The Wilson Advance. FKIUAY... ....SIAVJ n, 24, 187 Yes, orNo?~Aa Honest Love*Lettcr. Doar la'ly, will you lend Alt«ntioii for awhile P I'm not the man to sue and slUlrk, To *;ain a fair one's smile. I'll ask a question, plain and brief : Just answer—ycs», or No, I cannot rave as lovers rave^ Or swear a» lovers swear; My way is just to pass my word, And keep it, ‘'fair and squlira.” I’m bu; an honest liusiness man, As all my dealings show ; And eiioch a bargain, at the start. With simple—Yes, or No. My tongue is not atumed to talk Ol'lovers’ smarts and darts. I only know the lioncst way Of joining honest hearts. The deepest, waters (piiet sleep; The shallow, murmuring, flow; Bo, all the vow I give or ask Is briefly—Yes, or No. I love you—that’s the simple truth— I love you a.-> my lif; I And ail I have, or hope to gam. I’ll gkvc‘Avail T I’ve loved VfA* since the uay we met, ’Twas just a year ag»e—' And after thinking fur a year, I ask you—Ye-^, or No ? I do not piomise that 3'our life Sliall b.‘ a dream of bliss; I don'tpretend itiat all my cares Will vanish at your kiss. They’re juvity sure to miss the mark' Who draw too long a bow. T ask yon—Will 3’ou take the I’l-iance? Just tell me—Yes, or No. My liearl, my fornu.e, homeland n?.me i a-k you, then, to share. It you'll aceep’t. TU be rejoiceOi if not, 1 wum'i despair. He's but a fool who stakes his all Up‘U5 a >ii’glc tlirow. If y«»u won't have me, stnneotjc ^'iU, Bo U it—Yes or No? ‘Yes. Do you know cf some ono'i’ ‘“I would like to come sir.” ‘ You are too small. How old are you?'* “Fourteen, sir; aud I am ■very stro..g.” Henry stood up flo straight and firm ly waiied, tliougli his face showed his anxiety and disappoitment so that Sir. Green was attracted to liini. “What can youdo^” “I don’t know, sif. Tve alwaj^s liv ed at home, but ITl try and do any- tiling you want me to.” “Well that ispromisiTtg. Most boys would have said they could do anything. I will try you a day. Go around into the kitchen and soe if they want you” Henry felt strange as he went Into the new kitchen with its bright pans and many things which he had never seen ; but he thougt of bis mother, and instantly there was something to do, for the cook was taking great loaves of bread out of the oven, and the table was full of other things, so she had no place to set them. Henry cleared u spot, euijfitied a pan i.*f d.;,i ty ^water stood by, and, taking the knife some one liad dropped, went on peeling po tatoes. “Well, you’re miglity handy!” ex- AUi SORTS. The most thriilir.g tale known is that of the raLtbsiiake. The first science a driver teaches his mules is gee-ology. Don’t w'orry about tiie ice crop. Keep cool and you will have enough. Don’t publish your acts of charity. The Lord will keep the account straight. Barber—“thin out your hair a bit, sir?'’ Liokton—“No, never miinl. iM.V wife attends U> that. Just oil it well however.” “IFe find that he came to his death from calling Bill Jackson a bar,'’ wms the verdict of £t coroner's jury in Missouri. ‘•Dr. Mary 'Walker was never lieanl to e\vear but ouee, and that was wlien aho got her pants on wrong botbre." There is one man in Pluladelpliin who does not expect to make a iortune this year. His funeral will take place to-morrow. According to the poe!. “Morn wakes the woi-ld,”' but, according to other good aiitllofllie-s, a bal>y with the colic doe.s it.—Brooklyn Argus. ‘■rrobatily one of the most trying- times in a man's life,” says one wSio Put'S experifViCed it» ’ is when ha intro- ducoshis second wife. 17 > ears old, to his danghter, who is past 20. A colored preacher remarked;— IVlicn God mafle de fust man, He set liim agin de fence to dry.” “Who side pKCFKbSlUJNAI.. O K. y ill'i'll. . Civil. AHO SlEfflAXICAI. EnGISEEK, E.t.I.EIGn, X. c. Surveys and estimates liV.ater dVorks, and Water lower, Locales Roads, Krect.s Bridg^, Sets up Colunlus Spires, Heavy Roofs U'-'d ilomimeiits. Moves Houses, M idens Streets, Raises Siiips HANDLES and TRANSPORTS MA.SSIVE BODIliS OF ALL uE'SCiurnoNs. Ts tlicron^'dy equiped with Tools, Instruments' Eiigine.s, Rigging, Screws, Derricks, Hydraulic Jacks, Trucks, etc. A iiractical and elHoient inecli.anie with twenty years experience in En- o-ineering. soTicits patronage and guar .aiitecs success. Mar-3 '2m' E. J- K- K U E FIN. PALMER & GREEN’S COLUMN 181G. W7G. HARBWAUE. 1) claimed the cook as she covered fit® j fence?” interrupted an eager i STOaV FOR TilE LITTLF FOLKS. Onio Road to Foutujje. •‘O F-atlicr ! help tlie widoiT and or- piians ! Thou wilt not forget those wlio Buffer, and we arc lost but for thee !” These were the words that Henry beard as he woke in the niglit thinking it would rain ; but the sound he mistook for t!ie wind in tlie pines was his motlicr's voice. He lield his breaUi and listened, lm'„ al! was quiet now ex- ■cepl tlie deep brealhing of ids brother | and sisters in tlie ue.vfc room. Altei j ih-at one cry for lielp the widow was silent and soon Henry lioani lier go to lied. He could not sleep. “Poor mother'?” lie thonglit; ■'if I c-niid only help her.” He knew that the flour was almost il ue, and that IhS mother had worn a thin dress all the cold winter, and [lut the fu-e out early and sent the children all to bed because she could not buy wood. He had a perfect faith in the Eathor-to whom his motlier had called but he was pained to bear a cry ol dis tress, for be had never seen licr anything else but perfectly chcerfu!. But sleep did not linger long from his hcaltliy eyesy though they did not close until a half formed resolve had filled him with hope. In tlie morning he gave his usual help in boiisebold msUera, and then Btartecl for sc'iool. Little groups cf children met on the way, .ami one and another tried to chat with him of t'neir childish sports, l)ut lie wallted on vvitli bent lisad, hardly answering when Spoken to. “What’s the matter with Daddy Hal this morning?'’ asked one. Ills sober ways bad gained that nick name for him among the boys. “lle’.s thinking how to make his for tune,” declared another nievry barefoot boy as he splashed tbrongli a puddle, “T'es, that’s jnst what I’m di'iing,” replied Henry; but more than that he refnsed to say. , ’ When ho came home thht alternoon he found liLs mother putting a patch in Mary’s ••Moiher, I want to go do'wii to the new hotel to 11 ye. ‘•Why. llem-y'?’’ ■Yes, motiier, dear, [' think I could earn a 11'tie money, and I'm old cnoiigb now to help yOll.” ‘•But I want you to go to school.— Tou can never be a useful man unless you are eiUicated. “Ohl f could study in ing, The mother looke 1 up quickly ami his face showed her his affection, but she could not bear to tliiiik of his igv bread. “1 used to lie’p mother, gometimes,’’ replied llonry. "Are you tlie new lioy?’’ -Y'es. ma'uia.” "’vVc-li. when the potatoes are ready- just set the Lillies, for I want' Kate to help me.” Hem y felt rather doilbfill about the fable, but after Kate had shown him bow to set one, he managed tiie others nicely. Hafcro dinner Was ready a large stage load of people arrived, and Henry was scut around with bags and bundles, fresli water and clean towels, riimiing everywliere so quickly and wiih such a bright face that every one called upon hliti. M l;cn the dinner was served, Henry was sni. inoned to assist in the waiting, as Kate, Mary and Aim could not attend rdl the tables.— liei'e again bis willing spirit and gen tle voice and tnanner made him popn lar ; and as Mr. Green’s only direction had been, ‘-See that Uie people upon wtioin yon wait have evcrytliilig tney want,” ho kept his tables well supplied serving every one quickly and neiitly •So the busy day went on, and when night came Henry went to Mr. Crreeii to SCO whether tie wa.a to remain. "Of you are ; -we cannot get along witiiout yon. And, Henry, you must see to the g'ate.” The gate shut off a road ■wliidi had been made with a great expense, .so that carriages could drive to the Cas- ciule, and Henry was to collect tlie toll- Ue obtained pormission to go homo and tell his mother his good fortune, and soon ids former si liooliimster liEP.rd the news. They came over to see liow Henry liked his new life, "I shouldn't think you’d want to wait on other people all the time," said one. "Why not? It's real pleKaant to make others comfortable ; and, besides mother says we'll never have people to help us till we’re ready to lielj) them.” “But how do you know how to do everything':” ‘•I don’t know. I want to and then [ can. But there's scinebctly at the gate.” So it was, day after day, Henry was here and there and everywhere; and when be was tired he thought ol his mother who had worked for him so long, and he never was discouraged, for his readiness made him a favorite; ami tho’ tlicy did not think to spare him, every one v/as kind to liim. He did not find much tune for study, but he delej-:tnlicit to loaitu ’.iiat up in the wliiler. 'The SiUiimer was nearly over, when i a par,-, ,f "jmen tamo to Ibo ho tel, an o i.'i.rv remembered that one of them .v;,s rliCi'e the first day he came 1 fris gel cu,:'-uo) askud Air. Green about l.uiij. 10 d atier he had heard his his- t.jiy valhe.i Llie boy and asked him 11 h-j Old not waiP, to go to Now Y'ork with I want a luu'.dy h«j like you in my olllce, I will send you to a good school the even- thveveui.i'g, and put you iir the way of being a prosperous mordiant when you are a man.” Henry took the gentlernan to see his mother, and after much consideration the matlcr was settled. "Y'our fortune ;s m-ide, Henry,’’' said Mr. Green, when he bade hixi good bye. "Then >e has m.ade it liiin.sslf." said listener. “But dat man out?'’ ex claimed tho colored preacher, "such question as dat’ll destroy all de theology in the world.” CCREEM ItE.'ilS. ofTors his I ZHii.’? of n'il llc'iidcnc'.j Houou aud pr^tisia? Physician, N. C., tsioual services to the citi Pr,. botu-peii Carnes’ re-idetice, Peb.2oth, Om. Ri JOYXFR. A^tto*!;«y fit TOISriT/.VILSON COU:>rTY n. c. \Vlll atteliroinptly to all proles^lonal business eti'j>’rt(l to his cure. CiRCUiT-riisjon, Niisli, Edgecombe and Pi!t cointj^ K'fre?.os: Chief Justice of tlie State, aul .vs.-’iiarc Justices, and lion. W. BattlutS'is, Raleigh, iP'Vi NEW ADVERTISEMTENS ADVEHTTSEMENTS. MAKRlED.P^-Ol'LK-Now {nyemton. Jii«t what you waul, iloliablo and tluralde. Mailed on reotripi of 75 ceuis. Addrebii Di'Musuian A Co, MiddJotONMi, Conn. 4w. VflLD liKADlNG, rSYCHOMANCY.rASCLYA- -•'•A-TIOX. Soul ChanniuK, Mesmerism, aud rljjjo (iuide, Mhowin^ iiovr eulioi’syx may fa-cuuiio aud gam Uio love aud all'octiou of any porsou they choose iu.stanily. 40J pagt-s, liy mall 60 ow liuiu & Co, 130 b. 7lh St. RuUadelphla, i‘a., 4>v ^eeuts warned for Um great CENTEXy lAL li 1S T 0 R Y. 700 pages, low prlco. quicksalos. Extra terms P. VV. Ziegler « Co, 516 Arch St. Pulla. Pa. 4w WTU STREET CIRICAT uTe S Anew Hook, 46 pages, containing 14 Eiirrared II* lusU'iitunR, with lutoiiuaiion Pirntock RpcCulalors. Price 10 cents by ina'l. TUMlJHIl/ti’E SCO,. BaiiJter and Bi-okur-H. 2 Wall iireel, N. Y. 4w. IV 4 /) Agents for lh« host sellljig Sui- •* iiouery PackUjjMs In the world. It coutain.s 15 .sheet.s of i>xpor, 15 Knvolopcs, golden pen, Pcii-holdcr, Pencil, Patent yard Measure, aud a pieco of Jcwolry. Single packages with pair ol elfgaul fjrold Stony Sleeve Buttons, po.-.t paid, 25 ci'iu.s. 6 Ibi’!i51,ij0. Tms package has Loeu e^am- incd by tho pubhshorof iu« Wilson Advance and ioond to he as repro'cnied—worth the mor.oy. W aichu.'i given away to all .ugents Circulars free. BRIDE it CO,. 7yt Broadway. Xatv York, 4w i'OK GOUGiM, GOLU.ti, HOARSE.NESS AND ALL 'lUROAT LLsLASKS L’dB WELLS’ CARBOLIC TARLETS, PUT UU OXUY IX BLUE BOXES. A TRUE Ahi) SURE REWEOY. h'orbule by druggi-’is gcimiailr and JUUjXS'i'OsX, li01..ixUUAY ^ CO. Pudadelpliia,, Pa. -iw Connectic ut has 3 196 liquor dealers, ami their traffic amounts to $15,000.- 000 a year. In EiigiancUho country bred boys ftV6ni^^G All iucli and u qiuiTtfc*i* liioi'S in height and seven poimils more in weight than the city boys. A society has been organized in Fisk University. Nashville, for the evangelization of Africa. The Eenii.sylvania Legislature are eonsulering a bill which makes it a penal offence to point a gnu or pistol at a person, -tvlietbcr in jest or earnest.’’ The United Slates Senate, is .ssid to be the baldest-headed body of men on earth. At the ago of 73 a man who was seiueneed in 18-17 to life imprisonment for lulling his wife, has j ist beau par doned from the Ohio penitentiary. H-e n as convicted on entirely circumstan tial evidence. The Emperoi’.of Br.azii will arrive in l.^htladelphia ab'ouL the lUth of Ylay. T'tio jialaoc expenditure of tho Stil- Lati of 'fm-key bus bevii $ri-000.000 a \car ever since his sriccessiou. There are 21,’255 Baptist clnU'clies in tiie United Slates, wiih 13,117 niiiii.s- tera, and a total meiubership ol 1.815,* 000, Government sp-ies are at their old work in Alabama. Th.ey ar'o arrosting cdtizens aud luirry'.ng them off to jail without letting'thcih know the charges against them. In the centre of a sea marsh on the river Teche. in Louisiana, i.s a beauti ful and fertile isliuid of over 300 acres and on this inland is a mass of pure, solid rock salt, estimated at 90.000,000 Ions, Scientific meu are tvyiisg P> find out how the island came in. the tnarsh and how the salt came ou the island. Brigham Y'oung is a director of the Utah kioiiLheru ilailroad, and has .a fam ily pass. 