The Wilson Advance. PU3LISHED EVERY FRIDSY AT, Wilson, If. C. WILU.UIS & WOODSON, - EiiitOTS. Si;i8JiCK5i''I-I«X KATES: For one Tcar^ Six ....V $2.00 i-Q« Local Department. E. €. \VOOS>S«:%, . - . - . Edilor FKIUAY • MAIIOII, 31, 1S7« S|>‘visi! £se»a^. Only $2 a year for tlie Advance. FIow-'i' Sc d I Flowed'Seed ! ! KoNvland has just recied 500 papers. Singer. Homo ShuUla and other soNvinQ- ?iiac’iino neetlh.ES at 50 ct.s. p t dozen at the fTardware Stoi-e. EjOC,i.2 — Good Friday to-day week. Only ono more week of t!ie lenten F. a Ke.'vd the Insurance yuI. of ]Mr. I'.ii.'liT a}>iYi'oaeh‘-th and cirgs. (inly 1:*^ CU- [JoF doz'.'ii. G«»'d, The fri'^h U-h inai-uet i-; ytonv bouniirully supplied with Und l;er;-in_xs, whicii sell at rejHonahle rates. 'I'lie corrcsjnnidonc*- of '‘Old Dick,” f)-(un irhiiakers’.^ Mid, is necessarily crowded out tnis week for want of space. 'riie niwv Siu’in^ goods an? Ciuning' in rft]^- Idly and the me reliant:^ sav they arc mtifk- ing' them down at let live prlova. Since tlie beginning of the present cold .snap, the trains a»'e daily orow'.’ii‘d willi visitors from the-Xorth 7'o«;^c to Florida. Mr. Joseph Aniieiscm, a leadingoittzen of Martin comity was in town this w '(‘k on a visit to hi., daugiiter, a pupil at the \Viisoii College. Fulcher, the 'I'arko o .‘'’treet gri eer, coin s to the fr-mi again this we-ek in a fiamin- nolicvC of new arrivals of .■'ea.sonable goods. K(‘ad and pondci-. Til 'V are springing uj) all over the South —feminine barber-shops. IJow long. Oh, how long b.-f-ire vyc wiil iiaveono clnitleriiig away in IFilson. Ill consciimuHv of die dE-aih of Mrs. FlHs. Wjf;‘ of Mr. K. i-k Kllis. editoi- of :!io Toisii) r Transcrlj^i^ there wa.-, no is'if* of th It p;i))er this week. Read wliat the people say oi Rowland.’,^ riieniica! Ft?r! ilizer. .Mr. Mai tlie.vvs is oi of(Y:irmost jjroniiiiont farmers and his opi ion is woi'tli adcing for. About mixt vvi'cic, oi-tlh" week after, c prettv' >.oon afior that, a pai'agrapher can hysitaiingly remark tha! th** buck-bonc of winrer ^eelns fo bo broken. A meeting of II I.i.ld r and Bnck»'t Fire Company, No. 1 is called f.>r iredau.';-day night at the Court House, i.*?! every member be promptly on hand at S o’clock. FldcrTlios. R. Owen, wilt preach at the Baptist Church next Sunday (the Jsl.) the regula** aiipointinent. The ilhu'.ss of liis Wife has prevmiU?d his presence f3v the pa.•^t two appointuiculs. Advance. VOL. 6. “L!:T ALL THE ENRSjriWU AIM’SE AT, BE TiU COpVTilY'S. THY GOD’S, AND TiHTirS,”^ WILSONT N. C.r FRIDAY';' 'mARCH” 3l'~i87a The Wiison Advance .■\sisli CouMly S*oliJiow. The Dcniocradc Lxecudve Committee of Na.sii coimly will meet in Nushvilic on tint Monday of .\pril. 'J'he (,'oinmlttee is '0!1ij)os(m1 (‘f M.ij. J-. P. Jenkin.s. G. N*. Lewis,.;, s. Batth', J B.'H. Boddic, X. W Coop(*r. M'c are gratided to see our friend.s in ‘“OM Na.sli” ])rcpariug for the important campaign bi fore us. IFitli iiiiity and organ ization, a glorious victory is before them. B^i*rS£3iK«T' FoppUdii’s SiHcated Siipcr-pho.sphftto is the only coinnK-'ieial fertilizer sold in tiie Slnie that publishes an amily- sis, a fact that should especially com mend it to the favor and patronage of fanners. Mr. W. J. Ilarri.H.s has taken the agency for tins place, and olTers it on easy a id-a.'CJm’n )laling tenn.s. 'I'saM AS’iw Tnn WUY S A\D WOEUEFOPtE^S OF THE M5VE3IENT CONTiNTED. THE NEW LIKE IK CfESATIOK. \ SilTISB-^ACTOKV EilXSiaBJST. !*S J » ’ I J k5 V \ ' i“. Dr. Jain!’ D;i\is, dciitls! of Durlia n, bui. Well and fiiV';ral)ly known tImutg’hout that oiitlre section j)rt>poso3 to pi'nnan'uUlv locate in WHsfui to pi'tisi-ciile his pr.ifo'Shiti. I>r. DavN l.os il... a'Ivnnta-o ,,f nvcnly two i li,h the'luitciL^iragitipd'ot'dd years i‘xp( rionc * in 1) mistry. and w h; i> kiiowp. Ins reim'ii: ion is secnid to noiit* as a >kiiiui.and .scientific oncrator. ^\’e aiT* elad lo Wfdfjiime liim to Wilson and vvisli him (\nlimit*-(l *-uec*-ss. Dr: Davis will be lu-re Ic-day br to-morrow. r?i onr lad under the caption of ‘ X«3\v Departure,” we slated the fact of the fi.xl.s- teoee and operanon of tlie Overland rruusp.jrintion Companju exrcudlug frou! Wiksna to Goldsboro, togedicj' witli the causes that led lo Liie new departure, but owing t(Y ihf. ieiiglli of ili * article was fiom- pelled to cut. olf in the in >.-t imjj.ortaut part of tile suliject with *‘lo be Contiiiu*:d’’— anil h-re we ar u leadj' f -r duty. In ^rd rr-> inatnlr.i'i :iic eomi- eOr>»i. aod .u ■ ti lu; • ■. bef..