t V . . '..!.. ;! . i1- . ; -r -, : -" -"t r-' ' : : . j . . ,'; 7 - -. ; . : ! K --,' - . " : I . " i . . '. ' ' " ' 1- 1 " I ' -' wtl ' "" ' 1 - r ' ---' " ' - - I i .i.r' " 1 I t:-i.-;-v;,c-i. - .- . J - - -r-- ----- t : : : - : I i ' "- 1 ii ADTKRTlSI.t -'iv. ri riLhJ & 4X -' . a m m . 1- One Sqtwrt 8 MotUha, 4.,;MI ZZil?t "LET ALL THC EXDS T1I0P AIJl'ST AT, BE THY COUTTRY'S, THY tOD'S, AID TRmiS.- fsL'KSCRirilOX II A rZSi-rju -t A'ltance t ft 0 k i ii -i-i i i-J,S for one Tear. . . ..... .2.' , N. C, FRIDAY, JANUAR Yu A, 4880.. NUMBER '50 ft ii i I he Wilson Advance' ' 'c- ' -rlfrfrfi A Mau . 1 ' .. TherWiis -k . ;;rtTmtWi T ,rfl ill I I 1 11 III 111 is I I I I II I II I 1' II III l H III I r , V. . 1 1 I II I I I T sUflt III II I f 4 1 1 W!' I K7 - ' U huUtl'f . wuu..a,jlf cc ouiuiyic ii 1 jf 3 1 I 111 ( II I ill vl I li i ii II l i 14 I 1 HI ii , V; . JJLVV N rl ml ir vth r. i 1 ,1 Hill v .11 v r . L. lUnnuu & U Z s -A- W - h F ' . . . 7 I TTnT HT WILSO !IUFK2&lJ.NAu. -AYULOJlJiNT,- i , j Attorney -&t-Law, rublic Sin;trc, n-f of Cotirf TK. TILLER V. I 1 A TTOlUJBY-tT-LA W " Will rac'! ' .iut NrtsJi,;.Ktlgecr,iiibe and Special ntlontl-m tfi';" t :lk:t ! li. nny portifrti of tlt;Sfate."; st jl4-m I U. i'- l, u Al 11 U N TJ K R Ha rosMni(Ml ir:u-lice at KitliiM ant .r-tofCtfulU- tfuncU rt ?oii'ffWtmc(iof his fonnw irac.lice..f i I Ct 25 y "I Mi J k . A i i i. .1 D -K N T I S T Ha pcnnniKiirh' joo;ift'l in Wilson,' Ni All opperaliona will bo ui:atl: an I care fu iv ti trt-iHM a;.il on terms as.iyana- 1,1., 1. uoihlc. TiM-ihrxt.racuMi.wiMn.il i.iin Olllcc Tailwni Mret;t next lO'U' r...t,OlHae. : fj.ni. a-12m U A TT L E , A II in KM-Aletl at Vtison, tX,, C.. an.l nlct f iilv HMiicittUi' vtroimpv of -iht; jm-oj-U-. Ail lratu-hesl i.hc n.fe-iioii c in fullv an ! w'itlrix. cM'i!. ;i'h.iig . uu..U i .4-F.M!:-irir:c i i jiwnnHrl. Olhci' np at r'almrjlmif Vh i'm t. jDaicy hour from J A. M. i I. M- -- --- I UU KLL & GINGLUCII, ttv-" Main S'.rcct. -- ; NOliFOLlv, VA. cf . :iotti.-"iin. J. 15. F, A U RING TON,. SURGEON DENTIST. : , N8rirOni(! t n'Mdioico. . nnol-Cm JKAKKU IX SASHES, DOCRS AND BLINDS, louldiniis, Hnickets, Stair Kails, Newels, BUILDERS HARD WARE, T i nts. OiN. ;;-s. Piuty, Iiuildin Malc riaN of Kveiy lA'-cript oi!. . aill 40 Uoaunki; Avt'nui-, Norfolk, Va K n'2l lini ' WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY (kittl YOUNG I. A DIES.-) .' Ite;t t:0ciit empioyeil in all depart uienU Si: nation unusually healthy. IUiaul, per session of 2J weeks, iueliidiu. fuel, li;lils and furnished loom S',0,00. Other charge inoduiatc. ' Fall Session beiiiK Septetuln r It. Vur eataltue ur information, address, .,' J. li. UUKWKRa'nncipal. UNEQUALLED OFFER- "Wilson Collegiate Institute FOR HO I'll viKXKS STRICTLY SOX - SECTARIAN "Jjr'yar. the most successful, school lu KfiSirrii C-ro'.liuu " The l est advantages and lowest tales. Healthy location. Able and Kxrprienc d Teaehers. l'ine Library and Apparatus. Spacious Uiu'duij;. A; pleaanr educational home. j KOK $150 fAil) IN tKTOHF.K, YOl OKT TUITION, HOOKS, ANJ KXCWXKNT KOAKIJ INCI.l DtNtS Kt HNISHKl HOOM, KUKU, I i mm, and WASHINC1, lor the i-niire! Scholastic Year. '.Music, K Vxira. j teS sioif extends from first Monday in OctnlM-r to last -Thursday in June. A Live lus'litu tion, Miwleru, T!-rou2h, Practical. 8eml foi't .italogw and our I nst it utf Quarterly.' full -f. valuable educational uuitier, nc.