VOL. XVIII NO. 201. WILMINGTON, N C., TUESDAV M(HN!NG, AUGUST 1800. WHOL t NUM.IJE H 5,290 OA J I, Y JO I J HNA1. OIiPKKf DAlLl IH TUB BTAT1. ' KtIO ttCllA IuTa i'llIC kT ProprUlur . Ai)vkuTksil7iAi'irHZuAiXY. !63 flips IIS 5. P 2 "i r a, - fc- M W - 2 t? 1 1 1 1 I 'I I III I SJ S 8 S 8 8 8 L IS 8..gS g S 8 "3 jS.S .8 S 8 S .8 "2 J " o D -J ' W M !S.88 8 .8 8 S "3 a t w S18-L3 8 .8 8 8 a ko m - 8 8 . 8 8 8 ..8 2 8 .8 8 8 8 S 8 1-!? 8 6 S S 5 c 2 8 .8 8 .8 8 .8 8 f 8S U M U H ' o S5 at o . t 8 8 8 8.8 8 .? S 8 8 8 8 .8 ? 5 aja g a & 8 S .81 8 S 8 8 S !S 1 B 8 S 8 tS H S 8 3!. 8 S 8.8 S I! i g 1 8 S k IS 8 81 8 8 8 8 5 One year, ...... Mix monilui I'hrw immtlK.. ..$10 00 . no . 3 00 W K EKL Y J OURNAL - KSTABLIBHED BKrTEMBBIl. 1841. on Minnie, 01 ten Udcb or less, lor cacti and every In penuin, yi. Hpix lai Nottrra will l charged $2 per iqnaro, ftir each n.l cvnrj luaorttou- ; 81'BSUKIITIOM. One year, f 3 00 Kix uiuhtlin.... i 00 THE DAILY JOURNAL ' WILMINGTON. N. G. TUESDAY. AUGUST 3. 18(i9. ., From llio Norfolk Virginian. Kate Stuart. A Miiia Lewis, of MfisaaRhuHoU.H, wo lo lievo, Iim rncohtly anbievod great uuj meriteit distinction by rescuing uomo un fortniiiito person Ifom a watery prave ; an the paporB Lavo gonorally paid their horn ace to her lioroio action. JNor 14 this nil Our Northern brothren, being of praetieal turn of niinii, Have minio lier tue recipient of many Rubntantial tokona of appreciation in the Bhapo of preonlmokH, and jowdln of gold and jewels of silver, so tbat ber heroic action lias Uoeii "rewarded by praise and presents. This was all very well. Sho deserve- botu, and we give tier our applituso very heartily : l.ut at the snrno time thero in a maiden in North Carolina who disputes the 1 aim with her. Who is she? You never heard her naruo. Of courue not, for she happened to be born cm the wrong side of the i'otomno. We answer our own question, and say that tlio heroine ol whom we speak, is Mifid Kate i-itmtrt, of Mmithvillo. Tho other duy she rescued a daughter of Captaiu lluuter, of the Bteamer l'airbauke, from drowning, by plunging in boldly and bringing her to land at the peril of ber own life, and we put the case on record tbat her noble action may not go altogetb er nnrernombered. Tbat she is thoroughly desorviug our praise is shown by such facts as the.se, that wben the yellow lover and small-pox pre vailed in epidemic form at Hmithville, she devoted herself liko an second Floronoo Nightingale to tho work of nursing the siok, while, alter the disaster at r inner, abe dovoted every moment to the conso lulion of our dying aud the care of oar wounded soldiers. To show, in short, how entirely nnsemsh this heroio woman wan. we quote tho Raleigh Sontinel as oar authority for the statement that when our prisoners wore removed to the North sho eavo them the "last gold dollar that she. had in the world." To such a woman words of praise are nothing. Sho has a still, small voice in her own bosom which speaks to her in tones of approval which are sweeter than all tho line phrases which Hnmano Societies oonld utter: and sho feels in her heart that she has laid np treasure in heaven by her modest and nn obtrusive imitation of that Master whoso life she has taken as her guide. Let the name of Kate Stuart be numbered among those who have been ornaments to their sex and country I Terrible Diet oh a Mississippi River Steamboat. Ktght H.B Reported Killed. , ,. Chicago, July 23.- A terrible riot 11 reported on board the steamer Dnbnqao, at Hampton, on the Mississippi river, about ten miles above liock Island. A number of raftsmen, who - took passage on the boat at lsock Island, insisted on being allowed to ocoapy the cabin, and being refused, commenced a row, which became general, not only with the crew, bnt passengers. Eight men are reported killed. The Sheriff of liock Island was telegraphed, and immediately started for the ecene of action with a large force. Failure of an Insurance Company. Thclialtio Fire Insurance Company, which failed day before yesterday, began busi ness in 1801 with a capital stock of $200, 000, and from the start has been unsuc cessful, never having paid a dividend, and och year showing a larger expend! tare than rooeipta. Of course its collapse was bat a question of time. The attention of - Mr. Barnes, the super in Undent of the in surance department, having been called to ita condition, he was induced to make an examination of its affairs, which resulted in the disclosure of a deficiency of over $30,000, and be immediately issued an or der that the stockholders should make this amount good, or wind np the affair" of the company. This they refased to do, the stock having been unproductive for five - jean ; and the company almost entirely dependent anon the brokers for patronage they concluded it the wisest coarse to wind up the affairs of. the company and retire th. Hal l VI v ur '77' Meeting of the Federal and f onfrderato Onerala at the tieltj-sburftPiiriugs. The following circular letter -has been sent to the Federal and Confederate (Ion orals, in pursuance of tho resolutions wnin tune sinne adopteu by the Octtyniinrg Hut Menold Memorial Association one