*,-a* th.; {veo- p‘e”asa gentle remdi I a* of tlie WDugT, and oppeessiou,-. th'-y iiave borne with forti tude and ferbiuirance at, the hands of the Wiiinliigtoli & tv,-Id,>11 railroad, we ropub- week’s ar^ One Square a Motitlis, $5.00 One Srpiare G Montlis, 9.00 One Sqiu?’--‘ 12 Months, 16.00 Ln>!*ral deducthms tnrulc for larger .span* Tran.sient Adveltlsemcuts inserted at T«li NUM'BER 171 i'* s*S i 2113. ry. Mr. ^V. C. Batts of tills pla:o has a Coeliin China hen tliat yichlcd for liim on Monday last an (’gg *,f ilu* eggs-traor.lluai'y vveighl of (i.l ounces, and mea-i;rlug 1}, l>y 5| incl'ie>. I'hc hen «!tempied tin.? {■gg-'-ti’mirdiiniry feat on the loHovvIng d;iy, Im; f;iiliu;r. Dr. !vl. ’Barn s was c.iiled in to p>-i'.‘'orui a .uiigical ••p 'rai.ion. He s,,(•,■(.ed.-d i.i taking from her two eggs of siiuildr dimensions and r'D-augc to sa}' the lum is now living and ,li>uig well, 'flic egg of Imge dimension'- vva.s accidentally broken on Wediic.-day, when wit!) a perfecily foniv'd yelk and uliite w iliiiu the >hell. vv as unollier perfect • ‘gg,wc‘iotni'.g three ounces. No\v,is tiieic a li‘ij in eggs-i>t'-nee tliat will (’ggs.,'.(-tiy comb ihpto the egg»-ira-irdinary L-at of thie eggSi-celjcnt lien. We jjause for a reply per per per l>0't, sti'ayed orstolenis what's the; mat ter with Prof. Brewer's red cow, lame in left hind ii'g, aod has lier calf with her, 1; Kliaycdslie is iirobahly in ilie neig'ibiuhood of Kis Dean's. ;Sny inf-rinaii'ln f'f .die cow will be lluuikfully laceivcd h\ Frol', i.-. Ht the t^eminary. 'riiero is quite an jiiii.i’ov. in“ni in the Colton market, and the iViliig muc i belter than at any time since liiel'aH. Tliu ve- duetion *)i fi eight ])>■ tiio esLabu-l.m *ht *,f the \\ jlsun OveiJaud 'I'l'an.'))* rtasio i Com- j)any is on,; causj, and a .s[nnt in the New Y'ork market anotiier. V, e hope it will c-nitmue upwaM and onward. -Me.ssrs. Falm.’j- & Green advei-ti>e in thin is-ue of the Alvanc'I-: the .-npi-nor (i.-iai:-^ lies *)f tli.'ir u ell know 11 •! (,k sloved he f.'oii- tin mia!. l'h''V o.fer ine.'" siUivi’S to f irm- - «.‘,i i;ie n;o-t 1. it'-oi,ai)I'-. lerii;> giviin;- bo !'■ • . . i ,s. \? ,.d> !• i,, (.;iy i,'.)!- c;;em. f.n-y are now p:Ci a. d ;o ; ;d, a oi cur- ni.-'i repaiiw to e-().v siov(;s. Ko id tlie ad, Uinh’r Liieir r' gniar eo-Liunr on our out.'-ul . riicre c.'i'taini;’ can bo no harm in it, a^- it i.s leap year, it a ti dy youiie girl vviili rod Cheeks fe*-!s a p.ilpiiadoii of tin- heart for some Worthy you.ig luan, for her to call ui)ou Ivis I'acliorain! sj> ak about (lie weatiier. • the l);vd r.ia Is, hal'd liiui.'.s and lli-; l'>a I si a!‘ r-oci •!>’, and ih -n r ntir'.v : • 1 U;ive fi.r a Tig time ont -i'lameil a t»'I'’i«d-|i:[) -j;or; »>*.'a;.t3 George that tins now iipened into inuiiial 'fq Jove, and with your ttc'.,- Oc.,—Oh no. d3os53^2s;i2Is:a* 'I'lie Daily Topi: ligs su.spended f.nV days, •ill order to cnm^-leLe aiTa'i^^cnieur- for ,'preading itself. 'i'he///y-fu'' is a luov candilal* for jnib- lie in Durliain. It i- a tiamh-'Orne wei'k- iy. Weil «g.neii imam! a crelit to North l.'ai’oiiiia joui'iiali-ni. d’l.e 't’lln/iiaUoii /t:Vi iv now i.--sn,>s a weekly edUini). y. Ulennan lias purcha.sed the Norfolk ^ ir-jinian and assumed ediloria’ charge. Tile Jlaleigli Kra will go into the Tri weekly Con--JUidion after .Monday next, d'iie Uoaiioke Nou's has lecovored from its rcce.nt .'-[lell >f ••biul r'oDcrij” and looks :ia fiv.di and lieah hy as ever. Oiir neiglihor, ZiOu's Lin'hwo'h's lias gone, into th.) parent iii I’ding qiim uue im- lU'OvemenC ami speak.s of adding steaiil poor- reg- ticle, showing the iinjiisl. (ll.scrimination on tin* part of theraiiroad against the people of Wiison and tiudr interesrs. 'Plio follow-' ingoxliibit Khmv.s the' lariil'of frcig’.its to Wilson and Goldsboro, Yiver' tiie road, tlio freight to Goldsboro passing our own dooiq and transported a disfuice oi twenty milos fartiic!-. (.'OTi'OX. From Wilson to New Y’ork $'3,75 per bah*. From Guld.-boro to New York $l..o0, FL*Yi;it. Fr,m Baltimore to irilson SO cts. laor'cl. h’Din B.ikimoro to Goldsboro 25 ct.s. bai-rel. IVkk. l''i'.nii Balto. to (F'lson SI.93 per barrel. l’r"in BaIt*o. to Uuldsboro -LJ cLs. per han'cl. B.u'ON. i'loui Balto. to B iJson 50 cts. j)cr cwt. ■' Gohisboao 15 ets, p' r cwt. Naii.S. Jviehniond to Wilson 59 cts. keg. ” Goldsboro 20 cb?. per keg. Gi:av(7. From B.dto, to IFilson $5.75 per ton. ■'* " Goldsboro $2.