1 ! f. f V The Wilson Advance tBJS -L 7RIDAT .AUGITST 2 ), 1SS')' . j citizens 'from lialumore went on to f Mn ta nni "ington lo eohgratuiate m. iIr AnU lAHIVI.5 McUoygal was one of the number. . " ! 'Take ;seat, boys, take seats I ex: i' .....n Ld.bv.l fr. Lincoln. as ranir ' the HOME Hirn6elf must cither hold or drijve." j .; I " 4 " . f In feeding bran to stock ;":wo ob.a.n j a return almost equai - active-(pal iu of the manure. Ten bushels of spent tan bark mixed with two bushels of gsnnr make as excellent cornposi fr polatoe. , Dr. Heath says that lubercnlosbi or eonktrroptioni in a cow is Iransyiissahle the. mil If. - w we jhjibui uu..u..-u.ur .... ... . .. . A bullock when slaughtered ds of blood. whiel i ;or m '. L.- w- -r.rt f tt- ft XI t VI Ct VP ( oi i , , -.-i cent3, , , , , ., , It is said that newly laid eggs tnriy be . . , ,J t..., mmiiit' 'V-v Kcpinesni( riw. , i-. -7 packingjn ejean on, oa - -V' - In a temperature of thirly-six to forty j dG"b' .J Jl eneaker ave a rccitie for making larm- cpeauer.i i . n ( ' inepav as fo ows : ' Have but one """l J . lninij finrl 'pt ii i ii t he 'morning ami nee to It voulsclf.'' The Cotton Exchange reports as to tlie condition of . the cotfon. crop in North Carolina and Virginia that since tho 20th of .July there have been fre quent and heavy rains, warm days and cool nights, causing mora or less shed - g. rust and too quick a rowjh of tfte plant. Of replies "ffoTn 103 counties in Texas, twenty report the erop notfas good as lust year, 'eleven the same and 115 better. The reports IVora Gcorgiji iudiea'e that d-iring July tlie weather jhas been exceedingly fa rorablc, and; the condition of the" croj), as comparedj with last season, is con ceded to Jc touch better. The . same report corned from Florida ; and in Sontb Carolina there is every indica Uion Ibat thq crop will be better than last year while some bclfeve that it is the beit grown in the State since the war. In Louisiana ; the ! average -con-(fition is good, althougb not equal to tbe aaiae tintio Inst year. Compareil with last year the Mississippi crop is not so favoralblc, owing-r JLo excessive rains recently. In. Arkansas the gen eral condition is good, ami' in compari son with last year is somewhat better. Tiy Tennessee it was never more prom- ing, and in ceptiOn of a Alabama, with -the f ex- ew counties, tlie pirospects are as good or better than last year. A , similar Report also comes from Mississippi. iPotatoes in Seven Ways. Let me gihe you a; few hints in re gard to the' qilTercnt methods of cook- ing potatoes 160 that the 'oft-abused may be varied during the boiled potato! weett at dinner. First Sumtay, mashed potatoes, peel, team, place in a pan and .inash, and milk, butter and salt, and then beat ke cake batter, 'the longer the better, till they arc nice and light; -.This steam: ing and beating will bo found a great 'isrkovement. , Monday, baked potatoes in their jack t8. II v thes wa.'if any are left over they may be warraod over by not peei ng them till! cold and thehsUcing. ' Tuesday, peel and bake them with : ast beef. . . irednesday, prepare, them in the jTentuck' style, as follows -z The po. :utoes are sliced thin, as for frying, tnd allowed to remain in oold wat tr :alfanhonr The slices arc put into t m1,li., rlkb Thox- nrn tlu-n nii'M O , . . . '1n fnl-.n rt.it i 1-imi orLrtlW'thel' ...hen taken out. a Unn of bntter.tL. , ize ol a-heu s is cut into sinain jits and scattered over the ton. Those ! t bo have never eaten potatoes cooked; ;ito an ovcii and baked for i.ivUour..rlx" ut4"4C a ' thus do not Inow all the capabiUtie&of j U1J U' u u,aL nn,C!1 imKS u,c " that csculeni tuber. Tke' slicing al-jovtunato in tenderness unutterable. ; lowshe interior of each potato to .bej Ar'? not aU cleC:ly ? il 5s 'c riP exatuiUcl. hence its value Where p-n,u- lhc swcl!in- of the; fresh' life ttoesarc doubtful,. t!;ouh poor ones Wlthm lhat vvltlicrs the are nJt of necessity required. The i hU'v' soaking in cold water hardens the slices ! Passions are liked best to floods so that thevvwt'.l hold their shape. Theiaml steams. The shallow murmur, milk serves to coolMheui through, and o inake a nice brown on the top; tbe '!. -mntitv eanlonlv be learned hx cx- ?r L nlittlA i ItY M :iichithrouyl1 xped;e;cy to what is wron ' . J - ., ,- o m ;, , :ray, fnoisten all the slices, tlieiv it is iffht- Inakear of small potatoes. .'ais method of