• • 7 If Alexf.nder H. Siepleus rAo«ld b'; nt home and bis mind not absorbed in po'olie mTairs, the visitor wiUfiiid him cue of llie best and most prolific auec- dotists of the day. One story—alas that lie cannot sit in the types to tell it 1—is the Peter Bon net speech. A Dr. Royston, doubtless, a most excellent man, had sued Mr. Bennett for his bill. '-111110 Alick,” as Alexan der is minified by his friends, Udd his client, Peter B.,-that the case of ser vice and its value v,-ere proved against him in legal form and there was no real defease. But the old farmer insis ted that his lawyer should “apeak to the ease.” , Mr. Stephens told him that he' iong'iil''^- apeatr Ihnaself if Vie ti-ou^lu'n. speech could be made, and was sur prised by tile retort “i will, if Bobby Toombs won’t be too hard on me.” Mr. Toombs promised, and Peter Bennett began. “Gentleman of the jury, I ain’t no lawyer and no doctor, and you ain’t cuther. And if we farmers don't stick together, these tawyora and dcctors will get advantage of us. I ain’t got no objections to lawyers and doctors in their place, and some is clever men, but they ain’t fanner’s, gentlemen of the juTj. Now this Dr. Roystoii was a new doctor and I sent for liim to doc tor my wife’s sore leg. And he did, aiid put some salve truck on it and some rags., but never done it bit of good, gentleman of the jury. I don’t believe lie’s no doctor, no way. 'Tliore’sdoctors as I know is doctors, sure enough, but this ain’t no doctor at all.” This was evidently telling, and Dr. Eoyslon put in with, “Look at my diploma and see If I am not a doctor.” ‘'His diploma 1” said the new-fledged orator, with great contempt. “That ain’t nothin’, for no pieca of paper ever made a doctor yet.” “Ask my patients,’’ siiouted the now furious physician. Tliis was the conventional straw that seemed to break the back of the orator's patience. •‘Ask your patientsho said, in slow, mournful deliberation. “Ask yourp.sLients? Why they are alldead. Tlien in rapid dcclamatiou, he named case after case, well known, but most ly among the negro servants of his neighbors, where his opfKment had treated tliem and their o-wners buried them, and continued: “Ask your pa tients ! Wiiy, I would have to seek them in the lonesome church-yard, and rap on the silent tomb to gel answers from the dead, dou know they can t say nothin' to this case, for you’ve kill ed them all 1” The applause closed the speech, and the defendant won his case.—C. W. Cleavdand in Uarper'a Magazine for February. Written for ll.e iimtructi'jn of-Judge Taft, tile latest ariiv.il, wiiote educa tion is about to ooruu'ouce : A is for Avoiy, safe in his prison. B is for Babcock, who sliould be in Ills'll. C is for Colfav, Moliiiier’s liead man. D is for Delano, who swindled tlis red man. E is for “Emma,” on England unload ed. F is for Fort Silh tliat poor Belknap exploded. G is for Grant, who is partial to knaves. H is for Harrington, expert in safes. I is for Ingall.s and Mrs. O.’s watcli. J is for Joyce, who “a nice thing'’ did botcli. K is for Ku-Klux and hloody-sliirt Jlorton, L was the Landaiilet for Williams to sport. non ■ ■■ f ■ N is for Xo lionest 0 is for Orville, the go-between bro ther. F is for Pienepout, convictions to smother. Q is tlio quesiioiia that no one must as. E IS the Eespon.'