form o lotter was addressed to all: Qettxsbi'Ru, July 2'.), 1809. General The Gettysburg llivttleflold Memorial Aesociation, organized soon after tho battle, since incorporated, and holding in absolute tenure the more iut portunt portions of the battlerouudn, - be ing memorial and historical iu its pur potto and character, has unanimously adopted resolutions which accompany this letter (already published), determining to proooed to lnuicato the Hold witb endnring memo rials constructed of the granito from iu hills, and thus to permanently mark "out the positions and movements of tho armies. corps, divisions and important commands in tho battlo. Its object is to perpetnato tho history of mo uiuno in lis simple iruin, ana 10 mill ond maito the battlolieid its own interpre ter. It seeks to preserve this Hold truly indicated, as an enduring historical memo rial of tho military events of tho 1st, 2d and 3d of July. 18C3, as" school for study in ' practically illustrating tho art of war and an ever eloquent though, silout expo nent, aliko to citizen and foreign visitor, of the P.attle of Gottysburff. The more elleotually to acoomnlish thus itu purpose, and before proceeding to erect the indications, tho association dosiros to donve tho important reqnisito information from authontio and original sourccr. It earnestly realizes that justice to themselves and iidolitv to the truth of historv entitles tho oilioers who commanded tho forces in aotion designato tho position and define tho movements thus to bo perpetuated. With this high historic purpose in viow. I am instructed by tho Hoard us Secretary and on behalf of the association, to invite von, General, to oo-operato in this work of indication and to attond a reunion of yoar brigado, division, corps and army, uion tho battle grounds, thero to confer togeth er and dotormine tho positions and itnpor tant points proper to bo enaunngly dowg natcd. The timo fixed for the meeting is the week commencing with the 23d of Au gust next. The plaoo of meeting is the Gettysburg Spring llotol, upon the battle ueid, wuoro the accommodations aro am pie and exeollont. It is requested that at the samo time thev rrfnly to this invitation the ofllccrs invited address tho surviving runking officer of their corps, and express, if practicable, their intention to bo present, and ha is also requested to communicate with the Secretary, Arrangements aro in progroas to Bocuro to the visiting ulcers tho courtesy of froo travel to and prabably also from this re union, over tho railroads leading thither. Tho association has also arranged for the commutation of tho hotel charges to a very moderate price, while securing corufoit and every desirable attention. The press of the country hut also been requested to further the consummation de sired, and is goneronsly responding. I he oilicers ami directors sinoerely hoie that yon, Ueucral, may 11ml it both agreo able und convenient to accept tho invita tion hereby tendered to this reunion, which will be an oecosion of great personal and public as well as hi leno lnloivst, . Awaiting your reply, 1 am, very respect fully, yours, l). MCUONATJUHY. Secretary of the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association, The following is a list of tho ollicors of tho association : President John W, Geary, I'oard of Directors Hon, Henry v. uary, .Kiimnnd A. Homier, iwi.; ttener al J. Watts Do I'eystor, Wra. M. iiorsh, t.sq. ; lion. A. U. lloister. 11. M. MeAllis ter, Ksq. : Hon. T. B. Danner, Hon. 1). Mo Conaughy, It. G. MoOreary, Esq.; Geo, Arnold, Ksq. ; A. V. Buckler, Professor M U Stoever, Dr. Charles Horner. Vice President It. O. MoOreary, Esq. Treas nrer George Arnold, Esq. Secretary lion. u. Mcuouaughy. of the diameter of the moor). They, loo, he-. long to the huh, und are demonstrated by tho spectroscope to bo innaiuliwnt liyUiv ;t!H. With every eolipso they vary in Bine, number, shape, position and depth of color. (i. Planets and largo stars aro oflsn no ted during total cirflipnes by those who have previously studied their positions on a ce lestial map. As tho darkness hardly ex ceeds that of a moonlight ni;ht, they lire not always readily found iu the two or three ruiuutea of j-loom that at tend h en tire objuration of tho sun. By a little study of the map at the commencement of this number, 0110 may bo ubln to roooguif.e tho uioKt nouNpicuuus pluiiels mill stars that will be visible. When the sun reappears tho phenome non of Baily's Beads Hlmtild be ii;iiin look ed for this timo on tho right, sido 01 tho moon's dink. The awful shadow will after ward be seen sailing rapidly uwnj in the air to the eastward. llicn follow the changes of color in the sky and landscape, the rising of the thermometer, aud a gee era! awakening of Nature, und the wonder- J fnl exhibition is over. mv ivr.misi:N!:vrs. 0M.V ii: U0L1.AK 11)11 .KIM'M IIKIIAI.lt 1,1 ,Ue I'l. ls'M. A llrnt-itUn llln.lritli'il l(.'llt;niM Jtiiiiiul nl lit 'k'. vu,ii ii.ni.M h : r 1 .hi 01.1 i in- eliimet.il pHper in lli lnu.l. J (nl M r in ml ranmi. oiiedinMiM e.in ttee. I''. I. W I N't. I W, l'ulilinlii-r, ll Onriilnll, lliwlnii, $100 'rat t iht o rii i i7 lUvliix uhUihi.l