-li, brilit. and IV v . ; 6. U ASSLLL, A. JL, rnncipaV jlviS-tf Wilson, N. C "VTAlOahlk Town proper- V, TV FOR RKN'tV , t offer ih store coi'nvr Nash and Bragj; Streets fr r ut on ea-T terms. For furt Irt-r In fot ma:1t.n apply to - 1 COL. hAVJD WILLIAMS. epli - : ' ' - Tisiiot. N. f'. O riTlN'i BULL ON THE V A UP ATI I Sittiiiir Hull Durban. )urbaju iSitnijKinK Tobacco i defies the World. This brand 'radei ot I hiz and Twist fur I he best and anil all other ''faded of Mte bv : E. II. nbtft. Scp-.Vly- Maiuik.etnrer, PtuhHtn, X. C. j VS. 1a J5ASS. K. I'- KA-KLEV. BASS GO'S IlESTAU RAJS T OYSTER SAL0 0 N. I il"atdutr-leUw Bmwfrs.) UNDER It. R. SHED, WELDON. N.C. ansl-tf HOOK FUR EVERY NORTH CAR AOTJACIIQOL! . --.v; M ere' School . History of Korth Caro- - . ' lina. : -Adopted by the Lenisl-ttnre of .1870 for. use in all th Public ScIkjo'.s of the tate aud approved by many f cttr ablest tecJi crs. IntrotJuctt.iy price 7cts : cloth 9I.OO Send for circulars. Ac. . -' , ALFRED WILLIAMS fc Co., m rub'.Nhcb Ac;, -Raleigh, X. c ' " r iTh Mid Kelxatole ? BaxDer; My b; f"n at S,, P ou raP lMr. Sff. wh-re h will Im I'lusi-d ' Lfl-.. i.i. Ti..t.HnT fiiUiT natroHK. h ill Clt.Urin-n! cottiiig rlij cu; haruix nnl cmiiug I,T L I N O TU U T II . hair HOjccji S'i T I ho fcrear ,,,r rElA, SICK IIKAUACUK. YK STOMACH ai$. tiria'nst-or- Iiuligi'sl lou is . Dr. i J); AnrstJttt, -AU-DTspcpnoj wop. Voin"lfnl cihV uvaoo alt v-f t i eou. rt-y ins tlmiti'PwHnt ;cvrtMcates 4ittci- JTiiM-ly t no 1 3-12 N At the "solicitottak T,IUa Ho4g6d. of the AitV.tNCE w'cxtertd 3fiD?;it-1 e J til: ..7 t, ''i i a a : L izena im viiiwii wi.v aaie eiicni ytn I . I . . . . . . v l-.ki .itK, in J ..rn r.. .1 ,L 1 SWP1,',X? nr matj iitAllj prices of'all ftrs S' 4f ImI :V' 5.'?-l4vni ' class' Semi fnyBlWV1'!lnstrac(1 CATAUjOTiri5ujiKLlSTl (inaih-lifriM?t(ailv;r:irJi';Mnd avoul brlit" imiKs4 upon ' hy UNPjlNtf tEDf AiiPiit. and dealer?. 5 KmHttMs warcfr 1 1 1 is br:est1)aslflef SoMtly. vvef50O of- oni , MACHINE m in North CaroVina). Wc guatuitec sati tVt ion or return money, tvery MA CHINK WARKANTKD-ii YKAllS r I Honest Prices at Ui. S'ltc-s Now K.vnily" Improvel 0,0 t:u,uo 1.'.,0 i".' 2.1.1 . ;w,o 2".0 -2U,U 2ll,0 r..d Hiimin-rt'in, Xbw Antomioc i:nei u Wi-til H:i t il K.i v'if dixit p - -WiImiu iiiut. i lf'-il 01-vt-l:iit Styl.i Vll.in, jN' v DomIiIi; ft-Ml. ftii motion, NVw Dotnt-stic, lat.-t Sty1- ' t v N.-w IkiBi.--ttcCir-tl.r-suliuir, f N.-W llraw f.-el. Wheeler & Ulsofl, (rii-r i Hiit-er fliulMe, . . Nu 'it (l-.ver Baker 1 spool, vi ii,...v I (Jii.hs tJolil Hmuire sfxiiil vir...... It i. k .aiiit SKle fi-eit '. to " Seeir, Key l7.j-. NKx- Konn!. 'Vlut H'fls. McLejin AHoop er, ml all! other work sn- -qM low l'' ALL ATTACHMENTS FINE int ing Tuf ker. IltitUcr, liimler. (n liias lleinmefs. &c. Address icud- Uer I. Ormond Mfg Co. 41 N. dir W. J. UAU KISb.1 . I - -i Wholesale & Uetail Dealer in- GROCERIES & , Now ofl'et to his old fiiends and patrojis hi-vtar'jje stcc'l "f " SUGAR, ; COFFEE.' - FLOUR. LARD, PUTTER, All niiiri-b.-isiMl oreviotis to il'iu advance in prices, and will be so'.d cheap. 1701 i SALE. i for sale one tract of land in Sava It.ff. nna township Wilson ' county, udjnini li the lands of Then. I'liynan. .Jos. .1. nam-and-others coi'itain ins? three hundred and f.-rty ' acres, being the s-hnrcs alloted U laines And Colli e hi B;irne.s in the dhiMon of the Uutda of James Barnes di-nscd.. , I , tt , . , F. A, V OOUARI) Wi'.soL N. C., Nov, 2Slh.