, . , a j 1 Jl . M VOL XXn.-IIO. 289. WILIiniGTOH, H. C. , THURSDAY, "DECEIIBER 4, 1873. A s M-P l Ia i WILMINGTON, N. C.: , THURSDAY. DEC. i 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. CUBA. ASTILLSMALLSrECK OF WAR. THE SPANIARDS IN CUBA DEFT AMERICA AND WANT TO FIGHT AMERICANS IN CUBA TREATED . INSULTINGLY, j NO HAVANA PAPERS ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE ISLAND. Nw York, December 3 Noon. It U announced that the resignation of President Cespedea, of Cuba, was caused by ill-health onlj. .A Key West dispatch says that a re port from Havana last night says that the , Captain-General bad to leave. Senor Solet ia disgusted with his mia (ion and will go home. ' The Casino Espacal defies America, acta independently of Spain, and will fight. A Havana dispatch, dated Monday, says that threats are freely indulged in of boning the Virginias. At a meeting of the Volunteer, an insulting paper was prepared denounc ing the United States and pledging - the signers never to allow a compli ance with the demands. Subsequently a bettor feeling prevailed. The estates of eighteen American citizens have been unconditionally released. Passengers by the steamer Wilming ton, from Havana, state that the Americans in Havana are treated in sultingly and have no redress. They have great difficulty in gettingeopies of papers. The authorities do not wish to divulge what is going on in Havana. The transmission of Havana papers by moil has been stopped. GOTHAM. TflE CORVETTE COLORADO IN COMMISSION. GRAND BILLIARD MATCH BE TWEEN GARNIER AND DION. New York, Deo. 8. Noon,. The corvette Colorado, 47 guns, goes under commission. Her Commander, Capt. Ransom and seven hundred men go aboard to-day. A billiaid match of six hundred points, thrre-ball carrom, was played at Tammany Hall last night, between Gamier and Cyrillc Dion, for 1,000 aside and for the challenge cup and championship of the world. The game was won, in the sixtieth inning, bj Gamier scoring six hundred ami Dion four hundred and eighty points, HEADQUAltfmS. LANGSTON TENDERED THE PRESIDENCY OF HOWARD UNIVERSITY, VICE HOW ARD RESIGNED. BOOTH WILL PROBABLY SUC CEED CASSALY. Washington, Dec. 3 -Noon. Gen eral Howard has resigned the Presi dency of .the Howard University. Trofessor Langston (colored) has been tendered the place. Despatches indicate thnt Booth will 1( Senator from Calaforuia. American ships hereafter will carry evidences. ALABAMA. "' THEDEMOCRATSCARRY MOBILE ADMIRAL SEMMES ELECTED MAYOR. . Mobile, Dec. 3 Noon. The Dem ocrats carried the municipal election by 800 majority. The Repblicans car ried the city last year by 2,000 major ity, Admiral Semmes was the Dem ocratic candidate for Mayor. Eds. Journal. PJIOBA-BILITIKS. .. , Wab Department, I Omci Chief Sional Officer. ( Washington, D. C, December 3. For the Northwest and Southward . ' : - -1 . - : 1 .1 1 over Missouri, ciouuy ami comer weather with snow, will prevail during the Bight, the pressue increasing in this district, with fresh and brisk northwesterly to southwesterly winds and partly cloudy weather on Thu tlaj. For the Upper Lake region, " and thence Southward to Tennessee, cloudy and stormy weather, with fresh and brisk variable winds during the night. The temperature falling de cidedly from Kentucky, Northward, hi Thursday evening. For the Lower Lake region, New England, and the " Northern portion of the Middle States, increasing easterly to southerly winds, with threatening weather and areas of fainV' For the southern portion ef the Middle States and the South Atlantie States, diminishing pressure, south easterly to southwesterly winds and '"' partly cloudy weather. For the Gulf States, southerly winds with cloudy and threatening weather on the coast, s the temperature falling in the lower -' i ii , t . ?i the 10th inst.,the display of cautionary .,. signal will be suspended at the lake ports for the winter, KALEKW. CIRCULAR PUBLISHED BY MR. STONE OF THE.V& ir.V PROGRESS OF THE RAILROAD ' CONSOLIDATION BILL. srECIAL TO TUB JOVRSAUj Raleihii, Dec. a Night. Jordan Stone, of the Raleigh News, has pub lished a circular denouncing Josiah Turner, Tr.of the Sentinel, It concludes thus : "I brand him before the world as a 'base ealumuiator, a wilful liar, and a low, contemptible, malicious poltroon.' ' Jordan Srosa." The Senate has incorporated in the consolidation bill a proviso requiring