.ttJ that keep out the fax. S is for Shepherd, his riiigitos and pan ders. T iire llie tas-payors, whose money he squanders. U is fur Ulysses, tliat stands by these friends. T is the Villainies that ha defends. W are the Witnesses hiiuted with vi’leiice. X the’Xamiuation wliich he must a- lonce. Y is the Yell from the nation that lion. Kemp P. Battle, President, F. II. Cameron, J ice-President, W. H. nicks, Secretary, Dr. E. Burke llaywood, Medical rector. Dr. W, J. Eoyster, Assistant Medicull Director. J. B. Batchelor. Attorney. O. 11. Perry, Supervising Agent. Prof. E. B. Smith, Advisory Actuary. laopisre & GwmssE. Of Every Dercription. Mantles Sce J T-S. YOUNG Agent, \\ ILJSCN M.C HOTYE HUNGRYil >a tf.At are to eat, s Bynum &. TO CONSUMPTIVES The aUvertUvr, an old pi.jsieiar. ietir«d o'nsctivi*. practice, tiftiiiigiiad placed in Ids hands by an Ka«t India Missionary tile fomuila of a simple Vegetable Remedy, f«r tile speedy and peniiaiiciit Cure o( Coii- suni|>t!i’ii, llroncliiti-s.i. atarril. Asthma, and all Throiltaml Bung Aflcctimis, also a Fosi- livc and Radical Cure for Xei vous Debility ami all iSoi-vous Com plaint.s, after Imving tiioioiigldy tested its wonderful curatiT* powei-s^m llioitsands of cases, feels it His du ty to make it know i. to ins siillering fellowa- Actiiated liy this motive, and a couscientioua desire to relieve human suireiing, he will send (free of eliai-ire) to all who desire it this recipe, witii full direction for pieparihg and sneeessfiilly using. Sent by return mail by addressing. IJr. W. STETEX*. Mnnroe Block, Syraeusf, N. Y. All you tf,at .are suffering for the want of souietliing to eat, stop at Daniel’s, NICE, FKESJI and Bristow that'f nnffs. Z is the Zeal for : new state of thin;?s. Yonliiful Geuius. (ilenued.— down and .'u briag il •I boy at vvhicn ho vnee, and When the the watch A Detroiter hung np his watch the other day until lu> shouid find time to take it to a jowelerhi ir. His eon, a boy of It wore it to school, h ' home witii him. ; school who had u S’ . desired to trade for a t,. .; an exchange was efreeted : father came home he ini.'^so'.l ami asked. “Who’s stole my watchi” “Father was it not an old watch?' asked the l)oy. “Il was.” “And would it go?” “It would not.” “Then, father, did I not do the cor rect thing to trade an old watch that wouldn’t go for a fat goat which will go?” Come out and see him go for u barrel I” The police arc looking for the boy with tho watch. So “S © IS © © B o p p p cn cr* O © p c p* CT5 o o cx, oc P P o o Q P ft © B © © s (S^ p p OE ts^jm eP30( © © P“ © © a t> K5 O C © © rjli © © S SR © © QC P 5 6 & © © RD’VISORY BOARD FOR WILSON COUHTV- W. D. Eouiitree, R. R. Gotten, J. W. Crowell, J. J. Thomas, F. A. Woodard, Willie Daniel, M. Rountree, 11. G, Whitehead, S. P. Clark. J. J. Barefoot, A. G. Bi'ooles. h'. W. Barnes. O. \V Blount.’^l. Gt WilhSfcs, W.IIJ. Harri* W. M. Gay, S. Ilasseil, J. D. Wells. OFFICERS; . - - pi'O.sident. - Vice-l’resideiit. and get somt-tliiiig BWHiOT. We have on liaiul a nice and well selected stock of Family Groceries, wliicli we oflur 10 .sell so olu'iip Uiat all can buy and eat. J8.‘aj"'Uisliest prices pairl for coiiutry FKDJiL’CE ClllB'KENS, EGGS, &c., ice. Two doors below tlie Hardware. Store. BYXUll & DAXIKL. 