-tf ", CANFIELD, BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE & CHARLES ST. ltAiYrmoKi:, n. American arid Swiss Watches i; i j at lowesi prices. I i . DIAMONDS, FINE JEWELRY. Bracelets, Earrings, Pins, Ring, Charm. lAickets &c, &c i Silver ware, phm-d v-Tiie, tea sets, pitcher;-. biV-kels casters, spoons fork- etc. Clocks, bronzes, ebina and other vase?, fans, jfjiera glasses, spectacles and eye gla$ss and fancy piodt. Orders have prompt attention. sep2Gly lYouiig' 1. IV fil;ifs'' ami say your J . T. Young & Bro. j UKALEH TN FINE IKATCHES, DIaMOXDS. JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, ilannfactiirer of all kinds of riaiu field Jewelry, Rings, Badges, &c- ' The best $10, castor, and T,00 chsck eTrrtiOTd. American r.afchc:s at the lowest prices. Solid silver poous forks Ac, K-bmper Ibau ever. Your orders are so licited aud will le pi-oioptly attended by J. T. YOUNG & RRO. PETEiitnruo, VaI oet30th '70.-lf Insure Your Life With Hugh'F. Mdrray, ti ."i'i - t i r tin it AGENT OF THE KtJTTJAL LIFE IKSTJRANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, ' One Of the oldest, largest and most reliable companies in tliewoi ld. ; , :. . ; He , will insure, you 13 pt-r cent cheaper than the-ordinary rate. mytG-tf IIUII .l-.jwvv,.',,v The Wifson AMnce; Fill DAY Among the Reds. THK )DOKE TILTO.X. viin fast, BirSimii J ln,Qr1iii f?Q 0 Thvlniale awaits the in her lursf, Not iJrvayt'fng that the fi t, wail caste 'Whicli quivers in thy bleeding breast! i5v'un fiir, O dyinj; ran, swim fasti Die not till she behokU'tM- f;tr' Y... . -i . i..... . is..i-i.. !..... i IUtll UhWttihue toanotUer mate' i D it brs UC ' kO?C "Swim fast, O fattltfaf swan. viin fa-t ! j Tin; adverse; tide is syrifr and strong, Swim fast, swim fast until at last V$ Thoii sii.g to her tliy dying; song! l yon kit down at set of sun, jAnd count, tjie acta, that. rou. bjiverdone. . J 'j ti Awii i&iikl h U J d VO One self-denying act, bne word I'hat euseiMhe heartKi.f fcitu who heai-U.- j One glance n.ost kind, I'hat feel like sunshine, whore if. went, rUt-n you may count that day well spent . But if through' afl tlits IiveJon 'day 1 - You've clieered no heart by' yea or it ay; "''!';' ion ve uotlniixllone Q.mtrtt pan traciw Tliat'hrotvjhL the sujiitui l oli2 f;tc?t fe No act iijost; sitralD f l f i hat helped sonie sotd and fiotliwii cost iui;ii vuiiiivnai u.ij aa.woi.v.: iiui lysj. EDITH'S LOVER: Coiniug out upon -the -terrace where they stood alone together in the June twiliglt, I remeinber thinking what a nantUome, nol)!e-lpoking couple they made., and how well it was that my mistress had chosen Mr. Hollls for her future husband when so many attrac tive young gentlemen aspired, to the honor of her hand. ;As I approached, Mr. llollis was say ia ir : I 'Tpmo.rrow is our wedding day, fcdith ! To morrow! I can scarcely re alze jit. Ah, how proud aiftl glad I an ft My lady looked at this moment, he- cheeks all aglow, her eyes shining' with happiness. Hearing my step she said in her gentle way: I ' "What is it Jenny?" ! ' "A strange woman has present her self it the kltclien dtor, madam. She nskejl for you'and will .not be: denied. She jioes not live in these parts. I think ; her accent and dress arc both peculiar. Good 4racious, there sho comes now. and I lei"- her on the kichen step !" My mistres3 looked in the .direction indicated and beheld .a drooping for lorn figure slowlv advancing from the rear of the house. SLe charged coloi andC dteV Back with a stutled cry : " ' ?i VJ "Mrs. Hawkins The wotnn came nearer and paused on tile upper." stcpL looking curiously- about her. ..... ' : ' I, Forgive me for comin'," she said, in a low, broken yolcc:.3; It ain't : right it? be 1t,ouUin.7aykJiV(5 "yRu; V But;' -what could I do with him heggin'atid plead j in aud lretUhrthimself- ill? I hadn't the iieartio refuse his prayer, and ' "Hush!" Mj . mistress drew ber strahge visitor steps.' - . -She was very hurriedly down the pale and trembled with excitement. "NoMnorenow I Cannot .1 listen said she in a , whisper. "If you have anyj ex raint forme comeagaiu by and by "When I aur alone." W Ji The woman sighed beavil)'. "L.et me give you this note, ma'am ii-. i7.. I.;.'