- " ffiejWilson Advance. The-Wilson-Adv 111 P W-Vi PUBLISHED' EVERY R!DJY,ET"r u- - . , -w60PAHD&i CONNOR j r J . ' - 1 Wilson, N.C. J o- 1 . i. It - . One Sqnare 3 Haattr, . One Square 3rontn,, One Sqiuri li Month, 'LET ALL TJ1E EXDS THOlf niST AT, BE THY COOtRY'S, THY GOD'SITO TRCTirS. -ft-' - f f , liberal detbictlons ttuuU for lari Advance: , - 1.0: Traa4ent AdrertLicrrnu fcrwrrted U Vc 3 VOL. 10. 4k I I' F,ir one . AT Cents per Hoe. - .4 Year, itf-dS Vv -i"? : - -s ...w..kWu., I W1 W.. IM Q,.'ly,Mi.aM Mil: - ' i-,. . 1 , - .... I'UOFKSSIONAl-- " SURGEON DENTIST If ill v H. Ma:ilHy f Sa1 unlay fucms've: th 11. W. .lOYNHU, I ti BOX D'EX l l i f i' y l 1.1.- rmimrinlv lmvt-tl in Wil-ftn, N. ' aVion- will b- n -atlv an. I .carc: I'.hiui- I jt'i.ioi, t ! i'r, a-r-a-iiii-... ... . i .. ..... ...;t lw.nr -v. ; Jan. ;M:i' I) p'-Cl full k. l. ii r n r E K. JElVELRYtl? h 11. G. AVLIASW, JB - I 5 SURGEON D"II'. K M l Kl.l . N K'snn-il (.ru'-lico at KnliyM (I!(:k :i (KiliituuncP of hi ..iui-iiM"; ct 2j I V pfof3SSorofMuiiciM.3-JernLar.guagos '1,):i:ms:!-J,.;i " i'.W vt n-Tiu of " jt-i. wr.-k-; j l.--tOH- )"i- w-$v. V ' nilnin 3i iM t, r i ' f wo'-lv-; "J lesson :jar ili.-'fi.-nbii'' n'i'1'4 'n'ix'h I;iii.m.igi:s acrvnl- y uiriitl).'! ,'i:mi. Tr. irHtlT wVX Im' in inw-ii.at tin "11 1 fix'. wt'fk. J i M unlay iiial Tli;i':l i v UK- am!i:s w. lancasu:;? i - " ':. . : Attorney at-Lw. T WI IoOX, X. C. . H;H -c iiu UH- C.;ur' Hon -'-. I'r:i lit-i-s in 111'' c'.nt ( x -ept v. I if :ri.r iron i X if Wi.lsci c l C ; ;r 1 .will. iv- ir"inp' a'li-tri"!! t I t i i s-en' i"is" (' tl f i liiiu in W 'il-itii Mini :.i('i tiiii-ii f-.'iili"! i' . J..G. It AWLS, Bawls & Willams ' WILSOIT, RDKTH CARGNA. We; have just re ived a lare assortment tbi ! , GENTS FURNlSHlNGiOODS .. ... - ALSO f A Till can d well sel ec etock of JEWELli Watches, : CLOGIB, ' A.M) - j ! . PLATED ':)YM: l ' ALSOf . ! : BOOKS. ! ' j STATION RY( Call ai d see us at oy iipw store, and we will endeor to giv.fi catiSfactioii in priL and quality. . r Il.VWLS k WILLI .JUS. j (JA.xVjELI) BJiO. Cj)'. Jewelers, ! j 229 W. BaUinwre -S(., Dultimon Id. : : - '- AMKIilCAX and impmt.Ml WAITltS, DIAMONDS. JEWELIIY.' Sllfel ivAUK,TKIIrLES LVKSt IMA- 1 l'KO M'AKE. IK ) DO KIM. 1 HUKFFIELI) tahlc cutl-irr, ,1 HUG K lis plaltHl i a l 1 cu'l l y , ' S ; Sj)-.)iis. Frks ii". (';-, lJroiiz f 'hiipi Va-cs. Finrc. Sfi i.-k al wji v c HDiilf Ut ami pr;c s iiailcs ami inctlals for fctaiCDlpau-l c IcCTrs. . ' AH miUr ivet-ivc ron)jr attcml inch l!M:i Vi. : The WHsoffl'AdiJancel & saillns vessel ancl. at; due time 8 l iirrivea in New York. From' there j ''DID MAN -SPRING, FROM! pent soWj apojf another ex Kill DAY.. . ' You Call 51c0oia. ; You ra'l mo cold b;rt fnetuls; tt.'ai f ilend.j,' Ymt linow Jiof -wlial I feel; .You know n6i of jlbejdi'ops'of love- Tltat from' niv spirit steal; ' " You know notV'f kiio t endrils Ui ifelit Th kt in mx" looin start, x Y"ou call iiie. cold but friends, dear fuend, f ! ! - You cannot sa 5 myi'heart You rail mo colli. You say, dear fricnd I do not lovo you ihucli; Yo i ay i lie pi es'in;j of ni' hand Ii. iey to your toiiel;; Yon pay-that I am hi-arllcs, friends, ; Cold as aw real It of snow; l.it could youhk into my son!, 'You would not call me so. Almost ireazurd at ,Ine,ino4uiil that MONKEY,?? sliCnaigbt be deaU, amLbf!"g wuhout llir iU, aud j, no friends, bet ;lfvcd'. , hii faic clar to Kenluckv amL shortly uf-j . tor jiiri vnJ nt Paris.. Inouiries thrni'ja-1 Ua IOXY. fTLe experience of many ages prove ; been tui in; i uieu may us reany io ngut 10 lue : le ciiuii lor I .tence- tor its OflrnIife and snnnort -!" - iiti" defctfmmcnt is corbnltte.i In tbe itase ui who was wiuioub ir.ese f advantages, starting from Ue cH as 1'ie nndcTInlieprocess,4 vould fiave IfciliurrWltlibut pro t he. 3 e ru .bry a, ce 11 - d e v tl op- -if putj'le town aasnre l hitbat us wife i letli,and tu persecute without ;pity, mnt woulJ have jresoUcti in abortion, had diarn)eared a vear 0r Bf berfe. I tor relTsjfbn whole' cree .lUJcv dot and n miserable disappointment totbe no lone knew whither. Soine aiil she j not! understand, and whoe precepts forces that first covlrea tfi -'c!! ypur heon- of tite "calm and repose of the Lai gone it soarch of her hiu, baud, they labilually " disobey-."T B. 1 1 ovuers uiai sue rnigni ne. aeaq, ai f1'"; otliefs that sbc bad gone tp.Californis; Ilei soiht the oldTarnily- pbysiciaji.- bepjreT Mr. G. tt.en went to ..--work at Louisville, and made enough to brin j ' - . - . J ' : liim to California a year after his ar rival in Kentucky. i ....-- m()st everv where for eaue a shade You rail me-cold. b( I7pcu nsr lirow 1 jt!;rown; Yon call me c''d, Uear fi ionds, b.'cau.e '"l-,er-"s ejiduces in iny tone, 'lint fi -ieiwls, doar friend, could J'on but 1 ..,k ' ! !- - . Into my heart o free, Tlicrc w ould you Hud -a wreath of love i the sea He searched al ius absent wife. had on As bouhdless as Yo'.i s.iv inv soul ( V. HLOUNT, Attorn onioi-lliu-.'i -WiNow, X TT 12. j y h f - T o -rrr I'ublic Sij i re, ivar , . (i C'oin t c , o,-t. ioi!. "::). J. TILL!-: II Y. Will ,J any port; Is a-;! i a.''!''"- in tuiit s - . . nnt".i!iv.i j n i.jii of the Si ale. Ivlzec tmb "and C' lll C;oJ jii 'I I 1-'5uj , WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY jtFOR Y'orxr, LADIES.) - 1i-M-!f.! !U'UiS e!-;, Iii'-luiKiir rojin $V.),0') 1'i-ot ' tili-Mt einpioycil in at Si! iriH.i!j..niiHn:illy v . I! ; i r ' 1 J 'nor M-i-iou of '!') d1 r and funii-lit'd ires rnndi' rate. fal. Utile Sf'ssiun beiiK ?y'ptemb't-r Ut". For e:ita!ou" or i!ifirmati:'n. nd' h-.. ' , ' J. n. liliEWKIia'iiucip-d. 'Young's I 1". Cl:ist' U'-ivl save Jar Y'lti call -n cold.' . T- like a. frz-'U ri!) You t! ink I do uot-,Invc you. friend", IVcnufc my bveis xilH. Y'.u know not of th sprin5 of love '! ha' in 'my bosiji s'ar'; Y"iu look upon li e j'p and brow God looks into the heart. J. J. Young & Brc. -' ' . d'jALKJv is FINK 'H'ATOIIES. DIAMONDS. V J i:VELUY, SILVER W AliY. .Mai.tifai-turer of u") kinds of Plain (ld Jewein HiiMs, iiadses: k - - v .- 'Hie b;..s. $ I :,'' cas'or' and Y.0:. e-.rsoM Anu'iieaii . atc'ies at .the lowest price A CALIFORNIA ROMANCE. HOW MAN ANT) kllFH MET AKTEtt TWENTY YF.AtiS SEr A K A T I u N . for his death, Neither, however, married .again, and; last evenin beard the Costa was , THE F1KST INTIMATION either had the other was in existence, Tbe now happy couple arrived, herft last night, and to the surprise of the frieuibi of tli lady she introduced her j husband, from whom she had been separated twenty -years. But imagine hjs unutterable surprise and joy wheu tlic mother led into jthe parlor a, beau tiful young lady, his own daughter, whom he had not sen 6inee she was a babe. "Father, mother and child will lr.ve to-morrow for San Francisco, where Mr. G , who is now.! compara tively wealth' man, has hjts. busbies:?, and where they, will hereafter reside. piano. irt cltoge iler gratuitous, C aed . Upon a superficial exnnatibnjUiHHi3wevcT poktic and beautiful the senlU may secui 10 mscover lanaucssm oniv, incni ut n riu-uoiuer ;wiiq piyiy but whe i we reject ttiat mos, r of Ibe Tcdeires us balk Mihcr bosom when tn;krnrof the wdrI3 isdoife'1 com- jjlhe pbautauagoria of ife ia ended, paratively few "persons. w'eay'n.ote'Vt'fic'pilioiis bries of thi lielple baby surprised that the masses should 'de-! fof 'suck wish no dam -wallowing in ' . f i !