servinir them will be rcry welcome to many a liou,sek-eier. 5 Thursday peel, sleata an!; serve whole. Friday, " peel, cut in notatoes a la mnenke potatoes i.i paiiL.te, thin slices, JcnthwUc. ! , nrnrv r -ind 9tlt and fry i l pepper and silt, ana iry , beef drippings, turning; i sprinkle, wit: in butter or like griddle Saturday, jackets. S These arc ,t., : potatoes boiled in their simple ways, but gire rariety. Oil Monday and Tuesday always prepdro thecal ) stme , way riie oven, sp tove free. ks to leave -tlie top- of the I - ' :. - ibruhmii Lincoln' Opinion of Ilaoeo;!. When Mr. Lincoln issue? his Emnn- cioauon i'rocia:nuu.Mi i ue.vu u-" was the .ucca!;on a deputation of iJCli for chairs to be brought in. The visitor ? sat down and spent an j Uiour in conversation. Presently the i eXDrcsSed. as to who was the ablest officer on our side.. When a" great many opinions bid been given Mr. Lincoln said : ; ! (Jcutkmcn, in my judgment you have not struck the right man yet.' And of course all were anxious to (hear him name the man, and asked - - T - j ii to do, so. Jie earn It Gen, Hancock. The c0ur.teBance4.cf his Usitors expressed their surprise, oml. one ot iLcm ventured to say that be l(3ared J Haneock Wastoarasn.- 'Yes,' said Mr. Lit.coln, so some of the older Ueneruls have said to me. h;ive saM lhem that I have "Niched Gen. Hancock's conduct very . , .. ,. , ' ,M nlo action be achieves his ,.,.,.cn.im PAmPQnn , vri i a smaller t.3 oil --- - list e.f casualties than any . of hem. Lolddie is, but not rash. Why, gen tlemen, do you knofi-What his record was at 1'ointV And Mr. iir.coln went to bis book shelf, and taking down an arm- reg ister showed the position in which llancocijf had graduated, ! and jtbat, furthefmo're, in a class that was one of the 'most "distinguished that bad ever graduated at the Military: Academy. Continuing to speak of him hi i the highest terms, b'j further said : 1 T tcl you, geutiouien, that if his life ani strength are spared, I believe that Gen. Hancock is destined to be oue of the most distinguished men of the age Why. when I go down in the morning to open mr miil and I arise at 4 o'clock,' I declare that I do it in fear and ticmblii g, lest I may bear that Hancock has been killed or wound ed.' ; - ' AYhatlla'teM Hie 3Iun.:.. ' Many people forget that character growjj ; that it is not something to p-ut on' ready .made, ; with manhood and womanhood, but clay by 'd:y, here a little and there a little, grows with the growth and stengthens with the strength until good or bad it becomes almost a coat of mail. Prompt, relia ble, conscientious, yet clear headed anxl energetic, when' do you, suppose he developed all those admirable qual ities? TRien he was a boy. Let us see the way in which a'boy of ten years gets up in the morning, works, plays, studios, and wo will tell -yon just what kind of a man h-s will make.,- The boy that is. late at breal4 las't and: laic at school .'stands a ' poor chance tobe a mau. The boy who neglects-his duties, be they ever so small, and then excuses himself by saying, 'Lfurgot.. . I didn't think !' wid never be a reliable man.- And the boy 'who fi tlds' pleasure in the sulhirings of weaker things will never be a noble! generous, kindly man vU gentleman. "tvoril of Vlloiu.. One act of charity is worth a century of eloquence. . ; The use of charter is to be a shield against eahtuiny. ' '''-'. The fear of future evil is in itself the. greatest of evils. , ' ' Cheiish your best . hopes as faith. and abide bj them in action. He lin-.st be a thorough fool who can learn .nothing, from his,own folly. " b1" noc-s :u e urji . . . -1 - . ,. - . . . . 1 ' 4l I uut, ueioiu ,i muii ..noes. hK i;e says. - i'VOr-V Uowcr' cvc,1tho fairest, lias its Everv Uower, even tho fairest, lias its l ii.i I, .1,4 -I stin-Ii; Thc that binds the happy may r I rt .L..L ii... !.. l " I. 1 . l .i but thc d,-b- Letter fall covered and sacred "witll U,K gory uun to surrender j How quietly flows t!-e river towird j . l u l'-c cr tovva,tl '!;f rct it always teaches its ties - iination. ;-inis 13 a point t remember': ; when .vo' rire lr).inS t0 things.' ; i Ma n-lin ! f.. I... I. I ' tac iv tne prcse.it utity breaks a tbreal tn lhe -hoin.-' will-1 "ol ?ceu, elIct wnen lue weaving of a liicl''e i3 unTaveIeiU ; Tl.. -..t ! i : . V . . i ne suoserioer wno wau.ls to know what is themes doKnU trt v " """.c. i on a farm is informed that the farmer's so will till the bill pretty well about six A. M. it Unless you call a telephone 'IleMtV won't answer. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ry TH GENUINfi 3 DR. C. Mcl-ANE'S Celebrated American' WORM SPECIFIC OR VEBMIFTJGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. mHE countenance is pale and leaden- X colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache,Vivith humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains .in ..the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir 'fegular, at times costive ; stools slimy; not unfrenuently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine tutbid; respiration occasionally difficult,! and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c. . ' Whenever the above symptoms arc found to exist, DR. C. McLAME'S VERMIFUGE -will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY . Iii any form; it is an innocent prepara tion,, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver, MIFUCE bears the signatures of C.'Mc Lane and Teeming Bros, on the wrapper. - :o:- BE. G. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS f.re not recomrhended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, antl in all Bilious Complaint. Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diMjuse.of that character, they . stand without a rival AGUE AND FEVER. Kobetter cathartic can be used preparatory Lo, or after taking Quinine. A a simple purgative they are unequaled, ULWABE OF IM3TATIOXS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills, Each wrapper bears the signatures of C, McLane and Fleming- Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C, Mc. Lane's Li ver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Fa.-, the market being full of I'mitatrons of the name McLaiM spelled differently but same pronuueiatior' Ne w Firm sxyl.es New Prices. GRIFFIN & MUERAY. Goldsboro St., -..Wilson. N, C. lv-J-L Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies, Carts, Wagons. Harness, and all kinds of liding vehicles. Which. will UvVold rvt the lowest possible figures. We .have now on hand a tiicu and select stock O work. ' - Our prices are as low at the Uwet. . Be sure and call ob us before buying. at it faction.-iruarantitd 'in every CMt. - liMpairiug r.oa'.lr and piyuipily atiended to r.l2m - i TALB0TT & S0KS Shockoe Machine LICIIMONI), VA., Manufaetnn-rs f Portable ami Stationary Lngu.es and boiler. Saw .Mills, Corn ami h Mills niftins,llang,rs and Pulh-ys i 1 in nme ater w iK-els, J obae'co Lactorv w I . " 1 II' i i . - 1 .Matnuierj , lon-nr iro;i- orK, liras and i Iron Callings Machinery of every desciip-! tion. ;IXX1X0 S- TIWEPIIIXG .VA CIIIXES ! I A SPECIALTY. ; j Repairing Piomptly . and-Caixfully Done. ! Talbott's Patent Spark Arrester. ! '1 Inveiiiion t;ilic Age. It does not lestroy the draft. ! It doe j not interfere with cleatHn" the 1 tllbcs. It will net choke vp at: 1 requires no eh anirig. . It Ttquires no direct dampt rs to be oren-' j ed when raiciug steam danit.ers bviug ob ; jectionabte. a they may be left open and i allow Hie t-piu ka U) 'oea'pe.J ' . . : It ifqM,a no water to extinguish sparks ' hU:-li,.by coiidct?iation, destroys'tlie draft, i j bcMdcs, h.'o water h u.cd. if n-dected ' the eilicici.ey is .letroil by evaiatioui ., . ""'. Kepi i.. a j It't, simple and darsble andbanbe relied iiiio L.'.'.Uiiiii. upon. I x- . , . . It can te attached to any boiler. .no planter tiiould Ue without one of ';S!U:UJ. "T'5,. V"5"" ; gms-and b:m,s here the 1 aloott Eipdnes and Spark AifVsters are u-ed at same rate asdiar?ed for water or horse imwer. Send fur iltasuated .circulars and price list. 'l!or...l, II,-...... C.I t.i .- r. . ! "'""UI """'f - vioiu.-tioiv, v... d. a V"" oagc. . x. .-v. uratnger I Ii,,.... C 1 M i .. ; iAcai.iauiiiri ret. Ii0l4-12ui ! - - " I QlTTINti LULL ON THE WAR P VTII I ! 'i j Mtttng Bull Durhatfi SrioL:n; Tobacco is! j the best and -deties the World. This biwid i an i an other grades of Plug and Twist' for ! lU-' by Ii, II. POLiUE... .