5 OBEi#-r if.y.wsoN & c- 'f FARMERS. M PORTANT Money Saved i» Honey Hadsl Home Fertilizer, ONLY W. D. Rountree, G. W. Blount. - A. G. Broo’its, - II. G. Wiliiams, F. A. Wot'darii, L. A. Stitli, - - . - - Secretary. . - - Attorney Medical Examiner. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Willie Daniel. Harriss, F. W R. K. Ootien, IV. .1 Barnes, J. D. Wells, MAxrFAOTrEnns OF Saddles, Harness, Collars TRUNKS. Etc- 277 . iiiSiiUimoro Ja-treet, BAJLXI510KE. Dec. 3-C-m, SlroBg'aSfasoiis lu ii Arw I, is cinpJuitically ii Home Company. Tls large capital giuu tuUces strength and safely. Its rates are as low as any tirst- class Cmnpaity. It offers all.desirable forms of Insu rance. Policies non-forfeitable after two years. Us funds are kept at home ami cir culated among car o^Yn people. c do not send IN. C. money abroad to build up other States. The Company's entire capital and assets loaned only to the block ami Polic}' Holders. Its officers and directors are promi nent and well known North Carolinians. Fver-v’' Man. vyhetiier rich or poor, needs Insurance It will only costa man aged 30 years, about 0 cents a day to keep his life in- surea for One Thousand Dollars, LOW MAN U F A C TO li Y The aUeiition of the farmers of IFil son and adj.fining counties is called to the superior advantages 1 can offer titem in the Sale of Plows and Castings of various kinds. Manufactory on Tar- boro Street, below the Post-Office— Thankful for past favors, I hop'e ny strict aitenlion to business to merit a continuance of the same. B. A, MAiO, Jan. 7-3m. Wilson, N.C. YSJouMqH Marry a Mechanic. THE BEST FERTILIZERS IN USE. FOR A young mail comnieiiceri visiting a young woman, and appeared to be well pleased. One evening lie called wlioii quite late, wliicli led the young lady to inquire wliere lie liad bean.” "I liad to work lo-niglit.” "Wliat, do you work for a living'?' she inquired in nstoiiishiiiont. ‘‘Certainly,” replied the young man. “I am a nieehaiiio.” “I dislike the name of a meoiiaiiic,” and she tnriiod up ii*r pretty nose. Tliie was the Vast time tiio youn mail visited the young lady. Ha HOW a wealthy tiKm, and has one of the best ■women in '.he country, for a wifo. T'ne young lady who disliked tiie name of a iiicoliaiiic' is now tlie wife of a miserable fool—a regular vagrant about grog shops—and the soft, verdant silly, miserable girl is obliged to take ill wasliing in order to support herself aud eliildcn. You dislike the name of mecliaiiic. eh ! Y'ou wlioso brothers are but well- dressed loafers. We pity any girlwlio is so verdant, so soft, to think less of a young man for being a mechanic— one of God's noble men—the most dig nified aud honorable personage of heaven’s creatures. Beware young ladies, how yon treat 3'ouiig men who wrok for a living, for,, ^ you mav one of tiiese days he menial | to one of them. Far better to dis-j charge the well fed pauper witii all ids I An untliou»litriil young poet, who has been sadly demoralizod in watcli- ing tlie course of human events, tiiiis expressoss himself: BKOOKLTS. I wan’t to be a preacher and in tho pul pit stand. Sensation on my forehead and salary | in my liaiid; | And ill the UUle parlors, so oozy and; so sung, I’d kiss tlie sweetest s'sters and maybe take a ling. WASinXGTON. I want to bo im officer and in the Wliite House stand, IVitli brass upon my forehead and green backs in my li.aiid ; And riglit before the President, so generous and benign, I'd steal .some million dollars, and then I would resign. COTTON COTTON COTTON. IVICTIOI^SON JMO.SKLKT.