- -1 " . . I ' " . I- " . , - ! ,; I i .i : ! L- ...... : ' i; ., - i . The Wilson Advance, 5 FBI DAT ....flC'TOBER 1,1SS'J wusou Entered - '"at Um0- ti t,n matter at. " rUi.i AnvAN'cfc TJP ST AIM'S I FKIV?ARuiI.bS.. OOE. NASH 8 mVsVKKKTS. J , Married. - . V In mi son county on Sept. 23rl by r T Thnmnson. J- P- Sylvester Tlwrrte to Miss Elixabeth Czzell, both of this county, : - Henry &!'' . Through the courtesy of Mr. W . E. Farmer. tbe efficient jailroad agentat tbUphco. we leaf a that up to yes . -.il..- mn Knlpanf cjtton had been lenutv o-v,v . ,.;".,ri f.rot lha denot. it rrxci ctu j v. . - - Local Department.; ' ?p:ii!:niNli!in EDITOR. U-iuJi"-"- mrrna-im " ' ' ' ". ' - i I ! . being 1207 in excess of tha number received up to same date last year. i i ' ' r School s'ates all s;zcs and price, at Rowlaud's drug store. . ; to KiugV M-iuutala .'ebrati.;, The U'i'i!.li.-a- coY.ity. cn ven'i'ri onire-aMur-.-vsll ..ret -H Snow fad -Accident' ' Last Saturday 'little Bennie. son i. v ital F.sn . foreman of Mr. AV Taylor's mil). arm caught m A Protracted Meeting. . Rev. J.:A. Canninggitn, assistel by Rev. J. T. Bagwell, of Goldsboro is conducting a series of meetings in the Methodist church at tU'ia place, which h.iv been'1 ye fy interesting. Mr. Bag well is a fine pTeaeherar.d is winning golden opinions from all who have heard him. Malarial Fever. ' " ; ; In ifash county, near Whitakers tiie" malarial fever is prevalent, and tere have been several deaths resulting from it." Within an areaTof four miles there were four deaths ire four day re suiting from this fever. The folio win" are the persons who died: "'-;V,Y' On September 20th, Mrs. Pickup, and on the followinz dar. the 21st h'r nw - -i , husband. . " r. l Whi takers,, had his the shaftinr a:id torn w - s 4S will ii- l.l tow 1. will ocu:)'y Mr. M !f !i.:s're'-.- r :i;d.'h'f the large-nt :ii'l f'i Wo iiiirle. l'-rriCH A Co., them. . '- . O. IIi.Mh, n-pti' lioan caiidate for C')nn-?i in .this .li-.;nct V f i" t.vrr. a: i ui i lt vrc .learn" a. very biuer p.,clJ yesterday. Mr. 15!.:ih )u n delrverin every .(f above the elbow. It i was ainputa- I td just below the shouhier and. at list ! accounts, the little sufTorer was doirs las well 'as. .under-the circumstances. could be expected. Wodnesil-tV fvem!i;tn Ihu ..r.i.rfii i. bi ni jixaository i.ciure V"'"'"" I i I" the (Jonpel of St. John iuUrestlng. on vli".c!i are very 15, VJJll, of Wilson a iare Pitt Don't forget thit Ff"ry Kii , will a I ir-,i I lie people (i,.i,.iu.r r. ii Let there he crowd to hear . 1 Ti'.p oott matier at (ire?Jivil!c. Oouiil v lifts absconded and carried witll him the sfu of two tliOusand doll.irs which belonged to the past otiicc depailmeut. ; j.; iVtt lrarn that the ner' annu-il ses sion of the Capo Fe'r Freu Will fiap tist Conference will be held on Thurs (1.1V before the second Sunday m Ociober . " ; ; The Dotiir.iUc Monthly is published by Wake & Co.. corner iJroadway j and Fourleenlh street, .New York, at 1. 50 I -tn jc'ir, jnc'u-iive of p utern preiiliuiu Mpccimeu copies 15 cents. i--iii-. ; , . . T'lvo car 1 fjf Aiiustus 5ryant. Ksq., declining th nomination for Register of dee Is for AViIon count, appears in Miofher column. The chairman of the Executive Committee jof the coun ty requests the soVaral township com. tnilt-a t'v.nod him at the court house : Wilso i on Saturday, (?Jt. 'Olh to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of Mr. Bryanc. 288.j One car load of fresh bed steads at W ootten & Stevens. The best line of hue cigars in town at Rowland's, come and try the new brand's. - ; - v O.i the-23rd. Mr, James Mrsely, and Mr. W. II. Oldham on the 24th. Rowland has just received a lare lot of splcnUd - perfumery ; wich as Lubius, Lbndbops &c, also toilet and tooth pbttdefs. , . 