of thit rountrv. A traveler who hat returned from there, after failing to ascend to the summit, reports that his party, after sur- AnntmiT irreat ditticnltie. reached a w.;i,t f 11 rnl feet, and were then .nn,riiu-1 to abandon the enterprise. The ascent was covered with ice mounds. with boulders. The party were Jinks "What waa the matter at your 1 at one time knee deep in T house last night!" another were wading through icy waters Blinkt "Matter?" Ilaotan Tlees la the raeaojrtpa Now that the phonograph has become an assured commercial success, bservt-t the Detroit Fr' iVes l may be well to point out one great advantage it pos- esses ana mat, dm mciuiw.w.w - ---- the notice of newspaper men. it e a curious fact that no peron recoznict his wo vo ce whea it is givea iecx i-y the phonograph. His Mends te xgn re it; but it sounds strange and weird to the epcer. iu new macninc fore, es tab us nes ima curious unknown truth, that no man has yel heard his owo voice at others hear it. Now there ia io tbit and all otner coun triet a cla of individuals who perit, every time they get a chance, in tpeak- ing in public, or in reciting w . as the case may be. N one baa the courage to tell a persoo of this kind that v;. rTira are atrocious, and even if a A. . V . , . man bold enough to do so existed, to that the amateur performer . . .1 j would not bel eve him. ti wou a merelv ret angry and say that it was the n.V.."r.llnmr'a iealcUV. No this CSO all be remedied, to the great relief of rmblic Let every amateut rvaWr reciter or siozer be persuaded to speak, recite or amg t"--rraph and then listen to the result. It will be a frightful disillusion 5 him, but by Daniel is": B it enacted by the General Assembly of the Stat of Franklin, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from the 1st day of January. i;t. the salaries of the o ficert of thit com monwealth be at follows: His Excellency, the Governor, pet annum, loOO deer skins. His Honor, the Chief Justic, pet annum, 500 deer akina. Th Secretary to hie Fxctllency, the Governor, per annum. cki raccooa taina. The Treasurer to the State, 4-V0 raccoon akin. Each County Clerk, SnO beaver skins. Clerk of House of Commons, 200 raocooa Members of th Aembly, per diem, three raccoon skint. Justices fee for signing a warrant, one muk rat akin. To th Con-tabl for eervieg a war rant, one miak akia. Unacted into the law th mh day of October. ITS, under tb great seal ! th Stat. The of Paris fan which the Bonapartist. ladiei is ent Princess Lsetitia aa a. wed- that steamed continuously upwards, and I 3ing gut actqauy co5l oou. "Yes: something unusual going on, wnsn't there?" "Not that I know of." "Eh! Why at I patted your hois I tA hi frlarier. He believes tn moun tain cannot be ascended without the at- aiatanre of trained Switt mountaineer rrt,. .oVara with the party could aot climb. Chimg Bvrald he will never olecd aga Tnl!man savt h ran build aw j!n ev containing aix ale bedrooms, bet passengers would hat to pay instetd ( S3 per night. A Calaat!a Mere T Farallarc A bureau exhibjted at th Brussels Ex hibitioa is a aoorc of great eurpria wheo takea to piece, la th epar of . fir minutes the bureau caa b trans formed into a complete set of bed 1 00m furniture, consisting of th fol-owiag article: First, a bed (including mattres and blanket) ; Id, a table; : d, a leather trunk; 4th, a wash land, with basis. wer, etc., complete; 5tn, a towei ran, tth, a looking glass; ;th, aa armchair, tc. Ther is nothing short, ia fact. Th inventor it a Mr. .wicker Loiar, 01 Brussels, of course, the bureau con tains a'l the usual accessories in th shape of drawers for papers, letter, a a X account uooas, etc ia om b"ik. after a comfortable night's rest, th bed is again transformed into a writing table and withstand, table, etc, and re stored to their placet io a ftw minute. 0 rata a Week a Hard Task. Tb Eogliah Bishop of Ely hat forbid dea the deacon in hit diocese preaching mors thaa on sermon of "their own compos tion" each Sunday. If tbey re quire to preach twice they are directed to "write out torn sermon by a standard divine" and read it to the people.- One good termoa a week it at mack at many a veteran io tb pnlpit can well supply, and th young m C trial recruit an ay wU b permuted to coacentraU all the epportanitie for study a week will giv thm 4 on disccsrs. ,Vt TV Co- 7 V-.-r7"''

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