the whole road to be completed before there shall be any change of guage. COXOBESSIOXAL. Washington, D. 0.', Dec. &Noon Hoi as Mr. Storms gave notice of a bill repealing so ranch of the postal act as possible so as to make the passage of weekly papers free. Mr. Butler moved that so much of the resolution in regird to the Louisi ana members as referred to Pinchbacki be carried to the Senate. Mr. Edmonds is speaking on his bill for a banking house. The West Virginia contested caae ia up. Two hours are allowed for debate. Wahhihotox, December 3 Night. Horns--Smith, from - Khreveport, was seated to-day. The peculiarity of the case lies in the fact that he bears credentials from Gov. Kellogg while the ntUnrs bear Pinchback's. The following Committee on Elec tions was announced: Smith, of New l'ork; Thomas, of North Caroliua; Hazelton, of Wisconsin; Todd, of Pennsylvania; Pike, of New Hamp shire; Screven, of Virginia; Robinson, of Ohio; Harrison, of Tennessee; Ar thur, of Kentucky; Speer, of Pennsyl vania; and Lamar, of Mississippi. The members from West Virginia, except Hereford, who was elected at both elections, were referred to the Committee on Elections. All the pa- j pers in the Louisiana case were referred to the same committee. Sekate. Thero was no business of importance transacted by this body to-night. There was a short Executive session, but no confirmations were made. The President sent a large number of nominations to the Senate made during recess. EUROPE. . T- ' THE CITY OF POSEN TO BE DE CLARED UNDER SIEGE. THE PANIC ON BOARD THE VILLE DU HAVRE WHEN SHE WAS STRUCK. THE POPE AGAIN 810K. DON CARLOS GONE JXTO WIN TER QUARTERS. IjONDox, Dec, 3 Noon. A Borliu dispatch states that the city of Posen will probably be declared in a state of siege in consequence of the Altramon- tane agitation. AU vie with each other in comforting the Villa du Havre rescued. Much valuable time was lost in lowering the Iwsts; too many orders were given; the officers were distracted; each helped himself; as the long boat contained no first cIhkb passengers the sailors and coal boys rushed fur it and took possession, all rescues being eft'eoted, subsequently. No life preservers were iu their proper places. Rome, Dec. 3 Night. His Holiness is again sick. Pakis; Dec. 3-Night.-Duke de Rochefoulde is to be appointed to the French Mission at Loudon and Marquis de Noailloa, now Minister at Wash ington, is to be trsnferred to Rome. Baionnb, Dec. 3 Night. Don Carlos has taken up his winter quar ters at Durengo, a town in the prov ince of Biscay, thirteen miles south east of Bilbao. His brother, Don Alfonso, has gone to Paris. ELECTBICISMS. The Pilot and Clarion newspapers, published at Jackson, Miss., requested the printers to reduoe their rates to 60 cents per thousand ems, which they re fused to do. The Pilot does not in sist, but the Clarion does, and all em ployed on it have struck. The monitor Terror went oft' the dry dock at Philadelphia, yesterday, and will be pushed to completion. Benton's Reef light ship, found off her station, was towed to Newport har bor."'", A dispatch from Milwaukee says that Geo. W. Peckham, an old and es teemed citizen of that place and brother to Judge Peckham, who was lost on the Ville da Havre, jumped from the bridge into the river on Tues day night. fbr Jams of Appetite, Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Depression of Spirits ana General Debility, in their various forms, Fxbbo-Phospobated Ei.nraof OaIiTbata made by Caswell, Hababd & Co., New York, and sold by all druggist, in the best tonic As a stimulant tonic for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal If taken during the season it prevents fever and ague and other in teroittent feveri, W CoedrwMi fleet th Vltgh . NORTH CAIOUXA KQISUTUK. THItrMTH PATS rWKXEMNeV SENATE. Tibspat. Dec. . IdU . Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, presented a petition from sundry citisena of Jolunibus county iu regard to the liquor traffic ia Mid county. Referred to JJommitlee ou iTopoaiuona and Grievances. On motion of Senator Hymaa, Senator Mabeou, of New Hanover, was grauted two days' absence from to-morrow. UiiHODiniox or iiua - ' v-s . bj Air. jriemnunc a uui lo iro- air. xiemnung, a uui ut videfor the adjustment and liquida tion of the publio debi of North Caro lina. Referred to the Committee on SUte Debt. By Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, a bill to amend chapter 130, laws of 1848-49. tteierreu to Ui uomnuttee on Corpo rations. ... By Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, a bill to authorize the appointment of com missioners to devise ways and means for the exteusion of the Carolina Railroad to Hickory Tavern. Re f erred, to the Committee on Internal Improvements. . . At 12 o'clock the bill to insure the completion of the Western Railroad was taken np as the special order. Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, stated the object of the bill to be, as its title indicated, the completion of what is generally known as the Coalfield Road, and provides that in the first instance the private stockholders should have all the Bute's interest in, the Road upon the completion of the Road, the Road not to be considered completed nntil passenger trains run from Fay etteville to Greensboro'. The State's interest amounted to the nominal sum of about fl kl,0K), but from his beet in formation the real interest was not worth more thun &G0.0 !0. That if the private stockholders failed to file the bond ixnditional by the time limited, theu any corporation, under the law of this State, might do the same. That there was nothing concealed or covered up in the bill it was a plain proposi tion, easily understood, and the only question was, would the State's inter est be better served by the completion of the Road, or by retaining its pres ent interest in the present condition of the Road. Several amendments were offered and adopted, previded that the bill as amended should be referred to the Committee and printed after it passed its second reading. Mr. Welch said, that the Senate oould not be too cautious iu whetting down the State interest in its corpora tions. Xiie State interest in tnis road was said to be only nominal by the Senator from Guilford. ' He was cred ibly informed that the 1600,000. the state a interest in una road, oould be sold for that amount in her own State bonds, other than special tax bonds, or it oould be sold fortlOO.000 in cash, with a guarantee to complete the road to Ore Hill, twelve miles beyond the proposed terminus, Greensboro. The Senate bad had some experience in a similar proposition as the one now oflered, by the Wilmington, Charlotte t Rutherford Railroad, where it first surrendered its tint mortgage to aid its completion, then its second, third aud fourth, and now it was all goue. He was unwilling to saoriflce in this way all the property of the State, leaving nothing to meet its liabilities with. Messrs. Troy and Morehead replied to the argument adrauced by Mr. Welch, stating that the interest iu this rosd had been offered for sale until the repeal of the act, and could have been bought for less than the sum named. It was only now when the stockholders of the road propose to complete it that other corporations were anxious to bnv in order to defeat this measure. The bill passed its second reading. The consideration of the bill to con solidate the Western North Carolina Railroad with the North Carolina Rail road, was next taken up ss the special order. The propositions, of this bill are well known, as the title of the bill indicates the consolidation of these two impor tant thoroughfares Usmed. The bill was introduced by Mr. Humphrey, who accepted the various amendments oflered by the Committee, to whom the bill was referred ss immaterial to the bill. Mr. Waring offered the following amendmeut, whioh was discussed at considerable length; , Add after last word in third section : "But before the said bonds are exe cuted, the President of the said Rail road Company or the officer appointed by the Board of Directors to hold, is sue and negotiate the same, shall give bond in the sum of $500,000 with sure ties satisfactory to the Board and ap proved by the Governor, conditioned that the President or officer so ap pointed will well and faithfully dis charge the duties imnosed noon him. and faithfully account for and true re turn make of all bonds, monies, or other property which may come into his OTitodv." An amendment to the amendment offered by Mr. Norwood, that the bond should be t200.00a failed. The yeas and nays being called on the passage of Mr. Waring'a amend ment, it was adopted by a vote of 37 yeas to li nays. On motion of Mr. Humphrey, sec lions 0, 7 and 12 were stricken from thebilL A number of other amendments were offered, and, pending the discussion of tue same, tne senate aajournea tm 11 o clock to-morrow. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A large number of petitions, asking for a law regulating the' sale of liquor, were presented and appropriately dis posed of. By Mr. Dula, a bill to amend chap ter 167. laws of 18C9-T0, in regard to Lunatics. Referred. By Mr. Oopeland, bill to amend cnapter oi, section oo, caiue s new sal. Referred. By Mr. Jones, of Orange, a bill in relation to mischievous animals. Re ferred. By Mr. Bryan, of Wilkes, a bill to auunj duple: Ri, laws ut lOtl- U, Referred. By Mr. Bryson, of Swain, a bill to repeal onapter ov, laws or iovu- a Referred. By Mr. Bryan.'of Sampson, bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within two miles of ShsJv Orove rLiir'h, Samp son ennty. Referred. By Mr." Penult', a bill lo amend section NV tiUe 3 of the C. C P. Re ferred. By Mr. Ueuuctt, s bill to sliow the sale of reversion ou homesteads where the owner convents iu writing. Re ferred. By Mr. Reuuttt, a bill to prohibit the sale of bquor within two miles of Uoncord cbureu, Anson county. jc ferred. By Mr. Webb, a bill to repeal parts oi ebapw laws or w. - re ferred. The Meuete bill to cure certian irreg ularities in executions was takeu ti and passed its several readiugs. The bill to prevent the sale of liquor within two nillea of Cedar Creek church, Anson county, was taken up a'ii passed its several readings. By Mr. McNeill, a resolution of in struction to the Judiciary Committee in relation to contracts for labor. Ca endar. . On motion of Mr. Sueed, the bill to repeal chapter 165, laws of 1872-73. waa liken up and passed its several readings. The bill to establish a new ooauty by tue name or Dragg, was taken up. Mr. Trivett moved to table the bill. Adopted. . The bill to change the line between the counties of Cumberlend and Bla den, was taken np, and, on motion of Mr.' Brown, of Davidson, the bill was postponed until to-day week. The resolution tliat it is tue sense of the House that the State should never pay bnt 33 per cent, on the ank Mlum debt, and should utterly repu diate the debt contracted since the war, waa taken up and referred to the Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. By Mr. Noiment, a- bill to amend chapter 197, laws of 187172. Re ferred. On motion of Mr. McNeill, the reso lution instructing the Judiciary Com mittee to reimrt a bill in regard to contracts for labor, was taken up and adopted. The joiut resolution instructing our Representatives in Congress to use their influence to procure the passage of a civil righta bill, waa taken np. Mr. Houston moved to, indefinitely postpone. rue yeas and nays were called ana the motion prevailed yeas 73: nays 13. Un motion oi Air, Trivett, tne reso lution to instruct the Joint Committee on Printing to give it to the lowest responsible bidder, was taken np. Mr. Trivett moved to noatpoue the consideration of the resolution until Thursday at 12. Adopted. By Air. Houston, a resolution in re lation to raising a committee to pre sent a plan for the settlement of tho State debt. Referred. ire neilew BetwaeeWNe IuJar. . ilea erate4. It will be seen from the opinion of Judgee Bond and Brooks, published below, that the motion for an injunc tion iu the case of Alfred sell et al. vs. Jenkins, Publio Treasurer of North Carolina, has been refused. We copy from the official records ; "In case of Self vs. Jenkins, Tresimr we have concluded to. snuouuee tne opinion of the Court, without, at shia time, giviug our reason for the conclu sion to which we hsre come. The pressure of the ordinary busiueas ef the term npou our time would pre vent our doing so satisfactorily at this moment. We arc of tue omuum 1st ; I hat the acta of the General Asst mbly of orlh Carolina ot itm- mi, wincii au thorized the issue of Siecial Tax Bonds wuicn are me subject vi iws sun, are valid acts, aud that the acts of 1870-'71 which were intended to modi fy or repeal the acts of 18(58 '69, are unconstitutional and void, being ob noxious to that clause of the Constitu tion of the United Slates which forbids the State to pass any law impairing the obligations of a contract. 11 f it.. ..:..!. 