3fanliTiIlc Ilemg. . i Four prisonera in Na.h eounty jail. . Dr. T. Ti Ross is quite tick, John N. Vick and Joseph J. Barnes aro-at the point ol death. Mr. John Williford, ag;d 70 years, died .near hero last Sunday.' Mrs. Salfie K. Bridger wife of Capt. A. W Bridgers, did of consumption on the. 23rd, irct., aged 39 ytars She was a mem ber of tha Missionary Baptist .church, was an affectionate wife, a devoted mother rind a kit d neighbor. , o. Dead watches and clocks, innsicial in struments e:c, made alive at Churchweil's. Uultmorc I.IOlli Anniversary. "'Tha 150th Anniversary of the city of Jultimore will be celebrated during the-week "beginnig October 11th, LThe citizens of Baltimore have arran ged dn attractive programme to cale tirate this auniyersiry and it is expc?c ted that the city '.vlil be crowded. Wq reiuru'tliunks to Mayor T. C. Xatrobe for an invitatiuu. Our friend James W. Jliyes will accept our thanks for an invit:ition.to a social hop to be given in the Fern-ile Actdemy at Toisnot, N. C, Fnduy night, O. tobcr Hlh. Jude Fowle spoke in'Tarboro -Wcd-nesiby, mid in Fartnville B'edncsd iy Thursday luuhl. .uid at Sudw Hill would he "bid to hear Judi We Fowle .k I i ere The Otjldsboro Mrmtenijcr says; the Central Tree Will Baptist Association will c mveno with Union Chapel chbroh. Wayne e!)un1y,')n " Friday belbr.e 'the second Sabbath : October". Departed this life on the loth inst. little Wade Hampton only son .of Uobtrt G. an 1 Annie E. Privett aged one year and eleven months. "Little Wade has gone, to rest . To reiu with Gfd Siiprerm-ly blest II e has reached I iir Cm 1 1 Vs happy siiore j You can b'uy lowest priced Rowlands. the very chewing best or tobacco the at The W. & W. R. II. mense liusinesa now, and passenger truliic. lailen with oKtow. isfloing an i in bot'i in freight !Vains, heavily :tre continuallv" 1'iiilht pas -In or i- passing' while the day and .sen,1'1- !raiie, arc r .'aping a well ICUKiiioiKte. ' The fare to Kiniv Mountain 'cele hral'u.ii has been fixed at -such' low rates as to insure a laree attendance. Bound trip ticket 1 j cents a mile, bolt ways, or roads. in all. For sale by all Colt ! oi contmues fo corgq reat .pjajn tities, and it really pme in io see how few of our "cnuers ttiive called, according tions. nr in sur- sub- to a'nd setileil their subscrip The advertisement of Geo. O ens nia,:iit;u'tnrer and dealer K Mies man and aUverUseoient. Ste- all in Is of bu'idling material app.iars" this eek.- Mr. Sevens is a reliabiQ: bns- dca's fairly. Bead his The smoking men.er of td.ders UU thanks i, Mr. p. iin lor s-iiiie of his fra nrm Mi.e R, Mar- tti.i.j, ;.. n ... ... - . -?,'' --tvi. in i 4ur iMti iriii, a... I l, an In Hirpassed. Thev are made herein It iU.., x ' " " a uonie enter prise we give them our s'.ronge puff. nd Annnaf Pip nfiu The Set dustml Association for colored peo.d, w.o;,;..v.d Tuesday. Col: L. L. pt'ik - -c-uuor oi the rf UKi :m. uei.yereu the annual address r i air is said lo be a suce cry particular. In- e 'ess in ev' --Our former townsman iiacivnev.orKockv I e re nja,i tl k;.trn I liocky Mount r.' Hackney, R o .aiiwuvfce the success cf Jan. If you brandies Rowland ft drug store and you will find them. f want pure Medicinal or liquors of any kind wines go to Death ofJIrn. A. W. lirid&f. 1 AVe are catled upon to record anoth er Uatkr- death wbicfc will opteit the deepest fonntafnsf-tt lrart ind pcatter, the briniest waters of grief, whereever her goodnesi of biart shone forth in acts of kindness, arid which will be remembered now as gem j in the qrown of hei ttsefainess In Nashville; on the 25th of Septem