- . . i V i .. . . . . . sirq aua seeii a leauer in wnomj tney. its nascent loathsomeness m'-noni a have confidence, and whose will bc-' nurse. playing on the loss of its IV 'i I - ( i T ; j corses to them a law ; nor is this so mother without a caress, growing up womanhood; without cri fit," indeed, must have but w thout succe3?And finally gave her uJ lor dead, and she also bad moumetVj radjcallyjwrong.as might first" appear, to man and T7 If if . does; it make harm, 'till some dis- ! sf rtjetor, nor affected membc, leaving the legit i- been the present types jof . hnman be- maiepth .of his du!y, overleaps the ' ings.to 'survive'' such ordeals.Strange, sounds of bU capacity, and in his that a single one of that 'vust possi- zeal to protect the honor of his Creed, blc multitude of Jlierocnsmic Develop- makes the fatal mistake of fighting ments" should have remained to tell out of the ranks, and 'persi-eutinff i the tale. Another Tw :lnoW . One of those f- range episodes in lium.in -life which make us sometimes t '-l!ie : r tcnial fitness " of wondcr- thinjis" occurred last night at the The tide being low enu-r. nan ever. icnr or :r; .y-. n t riya1 f u . c t Cosla.'pas il "in u f. nji-i. .ti i in t... i -.j Solid silver wms, forks S.c ..VVallejo junction , Jc. T. YOUXG & HUO. l'ETEiisnvuo, -Va: oct :',0th '7'.).-lf tsngers for y.-illejoj were compelled to make quite a descent from the wha-f ;io the boat, and the Uvliu? required i the assistance of the irentlemen ores twUUs) ' xxi'ju Liiii-uxxvu .est. a iur. u. Wilsoii ? Collegiate dnstitut ! K()it r.o rn skxi;s STRICTLY XOX - SECTARIAN ;Fir years' tiie most siif.-s-f:il -clio il iu E lli-iuM ' i: oliit;. .Tlie l' t S.L ... A:i,jje li ttl ivt iuUs. Ili'i.l I'-y Inrr.i: i-. . Ahi-,-v.'d lCi'eiii'i'Ci-il l' !i-ih i -1. : l 'ine Library aed.Atniar.a-;?. ' neiou.s' liiii'diiig. A iilea-iintj edueatioral home. Average expense!;, i dsn p( year; Mtiw, $li cxp'a. S-u'iu'' cxtt-itiU .from lir-t Monday iu September to tirt Thursday in Jiiue. Addie-. forA?aialogue, HAMULI., A. M., liiue:pak jl;is y WiUou, N. C. vvAH.l i v h i ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, ; DUFUR&Ca, 20 Xorlli Howard St., Iiabimore. Wire .tailing for cemeteries . lawns, gar-fleiis,"nici-s and batconieV; window guariN. tive 'guards', wire cloth, sieves, fenders. e;v!', s:i!.d and coal i-ei eeiis. irorr P.ed-tend-diairs, i-cttov's. &c. st'p2G 1 2 in A. Ilartorey, 1 YV I L B ON . N . C . j --A'OEXT FOK'THE - ! NEW HOhIE- SEWSNG RIACHIHE. I This is or.e of the lst machines sold in I this State and never fail.- to pltiise. Send ; for circulars and price list. est. A Mr. G.. a grain speculator' was doinir the agreeable in this re- " . re i spect, and one of the last Indies to Icsce'nd was overburdened with a few bandies, "which he .teok charge of- and accompanied the ady to the cabin. where they sat ar.d engaged .n con versation. Conversation fionlly tonc.fi ld upon the nativitv of er.ch, when it .vas found that they L?ame town in Kentucky The fact K. P. Hnviev o., IMI-OUTEIISOF C R O C KERY, OUTDUOll Flower Gardening GL II. M. 27 .Hanover Street, AxiEti. ' ILVLTIMOKE. mauo each more c he inquired her were both from the immiinicative, vhtn name, which was Immediately the given, as Mr?, O gentleman -asked:' "You had a daughter, did you uol?' rav, how A CiIiot i'jiii'c Siicrzc. At a convivial gathering, after , the theatre, Sir. Barney Macauley related to a party of appreciative young men mflnjr amusing stories of his experi ence on the. stage.-' "I used to be in tragedy,": said be, 'and for a long lime played 'The Ghost' to Ned Booth's Hamlet.' We weie in Cincinnati, on a gorgeous 3tae.; and before a tre mendous audience. As L stood,' said jj!e,d;oppi.ug .iiito X'e. -attitude . and. sepulchral tones of 'the Ghost, and was saying, My hour is almost come. y.-Iien I to sulphurous and tormenting names, must leiutcr up myself. 1 was seized with a desire to snoeze; there seemed to be a thousand sneezes gath- l ' brl in my nose. Now if there is any thing a ghost can't do. it is snezct .My position was .iwiul. lo sneeze 'was to be ruined, once and forever. I never went through such torture be fore-, my frame shook vIike a leal. 'And did you sneeze.' some asked. 'No ; I bore it like a soldier, but the faces I made completely paralyzed Ilooth, aud the scene came near being a fail ure. Ie afterwards told rac lie thought I was; going mad, and never in his life experienced such sensations, on the stage. Gentlemen, pray that yod may never wan' t to sneeze when to sueeze is ruin.' . without incaas. In appealing to the human intellect, if the poverty of lier resLurces bcucli, that Christianity is only able to present dogmati? asser tion and railing speech against the ingeniously contrived arguments of herj enemies, then it were better for herj to have no defendeis, and such ex pressions as "Christianity will live in spile of her advocates," and tlvc pop ular appeals to the more agreeable paisionsi by such lecturers as Col. Inger-5o!l would find no place in mod erii literature. Any religion that ccunot present reasonable arguments is 'unworthy of belief, and should, be .re jecied.' Convince a man's res6, and whether j he will or not, he is with you. No;v sin'e the i'assionate have told whjat they know .about, the. inquiry -that heads tliis article; and since vour cor act that goes far to ren der your assumption invalid, is, your philosophers are divided in their opin ions as to the modus operandi of this Evolution. Theory ; some claiming, that man has ariseri from the lower animals, and others,! that . development cease as soon as reproduction by generation is established. The .absurdity of. Ihe former position is seen: in the nccessi- changing aU the animals into men; and theUmpossibility of the latter, in the embryo having novmeans and no protection from the Until philosophy can man living organism, or show res'po.ident "Grendecn" invites loin. i , , i . ' call investigation as, to whether his "rdasoiiing conflicts with Christianity," we propose to bold up to Jis mental vision some bits of "sharp steeP . the temper cf which we think will not fail to penetrate his bristling coat of. mail, anil he need not complain if we find a core" of cankered corruption at the bo of support, el c ments.".' ufactur'e a that by natural law it is coolvfed from dead matter, the statement in Genesis must stand, and whether it be' a rove lation from God, or tlie result of oeep thought oi the part of our forefather?, it remains a stumbling block to-! the intellect, and a guide post to the ig. norance otj the world. ' Sixty thowaml puzile ' sold U lTr York a Whtcbat'c" inakct tC,000 divert& from U J:jij I risb relief TmS0" -r - -w i H Oiic-balf or 30.000 of the paaxleaM Were sokiabrpIea mrtZS- of whom, at a' loVfesUmtte - pasidJ 5 f three hours a day, for at Iwwt XtH " . (lays, trj iug to get 15-15-14 in prpgtr . 1t sequnoe---tot&l time of able bodlfd , men consumed 450.000 horo ( 250 working day, , i,v ,:iv . , Huppose these 50,000 uirn ka fSl ,, ,T on okl aiu pf clothe, tailed tarVh ... . , , wUb )ickiboyel .and brooo, , gitdl ' made an onslaught im oat ifitt streets? Wnldiit the j, hare asfto-. x. , hbed the ; universe mom. after IJlst hours work Iban they wonld tft.ft f hey bad solved , the problem of. tit M little wood blocks?, iin ..'at.," After the s r jets of New Yorl bad , become so clean by tbe efforta iif thc 30.000 men who wasted 450,000 honn . . 00.250 average irorklng d$ji,'lnelU ;. dish occupation of shifting little Witrpt of wood rrom one. small apace .to an ; other, that a lady could take a prorpejaw . : ade for her health s take without rula ing her delicate kid boo&or the Uala -s of her silk gown,-, wonkln'l . there ksT , been a bigger ehower or gratltade rropt - k the fair creatures than If. eacb,;pr,if r . ier brothers, coat ins and nephews fcaa levoted thrice three hours day trjf . ing to thow tbon how to pat 13 before) -,. and 15 behind 14 and then fall lr U; ' .' end anybowr ,. .!:iu.1ur' tfl vairzAu; And what an awful thought it It itt. at least 30,000 of, Uie ijorely , bein- , wnom man aaorea ana me goue pro- tect invested each her dime, fo ,thin i new fangled tor, And .thai each j jof these 30.000 toys has received the ;,V- y r tention of four other creatures beside e the owner, for at least five hours a dsy r for six days, and that during all thU, , , ttme, amounting in the afgirgaU t9 . 4,500,000 J(hoors, no stockings . wfift - jttora of his '"esotislic ttlccr. A ConiHiitie Story. The foljdwing story has eome to the ; hearing of the Atlanta (G a.,) Constitu- tion : Miiny years ago tl e e was a i vounz fellow named liicelow sent bv 'Ana the i,ora ooa formed man oi i his filtlicr to Yale college. The fath tne uustotttue ground, and breathed Ur Wfis VVV rich, and the vonn,rfr . I . S . I r- j O into his nostrils the breath of lite ; and , hved ,, gLnnd styie &t the university ?n on ItAonia r 1 i in nv f i-v 1 1 1 Iii.y ic i n lit t '. 1st iiu.ii uvvium, no"? ! Miaaeniy tiie oia gcwtieman uroke up the plain statement of the word of j &nj had to withdraw bis son from col GOd, and no amount ot logical mgen- j iefre. -pi e boy. however, Teh the nec ui(y ba3 ever been able to gain-say 6rieasitv of kn education , and determined LIVERY SALE STABLES! NEW HOilSKS, NLW IIAIINKSS axd vkh vKinri r.s V !n'iVi Vi'ixNl 'ririMo: I I5:,vl'n J,,st a liv-ry an:l wie t.iblr. li.Vl'iJl.O A U A.U..nhUii ' t ".ar the in:irU.-t hoii, on Ootdshiro Ms-ret in CiMH.-luii. full and explct lnec!io ! for 1 r':T ("Uy auuounoe to tbs p.-ople of L , K ii , - , .. . V ii-nii ailjuimnar cnuniik1 that we wjll be liroj-niHig and growing all kit.ils .... ;v - thirty at fill nrat-s to ttU tUci order lot fine rung and oi oainenti! plan rs, with naiiwr- i XJ--nn-N oJ "T T-i -1 1 mt!a.renu nt - ar... . hvi'ur j ---J--J- - -- xv4.wo.cij FhHv illiKtrstcd. No w-r-! hA yl.ViceVc ".u,, vm. wtm ii- rl w.-r avd-u It.iiM fa I to , r?t'-:. - livo : iopv of this lio.ik. J'l ie Imiid-- Horses hoarded by ih month or liiPal iry cheap ...! o ;' I L,v'i OJ.. tu.ts. i nuiHvgVtrt to Uav oar friwuW call to s-ee tis 1 r :i.c l)v ail o xiixs -l ers : h.-n n.v i. man u. ln.its on tin out of (iar.1e.is. Uilson, N. C SUGG & AWARDS. Oct. 21 6m , ' 17 LOUR'! "-MEAL ! I LUMBEK ! I TllL ECONOMICAL COOK KOOK.I br, Hov to Prepare NIce-lUHcs at-a' Mod- 1 ; r:iic l'o t." ! t A.'ni:ii'"j nearly )(K eareniply tried re-; 1"? rvipts for c'.okmg soup?, jli. .Vtcri, ; -JL1 v ! ; flatus, inea's of .all Kiud, pfuUry, e:gs.. I a,n now picparcd to -rrind whear and vn't;.bEes, uca for meals arid p-ids l ,.nrn w;,ii'ns little water j'and in a lort urea l, breakfa-t eases vie., tpl lt -.n es, i ,;,.. c:1Jl bl, dl,rft at any mini!ig etab res pickles, etc. Al-o tuapter on : lMmirnt in tbisconnti v. Ii will guarantee cok rv fur invalids. Tiie who e eoi,p:'. d '. ;.. ,v cir,mvr as jroei'l flour and as much , ;1 arranged by a practical Swot, t.c . -hI meai and as much as can be made . -v-utly b uaJ. i'rice, illu:nina;ed. p;. Mf wlieat amJ con, auV whtreelse. ' O'Mis. SOets. For ale bj 0 lnTOlcr fnmishw! at ebort noUot . i A 'uiidy manual for Uor?eKe?pcri avp.!,,;- Refixctiullv, ! C. P.FlSClt. I did," she re-ponded. lid you know that?', -Is ih..t danehter living?" She is and at present on a visit to friends at ValUjo, wlierc I - am now go ng." ' ' ;j . 'Merciful heavens he gasped. My child I" ' hir," .a'd ihe laity, lining; '-what doyou mean?" ! ' 'Mean? ' he crazily replied. Mean? YVhy.T mean that that daughter is my own child and " YOU AlilZ, 'M-fwlKK 1" Almost overpowered at this confes sion she pli'jd him with questions, to every one of which he returned a cor rect answer, when she w.-s convinced that the man was teally her husband, from whom the had Ueu separated j twenty years. It scenes llio uain l I vpr married at Paris, Ky., in and thirteen, months afterwaul he 1 1 went to Liverpool, on business. The A bote LiClier. The following letter 'was written by a Lntisli officer during the Revolution, to an American ladv : -Do I love thee? Oh. dearest the beam of thine eye is the light of my life. I worship thce T jv smi'e .is the j-y of my existence thy voice the music of my soul. When thy hind lies in mine, and thy breath is upon my cheek every nerve vibrates with' ecstaey, and the deep pulsation of lliy bosom thrills mint: with a responsive devotion that absorbs my whole be ing.' . I would have thee as p?ro as an angel that 1 might embrace thy image in my heart and bow before it aM.he should cle- prove it to be false. Philosophy may j to have take up: the result and trace it ; back, step by step to the '-ccli" and' call , it 'priraoraLai, it may take up the oi;c anyhow. Tic therefore went to work and learned a trade as macliinist. fFhile hq wa at work his old associates crit him , and refused to .9- Casmos and go back to the limits of j have- anything to doj with him. 1 The reason ancj stop at there-wiwi ; Mose ij young ladies with whom lie bad been goes io farther than 1 he chaose,, nor j a great fivorite refused to recognize teils us wlence it took its origin., or j uira wiier) they met him. One day whence its; contused state, and where when i eofmg from his-work he met darned, ' no buttons ? aeweil. onfc. no gowns retrimmed, no bonnets mstb over, no mittens knit for the heathen. no pincushions sewed for the nxt l i church fuir.and ot even the standard of Art (with a big A) raised b ertr o little thnuh the critimm of Mise Brown's ew- hair ertrap or Jlrs. Jones new polls I a M,oses stops, there precisely do all the j wealthy oung lady--who had been bis1 rest. If science teaches so positively rriemL lie had his tin dinner bucket tljat all tluise