-! sn)r.iy. ilauufcttimr, LHitLaui, N. C.i ADVERTISEMENTS. THE UNITED BROTHERS I i i Mutual Aid Society Pehnsylvarna Is not a Life! Insurance Com- nanv. nor is it a Secriet bocictyj i ' i i rcquiring its members to attend! meetings. ! The following plan is presented for con sideration to such persons a inay desire to become racinbers. T!;e payment ol at the lime (if making applicatioli, $) anutiaU ly the next four vnrs. and ii per unnniu thereafter during life, with sjinaH pro-rata assessments at the? death of if-ach memlx-r of the cla.fs of which ycu majl be a inember These paynienU Secure, to- yo'ur (mnily $1000 to be paid in the event pi vour death M.MiilcrhiD-; mav he taken for amounts at the above i-anging.froui $00 to 10,00 rates by of sound health any person good morals, not younger thun .15 nor older than Go years. This society is more than eleven years old and has paid moid than 61. (JpO.OUO to the beneficiaries of itsi deceased ikieuibers. lias now pT5,000 CasliAssets j;i ' . ! . j a reserve fund, and assets lia ble to assessment , j $35,000,000 I Has now a membership in North' Carolina who hold cei tilicates covering-as inueh .as Do not delay, send in yoijir application. Now is the tinfe. j Coo d reliable business men wanted in every county of North Carolina. J For'furthcr particulars cal on or addi'ess, REV. F. B ANDREWS, District Agent, I ""'.'- j LITTLETON, N. C mayST-Sm. Big Pay. a g ENTS N . T: E D Wo want n. limited humbor of active, fneraretic canvassers to riiKase in a pleasant and profitable butiuass. Good lnen will lina tins a. rare cnance Tcp Make Money Such will nlease answer tnis aaveruspme ni dv natter J enclosinff stamp for reply, stating what bpkineW they have been engaged in. None but tnosH -h'lio nww mismess neea appij. t(il,i!7-iy flXEEY, HARVEY A CO.. Atlanta.Ga GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. HADE HAR&TirEi OREATTRADE MARK : . s t - EDY. An unfail- rk in& cire for Se:1i- .'fff'W llial'l WeaVaess, ' t- 9 ri p e rmatorr he3 , 4Zit7 lmiiotency, and ( an diseases mat SsAaAV.fcik ciuence oi reii- T Abuse: as loss .Of tCFQRE TARlHa.momory, uuiver-AFTEl TAIINQ. sal lassitude, tiain in the back, dimness of vision. ireinai uro old aje, aind many other diseases, that tad to incanity or consumption1 atid a premature grave. 4Full partiitilfir in uur pamplilet.which we cH-ir to seil tVe by mail to every on.e. The Specilio Medicine is told by all druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be nt free by xnajl on receipt of the mney by addressing Tiik Gray Medicikk Co.. jMechlanics' Block. Detroit, Mich. Sold in "Wilson and every where, by all druggists. ,no,284y. Dr. Henry Motts F 11 E NC II POWDERS. - i i Will cure inflamation of the kufneys and bladder Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Strictures' .Spermatorrhoea nervous ami physical debilitij-, seminal immi. sious, iniloteiicv, weakness of Viie genital organ. broii;ht on by Vicious habits in yout h. excesses, &c, female weakness leuchofrhoea or whites, womb diseases, sypliUlis in ali jits forms, scrofula, ulcers, old sores, blood and skin diseases. Ac, -"Gonorrhoea cured in js hours. "a For sale in Wilsou by A. W. ilowlujjd. Druggist f Price per box. i . Sent bv inail secure trom observation, on re ceipt of price. i MUTT EVENS & CO. Manufacturer and Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. fcb-27-tf . ! HOPBITTERS. (A Medicine, not a prink,) CONTAINS HOPS, KUCIIU, MANDRAKE," , DANDIXIOS, Ass THxFnugrrAXD Best Medical Qitaijtees otI all, ortiEB Bmx&a. , THEY CUIIE AH tiF33aes of tbe Stonmch, Bowels, Blood, Lirer, I Kidneys, and Crinaj-y Organs, Xerroosness, Sleep-I lessneas and especially Female Complaints, r SlOOO tW GOLD.7 I Win be pftiil f or a case they win not cure or help, or I for anything Impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them A I before you sleep. T.kt a. .tkcr. , l ? HoKCocea Oraxisthe sweetest, infest and beet. I Aak Children.! . 1 The nor Fas for Stomach, Lirer and Kidney is npe-1 rtertoalloUier& Coresby absorption. Ask drusyiat. j I ' t I D. L C. to an abaohrty and utpm ,t.n ilc cure for drank-1 ennen, nse cf opium, tobaoco and narcotics """" a aWnd for circular. I I Khcm nl,i br dnKjrkU. Hnp Bitl-n M fi:.C. Rorbntcr, N IN ITS 17-VOLUME The llaleigli IVews. P. M. ItALK, Editor. L. L POLK, Cor. Editor KDH AUIiS, HHUUGHTUN jiCo.,Uumess Man A N. C. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL s 1 . DAILY AND I WEEKLY. Terjn: " u V ekly .one year, 2.00 Daily, 1 yrar,S7Hj " ' months,. si iuv. - ,wi A ddress. THE I? ALEicnf N ETW-st la:ogli, . . I. NEW !---- . ' .. ...1 j .Uj a. . . I ri? i i i Nuuiiti i'iiiji:ii' i i RAILROADS. 1 MEDICAL. ' . Vc-rr r , x-,., 1 I Offke ov Suf ebixtexdext. V OLD DR- JOHI DODDS; ; ; I Pktehsbubo, Va.,- March 31, '80 ) 1 I ''':HK.'