Sef," irrs. A. wTRridge'is after a long Rnd 3ering 'llnMsi passejj calmly awayand "t-hteredupon that rest, which retnaineth for tne j eople of God." those who had traced th lino of the heet'ni fiush upon her p dlid face, andjlienerl to the f&nrrdstake able cough, knew that the insatiate rnes aengefwith the poison ou atd ; uer ring tread of consatrption, was creep ing upon her viaU, and were in a measure prepared for tbtf trvijig ordeal when the .final summon? came. But he.'whose tici?rt-gtrings Iialh been so sorely torn asunder, finds the shock overpowering, arid in the blacknCss of his starless bereavement, his night seems that it will have" no , morrow. Despite the gloom of the present, we can point him to the christian's hope of a reunion in glory; bat to the little ones, whose mother's heart is deaf and dumb to all their cries and wants, we can' offer no'condolence, for sympathy stands mnte before a woe like theirs, and we can Only leave them to Him who "lempereth the winds to tile shorn lambs," and ask for thera His blessing and protection,! ME f . I f ' ( r t : - . ' ! ! 1 .. ' '. ' r-S ' 4ist rec0lv6d TO" "-We have &i'"?jDfO;, S stock of- alaTge READY, MAJ)iE CLOTHINa Consisting of Meiis',:BjoysiVaiHl You&s' Suits to wiiicli vtfe call SPECIAL Art KTl-. t I V I Tlie larft incrtasC fa out baiirieis In THIS LINE ENABLES US TO 11 , FHOJt FIIlST-iiANDS and id retail them at a smjiU auv'anfle on xrholsalc rrric(?s. ' o o Our slock df 3D Go to Rowland's fo: blank books and envelopes. - ? . IXev. Sir, lriiuroc. This eminent and scholarly divine preached his lastiermon in tha Baptist church in this place on Sunday, and it was generally conceded to be one of the best and most instructive he ever delivered. Blessings brighten as tbv take their flight, and in parting with Mr. l'ri m rose, who goes to Oxford to take charge of the Presbyterian church there, our community, irrespective of dauomination, entertains a higher conception than ever before of his abilities as a preacher, and feels that a bright and shining light has bsetf withdrawn from the pulpit here. The kindest wishes of the commuuity will attend him in his new field of labor, and trust that his ways may be ways of pleasantness and all, his paths be full of peace. Mr. T. J mi iiasi bopn i elected mavor We congratulate always r.Ipneoo , r ' v .1 a Wilson- II- . IT . ... iiinri. lifl.l nt- e !now,l' .w; "ave t ;rr'.' "e''',ui,t '. irc- Z &,;lttrW1M'A .nl,,r,o,t;:,1'"-"ent:in their rret.r " ' ,B aml examine m oiutK CI "(Willi 11. .1. . " 'i n una r- . Atkins, i, n.:: "" " M ill be a la le cot? 8treet3' This trill be reaJv fifr !, ''-S tore f lerprlsfag flr.n and we S J a en elcom. them to our towa. -l3j 10 Par. twn ., . rth . "ng the t j were etaa Vannba, been . ll f Kes- Mr. 'l7 and ef.J' f a '"S lnost al- - biased i;l7:; J " tu.8 ?ase of -at the sormer' anJ we trust - a lr prayers l . wd on ,alllU! Dastnr Min.si Mouaiaiu Celebration. Thr Kings Mountain Celebration will he'll n at, Kings Mountain, in this State, October oih and continue four days. The ceremonies .agreed- tip.m by the upmmittce will prove very in- teroRtmg- ami a larie atten-.iauce is expected from Tennessee, Virginia, nrth and South Carolina. The first day, Tuesday, 0;tober 5th, shall be jrivan to a reunion of th ; Slates of 'Tennessee. Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, together with such others as may choose to be officially represented ou thi occasion : tiiat jjldrcsses of greeting shall be delivered by orators from these States selected by the Centrnl Executive Committee, or hereafter designated by the Executives of tne tatate .themselves:' Wednesday the Cth of OctDber, shall be set aside for an illustration ol the plan of battle, under the direction of Gen. "Hunt U. S. A. The Gotn iuiUae on Troops are charged with the necessary arrangements. Thursday, the 7th the dedication of the . Monument witll the Centennial Oration, by Maicr Jo:n W. Daniel, of Virginia. . Friday, the 8th. to be set ssiJe r.s a Field Day for th Military, wifh a Competitive Drill for a Centennial prize, .to be designated and awarded by the Executive Committee; the' rules to govern said'drill to bo made and published and judges to bo ap pointed by the Committee on Troops,'' . . ... : - xeroiiui.. A. liranch. Esq , has returned from a business trip. . , ilirs. Smallwood, of Newberne is vis ituii relatives in this place. The 'Misses Deans, ' of this county, '..uve been on a visit this week to their brother Mr. Allison Deans. Mr. Henry A. FooteJ editor of the Warrenton Gazette has . been in town this week. F. A. -Wood a rd, Esq.,' was absent Tuesday in Goldsboro on professional nus.incss. . . Mr. M. Moye has been absent the past week at the bedside of a sick brother near Farmville. 11. G. Connor, Esq., who has been absent in Springfield, III., on profes sional business has returned home. Mr. E. A. Oldham, of Wilmington', who was a former student at the .-"Wilson1 Collegiate Institute is on a visit to relatives in this place. Mr. E. M. Nadaf wss called to Ral eigh Saturday by. a telegram announc ing the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Theo. Fentress. liev. J. T. Bagwell, pastor of th? Methodist church at Goldsboro is in towu Wtc guest of Rev. J. A. Cunuic2- Mr.' Ashtcn 8cott, of Enfield, has located in Wilson, an ! taken a posi tion in th ? store of his- brother W II. G. Seott oa Tarboro streets Capt. Juo. A. Harrison, of couuly, and his two daughters, Misses lieltie and Pattie, were on a visit - to Wilson lhisjv eek. I If you have not done so already go at once and see that pretty hue of letter. paper, evelopes, paper, in boxes, cards with envelopes to suit all of the very latest styles, at Rowland's. Idiii-alio2ial Journal. We hive received the prospectus of the North Carolina Educational Jour nal which Rev. J. F. Heitraan, of Chapel Hill,' proposes to publish as soon as a sufficient number of sub scribers shall be pledged to justify him in beginning its publication. The North Carolina State teachers asso ciation at its annual meeting held dur ing the session of the iVormal School at the University, had under consider at ion the publication of a journal which should be a medium of communication and a vehicle of information for teach ers and others engaged in the work of education. The plan of Mr. Ileitman's paper has been approved by a com mittee appointed. The journal will be au eight page folio, , issued monthly, at Sd.OOner vear. and every teacher in the State should become a subscri bcr. Our Stiiie I'air. j W e return thanks for an invitation to the next State Fair and to let our readers know the preparations made we quote the following from Capt Denson's latter of the 21st : We have the powor to enclose complimentary ticket for our State Fair, Oct. 18th to 23rd next. It is gratifying tu report tbat oar prospects for a ruir, valuable to the substantia interests of N. C, and successful m every point of view were,rfever so;bright as at present. With abundant ciops and-increased prosperit r, and m good spirits, the people manifest by their prompt entrees and our large corres pondence, that our nex, Fair and the Twentieth will surpass anything in the history of the society- The displays of stock and the variety ot machinery will be unusually fine. The Trades procession will be a great feattne on 'ednesxlay, and the trial of speed throughout the