hii i x(iiiiBirt unit wiilo "pn-iel mid fur our " l fc; l I'll " hmiut ot l-uto-CM CuiiiiiV Vii.'i, icri', oili-ilo In itmieoufn llit He ViiiV not pi'k lUlly f lOH 111 tlm tunall till Tnil I n IUM.1 ahor tlnn il.le. July Ut. 1HC I, iU lueiiU l e- itifr m) UvovhI'Iv lns.t;iut! .I Hint IIiih iriilii. t'hinit id no lenni-r in i'i'njri . lo kVel l iiinntppieliiiii. nii, however, we wmilil nM Hint vn nlmll run limn to I'Ki'k orlir fer lo(.'iit Unfffhnm.t rpt) in our " VAriri1 ria u" uml Ki'ilK.. K" brni of r?nii.on7 'JUia.in. Tho " Ai III1 CM U" i iltivoUl of Nientinty uil cuiinet Inluro thalimlllt. ami I. hwiIIt ro- cimiimsiilDil t ixsiple of milntitry-tit'iMipHliin. or 111 1 vouh eauatitatloii.. TIid Irmle r iuviiotl In nonl fr citi'iilmn. I', I.OKII.LAHI) Kot Vurk. Gdicral Crant a Itadiral. Wasiiinoton, July 30. Among the visi tors at tho White Houso to-day was a gon- tloman who, in conversation with the Presi dent, broached tho subject of politics in Mississippi and the Dent movement iu that State. Tho President was reminded of tho conflicting reports in relation to his feel ings and views upon that question, and that it was asserted that ho had already given his adhesion to Jadge Dent. Tho President replied to his" visitor (who is my informant) substantially that the-patronngo of tho Administration wonld not bo cast in favor of Judge Dent, as tho party that supported him waa believed to be inimi cal to tho Republican party of tho country. In tho course of conversation the Presi dent took occasion to express regret that sr many good Uepnblioans woro found act ing with men who ho bolievod fulled to give a gonuino and hearty support to the lte publioan party and tho measures of the Administration. Ho dors not believe there is any issue in Mississippi which should canso a division in tho Kcpublictm ranks in that State, aud as between the party supporting J ml go Dent and his opponents ho favors the luttor as being the true rep resentatives of the principles of Ins admin istration. - Tho President also tulkwPvory freely upon Virginia politics. Ho seems satis- lied with Colonel Walkor'fl election, and has confidence in his integrity. Ho thinks, also, there is a fair prospect of ths union" of tho Wells and Walker elements, and has no doubt of the thorough reconstruction of tho Statu. It is inferred from what was said that tbo Administration is on the side of Stokes in Teunossoo and Davis in Texas, and that when Secretary Boulwell wrote the letter to Stokes, which has been so much commented on, ho simply reflected tho views of tho Administration. Washington telegram, Baltimore Hun, 1MIIKKI.ANI C.V1VKHWI TV, l.t Itauunn V Tiuh., ht 70S HtllllOllU. (Poo Vkh jia t uvViiam kku ARnnt. tn .nil tlm Uou HuirrrL hhWINO Ma eniNK, It nikke. tbo uiex eTiTen, aukk on both Hinrnt, has tin imilor-fei'il, nmt la eipml In rvory ronpci'i to ny eewinir nucnine eynr lnTciiiou.-- l'rios rn. wrronliil rnr 0 yer. Hinni lor eir cular. AiMrea JoilNHhM, CiiAiiK Co , lio.lnn Mivki., rillalmrRli, I., nr Hi. lioniH, Mo. aviLKovu-. v WII.MlNll'ltiN A WKIihUN HAII.IiOAIi () ,) OiKies Cnmr Hnt. 1n. Hi i-miintknuhmt, Vii.miiiiin, N. II., April '-in, pit.J ) N AM' Af I f II SKINIMV, llll IMUIl Hint., our psnii,'i r trmnn en till. re,l will lnnvo Nilniffiteii t i; no A. M mill III INI I. M , nn, mine t Wnlil.ui, li l'ii A. M. n.l 'J id I'. M, l.envn Weltlnii HI 1 .t A. M. kli.l 1M 1, M. Airtvu .1 Wll- iniiii'leii 4::M A. M. 7 l.i I1. M. 'l'li ilnr tiHlli will imt inn in iiii.IVK. A daily IIiiihikIi lieiKut nam ill i.'kvm wiiininii leu (tmiuiiitit in n plnll 1 1:00 1', M , tor llin ,'milnuiii,miiiii ol linek Km mem. 1 nummi!. tm eu hImo nr.l hovuiii iiinilHtieiin mi KHiit IrfiiuM (rmn in fnr Ui.l.lu tsirn'. H. li. Ml KMl'NT. i I- UK- Hilpt- pril 10 . KM If HKNKHAti HUl'KiaN'l'KNUkNTH omOR, W ll.HIKOTHM L WANOIIK.rK It, Jl. Ill), Wn minotoii. N. .,' ApiU Jo, lH8a, tor piii'tlciiUr UrUIlx)ro, 1 sawiummmr ihnt pnu. J2J mliliM H. M. f i KNem A Co VI. A NIC yoar llurtorur DrugnUI torNWKKT HI ININK- Ii eqiul. (Mllor) giiiiifno. Is maile only by F. HI KAIINH, CUi'IiuhI, Detroit, IU X May for ll. Adilrens A. J, t'ULbaM.N. V. NC8KET SHOT tillNS WJMliMNTEl) To nhont clese ami kill no yards. I'rloo $ no, Wnnirtl. Army Onus and lluvolvuiy. Hriul tmp for pries li.t Itillea, Hhot Qan, Burolvera, Tho Purott, Best aud Cheapest siii.u iiv aix Giiorr.as. COLBl!HNH PATKNT RED JACKET AXE 'ff 'J,; "."' r- . i N AND AtTKit. J Train of this Jinn, Al'itJb Utli lanuMiRnr t will run on the follow iHK Ht'h.dillo I KXritKHH TltAlNH. Uave WilmtDKlon dairy at...'......ViM A. M. Arnvs at florenea .....l(l:ifj A. M. Arrive at ttinR.vlllo. , -.M P, 11, beavs KiuKHvillc... ., J3;! V, at. ArriTo at MumuM. !I:B4 V. M. Arrive at WHiiiluKlon n-M V. M. Kj iirtwi) Tram ooimict iilnmily at Floronoo Willi thai NnrlliinHlorn Itatlriiail fii Oharlnaton I and Oheraw and DurliiiRtou liailroad for Oheraw, and at KiiiK"villo Willi ll,o Hentii Harollna lUilroad for AiiRuata, to wblcli point oars fin thrvvqh wfrAouf ACCOMMODATION T11A1N8. Leave WilmiiiKton daily, Uunday ex., at H:0S 1. M, Arrive a tyinrimoo..,, M A. M, Arrive at Kiii(rvillo., l:00 A. M. Ijmv KiiiaivUle 4:00 V, M. Arrive at Florence 0:40 t. M. Arrive at WilmiuRtou.. 