- SCHEDULE OF TRAINS. XERVlSE wl TOXIC rOWDERS. . I .. . . . ! S vtf irrnmiitiM t,A I .TO TAKE EFFECT MARCTI 0 1ST. j : f. t ntnUALLb H ' I GOING SOUTn. Xew York Exnrrs Ijeave Petersburg daily at....1.07 P. M. Arrive at Wtldonat ......:j.-320 P. M Southern express leave Petcriburg clilj at 11.43 1. M: Arrivcuc Weldon at i..2 OS A. M Freight with passenger Cnaci-t at- rxcept bundaT, at, 10:30 a.m. Arrwc at WVldon at ........ mJ...m3:25p M It'. U... GOING NORTH. Ne w York ei press Leave Weldon at.. .L...I.10 P M Arrive Petersburg dailyt at 3. 30 P M Southern Express leare Weldon daily, at m. i 3:SA M Arrive at Petersburg at C20 A M Freight, with passenger Coach at tached, leaTe Weldon daily, ex- J cent .Sunday, at i 5: JO P. M. Arr're at Petersburg at I 11:50 v. M First-class .'coaches will run through l)etwteu Wilmington and sWadiinirron and slet-nimr cars on nilit and day train-: Sleeping ear berth can be had for $T,00 ironi liicnuioua 10 uaiiunore. of ears. . 1 Through tickets sold to all Eastern ami Southern points and bagae cVckcd tlirough. . J . linoii Dispatclier of Trains R. M SULLY. iioii iilemlen Office Si'p't. Tkanspoktatiox, ) S. & R. K.K. Co..l 'ortspiouih, Va., Nov. 10th, 1S7S. J Portf Q1IANGE OF SCIIEDULEI V On and nuer MONDAY, NoyeniWrllth, trai'is will run a follows: j LEAVE rOItTSMOU I'll DAILY, EX CEPT SUN DAYS. v Mail train at 10 n Accominotlation Train - o 00 pm AK1UVE AT roItTSMCUTII DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Mail train at a 30 p m Accommodation Train 3 '25 p.in Accommodation Train leaves dtily ex cept Sattutlav. ! Mail tram connects at eiuon wun tne Mail Trains of the Wilmington & H'eldon, and Kaleiirh and Gaston Railroads. And on Mondays; Wednesday and . ! 1 1- davs at Franklin, with steamer for Eden ton, Plymouth anil ianuuiijs on iiiaeKwa- ter and Chowan river. j Freight received dallv, except Sundays from S a rn to 4 p m. Superintendent o (Transportation. Tickets sold at of'ce, tinder At.ntic Hotel, Norfolk, Va. by W. T. W ilker ?utae. j HOTELS. THE CAKROLLTON, , i Baltimore, Light and German Streets. ii iiifitjoiti:. im. Kate reduced to $3.00 and $2.50 per day according to location of rooms. Extra charges for parloi's, - baths, and double rooms according to size. The most convenient and latest built! Hotel in the city. . I Elevator runs continually to all the floors All lines of city passenger, cars pass its doors. F. W. COLEMAN, Manager. JAIUIATT'S HOTEL, (Recently City notel,) PETERSBURG, Va. as been thoroughly-renovated and hand orr.ely furnished. Location central and convenient to. busi ness. The ouly hotel in the city lighted with iras. Omnibus T ree4 BROWN & PETTIT, Proprietors mcrr22 i Street's National Hotel . RALEIGH. A'. C. S. R. STREET, a SON, Owheis and Prop's GASTON HOUSE NEW BERN, N.C. S. Ri STREET A SON, Proprj . The undersigned having I purchased tlic National Hotel property at Raleigh, opened March 15th, 1879, tbat well known House to' the public under their management. They refer to their past management of the Gaston House as a guarantee of a first-class Hotel. Tho senior, Mr. Samuel R. Street, will remain in Charge of tho Gaston House. The junior, Mr. W'm. J. Street, will eon duct tlie National Hotel, r apll-ilm S. R. STREET & SON. T. GliAHLES HOTEL, (Corner Main and 15th Street,) RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. W. X. BRGO, . .j Proprietor. This house is cerdrally located and every thing kept in first class order. Large sample rooms and special induce ments to commercial travelers. JAS. L. IiASS. B.I. I5Air.Ki.EV. BASS & CD'S 11 EST A U H AN T AND ' OYSTER SALOON. (First door helv lJrown ) UNDER R. 11. SUED, WELDON, N.C. INSURANCE. N- C- STATE LIFE! INSURANCE p o m p a n y . F. II. Cameiiox, . r lVcsident. W. E. Axdeksox, Vice-Presideni, W. II. Hicks, ' j Secretary. Di:. E. 1L Hayavood, Md. Director. Pkof. E. B. Smith, Advisory Actuary. 1 A sspts I... $ 2G0,27U 70 I Liabilities...... j.... j (Re-ins urauce. reserve, Ax.).... SLS76 41 ! Surplus to policy hohffrs 17-.3;4 n, c,f. t ;r j.