;! The Wilson Advance. HOME AND FARM. "Ha ht by flie plow would thrive, limaelf must either Itold or drive.' An improvement In crates for cart ryiifruii, eggs, and other perisha ble wUcles, Las bcea patented by Air. George" RBndr, of Everett, Pa. Th6 object of the invention U to provide a crate that is perfectly ventilated, and at the same time it arranged to ex elude the cold and protect the contents against injury from the outside. 0 '. Preserved Lemon 'Peel..' The English have a taste for prescrv ed lebon peel, and this is the way thev do it : Make a thick syrup of -. . - - - white sugar; chop the lemon peel fine, and boil it in, the sj'rup ten min-Ues : put in glaii tumblers, and paste paper over, A teaspoon ful of this flavours - a loaf or cake or a dish of sauce nice ' . - ' A New Disease in Cattle. .rriiile there are new plants and new varieties of animals continually appear inj, new forms of disease seem to ap , peafjroni time to time. An English j pjpef says : 'A disea.se, similar to the rri in sheep, is spreading among the cattle in Sussex. The veterinary snr geons expressed themselves powei less let check it save by "wholesale, slaugh ter.' ' , b- r . . m - Birds and Poultry. . Every one bd t particular fancy for 6m4-st)eclal breed of fowls. !hoine for one thins and some for another It is notCeasy to decide which is the ; best for every one. This is what an enthusiastic fellow says of the light Brthtnaa: 'There is hardly any va- , rielyi except the Cochin, which is able t j withstand the variations of oar cli mate so, wen as tue isratiraa. tor win ter laying, at the time of the year when fresh eggs are very scarce, no- matter bow sivere the 'winter may be. Hrahmas lay-very freely, Ye have had egr in abundance since just before Christ ma, aud our'pullct3 were not hatche until the middle of last May, and they are now laying capitally. , Jfroken Winded Horses. An English veterinary journal of high I standing has been Investigating bro I ken winded horses and considers as follows tn Treatment of broken wind and roaring by means of drugs is not usjajljof much, use, but regulation of the diet and exercise will, in many in stance,' produce a wonderful improve mei in.the 'breathing. A 6afe rule in treating a broken winded horse is toaroid .all bulky food; the less the atomacb and intestines contain, tie more room there is for the movement of the diaphragm. And it is, there fore, always important to use concen trated food. Cruised oats, crushed beans, or l)ctter, peas ; small quantities of hay, chair, with a little bran ; witn occasional additions of vry small quantities oi green food or roots, will consulate the; diet which is mo3t nu'.ri tive and least bulky.' i erTirnolhing more in this than we already know ; but it is a satis fac tion to feel that we kuow all that the wisest can tell. Poultry Uieuic. Fully nine-tenths of the disease from whichj fowls guffer are simply and solcjlj caused by verRdii. Careful in vestigation Jias established this a a fact-Thc comb of a fowl may be con sidered its healthindicator. The first, iutimatioa a close observer of his flock has, is the condition of thiiir tonihs. Comparatively few birds, in llicir natural, wild stale, die of diseaeThey have certain ays to keep themselves comparatively free from lice; fifty rej not crowded in -space where tvent3-4 five should be; battue' s (bird) laws, are not trausgreiiecl and they thrive in health. . IFitli domestic fowls it is dif ferentrthey'we crowded together be 9otue lousy and get the cholera,' r,6uj, cankeD fad various soforths none of which they would have if lice" were not; preying on their bodies unless it is roup, which is caused by . several things o avoid many of these troubles watch ydur poultry, and the first time you see a hen moping or refusing to eat, or one with feathers rumpled np, or comb looking dark blue at the -end. pick her up and look, for bugs. Vou winjlilIni 'Greaselier (well witli an oTufmenrinade oAard and sulphur) Vde,f.the wings and over the vent and on the head Perhaps if j-on examine the roosts; in the ienhoust, by taking them up and looking on the under side wherever the euds of the roosU rest on anything,, yon, will be astonished to find the numerous little ; red lice con gregated there. These