- ' L 7 't-i. ." --it s iroui nun, anu in irouuie you ; no more: ' You'll read it, an do all ic asks, ma'am ";" she added, nuite nlain- ttvi.- -w dm ti.r.TtV n ui rr..miJ.4 paper in my lady's hand. V.s. yes. No w go go at'once !" I will. But don't disapp'int him,! mama don't do it." ; f I; t There was desperathm in her voice and looks--perhaps even uieuance as she turned nd madeher wav with ! . difficulty down the path. ". Mr. ilollLs naturafly made some in quiry as to. tne strange visitor, bui at Miss Edith's solicitatlo.1, he dropped the subject, aud soon afterwards went'there, instead of sinkingnf to the floor away. ; r " ' j About 10 o'clock that yight my lolly's 4cll sumincQcd toe to her cliarc ! ber. 1 found her fitting with licr, w:ps m-artd a liit of papcx the same the womau had given lie r "-clenched in her hand.' : ' : -' Her fjice wore a ' sadder exorcssion than 1 had ever seen npon it uefore. 'Jennr.' she said,, taming in her chair as I entered "do jon know nj place trt t!e village - called Holme's Cottager ..'"Ye, ma,ilrrl., tOoi1. Get vour bonnet: I wih -St. you to-take mc there. I wish to set out atonee:- ;:' s M 'p r !Hut it is a W distance, madam; iTyou must o, shall I not order the carriage?" . , V I do not wish" thH visit knotrnto any one else, in the house, Jennyl The servants f3Jmaj stforJf-li tt rj. a -s y r l ! in . . : ! .? ion, i am sure, are discreet and fiiitu . e s left the hmie- by ki - ide door. ocking it and takiug the key wiU. S Presently t wcreached f II(lmo'svCot- t.a go. It 'r9S a jong low buihUng ).he I it skirts' of the' village,atiomeiirs- out tiiice from any other. UweUinWTnee my knowledge of thtc house . 'began, it had t been occupied by the! 1 pociii I5$J pft ienaiits, . - , 'Soijne'oue I wish '.io see-; is hei;' she; Said quietly. ' Kemalil tmtstde, Jenny, I shall -uot be lung Waj,?T-'- one, . Clll-ereu ; closed the door She, enlpred without. Inockins . amf The1, next instant I heard a glad cry within, then a Imrit of t Tl.-'iil :,'!Rf- fx-;-' SoddcnlyJ Mr;' Ilbtliscriff nted itie,", his face white and convulsed in the moonlight 1 : '. .' ;( :' - C, : : . - : ' Tell tne," he sqid iu ilmsky whisper va8 it Kdtth, iny promised wife, that .went in at yonder door 2 I could not speak,' but my looks an swered him. I He dropped my hand and turned a way; when a few agitated words came through the open window : . 'Edith, I knew you would 4 come! ray precious darling, my wife ! You were not so cruel as to forsake me wtterly." ,?"an-i.4w. '."i r-,.i- It was a man's voice, but Mr. HolUs) se.emett to hear a simple word only of those it uttered. . ; "Wife !" he echoed, in a hollow tone. -Wile ! Good; God ! And . to morrow was tohavc been our wedding day ! In spijc of my terror and' bewilder ment, I bad the presence of mind to grasp his arm and drag him -further away from that.housc. "What bring you here?" I sternly demanded. "Why have you followed u sr" ' ' - - - - ' I dd not follow you ; I am no spy ; it was chance that brought me art this