week are on an exten sive scale." And She "lid lVcnt." During one of 'those beautiful moon lit nights last week, a young couple arm in arm, and souls most sweetly linked in fetters of twin-born delight were strolling on the rail-road, .''lull ed by the dreams, where transport flows," while their thoughts, in love bued ringlets, most beautifully inter twining, were flitting by on golden winglets, and dispensing from that glittering plumage the rosiest tints that mortals ever see. The moon the a,me mild orb which smiled on Ma turing Bertram, and "lent her soften, ed light to rapture and to love" was just emerging from the fat. off deeps of the ethereal ocean, and fresh and pure and dewey from that cerulean bnth like Aphrodite when risipg from the waves was then climbing upon a feathery-cliff of the first cloud- islet in the sky ; and, in shaking the spray troru her wnite lovirness. was drenching the world wth the glimmer ing mist of a silver rain of noiseless trickling light. This " flood of glory fell with entrancing power upon hearts already mellowed in the witchery of feeling, and as might have been expect ed, the rosiest tides of bliss flowed out. Our fair friend talked beautifully of the hopes and dreams whieh were then fringing the horoscope of her life with the tapestry Jof enchantment, and which made it seem the opening portal ti scenes of bliss supernal But he was moody and silent, and she seeing that his thoughts were on meditation bent" turned up her eyes to his in look ot sweet entreaty eyes, over which a jetty arch had drawn1 a glori ous crescent, just commingling.just di viding, in ( darkling lines across parian brow, while deep within its lash-girt shores, and o'erhung witli the mist of soft desires, the soul's bright sparkling waves were gleaming in ebb- inc8 "full of witchery. She asked him if he was thinking of that love -lit realm, to which their pilgrim hearts were stretching where the hopes and dream3, now so boautifully budding would blossom i out and bloom with fragrance, and be reddened with the ripened fruit of the love-tended orchard of marriage? ISO, said he. 1 was just wontiering why yon didn t go Id Dr Joyner the skillful dentist . on Tar boro street, and get him to work. upon vour teeth. He is a good workman understands his business and he wil remedy the only defect my darling possesses. This done, your rosy-lipptd mouth will be a glorious nest of sweet pursuasioti, to which kisses those blessed and tran3prting nurslings of affection will flock by the hundred in one eternal invasion. And whereup on sbef ,did went," and the next morn ing, bright and early, she was at the dental office, where a most satisractoty job Was accomplished. , JlAKIiETKEPOIIT. is target thaii ever, consisting' of 'Black arid all faliion able dialt?s of Cashtacreas J filack Alpacas, and. other stylish ood$ wiUa beautiful . line cf pilk and eivet. btoCadffa. areai trimmmyts io mtuch to winch vrc call erpectal attenttcn, l)0n't Forget fil0.t: :Vo"'kftdp; -fol salo tliO h&t li ABIES, MISSES AND ! CHILDltENS SHOES Foi tbo least money iii Wilsbii iOzn f a rsra finJl A it OtflfH'UULB i A Larg&jAssortment ll1 iiiii Whlclriiiiist 166 60ld rgaidless of cost. CALICOES, ; BLEACHED -AND UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS i . , . ' - ' at tKe lowest jCasii prices ' Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, L., HEILBPONER BROl'Agts. Wootteri & Stevens, FURNITURE DEALERS AND ' Wilsok, N. C. . V i - . . . , : - M We have on hand a lareianl well w IvJc td stock of P.