may be termed the chjuUkof , the henhouse, as they tormebt tue fowls at night and return to their hiding place iu the day. ! rewl'ork Court Scene. Jle was a modest and humble look ing man, and when the officer told how he had caught him playing horae with aa aU barrsl in Tenth street, to the great detriment of the Street Cleaning Department, he shook Jjis head re- morsefully. In fact, the whole of the audience in the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday felt d aympatheUc brill whence groaned : v I'm sorry for t, Jedgo ; I m "sorry or t. I never thought Jack uyder, ns always samjiled very prime amongj bis fellow men, should come t this,'; and ie drew the whole length of his coat sleeve acros his force In tt way that was intensely grewsome. j t hen what did Jack Ryder want to and get drunk for?" the ceurtterse- y inquired. Twas out o 'thusiasra, Jedge; that's what-it was. I kera inter 1 ork tr be about on Decordtion Day and look agin on the boys, npy old kum- rocrades, Jedge, my old kummcrades.' And again Jack Ryder wasjeeply af fected. Ah, j'ou were a patriot and fonht for the country, said His Honor, straichtening up - in his chair, with a new interest in hin eyes and a quiet smile wreathing his lips. I was a soger, sir. and fite in the Army o' the Cumberland. I did. The prisoner seemed to grow a cou ple of inches taller as he said it. - 'What rank had you general, col - oncl. major? 4No, s'r : Jack Ryder was aprivate ; that's what'he was. A private !' exclaimed His Honor in amazement. A private! This is a novelty. Oflfcers in scores hayo I had before me in the past, but a private never, ,Jack Uydero far as I have learned, you must constitute the entire rank and file of our country's be-oes. The court olHccrs grinned in Unison but the prisoner was grim as death. His Honor did not seem satified yet! for he said : Wait a: moment, Jack. Perhaps 3-ou shirked promotion, but you were the bosoin friend of some great man, I'm surer ' , 1 'No, Jidge,' said tlie prisoner, 'nev er had nuthin' t' do with 'em.' Uut he stopped just then and pon dered a moment and his face brighten ed as he said : - 'Ginral Grant 'spoko to me once: though.' 'Ah, indeaJ !' said the court, all in tcrest now ; 'wliat did he sry'." Will I tell yer ,he plain, right down truth? ". , , Certainly, said His Honor. Kv ell, Ginral Grant he, said t mc, You damned' rascal, if I ketch you JoahV here ag:iiu 111 have you cow hided. ; Jack Ryderwon his discharge. M'lillowawlied Uabics. A missionary stationed at one of the South Sea Islands determined to give his residence a coat cf whitewash. To pbtain this in the absence of lime, coral 'vas reduced to powder by burn ing. The natives watched the process of burihg witli interest, believing that tho coral was being cooked for them to eat. Next morning they beheld the missionary's cottage ' glittering in the rising sun white ns snow. They danced they sang, they screamed with joy. The whole island was in commotion, jriiitewash became the rae. Ilappy was the coquette who could enchancc her charms by a daub of the wash brush. Contentions arose. One par ly urged their superior rank ; another obtained possession of the brush, and valiantl7 held it against all comers ; a third tried to upset the tub to obtain some of the precious cosmetic. To quiet the hubbub, more whitewash was made, ami in a week uot a but, a demcstic utfcnsil, a war club or gar ment, but was white as snow ; not an inhabitant but had a skin pain'.ed with grotesque figures ; not a pig that was not whitened, and even mothers might be see in every direction capering joy ously, and yelling with delight at the superior beauty of their whitewashed babies. UitorUul'.'o!c. Th metal platinum was discovered by I"ood, in 1741. Gen. Scott was taken prisoner by ihe Hritish in the Tvarofl8l2. The first experiment, in 17G7, with iron rails for a road was made in Eng land. In the loth century, straw wa used to sleep &rt in the royal chambers of the English, palaces. . The coach is of Froch invention In the reign of Francis I, there were only two in Fa is. Fins were first used in England i the reign of llenry VIII. previously to which ladies used wooden skewers. St. Paul's Cathedral London, occu pied thirty-seven years in building. and cost 1.000.000, raised by a duty on coals. M Fillmore took the oath as Pres ident of the United States July 10 1850, Gen. Taylor having died on the day preceding. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. 45 Years Before the k-uDiic. ; THE CEflUIKE CTXEBR ATT j LT7BB DRILLS, TOR THE CTRK OF Hepatitis, or Liver Com plaint, Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. T)AIN in the right side,junder the edge 1 cf the ribs, increases on pressure; sometimes the pain is iii the left side : the patient is rrcly able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt ender tha shoulder blacle, and it fre quently extends to the top of the shoul der, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the loweIs jn general are costive, sometimes aliernatne uh lax; the head is troubled with pain, accom panied with a dull, heavy sensation ia the back part. There! is generally a considerable lo3S of mfemory, accom panied with a painful sensation of hav ing left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of M'eariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits-are lowr, and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up forti tude enough to try it. In fact, he dis trusts every remedy. Several of the aljove symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Tills, in cases or Ague and Fever, when taken, with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic ' can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with j this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are unequaled. ! . . i I BKWA.KE OF IMITATIOSS, - '- ! , The genuine are never sngar coated, i Every box has a red wax seal on th lid, with the impression Dr. McLans Liver Pills. The genuine McI,ane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLaje and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. j Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming P.ros., of Pittsburgh. Pa., the market being full of imitations of the namt Xlcl.atief spelled differently but sar pronunciation. New FirmI ssI New Prices, GRIFFIN & MURRAY. Goldsboro St., Wilson. N. C. Manufacturers of Carriage?. Bujriries, Cart., Vajons. Harness, and all kinds of p rlding vehicles. ' f; "Which will be sold at tho lowest possible figures. We hare now on hand a nice and select stock o work. -j. Onr prices are as low as the lowest. Be snre and call on ns before buyiau. Satisfaction jruaranted in eTry case. Repairing neatly andf promptly attended to n12mj TAIB0TT & SONS Shockoe Machine "WOElKS, ' UlUll.MUMJ, VA.. Manufacturers pt Portable and Stationar) Engines and rniler, Sawj Mills, (rn and Vheat Mill, Shafting, Hatnrcrs and Pulleys Turbine Water Wlaefs, (fobacco Factory Machinery, Wrottght Iroi H'ork, Rrass and I run Castings, Machinery! of eTery descrip tion. I GINNING Sr THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Repairing. Promptly and. Carefully Done. Talbottfs Patent Spark Arrester. 'I'll- InTrnlion ul'lhe A ir. I It doe Hot destroy the tlraft. : It does nert interkre with cleaning the tube, ! It will not choke np cleaning. 1 and requires no 1 It rtquires no direct dampers to be open ed when raising steam damners being ob-i-ctionable, as they may j be left open and allow the sparks to. escape. It requires no water to extinguish sparks which, by condensation, destroys the draft. Besides, when water is used, if negleetetl, jthfc ellieieney is tlestnjed by evjoratk)ii of the water, and the boiler U kept in a Jilthy condition. j j It is simple aud durable and canty; relied iiion. I It can lie attaelted to any boiler, J Xo planter slioaltl le wKhoot owe of tin-in. Insurant eomvank will hisure pus and bams where the Talbett Engines l :vnd bpat k Arresters are tiseii a: same Tate as charged for water or horse power. ! 