direction to-night,' Naf, not 'cliancd, he added, with sudden vehemence," bin the providence of God," ; "Then before I could aayff a word in reply, he had freed himself from mv grasp aud waa striding'dowu the shadow-haunted street. ; Tonr minutes later my mistress came out, She drew a deep . breath as she clasped my arral and I telt her ticm- "Come, Jenny, let us get away from here quickly. I shall be glad to reach home again so glad." -, ? She looked so miserable and dtspiru ted that I had not the courage to tell hen what had occarred joutsTdeXhe cottage while she lmgared within. It-I !Next morning while she-was at breakfast, and themystica! stir of the bridal preparations was. going ondn j the house, one of the servant brought in a large package. She cut the cords and out fell a heap of letters the pure, dainty letters she had written from lime to time to her lover and the books and keepsakes she had given him. ' I saw her stasrser turn pale and 4 - - catch her breath. Then she lfiOked at j i I I C 1 me wuu at)ewitucrea air. lon't understand Do you JennvT . The package and a brief! note it I'contaiacd were Dcane rs's fare- ,..ii My lady ilid not cry or Hiint: Fling i: g mrn?te away, she clasped both hands to her farcuead. . - . Godl This is incomprehensi- blc. loat-p whatdot he mean? "I can tell you. madam. And ditl. - A . . Wheuf she learned that Mr. llollis bat! been at Holme's Cottage Uic nigbt before, and what he had over heard iu shame m iu cvnnisionyas I ;ha!f cxraanuiMture arc her chiet strength 'peered, she spratig twjuLs the door- l power, and; that a failure in crop wiilt a ra6tncr63 Mjfi of 1 r. f 0h licaveuT iahe paid. Com . je - ny,' wc hayc anrJlbefmlfsJun"' to tonn., . Hi;fc ;! 4 -,., f t 7". ' Where rej-on goin-i said, l-ok-at her'wOuderinIy. , " , ' "f . Coine; and see. llcarcn grant that wc be noTTnaTer " Scarce! v waitinff for her Imnnrt aii! shawl, be InDrietVoJe.troui tfee;iu)m. l'resentlv we readied a handset lttry ea. A catagtxefthtrdo9i anr44'a formidable conipet ir? an( w sonie oneVal Jif ITstelSgiifoTl : 4talT readiivvcomrTreliend tiie causes 6 ";My lady f creatuetf o'ttt-atl.hc sigh and ruiiraraUcI jrT" 'urCDeitmeTnirfi,t4w! dfrleiive me at least until I bavt len -rjiivei a chawejj xplaiiijiy Ytip tavcr mia judged me ; it ts a terrible misiake. Come with me to Holme's CoUasie. U come God know Id not wish not wish u keep any secrets from you ; not one 1 ,We airehtered the carnage to;jerthet atd drove 16 Uolines Cottage. .' ftlte i fi. erc. tnci o ; the htesliolil h same forlorn lookiajt - woman wlw. hat! lotiglit kho ;Wie ? bntst ou". sobbing in hcrfaH 'J f 'Mv son is dewl." she cried. i 7-Ilv oreathed Ids laaUsoon Aftri-yoo Lweur a wa y d as t In igi i ti ft) ! t,' Tnafa m? I w p n' t von come In an? look t rm7n Pni surr It would. Ji.un. lu; btjt; know," v;: .; Wcieatered the poor little room slttd stqoil fe Aide the couch on - which lltt deadUsnday;rn Pr;i ; :K: . ; The secret of Eaith'aviut of the prc-T vw.us vfiuUt was soon iuUL This rash trapefuous man had alk.we.1 himseirto fall desperately hi love. itfi Bdithrtha summer, in ".spite of tie difference and ihe utter impossibility of his ever hop ing to win a return of his' affections .When Iie'realized tliat he nmst dic a prey to consumptiiiu. he prayed to be taken to the vicinity of,; my ladies home, that he : might be " near ber at last. ' -: - . ' ' : ; 1 ; yl ile'had had mo're Dr lcss delirium for some day previous 1 14 Ids iieatli, and white.tliiava oii.hiia htd, really fan- cied that