(‘0 per ton. Kh'nosK.vK Oil. t rou Balto. to Wilson S2.17 per barrel, ” G.ilu-'boro 70'ct-s. ir:rli ibis groat dither ence in favor of x,(id.sfY.)ro. tlio tnriii’ t>n cot'on from K-ii- Jgli .NO.V Y..rx h-.iig oii.y $1.;,; p, r bale, it was but naitn-al that, the fanner should haul h!.^ cotton by IFilson to Ral eigh and Gokl.-boro. where buyers could well atiord to pay a half cent more in the tovvii. Our merchants-saw and felt the in jury to Itic trade of irilson and sought the only a?cai?H oi remedying the evil, vizj a petition to the proper autlioriiie.s for a fair and fjquitublc reduciioii of the tiirbr. Tlie petit-ion was refused. I'inally Mr. J. E. l.'iark, (-f liie linn of (Jlai'k Bro.s. ol Lliis plac.‘, scut a very respectful telegjatD to Mr. Cope, Siqrt. of I’rausportati'an of liie J/Dl- miugl'Ki A irchlon lailroad at IFilim g'lou, a>king li Iki would take bis cotton from Jl i!.-on to Gold.-boro at the same prices char ged by wagons for hiiuling It overland.- Bear in iini.d now. tliat the regufar tarifi' I fr'yin IFilsoii to Goldsboro was $1.50 per j bale, Mr. Clark tliou-glit too Iiigh. I Mr, I'l pe rep'ii‘'(l la **i’.'eet as follows t ••? am tioi It til.* ii.'ibit of alkiwiug mv patron.s I') (l.‘ ’ariiis for rae, Your cotton can lie .'.hlitia d (d $2 b.dc and no Zr*'.;.*’ Fret-* ty -iro.ig from a weak stomacli to say Lie-least, a i l ween we cou.-Fler tin fact that till! 1 ilming'lon lic IFiddonrailroa*! vv a.-chariered i.y the legidalure of Xor.h 'aroliua, ami bmlt by the people of the 8;aic far their *)W:i us«* airt Iveiudlt, ami tlru Mi'. Foj;eU liie paid ollicial of said ranroad. e.e m-r h-(j i;, ii](|uir,‘ ••apon what ^iu a.-, ii.uii t.i).-, our (..kusar feil, that he .-llould i;aVe gl'OVi 11 SO fat D'e Would not. if we c^'iild detract one iota from the idgli jifi.-iiion of Mr. Dope. lie has |>n;ven him.sclf ISelMriiiisS'- ilr. E. Roscntiuil ' first mor- chs.nt to return from t m North, hhs goody are kiTivtng. advertisement next vvepK. Co2:ai>i32ay A large meeting of eiiiz' U'^ was IieM at the Court house on Tu.''^u>' hist for the purpose of organizing fl Fir- Company, the town authoritles and ciiD'' A' having already agreed to fimiidi the nec^-s-iry- apparatii? Ae. 'riiroLigh the cirergy ■■’1 zeal of Mr. R. L. IFyait, scve.nty'L*‘iA'''U.ios were so- cuicd as wembers for the c mipauy ami may add the very best iiri'.:'i'la.l in the town. Ttie Secretary of the m.otic;;, ,\b-. ]>^ Lvans, £uimD)igs us the miiovvii'g I'rocoed- iugs of the meeting: ‘•At8 o'clock, the imioting • called to or;h;r by Col. Tlios. S. K*'Ui , (Jol. j;. 0. Moss, was cMl.jil lo y- vv '*‘- 'nd R. B. Ev!.;w:-c, ;s .-Aci y,. j;;-':, /Farren, As'-LtarlC. L Col. T. y. Kenan l)ciiig fb’jjd upon stated , the obj 'Ct of the ni ‘ctlng. wliicli was to or ganize t!ic JFil^on Hock J;adder A Buck et Fire Compa-iy, afi.ei wiijeh Rie Compa ny proc.’oded to the irrnSViti'm and elec tion of olllcers. The 'jIDwlng \v;ro elect* ed, viz: E. G. irooiDo"; Ciipdn; S. B. Waters; 1st Director; W- L. Mhotteii, 2nd Director; F. C. S.’tszer, 3rd D.i’ctoi'; R. L, 'A'j’utt, Chiefof Bucket Departiiaa; R. T. Steve is. 2nd Engineer; Geo, Haancy, 5rd Engineer; W. E. Warren, dtii EneeAr; R, B. Evans, Sect’y; S. M. Warren, .r.,\iu. Sect'y; W. N. II ic!in-ey, Treasurer. . (3apt. Woodson, K*l. Ivliittington, "Wui. Murray, S. M. WaiTQ,di'., and G, W. Blount, were appointeMeYanmlttee to cor respond witii the Ric!m.-i*5 and Pcterslmrg Fij’e Couiijauies and pi'e;;n- a copy of their b3’-!aws. The Chair tlien clo.stl tlio meeting by .admonishing tile njcmers to 1)0 at their post and light tlie (Uvunig ilamcs with a brave he;irt, should awallagratiou occur ill our midst." 5 St ^-fi'oeiie ; iiy Si3iri2'tJ * this loll Coined ti) Young man. look Fefo're you l-*ap. Weigli j Greciie coiuitv', Mi.-s— With due coii.sideratiou i very ina:rimniiial j ter c-f Devereux Cobb. pi-oiiosiiiiMi th.'il i-. Iin,'-. i„ ymi. Tlu.u-li ! Hiiily■, Slow Kill ura.i>liii), l,-,voii|,cmi Mati-i]ii)riy is'oio In lj.> lionnraljle iimnii^. ; yours of iiyo. mu! ii yoiino-lily of rcir.nrk- all moil anil totmiicn.fLHl St. ILiiil. yor | alilo lu'iiiily mid .iiinro tliisii i.rdiiiary iiri!! b'iir ill iiruul llio tact Unit Jiiiiros liuclimim;; liiiiu'v nl noml. was Jmnioil tu doalii on livod mid dioil 11 iMobelor. 1[ ■ uovor l.iiow I Thursday of la-t ivook. Th" pan iiyilar. of wild, it was to liayo a iKiiliiliful wifr rush ! t he lioiin. foiidoriiid alliiir a. roporlod,-to us into till! pre.