5"Send for illustrated eircttlars and price list. f Dtanh IIoue: Gahkhoro, X. C J. A . IIau-sT, Gt neral Managor. T- A. Grainger LewlManagei. - nol4-12m girnxG bull ox the war path Silting BuM Durham Smoking Tobacco is l he best and deiies tlie World. This brand and all othr gnules i Plug and Twist for Sileby -..E.1I. I0(iUE, ep-i-ly. , Maaafacturer, Durban, N. C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - THE UNITED BROTHERS Mutual Aid Socici -OF- 1 ! Is not a Life Insurance Con i i A . pany, nor is it a Secret Socict ' -:""' . i -i.' ' ; requiring its members to atten meetings. Tbc Wlowin plan U presented for co s il ratin to such persons a may di-sire become uinnber. fl'li puymMit of 1 the lime it making application, d- annui ly the next four yo.tr. aul 2 per aunt ihcn-after duiini lif' with Miiall pro-ra nsc-itKMit at. th- il-aili of aeh raenib n At 1- ni a r of i lie olas i.f wlikii Tumy ainfinb 1m v - pavmenU M?cire to ymr turni sli(M) to he paid iuith; event of your tl at h '8 e Mi-mtx-rship-: may Ikv taken lor amonn ranujns from :O0 to$IO,OCt at the abo' rate by . : ' ' ' i i 1 1 i any person oi souna ncan i :- f ! ' - and good morals, not younge r ' J j ''!' : ' than la norj oldr than 0 J years.- Thi society is more than eleven yoar n and h paul.montl-han 81 .r.iM!KJ to th lentioiane of its UfCcaseu meiubers. lis now : i ! $175,000 Cash Asset a reserve fund, and assets lis ble tu assessment $25,0 00,000 . '. . '. ;- - II.is now. a niembcr,iliip in North Carolint who hold certificates covering aa much as 8300.0.'0. i r i ' i Do not delay, send in your application. Now is the time. . T i Good reliable business men wanted in every county of North Carolina. j For further particulars call on or address. REV. F. B. ANDREWS, J( j District Agent, LITTLETON, N, C ' may27-3ai. p Big Pay.! GENTS ANT E D . f 1 We want a limited number of actire, enersetic caiivaTs to oiiRasii in a jlcasrmt and profitable biii-inJss Good men. will lind tliis a rare chance To Such will please answer this adTertisemfnt by lttt-r , cnoloins st:tnip for reply, statinc wlia: buine? they have been enRa-d in. Mono but tlioso whor mean business neod npplv. ieb7-lv Fl.VLEY; HAUVKY & CO.. Atlanta.fia GKAY'S SPECIFIC MED WISE. RADE KtARRTIIE ORKATTRADE MARK KNOLTSIIKKM EDY. An mi fail ins cure for Sem inal j Weakness, Spe rmatorrhea, Impotency, and Kll diseases that follow as a se quence of Seif- Abus-: as loss of FGSE TAK!K9.memory, univer-AFTEH TAKING. sal lassitude, pain in tho back, dimness of vision, premature old ae, and man v other diseases tliat lead to insanity or consumption and a preraafitre Crave. ftiKuli partifiilars in our pampiilet.whfc-h we desire to send free by mail to every one. T)e Spociflc Mediciue is sold by all drujrplsts at $1 prr package, or t'x parkapes for $:, or will be rent free by mad cn -receipt of the money by addressing The Gray Medicine Co., Mechanics' Block. Detroit, Mich. Sold ir. Wilson .'and every where, by all druggists.? i . no.28-ly. Dr, Henry Mott's FRENCH FOWDETIS. AVill ourp infInmatio:i of IhP kidnpys and bladder; iHiorrli''!i. Gli'ft, Stricture., Si-rm:itoFi'ho'a, norvous and physical drbiliiy, M-minal imiai. fious. inijwtency. weakness? of the geni tal organs, brousht on by vici-jiis h:ibitin youth, exci'ssr-s, ie., female weakness leuchorrhoea or whit'', womb diseases, syphillis in ali its forms, scrofula, ulcers, old sores, blood and skin diseases, ic, i i5nonorrhoea enred in 4H honrs."a For sab? in Wilson by A. VVrItowland. lirujrsist Price jierboi. j t , Sent hv mail secure' from obsenratiori, on re ceipt of price. 1 i 1 MOTTSTKVKXS CO. . Manufacturers and Proprietors," Baltimore, Md. leb-tf .j i - . . '.:'". i ! - - : ' iVASAWVVAmilArVayfSayVN' If yoa an a man of bosineaa, weakened by th train of f your duties, aroid ctimolants and nae f U yon are a maa of letters, totUnoreryoormidaigM work to restore brain nerve and waste, use If ytw are yonn? and sutTerinir from aiy fndiacretlcQ ' ordisdpatkn;lf yoa are married orsufrle, old or mm yoong, suffering-from poor blth or luntak- mm If I nr on abed of atckneas, rety on If P iwv WW wwwio Waaereryoo are, wbererer Ton are. wbenererroa feel yoa are, wbererer yoa are. wbenereryou feet t Tour fndflfii TMwtt. rlp.rjdrar tAnirur am stimulating, without Otfancatme, teke f ' ?tTe yen dvprpmUf frfcixry or rrrry ecmrpitrt- t.dtm. n case o the ttomach, hmnrlm, blcxxL Utrr, or 1 1 ml -To wfll be enred U Too use It yoa are simply weak and rw spirited, ti-f It ! Boy It. . It insist upon it. oar annus seeps i. r sare ys ' It ass NTN BMrS Ja I rbv Caaes Cstslitka. it,asfsitsB4BsA AikcaTwat. I TLt llff !' far Slow h. Llw mti Kkm-n, to mifmrl ftrmlX atttm. Lara ky mtmorftiem. Itlspwtet. Ju arrptss. MC. -sshwlatssiliinilrnliirTris-iriis-SM. si