EMihaa hii wits, and spoke f IrnTTtn iiittibftmtX fLi nfU.'J , " , J : '. I mld not detpi-ie his, lovc.Dean''p I pitied Jii in so,'; my; .lady said, ,- her beautifuLeyes full of tears. "Do not blame me for seeking t to f hide ' tle truth ; it was for fits sake, .It seemed cruel to expose Lis weakness. Will vou f)rrivei'?rrA's t a He echoed the word and canjjht her to his heart. . , "Forgive you ! oh,1 my darling, it U I who needs to be forgiven !' . SHOULD NORtH "CAROLINA SEEKIMMIGRATION 1 .I, SUGGESTIONS ' TO TIIE LAND O WNERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Presented by tlic North Taro litiiV Board 'of Agrictilture L. L. Polk, Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA'S OPPORTUNITY WHY NOUT1I7 CAJtOUNA SUOITLD SEEK FOUEION IMMIOUATION. ; , j W hue we would gladly welcome tlie j gtxxl peojilc. of the North ami North- west to our State, yet for obvious rea sons, a well directed effort would ,se cure in Europe a, larger reward: The masses of the Northern people are prejudiced ngainst us.-and time alone can remove iu The J animosities en gendered by the war and the section al feeling and distruit fostered, by edu cation and training are potent instm mcnts in the skilful bands of politicians and wicked, ambitious men, to keep alive the estrangement ; " But despite the machinarton's of tie I signing men, a lively interest and cn- nutrv has been awakened Jhroughout i manv ot tno ormcrn niaics in reiaiion - i - . i . . .1.. . .1 ...... n t . r Va.I 1. m wr 1 ... A s uranlgv, vi nuim von as a nonne ior unBiirauut ; ayu ni. . : !.. i: :n be the pleasure of the Board t em ploy" every pieipsja iticwmjind to If: n.; Jf 1 - . t. h ' " . at- 7 - encourage and strengthen that inter est. Meantime the' oppTTlunity is propitious far nresentitm - our claims a . . . x cLraad, particularly in England aud S;otlaadr f With Uietr farmers ni iias been a 3ear Of almost unprecedented calamity, and disaster to ail crops Tn r: rent IUitAio 'the noofptf f IPBat Cr6o lias been' harvested since 186f I amI it is estimated tlial to make up th t defictencv. ak least Li0.000.000 bushels will have to be obtairiel .from foreign faourdes. J While it is trnC tbat Agricul ture is no longer, the staple industry ot tngland. and that comroerc am is there forcrwot? bcees$a'r:lr 'BatlbnT amityl yel'wTtK! tlte ' small margin in prof.tvfeallze.1 bj her Faniner wh u'ndertheir ' rental ' system. !mnst "now contend with Aroericau competition, it hevertiiolss becomes a qttetiou of rave moment, when from their earn ings they must spend ' such a "vast imount for bre:vd: Add l6!Miis,stra,ii n their enerote's- and resources, ttht act thai in jalf lite departtnents'ottradr nJ industry Anierica U fast becbrn- consternailotb if not alarm, that agi all clashes And Interests amori ttw'i)e'iiie.; tnde terpeitjle.; indeed so great is jtht lepression in her industries, ami espet iaUy in agriiltore,' that Parlianienf recently7 appointed a" coiiimission!: U visit-lids cdu;:ry, (Vnd "Various t'Vhei teen's are iguiKH are nere now; io investigate Mr facilities and abilitvr for enIarMn in h trengtfiening Tli.aV comp'elit tno When they pee tlaPy in tlielr markers Vur, bread stuffs and fresh neat to IsaV itthing1of bur mahufacturetf products selling fof less than they can product5 liem,' tfie re' nat urally" anxious f and 'jneasy. ami tliey arc : loo6ing"to th: ntvccmueii laiius oi our country Io relief tr'o'nT'the threatciietf evils' wliicl hey feel await'thim0 Thmisnds' are already coriiin; to our