'file road, however, imsists upon being notific.l ill advance when his family wants to travel over it. Thi.ity-t!iree illicit distilleries were broken up in South Carolina during Febrnai’v, and fri'ty-tonr illicit distille ries httuiid over fill' trial. N. E BERING, M. D. Pra'tiing' Pliy-iiciaii, Tilson, C. ^Vi^ be idiioflice every Saturday, keep^ hi-s own drwH.nJ piepures Ills om-’ii pro f-cnprion« tS])ecial ioildes for treating clironle dlsfrt'^cs. in front of the Brig, Uotel. Feb. 4tb. tf ■ JAS. S. W005AD, FRED. A. WOODARD. ^■y^OODAiU & WOODARD, ATTOKEYs at law, B'.S0iV, C. Circuit.—Wbn. Vv^ayne, Edgecombe, Greene and ItjCoimties. Coilectisi’tnadc in any part of the Slate. I nov2Stf i—— JNO. W. BLOUXT. OEO. V/. DLOUl.y G. w. !Jj)ljNT & BRO., Attorqys-at-Lavv, {(nd SQLlCITOn' lil BiS.NKPiijFYCY visas, K. c, *■ PiTictict? in of LVil.'-'o'n. TCdiiff?- coniDe. Nj»*'h f.fd Piinilinn, and in 0?“ Fedenil fiiu'l ftn'i-um'' Coiirta at Raluiyli.— CollcciiGn,’^ mibr- in uny part of the State. IVHOLESALf /ifiD MTAIL DEALERS IX FORFfON AND DOMEbTiC HARD WARE. CUTLERY, TIN WAtlK, ISTOVES &a, .■^’Af4S3 S'rS5Ktf-'/8', .N. €. Itisw’.th no ordinary decree of plt?a«ui-(* that \v('announce to!lie people of \Vih«u and a’lljoining countHxs timt by the. aid of a ar^uly increased patrona^ie. additions to our former .stock, we are better prepared than ever to supply — Farmers, Builders ami Mechanics, with every article in their respective lines at pritres that will compare fa\oritbly with Northen Whole-ale Uousi-s. The attention of the Fai’ners is called to the very superior advantni»‘es WQ oiler in the sale of AGRICULTURAL ITLEMENTS, Om- vtock comprises in, part— PLOWS, AND PLOW CASTINGS, HUES, SIIOVELS, PICKS, RAKES, SPADES. -AXES. GRAIN rP.ADLES, STRAW CL'T'fEkS, COHN SHELLERS, OKAlN FANS, CIDER Mir.T.S, FAltM BELTS;—In short every ilrt-iclo cl utility toIhe E.'irinel-. In ..eleliting gbode for tlib depari iiienL we have iiu eye .single to tliosc best adapted to our seetion. pur chase only from the most reliatiie fiicturer.s and therefore cun with confidence reconmiend tiiem. building material. IIOMCEOPATHIC VETERINARY PRACTICE Works on ihuttfu ject, given cooclsn .and wuufu instrucuonb Ibr ibo u-6J.imont ol iiU opcliii* iiry aUmuais oI hH Doiacsiic Aiiimtils,are cou-’.taat- iy K’epL in stock, togocaer wim ajioroin-Iuto M«cU ciny Ubusls. Theao books ure »pyoi.*.Ily ■^vrittca fur the* Farmers, 2>iock Kaisers or Klvery Stable* man's use, avolUing as fur as po.'rsible, all tecaiilcal lu>ns. i-'ui’ descrlinive t>rice, beat stamp lo the ijalauiofij B.oincBupatliio Pharmaoy, 135 West FujcUu Ir.lreel. 4w Boerieke &'i'afel. Proprietors, (t i V giving 4M Sowing Mruchmo, Hunting case Watcliotf, Velvet Vest, Black isiik Dros^eh, free wiili our green* U'p'PF packages, bend W luveuwrs Union i. iVAjij 273 Greenwich Street. Tiow Yurk. 4w Agfuu Wanted! Medals and Diplomas Awarded for HOLitlSN’^ NE'lM PICTOHIAL BIHLES 1.6:10 lilu.’-traU'Das. kAtidress lor uo\v circulars. A. J. ilUi--a\i.\.j\ Si COi Arcii St Kbil'a Ka. 4w ,0DQ AGEHTS, T eachers, buulcnts. Men and Women, wanted to sell CUXiTENNIAL (J-AZBr* TKLK of the U. S, sl.ows grand ro.suas ol ICO years progress. A whole Ixibrary. Bvitun 6'/o6c—>ot a Luxury, but a nocosiiy, Jnternictan.