nf I amn. tokarca sr nmott, tVaDafS tnsr,u.Hcr limn ilf? CaRocW,a. .l FOTTTZ'S RORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Vlll nr or nmnaDlniia ' w0 Hoaaa will die of Coue. Bora or LBV Pav Til, If Foatxs Fowlerser sedlattssa. rootx"s Powders will ere sad pswreatUoa CMttu Foou'a Powden will r revest raraa is powia. VooaPowden will Increase t aosaury af milk and cream tweaqr pereaat, aaat tae r tbe baOar Sua and sweet. Footz Powders wttl eve or aTss4 slraost rraaT Dtsxasa to wldcb Horses sad CatUa sre st)ect. I"orTi" Posrixaa 11a iTa aVanaracTioa. atoid everywhere. savio x. rotrrz. rrr. 1 BAXTIXOSX. For Ealc b y A. W. lit) W LAND. :j . ff ilSOOt Hi Cm 1 w . .. ; ! . i I ., iuiiiHzii. I 4 UFnct: ok Srro:ixTENDEXT, i rETERSEi KC. Vah March 31,80 QCIIEDULE OF TILAIKS.! y TO TAKE ETFrCT MAECH tlST. GOING SOITII. New York Express Jicaye leieibur- tlaily at 1.07 P. -rrive ai vt eJkn at.... i3.20 F. Nmtl"'"! express leave reUrrsburK dailt t 11.4 P. I- -Arri: k WelJon at....w,.....,2 08 A. Frtlbt With pa.M'ii'HT Couch at-- i tadietl, k-ave Pvtebur dailyl 1 , exeept SmidaT, at, 10:10 A.M Arrive txt If eldoii at ..... 3:25p I G01XG NORTH. New York expreei Leave WeiuYm t-..- ..1.10 P Anive Petersbtirc dailr: at M. ..... 30 T Southcra Express leave Weldott I daily, at 3:S5 A M jArrivf at Peterfbir at ...J.G.20 A U I'reiht, with paiM-iier l..iach at- tae'ied, leave Wehlon tla.:Jy, ex-. I " cept Sunday, at S:40! P. M. Arr'.e at Peter-btirr at 11:50 P. M. P-irst-claiss 'coitches will nui through tbetw-eu Wiliiiiugion aul Wa binstou and shaping cars on uiit and lav tn-. Sleeping car herlh can be I aid I for 11,00 .from Kicliuioiw! to LUlfiuiore. Xo chauj cf cur.' j . j Through tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern toiuts au! bp eVcked through. Y. J.UltOWX, DisjtclK.-r of Tntiiis. R. V SULLY. S uL-iiiiU-iMli-nl r OFFICK SI'H'T. TKANS-POKtATIOX, S. iV: II. K. 1. Co.. Portspiouib, Va., Nov. 10th, 1S73. J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE! I On and after MONDAY, November llth, t -sums will run as follows: L EAVE PORTSMOUTH DAI .Y,j EX- 10 25 am 6 00 p in DAILY, .6 30 p m CEl'T SUNDAYS. 'ail train at.. A : ccoinniodatiou Train... A IIllIVE AT PORTSMOUTH EXCEPT SUNDAYS. y ail train at ....... A ccommoda tion Tram: .', . J J3 p m Accommodation Train leaves c pt Saturdar. tfiily ex- Jlail train connects at WehJon with the' M iii Ti-ains of the .Wilmington & H'eldon, at- d Kaleih and Gatou Railroads, f L And on Mtmdaysj Weducstlay jand Fii da ys at Franklin, with steamer for Et'eu toi ), Plymouth and Landings on Blackwu ter and Chowan river. j . j rreiht received daily, except Sundays frt m S a tn to 4 p in. 1 i i e. g.oh: rMjpprir.tenaent ol lransportatlon. 1 'ickeis pold at of ce, under! At.itKi IIo Norfolk, A'a. by W.VH.. W ilier gir ae. I i HOTELS. Ti IE CARROLLTOjV, B. iltimcre, Ligt and German Sd-cets. iMimiouB;. yu. i it ite reduced to $3.00 and &2.uGV ikm- T.av nn. -.IT . 1 .' i r. r iuiiij;.iu iie;iiion oi rooms. r ru: a ra cnarges for parlors. h.r? h ' '.i..l nouc le rooms according to size. The i.it twiiif anient aim iaiesi omit i tote I ju tR- city: I . j r.u svator runs continuallj to all he fl- Krs Al lines of city passenger ears (loon .. F. ir.COLKMAX. J its ma.- cr. J. A lill ATT S HOTEL. (Recently Pity lintel, rKTKRSUUliG. V. .i i uorouKiiiy-renovated an i hand Vir.e y furnished. 1 1 L cation centnil and convrnnt! 1 k busi- ness ioe oi.iy n.irei in tho city Jio-htal is. . Omnibus Free. . i i" wilt BROWN & PEJ'TIT, Pre prietors mr ,tz& S treet's National H otel L- RALEIGH. N. C? I b. lbiKJj.Er.AiJON,0wiieti iR iTKl Prop's GASTON T T-j. ' , , X V. ) US Kl aT'V n 1 viV, Jy. C. NEW BERN. S. STREET & SOX,.. Proprj Th.e nndersigned having -pnrcltased the N at .onal Hotel property at ;:ilei.h opened Match 15th, 1879, thacveU known' iKe Th to the public under the rr. ,.. . . t iiniinc-iiieitf . - .'tj ieiei 10 Uieic paf t m: .na.rPmenr nf th V' astoil House as a p-ii:irnii- ti:.'. -i . Hotel. Hie 'Si'lilor. Mr S .....fw J.: . . n ... jrr ill x I v I mr iv.c remain ir. chargv of 1 he Uaston'll 1 he mniiti' Mr W'n, 1 ... ... IlOllSe. , , ' v - oireei, wilt con. duct the National Hotel. apll-3rn S. II. i ,TREET .t SON. gr. cn arush y or el, (Corner Main a nd I5h Street,) RICHMON'J, vmciNU. N. BR G G, ... Proprietor. thinLt a ' -Vjyy'r11 anery . .....n , i oi ner. i ivirgsai,itM room- and sneeal nients tn e o jainr reial travelers. induce- JAS.L. KASS B.L BKLEY. RESTAURANT AND - 'h- OYSTER SALOON. ..-,;'.I','st',3Mar liiown a ) I - i UMJFfR. It.SHrjl). WKLDQXj N.C INSURANCE. N. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE O o m p a n y . ' ' II. ( ivrnnv vJ. i . x resioent. . Axdecsux. Vice-PresidenU W. II. Hicks, .Secretary Dr.. K. B. Haywood Md. Director. pKor.-E. B. SviTtr, Advisory Actuary. iV Tf,8 - 266,270 70 J.iawlilies ...j j ! (Ue-Liiurauce, lvserve, te).... 41 Snrplns topoltet holilem ' 29 -5'te a tne only Jiome Coutpa ' in orth Carolina. - -y i-' nv It u the only tiM.nj tluit in rest g n itg fnmls m the State. All of iu money is kept at home and circulated among oar em, iwnp'e. i i Oil f fifteen Com panics reportmgto th Xorth Carolina Insurance Lep.-miniir. tbe t. otaie uie iMsj-uuiore policies in the - jml luau a.j ui iLe rest pm to gether. Cowpavny rates as low as tlo tsf any first-elass coiopaiiy. ijr It-iilt a man aed 30. a Wot fire cents. day t keep LU JUV loeartU for oue llMHuaiKl dullais. i North Carolinians, stand by and support your own Home iptitniion. Ij KiGood ageuU wanted in ererr coaoty iu the f?Ute. j; ' A. B. DKAXS, Specstl A-ent for Xihoa and vicinity. j jj OLD DR- JOHN DODD SI A'ER FjyS ami TOXIC POWDERS, Ao. 1. i A FAMILY MEDICINE. M. M M: M M M M 1 5& Yonff and mlddt arM tn4M mffcrinf rith r.Tvminf!', d. bilitt . i itrhinr cf tl ntul. rinrrin Ibf wr, pk beto e h fVf.Jii,m. kj-rti-nc. jxUpltatkMj of tbotwnrt. tndtr-ii.n. mHaudialy. low piril, d--rniSr.rv , h-ad.vh, k'pb''if fftN1ingn. culd hands ed fW lak lr. Itodd Powiin tbry rill ciiurl rour wnxin rtn atyfl convince yoa tir oa drful runtnt nwr.. Old hi die's who are debilitate rf and nrv one. with weak body, and Mitive onptb. di-iordered, causing loss, of appetite, impov- erivtM'd blood Ac, try Dr. Dodo's )owdi i9 and 3011 will feel a though yon had renew ed your aire anl Liken- a. neW lease of life. Old and middle aged men who have la'tt late hour? and have beftii iiupriuVnt and violated the -law of health nitd i.aMire im til ihc. vigor of lift?-in gone, and you Mrv prostrated mentally and i-hysleally and un able jtn attend to your business or duties f life, take. Dr. Dothl's Powc'er? aud yon will feel yourself men again. Young men and voinn witli pale and lmgga.nl face, thf In ft-sh. brokcu Jwn in mind and botv.wtth flSatteref nervou system, take Old Dr. TXkWm X-rvitM-Tonie Powders nd stop th;it loss whirh bringson nielan choir, fits, '.insanity; , eonsnmption and an early death. They will gite von liealtii ar.u stnn2tn an.f inete.e th. n -xi and bring the bloom of roirth totheeH-eks. (ranquifity to the mind, ami j.rodnee souixl am! rf-!reruiig Meep. 3Ien anil women remerutKr fioalfti is ?wt ter than silver or gold Why will you 'ruin your nervous system by making yourselves slaves, to fire ue of th.-it imh.xmiou.h urtH't? o- baeeo, either by ;cliei. ing or .smoking, dip ping flrPWinnng. Stop th ne of it. or use it in rrtodemtinn. I'althonsh it- prllRsrery exhilarating and pleasant ftfi-vt on the sysi tenij yon shotihliiot N unwise anJdestrov your health- m! mirlcrmine . yonr hni nriTom Fysfem for a ' little pT.ssnre. By the exeth-e ttsie ff. tooitoeo ; your systi in becomes pregrtaf si or sat ttel wfl li ifiat stmOsf' d allr rM.i.-on Nicotim.vrliiH.i of; en prtdtws pararsi, ringing in ti e ears, I deafness, blindrtess or total hs of -ri-'ht- broncTitti. laryngitis nd sofleiiing of tlie hratn. Flabit i a tyr.inieril master, wd if the habit 1ms be'eome fjrmiv rorfed .and the pleasure en great yon enrtnot lay if aside or east it off. ilVm'try 0!f.f)r. 7o!rf"s Nert inp'siKl.Tijinie Powders. theoiJr. spec ific rwneilv. They wiff : o,n;e jour oi-rruus system and produce health, ftretgth anf7 fleh. If taken as ifin-rwf it will destroy I all taste and apnstfce f-r Die Doi.soof m 'I ! weod. Al men and women w?ro W fiiroTie:i ting liquors are sni.ijvot o eret.. nVrTon jm sl ntiofi. They .should n-e Old !r ior:u s .eiTrnetnrnr ionic, I owners,, ii ey wirt qnn-t ana : sorc I ne .wnoie nenrou-i sysrein, iter ing as rut Jtntfilote, priTr?cing rest, regulating ifm itr-onler and mffamed stori.Mdi niid picTenfrug that woo'ea-ant feeling whieh.fo'JbWS tfie excc"sire e f stimtihtnts of nnj kind. Thonanf. of men .nd women hTt mined the .'t:0:iihig or rnneona membrsiieof the sfornarfi bv fnk- -1 . injf Sfidlitz Pomters. roi7a waferii. 