prod'ictions are) the re-j over his arm, and supposed she would suit of an n variable law of necessity, j Cut him sjs all the rest had done. She ajid has nc connection with any , crea- sniiied plUgautly. addressing him as Vive act on the part of the Almighty it j ..Tom; Jn,j insisted j, that be should ought to go farther, and show by posi-j call an(l Lc ber agj ljc ha4 alwajJ tjve demonstration where and Low lLo j doDC; -s L saId ..Tierc is rio cliangc first orgauic cell arose from inorganic :in you as far as 1 am; concerned." Tl - material. Ton, (Urendecn) will ad- j.ycars roljeJ OIK The young work-U v mu uiai uua uas never yet Dcen uone, j becamcl immensely wealthy, and is n m i; . . JniaUter la TroSrwr, U. S. Ministejr to Pern Ex-Senator Christiancy has commenced proceed ings for a divorce from his wife, - who it will be remembered kwas a ctcrTs im one of the Depat tmets in Washington city when ho, then Senator fronaMicu iga'n, notwillkstanding the disparity 1 their ages and position, became; roaza, orcd of her and married ber. lie now ; , says that slie is too naughty fbt an thing, and' i seeking to be freed from the heartless syren who bewitcberVhlc tho forty years ber senior. She has alio instituted proceeding for divorce from him alleging that he k erosl old fellow with whom no one can get atoo .r and as Mr. Christiancy is reasonably well off there w likely to be a spirited race lo see which can- get divorced -first. Mrs. Christiancy is said tobe a wide-awake woman and already ee the point. Well, Shakespeare wopld have said if' be . had taooglit of?lt -There is no fool. like an oM fooi" . ' 1II Own 2raad-tolksr. Yesterday we published the foCow nt t Mlhe- people of Crim'stille, Lehiah count r. Pa., just now are creat- uutyouatnat u must nave ueen fthe maidr of New Haven, with ail.,-; iv exercised oer a recent laUrma-' trie case at some peuou in me nisiory come of 100,000 a vea ; and o :r.-r Of the world. To quote, your own 0fa;fackJry fn which i-1.500 men' and words -the right fo assume anything wo:nrn ar!c e!nploved. Tlie young girl beyond an axiom or self evident prop- grcw-to womanhood and married; Hct sition is hardly admissible in any ar- hlisbind borrowed a large " sum of gument where you expect to arrjve at' -roor fr0m'Mr.: IiiielOw; and died be- ! absolute truth; and where an approx?-' r,ro ln ,.4,1 ;,i t, r,.tnT i,;a r,mtt..' ulol of all mv joy and hope ; whiST thy f bation to lrulh U only hoped for. that) w h h . . I(roneri, Irr. nelow j assumption upon which the best argu- L.t, i.:. n;.AL- - vates and sanctify my adoration uatd , can be bu51tf shoulJ cocunend V l. .t transcended human seuHment, and cyery irapart5a, inveslisator. , J noir lLeW offJgeIoirt lLe partook of the holy love sjmbolized in , as science with all its array of f u tQ e the fliwer. of Parade, at the dawn of hntel!ecL has never yet been i able to I.;. ?er L 6rnarl w J WM fceihitiT, I ii;iyii,.r breaking, grooiuiir. trsni:iir. doctorinir. tbucins, with es;ij s on iiles and'poides. and racing and betiinj j' "' "".'l-vof the American Jockey Ghib; JYe-4 . hist ruc'.ive, and adjpied to the-daily vie of breeders and owners oHuirse-. IVi 'S 'H-utly bound in flexible chvibv 50 cts. -r suK" Iiv IxMiksellers and uW-' teE" The ahoye N)ok wiil W li'l io any address on receipt A G ENT8 .WANTED. W waivt limited nnmlwr of active, encrffetic fanviw," cr to rn-nt a pleasant and profitable btrtnM. Oood mawUl Und this & rare cliaaw To iMIetlsLe Money Siica trljl iipeau-f4- thU adverttsruieot by tvnr ,'turloin(f tAtnp Pr rfply, cUttintc vbat aiucy have been caxuwl in. iscae but T 1 1 ... vessel on which be; tuok passage wts wrecked rtnd all on board were sui posed to have perished. The news coming to the young wife's ears, she was uttely prostrated, and was order ed to California by hzr physician. Arriving hero she j took up ber resi de r. ce at Los Angclos. The husband t as 'picked up frota the wreck by ai Sg-u-. 