6:10 A. U. Aeoiininiodation Train coiiueots oloaoly at Florenoe with the Nortlieaatorn Railroad for DliarlmiUiD, and at KinRville with the Honth Carolina lUUroad for Augneta. 1'aiMtiReri for Uoloniuia eliould tale ttra AoooinmodaUoa Train. WM. ilAeKAli, . Qeneral Hunorlutendont' It ' , 105-tf Printing. JOB TUH'JOUKNAL.. IKIMING 0FFKF, PrlHrru Rleet-t. WILMIlftlTON, N. V, All kinds nt .PLAIN : nud FANCY PHINIING exeentitl with nrsd nve iinil diupnteh, Tho best work guaranteed nt the lowest possible price, UHFXr SOI Til Kit N i'AHSFNCrJl AMD FKi:iliT ILM AItt LINK, Itctween New work and New Orleaust AND A IX 11ITKIIIH.MATK CITIM AND VhkCU, f IV1MK FHF.IOHT FOUWiMJED UV rASMKN- JL Q Eft TRAINS, aud at M)W lUim JVo Ituvmne nMwy, To uuroliano Tlokats. or fat rate of Trannnor- laiion anil oinnr ininrmauon, apply at llifl Unr al liniee, 'AH Iiodwiy, corner of lloatle etrimt, I no im'K - I'li'Tlili MAIOJCTT. IHmoral ARnnt. New Vrb, Juim 15, SM-lf K.vuiuf DicHoiumoN of JON HOHK, I'AMrriLKTH, rOLlCIKS. tlAllDrt, ClltOUtABH, NOTEH, UlLL-atKADti, VOMTKBH, llKCliHTH, (JATALOUUKfl, DANK-0HBOKB, BUOW-OAKDS, rnOOBAUUKB, T10KKT8, DUCQ LAllEbS, ho., 4o., A WIU. AS ,. . .. 00UUT AND LAW 0 LAN KB of i - erorj duorlptioD, printed at the sheetoat notion, anil cheap for cash at T11H JOUUNAL JOU OFFICE. U'l!., ( Itarlottei & The August Frlipse. The Biversido Magazine for Aucust has for a leading illustration a tinted rcpre sentation of tho appearanoo of tho earth aud sky at tho time of tho total obscura tion ot the sun in tho eclipse of August 7th From tho letterpress description we take tho.following sketch of this most wonder fnl "sight: For tho convenience of such of our readers as live within tho belt of country referrod to on the fourth page of this num ber, where will be witnessed on the 7th instant the total eclipse of the sun, we give a short description of the phenomena to be expected, .remaps some may have sufficient presenoe of mind to make brief notes ol what they see. If so, wo shall be happy to receive the results of such obser vations for comparison, and possible publi cation in a future somber. Aa regards the appearances under the heads three and five, a spy -gloss or small telecoDpe will be necessary to reveal them to satisfaction. 1. When the sun is more than three- fourths hidden by the dark disk of the moon a perceptible gloom is thrown on all the landscape around. Moon after, the ky appears to descend; the horizon to eon tract; the temperature of the air foils; birds cease their singing; flowers close; an un earthly greenish, and ndtsb light im parted to portions of the eky; a sudden darKncss ensues; and everything wears a mysterious and gloomy aspect. '1. Immediately bolore the last trace of the son s disk: disappears, the awfnl shad ow of the moon in the air may be detected rapidly approaching from the west like a dark column or a sombre clond. To wit ness this impressive sight care must be exercised, lest iu the excitement of the moment the swiftly-approaching shadow oe nnneeaed. 3. The last thread of light from the sun's disk sometimes appears to separate into little grams or beads beforo its total dis appearance. This phenomenon has re ceived the name of Baily's Bead's," from the noted astronomer who first wit nessed it. 4. Instantly on the extinction of tho sun Till be seen the grandest feature of the eclipse, the corona, or crown of licht. issu ing on all sides apparently from the purple-black disk of the moon, though in re ality from the sun. It is the atmosphere of tho sun rendered visiblo by the absenoe of tho overpowering sunlight. As tho light ia dazzlicgly White, a piece of smoked ghva will enable yoa to surrey it without the inconvenience which might otherwise arise. 5. In the oorona, and issuing also appa rently from the dark moon, thero will ap pear several rose-colored flames projecting fcejroad the gloomy HA, perhaps a tenth How to Observe the Eclipse and Save Your Eyes. Take a large card with a email louud hole in tho centre, aud hoi, I it against the sun's rays, so that. .tho ehadow will fall on tho lloor, pavement, wall, or other dark and smooth surface. In the middle of tho I Bhadow there will be a trim imago of the sun, and the eclipse euu be' studied in ita j progress without straining tho eyes, aud j without smutting face or hands with smoked glass. i Is boiler than our reRiilar ntmpf-il Attx for tin ! reaMoas : h'iitt It oiiIh iloniior. .Viwmj -11 tlm Hliek iu tho wood. 7 tietl It doe not Jut tlie Imntl. 'iMiti No time In waatml Iu Ukiue the Axo out of the cut. . With the uine Talor i you will do one-third more Work than with roRii r Axon. Hod paint haa nolhinu to dowilU Hi good qualities of thin Axo, for all our A-ion an. uaiatoj rxl. If your hardware store doee uol keep our r 'Oils, we will gladly answer impiiriim or nil youi urdora direct, or (;ive. you the name ol l.-ie uuaroHi oeaier wuo oe .. our Axen, lill-fllvl OIT UAKKWD-XL, I'ltOhurult, fat H.il.i nwni.i of IJiilLiiru'tt and Mis) Jat'knt Patent NIKE WATER ! Illilaiiied illv and ehoanlv tv tlm AHIKIlK A I Iftlll V li'.ai Wh-.l.l. M W luvuu it. " otuijuu 'i nun "nj-.f,' "" ''.) : 111 vmiur aim pni imii. i. nt-iiii lor circulars, the familiar circumstance, that the lieht i it. t-KiMithn, Amht-rt, Maa., Goo. Ag't lur 0, spots in tlio shadows, during a ' solar eclipse, take the sha)iu of the luminous portions of the sun's disc ; and tho perfo rated card has been uoed with perfect sue T1" HOLLOHAf'S , VERMIFII6E CONFEOTlDNSi o- CI 'Latllr klkatlr. Sapitoitrra. 1(1. (I, HIiIIhoiib.) fur tnnulhly use. Hiiuule. o.nirii , ne-nt ami near. 1'nr sale at intlliiiurv and fancy I pood store. Sample by mail on reoeiit ot oim i dollar, flic. J. II. llouins, Murn tla, Ua., nolo I atjbiit lur tl.ailti uaroliiia, Un., Kla., Ala , fill l.oiuoiana. ! ' SIANHOOiif ... A MiailOAb KHAY ON THE OAUUF. AND . O IJ It K UK I'HKMATUKK DKIII.INK IN MAN the Troatnieot of Nervous and I'hysii al Dabihty. DR. nOIXOWAY, some IS yearu ago, wiliieaa-1 uig the diatrea oooasuiiuKt wekly eliildren in ' Uking llio riaiiHitoua vortuitugta of that day. re- aolveii to analyze Itifini, and from tlm most plfoo tiye of these remodise enccnodod in separatism their activo medioai properties, puro, tastelesa and inodorous. Thou by combining thoao with sugar, and luouldiug them into au agreoatilo on- j fention, formed the present popuma aud Eirr.c-1 tive VtSMiriuiK known an ,., . - i ! Ac ' There )g no moiiVr W M Utu hy whmnthi Itunk will-not be (,mnil unrfttl, McMe" mrh pfr- mm no(U trie reliitiiiu of J'urmt, J ruenpun- ot t'lrryjimnu. Mtilical Utiim ond lliiteltf. Hiuil hy wail on riweoit nt fifty csuIk. - Addrocs tho Author, Dlt. K. -Da F. CJUilTIM, :4H F Htieet, WaabingUiu, D. O, MVI1UTV KAIl kiiwrl.at.la Ihtt'lrrat L inrnl ot 1 lirnatlr ami l.anal lllacaat. A f'liiniflitnii'nL 1'i.im r.t Atitrfii,ia Tlm mIiam,,. llOUOWay fertUlllle I Olllt'l IIOIIS, tut hook ovw publishod-o,mtaimnR nearly 8U0 which have almost entirely .uperscdoJ the old "". 'J'"' P'i n.'iKravinRsof the nanaeoiiH VoriuifnKc, to tho diaiglit ot tho pimr : "r " '" organ in a tto of hoalth littlo anflorora. Itcoutainano Calomel or Dior uJ. hae, witu a troatiao on early .orrora, i ik i,,.,fn.i,t,i,io j uopiorauio consoqnonce noon tlie imutl and boil Ho highly eateomotl is this poimUr VwniiiaRe, ! W'H the aulhor'e plan of troatmont-th only ra bv tho profoaaion, that aU iiitoiligoot pliTsioian. i iiouM and nobHful motto of ouie as shown by whoknowofthei. pre.oribo them in lYriforsnce i T"P',lt. treated. A truthful advisor to to other rmoedioe, a not only more flftatnt to i " " auu ioee wDwrnpiauiig niarriaRe tako, but moro effective to cure. : w'', ntortain doubt of their physical oondulou. IVronta aud cuardiaoa liaviuff the care of chil-1 lJ?ut h? .' P0'K to any address on receipt ot dren, should koop thorn aa a family medicine; for I ",KS ' Vi'.i., .fv1 w B!5"iW b? d u ft.r.. , i drosaiDR Dr. LA OltUlA. Mo. SI Maiden Lane lUri 1111. I J 1 1 1 , FIKIIMII-nuilllll -UHWWIWI Wf m 4T17 ,i,l li 1 i. 1 childhood-but they correct any dorangriuotit of ! Albany, . . Jhe aulliur may be oon.ulted upoli .... . J. . . " . ... , an rif llitt iIiuuim miAn wlni.li lilu kiu.li. I...I he digestive organs, so prevalent with uhilUrea. auy of the disease upon wluoli his book treat. eitlior personally or by mail, and mediuiuesluut to any part of llio woriii. (EE AT DISTRIIJI TION By Hi. M.tropolilaa Uin t o. Hollo way' CoaxccBtraUMl Ksu-ncc of Jaiiia- av uinycr. This Is a euro extract of tho trno Jamaica Uin- ger, freefrmn Laptwum, or naj deleterious ad- nunwe; ctjut.iijuiK an ttio nruiuaiiu, uarmiui- CAHII QIKl' TO Till.' AMItllN'l' ..ratlin lum tive. and Dlftaaively Htimulating propertieaofttio i" ', to Tllfe, AMOUiM j.rs.wu.ooo, t i .1 : an , at ; cH -it I ' - ir.tuajUB tjiurtnit i-vi i,n i,iii s , h n vAinTs in i .t.:ii . ,A .1.1 ... i I. .. I : - I uu ill iiuui CJtfJvaui o hi nviu ui t mil mi. i-vuuuu, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea, Dyaoutory, Dyspepsia, nervous JUODimy, uoaaaciie, eca biokuosh, &c. Boiog doudi Lit tiremjlh of any Esaeooe ol Gin ger in the market, it i choaper to consumer and more convenient to traveler. I1KISKKI.IVS TKTTHH DINT Jl K n T. 1UW VllltlUi-U U I U'l H31 VI Wt7lllJ yean, ha proved itself a toveroign remedy for all Disoaaes of the Skin ; having effected a radical care in every ease in wbich it waa used, curing many obstinate ease of fifteen or twenty year standing, that had prcvionaly resisted all rti me dio prescribed by the best medical talent of the country. Its effeei is astonishing; in a few day the aoreDeea and irritation is removed, the (kin become smooth and healthy, and remain perma nently healed, without the use of any other rem edy. Tho, TztTca, Salt Bbxcx, Itcb, bouusti's Itch, Ebysipelas, Blotches, Pimplks, and every form of diseaM of the akin I eared, no matter of how long atanding. It ha cured bad case of IitTLABED Kviud, and discharge from tho Ear when nothing elee would heal thorn. Tile that have resisted all other treatment for many years, have been effootaally cored by the nee of only one box of this Ointment. liuaas, Boaum aud Old Boat it heal in a very short time. Fbici 60 Cent ieu Box. If not sold by your Druggist end 00 cents to Johnaton, HoUoway It Cowden, rhiladolphia. and a box will be ami (roe of post age to any aUdreea. OBSKIiVE Moue gonaine without the signa ture of the proprietor ou the wrapper of each box. . . tOXSlMPTIOX. Faor. TllOBaiiAU has deuoosUated. betooi all question, that M iiDfiimj vnvBii a, - ' a will core OonanmnUon. a proved bv him in dm Ihoutind eatet in tbe hospital of Pari, aud Dr. Weime, la UtKMia, lias uau aimilar auoeen tbero, and in thi couotry our physician are coiunioud- ing it in all Fuimocary airocUoua. Marasmus, and Oooeral Debility, with great satisfaoUon. It t pleasant to take, and a single bottle will oc r txi six for 15. any one of it virtues. Bold at f 1 per oonvince Hie, or JOHNSTON. nOLLOWAI k OOWDKN. - 6vi Aroh atreet, I'tuJ. Bold by all Droit Ut. KAfUl 13 ItiHodtao KVaCUV TII KKf UNAWS A I'ltlZK, 5 Cash din, each. , . . .!u,l00 10 ;.. 10,(KI ) ' " " 6000 40 " , l.uoe " uOU son ,.-,.-tt..,.HVWi..;.; m m hlegaot itosewood Piano,, each 1300 to $700 75 " " Molodoous " 7r to 1(W 3M Rowing Machine .. CO to 175 500Oold Watchee., 75 to .SOU O-al. I-..,,.. UllM- Ui 1 1.. .U..I . . ! s v-wfuwMu.i.,4 7ni,,llC. IMH4, T at.-VtirJ-,V,.V7vr.-nviTt-,vV;-r1.M0,Ofll0 A chance to draw any of the above Prize for c. ncxett describing Frizes are itemed iu fia. veiopea and weu mixed. "On receipt ef 5e. a Heated Ticket It drawn wiibout choice and tent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on py ment of One Dollar. Frizes are Immediately sent tu auy autires oy eiprea or return man. Yoa will know what yoar Prise i before yon pay for it. jlny Friu exdmnjei for anoUier nf Mint value. No Blank. Oar patron can de pend on fair dealing. iiErzBENCE : We select the following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prize and kindly permitted a to publish, them i Andrew J, Burn. Chicago, $10,000 ; Mia Clara 8. Walker, Baltimore, Ilanoe, IWO ; Jfamea M. Matthew, Detroit, $5,000, John T. Andrew, Savannah, $5, 0OC ; Mis Agnes Simmons, Charleston, Piano, f 000. We publish no names without permiaakxi. Opinions of tbi Phks : " The firm is relia ble, and deserve their lueeess." Weekly Tribune iuay b. -- wo snow tnm to be a rair dealing lirm." If. Y. Herald Mav 28. " A friend of oars drew a I ji prize, wbich waa.prosapily received." jjauy Jers June A. Send for circular. Liberal inducement to A gen If. HatiKtaction guaranteed, tvery pack age ui poaim ii veiopea contain on cash oirr. Hix Tie tots fr ! ; 13 for tl ; 35 for $5 ; 110 for f 15. All letters should be addressed to IIAHPKK, WILMO A V.O., I , li ta 1rvUway, Mew York. July 27 - 255 &TKAH, ILm,r JOH 25 CKNTa AND Ury'AfiDS UKBBELLAS far $1, and fjpward. at -- ASDERaONU Uulhrrford n. ii.l (lr.NKBAL HlTPKaiNlKOKNTS OvrlOR,! HlLMIWlTOR, N. O,, Hy 16. 119. 1 ON ANT) Afc'TF.Il MAY I5TD, the l'MsniiRor train on this Road will Inave Wilmington on T'tiuaday, Thursday and tUturday at 7 o'clock, A. at. Arrive at llnckiughani name days, at HI 1'. M. Arrive at Wadeatmro' ( Htagn) at U I', at. . Ixiave Wadeaboro fHlagn) on Tueaday, Thure day and Saturday, at 1 1'. M, . Leave Uookliighara on Menday, Wednesday I ami rriuay ai ii:ju a. ei. Arrive at Wilmiugton same days at 8 P. M. W. I. EVE11KTT. Oeniiral Stiperiiilendent. may 15 lH4-lf THKATUS MANAUKU8, TIUVKUNO HHOWMEN, UAlb ItOAD AOENTU, HOTEL KEKPEUS, STEAMBOAT AOENTH, Ami all Ihoie who have T.ETTElt I'KKHH PHINTINO to do, will find It to their iulvrust to call at THE JOUUNAL OVF10K, . Prlnroa mreea, A large and well aiaui Uwl stoek of P APE 118 and MATERIAL kept on hand, from which selection may be made. VENI, VIDI, VICI. What Evcrjlioily Says Must lift So, The Cpnqueror of all Hnuff's. U. a. o. w. a w. a. w. o. ,w. o. 0 c A A 1 I L L O it & AX'H A A A & AX'H I I I & AX'S LL Li AX'H onxjXBn.ii.TBX CETJBI3I1ATED SCOTCH: SNUFF SCOTCH - SNUFF I-ANI) DKKDH, CODIIT AND MAOI8TKATRH' . ULAN 1(4 On hand at. all time. BAIL MOAD KEIIEII'TH ! . Pit BIIJUJ OP LADlNa, And ItlLLB OF LADINa for ship ping by sea, and other MARINE BLANKS , Alway on hand. SCOTCH SNUFI Has been fully tested ami pronounced bv all amateur dippers to be the beat Snupi-now iuuse. Its superior taste and luironess from all ami's aud injurious iugreilioiilH, ooninioiily used in the I preparation of other siuill. has gained it a wide I world reputation. Do not fall to try it for you will like it. Ask for it and take no other, and no that our I name is on overyncixai;e ... ror aaio ey Aorian A VeU.KttfH '-, ' f J. VAMifBI.K. J. O. Bai man, K.J'mi-uaii If. TlKNKKM- II V. I1ii,uiiii llowland Bros., Wholesale Urooera. Airont fori norioiK va. , . L. J. llossioox. Wholesale Confectionor. Adoat I for ltichmond, Va. u. w. Williams to., Agnnla for Charleston. a. u. Notice.- The high ropuUtien that our SnnO ha attained ha mdneed certain mannfaotorera I to imitate ou toadb hahk. the aoperior oaajitv i of our snuff does not lay in the trade mark but I the superior Quality of tobacco it ia manufaetnr-1 eu or. Q. W. GAIL ft AX. July 22 stl-ly QUABAJiTWE IT0TICE. - N AND AFTER JUNE 1st. ALL VE8SELB V7 r.-om Port loaUi of Cane Fear, will eoane to at the visiting itatioa sear autiihvUle fur iaepao-tion. All voesela havinii had sickness on board dnrina the pasaaee will also eome to the elation for ex amination. Vessels other than the eJasso above named will proceed without detention. . ' I Pilot and Master of vessels will take doe notice of the above regulation, ander penalties by law pruviaeu. . w. u. uutiliB, Quarantine Ftiyatsiao, Port of Wilmintton, N. C. SmitliriUe, N. 0., May 21th, may 25 200-lawU Post copy lawtf OUB Fit I EN DH IN TUE OOUNTKlfi may send their ordor to TilK JOUUNAL OFFKIli;, And rely npon their reeelving the an.e attention and heiug filled aa promptly and as cheaply as if given personally. Our Joblng Department is equal to any in this section, and every facility poaaiblewlll lie afforded ia the execution of order. Addrea . ENQELHABD A rWOE, Wilmington, N. 0. IS69 KEW FLOIR! tstJJ GROCERIES. Mft FRO VISION . ()AA BBL9NEW HEAVY CITY MEB8 POT1K, aW JJ iuu ooia. itnmp fork. 00 hhd. Western bhooldera and rib Bide smoked. 40 hhd. and 30 hex ew Dry Baited Bhoulder . and nirtea, , -. t 3 hhd., 10 casks and 5 bbla Breakfast Baoon and Pig Hama, 20 bU. andfluo tabs Lard-Prime, Natnral and Extra, - . 4,000 lba.N. a Bacon,' I boxes extra Codlieh, S drum Hake. . 400 bags Bio, Lagnayre and Java Co flees, ' iu nrkina ana DU tun enoios lame nutter, GK A N I) iSA LE REAL ESTATE ; . ' :" AND .""-'i:---r-':,Tli , . . ' . . BT Tlf R i. , : , . NOUTII OAKOMNA KEAL ASi) WSR " ' ' HONAL EflTATE AOKXCV, : RALEIGH, N. C $100,000 CAPITAL STOrK.""". eHAinr.irii nr ths t-Kdisttrimm or kortr cabo- ' UKA, FWI. 2CTH, W.t. JOHKPII O. HlCaXKll. 1'retMent. , ' ' ' . JOBKVH D1X0N. Vice- PrrthUnl. ' ' " ' JOHN O. HKHTEIt, ,Wv awt 7 r,ii. ' ' KOB'T O. ItRWlB, 7-egal fnrtor. ' U.000 Valuable 1'ioeosof rropnrty to be Dis f ; posed of JVorth 140,Ci 1 ; '; '! t. $t 'A OlukoJS T "fwfr? "f tt ISA L Ts T A T&'P- SEVEN J'INE IlKSIDENCKH-FOUlt IN THK CITV OFMALE1Q1II ' Cue residence in lielolgh, N. C, doecribed . ueiow One " " " One " f " ,! " ( Ono, " , " " One ' " Warranten ' Ono ' " -Chapel Uill One Ilnlel In TayloravUle. N. 0.. laST Of FKHMONAU I'HOPKUTV I Ham Plot on exhibition at 11K3TKU BltOU. A CO., ny. u cayntwiviuaseu, iwiuiga, 0, at the regnlat cash prloe. . ': 10 Fine Phieton $000 aauh mad by II. . D. Schmidt, Baltimore, Md 6.000 10 Flue Top Bnggiea, $350 each, mads by , JJ. D. Bohmidt, Baltlmort, Md...... 8.600 50 let Premium 7 octavo Piano mad by 'iTsmalno Bros., N. V, $060 iah 82,000 9 Parlor or Cbnrcb Organ, 8 atop, 1250 - aiade by Tferaaine IJro., S.9. 1,250 000 Hewing maohlnea, Wiloox A Olbb. or Orover A Baker's. 100 eaoh an nnn 600 Bilk Dree. best articJe, 12 yard to eaoh dross, $40.,.,,. 80,000 0 veiocipouw, o ........ ... . . ...... , t00 24 Boll Bruaaoli Oarpot, 43 yds eaoh il 85. i.. -,240 Balamander Bafo. Wilder' patent, ! - best In the World, $200 , ..... J.BCO 1 Cash Prlae, $1,000 gold. . .' , . . , . . 1.S84 10 0ahPrlsM, $100 oaoh., 1,000 100 do do 10 do 2,000 74 do do , 5 ; do 8.300 ' 1000 do do 2 do.,... 2.000 M..W0.000 B.IHMI 6,600 6,000 0,000 2.000 2,000 $140,004 rtSb (irUnd frB H hftt UrOWn iB bbU.Flon-fte.a, favored brand audall Knaoaa, . IS69! . ... rrt fftV-B-nru in , . ... .. I i. j. i ij . auu uau i w snppiiea wun me IT BUST NOUTHlLtMi VUlLH t M.Uv redneed price-eo low none need not be for cad to nay nonnern iun called dour. By eallina at the UAPK FKA11 VLonn mu.tji yon can e euppnea wim ine nnest Family Floor, delivered at yoar houses free of .lrav.n m.nA bvwj acaage guaranteea perfect, ut yoa oaa ictutu it aim Kt, yvnr money, ia Dbl.. t. i. I, i-imuugiuiiKu. uaoa t lour a low a sa e. PEAItL HOMINY, the only place ground in tbe eity ; MEAL, OOUN. BEAN, bUOBltf, OOW PEAK jround, and all aorta of Dorse end Cow Feed. ' ALCX. OLDHAM. July 9 240 1m WAjlVHELS. WARRKM'S UUBiaC IS TDK UtUt Boade. the aunst economical, durable and eheapaa WHEEL aa tn market. , - A. IT A a D fi B, 51. ' a gt. Amer. Water Wheal Uo., SI xaaag Street. Botton. Mas. Jun lleodja 50 boxe and 20 caddies Qold Leaf and Bweet Tobacco, 60 sasws extra fia Clartte, Ita oaasa Cbampagu Oader. ' . 500 can Piokie, Jellies, Preserve andeanasd rrnru, 60 hbds. and S50 bbla. Fsgarr all grade. SO balf bbl. Maokeret . No. 1, i and 3, 25 boxe Lemon and Uranusa. . 150 easViiee Imparial Tea. 200 ease Lye, Potash, Soda aud galaralo, 200 bbla. aad boxes Ireah Cl ackr thllisrant kind. . .. . 200 bbl. Onba Molaaaes aad Snear Bone srap.1 ,4 1. .t . v : . AL0, A LAfcOB kmeirtiumn l kw !' ' Twine, Boale far Qrooer,' Mtooms. Wbnve aad growa ctpaee. aVneaoe, rManah, Toils Hoafat, n . ,i . , . i . i . . . raus uuru Da ia. lieiaijoaaa, , awiuaa, yxocaory, . Var-Booas . Uiasait. Boap au makes, tjmokirg Tnoaoc and Boafe, hstrar. Bhust ine-. Eero- NMOatk, Ak,sa9-, A4w, Aa., A. In aboaa wa oSr au .tka u uia ai assa rerr lowest market pneea. , 4 a aiftlAW SB voiaians, Oonwr rront aod Dk ata W UmingUro, N. 0. Ion IS 222 atoiuag otai am owstrtjaJ ictunaii i oopy. 3000 PrlK. Value of the total amount ' Total unmoor Ticket. 73.847. All of the above 1 put in tli drawhiir at tli regular oah olllng prion and will be disposed ol by a regular modo of drawing, and ia ordor to accomplish this thn nompany will sell 73,847 tick et at $2 oaoh l for further Information rad ao tion 10lu it the By-Law of the company t bv-laws. - See. 10. Tbo plan of drawinn ahall ha a follow i There shall be two wlieols. one a prise wheel and one a number wheel, arranged in aom publio pluoe in the city, whore any on holding a ticket may be present on the day of drawing. In tho uniubur wheel there shall be aa many tickets oor- unMniilii(;;m ine number aa thus wiuoh hav mull Hiilil, lu tho priae wheel there shall ba aa many ticket a thero are prlnes, these ticket ahall bo deposited in the wheels by a board of iu- ItAVWilMIN 111 lilt Mlmll ll IllU.llll.ail ll, lllA.llMltlAM I"-.-', " - -- - ............. . ... W.W.IV, after whioh thnwhuel sliall be sealed up ami Slaoed In any tiank) iu Die city, the director may Irect, nntil the time of drswimr, when the super visors shall bring the wheels to the drawing.break the seal and the drawing shall be diepoeed of by taking a ticket from eauh wheel, at the asms tlm aod the prime ticket twkeii from the prlxs wheel shall designate the prizx drawn by the tick ot curre pundiiiR in number to the on taken from tho uiimher wheel at the same time. The wheel shall he well shnken after eaoli ticket 1 drawn. Sec. 11. Tie) director, shall ihviigiMte the tlm ami place (if tp awing, al which timo and place the supervisor ahall lw required ti be premmtand sue that the tliawini( la etu.iluol.8ii entirely equi. table. A tioard of anpervianri will he appointed who rill have oxelurnvn centnd And riuiiagounmt of llio diatthig. They will enmlnot the tlistiihntlnn anil see that eueh porson is legally iuvosted with tho prnM My hn inny ilraw. , A duplicate regisLry el tlm In kiitH snltl will t kept, eo that ill Ui nvent nf Iohs nf ticket, tho accident may be reuio- noil ami nn iniHteiiaraii occur. Thn tlrawing will take place in TUOKEIt ITALL. in tho oity of linleigli, iuimmliatoly after eat ot lioketa or whicn uuo nouoo win bo givan. Tho company ia working snder tlie provision of a special charter granted by tho (loneral A senihly of North Carolina, iwhieh compel th company tn oomply faithfully with all contracts. uoptoacan uona4oa apuueauou to n oom pany. . All the abovo mentioned property will certainly be dlapoaod of a abovo stated, and those drawing it will lie invested with the title in fee simple. " No member of tho company 1 allowed to purchase any ticket. All monies stmt by mail at ths owner's risk; that sent hy Express; Itegistered Letter, Check or Draft at Uio risk of tlie oompauy. No proiMirty will bo listod unles the till I in disputable. The troasnrer ha boon required to give a bond of I3,(X)0 for the faithful performance ot hi du ties. II i required to dopnsit daily in the bank ail monies roooived. where it will remain nntil all tho tiokot are sold and all the property will ba positively drawn and delivered to tlie parties . drawing, or tho money returned. Send $2 by ex press, post oDio order, registered lotter or draft, at our risk, or by malt at your own, and take a ohaooe at the 9,000 valuable prize offered. Tiokot will be sent any whero in the United Ul.lu .t Ik. w-ini.n.1. Mali . IIM.W. p. ..iv I'.i.u .Hu j n ..an. One flu reiideno built of brick, in tho best improved style, in tho oity of Hal eigh, with eight acre of ground, and all uooeeiary out buildings, with many fine ornament in the yard. Value. ... t 10,000 On large aud convenient house In tbo ; oity of IiaJeigh, on Newborn itreet, 13 . . large comfortable room, double par lor, with all necessary oo I buildings, IJ ' ' . aore ground, ana a neauuxai oak grove, value One targ house on Nawbern and Blood- worth atreet, oontainmg 20 rooms, uitablo for a boarding i bonne, all ne ' osaaary oat building a, with a beautiful oak grove in th yard and j aore of ground, value On beautiful residence on Newbern St., o room and basement, out Dmiung and stable 7 acre of ground.elm grove, ' very desirable and attractive. Value.. 8,f00 One in Warrenton, N. O., known a th Alston property, in perfect ordor, one t of the beat built house iu the State, containing 8 large rooms, double piaz zas and porUooee, one of ths moat commanding and beautiful reaidenoea . in tbe place, with 8 acre of ground, tin orobard, beautiful oak grove la ' the yard, ana au necessary oat d twa in gs. Value -. The proeexty at TaylonvUl 1 very a- tractive, vainaoia ana oneap. it I a Hotel at th oonnty seat of a flourish lag and growing irUlage of a thousand or more inhabitant, and situated one sqaars from a good and flourishing al lege, DO school of better grade, right on h Un ot th Atlantic A Ohio rail road, and being situated in th moun tain region, the aeenery is truly de lightfal and fascinating. Contain 20 roonae, and the bsulduur ar bsw. Vain - One in Chapel Bill, containing 4 room, wlia ar) place, ana one wo mm aiuing room. Also, kitchen, oat .houses and on and three-fourth acre of land. Value. I 8,500 $6,000 f 8,dbo 2,009 a th - Tboe ordering ticket can select any aa "'. 't f.im 1 to 73,347. If th number ordered Uin:3 taken, th nomber nearest win b eent. One thro eat (tamp most accompany every order. , i, ;. ' Mx. S, Q. BALL, at the "Post" prisling oflke, U oor authorized Agont for w'ilmingtoa and w locndlag ca nary. rroaa deairing owy fotrlhsr ioformatioo plea addr B-"itary ,apr ......j . - li w- - .-.-.7-.-BJ-t-