shores, and tin iUinberS wHDuld ! be cfeatPY an?mente? with proper encouragement.1 ' T fit ' AmXsTAOES " ritES liXTED in KOUTlf OAhoLlNA. y hc w iiHerrur i; natural .rcapatHtIe nl rcsouroes of our State arc ' bu ittle understood abroad, 6r appreciated U home. Many doubtless, which mav in the" future form an important pail in our economy; are now anion" tin unknown 'It Is not known -'how admir ably adapted is cur soil ard climate to the successful cultivation of corn, wheat, oats, rye', barley, buckwheat. rice, cotton, hemp, flax, jute, silk, to bacco, peanuts, sorghum cane, broom corn, millet, lucerne', clover, orchard, timothy and herds grass, sweet an Irish potatoes, hops. Deas. melons. strawberries, cranberries, apples! peocheC grapes, - cherries 'apricrte. prun?s, quinces" and figs. ; it is noi k'u6n 'that in the"" long list of valua ble minerats; found iu our State (which jccord'ng to Prof; Kerr, embrace about 150 kinds) is go'd. silver, copper, platinum, iron, lead, anti nony, sulphur diamond, corundirn, plumbago, bema tite, manganese, niioa, magatite, asbes tos, kaolin, firo clayst, soapstoues, etc. etc. It is not known that ?o'f. all tin gold deposited in our Mints and Assij offices from their organization up. t ttc 30th of JUiiertr77rrourid6i-r the MUsitgfppi fiver, l amonnti wg t ?2 04,290:49 about one half, or f If); 370.492.18, was found in North Cato Una. litis hot known that within our borders wji have, water power equal in mechanical force to nearly, all that is employed in all the mills and .on the thousands of mi'-ps of railway in this vastcotintrv t' om one extreme to the other.- The 5e Am! other great and im Ijortant' tnitlrs. - i.ow so li-tlc known must be brouiiiL to light, an I g've to our State that position iu the estima tiouof lhe world to i which she is ao inatlr ontillpd. lil WHAT THE BOARD OF AORICCXTTRE IS . ; - - yorXO; TO INOft E IMMIGRATION'. ; The Act establishing tlie Deiiartmenl requires the Board to institute such measures as its in judgment may induce immigration, and empowers and au thorizes the Board to sell snch ln Is of our citizens as they may register in this office at theipriccand on the terms fixed by the owiler.' The Act , allows the Board two aod one-half- per cent commission oil iho gross amount of sale, ?nd one dollar ds registration fee. A party wishins to sell land' writes to tlic-Commissioner for blank forms upon which a full and fair descrif tion of the property is made, the price ami terms given. These blanks t rc retarned to the Commissioner, with tie one dollar registration fee, A correct LtraL script is made iu a book kept for that purpose. The lands are then ad vertised. If a sale ' be effected, the owner makes the conveyance to the purclaser.and pays 2 per ce it com -mission. If no sale b made, the one dollar is lost to the owner. We are not allowe i to take any. jw-ica other than the one fixed by tlie owner. We are required to advertise the lands and use all proper e ffort to find a purchas er.." ..l'; .. - ', '. l , t.. We are now arranging for the esiab lisbtneut of agencies in foreign coun trie,especinllyj io England, Scotland. "Wales. Holland and Switzerland: TVe oro ntrt irffinni !H2f6r cLeap ntc of 1 passage from various points to NWti V- BeautOTorrnmtoLv oa our w, oc Kept supphed . from this olBrZ "lh maps, oampldoi iL goi pt a' cations as may illustftts!,. iadra., . Uges of our State as a iom for Iiarti,- grants. .