2 smack and i taken to some rc-l r..te foreign port, where he was; thrown upon a bed cf sickness, which lasted some ; fifteen months. Io , the meantime be tad written ' repeatedly! to his wife, but Jj received no ;answerj In despair he concluded t j . risk a journey across the Atlanlio. Feeble pritiuce trora wnat we nwv not map- f , r, . ,,,. .A f. a ,. rt. 1 1 . T i o j boy at colilege. closed over me, iet toy love fierce me jhe breath 0f f9t ao,i man became a ( cold turf and unite with a spam tht. jivinI &ou1c Tbat is the ; moze lingers to join thine in ita ttfgbt realms cf eternal bli:s." creation. . This, the world will call freazy, j hal- Iuciation--let tua woria can it wuat it j organism, nor to show tbat organic miv it i h. Knell I would not liavi :r. '-' 1 j i L.,. I j 4 - -tints uas spruuir iruiu tuia i'.i maLier, . . ii i .i- . - : . i . uroicen iur an eise uie won t can give j t ;3 as reasonable to take the Then love me dear, with all thy r L,.pmL ' nf Lnpnpj.-" r-nt -n i -Cannot something te done to pre , vent youujg ladies, being insulted on t ge in their midst. The portieaj are nan.ed Smith and Snjder. Mr. SmKb was a widower. year oldi" He hasv a son 24 years of age. Mrs. Snjrder was a widow; 42 years old. She Las s daughter who is 21 yearof ag3. sMf. Smith, Sr., married Mrs. SnyoVlft daughter. Mr.' SuwtbV asarrled old Mrs- Snyder. Both families bare childjeo ;;J"; " 1 . j A correspondent writes to us as, fol low ; The young raao is bb own grand-fathsr. Having married "i the mother he i father t ber daoghten and, of course, to the daegklerV hos band. He i therefore bl father father, and for the same .reason ! strength, with all thy truth, with all thy j i,ul6id luflllence. aa dependent vital-fu"e- rcctt at niSUtrl juire n tx grandlatier-IUchmond State. I constancy, for evermore iu pleasure ; Izing principle, in other words to be- ChlQ''C. and iu madness- -aud whe the earth is . Ut (Irw! h-:hi int 1,?. noOriu! tuckithcm safety m bed at sac- dowu anJ 10 j reasonabL: assumption it is only neces- rrandfather of bis fatlier son, which) 1 he himself U. lience be is bis owo W by, y es. I Have the' old fasten the dorr. A Kansas actoolma'am. ha iatro- A . . 1 M a a faif ara laf a ner LtS h avJ t.riff nf ll trti I mic a word. those boots ! hronaffatiiia sneciea. Taking man as.: . ' . i. .. .j , . . i r i . i- ; tne boy a-10 speus 11 gets permission the the - A Cls re. ,-- ,J The Iowa State Journal says Jodge James Grant has received largest fee ever paid to- any lawyer of that State. A railroa! conpaoy paid him two hundred thousand dallars; lie. is one of the best financiers as wail as the richest man in Iowa. 'Judge Grant is a native of rfortb, tsfohna 4Yon can never wear our. sam a .oensaker. -1 uen 1 oon . j k lyl bf the animal kingdom and tnk; blr: A a reart'L the rfrU are! -do vnu suppose I want booU to weariftarticg with the celi, we Cad it lodged very xxr speller wh.b the boys jand a graduate of out State CoiVecsW , ULseV In a matrix of uniform temperature, imjiroviug. iv.. v ift thtj hoi : ; in f. -. -'-..'. - - .- " - U 1- 1 1 r.