-wlor Aid Ohairtber Furni ture and are constantly receiving . additions thereto. ' ': 4 ; - . I We make diea'p bctlstei Js dnd mattfesse a Specialty. . - , - - Picture frames moldings ind pictures In great variety sold cheap. i . j - Itcpairing neatly and prtfmptiy done, and satiictvin guaranteed, i , ''v . Rosewood and meUUlc burial cases trprn the cheapest to the Irest bronzed eases. sep 17'ly - ' ' - j HtejMm lafid a large rtottftf RKADY MAI)K Cl.Of iflNO, KOCfr 3HOE8,' IUTS K CAV9; CROCKERY ASttGkASSWA RE. ' Goods careftflly selected by a Cbmptttnt buyer. A larj stock, .of, u. knide eC GIlOCEltlES; RAGGING, TIES, &C, I i ..(:', . ' '! . - ( if tott w'atft uaigalns cfismlne otfr stock before pdrcJJsitfg. 1VT O T I C E a.ft : The tax books for the year ie$0 are nofw in my haniTs for. collection, and tax payers aro requested to call : at ray office -in the court boiwe and Settle their taxes is' soon as convenient. - . r 4 -- f . K.- H. WlxsTEAix, Sheriff , ep22.-4t ; - Wilson county. , OJumliumcr Sauce s jnat the thing for fresh meat &c. at Rowland's. rbtMeA .(p ConflKCTEPur msrf, Dri. Co. VVlLSOM N. C. Oit. 1, 1333. COTTONH-Middliiia;.. ...... 10 3-? GRAIN. TThreat per bits , l.uo Corn roTicE. be at at N' Oq Monday, Sept. 13th. I will prepared to .gin and packr cotton short notice at my steata ,niill TjHDmpsoEfs X roads in Tayfoc's town ship. Fartics senaMg their coxton 19 ray gin may expoct to be dealt with honestly and promptly; seplO fta ' Jcnts H. TifOATF'sotf. . " W r fjOPFOiTTfi BRlGGS HOTEL, ' , :- DEALERS lN-i ' ":'.' ; l: - GENERAL MERCHANDISE &:pi. ljth -itrfi Moss Sa JBvigan. NEW FIRM! New Store! NEW GOODS f " . , . . i v . '-",. 4 We are receiving daily at otir store on the (JofntTr of N&ih and Tarboro Streets, ft-full aud well assorted stoek erf gdntrmJ lridrcKnidisen sticli . 4 : ' ' ' J STAPLE-D1L? aooi)&. UllOCERlns. i ' " 'CtltititfEnY. T1XV!ARE. WOOD AND VilLfjOW VfJttli. . 0" At f - XJl' . IUTS. tiAPS, BOOTS AND SliOES. READY-M ADfi CLOTEtlNG, CARPETS N O T I E To Our HbscriberJ. To-dav we send to Miss Aqnie Thomas, formerly of . which were sown mid I Wil60a now of Pitt, spent a few and tears,. will eriaiaVrt jdays iQ town this week, en-route to a cioricius harvpr AWUa,Q. .wuere ner latuer is uow cn- gaged in business. nearly every subscriber to the Advance a state - mart rt' l5c O nt'Clll n t W O llvf two reasous for doina this 1st, we desire Uorn m0&l all of our subscribers to know how much they owe us, and 2nd, we desire them all to settle their indebtedness now while money is most plentiful. Most of those who owe us are farmers and now, as they are selling their cot ton, they generally pay up the debts thej have contracted during the year. We hope lo receive remittances of the amounts' due from all of our subscrib ers oat of the county, and we shall expect all of oar subscribers who are j rrear enough to call at our office and Nash r nav what they owe dtrrinz ,the next i a - . " - two months. Janusfy 1st,- 18a 1. we r shall open new bookk. and we shall I place no name on it who docs wot set- 1 tie tip for this years subicripion. Woj need the money due as on Ssubscrip-! tion and we expect atlioi our snoscri bers to be prompt in paying their ac counts ; J . Oats .... ......... Peas .. 1 - 15ACOX. p- Hams pef N C S'des and shoulders ......v. .. Bulk niear sides.. 'shoulders Beeswax..-. Butter -....J. Chicken'... Ejnrs,.j....v. II.ue?i Green "dry Lard... Peanuts, Potatoes Sweet tliicaJ Tallow... - I " " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : : : - ...... ....j. . -It 121 to 15 .u 12 J 11 ..q 2U ...0 to 3 20 . ...I0tol2j ...........11 80 to 1.3 ? . . 60 in I offer for sale my tract df land n iin liardston krori us the Dr. Joe lrake place, contffmmg lit acres, 7S acres clear ed and in a fine State of culuTation. On h nremises is a n-w store ltouse in whieh the P. O., