,. J Vf the Wilson Advance. ftBUSHED EVEBT FRIDAY. BY ; TOOPAKD & CONNOR .. Wilson. N. C. The WilsdniAdvariGe. Ws - PI- Aurcitrisiio ix txrrn. - AV 7 JAW - st;nSrRn'TIUX H A i:i:S:-I Advance: pr one .Tear, ....... ; . f)ft Jlj: Months PttOKKSSlO.VAL. SURGEON DENTIST- GOLDSBORO, X. C JFitl r'KJt ttiisou n-in.uij v.- .j fr.-H.i 4tU M.iu'l,iy I" -.ualaj inclusive.- . Vuroeon den tist. V '4. VOL. 10. LET ALL THE EDS TIIOl AWPST AT, BE TOY CO STAY'S. 73 Y GOD'S, AXD .TRUTH'S." . xd: ' ' ' .-' .LsJmw ?l4K)aj . V. f I it ,H ; ...j,. ....... . . 'u L' '" '; -- f - - WILSON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 19 1880 NKW A I) V K RT IS KM EN.TS St. IV Kay ley & Co., TllIJAl'TPDO IP CROCKERY, GLASi-WAHE, L - t i- 4 AMPS Etc 27 Hanover Street, BALTIMORE. R ! MEAL I LUMHKR lam now piepared to grind whear ami corn with as little water and in a short time as can be don at any milling erab-lh-hmtnt- in this eri!'ity. 1 1 will iiara.nte a.-? rorxl moal and as much of tlie 8unn' wheat and cru-m anv wlicn; t-lse H pf rni:mrntly located in Wil.-'on, N. -.-AH oppciali.-n- will be tieutl v an 1 care-f'llv'lrf.riM-l ami on tcrni a n-a-nn:i-.l',, . noihlc; Ti-HlM-xtraolud -wi'liout 'An- 'r....i, iivi.r n.'vt door to t Oaice. -" Saw ..( ltimfxT ' rnriiishcd ('oi)ie and try iuu and 'be i Ref x-et fully, . i.m 30- 3m. as can In; mailt' at t-l.ot't notice, lessed. -' .. C. F. Frxcir. i; . J. . ATT.LK, SURGEON DExmr, II i; ioViie-l at Wilv-i. N'. T.. au.l r-pe.ct-fi,- .ruioif s the?tatrtme of the peoil-. All branf-lnvH of! the profession care P illy anl imtlv . -xfu'd. :i..ii.'s moderate" jr , , t , svi-'v''i hi trniirmtei-"!. Ohice up ,'t rai.i.r lbii-v N'ah street. Qiliee liours from A A. M. to 5 M. . . K I,T E It, Professor of Music&ModernLanguages T,K.KNis: -Piano' r-$:J.OO pr term of ti;n wo-k -). lessons p'-r wi'ek. V )lce culture 120 tetptir tvrm of ten weeks; 2 lesson. per week, Siniiiin classes and clashes in the (iiTinairand Freiuai language aecord to nninhcr of nupils. Dr. initi-rWili ne in town at the. I5ri' Hmie on M unlav ai.d Thursday of each week. - ' " . ' niehl-' lm A. W . HO W t, AND, WHOLESALE ANT) RETAIL DEALER IX Pure Med nnuas. CHEMICALS!, - TOILET ARTICLES. V 11 K I Ni: TOOTH BRUSHES, IIAtU BRUSHES SOAPS, ernes meant, Sand. t - plunged deeper r tc tb x The I" O Allott A t l t r I I IIC VV IIOUII nU VdlllrG. pleasure and tiuties of her Jlfe bnt -: t . - - j the shadow . grew into cravjag, FRIDAY... 1..; ...MARCH i 19 1SSJ j i..,iL :ii ' - " 9ii.tiins vjiirii mil. - t One $unny June day. hs she was rambling in the field, she, came un- Considered as a moral educa.tor. Lbe expect fo the spot where a year before llpii std3 peminent. - It tiacbe For tlie Advance. ; Pulp! etas vBa IaIleclanl r Edncator. :- "; - I -- j, IT A i .. " i-.-.f -."n I i s -. ' f, i YeT ilk A tw a vr I i One Srttr 12 fonth .;.., IF .v)f 1 fi TrRnrcnt Aifferrbemcnts Inserted t Ten r. , BY -Y1D. -' 8 , Spring Time. When the ' b!nsteriii winds of winter Cease to blow about onr ears, Comes the" gentle breath of ppring-tiine, , Quieting tur many fear.. Theti wc hcarthe bluebirds chirping, .And the poet writes? Fo-nnct While the vonnpj wife, red with aner. Yells, uYou bruU;, I want a boanec I"' And the bill is unanimously passed. , . and the house adjourns. Ialton's weotlieart. t!-T HvUmkry; COSMKTJGS. AND TO I LE a n i l. m rrowDERs. j K. i E. L. .Il l' yT E R, SURGEON DENTIST. ! KM 1KI.P. N C, Tllas ivs'itut'd prri' tie;, at V,..:. ' 1 a;:d- res plrlfuUv ji;cit" a coniinuanee o .'hi former T;.ctiee. ' ''I- BLOUNT, G i w. LArylP cpoDs of every description. KEROSKXE OIL ONLY 20 CENTS PER CALL JX. Also a Cne asssrtment of STATI0HERY. PENS, INK, Attorney - at - Law, I'ohiie S! !:!(, .ivar nt Court Ofn I(MI- . Wilson, X. ('., Oet; 10th '7'.). rrcsrj'iptions car-'fully all hour day or ni.dtr. OarmiTs 'desiring tS ral. ;'! i ple'asa call' and iu:. pampblets. compouuiled at e tlu-ir own ft-r- ;el one of my nn 9-12m T H. TILLERV, L V v ., ATT (TUX UY-ATI-LAW ItocKy lltiiifil, - . wiU practice in Nash, Edgecombe and Wilson counties. ; SKci-'l attention. iri'.--ti t eilleetions i:V ij imii tiou of the State. 1 y4-Gm ' j Lutlier Sheldon, ' . . DEALKIl IN ' ' SASHES, D0CRS AND BLINDS, Mpnt lv!ii;s. Rnicket., Stair. R wls. Newel, BUILDERS HARD W ARE, Piint.i. Oil. G'.ass, Puttv, Building. Mate rials of Evcrj' I)ecript!04i. 1 WVst s'nle Markrt SU:re and 41) Roa'n Avruue,. Not folk, Va. wpG Cm Get the Standard. 'Title best uuthorily . . . Jt nvjhf o be in eiwy Library, also iti every Acu lemy and in every i$cioolS Hon: CliA. Sl M.VEIt. . ' . i "The best existing Enmish Lexicon" Lo:l-JT ATilEN.EUM. tiSSSBESS. 7 ,7j i 'i TTHTBi- WLSOM. COLLEGIATE SEMINARY tFOR YtrNO i niE.) :? . ltlalent etmuove.l in. all departments "iou. unusually healthy. . .... . Rard, per ssinn 0 -20 weeks. incluVUu? '7'. ustht' aud furnished ioo'.i $.70'. wlirr ehat-jies inod- rate. Fall Session begins September I-t. cat;jlo-ue ov information, "address, J. IJ.' IJKKVVilil.frin.-iord. A :fe, handsome Tolttmt! rl 19."4 paces, C'. nudnin,. considerably more than lCn t)(0 Woids in its; Vocabulary, . w;i k llie correct Pi-oiiunciution, . Uel'uiiiion and Etytnoloy; Fidly illustrated and Tanabridsred with lour lull-page ,.iuaii-axea pia,e, Library sheep marble edges, ; , $10 00 i ; IVitla lcuison Patent i Readj Refercace lndcx,100 additloaa 4voiicKs'rEu" ; in now rffcaruiHi a tho stafld:trd ntbrtty and I sr rp i iiirneii!t ty Prant Loi gfellow, . "Whit :'i , Suiniior ' Holruw, Irvijijr, Winuu-op, Apai Mnih, Henry Everett. Mann, ptephous, Uaiucy, Ftlton, Hilliurd, Bleroralner. rtud the majrity of our most dUtinguUbed scholars, nud is beside? nrointr.rr n amhortty by ihje lepartniot-f our Xatimial (jtTorrpii. U. a.o uuuy.u jjj lii:-nv !!' vh" Bo tri-.ot" P-biio I ntCtiO f,"r 1 ,i. tst Knstish writrM rtinp luost paruo- ul:ir Anirfiian writers n H'oreler as Uinr au thoritv.'' XeT York Herald Aftrrour itcent strike wentMc the. ciiance to Worcester a. our auihority in pen;nr. chiefly to tuiiur orlves into eon fortuity with tlto .iceented ueMre oi most oi mat.', as well a to pratify ihe , tiftEQU ALL "ED OFFER. Wilsot . rollegiute Institute FOR 4.)' F II SEXES HRICTLY AOA - SECT A RIAN r jitr. Nbw Yerk Trihnh4. 1 I Ue" ouiues before u eliow a vast aiuouut of I dilijonoc: but with Webster It js dilipence in coin 1 Hn . u.ii vi;h tniioifnlii s. With Worcester, in . r . . - . ... vOMi.tuuuu vviiu gootl ns vi'siH s is t tie soliereG-iiKl nfeflhooK, mki may oe lu-oiiounotsi tur tst cxi-tiu-r English lclcoiu.'" . . ... i ujhu n AUiena'iuu. i THE COMPLETE SERIES OF f,w yearthe mot sueeessf il sehooF in J-wii Carolina, Tlie liefct advantages J": wwet rates. ; lleal'.hv Ine.atiou. Able 'I Kx5.eriot1c.il Xeaehers. Fine . Library J Aplratn. Spacious BuHdinsr. A rdnratioiial Ixime. K nl.,0 pA1I) 1N ocr0iiF.R, Y0C GET 'T10Xt nHJKS, AXt) t:jKIJ.lNT BOARD" K . wAsinxo,..ior the tn tire J"dStlcr. Music, au extra; S.... l'f,x-rMds from lirstt siu,,(Jav ' Octobet w Ihursday in June. A Live Iustith r1; -JMem, Thorouii, Pi actical. . S ,1 cr. . ..! i ,u onr ""tHut-P -Quarterlji. -tiluab'a educational matter, faih.' P'- Mid tee. - ' y: H-4iELL, A. M.. Principal. ' ' . was,,,,, C. Worcesiers Die tioaanes. Dictionary. Svo Onarto Dietionarv.. Prof lively Illustrated. Library . -her p. $10.00: Universal and Critical library heei. $4.2.. , Academic Dietionarv. -llliistratcd. Crown Svo. Half roan. l .85 Couiorehetisive Dietionatlv. Illustrated lu'". Half roan 41-75. SdicJ. fEletneutarv) Dietionarv. Illnstra- it nrt. v . a. b t . 1 i 1 1 - ' -w . i'nni;iry -Dictionary. IllusLrated. J.Gmp.IIJf roan, m a-ut. Pocket Ii'ictiouarv. .Illustrited. 24mo.Cloth, Have yon natrte'l it?' ebetisked peep ing at him from beneath ber suu-hrd. 'Yes," be answered, Vazlng "at her as she learned 'back against the old gnarled tree, with a daisy in pretty hand. ; A'aunbentn peeped, through the branches ; over their heads, and kissed a little brown curl that had strayed from tlie keeping of picturesque rough bat; kissed the sweet dark eyes mak ing them Ir.igh nnd dance; kissed a merry, little mouth, nnd p.t last rested on the fair dajisy, tlie child of sun beams. ' . , - "I wonder who 3-ou have named it; Mr. Dalton? IHll yon tell me after ward?" ' : "If tlie daisy is wise and has the number of petals I . wish." he saKk with a look which made Elba1 Clifford drop her eyes quickly as one by one she threw snowy petals into her lap whisper ing softly, Friendship, love.' inditFer- ence. bate." One by one he picked tip the- little tell-tale thing?, picked them up with fmcli a lin2ering touch, and bold them in his firm hard ; for was net the daisy his dear little type of whose name it bore. . , . ; ro t- ftii cnnlieom nprtr? fit. him and lighted a manly, honest, earnest face, that only half revealed the chivalrous spirit and concentration of thought and aipi that mabe Edward Dalton the true man that he was. Oh. Mr. Dalton. I know you'll be pleased. It is friendship'." said Ethel, with a frank smile. A shadow passed over his face. k vP,r.t T am not. Miss Ethel ." Not,''- she cried,- growing earnest. 0b, why Cot? Don't ; you" feel that friendship means a life-long trust?" "Your words made J me feel deeply that I am not satisfied with the flower's decree.' for I named ' the daisy Ethel". : ' " . A deep sigh heaved from the sympa thetic heart through the,. quivering lit tle lips. ' ' '..'.;., , ' "Oh, Mr. Dalton, "T am" so sorry." I 'VVhy. Ethel?' he sadly asked. .Because because am so food of you I lqve so much to be with yon and I so long that , we should be as the daisv savs friends." But doa't you feel, deep down in . . t ' 1 1 ! your Heart, tnni even your ueauuiui picture of friendshp is cold? Add to it the flooding sunlight of love, and you know what I give you and what I ask for iu return." V But the answer was almost a sob, j ; Oh, Mr. Dalton, I am so sony Edward; Dalton had told her the story of his love. , She had ever avoided the 1 spot si nee j then.; 3he did . not.knoTr" why. jhe looked down on the j freih. green grass and started, but she, only I saw a daisy near an old gnarled tree ! i - J looking up at her with its innocent J little face. Slie , stooped andpicked it, and a tear shone on it at he tit ifc. iu her breasts for it bud shown, on her that ihd shadow on her heart wa9 love i t ; ..... - . t the great craving s was what she had put from her a year ajo. . A fewj nights after Ethel Clifford stood before , the mirror, restlessly putting the . finisjjing touches to a ravishing toilette, smiling at her pret ty self as she carelessly touched a bunch daisies in her belt. She looked down, at ihem a moment, hesitated selected one from the burcb, countedrthe petals. and poutingly r(etedfciti theus an- till, ; smiling, she ; . kissed nestled it under th. bow at Oh. a rare little schemer the scriptural 1$oqs a, first taught by ,'the Saviour of roaokiui. It echoes and re-echo's the great moral truth first i . j -.. .. tittered hesi3e a galUhjan sea. How shall we consider the ptilpit as an ia tjp.llectnal educator? The teachinss F history are' our proof that in the ini shadows of the past, before the grave of the dark riges was - 4ug, the window of the world, was : thought -to cjentre in the pulpit and the teacher in the holy office was the toacher in a aimch broader sense than we now iew tie divine. This was owing doubtless not so much to the fact that he was a 5 other, one, anc her neck. was Edith Clifford! An excited, expectant look made her fair face more bewitching than its wont. Edward Daltou was to be among the guests at tbe lawn party.' He had returned from his foreign jour neying, and Ethel had not seen him since since that long ago time. 1 She greeted him with quiet, cordial dignity, but there was onlj' a time for a DID MAN SPRING 'FROM MONKEY?" - A wonderful ami f horrible thing is i committed a the land ; The prophet, prophesy falsely, and tin priest bear rale by t Iigir Mean s ; j nnd -f my people love to hre it so ; and wkat will yo do in the end thereof? . - .. l Wherefore iear the wonl of. the Lord, ye cdrnful men, that rule this people. i ; , , -Because; yo have said, We have made a covenant with death,' and wit! helj are we at ag cement; when Ithe overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not pome unto us fr we have made lies our refuye. and junder false hood have we iiiJ ourselvcL . "Therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold. your covenant : with death greeting. - The evening wore on and he did not come to her. Had the old love died i. in his heart, and must' her's ache on through "aj life of time? Such thoughts made th sweet face ad, as Ethel rested a moment in a shadowy corner of the deserted conservatory. Sad on ly for a moment ; for the voice she loved said gently : i ''''"" '.'.. It seetns like the sunshine to see you again", Ethel." - "Anl t am heartily glad to see you again'" she said softly. Surely, her tell-tale voice had told him all! But no, he only bowed cour teously, and said : , -Thank you " rery simply. "And you will be coutented now to stay at home, Mr. Dalton, will you not9" she timidly asked. A shadow came over his face -I had hoped so," he said sadly. "but 'I '"am 110U brave; I must, flee . 1 .... again ; a 1 bunch of field ' daisies has unmanded me ; an J he. gazed wisti fully at the bunch in her belt. If he were noc brave now, it was her 03 etrntai. flexible, So cts; ran, tucks, place to be so. So her true Land tremblingly pulled the little claisy from throath, Ithe true voice waveringly said : I put this there for Ton; read It.' "Friendship, ' " love, t nd"ifTererce, hate," the manly voice murmured, and (.-... the last white leaf fluttertd to the around at the word "ldve." cj 1 . . One look irito the trne brown eyes 611 who.ej lashes a tear-drop trembled and he clasped her to his heart, am kissed the tears away whispering : -Thank God, sweetheart." ripe scholar, a. to the fact the the ig norance of the masses created a wide interval between them, and he was their teacher in a splrtual and intel lectual sense; Her; was the alpha b"Harian if.I may be1, allowed to sedi fine a word teaching them the alphabet id scripture, morals and intellect. In this day of . advanced civilization, of refinement, of intelligence, have we not a right to expect the pulpit to teach us in all these features? For the rea soju that the mass ft have become more thoroughly educated we do not. see that the tenor of the demand upon tho holy office has moderated. Ifnot.Lhen we have a right to demand, to expect at least the highest possible culture, the highest standard of eloquence, the highest standard of christian charac ter. If these demands are not met. thprp tho infheA fmla f Yorf. th nnn-pr .... . . .... r... and influence needed. Intellectual culture in this our day carries confi dence; snd without this the teachings of the pulpit become inspired unin- piiing .and almost meaningless. They ose even! the moral power, and fail to awaken a single answering chord in the soul. 1 These times of thought de mand thinking divines, men who can get out of the old time worn groo1 of thought, and teach our' plainer minds new lessons, lead them into new channels of thought provide . us with new mental aliment.' rive us in tellectual as well as spiritual food, mien who shall dig below the common er' surface in the wclle of wisdom, and bring up from their gorgoous depths intellectual diamonds, whose scintilla i ! ' tions shall burn deep into our bumble j mjnd, and awaken new life, men who shall take most expansive view of nature and art and frame 'us pictures beyond! our feeble pencilioga. 'Tis then that they meet the demand righteously made of the pulpit. We kriow the drift of the day is toward the sensational in tbe pulpit and in th drama.i Highly wrought, ! intellectual sermons on rose-scented paper, all arabesque, all pplish.all parterres pure ly iartistic. While we crave a little; of this we; do not wish an overdose, be cause there is lack , of adaptibility. Little if any consonance between the purely artistic and the informing ncrip tual lessons. Like as Masters Crea- tion, (it is. finished in language, but not in the informing lessons, - The combi nation is what we require. We have a right to expect that the great les- Xlie God Hyinen. -.,' r Danchet, Uie French poet, tells, us, respecting the deification of Hymen, that he was a young man of Athems, obscurely born, but extremely hand some. Falling in love with a young lady of distinction, he disguised him self in a female habit, in order to get access to her, and enjoy the pleasure shall be disannulled, 'and your agree ment with hell shall not stand; when tlie overflowing scourge shall pas through, then ye shall be1 trodden down b$ ur '. ;: : -y , ! The "overflowing scourge" appears to be at hand, and it would seem that, Freedoom of Speech,' and Liberty of Thought is! about to disannul this eague with hell, which has hung like a pall over the minds of men for so many ages in the past. 1 1 am not sur prised that cne short chapter in the monkey storjr should excite to frenzy, the impotent rage. 'Of Thou ! whatover title suit thee, Auld Hornie,Satan,N!ck,or Clootie." I am not surprised at your being a believer," for it is written the devils also believe, fand tremble." but it is with feelings of pity and contempt. that I behold you, fool enough to: gar ble and misquote God's holy word, and call upon hiiia to. wituessi it. If every thing else in the world came from tlie "cell" I honestly believe God made ycu, and made ypu out of nothing, for there was no matciial in the universe from which such a creature could have been formed. I have His word for it. and I bolieve what He says. Kead the 45th chapter and 7th verse oT Isaiah, and see if you recognize your picture; if not, look fin your glass and ocular demonstration may assist your belief iu the truth-of the bible. I feel verv charitable toward von and would fain give you a piece cf good advice ; next time you at'empt to shoot, load your gun with different shot and. aim higher, perhaps; you may hit your game instead of being kicked over yourself. "I hari but one word more to ssy" (I quote from a "modern infidel" (?) "and that is an' expression of unfeigned amazement so sfrong as almost to throw into the shade every other sentiment, and j increasing with every 3'ear of reflection, and every re newed perusal of thej genuine words and life of, Jesus that, out of any thing so simple, so beautiful. ' so just. so loving, ard so grand, could have grown up or been extracts? anythin so marvellously nnlfke its original . as the current - creeds, of Christendom that so tni-bid a torrent could hav flowsd from f o pure a foundation, and yet persist in claiming that fountai as its source: that any combtnatlou of human passion, perversity, and mis conception conld have reared such a su'ierstruction upon such foundations." ' j GiiEXDri.y. abused knight. , Vbung bcelesa bil enough o t the spiri t o f - the- o4d4ia chivalry kft in him to rcsolTe s that bw , would haTe the lady of, his hje W spite of all dangers and difEcukies., He, got her, tx, in tho genuirwj! romsnlic One dark, drizlirig night the gll lant youtig farmer mounted bU be , horse and rode twenty, "ruilesr to the. , house of the woman he lored. He, ar.; rived about midniifht. She knew ot . his coming, and a light in her window t . told him that all was well. The house , hold was wrapped Hi sleep. ; Tnro , brighi. eye9 hHd!npl(closevl, Jiowevet? iince the "nil of the early twilight hadj peered into the misty distance oajil .3 they too, had grown misty as a flutter- ing little heart quivered between (bor)e and fear. She never lost faitli, 4but 1 f felt that he must come. . :i 'I ' At last she hcurd a pebble Tall ojnt the roof, and, almost mad, with joy leaped up and prepared : to t. meet her lover. She tied two quilu logether , ; and fastening one end of this, bungle sonmrope to the bedstead, she seized the other, gently raised the window , blew'out the larai, and swung out iatp. ; the arms of her j roud lover, l'uttinj; t her on the horse .behind him, like , "Geraint and Eitul." they dashed. through the darkiiess, aud role safe! p. to his house before day. Next morn they were duly married. . : f i 4 . There was a great consternation in the Worable household when theflight of the ca;ed bird was known. .The father raved and the angry brotlitrs , vowed death to the .audacious, WheeU ess when thej' road their sister's fare -. well letter, iu which she- explained all, , After consultation they determined tc nave tue gin uacK ai any cos;, it tory of seizure of. the bride sprea( ike f:!Jhre Ihrottgh the county,, ai a uoz.'.i vuunii iuow8 .voiudutccrea to !n tlie. tumbles' iu their guirtst the Whcejcwcs. al r in th afternoon armed with shoU guus una revolver.,- ana mounted oa. the best hordes in the county. They reached the happy home of "the groom just as a party of friends hat! gather ed to celebrate the wedding. Ooe of the brothers of the bride took' two men into the door with him and' asked for. . Think pf iL prayerfully, one little i of her company.-. As be happened to t '..- .'.- .! i be one day in iui3 . aisguise wiq 111s UVCrW . . bHlt STABLES ! titrr HARNESS d' : t - Tk' lwi irrtt -. 1 Cii.i cdjre, $1.00. Many Hjv ial ids to itttn!ts. in ddtiion to a Vfrrfplt prououiicuiK aivd drtinin? vocabulary, tuKi Vereitcr"s. in the ooiaioa ot our Biort di- ituuUh a educators, th nioi complete, m vrcll as by' ftr llu ctn-i efct ii-tioiirie r onr Uu "It Mlot from thii wlth onerrine aceuracy ht AVurcmifT's Ihetkraary, preferred orer ii tlrr by i&tu - .tnd" nr ct: htiters. sliould U? td tov tH- yuil pCtbeeokmtry and adopted i i tlw eunuoou - Aoel-.r Nevjr Vork ErcoUi rsi For fale by all Bookseller, or wlU be set. corriase tree, on receipt 01 taeipnc oyr : J. B. LIPPIXCOTT & CO.. moment, dear heart., God grart you, do you known yourself?" The little head fell for "a moment on the clasped hands. Then she raised her true, v dark-grey eyes with a be seeching glance, and simply, gently said. ; "Only friendship. mistress! and her female companions, celebrating ou th seashore the rites of Ceres1 Eleusina a gang of pirates came upon' fchem by surprise and car ried thern all ofL Tbe pirates, having convevetl them to a distant island, got sons phall come clothed in artistic apparel, robbed of: harsh asperities, tj Destle in the beart long ' after the speaker has ceased to utter them. I ha.e faith in this view of the question bfc 'ore out minds, to that degree, that I firmly believe thai if the puipits of the land everywhere were filled , with the highest intellectual oulture there expedirton, They left True liov'- Meriwether conntv, in the old State of Georgia, has been in a s'-ew for the past ten days over, a sociable event of rare and peculiar interest. It has ex cited the county more than anything that ba occurred since the act of e- MissWomble. lie was told , that lady who was once Miss Womble , was in and would see him. The bride came out ad shrieked when ehe' saw her . i angry brother. He selzel her and la an instant was surrounded by hisbaikd. Thpy were armed and so infuriated that resistance would hav been folly. They went off with the s bride? to3 1,ho horror of Wheelcss and his friends. As soon as they had gont the young 'i husband determined to folio w od re-'- capture his wife, His friends gladlyH. Joined him. They armed thsmselres"; as well as their enemies- and set im ; to the Woble mansion. ,1 ? It was almost daybreak when they rsached there. At once they detnand- " ed entrance and Uie rctoratton of jth bride. To tbsir snrprise ' they found or.ly a few old la lies within, who, frigb. tened almost to dcatli, assured, tiem that "the boys" had not returned. jThe Wheslcss party then camped in front of the house and laid a formal sisge. - . Alwut 10 o'clock tbey saw the Ifom ble brothers and their father riding ; leisurely up the road toward the house. rife., and of ij 1 ' m cos:vii, aim lias .vuic .(ai ,u..iiij u would come such an increase of spirit- f ' i . 1 1 1 i : .. if. .! . 1 . liuie war, 111 wuicu iww uugc auu wp- TJ a ir.anlv brave face was tamed t drunk for joy, and fell asleep. Hymen awav, but Edward. Dalton folded a seized bis opportunity, armed He vir Mi , t-ttips I VM.-bers, Konk.cilers and Stationers tiitio thi( "13 and 7 IT Market St.,;i I'hiladelphia, J inch 3 2:n ' ' - , Pa. i l;v'7lQW.t nr. ' wUl lurl at. moderata VVT1 hy ih mORtb r-nie..lerv chan vv . UGG & Kiwvms. v- c . ui-i. 4-ta little haudin one of his while he wbisig'ms, and dispatched tbe pirates; after 1 '.. ... nered- ' 1 1 whicli, leaving tbe iadiea.on tne island. 1 - . - "God bless yo'.i. Good-bye ! The to-ua3S quickly turacd he want in lirvte to Athens', where he yesterdays, a.nd Ethel Cliiford's life was happy altogether happy. She felt that she had been true to her Own heart that June,'' morning when Edivard Dalton had said "Good bye!" for surely it was no. love that she had dreamed of iu her womn's fancies, So'she put hvm" away with a sigh for his sorrow, and .lived on her bappy, Lu - Kttla. life. But, as the S w i ' t4- ' ' irriNfi BULL ON THE WAR PATH SjttubT I11 Durbaiu Smok"mj Tobacco is li e bc.-t aaJ -Uefiestlie vorld. tiiw uranu M k;, irli'snrnra tn all tho nnrpnU into I . , - . i and demamded lier ueloredf ur mar riage aster ransom. His request was ranted, and so fortc:ia9 was the Vnarriage, that :the name , of; llyraen was ever afterward invoked ijx all , fu- ual culture aSfould astonish the re hgious world.- Lead mv mind through the Labyrinthian pathway of argument. which shall now and then gire me glimpses of rare and surpassing beauty of language so plentifully scattered along j tbe diapason of expression, and you inform me readily. On the otiicr hand, leadLxoy und through pathways where the? thorn of uncough words or ill shapened discennected disjointed sentences, now a diamond tlien a diaspose where all . these shall out and bruise my intellectual .flesh, and the lesson, however good . is lost upon me. What is true of an individ ual b ere is true of a comrnuoity. Gie us more oulture in the pntpit and then ular farfiiries would -have clashed. , Thomas Ji. WheieBS ia a young far mer of some means, who resides near Greenville, in Meriwether county. He has been for a year or. two past, quite devoted to Miss Minnie Womble, dar ghter of a welt to do planter in the neighboring county of Upson. JWbceles avowed his passion, and found it was reciprocated. There was but on e nat ural course for him to pursue, and that was to marry the fair creature. He found "an obstacle at ! once, however, in the refusal of her stern father, who, it i.ems, for some reason, cheruhed a hearty dislike to the successful suitor Wliecless angrily demandsd Ids lie leceivcd as angrily, a rep!y. was told that she had been put out the reach of sur-h scoundels as he. Biood boiled on both sides and, a des- perale Cgbt seemed to be the ooly pos- sibility. There were fortunately, Ijow- . ever, some, sober brun on both , sides and they cooled the more heated dLs- pulanU and diasuailel them from vio ( lence. After watting until , "dark the . Whee'es party returned home, aory and baffled. ut not discouraged, . Both counties J ad beard of the aCWr by tbe next day, and l were in 'great exciteroeot over it. Each of the par ties to the feud bad a boat :' of r friend of volunteer assistaaee, : ; j - Two days paed and no news of . the missing bird came.v Oa the third day an obi family stTTaot told Wheels eas that be had learned from some of , his cobretl friends that his wife was . locked up at the home of her nochV sixteen miles away. The exaspera- ted husband was about to, sst oat ; oa anothei fakL when hi father told bim , , t iat he conld ect bis wife io a ttucb - - - - t --! ' The 01a man rr I hr alw.1-.-. nnp tiaatorfi Itnna. ture uuptiala. audia progress of time 1 . , we-mlia!i be Uu2bt." Then the sermon win ne noauu-eageainnaence, no jaetd tool, but a keen blade that shall in the hands oi tbe : mini ttenai the Greeks enrolled him ; ; ' ... . amoa their gods. A Two souls with but a single tbowght an.i, aU other grades U Plug and i wisr for luoulbs rolled by, a shadow fell on her ,-ttp-a-ly. . JJnHfaeturer, pttAha iv. CJ happy heart ; she knew , not waat it f .. - ' tfln Vnt 1 1 1 a a T: I ' ' . 1 . . ess plead in vain, "oung Miss Worn hie made many an ineffectual efort to I remove jparental determination with her smiles and tears.: Tier lover, was forbidden the boose,; and the oU borne ion into the source of our mir and : ..... : .... A married cWe, &idi wast UM when it is withdrawn Vher will xome which fair ladiea languished under boss he. oUter, ja4 aniTrering ttriU of joy, I lotk and k-y and sighed for their much Tillage- Uwyer sued out - a writ or hahxx Corpus, proved the marriage . lock fcfe slriff and went after the girl ir torn be ren ored toTKheeless. 1 T!: excitement over the affair bt Julie 1 coniurab!y. bnt 4 UieM t still mnr h bid b!ood. ar. i. a yet, liUle lote letween the ITgiubies anil the IFbeei- esses. I r-r.'- s

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