-^eiTCe of a Co'ngre-'slonal igating CommiLt*'e,vvPh her iiaii disiievelod and her ]).ill-back at hall-ma^t, ciy ing bit terly : geiitleni'-n, waa'.ever you do don’t huit my Jiunuy.” It is Strang'*, Ix'U neverthel'e.vs true,- that soiho men were not burn to be saU,s!i;d-. The Raleigh dailies at a giear cost, ami ex pensive outlay luive iieeu running for the pa.^t :en da^ s, a “eliebaiig " in i he wipv a Court for'tlieMni!i-crn''rtt of tlie imblic, and.yet the IC cIty M-uVui’ J///Z wouki have fheiiT to ‘'•rise to the grandeui" nf yiui-- jiahsnvand whelm the linuCed microco.-m 1.4 prcjiniice uito tlie Jimitlcss tmicroco.sui of jiStriodsiii-” VYe sizi) of that a sid'* tent will be ncces.sary for the ••whelming pro- j*es.s, that i.s, If they are • willing to '•rke. ’ If it fs at the same pric«, put us down Por a front sc'd. Bully iVv tiic ‘■■liuiUk-s 'naeixieo-rn." 'oaiJsly y2aE2‘a*.*,-. 'I'lic ihiard' of county Conmiissionera inei Is on Monda a-, 'i hr re are six p.i'ip'.*rs in tlie coumy hou.-(*. Barney Cox, prnjnj(*to)\ report.-, fvv* miered hoardei's m tlie (!Oiintv hoted. Tin.- jua'l rimoniai irarket was r.ovcr known 10 hi* a> dull. N*)' a si/if/L: licc'sc f->r doio'jIiiK/ \\a> giaiited tiu’ j we, k. Clmicliwa 11 Cut!'r. cnloied. a soveiv^gu of Black Ci'o'dc towusliip, ’•je-' wauLeil u> .'ee de man. whar (.’mild make him wiirk *le load avia lii.s mind." Jii.aico .Newsome, sent hini to Burney Cox's lock**!' to hiok f’>r !i:m. I>ut*:oii't- think he found Itiin, a- lie iuis takon up Y;uarri-r.’ with Barney 'idl C. e-t. I'd-- l’" ].:i*e .Imha** inf* rue u-; that th * lOiiii').-)'of (')-up iic:is re .-i-L-red. is erpnil lo that (f the eon t--st * U.ling pei’.iid of last y 'ar. it will I).- rememR;:'.-1 hevT**V'*r. that ■ nni.y of ihe.s,'jj..,), ii-'in th* ad-, jomi.ig couiities a-ul fr.>:n si-eifon-i I'lati have not heiviufore tra'h-d in Wilson, j *.'liic..-r, and eapabJo, ami I u e are glad to kiK,\v tluit. u is witiiln our Pv>w, r lo aec.>rd lo him ev.'iy am-ibtUe that IXTlaios l*.^a liign-loiied, liouoi'able geiitle- liiniqbiK at iuesann. lim,-, Po must reinem- Ix-r iLLii wi.h ail Ili- rimd qiialirics lie k- not as H.iy bo.iy'.s ma-ti-r an.uiid lim', a. Ids Oneii.-ive tdi'graui lo .Mr. u'lark would from '' i"-''’!’-''* ■'‘l’Pi’''fTido til • .senkrs wi .\ir. Pops, and we may .say there is no nimi I hey had sooner .see in ids [losifion, I (u- willed ilc will iidi. over-e.sliinale the exf>e; dinciisions of his pantaloons, dOei. t]je foiv-oiej reasons ihe p ■oplo of irdson ds'S-titr 1 I linir i It ■r.isls lo cut o‘f ■ i Si h - JT.lini. ^ to'i A m 1 doii raiiroad-.a'ud -•,a;. Iitv W ii.suii Ovi.U'iand I'j'aiispbrLa- ii‘• • t.'oii;;7aiiy. L-i hoiim-Ct wiih Pio Y'l'orth Carofna Coa-: Line a‘t Gold-?boru. Tlie' •*ii V,' >k"p ii-ture" nan k-eii hi opciaiiun fisr ZW-) WfCk.a and vr- are as^iui-etl bv Mr, .J. E. Clark, tile Superiiitei.deiit, thrft its penifa- n.-j;C)' i.-s :t;r e.-*labli}i;*(l aii-l iri wvo.i !Y)'.V a paying in.sLit alum as the lollovr-lng stat ‘m.-iit will sii.iw: 'i'll- amoiim paid Uv**?lan{Frra'n.'^{M)rtation Company for liaiviiiig TJ-i bu'le.s,^)f coLWm to G'»kld)i>r> at $iA') per Pale is $jjj. which sum i.s a'ided to lioine circululion, The fi-eigiit. pm: bai- via G>»hIsboro to Ne-,v Vork is fUiIy $2.5 ),wi!creas it i.s $.3.75 if .Bdpped by ^ rlie- /nimitigtoii tt Wcldou Road. Tii** sav ing to the siiippe sljytheOverlaa'lTrais dnriiLt Whieh lime all tiod hnmmi skill f«r two weeks on 412 bales cou.d was done for iie.r relh-f, death imer{)osed as a welcome nn*.ssenger. Hu- %Vnw,;: C'oSlc--...—b.u «rjJo:sor — Tiie I'ollowii-ig stueiits reeifod Uvo- sixlh.s of Lheir ic.sso's jicrroctU, und ro'-eive.l no demerit dn'nng the week ending March 2.1 tl jlSTo”:—.\ (Jyntluii Tull, Jlinie Oree.u, JlolUe Young, .'liamie Jlliijr, Ltha Gay, Mary il.arvey, Anijjei’it'jiiias,} B.trnos, ilanora Kin, pary Lily Kenan Ki!a IJaekiiay, Evi ®eUinger, S.'.ilie Uiu'.ii), jjwiu’a Klar.v Cannatiy llettiG Graves, Addie. Paint.-si, .Mittje y.'io- gui3, ilonrietta Hnft,7:-,>an,ue Jon'o,s Oitvia Waters, .Maine Thigpen, Ilattid i3rc?.-er, Lucy i>oivler, end liebecca Wiggins; Williaini;. Warren, Cliitrlos sVyepek, Dread .Dea&ck, Curtis ilow- ani, Loins Barnes, David Kiihlii. Sid ney s*alley, llodolpliDuify’ .John Kicks, Bardin Ayoock, Josoiih I)unie!s, James ID. F .iiiGis, iliio Fimms, Howard Barnes, Roseoe Brims, Frank Graves, Jas. Win. Il.ays, Janies Tiipscomb, Win. Murriil, J, hi, Nunn, "iloiies Fatinor, AiiyKichardson, Samaol Watere, Hen ry K. Biggs, Fraiil; Daniel, Chm-le.s Latham, Joseph KosniitliaEf.saae Cliest- nut.Loiuster Dully, Cl ag. Hutchinson, J. J. B'tmaii, IJorbert liounlree, Fr.iiik iiountree.Tliorns Yeiytrtou.'iV lilie iler- f ig, Joim D. Gold, J!- Barnes vrernou Nltyss. ,7olm Ayeoclc, Jahiis tliiliard, and sYlexaiuler Qualles. Mid.l.’.'i aid uv),:*C dc,s’->*.--:.'i:r'g yet recoj’dvd i u Bic CiUijjt**!'.^ *>f :ujcidciit> fi'tiiu ' IH til1,5 W'.’i-'k — —'■’obb, daugh living nrai- Pools; floii.' A, O- Liie State ol ieui. 5.5, aA8> F. Na-!ii)]m)ii, Cmcf Jiriticc oi •! ^ked week. ! by genth’umii from the ni'ghbnriiood are :'s fullow.v: ( obi) w;u on a t.*mporarv vi-lr to her .CKLor Mrs. WHliam Jv I wards, live miles from her fiulier'a residv-uce. On the *lay above uawied sh* was jitayiug wii h .Mrh JO'N infa'iit ir; the kitchen \r:K'j*h*>r »ire.*-s took fii'efrom th;* ^fov** and wa-; iii a full lileze wli'ii discovered. Lo-iug lu-i' j>re.s*;ii>ee of MiimV Miss C„- ru--hed fi-om the iMiiidiiig into r!i(r\'ard puiNu.'d bv Mr.s. E., i);it ii*t unlil her strength wa-- exhausted coiihI4i"lv overtakeiT. It w'a-. (iu*u too late as her bo'dywus fatally !)iirned. Im h-r lllght slie threw the yifaut troiii her ami’ tlms- th* littl'v iuoceiit escapvva frotii tiie sam.* linoless fah'. After a fewliours of iinmise s\ifi>rbig^s has iieen >j55'7..tU! We have alr-eady shown good cause for - , 1 o T orgaoRin.: Bie Avae'on fraiti, and now we funeral oocurecl on .Sunday and attended by sovi-o'ving and -.vrupathidiig ‘ g,fnrsustuhdntp ■J’lie recent euld nnip dedroved all the \egetable,s in Soulh G.rorga aiul lToridi>. Belli (LStale ill ’IViiiuiojto,, js nuich dc- pivsseil and cannot bo'sopi at aujlliing near its \uliie. For ways that are ila.k, tlio streets of Raleigli lu'o peculiar, iliccity beiii^' yet uu- abie to light tlie street The IFestcrn North CarAia railroad ha.s'j i’eaelied Maloiie^s ••^t ire, seN^r' miles \v*‘.''t of , Old Fort. Fas>e)igcT'S-ast in | f5;‘.iisbury and sup at A.-^keviVi.*, 1 Twelve thoesaud d'jHars Raleigh ia--t week ut tlie Ceiiteiuii;ij tii,. building of ar.oiher ^l(!fliodisc Cliurch in liuu city, it IS to btealR'l the Metro- lioHtaii. preacher l9 slircwder than .sohie male clergy men who could be named- A latitern or somefhihg elW tc give ligliG-to llielr uttci- ance would keep moi‘e people awake. Gov. Ainc.s' trial under impe.'U.’Innent is in progr(!.os. Should he be convicted Fresi dent Stone, of the Senate, wouhl become rr ojich Governor of MUsissippi. Mr. Stone is desci'Iiied us a Conservative poliU- cian, six years a Senator, and a In'gh-tcried gentleraati. Mr. John. XT. fFhcelcr, the di.ctiiigiii..*}ir>rl author of the “History of Noi-l-h Oari.!ina.” hits iicdoptedan invitation to bo present find conti’.bate to the Congress of Antlior^ to beheh! tliere in Itidepcndeno/* Hall. July 2nd, lS7fj. He will funii-ih a pa-per cn Governor Richard S. Speight, of Nordi * Carolina. . Aunt Abb;/ Ilon-ic, known tliroUgliont Lee .s army n.s ilio woraan I’ebel who n*o'l to travel b.ick and forth taking t’ne tarheel-. ^oimAhiug to fat. gave live lnllar.H to tlu'; newLn'thudijt c.m.G.’i* *Au.,'. r. vicl ,.f As appropos wc arc glad I^arn if aunt Abby’.s happy eonyersion a few weeks since. Capt.- E. G. Clieatharn of New York wrih'Stoa friend in this plufto, saying. ”1 have iYtt seen as dull a sea'^on sliidc the nunarkable .spring of 1801. There arc but few Southern iherclianr.s in the city .and they are buying very light. There wei'O mere So'dlhei'k merchant sin my.stoi'e twelve mojith.s ago today than arc now in the wliole city.” This is ono good sign of the better times com ins'. siii'i'iors aj. -Nuwa. KTly progreS.'sing^ It U thought 'by ih'iiriy oU peoiH” that the fruit croij in liiis viciuUV is a!f;io,et !f Hot killed, Ih.e town .authorities have become fully aroused to the importance of work- ■ngaiid cleaning out new streets which makes our town look like she had on Suiii’ay clothes. There is a Si ad .y sdionl in oontom- plation at tliis place which I hope will be organised at .“.ii c.arly day and its good et;'oCts be fully I'oitlixed, Mr. A. A. Coojier et Nas i led to the Hymeiiiai altar on the 2.Trd i'lst. in Fraiikliri county at tiie residstice of'rhe hi ides luoLher. Jiis,s Jennie, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Powell, Joiliin Perry JAci. officiating. I visited the chu.-oh of Philadelpha yesterday and found quite a large at tendance. Rev, Mr. Duke nraaoiied an c.vcellent soriiiou.whioii was listened to with mark'id attention I.iv :dl pro-ient, IMaiiy -it our f irir.yr.s are ready to tin;. - (bays Oil aocmint of tlie r. * .1. .IfoaUio.-. XJterc shems to be quite u ilnlnce.s here in rcfrard to the p.'jlitieal prospects at this time, but it is ho'pcd that the' titne i.s not far di.stan 5 when onr citi zens will be arou-sed and remember tiie constitutional amendments upon wUifth our safety greatly ileircnds. (POAIN Toil.) lUrTs/osoHa »»5rrir:'?55:.-rs5«r'Wjr(i NEW ADVifim.-SEMlCNTS. Pi0WLAND\S GliPiaical Fertlllur. WHAT THE E-EOTI.E SAY: \Vri.sjN Corr.xTV, March 29i.b, ’78 Mn, A. \V'. liowL.-yxi), 'Dear Sir: . yo’-Jr Cliemtcal Fertilizer ia.-it .ami alsi) Navas=a Gu- ai)o. (x'otton Feud and Gn;inape and aiu ci>nlid**!it •’hat “Rnwla:id’s Ciicmlo;^! Fer tilizer” equal!;.' ,o.ood us either of them ; am .'•:o well .'ju'ti.slF-d -jf iho fact that you may put nib down for Ten toi s, thi-j .sea.’^ou I learn tliat or.!ier parties in are sell ing' a .-jimiiur Fe.i'tili ■i-er u;id-;r the c«riiflcHto i i'/'L'.'o as to the va'u-.- (>f and meritdof your*, I take this occasion Uj say that tiiecci-tiJicatb [ gave you du'v.s ndt cxleud to cheinicaia sold Uyjmy oPicr jiarty ami would warn dr* pubne tiyalnst any .sucli imiuiLions. I happen to know tliai yon iiublls'ned only ubo'ut two third.h of your Formula as used by iiie. Tiie ’.Wight of chemi'jahj i'» your** b'L iiig rfbeut 350 Ib-i. Hopim^ tliiit I dl- •• Vdr...: '. J ^ ■ O-It''Z'.:r I tun yary i-cspcctfnnj*. Yoini^. M. M. MATHEIV.S. •-j.'if —Ferson'd^-^Farm- ikoicci—Olp-dc3 passr- Black Oklek. The Advance Educattonnl Gone North—Busine.'is Items-^FruU Killed ]\kin-u(ges and Leaths—JkUrjious and Othenviisc. A niligious sect known th.c '‘Advent- iiU” is bvcoiiiiiig' j)oW(uful in UYcmbei'ship in the \Vi‘sl‘.'rn Counli'^'^- It is a conve- iiiunr and S'..m.-wliat couifvi'iaiilc khni of s. rcligruV, t‘.-^p’,!cially suited t'o the wants of the Western public; Black CkliX N. C., Mar. 23, 1876.'ks. Editors : A.llu\v me to say a word ofoneourage- ment. I liave often felt ih^ warm in vogoratiii'T rays of the Adyancp;, but never so sensibly as now. J8picy, funny, and good ^obcr-sidtyl leaders. 1 am truly giail to see it, and hope you will spare no effort to keep it up to its present .‘itiiudanl. If you desire I will drirp occasions! item.s, from this old (lomocratic bout, I just write this to oongratulute you upon tlie improvement ill tlie appenrauceof the Advance, ami its columns of original matter, which H-ili comp'tre fayorably with that of.aiiy weekly in the ytate. The articles have a s|)icy havor that presents a lively contrast t-. f.i c dremy platitudes usually foniulin eoiiiUry newspapers. We have a vei’y flourishing school hero under the supervision of Jlis-s II C. Bridg.ers from W'.akc' comity whose practice as a teacher has been tvell test ed ill this county. C. B. Strickland and J. I!. Eardin of tlio firm of J. B. Bardin & Bro., leave Monday iie.vt for Norllicrn cities to tlieir Spring .and .Yuicmor stocks. We observe qnit-3 .1 number of carts and wagons in town loading with Guano but (he trade in this lino is dnil 00m- pat'cd with that of last .Spring. We fear that too much is used for the plant er's good. Poinologi.sts of “ye olden time.’’onv fruit never known to be killed in Sfarch.' ft is killed aroum’ Black Crce.k. Sir. F. I. Finch has enlarged liig coacli hiLsiness and will .sell buggies very k D. R. EiUinan is selling plows .and c.asting Chcr.per than the cheapest. Married in Uiis couuly March 18th, by fF. R. Sevrsora Esq, Mr. Stephen Lncfi's of IFayno cotri'.ty E'.gd Mi.s3 Phelps. Our young people .are having, It.ap year partie,s, and all seem to enjoy themselvas very well. Rev. IX B. riayton ’of the Universal 1st Ciuiroli proaoiicd at tlii.s place Mon day nigl'.t last, Giving to the rain and bad weather the crowd wa'.s not very large. 'The Good Templars are progressing very sncco.ssfii'.ly in the neighborhood oflSUick Creel:. Died March lOfh. about two an-l a half miles from this place, .Miw. Bcnn-y Bas.s aged about, r.3 ye.