—'But selUng BooUBub. Good'pay. NVanigeneralageuta In every cityofUi.OtiO Addi’us* /. U, McOUKDY A GO., Falla. Fa. 4w. pSYCUOMANCY or SOUL CHARMING.” ■“ How either sex may faecimito and gam the love and alfectious of any person they choose iusiautly This simple, mental acquiremeui all can possess, mail for 35c together with a marriage guide, l^yptian Oracle, Dreams. HiuLs to Ladie.s Wodding'.Xiglitbhiru se. A. A queer book Aildxoss T; WU-i-lAM & GO., Fub. FhtUi. 4vr. L. A. STT’ll, M. H. Practising Pliysician E'iliton, N. C. Office, IkavLiXU Duco Store. nov2Stf‘ R. I!. Bunk. S.vm'lT., |> IJ N a A w 1 L I- 1 A'I'TOkSEI’8 .\T LAW. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. (’■ireifit: Kad), Ed-rccoiuhe. Ilafiiax Wil.-on- Claito? coilocted ill any part ol Nnvili Caiiiliiia. Brafticfc hitlieSiiproincandlcacia. Coiiits.“T«kij A FABM OF YOUH OWN —la— THE BEST REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES FREE HOMESTEADS AND THE BEST m CHEAPEST RAILROAD LAND Arc ou the Imeol llio UNION FAGIFIG KAILROAD. IN Melsraska- SECURE A HOME NOW Full information sent fi-bB to all -parts of the di’e&s O.i'. DAVIS, LundGc ' G. Pt B. K. Otuaha,' Notn’at-ka. FVLLEli, 'H’AKKK’ & V0-. I MAXUFACTTUIGKS OF a T o"VES, K.VXGE AND FURNACE The Largest Assurtment in the Market. OUR -NEW WOOD & COAL COOEINO S'lOYES GOLDEN CROWN. R.GPORTEK, NHW GOODS KOW OPENING FOR Fall and Winter 187.5, M. Eountree & Co,* We bjite nov^ In store and aro rsn.-htid in plsndid find well feele^tod (ioods, ccHiytiaUng trf Drt Goods, Grocekies, I Haedwar;^ Boots & &os9, lliifa & Caps, Clothing, NotiojiS Wood anD Cbockert, PoRi & FlorBj Plows, SKoyfit SpAlwa, and in ffl(*t eVcryttiln/r kept inn flttt store. New* gouds vriil be (Constantly added to the ttick on baud, and cash bnyein and proinpt reliable Castomerg may rely on get* ting fieijh and first class goods at reaaona- bie I^rices asCan be had anywhere iu th« State, f’ail and see befon3 you buy. TliankfvH for past favors, I'eapeiSlfuUy Siflicit a libenU patronage. L T II O u r ADVFJrnSKMFNTS. 'i'5 ^ i B S f j i ^ ft = n ^ 5 ft ^ Q ' C S ^ y 5 ^S3e| J U. A W. Attorneys and Conn.^ellors at rocky MoU.NT N. Practieehi the C'uuntifS of Rdgrwiuh, Halifax, yadi and Wilson, and in the tnl- pivnie Ciiu-r of North Carolina; also The a.striet Court of the United .State al llalKigli, 'We. keep eoiistantly on hand. Cement Hair, T.ime, Laths, 'Shingles. Rlastor ol Paris,, T.ard, 'j’rain, and Paloiii Paint Oils', Wl.itcLead, Zinc, Paints ol ev- ci'V kind and color. Varinshcs, Window fiins.s. Putty, {.ocks, llinaea, Screws,, Window I’nliey.s. and other goods too lin- nu-.rons lo ii'.cnlion. Tlu'so goods .are pur -I'a-cd from iirst hands, and our price list 'M. 'KouNxnyB & CO. P I R I T OF ”!G. O U T H E R N GEM. AXD TIIE FAMOUS lUDlCT Tliu; WANTS UF KVKUY DE.\DYR. Comusponcicuce uivlu cl. Pnee h« and out on ai'plcailun to Fuller. Warreu it Go., Jii S. ^ov■Yurk. ■ rui? I I I! 1*E S T IODIDE OF AMMONIA, Cures Vieurakna. lace Ache. Klieuinatism, (tout Fi'osted I' eet. Clnlhlams. Soar Ihloat I'l-v-q-clas iinu-e.s or Wounds of eveiy kind in man or aimnn). 1 11)6 MiiAnaclmnettS General To. NyiiU inllamuilory rliaoma- „lmulds. fingc-vs ami IriOt; sullercd leu.r- f.Hlv I'm- threw years; tried ovwryiiimg; all hopi- Dr.Giles’ Dll CMupluio cur ItlVt'l’. HaUSS.' 451 Sixtkii. ■•Dischargca lu, Ho.v]’luilus nl lufluh.- or AiiimoiJia etlocted a 1 KLT.F.N SMITH. 72 Plane Fall ' !5.)i(lbv all DniggistB. Depot No. Yui-k. Only Ode and per boule. p. bv A w. Kowhiiul, NViPon. N. ( . 4>v. - \ % 7. ^ '• ^ = it "k- Pf* r u) r^i = 2 ?* " ^ 2- ii:.» 'x 3, 1'-^ ^ r § 3 K s 2.7: - ' ■ have to do. “You had better stay and study, llcury, and wlien you are » rcfan you can take care of me and make your for tune too. h>s ne?r frierid, “by doing ■^cll wbat he j “There's more than one road to for- j 1 reY)Ued Henry f atid after cou-1 . , , i ' suite.., .) f ^ Iienry IS not yet a man, but he is: ^ j now three yean older than wlien he first smarted bravely to help his motlier. is gaining a good business education islerabie more talii it Was decided | that he alH.)uld godowu to the new ho- id. The next morniing. in stead of go* Ino' to school, he walked over to the PaviUon, and asked the proprietor if lie did not want a bo^’^. lias ma(’te him.self indispensable to his employer, aud is able to send money home that brings many a comfort to * the lUtle family living there. " {_ ^ 7’ O J4-, ■" Ilf I? a ft U H 9. ^ ~ ft ^ ^ 4- I i|||? S ' 3 S = af |33i5av m m m WiLSON COLLEGE IlTSTiruTK and S^iiilearr Coiriblned. I • SEXEljlX SEP.tRATU BUILDINGS. at iU t--;]*.. «: «> s. a. S-; Sjji.-vi’ E-; it a; K ii> B'L iCULTY: sy.LVE.S'jR HASSELL, A. M, I’re-iiileut iKLUEl'; lOSEl’Ii IT. FOY Late I’l'iBcipal of Kinston Collsgistte Ltstitii'e. J, li. BREWER. A, M., D. O. GlLLESlTE, M. A,, E. .M. NAOAL ; V. W. IVESTBROOK; AHSS YOLLIE a. sou I'H ALL; MISS I’.KTl'IE A. CHANDLER. JlRtj- 3- N. lilGUS. ; I’roft. Hiisseli .and Eoy will iiistrncl ~Qi.jsjjes in hut-d the IMate and the I'^e- ot’"? '^’^U.inle DepartiiK The attention ni Iiim.-K'-keepers G called, to the viontiiiental Coou-tlu- U st O'U iiiti'oiUict'il into Ihe imu'ket. Cvcr^ foiir hmitlred ai-e now in use iu lln-s nn1 aujuni- iii« counties, and we have yet lo lieisi' ot a ^iiu'-le. eoiiiplaint from them. Be cm tarn to fier. CCNTSNB.N' l'sVLaiid then you will have till-'L'st. Om-slock ofitealliie. 1 ai--* lor and OffSce Stovc.s is also full mid com- pl' w-.. , Spoons, bcounng nbip. l''auc\ (jicviib Ac.. *.^'y >. BUA^XTI. - -T- IIADI-EY. A. J. HIMlS ' )aca!i J -V - -L' i J " 3 5 3 'p-iH ' E/ 5 — j .'O cte* D'vrv a.'tkk in liic hnc. ol noomui- S’ld ’inm.s, Waflh^ m)ns ( iitlcr.w 'lOons.’Scounugniop.s, Brudics, Urooms, ,lic\ (jiOvHb Ac.. *.^'0. _ Mechanics Tools. Anvils, Tic'cq Bellows. Screw Plates, Grind Stones. Cross-Cur. Saws, lland-san.. Files. Chisels. Aimmrs ‘t"? , L”'"' n-is-i". Borina Iladiines, ie. Uiis ile- ,'artmeirt einnraees every line of ei.-uda ol ll-G {)(‘st grmlo imd ii,«nufactap!/ V\ (‘ anie»lly invite an iiispe.aion of Uie stook I’oin tho?e in want. «r . • i CsiTiapMerslalenal . Dauu^’''k kS-'C., (!:c. Cvoiftio. i» 3 ft S' ft 9. f 2 E ii IS i 3h: B'% ft 2 •ft -cf ^ “ ivf p-2 fi 3 c ii Guns. Pistols, Rilles. Amimmition, Shot- belts. Game, ba.qs, &s.,-&o, .ps'irasfssKssfiim.- 'tile pubi'it may'V"“'Lured' ol” prompuie: ■'“T.fMimdm- Farmers and otbers wiu, BlUSCll, IIAIJLEY &CO [Sc(c'co35OT U3 Braaoli St Oo and lX.'tdWy Si Uo) DEALERS HT guoceries, DRY GOODS, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS. HAEDWABE &c. &0, AGENTS FOR TIIE STANDARD BRANDS ; male Deid"'''”*^''*'’* College. 