'Bine Pills! and olher rnji rrirrs aiwl rfien mixtures to setf.ff ?he tfonwh wlueh is vt-rv imprntfeiit I ir7afsroi..' Ofien v heii sueh prenarn'fons-ine -fn er.nf.-iff with the iitfTnme! membrane of the stoni- a ?i eaoses n.trrsi a, sourness and flatulency which gener.nUyj ends in indi;estioii and dysMfsw. Vneh retnerTI-s do not eir 101 e or strength to the wi-ak nnrl Iisord reil digestive onrans.1 nor nniet or fni!l an th nei von system which is abselntely ntee- snrv.l nil' ir. lo(rt rowiters invigorate. give toi'e a d stp'jiigth to 'he nbu--d stoni- neh nnd quiet tjie entire nerTori .system. preT(irriir the treniblingj' the hai ds, re- moTing that ghastly aj fea'!inee of the eyes and oilu r svmntqnis that indieaf delirinrc. tremens. if tnlen. as directed ii will den stroy the npjwtitcj for liquor, effectually Oh Or. Dod l Xerrene r.rtd Tonic Pnf ders. riTbc Treat anjiifiTte fr : Opinm ard Jllor Dhfnej TWryrn tdrin oife bundred llif"nnii ler,.n! are nnderminini; th? I nen-fwis sv.iem everv y ar ty tbe live of Jtlon bine ir rreai cn anfi uesirm inp tneir ."lm. .-mi I jrysrji im nmj liquor or i - . - -. ... . . I cess tli-slroy the rtirist)-, e orrans and orien innjfs on ompfT, soitenmiri m in" ur-.tn, inniivr, rrn onl rlfbili'tv insrtuifr and an erlv l--atb. tr. Tlorfd's Powders will desfmy.nll desire rnntirlf!i for lite ne oi ipiumior Moi-jibine. and will quiet and build np tlie-pert on and physical sv-.tein.and restore yoil to ht-altli,slrvn;rtti. ne- n, a Happiness Old Dr. j John Dodd s NERVINE and TONIC PO WbEI!S.No.2 Old Ir. Tadd Xei-vlne and Tonic Powder t will eiire all enronirrnnri obslinale nervous rtt. r- es, ' snrh as general nerrons dehilnv, iniolnntirr serninal lo..en . caftsid bv iudicn-iion, tirtwm, Ac , orb'v Ia'iTKnlt!ioneh.f and . dream. nri- diicinr rreat T'bYsiriil and mental w-eakne' ntil I '"n destroy !xth IkkIt and luind. and hrrrismg om nimiiei i ttcmn, t-nfiy nec-ay, mr-ar i.iirtire irnpot enry or diyitttl iut-ajjacity, iiuuL, ily ad eonanmption. .( Tim food old Ilootorfc Iferrine sad Tonie Powders are a fpee iflf for all nVrrrwn tlw-n es afl a ewre r wirranted ineverr es - e . P r ei fl" re.r rtu throw away yourmoney fur rihle. drur. t do 11M tw deceived by inorniiit ifrrtercleni who wi! cilt theinweirea lnei'r.lbey irnow so'brfte sbMi treat ins nerve n etieaie!..j Tbt-y wiH net ifijr pt joar Jrioney but will mtn y.onr nyre bv1 firing jnn Arsnie. Pnmcic -Aii,t. Stryrhofae. K ffnrr and otber poionotig merfirfnes mntily.iMi eureinl onr teelb afidbodhe ant deertf . Re wife In time, and take (lid lr II.hW,' JVerrfw and- Toale Pow den and itTp that ffrata n tae sykiem. aad yi will be retfHVd to heafth.srrerith flefcli.bapt.-iM Ir. Ilrvlfi'p. Ptrwrtb-an- titv l-:tvaBI ft tas tat- and roil tvfit m rte-t wbib takrn? (beat. Yonnr an I iKkldlwIjat met and worsm who are sntferiBf with rierTtarw. no matter under wbat form, aame or !rwpti it mux hw itef mrjt.taPeert.Tiii tbe ealie of aid n-r-iin.My frMi(u snfti-rins wjih aerroafBekstor nerTt ON'bihiv, atthnorli'theV mar n hare t-ea kidi;- ereet in yfntb. nr abnsed tkerotre later in life are trwibled with aa inH-olnnrary setnlnal jo la a irreafcer or less q nan ti Ifv; wbieti m oflea rsued br a general weaken. of the whole p irb-at aiid tierron ystem and from lli- wnl l .rojr fl ano Kfeep, aiuj abornMn trr lrrriruIaiiiH-s of lie. To enariaee youielr that I bx re a rliwtn 'e wasting of the riiaiity of the vteui Ihrjrarb lh ebaanel. ywi rnnss lake Ibe urine, I be :fJrl nrlna ted afier rt-in? in ibefraoraair. aal put ti Into a elenn, white rl'M. boilte or jar. sad let It stand fur ibree da. tbea more tbe bettte or jnr ear-fol-fy one way, then th-oiher, aaej iflbe drptMl bnojrs lejtner, resemt.imr ilv w bite or aa t-fg, iben 'Iw eauw! of vonr aervoubesa b a seminal kea.