41.. i . ft - holder of a bond issued under the acts iu question is not precluded from re ceiving the amount of bis debt, be cause the fact is that at the time ot issuing his bond the State bonds were not at par, nor by reason of the non fulfillment of any ot tue previous con ditions imposed upon the Legislature before it issued tne bonds. It is sufficient, we think, if the iniwer to inane the bonds is given and was exercised. The Legislature, and not the purchaser, is to see to tho fulfill ment of the conditions imposed upon the exercise of its power. We are of the opinion, however, it is not shown in this case that any irre parable injury is likely to ocur to the com plaiuaut by reason of any proinned action of defendant, and we suall t Lore fore refuse the injunction prayed, and let the complainant await whatevor re lief he may be entitled to after tinul hearing. It will be seen that the Judires de cide that the bonds issued in 1868-'C9 are constitutional, and that the subse quent legislation repealing the appro-, nations are unconstitutional aud void, ut, inasmuch as no irreparable inf u ry threatened, the injunction is refus ed. We have only spaos to-day to ex. press our gratification at that part of the decision whioh relieves the State Treasury. That portion of the opinion touching the constitutionality of the bonds is only incidental, xnat point was not argued fully by the counsel for the Treasurer. Kale i I aleigh Newt. SPECIAL. AHatm. fllaiaiaaiakai. no Blatter I OW the Of if InaU. and without rrganl l-i h aex of (a aaneror, r ourea wiuiow uner iir i rani an o bj Belmkold' Kit. Baxkn, th iea Drnrttle, which acta ielflitllf po Hi Kld bt. Hladder. and auitllarv orutiia. Mootuer pnnaratlon pom am th fully deTeloped merit, or helmbokl't Extract. It la the only (nu no Rnehn, tnd It btt lalla, John r. Henry, new Tork.ftol Aftnt. SH ITIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Salt, Hay & Kerosene Oil. 0 AAA HACKS ' AMKKICAS AN1 UiUUV Llrerpuol Hall, 'no Saolu Blown gait, . ISO Bakw May, 15 Bbln. KroMU Oil. for tal b, : r. W. KEHCUNRR. diet ' m. Ilolasses! Holasses!! nr RHD8 t'UBA MOLASSES, LiCD 10 -. H. - " m Bhl. . M.awl Cuba Mole. 800 " .'. Hyrup. Tor ! be ' I. W. KIRCHNIR. 4 -. . its- lflW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, -POSITIVELY TffO WIGHTS ONLY! Monday & Tuesday December 8 and O. Ms eflhi Tf rppa!r tad fi'M i BERGER FAMILY ' Swlee Bell Ringer I Parlor Or . cheetral and Young Ladlea Silver Cornet Band I Ami tho KnoiMd Ecotnttla ClwiwUit To ulUt, Fsriat An lit tml UnatoM llumorut of tit ag SOL SMITH RUSSELL! A Mtiill'otit I oblBtia t (wibm Ks. Uttlr Nw th1 Sewn I Nr ArtUtt I htw Mu 1 Nw Imtrumtnu I M OatUair I A'l tit Ut Honn U1 Nwt Mii.lc I Tht Moat Mirth Protokinf, OhU. I Kltgut Kittertalnatrnt Trt lnjl P loi or AtiiH)-Prcmtitu tm DrM Olrel, Tl renin. Kncrml St tu, SI (M Vtr- SiMU.CIrol. W oni- I'prvr Ullcr rt. MrS brml IUTiitMW at Hrln.b. r't Book Btor. W W.POWI.KN, BnitnM Mantgrr. ite -1 b-r.Sn .i a Notice. rjnHK ror.Rrii hop op l'akiosw ritw- r t;iub oill U lv.a In Kclntlo. 1111 a otul, till (Thnrttln) ) vii lug. II. B. JKWKTT, Hfffjr. '. it For Sale. 158 BA1 Efi hlMc eastern hat, M. KASTKHM UKli.'K. HBUS. lltlHIl POTATOSt, t.NlHNU fioai 8vtir. t.llly H. Krantb. B. F. MITCHELL SON. l'4 s2t Just Received and For Sale. HAY, UAC1UINO, IMSKSK, KAISINS, UUP, COKfrK, f UltiK, , 8II1AU. l'OKk. aVHt'P. Aurla fine graUo or Cuewidg Tulnot-o. BINFORD, CR0W& CO. dec 4 Corn Shellers and Feed Cutters. ptlH SAtK J.DW BV 111: El Ml ilUllhUM. dc i am- r AN'l CLOCKS AT AUCTION! M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. ry CKONLY A MOIUMS. THIS PAT (Tn'JBSOAT) M M PKCINO atiflvo'olo k, ia Kill rrll at bur fetid Knonti, South flu' ft (it., valuable n1 beau ttralcollectlua or Ku'hChnacd - Tea and Coffee Setts, Ico Pitchers, Large and Small Waltors. Cake and Fruit Baskets, uTitti g nd other Bmler Hl.lit. Illnner, rli'kle and Bieaklait Ci.lou, liorjr Man tle nnd Htci.l riateil Knivci), Tea anil Table Spoon ami Pm k. Manufactured by H ilntee, Do 'th, tferden, Kuwl nn 'h. FKtlonal l'Ute C'r.m'iiuy. j ' One Solid Sil?cr Tea Sell ofFiYe Pieces, Kirrt cWf if' In et rj ruiu'd. Nile perrmpttr ami eoollrnud itaMy unii1 'it. in'il diet TW-lt Shingles! Shingles!. OA M- Vo-l HEAltr 8Ill.t!LI(H, Oil roranlo by F. W. Kli.tCHNKK. dec 4 ahii. Nails, Matches nnd T Buckets. 1KA KkOS HAIl.H-mlrws, lull Ore.Mlehci ls IKiaoti Uutketa ' Kr nil by P. W. KKKCHVUl. diet , : v., . ; . ' ! ' 't-i INCREASE OUB CASH SALES ohe nrxDRED rrit crsr j-; e THIS MONTII! And with that la rlrw all) tnnko our price. Iur Family Groceries th rr loveat ovllile. . We have a Large Stock ALL FRESH anillheU.telanaor i, L. vi ctlcrtd lu title elt, and we Want ' ? CASH BUYERS t call on ue when laying In W-I,.. Mppllet..;!.. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 5 A 7 North Front St. . -. tw- die mUtmm.m mmm n i )T1I 1 1 fmtmJSLZ3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : . i THE WILMfflGTQ; TRUST CCHTANT ' -AM)- SAVINGS BANK, OI Market Street. nrr.N tvntv wpfk pay prom a U M to 4 P.M.. aad lit KVarday (ecl- neij iur rceitiugii,'(ti.) ihu o ui i . f. All f cmoti k'Ut li .Ur t iltta ud un denllal. Mariled wiKa and lunoij ran do posit In tht lntttui:uB,.uijett tvtb U owucutrolnil twothet. lnKirM a'lo1 ! the rl of in ferreut. pw aauaat n all dfiwaiutr St dollar and . ua Km uiu,' u u. twi three uinni. aud er. lb Bank! IIu .j laMtnaud to Hut IjJih atay attend tulhtirown banking biiititr?, Th J'atrou.u'ufoteTykldjr tt 4k'.U.l. n. iv f SILAS N, MARTIN, Nil MartHi, ' t Prwl lent. Donald Mubar, ; loft A".,l kit UAIf, . K. K. Itumif. , Viit rii'diiant. blwant r.Ml.tei, I P M KIMI, uhs chdhMto ... ;t bt.r. art omr tna GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, ncrAcTraat r- B. & T.FAIRBANKS& GO. . RAJ R BAN Standard Scales. r.ica eft soaius tuv .-A ic I' V (ciikn.CtMU'tkii 6vai;s, k j kcrtUai repaired irttiilly atiid r , r . (u.tu'.fr. t ,. Fut ! Trofinnn' I'ulli him! l'i6j( Mtt,4,lera Ittion It!', hII st'-s . U :tr I't t m. Ai., Aa . r -, ii r rs rn'f (I him nun Miles Alarm Till Co's. . K.JTKHV Jii.ji.LH r.VKY rni MERCHANT em I mot'LD M'JlSEImiil , atiitt at Fair!) auks' f oile iWaroaousoB. FAIRBANKS t CO., . : 811 BUOADWAY, KKWVOUK. ; m Bull wur Blraet, Ualtlmoie, Cli Uatnp Streot, Kew Utloau. h FAIRBANKS A EWINQ, . I,' , MasntV'Uatt.' JPttiUtlalpli'la'. ' FAIRBANKS, BROWN A, CO.. , I Milk Btntt, boto,.. ' Tot rale by I.oajlu.' Ua'dw ir Dealer. di-c:i ' , Hl.'i d'JtawU-nMcb Il Wanted. . 100 LIVE PIGEONS,' UKhliN A FLA.NtU S, linililfl.t, Mmk'thl. , . tin-1 1 der ;t Ladies Belts. LA IX Kit' ami l( Mtr.'TiniikK,!!nli .r, Nl.-inl Straiw, Unit futnUclp, ut. the bmliT aud Hrn' l'rU'fj ut .1. . TOPHAM 0U., ' No, SiiiiHi rtoiit lllroet, AVIItumgton, N. O. Jflle IT Removal. Wfi RKSriilyTIf ULUY A.SK UUtt tfUml" t e:ill and ejumlno tiitr loi k of Hard ware aud liutlorj al our Hew Slor. n fltuM' Hl'MhlVl', 'INK lliji'll .SOUTH HAMC Vt SEWHAXttVKR. Wh0.ubr (oiutcou alr tvntiuu and lo (intra In tuuril a dji.llau.iin-e or the iia'rotiKco 10 librrallT rifintrd (i u. wlitl lining hpclUKta on ihc !ifl.., , , ,;,...,.,vt.sl-...,,,,,.riMf;. ,t p . MfjiRI'HIHtSM. nor M , , .. 1W- : . -. m ,v -w' "' " Mattresses. , ' - " i -1 t- QCi: I.KU.H Al It, MOSS, 8 li V h, ' "T H1.' btrtwa tl Kelir Mattti w. A lirrtrk lwiiym lintd ii.l fur ! !o ,Tiy ' A. JSM1TH 'JO. pfilce Treasurer and CoMlpr, V.l'i t Of WII.MISHTOSI. SI Kovcinhrrtti.l. IWX a. V RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING BMLXiE.4 OYElt WIMirXOTONAWELDON KAIL ROAD IN THr-CrriV OV Wltr HIINOTOJi, N. !. I1 " WiiKiiiuf, The "out" roait l.jr'tfw'WRm'aa1 ton & WdJoti Kalltal Uoniiiny I t tli .! tlructlou of lli(!r Po'lroiid, whim 1 1 , c nit efOttmnr !iit"rv'"0l Ihc free'ihtlie'hfy jr. at. Ijr InijKdi't Ilif intMnjro of trmel'.rsaiu' H-tid. to th niHiilfr.t Injury ot I'll cllli'Iii", Ami Wiiaiitti", Th? f!iVil of Al ItiiiPii iir, a lrltert that It l ihednty of the fil Whanlrfa-ktv-A ll'tllw&d ,prnirt'ij t r ft r.n-1 maintain brhlx-a iio pin-h cu!4 hImuvIi earn croator ltiti.rffcl l,r Hr.'oLi hi tl' e)t; tiietelnri), i' , . . ' ,rK'ii li;i-L'li'l fi"' "J ''( -f'AiiinM. 1 ("if ft, lilr.iVll'rliiiilli nPreKMjr tft; i . tb(! curl.oin t lijiili'iar. Ilitf lillowllu I'dtuf; wheift the M rfcil.riM tlin-twct. t . anlinc lot tlriulii, till: ..'Ici iii) t tr-i t, Thiid Atn finh tnvt,:i!li unvt, Hovi'itih efreel.and JLli'liHi1'"!'. . . . frt .'rc, 'fhel lit liH'iifuiiloii of iftlK' lioartl Um w d'k ol 'In- hr djii -ii.im m .1 I. tn!u: I eut or etravftllf'iron HpfaH I r.'i-t K-iotilit I e tnirf y ut ivili-, on 1 li.rtj ilrei-l !.nv lo.t wlil,On P.ttfi ituTt forty 'K'l wiili-, mi Sivlli Mrei t fnly live iVet wlili', on No tiMi tieef twinty feet Wilson IfifRao tn-rt twmty ftet utf. 9h '''IW'C TltM . 