- Agents Vv'ilsoi), N. C DR II. W. KING. F.voryUhii(5''f*nau‘i*^ much mone^ 8pent anmjull.v lor Tinier will couriime hard aud moi'cy Kcnrcc until Fomctlilug is doiH' to stop the flow of money wliicli is yearly spent for expensive a.->d in many cases useless Fertilizers JPe propose to pell to farmer? tho ingre- dionu for making their own Fertilizers for $15.00 PERTOX. Many of tlie best farmers in the country, wlio liave been using this lIoHie Fe.vtiiizer, (li-clarc that it viflrls ss nmcli cotton.'eorn ami oiiier produce as tlie smm‘), wliisii th«y paid $')d for. Buy your own Clicliuoal-. and save *40 per toil. For farthci pttrliculai's call ou king & MOY'E, at tlu-ir Driis Store, tf, (FilSon, N. C. B R K S II I R E 1" I G S . DEALERS IN D RUGS, MEDIINES,CHEMICAL Fancy and Toilut Soaps, I’EiiFUMERY, a,i;y BOOKS, STATION- &c. Ac. &?., From iny ppleiulid young pow?. Diamond QiU’en. PeLM’hi.s?. ar.fi Tiifiy Il'unphrvr, all bv Sambo, Jr., son of Samla> V., a siii^nfiia impoideil boai’ ot the "Sailie''’ f.auiily.— These pigs will h(* ready to sliip about the 1st of kipril. Two hue yotnig boars now- ready to ship. Orfieiv lllitMUn rotation.— ITices, $12^ each or $25 per p«ir boxed and delivered on cats. Pedigrees to importatioiiJ T. \V. HAKIUSS, PilUboro N. 0. PAMLICO insurance & Banking COMPANY. Of 'I’AKJEffKO, N. CASH CAPITAL - - $200,000 OFFICERS: HON. GEO. HOWARD, Prc.sid™t. UAPT. JNO. S. DANCY, Vice Fivsidmit. J. B. CHESHIRE, JR.. Sect, and 'IVeai-r. MEinoiSES CAKi-:Frr.i,Y selected and COJII-OUXDED. Frscl'iptioiis put up cautiously day or nigiit SOLE Also STATE AGNTS FOR 'TEXAS TEA At Lawrence’s old stand. Nasli S R'ilsuii, N. G., I’.O. Bo.vlOS, DIRECTORS: M e announce to the planters of Wilson and adjoining counties that we are the sole agents for the follownig old ami reliable T’ertiUzers, which wo are offer ing lower than ever before sold and the siandard eeiual if not superior to what they have been. Hon. George llow'ard, \Vm. Ikittle Capt. T. li. Gatlin, .Mathew Weddell, J..I. Battle, Wm. Pi])pen, .John 1.. Brklgcrs, .Tr., Kemp P. Battle Jesse II. Powell Oapr. J.S. Dancy Kiitis UaiT, Jo,s. B. Cotliifid, O. C. Farrar. John Nortieef, Fred I'liOlps. GMFFIN, Stands micquailed as a eotlon Fertilizers as liundrcds of far will testily. IL I-1 S J. R A S B E R11 Y, At toi-iiey at WILSON, N, C. OFFICE (REMOVlcn) 0?* ^ASlI STREET, (Next to Gays's Store.) Practice? in the courts of Greene, Milson, aud .Johnson. Ij^^lnvcstfgation of titles to Tlcal Estate, and ConvtA ancing—a spceiaitt. TKEA-SUKY DKVAltTMTlNT, 'j Office of (’ompiToiicr of the Uiirnuicy >■ W ASH J NOTON, Feb. 5th, IvSTG.J ffiicrca- by saiiM’aerory e-v!d»‘ucc iire.-cnt- ed 1.0 Jlic. undvrsignefi. ii luis been mad.e l» rtpiiear, that’The First Naiional Bank of WilKon.in [he'fowl! of P ilson. in Couniy of P il.'