- Kr ery maa and woman wbo hn a pnb and stekty eonau-aaarr. and is weak tm ailnd aad bdy, Ihtn la fth. metaarboly ad kark ntn;v, t uCarm with a drain cn ibe sysnst or a vital luas, w uii b ends in iron umptbsi aad aa early alk. A rorr Is rmranteed la everr) tne If you will nee f r. Ifctd'XtrTiaeaalTcir Powders. No. . yw w in then rrturrr yuar beni'.b, treutb, Ikab abet bsppaerss. ' I J nr -SoiV im WaJm, .V. C. hy A. TT. HO W LAN V, and y l 1 Drngsi-4 - . at 1 tfr jeackajfe. or ix' 'mekitea for $.. Sent y tasiil tnuJer s-ral r lj exprt-aa vn reeeffH. of price. If yon earirxt gtt tlie: Powders from yoo Dm?it please enef(V 1 for one paekaire or f.r ijx package. In Dr. John Uotld, care of M.Ui ike vena t Co., Haiti more, Md , and Iey ; will be forwanK'd by man tinner peal or or cxprem to any pari of tbe United States r Cnal. I 1III. Mfeyena A O., Mauoiacturers and Prtnrietoi. mh2w-ly 1 BALTOaOKK, MSCELLAxEa- t - 4 Pru and Ipxit. J' o4 r mm Khiw l- t-kf,,; tia IJ. rmri. M o . I or Muhri.a. UtermUttmt art rL ttrrr. Chill,, or : 1. ' ; a doi, six boxes lor 15. SeP fre y aaatortonpc of money. ASK YOUR DRUGGIS'TfIirit bat lak m ImHilint NrmkMitit. a, J. eylK eopvrisrMr m a.-a,,d . Ill oner n-lu wtrm uj,n - . . . r - - " ... w iniir( lr rt ipt of unt-rs, by r.l lu.r M pf a4dPr.JT r. WASH BURN E (X). SULK A(1KS, 2 F i Hro.? w, r. n. n hoi, Si. !iiMig.X. Y, For ta)e by all drnp;ifi. !o by JIOTK A X.V1 umgjiii vv ns on, i. Ii -Macx?c, CJa, March 3), l.i-Ko, with liar jropriefnrs of twU' Jikl.iii $pecitk', I liavv kwwn much of it laii.... taetmand it a' im-. IVw are iii.-i, th ciniiminiity wid) Kin-Mi riiwei -! wre vinm.tt in early life ! .f, who hkt. takr, , S: i wrJirii.. ,UlJ who are in. w. to all r'araiieii. their bt-hef. m f rt frtun taint and in .4 !W- t;e as ilw lirM man. IrrJi ln.ni liJ UamU of his MakerJ IX'liea ;y furbVU lh. 4 piMi reeismneitttaiiai. fl'l h'w le.litfcir, hd I tut all. wnl u, rei. r ile ect-)tiic priva tly ihw wli'i it id riilrse evryt It ii t hi'imii le Kiid in hi btr. . .WOt, ii;Hi liu-M-d t reouueiitin s-ert rt lufilie.. ilw will: 1.. . t.; , ..1 '. ... . 1 . . l mi.ii r'n inn ai i.h-ii my ii.-iam to l ieh-; hut I Uhtw wliertr..! I sji k ;y 1 Itat .r avoe- ha not vei l hi r vth n I ! iiiib lic a 0111V.i11.1t (ual lu this lar its- j.ur- p.e uiuit-.iiiKl ! T I.. M ASSe P.rK, I'll, ti l'rtr(i only t.y iheJWIFI' M'rflH'; O., Alai.U, (ia.dd by A. W'.-,I.'Jm lamL DR. DAVID HUNTER S SYPhiLiTICorBLOOD PILLS. A t perificfnrSypbjtUin all it f.rtn. and'eTrrr. Tel:iret)l the fliai'iioe erndu-a led from 111"!) -netn; S rofuIa and I i loud and kiu di-ae LnedUr cnriHl . .- . ' : rOoiHrrhen cured in two dsrs. - Vorsalr by A. W (, tat. al all Iniffisis i'ra e il per Imx, larre Ni .itrtmim. alOTT,STtVtKSCO . Prep leors, Bhac-ly BaJtbmura, Hi. iiniT. tnuemri. tttanL Mm. .lalla MeNalr W rlcbl's Nw THECOHPLETEI10r.lt: rsnrPsLacrrycAL rjrrtiiufATiox 1 Tks ysaetf sfssm iininl trrWV bj Taaajeriiassniess tTii iiSTatUWs fluaai rsrbif. Oenktas. Ir. jlemWals, Mhm. Cbwaraa. Cosier, M-rnmf lUtllftnn, Hmmtt. Mav, I Mailr Oerernmaat, ss4 s maltltvd, at l' r trsifi TWisiwer f mmkm kb JUssa mMMtnilL u4 MAPHV. ' i be found eataidaef iaspirauoa.' A aooa of morapcaoneai innii win ataesa, wwwmm )l iaS0iraUoa. - t ttruttam A4i HEEDED LV';tr: BY ZrAZ Tina Putft.L'lwTSM Itauitti.l Kkviiu.ftcl4i AGENTS WANTEDW5Lla aMna tUUM-iXmVX mt MKfa II siaa Is, km. Printing: Binding: BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING, LEGAL BLANKS. A LAW BOOKS. .Mend yorir rdert lo KDWABDS. BROUGIITON, m CO, lUucioitN. C. . V aiT p-t tlie ra-'-t wi.yk: and lowest prie. Lrrrmi HKADS asebeap a you tn buy lle plain paper. J ! KN V 'ELOPES with yonr card then htrlt than you ran jel ba pUiti one a buok store. " 'iJII.LHKAOS.CARr. Ac;., very low. Saud to fetliiurtr. ' 1 Edwanla . BrougWon, A. C. ' A.M) BlXDWW, f KALK1GII.N. C. s TART L I N G Til'UT.TI. 'V. irreat tore hx DYSPEPSIA, SICK HE4IACHE. f-L'B 55XOM ACII and the bal efTeete of !aAgtk Dr. L ArmkaiiU AfrVyifXl W1' . WtmrM rnre mad. " J r irr as inwiiiixM w. Parrly Vrs-aUa Kiebwooti. Va. if)15-liin Lemon Tabourne, The Old Kelialile Barber .i..r. 1! lutmd at hit .alio Ta btjo Street, wlre le wiU be pleased i -terve hi fned and formtr patron. I j!iaiA 10 cu; tharins and Mttlrj v are Guaranteed. f 'n. .A nif r M tv .... . .-" ' ' SALICYLIC A IS A CV. VRF of Qmulne, a, it will bU vers, but will ad.W-T a lUbeal twi out any of thr lncontkocw and lLu aning from Quinine. yiuo - hair wtf cents. ap-ia ti. I