5 'L 9 s i All o'H' Tei'dbci's have had large ex 7; S,! and; we have aline o if i ibrarv and apparatits ; aiv.l - 5 I^ we canasnii'^. Ph’’t’fieml.s Unit the ad " ■ " “ Y.antanes fflneii rve offer are eqBal, and ■we hedieve snpefior, lo those of any Institiitiou of similar grade in North C'arolimt. I’reparntpryi Conirnerdal, Normal, Mimic.'vl, yninincatal, ai>d Agrisultiiral HepartmontS' Entire a _ . _ vear. Music, ii?-L> audilional, .-lession i , ; ;,c stock. -r.„utfiillv ' '• — ’ .r n i* •» 'extends from thefirst Monday in Oc-1 Thanklul for pa-t favors and respectfully souoit. toher to the kPd, Thursday in ,>imc. I ask a cmitiniianco oUho fiBora i I dors for the same. Tim COBBEOTOR’ And Cura for Dyspepse- Ft66 ffovi ^Alcoholic Stiniulcoits, Among the many dis'JovOTies of raluabla inedies for Dyspepsia, none -stanil higher* tiian “Wade'8 Livkh -’0RKFCT0k.” READ THE FOLLOWING .TEST mONULS; BUMKA P. o., Dr WADk. Drar Siri Have been afflict ed with Live Disease 3 or 4 years, which at timea amounted to derangoment.— Wlicn in Baltimoi-e, l»,t November, I pro cured Olio bottle ■>£ Liveb Cokkector’-- 1 now consider idysell Well, yours resept* fully. ISS 4 AC N. D.AY, of Day A Meadows, fi-i-of IBooriiisi,.. Emerilu.s. ol IFash-* U'L'tou Univer.sity, M(i., now Resident Phy- Ci.-lan. VVliite Bul)ilmr Springs, sa.v.s: "Or Wade’s I .iver Correotor and D.ys- ......naCure is one of tbs very best remetUea toiA)ysneu-ia .I nave ever used.” B>’v .iioiiea, promhicut physiCian m Virr'i'a v-bo li'ds proiicribed it for two VefU'S. ■ "1 ,.e,i lii.d no better remedy for Dys pepsia mid liver cotf.phiin: than Wade’s LiVKit Coitiif/orOF..” . ^ , „ «'-l a pronnntnt and well I-,„.wn gcnlleman in the saiheoounty, Va., *"lk,-plt r-yalariy in my fainOy, and would not be viLhout it. ’ -Hiio- A. SIc.ArthsJr. Co'Jiity Tri-asiircr oi Dunlin Co., N. C., says: "Wade’s I.iver Corrector has done ino more good, and given me qnore relief in Dyspepsia, thiin any iiiexlidine 1 ever took, ! of College of Ph.vsieians and Sni'ooons of Bait.ha ue, and a di.stinguisheJ primlitioner in tliat city, prescribes and Ap.s it in liis own family .and says : It is tlie best remedy for Dyspepsia Willi lor- pW lAvet aud CemsUpdioh ol Bo-ae’-s ..nvor '^"i^nlilmoro “Siin” says 1 "Dr- H’ade.’a Liver Corrector is presonhed by our beat pliysiciaiis, for Dyspepsia and L’vor Dis- eaiis. ami we adviso any of anr friends suf fering willi sucli, to give it d trmi-” Oak Iliid,. N. C., bept., 3 18,.). Dr. Wade, Rear Sir: I liavc re.coin- meiKted Dr. Wade’s •'l,iver Correcloi 111 my practice and Imve found it a very ex cellent remedy in turpidlt.y of Lie LiveP and liave known it to give relief when other remedies bed failed. Will. Tnam\ m. d. I)#*. a edobrnted physiciitn of W4 Vi. ‘ Whrde'.s Liver Cor- rox-tor,” tlio be.n remedy (.'Xtiiut for l>y«»- pepsiu iu all its ftrflus. D- WADE. HCO- S«** Freprletors, Wholei^ile DViiggists, 900 W* Ifialtimoi'e BAl/nMOHFf marks & CO. WHOLES ALB"- '■‘'‘■"ubeni’rim u'sL'goods at low prices | •Aitire avcrap_ expenses, $-300 P-r 1 it lUl b-i their interest to call i>ner 10 ---V ... ..V4i 111 r-rw.i,.. , iv'i- For Catalogtiu, adlress either Frof-j"'« have received- Oa^set df T’>Y, Wite, N