- ,, i tf. ! lhe Mate Life is the only Home Ccmpa ' nyiin NoHfl Carolina. ! It is the only company that invests all-its' f,,.lj... tl... Si.ia til ,r :. . fundi 111 the fctate. All of US UlOliey Kcl'l at IlOUie aiiU CiretU-tea crrotlg our OWti POOlde. ' i j Out of fifteen Conipanles iaorttnzto the North Carolina hisurance Leiiarimeut. the X. U. State Ll isied more policies id tbe State last year thsa a41 of f the rest put to gether. Company's rates as lo? as those of anv first -el ass company, i it win cost a man sizkd J'i. auout five cents a day t keep bis liie Insured for one thousand dollars. ! i orl farol'mung, stand by and snpport j j our own Home irfclitutions. Bczriiood agents wanted lo cvtrr couh". I A. 1)EANS, Special Ati for Wilsotri ana vxuvy. ; jcG- i . i u i 4 w i in i . 1 1 n r to . i r , '--"zy i I A. ITTA -rrtSl . i I'irv-rv ...... - I :Tji I Tl-r:r p,lt:,v T Tonnr and mM-U arM ' lsH'w uurins xxtih j I" ,,L;,0 -'-h 'Kvii.Ua., ;si,ar; nrrvonsne.. h-MHt.' ticlMmt of-U.e W. .j ' A "-ty. a;i-f.U i.., v j . ... re rinciuc i Uip ear. p"( -r t-f.rp Mip -v.'prvMn- j .Mir Vi,r a- t,,... ; , ' " ',rf,9 Ct livsu-'rirs. inli.itnli...i of theh.-.irt. Uulitl.ni. J aK:nt i'ti,! u j .1, f.'-' , ? of Tour Old ladies who are debilitated, and nerv ous, with weak VmmIv, 'hud dig stive organ dUor.Vtvd. cansin- los of apoiite : in.,.v-.j eri-hod l.lood Aie.. try Dr. I1'1 s j'mvUr ami you will feel as -i hough you had ien-w-ed ynr air'' atid taken a new lease of lifi. Old and middle nod inen'wh ll iv kt-pt late hours and have Ih'imj itni.ttn1! -nt ai,'l iohited tlie laws. of hcallh and nut uiv un til the viiror of lif,! U ono.t' and you are prostrated tnentally ami physically and un able to attend to yonr,liisitu-iS'.cr duties of life, take Dr. Dodd's Powt'ers and you Will feel vour-elf MHMi ai;Ttn Yo'un iiH-n and v.nin Willi nh and health land .strength art J increase the tb'di nod bring the b'o,)in of yoi.ili roiheeheeks. tranuiruy to tlie mind,- and pj-udiiee sound am1, refreshing t'leejl. Men arid women renif tnlicr liealtli is bet ter. than silver or gold. : Why wtil ynu nun your nervotm system' by. making your-e h es slaves to the ue. of tbat jiofsniiuitsweed to bacco, either by chewing or smoking, dip ping or vnullling. Stop the n-e of if. r u-e it hi mo le rat inn, aHluh it. produces ery exhilarating and pleasant uifect on the sy- tcni, you Mioiuu i.- ujini-i ..I,., o,-ii.., 1 , . . . your lieiliu ami uuuernin.e your wm: nei von sv'tcin tor a nine lii.ii-iue. iv the excessive use of tubaee yoiu- rsystc m , becornes pregnaW d or sat uratcd m i! h that alnio'st deadly pni-on Nieotiiie. whieh often produces- paralj'M, '.ringing in. the ar, deafness, blindness or jtotnl loss of sight, bi onchit'H, .larypgiti- and .softening of t !'' brain. Habit is a ty radical matc: , and if thc habit has become s 4ii-ml.y rooted anil tho pleasure so great you cannot lay i! n-dde or cast it off. thn n y Old Dr. Dodd'. Nerviue and Tonic ;P wder. the only spec ific remedv. TIk-v will quiet your nervous sten 'arid -produce lw al'h. frtveugth and tlevh. If taken, as dific ed it will iL-troy all taste, and ippitite for the poisonciiv weed, i . - - All men and women, who use inroxica ting liquors are subject' to-'great, nervous prpst ration. They s-hould ue Old Dr. Dodd' Netvine and To-nic-Powders.- They will quiet. and sooM.c tlie whole nervoti sysiem, acting as an an'lidote, prodn.-ing rest, regulating the in-orders and inflamed stomach and prevent ing. that unpleasant feeling which follows the excesive use of stimulants of any kuid. Tlioinils ol.incn and women have ruined the u'.ating or" mucous membtf.nc of he -stomach by takr iug Stidlitz P;wiors, Soda water, blue PiTls and other iubt.t ;kiii. and poisonous mixtures to settle the stomach which Is very imprudent and dangerous. Often when such" preparations" come in contact with the inflamed. membrane of ih" stom ach causes uaitst a. sourness and lint ttlcncr. whicli genci'llyi ends in indigestion-" and j flvsnensia. .S'ueh' remedies do not idvo !op- or strength to the. weak and h-oidei d digestive organs, nor qijiict r build up Uic nervous systein which is .absolutely l.eces sat v. Put Dr. Dodd's puwilers.invi rate. give tove and strengtli to tl; tihu-ed stom ach and qiuet 'the entire netvou systenr. prevent ing tbe tiviobjiig of the hai !s, re moving that ghastly uppca-ni.ee of the eye and other sviuptfrnis that indicate ileliriuir. tremens. If taki-n as din-ct.e d- it will de stroy the appetite for 1'i.jnor clFcitiiu'dy.' Old Ir. I dds N( rvfoe and Tonic Pow-d-rR Tlu-prrut anu.lot'i f'T Ovimir Mor M..r: iii in f,i... littiKli'eci tl;"iisar.n 1: - i A urn nutennoliiir their li.-attb anil I'-'Pifn I'K-ir tiervoim svstei.i cv?rv :r l v sh.. is;- M Morphine or fipium". a h:ila!'f;r .r-e t-m ifiior liquor or tpbacco' tlpimii antl Morphmn when i.m iI to ex cess uVMroy 1 he ilicfstivf organs iiiwl eltrn luniks on dropsv. soft'.iilii(r of the hraiii, paralysi.: p'ii ural (IHiilitV. iusanitv . an l; an early . -le:itli. 'r. l)olrs 1'owdiTS will (r.trov all il.-sirc f,r ripi..lf for the us.- of Opium or Mirpiin-. .ami will quit anil buiht i.p the .rv.ni :kiil pliy-ical sy!.-iii.:iiin restore you to u.-aUh.scr. ncih. lies b. Si liapi 111. s. Old Dr. John Dodds l- ..'".'"': i" NVAl VINE owl TOXIC I'O ll'JJKR.S,No.t Old Ir. Deil't's Xrvii!o'iiid Tonic I'liwdiTaX,, 2 will ciirn. aU i hrmiic :onl obMinaii' in-rvii dif.-ix-ff, su'eli a ir. ii F:il lii rvoii 'li'l ihiv; ii.iliiiii:irv l,.Y,f.uil fn,-,,,; tlllW 111 ll'.'wll. Iirilkl II ( (Itt'll I li ll in I ,,1 , i , in 'mind and bod with a .shutt'Mvd nervous h.:s. ilit,to ii: !;-. It t.-ok u . V hvMcni. take .Old I t. iK-dl's .Wivmi-Tonie ' months to. take '.the ,t:iH,. ,.,. w; "r Puw.lors and stop thai ss wlii.h brings on for the Muall one. I ,,,. v ,',',,.,' ,xv n.elaneholv. iits. insaJniy, ec.iisnn.pti n I he h- rse i- eurin ly vfll , , t -n ..u ' "' ami nil I m v ur.uii. iii"-) " I aim uu utiiu-ii in lie ,i ii or f, It rciOHial least's , caU'i-.l liV ilKiirk ri tion, t'Uvfss, f tc , or by lascivious ti.oiit'hts.jiTtnl ilrertm. pro-j i!iicii)(r t reat jih sical and iuia:il '.v aUii,.. nel j often ijt-siroy 1m;1i iy ami ni:inl. aui hnnrtii ii , rtiimiei-s if Vion. i :ti iy il'-cav. iiuin-r-al i.i'-i::?,.'' ; ii.ijiot ency or j l.yvK al inc:ipa iiy, in ii.iiy aie1 j Coll-IIIUptloll.- i Tin- tooU oiii 1 dk-iiir.- Tfen "ine ar.il Tonic Io'a1t are :v i irific lor all i..-r tins i1i-i-.i-e anii a core i' t v irr;nii-d in every-case.lNfcirstirriTer io not throw ' awa v your jnon.y fo M ori t.h-s. tlfti.' and 'do. nt.; t,. ilHc-i iv (i hy i-iioi St;! prui'-ii l. r- v. wi'.f! j; . tin ioseles iliVl.trs.ife k tui;-' no-i-out ire i i- i ing ucrvcus iti-H.ist --. Tliey -,vill no! iu.1v tet jour money. Out will ruin ymif 'V'lcm ,y "ivi.ns- !! j Arsenic. I'ritfs.i c Aci..- Strychnine. M'Tcury , t ' ollnir KiiHnoiis licCuin' , util paM ceretn.S -i-oiin teeth anil toi!i s :trjV! ilerayed.! He v. ie ..in lijiric. and taki-Oi l I : . 1 Kxla s Nervthe ami Toni,j 1'ow- ' Ir ami sin, that (Irani oi the .ey-iem. an't yju ' v. ill lx- r stolid t he:ilt!i.MreriKth.llfli.h.ijppiin- l)r. jKxid's I'.i v, il r art" vi rv p! .aii: to tie- I taste and von ii-il notdi'-t wlii!" t;.i:i- Ihi m j You uc and middled ajr-d trie ne1 von;;.;. : -.vh nr.. .:'. .il " I. i..rvti.irt,-s m, - m irn-r timh - w hat form, name or t-y mj'tinii. u finny flue if m H ; mit af-e;iaii he au- of -aid ley von -j..-.M:tny '. perMms (utt'Tin -with iifrVtui-iKu r i-rou 4'bilify, aliliouii th.y mar not hue t -rt inli- , tfect Mi'voicti, or al.n-cd th.-tiielvt l.o't r m 1T are tronhlwl with an 'invotunta-rr M-tninal o. in a greater or ipianli ry; which of on cauwil t.y a jreneTa! w. aliM of the v. hole p tysicai aiel nervous , ystem and from the want ofpr'-p-r hiod a ud (.h-p, and al-ofrorn 'othT ir,- Mlariti'-i" ef life, ' To couvince yourselveti th it t!n-re i a drain of. waniib of tie- a oahiy of '.fw .yfui throut-h lhi c ha nnel. Von rnii-, tri k- tlie iirin... He- tir! ni-":':' tfd alier ri-iiii; in the :;vori;iUi'. and put it ' iu c',i.a, wlnte f'4y, lit!h: r J ir. a, id l-f it iC 'i.1 luf iiiril;n. .liin iie tlie ictili- or jar ;... .-. j ly .r.f- war,'th a i in- oi her, nod it t li- A--;r---,r h r fi ; P etlier. r.-w-mhlint thw' white of an tux, t!en '!.- ! cau' ol .our n-i voiiu-sk is a xiiiinal . i-j-. - ! , rv man ad wom has a - J ; . . r . .. . r . I . . i.iui' ui ii'ur u'i a ?-'i(iinai . e.. i- ec.tinten'ibcc-.and Klci mmd a.dl-.-dv..-thin. i r'"rU' nvk'-'-My ai em-nry, h suii. r ni - t. a a iirata en ine i cii-iu ;r a itai lo. i,iin IS' ends mconumplior:'a!.d auearlv death, A cur..' ) is srnarautt-ed in en- ca.- if you v. i I e-.- IT. lxld's Nir. tne and Tome I'ovsderH., No i. .Y"" will then ncoer your L:i!th,j t-treug-th, fl -h ;u. t ironi vou i iirir-t i paekage'or f rix p;rtk..-i;';s. t Or.Jol.ti I Ioddtcare cS-M'-tf, Meveri CVi.v Haiti - i more, ibk, and they wifl Ik; b-uanb-d by mail uaik-r .r.! or by exprvnx to: aiiy pstrt i of the tuiU'd ziafv or taita'bt. ; Manufacturers atj pn.prkiui. akW-'ly . BA'LTiiuvMry. Uaj,jJ1U.-e. . .-J. i . . : o a,,r !1(.t Willi l " - It ..l.o. "J tf -h-ap i"--f " j no WLASD. and by all Druggist s at t ,M ' !. 