4lt i oi hif i if thin llo.nl ilinhil.ue kno,! I HtiMi Itr :l.w, ' where tne Rallroml i-rnno'a IVniil, irtn t, i aario a to Imnedi Hie iiawtK-t rt-T'l f na tlrffvn-i end that a hr.li:a of rlttr trtt w.dc would he nerfiwirf 1 1 mtvuii.o lino th ) M c at that toltif." --j i.-a-i t !ld llitnltnl, Tht thit M.jnr miu; a in(iv 6( j tltwo tewi'uil.iMi lo ii ft na e"n 1 I'irrt ilcntor MiiniKlnj A tit of tho Wilmington letitor MiitiiKlns AR-nt ot tlio wiiroinston ireMon Kallio -.1 fot, ami that It clirjnrrl henterrwrrntlt ott.o t retarn aeoty. irth.t:krk tidTioaut.Tut.tjitii.r. n. Th'1tori. rirmm'tle rioolutl u wj i Weldon t th of iaaitd by th Uoatdof Aldi'rmijii at (heir mf' l Inf Norrruhir Jll, U.t. -' . . - i, nff.j,-.. ,T. t.ERyfd,sf -Otj C'srlp.. noTJWf p.r;::: ;.: ill jmtl.LIl V W V--l'.': nnntinn r ittiuesintu I III U VU I- H inn MISCELLANEOUS. i ; ( Flour, Bacon, Ilolas- SOS, &c. 1 200 BDt4 ri,oCM-,a r,aw' 1 n 1W D. I. aad Bneked Htde. Bbla. . ll.Srtop, . , ( Hhd. " " IMttrrjsir. r aalaleet WILLIAMS ML'MCUUOir. .City Taxes. , Office teiirer ant Cfeliectsr, CITY OF WILMINGTON, NovomborSOth, 1873. rj1H UNAMIAti REtlREMKNTI )t t.'lij ttioh m to rJrr It abo!atlj tie cCKuty that lis mounter lit T oh fcl rotate and Ptrnul rrojxitjf, du UUt Jiiaa Ut, and ret rv'.lDlti unpaid, ahiuld h iol. lecKd rorlhtihU. . -- ?' .'s; 4 f ': i 1 ate Uititofor dlttottd kr th cfty Taut r not paid onerbrer let Femhr prot (. toAUVKPTMKtndnRLti ATFTJBttOAtO. TtON all men pmperlr, u a fr IhdaW fence will bo jjlteti, T, tj. SKRVOS3, f MtSJ-MMfs.;; Ir4.rt A Co'Uitor. , UK litltllMr rUshOfUMIN tijf tll ml Hi Wat l)dl th !t utuneyi S f '-n : " ;I i it I A. D. BROWN'S, u. Exchange Corner. ONC PRICK. . ; TtRMt OAtH, To liitm. aaeoa MUt nty natesm 1 kar aecurej th aarylpenol MMUaltur DKIUOMKH, who I a eraii leal hair worker and halt 4rear. , no' . ita. H.V. 8Af CTY STEAM POWKR OO 30 CORTLAtfDT T. 'A -'.'TIBW nt; , Suncrlor Staaat Kaotsaa D RiiiLtaa. be .ticolal Ba- thlnory Mid datAttl ot Vrl. Ihey Sal, Ceo- nunitcai. r.a.tiy manages ani nut liable ta ilataaavaaabl Their Cni.n (mum aks Boitaa I poriillatrl.tr adai ted loall niirpof requlrlna raiall rower. Mora than 4M toylne. rrun S to 109 lurm-fiowir, iu ue, Sid lor llluatrated elf ralnr. :: ;' o i SM-ltr NOTICE. THE BEST BUTTER IN THE . WORLD J ON AND AFTER , TU!8 PATE WILL HAVE OCR. " ' STAMP ON EACH PACKAGE. FAMH.lt'S nlll fU-Uft tinllre, lu (rtratt nittakr mad bj niranl., .. . Ii !t ilniior in tho World) lor al oily f , : GEO. MYERS', tlaodM, rront 8U nor J'l OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECiOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. O. "An Ordinance Si KKPE41.Wlsr:;A!!l'llu,SANK AUU UKSLUriyi CONUIittXIIKi; IMS li C K3 K M K N 1'S t0 B C 11 A UiT A Bl r C M . E It UKliAIKKD.htth Board of Alder- I mtibof lh VII J of WaBlugtoB, Jl , 0., IntlnwH! 1 hat all uch Oidluaneti aad Kokiltitlonl et llil. Hniir.l, uiiil.r wbitih tne runu ot in vny are paid out, or In any wr Ulbitrd far tho uie or relief ol the i; or or tlia (aty, or for th HoMilNlel t.atniii.lu th Uoantlal. nil or any contrat lu reference to th Hoenltal or It oflU-er or ownrr,'0 hereby repealed, reeclod eilatid an nil i ltd, ami th Mtyiir la h'rehy In. etruoted without delky to lutl.y th fjha raian of Uie Hoard 1 Comnlttioner of th Oonoty of Ni'W Hauorer. ol Hie iiaanago of thi Ordleane. To fo Irto t tl't on nnd alter Ihw, let, 111. fc - -A . I ... 7 ' . 1 The Btiovtf t'r.tlrthni as jaod if th iLvil li'Jlf'ti 1 1 imVi'i". jt'(l. "clr 'ttte'etliii Ttowat. Wt.Ji',, ',. ;:,"(ittft-t,i, ', . lit? ti.t: ',. Harrisoo, . Bradford 4' Oft'i STEEL; FENS. lie In,) attention onlled Ltoth well koowh horn f rso n- - m - tofit- eo A)1 . : Ka-t r t , M t.- VeraAi nffln 7 doh SU H, T. ' ug ) ;, l(i . ... ,.)J l - m'l f. The Ball4 Opened;. First Fire for Santa Claut l jKwie:ur! t Tim.7;jMj,jHi,i ii4ft;re AuW r im lliiokot rol th 'plea , lire or ihiif" f, rblldrca relatlew ' aad-al) Btlirnt lit te.itjlnht'llrfitlrat toooat I tha l.ivt rfl Store nlijnlntCrt tKawi, Hi4 nrriv freni w oUJ UrWaaU a44c't rikir(o', uW: yput lretUiDe),Btak jor r- enls it the .orjr lime, and yoo will nuke your if. Vf it nd dllieiri UVT'' TDe sret Wrletyof (tilt Oocdt arriving and to arete. ForU at s KS T r r r T P" P1 1 HEINSBERGER'ii fr iTTk iJua AiHltTa toliB "! ' ,1 . ' .t ' tii - , nokwltl. Sid l'viabl ratal. Tkto Itotkwllh S'Jtt rmblf'a. , llf SrMli.tf ,Tlat'hlii, h in.1 Trlnlj niaej ttiKf o.r all, ftiM-I tlon goaranli-ril.or rfun,Uit, r?nt com- r h . .. is . it Jlia file, wim iuii mreomma nreawiui avwifd alC,lodaj,hl,t, jV,2 j :t f ar..tcr l,!t .li1-:: . r i "at k .... ... . OffKS 61 OlSSaaAlcriaiiTiatiff, ) , , . . WUadatoB, I. 0L, Oct. M, L t 0a4natOH.Wta.rMiM Traiaaa. tee W. e) W. Kallaatat will raa (hlkrwt; HAH. TaVATK. Ut Cftloti l)fot daur (laadars .'-- aV."7.V:L'l'; jl " A. iC 1 . W .WWm mi .... . . & v. Uaea Waldoo Oatlj (Siuadiaaoept. d)at.... , iMA'll !? ..irilHI A. M ""....., i n r, u. Vwm ipot.. I., ia. ' mun ta. ' 1 ' ; ' Uat UnendMrt,dal)j. et.....iu T. M. Ant at Oohlabur. at..." "r. Ki ll tt . " wKtoa at....... t, a. M Arrlr al Jtixkj atoast a.... tttf. m " wtoarwraa.... .lldf.H. , UaeoalHpotat.. c, Mall Trala aaakaa .La. m.m .. ftlUM tla.'. S,.i; i fc. ,.:.( ... $T Kipra Trala eonneeta ni wth Aeere lCkveeiAuT,"i rrtlfht Tratef will War WUatartn trt klfat 10 A. M. at d arrlr at 1m Ka. JT .TV t? wn.ta.. ta daily at let) P. M. aad antra at Uu t.k ;lf. f:' , .van . -;' '" Otaarsl tt eotw kjd-er CAGQLEXA fENTEAl EAILVAT CO, WUmlaatli,I.C.,Nlnr 14, Hr, 1 fesGIIlCDUXelUi' PAttCNOCR TRAINS ' rf wniBlfoi 'tJalti'ieicKrt'rttadaT.. Artl? at Wara'L"'f.Vii, Uear WtAlenhoro' at!7. , , J-ie A M ArrtTat wUil(tnw at Aurist PHIIQHT THAIM . UrS WU4ua dtn(tep lia'dTja) ArHe a Uurtnbtrrg at.;..,.. . "....Mo ; at U-a,el,nrlnhargaV .....j,, ,,..J, A A- At' Artie at WadfilW at.'., ?ri: j at. dnyieirept.d) at..,..,,,,,.. , ... Artlr.at H.aloal.wJL..K;:.; , RnrlUtoat ,.. 1 t. Irtit at Vharlotu at';; a f V At. raurnger rram t,lirlotekllr(Kaa- ...A. At. . lrroaulae , jnk an ii.li. ... ... .... At. toth imrtloe of th Jtoee, a thi hmdaaea r. o,ulrtv -.....-:.. , , , I A dalle ataMWtll oo tva in tttntUi rW th trala a kitth tad T tat Kalrwar. kt . I. k'KKMONT. Ppilri enrrlnihldolaor phMM mbmImi) that, aadaandoM ffrT- TEKEKAXIprf WklTajtOTI OTfW a .i wiiisixaTMtestBs:site r i AUSUSTA tAILXSU CO. , WiunaT, K.a, Oot,i.lJA GHANQUi - OF 6CUEDTJX.E Th IMWenai ttataU lU g h, M tNA.ll, Monday , U taftaat. 4i DAT HJEtSSTlAIlt.crHnyV LwWUiJtirtt.'.;...4...... 4.1)' A. It. - Coibta.. ,.sisr.31 I. Attf net i.'.e A, H. Lm tlamhkB..i.... i..M.llaA. M. " WUAlat.....w..,...Ar.lfc PIUHT StriEBS tVtijh taeMr estM. Use Wllwlngt.,,.M . ..4. S.M P. M. Arrlee at ptnnnea, .'.ll.Wp.at. .. tWWe.i.,.,;w.u .. Anrla.. .AMA.jl. teiTOrr:- t f : ft All Tntiae efeas eaeatrUoe o oroi ud Souilt., . . . 1 , PoDaa'- r'( "(t'Ui Can e sD ahjlkt rsiaa. ? . . i :n,4. , , rfAHEITAKPmON, m. - Ptlt,d Ikltlmore and WLbnlr.n ( . lEMI.VZXXLY 4a .9.4. 'S Jj ' STEAiioiiip imi ooarotae ot ri vtasr tjiAse vraaaaxtr D. . ntTw.........0r.O..P'"- Lt 1ILL1V ...,Cft J.a. if - fT al.bx A LXOC,...bapt. p. 0. Co 4'i Can. trm Will hraftr all froai BALTIKOR S TltrhDAT aad PKIOAT. and fro W MlNTUKwrt WSUPfSDAI aadt I'tlUAT, connectlDf at WUmlnaloa wttk t WiialBjtm.tMaaabt AagMa, Vllaaia ton h Weldon, and th Wilmtna-UM, IJhwWre A RnthtrfordKaUroad Ahxita ldavt oClltaairst'aftTUla. -rv SilTUiBTbrexich Bills f Lxlia w alt points ta Worth aad SVtiUi CarWtaa MiojlseJ latesis : U-.n jt,j( Conneotlng at CftStlmsr with th Baltlmor dk Ohio d h hortharS Central Railroad rat all polatal ibareMaa NorU.Wt.ad with Btrtrd aUUraaat tin Boatou, rltwfark and phtladtlphka, 1 ,Tbi freight nnMaratoavoiytt ' 'A.D. CAlAtji, Agent, v . . 1, .,. Uaistoi,KO. ANi)RrnrA,ca,A.ia. J? r, i, . .I -, :. T OKOXAJUTB 8TEAMSHH UAV P li HKW TOR. BAIUMQ TVUkDATa AJfaVl-rtt TKOM XEWTORH.AJiIWl .Jk "' DATS AJTD BATTKOATS TAWat , j - ' " ., -' wrunmni. w p ; . . 3 ft;a, . ,"tffc-.i! 1 taSOHAitOPOil.T OMB-IDUM t raa fHKOUGH .QOWflCTIONB , WITH V RAlUtOAr3 ttADIHO Ot'T OP . ic '.;.'... i .. VwnJIIKGT(i'.ir'j;'ilJ'1 Por freight aii"T to . . . . . BAK&r HBQTiteia, A,-ta ., i V dtr w f-tf' - ITclico. - 3 Till? ioVAUTKBRBrtip' herehi'iir1 kalat. lf betwa l'OPfn Tli' M - la ttii.oay uiw9ivea oy muiuai oi"i.iri'.i. j uo .a dcraliraed bdrlaa . ll iiii .. i.ii.-d by .aid Srra and leonly awihonreil ton -.1 ail elaimedo" toaald Srn and th ou.jr .. .y a ,l0.Ud.Uo,ft:,:iJt,rkt, ' j -. Ki fJ'-Cor Ponrlh nd Cn., 1 Wilmington, .V0r.l''ih,i.j.i 'ft ' -i i- -J-- terr iL'w, llaMiliiti. ,Grc j . 1 ft r Bbse's jatACAft oftArj s tier hot Of.SJ ll, t , . -r" , p" t rJk! ,itl9 .'Lwa' ... v. --i - . . . - 7 . ' " . '! iit fl r- ,' ' - '.. 1 , . '-1 ' -7 i.i-i: .1 ..; i.j to. ... j UI A "s J 1 l.iat-n",awtf i i i!j(t F.ry I. a-r ...... tnansaJ' f ' a "ea mi 1