-ir.s, Atrs. IJass was eonfnied to her room for five or ! six years, and snffered much from tlia'i raised j,, ;Teil destroyer, consumption. She died in tlielriinnpli or[>e.ico with Go-l. .S. C. Barnes breathed his last of this life the 22nd. inst, from wounds re ceived in the late war;, aged about 3t ycarg. There is ntore sickness in the neigh- borfiood th an eo'.TuV'io'n. Yours &c., Occa8Io>7al; Acroba'kAmifse ing Pi'ospeotc- iii'j through, Battlbdoko, March 29ch *7G. There is ati acrobat r^nd ring per* firmer in towi, tricks ore amu-biiiG;. as well asFjuinc very difficult. Among liis other perlLr.mances,' he is able to stick a pin in theeartii between his foot and double himself backwards and pick il out with his oye-lids. CoL Rowland was in town last Sat urday in good health and spirits, lie agrees heartily with the. Advance in reference to ttic ridiculous newspat>er warfare in Raleigh, Farmers arc puslFng iilurad with their operations. ' As yet but a limited, cpiantity of Guano has come into mar ket. As much cotton and more corn will be planted this year. A young man in town, whose trips up the road have been frequent of late, attended an auction a few days -Since, and bought all the fals^^ curls orVored for sale,- remarking, rallior dis- consohrteV. ‘if I .cannot got Lho‘gaV I'll h.ave her curls. ’ Ylr. J. T. Badger is in town and will vemam several weeks. Those -wish ing t'.ieir ber.uty rejected canjio'.v have, it executed in the style—ho uador- .stands his busines. Mr. K. If. McG ulre lost another milch cow last week by being ruu over by the cars; Several Gipsy, fortunc'telle'fs pass ed through town this morning, on their way up the country. Cold and cloudy. BniLOS. BILLIARD AND UALL J^KOWN'S SAfflPLE KOOM, CentrrUy local ad on iS^ash Street, oppo site the Naiional Banic and ovdr Rowland’a Drug St me. , Botli Caram and Pocket tables In first class order Pit! pool, 15 ball pool, or any othoT game of Bdluirdi can bcplaved. THE SAMPLE EOOIL attached i.s stocked with only liie purest and best liramls of Liquors, Cigar.s, &c. Old Nash Apple Ih’.aiidy, Applcwood Whiskey and Milwaukee Lager bedr are specialities of the sample room. I hope by strict attention to business to merit the patronage of iny friends and tiiQ public ge.;eralv. Give me a call* Mar. 31-tf. ALPII BROWN. A;?.*mg Wantod foi' Medals and Diplomas A;.vard«}U E>3ai2>, Castalia. FI TIh: Wiliulngton Slav is o! the opirtion tiia't the GVeoU'bhro Few 'Sorih State U •’[)'’i'!iaps tiie mo.^'t cfecont'” ra'hc;d p;*,per iif tlie State. We invoke tlio prayers of th'e' congregation for the others. P. M. B. Young,' a coi^grcssman from Georgia, .‘=:eriou.-iv injured the tendon.? of his • 1.1 i n *. r i , 1 resulting m the loss ot twenty-five hun li‘*el wliile g'ojng down stairs tlie other day. • - . ^ , This would never have occiire 1 to a North Carolina member. Thcv’rc tai-hecls. Narroiv Ikcjpe—^^ilLlng—Fruit Crop—7’dW/i iirp'cfi^fiments— Mar fiages—Feligious— Vurious Items. CAsT.nAAN. 0 jrarch; F'7lb 1'87G- Mbssus. Editors. Two destructive fires created much excitemeht ui this vicinity last week. At TuDnot, oil tiM 27lU hut., Mr.s. Idarv Ellis, wifeofAMr. E. H. EllU. M ill liad been in feeble health for some time and ;vhllc her death was not unexpected, ir law cast a gloom over our little viiiave.— 8)ie bofe iicr suilei’ing during her lin.-nTin,? illness witli great foriitude audchri'^tian re.s- ignation. With a consoling,hop*^ of a glori- OU.5 iininortafify beyoml the grave, she calm ly passed ffotfr liur earthly homo to a betrer and brighter ono in Heaven, where tlie [larting tear !.' nevei' .shed and the long ftSrewell n’ever spoken. Tiie allhcted fami ly liave the sincerest syinpaihies of this com munity in their sad bereavemeut; ^ J. 01; HOUUTS liEW PICTORIAL BIBLES . .8')0 Ii.u'*-tr;i.uoni?, Adcha'-J.^ for now oirciUarj.. A, ,r. IIoL.UA.V & COi 9:5:j Arch St Diiil’a Pa. iff FULLER. WVRREN & C0„ MANUFAOTUUKBS 'OF s o ”v IB s, H.VXQM AND FUR'MACK TheLai-qesS As^oi'tmfiiit in the Market. OUK NEW WOOD & COAD OOOKIXG S'TOVE'J GOLDFN CKO'u'N. KBPORTKIt. Pal-ii'L Qf mwm iiE.. r.J \:.a AND THSi l-'AIIIOlia ^nwART‘mpmEB’ MEET TIIK V/AXT5 OF EVEIA' DEALER. CoiTCsi'o-Muleiico Ln\.'’t-d. Ikirc Hit .and out Kciitoa ai>jHcail.''n to I’uii«r, Waircii St Co., laj Water* 3 AovvYork. _ 4-^7 GILES’ AeiLllliilT -.ijinns IsceiT'.lo'ia. Face ^Vobc, ITiieum'fttisru It is o;tr painful duty to rcbord the death of Mrs. kiary B. Owen, consort oftlie Rev. Thoin:is R. Ovven, ofTarbo- ro, who died after a hngering i'Iness on the 28th inst. .She was bora in Eduntoa on thcllth S'ep., 1811. We rarely meet with oiiCv with sucii enJowmonhs of head and heart, h'or t-uJ tnre juirl refi>>onjc;it none WCrt* ht':*, equal, in exee'leuce aiidchrUtian virtue she w,-.'; ;■ c-aini:iont. Devo^C'.L; . kqv all who knewhor her dco.t'L nod: :.: .m ti.’Liing void in every V.;, . a .iovoLed ’memher of tlie Bapr:-:.‘Li.:.