'Tl'S' br. ou.r. jwr'i'ackag-, or fix.. paeka?es for $". Sent ea7t-.i. -A vtu' SAAi-Btt. by it ail under' M-abor try express on rrvfii.t .' ,:i,. if j,i.-U.- -oBc-Titr4fJ ofpnee. If von can'iot g?t tlie i.wd. rs iV'ver, thac it 4 by far xh: l X. GRANGER, t Uihe- Last ' i li n f,l i ter. btit .!..;. I , ...!.:' -rtte 1 ill 1 . . , im ' oil 1 , I L'l'I'W Uill'sn ill,,,,, t .i: . ",1 he ).V; hum-. ,)r(vi i-verei ;,at tliir buttle cied -hi.,. , . 'r'Mu i.. irii. i , ,.. .i.. i. . , . ' iiuv lah, ....... v. ..... i :ij t !,! , ij,,.) . P. . i;iuv,, . . . . i . .. V'"'- ,-iu-tii.n. vns,, M.,,v, p; - .,.-.: i , " . ... . . . ' ! iVji'i ai l !itv -,,!, I t u . ,( t VuU ki!,iiVt'i;(t I J,:iU 'o in -v. ,1 tir , puUijS Willi Ke-iulal.V j eiy lare . fie, lni k I ain Cine,' tl.Q Wutidetfi1 inedK-'Iiie. Jt II,;, here, b it ,f doe. f.,r ail ul:a;Tt l,a,sdL a lirV l! 11 R ioi ii iv lis raio il n,t t is gieil ; Lcpi i'tfiih v ours V " MAS. K. l-At;krJ RENDALL'S "SPAVIN CURE OA' 111 .l.LV FLUSH. . Patten's MiiP, U ndiit e?ui, (. y T 1 - l f, H.ll V 'JJ .-.lb VI. KeMi.M.t,. M. 1 : I v. : ...!.. ... . . . . i . . . . .- . . - - ' . i'.' ,ii leoi.ii ease 041 n ..-i. ! u-., , v. . ..... Ctlit j , yic ,is ,1 iii.un.iii! nnkie si'irnu f J uin iiiun:i!., .yiaiuimg. :-J n;i,i ( , ioh'i r , in:i.--, ten i i vil li. liiir 'Si, n. t pu the f.u! to the gr.ii.1,. I h-.i,,. Aire for i lie nrst uuio s,.,(.c jaurr, m -a i.uturid p i.ion? For a f.u'nily in. uncut it exc-U a thing wc ever iN'ed. ' anv- ..iirs.1riilv. Hi v. M. P. P.ki I ast.(i- fSV. . i liiuch, P.iei, Iax .Y. u i. -i i i i i;i. i, .-lire ih i cH"ttS. hi-: Id PI it ret ion a- it does iiof 1,1 j, ..1''fi t i I t W. I I 4 - - m ' t ter; yet il l- p. i eframur and powcrfu rcac.'i ecty d i p M-aU- I p iin or t.i u uUvo to any l.on-y grow ih i.- . ii, -r eu'ai vMnL lit. fiuli as spai!i-,-. sj lif.im. eiii-I.K, ci .sprains, weliiic--. a;.y lameness am ..',... - r .1... : . . . OOt,- all or , iil'U.' ui, ri f o i; JOIHIS Or Illl.tlSj ..i..: . .. ! iieiiiu.nsiu in oi.'in nu.i jor aev pinhole f.... t,;,.l. .. t:.,t : i . ' f i"i onn.li i loi.nin i,i i u.eii I. T.-tll'IIV OT beast, b b kijou u to i, id,. t liriit ient for matt ever ii-id. ;ii!!ii Hold and yrl tain ite its eta . . S, in (u!!lr. -s f.,r tinted ( ltcul.tr wliieii we thin ie t err.-bin- tive pioot of its vir' ues. ivrnedy hat ever met -M idi such" on qiuftiiied Mcrv i to' our knowledge, for- h.-a-t ;o w li as.rna i. Pi-jce ?l. per b ,!f!ei,r six boltl. n foe $5. All Di itiL'i-ts l,ae i: r i a: g. t it for "yoiiy r it v.'i ibi? senf ;,.)v ;,(jdie on receipt r.f price bv the puOpri, "t.o s. U. ItJ .1. KKNDALL ,V l (, Lnobmg!, rilli, Wrmoi t. .' -T A ' THOMPSON A "Mi: I If. Atrentk I !'! eitnan St.. p.alii.noi', Mif, HUNT, RANKLN '& I.AMaR. J'in!7-ly . Alhnta, ha1. CA.VrinLI) HliO.ivCU -Jewelers, 220 y.:R,illi,,io(e;'-SU Ruf'AMor'., ! AMKP.ICAV an 1 iniK.tt.d WAbllM DIAMONDS. ir.Wl-.l.b'V. MbVK V w A!:i:,Ti.'iPibi:sibYKi: Pb- i 111) d'AilK. iiOlibU" ; 1IWI IKI.D Ubl cutlery, j; o (; i; u s p'.-u. d y ' I. ; e ' u' rr , SllOoiiH.Fel kg Ac. Clock. l,io!ie, ..!tei. Vases, ria;ure,le. Stock ahvjo's complete- and prifi lw. H.-tdes and .medals for t-clico!? and col-- hge.. . A U-onler" receive prciinpt attention; : ti.cii P'di s'i. ; i ' , a- T -if pars a a eorr.pour.d of th.9 xiPu- of .armapinl- Li, btillinia. fi:.nidrft)te. yii-or dorfc.. the Pt,d- , f '.lM.li and ri. u I"'--l.lMl-uukit. t ',U-iynynz. and b!H .,o 'r i-'i-iiii r.:. it is in ... . tirt t. ajtpw- ' i . .. . i.. tn ,1 :iil'it;v fHh1in ; r V1 s... ..i... ,!,., -T.hf - lei-own or avuiid",'- i - - , .r....-'..f i,.JS. . )n uhlry bare -' impure im-.i. A.. KriPU. all seroinioti . '" . I-," ei....,lM Itosc, or Mi and Face-jir: txtlles, IHUuny . . I.,...,, r I t I " , , 1 1 union. S-ilt Kb uo, ?''.ii I'll'""! -" - L f - . ' . ii ! '! rs, ores. Jii.e-1 myosin. - IT II ... i o t . aci inmi""""T i, - IJinacitticri, ar.o; iiviiti! vw..-- i'.-i- i- M-al t. r 5tn t .l-ti-..r. 1,5.1: n-t :de-r';r. L wsii 1 gA ;sAi'Afcit.A 4 bpT tt.L ! Piiv,.UuV kot it , comt.'.ioii. -r.l-e u. It b- l- t.''' virs and ha " '''''"i", , o.,l uuihoos wl.u7fV Its Prepared by Dr. J. Ct AyC&C.,' ' t V Lo iff ell, Mass. - i on I.,. i . " ' ... . -i . ' . . I . i . ru 1 ,1 lul. i ur-s J:, I" - - - ' . ' .It ' d-T,l ' au tie Ml ''- -r;i-''' , 'i".'r.I...,-t v iit.ei-r o' ... -.- r, i i '81 W" ' fturfaccu