-lb.icatioas wUl also be'mtvl in such foreign Journals a. dri "largely, in their ruVaJ diiuk,. . Jiiiormuion ' ia regard to o,r leopIe and SUte . " aiuyiutj t0 noto,U greailv niureau inicren .marHfesttt! , b ,r. Voers, u, our State. siuefx,.tkpxm I Usliment cf tb Pfpvt,- Uur f quiry ar9 being constantly recei . - mm, a parl, of oountry; well as from Ei f U,f1t ei0,jMxio. , f Vry, a,l'Vter. . , Scan-1 ly A mail, eaves oto do" u coni.ua cop,es,ol pur Hand Boo. . or other publications, for parties : m? tnformation .These, art seat U every, Nortl , state, to England, to Caosds. to Soot . land Italy. !rj5witzel.Kdfi .Uorw.,', -iwedenT. Holland. Bcitgunr. Russia. Germany andJErnrP y, r tly engaged (9 tUt XUct&a . .sueli hvformation ?s will, b,f. inltrei i "drtasl, ,n laboring to fill tm-our if..-.. ' . f-ur specimens of tba ?atlr vrQdnesi , , or eac5.c?atjrin ths State. , a,,K m the large nurabersof visitors (both Clt zens and strangers) may item Marai, v. the easiest antlbeswjfUia ap, m b,I,t,es.of our Sjtate. fFe ub exeft!ni every effort, aqd utiluiog every WV our.commaD-J, for ; the dUscoiiW i tlOrt rT . ;uiQnnauon In rerani " our State, for we believe ti,. vi. Carolinajias only to be better kooirii". - " uo l;eu-cr appreciated r DO YOU WISH XO SELL AKT LaW Write to L.P0lk,RaKsW N.cf and ask for l.!t, t . . . . That our plan of ooeratfona m.. iwi fdainly understootl, It aayr be brlflr stated for the guidance of those inter- Write to theiiimaiisbiiwfovf??nL. Descriptijfo, jWv t r. 't r t. ss r rill these forms, out with faithful lescriptions of, property. :, Hvln u,. - lowest price and terms. . Return the forms with one dollar for registration fee, Send also. ifpVacticaDle.br exnre... specimens of the :. native producta . .i ' the lan.l, uCh as agricultural produrtv wowls, minerals, niarls and buildup stones, &c.t to . place on i exWbittn and to show to those . who desire n purchase. i The owner roust guarantee ool .ttl to the property.- ii'-5-L.-j . : 1 uo ihI will be ailTertisetf extwi. ively. aud if sold the oirner pays . t w . - ; and one-half ir cent, cdmnifaslon m the gross amount of the esle. " -" - ;Jjf not sold he owner knakei no out iaj; except the one do! lar. f 4 - The Commissioner will cheerful. v and promptly answer aU inquiries from ' -f onr citizens, and earnestly beg theni t 1 write Inin freely. Address,- k;-U Cooimihnqr ofgrkirtlure, , Raleigh, N.C. A pot Iierms that the Xwrka Plat-i A libation is better than a potati w,V wine s often better spilt than drnM h? A lie is a desperate cowardice; 1 to fear man and brave Ood. K Lovers are apt to hear tbroagh ti n v eyes'; but the nafest war i ? to ' .' r through their ears. . ? - ; AH young animals are merry, am ) old ones grave. 5 An old woman U only ancient animal that ever Is fr It is better to do the idlest thii the world than to ait idle for hat, Irour, - ,vv; . ,7 r.;;,7 Drink nersr changes, but only si our natures. " -r ,t 7 . .. In the whole , Hebrew Dictl there fs no word to express nator philosophy.; y. 'if.zx What a dread of. death 1 masf peojiie have who would rather h ing than dead. . C 1 Man roust be initiated in Uh -h -i?r tcries of iniquity in wder the ; safely to pwraue the paths of vlrt a Belter to hare one'f feet dirV ' bis hands. '.'tf . The moire a person wants i f V; will do him eood. aijs r A kirdness ca'n nerer be eao not even by repsying it. ' " ' - -. ? ft' Algebra is the metaphysics Desire Is in you'.h a passion , a vice. ;'' -' ' . . ; , JV'--! The fonr character'is'ics of tif '.""" , l o bum a no'ise, to j-a ) to write a book and to have i - i : r A 1 'I I 1 ! I 1 f-7. M ' h