-.i. aob'indijYg in good WLorks, lii'h i:'. ;ki‘h, humbie. devoted. lier su-i-:riiigs Were great tin.I long continued. iLu' pa'tlcnce and resig nation arc eremplifioalic'n of tlie power of divine grace.::nd her last rAnn'e-its a cpmplcL'i 1 rhji-mph ovof the power of darkness aid tiie grave; Tnc In.stro of her brigdit ex'ampl'c.. humble. Godly wall; tiirougli life, jind ' triumphant death affoi'd consolation to those she has left to mourn hCr loss. B. tisiUy t. ChiUjlain.-*. Soar '’J'broat Tii>es or 'Wound;* of cvei-y f ;rrn lb's Mno.'f'fcTinaottft .1 i’lilaixnmory rlmeioa'' rmd .suUftmd foaV' oyDi-yUiKi;::; lo.nt aU liojci of Ammonia Gflocu-d a lLKA !5.\rrTH, 72 Plan® 3t. Fiill uiu i),v nu Diipot Xo, V \oi-ic. UDly6l)eand$l perbotlUi. . Aowl iiid, Wilson. : CflAUMIXa.” fr-sciii-ttc and c'tiin tha loTt# psVCIIO.MAXCi' or SOUL ^ JIcvV yithm- sna m.ay fr-Sciii-ttc and iiin.'ciioir- r.f any jier.sori tla’V choosu imitantiy rliis simpli', meiiuil uf'qnir'^m'f'ut all can possess. fjTP.bynuul for i:5c to.vetlivr \sliha marriajfcy ffiudf*. EpvjRlan Oracle, Dream..*:. Utnis lo iMidtos FOR GOUGTTS.; (;OLU-^, 1T0.1R:TENE33 AND ALL THROAT D18EzV8ES USB WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS, PUT UP oxi.v IN iiLfr: botes. IIOLJ.OIVAY Si 00. i'lilliKieliAiin, Pa Iw Y!TT;iTKE7uif,Wr"PSy73r.).iI.A vov.j-.v'.svr.a-.,.' ri'iae rO'.ldo, t.lUior sos inoy fasclnrii* iiDil a Gu I'u' luvu and •aiU’cniou of any person ihoy OliooMi iii'^i'.tnily, 400 payf^. Bv m’n'il S6 cts IDmt K Co, Ki;) S. 7lU T'il. iUitl'aclulpliia, Pa., 4w WANTED It contain.^ 1 oi ]viprv, l.> EiivelojiL's, f^olden. jiftii, Pi'ii-hoUliT, I’l-ncLl. Patfmt y.ard Jlcasnro, ami .a pii cr >f .rc-wclry. Slnjrl'* packajii**^ wii h p.air of Gold Sumo Sleev*'' Builons. post paul, il i.i'i'u:'. iDcl .inw.-lry forS),oO, This pacUafro liasbi'i'ji otjamiiioa Hy the pnl)U*.hor of this pajior and found lo im .as repiMsH 'Wntoh'^ l^iven away toall HKlDl'l CO.. 7-.1L1 Broadway. way loan ajreiil.i CJrcular.s fr -.iD Broadway. Xew York*. 4w free, / A |.'VM\-J For thu cimnro m the world to _k O com momy. AAlre'es U. S. »AF1> TY POCKET CO,. A>wark, N .1 t-w. WAN'rKD AGLN'J'SF(‘K TilE GRE2IT omimm mmmi history to thc.cia.'.e .oi ihe first lOa yeans of our 'N.-iiional IndL'penilenie. InclmUai; an acoonnt of the oomJnjr Gi-and Centcnni-il, Exliihitioi). 700 pa;rvs. fine eii- pravinsxs. low frict'. d'ufcli: sales, extra terms.—- S('.rul for circular. i», \V. Zil-sIlt & Co., CIS Arch .St. ':t. Fa. NEW' A D VJv UT ISM K N'i’Sr IX. J A li M A N . ho-'t fri'-ads figure.? show good Ao enterprisr*)? IroAl panneU of fence; I alsn hcarvi that the''C was an emonnous amount of fodtlcr burned, bat tiie loss i.s not as- The rad.s of Raloigli with Juo. Gnrnuui ! cci'tained. at tho are r.ii-jing anodivr George Stone, an old (colored), man. owr tlie dry *l(*ctions. They have aji'pliod came very near being killed Tie'ar here to Judge ^ValLs for a mandaaFi'i to prevent' ^D'lday while commg L'oni llil- the hoidii)'^ of the election on the IR ^ .Moniliiv i„ kiiij- in acovnlaiice wit), the-! ^he Messrs Cake A Co. haw got present statutes. ' machinery in full operation ' ; the Mann mine and are making good Dkto arc a couple of woinf'ii revivali.'-ts | turn_.uts, grinding up rocks and wasli traveling in Texa.^. One preaches and tlie : intr goicL ^ othe;i’ t'xbiWts a uK'.gtc laatci'ii'. Itielady* Chjr coM'dty is gradually and su(?c!og.^-' M-nr. 3i'-2m. Special .Its'C’iG for Li a!ii! Mfo lisilFancs. ‘presei: In^urai Idle In=>u:'!UK'i* Conqiniiy, of KlchiuutI, Y;i.. tlie only Siiuliieni Goinpany tlnsr ini'pa'.'- ed the rigid hi-p.-cti Jiilaw 0! ^Xew Fork. IM^ATERS’ PIAYOS, i SO'JSET, SBD UPBIGHT SREfHEBEST i Made: the Tone, Touch. Wollcmanship Du'sbiluy Unaurpassed. ; WATERS’ ORGAT-TS, Conderto. New Or- 1 cho.straL Vesper. Chapel. Vialoste, and j ( yjnlxdla. caunnl he exclkd in tom* or ’ I'v. T!ie roMCfi'p', vSt«'p i'^n fine TBIITA- "W arrant- ASSETS OVER 2.000,000. ' TIOK “f 111" HUMAK voice. ^ ed for Six Y’ears- : Prices Extremely Lo-w f^r Ca^sh diinng ! r>i;-: iri'’fir!i. INfoutlilv Im^talments received. ..VF,-1 nafiu f ir sovcv.l1 o.’’ tlic M.lon ,riii A Libera! Eiaconnt to Teadior.s, mo.w ivlialjle Fii'o C.iu', in lliocnni,h-v : . A6EST8 F.-iviios ilosivhiK iuMiranoo viil write iV.! >^AmTE.O. Special rmiiicoraont- to triirPo. him ami he will wait on llioiii :tt liioii; Imine..! l''''-■■‘v-|'"■J HORACE' r. It. .J.ULM.V.V. ! WATSILS & sons. 181 Broadway, New '’;.'N.C. I YVrk. Bui iJ.jW. ■Iw.

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