^on. Slate of North 'arormaha-emil- pU*d wiih/al! tlu- p.ruvbious of the li vised >>t;UiiU’> S'Y tiu- Fiiil'-d rc(|iiij'ed to 1h- couiplieu with before an a.,-ociai ion ^!Iall he auihoi’izcd to comnicnce the business of Bankina': Now ihercfore, T, John S. f-angworihy, AcL*g 'omplroller of the (.’urreiicyado liere- bv eeriify that ’The Frist Njitional Bank of Wilson, in the down of ilson. Comity of Vv ilson. and State of Nwtli Corolina is au- lliojizi’d toco»nim-nce thi’ businessof Bank-' ing as ju-ovliled in rieclion Fifty one hun dred and sixty nine of tire jievised krtatules of liie Ihuted States In testimony whereof -witness my b.aiul and seal of olfice this 5th day of Feb 1876. J. S. I-ANGWOKTIIAg Act’g Con.ipU'ullcr of the Currency. Feb IMl. No 2321. Tins CO.M'-'.CSV I'T.TTTES Dwellings, Stores. A.rciiandiso, Farm Property, ami all classes of in.surable property Against Loss or Damage by Fire! at loeal bo;ird rates All losses promptly adjusted and paid OEBEN WILLIAAIS, Sup(^yc(Sor of j-NjeieCics Aa:-M*’'y ivt. lieiitiiiAE r%ILiirray’« CJRRIJGE AND HAliNES.'-riilAiillFJCTlfRtR jvssortnu ut * i When* may lx* fomul : work, such as TOl* and ol'l Pll.-ETUX. KOCKAWA^ CAUTS, HAilX J55r.Ul kinds of re, .• limn.ptly done. Order® sohcitetl and { '• of this SecT.on MAVkSSh CUANO, TERMS PER TON 4.J0 LBS. MiDDLNG COTTON’, NOV. IS'l'. JlaiiufacUired at liome, under the direction of some of the best farmers in the Slate, lias won its great Tcputatioii upon merit alone and is to-daV unsurpassed bv aiiv fertilizer in use. ZELLS SUPER-PHOSPHATE TERilS J’ERTON 440 LBS. MiDDLING COTTUX, NOV. 1ST, ,Ns a fertilizer for gener.al crops lias given entire satisfaction. In tl'P- Black Oroek section wlicre it was ex'^ensiveiy used last season, the demand for ii). LAW , M-B-iii. OFFICE- U ilson, N. C. ncGGiKS ■ already is double that of last year. 'AtiONS 1 HE RUTH?:U-F1U. IIn|>]>y lyomc 5*- !y and '■’d to UliGE MID PHOSPIATE; yi, V. WOTTETT A: E'tEVkNS F-arniture Dealei's THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of WILSOIT, \V. D. ROUNTREE, - - • President F. Vv. BARNES. - - ■ Niee-Prcsid'iiit J-OllN HUTCHINSON - - - Cashier UIREC i'or.S 'i \V. I). Ro-trNTREi’::^ ^ M'ood.\ui>. F. w. BaKNHS, K. JvOSlCNTJtAL. W. Danie>>. a. Branch T. J. Gardner. GoTh'Ctiunft ivmfic on ail .\ccessible'FcfirfCs hi tlie U'dted Slate.-=. Deals in Exchange. Coin, Hank Xusi's, istock tMc. Bank Building op Street. Feb-11 TO Wfilaow, N. C. PilOTOGRAPY. Messrs. WHITTINGTON & SETSZER take pli’a-Kure in informing tlie cirizens of Wilson aud vicinity that tliey have had erected a suitable biiiklins for the purpose of making AUTISTIC PIlOTOOIiAPIIS ill variou!» styles, alter tho best method notr known ht liie art, with a thovwigh knowl edge of their busines-s aequirtd tffter long ]iracticeiii firstciass (inlleiies. J’hey linpe to merit a sliare of 'our patronage and will take all necessary pains lo give .satFfactinu.- Caii and see specimens of our own produc tion. COPViyO, EyLARO'JXO AA7> JXG'KRJ TL Y DONE A T REASON ABLE PRICES. Feb. 4th tf FNDEHTAK.EHS, Corner Spring and Nash StresAs Fu J Jilwtiy? tn hand all kinds of T. fofh -to-p ■ For using with Compost and is sold at only $36 per ton. Testimonyof a num ill Kwmi ' her of thejeadlng farmers of IMgecomhe wiiere tin* Acid rhfi,-p},rrti(. was extensively u^ed rings, jewelry, lirazennoss and pom- | ^^’^foVor iron. *11 po.sitV, and to take to your atlSCtnoiL to ^4 pei mouth. . , tltormi-di ’ sideration of famnn-s. W e again “a11 the attenriou of Planters to the extraordinary ad- the callous banded, industrious mccliiui- j |,''';u„r„K;r,,'is o£ tlie place hav? no vantiiges and " 'he purchase of Fertilizers ami i equal in the Soutli. , , - 4 1 VII roallv indigent (hphans.. and t]-.c Tlioiisands liir.-e inttoriy repented jHihstm-s of tho Kospd of all tlieir follv wlio have turned their backs! chrisliau nc.uminatioiis. are 'mstrucled • , ... , I frei-of Hi-iro-es. For rataloL'iie nd-irefs on honest industry. A few years ha\e | hii-l. j^KjriiXATlIY, t night them a severe lesson. .1 Feb, 4th 3oi Firsldoet si-mply ask a call before buying elsewhere. BRANCH, HADLEY & CO. ■nriLSON. N. Gr Feb 4-tf Maiiui. i.()M’N\f)Od uiui 5j‘.-i:i.ic Bniia cat*es of s»ll si/.es always on hand. Orders for coOins attendedt« promptly and faitli- fully. Dieyde.sirvj to c.ill attention also to tlie fact that they keep a Uearfee for burial oe- caiiknis. BEEF. AND TOXIC IXViGOUATOK, JlecomineTsded by the best physician in, Engliuiil and xVmerica for Omsumptsicn Dehiiirv, D)ss of Appetite, Fyrer Ague, J)jsi)c|)>ia. Indvgestion, Ferasle and i’hii- dreii mahulk's, UITMON OF I)K. Dr S, STEAtUVET, Fre.s. Md. Insane llospit»L Bi-rltimoiv, Md. ^.* * * \ can rcconnweiid Liebig’s IJ^i- nicl Extract of ixief as’the nioit etfident preparatiott 1 In^ve ever met with. It eerm- f>>wes ihe vlrtu‘!*€>f ft)otl awl tonlo m a re markable w;L^-/^ OTINION OF DR. IVM, >L STOKESy Fhysieiim lo .Mount Hope Retreat,- near Ba!timcre» n ¥ + * J great pleasure in aKhrwig ; my testimony to tiie virtues of Liebig's ' Liquid Extract of Beef ami To»i« luvigora- • tor. as (he very b^*st iireparation used, and j thereiore Ctuithleutly recomuieiid it to the med:eal profession.” AND MANY OTHER TESTIMONIALS. PUTIN PINT BOTTLES—EACH- TAKE NO OTHER. SOLD BY Dragjgists and Dealers- kui \Vl!,SON, N. C, w. wr.j^'a 88S£OOUa, K»r«*|H‘ioJor l')0‘lOO t'^lioiCP Trees. Viiie.'s .Tml’pianfs yet on- Juuul ill H'v Niij’sM’ii's, of the very bent varietiea well iuiui.ceii l» culture at iince*.U> the times. I»l!ui1in}r m-.tj' be fone with success W Kebriuu’y arui lUarvin. I ahi prcjKvred to fUl ordcrif jvroni]iiiy and s:ui4:/hotorily. ha-ffiiftg- tlie advan- vafTc of an exi>ei'i«jice of 2B 3'ears. Oc;rres(joml«uice ftoHcUed. li'xira Kihrty Peach Trees and yira^-' berry Plants foT^irSretplaniftvg: are my specialty ties. Send for UatarogUe atid Prices. Address C. W. WESTBROOK. Wilson, N. O, Awai-dccf the Highest SIcdal at Vieima- •yjJ & H. T. ANTHONY & CO, &9-1 Proadrvay. New York.- (0pp. Me:rnpfitan Hotel) ilM.'JOFSCTiiRERS, liitPORTtRS a DE5LERS 1I« CIlROhlOS AND FRAMES, STERKOSCOl’ES AND VIEWS. ALMS, GRAPHCSCffPES ASS SlflTAillg VIEWS, Pliotcgi'apilie Materials. We arc for everything m the -wsy af SlEREO?rCOKJ*i AND MaOI-0 .qiatmft»eturersof fli«p 1 MicBoSeriiXTirK) L-iktekn. Stereo-Fassopthos. Ukivj.hsity iSTEKEOrTirOJr Advei:tisj;rs STEBEorTicoJf^ AeTci-tkox, School Laxtern, I-'amily LAx-mtnx. People's Lantern. E.ach style being the best of its class in the market Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, ■with direc tions for using eent on application. Auy enDerpriislug man cun make money "with a Magic Lantern. e^f'ifi •!;( ikt« «dvert1»e,H'eM ^ r^ferenre."trtV

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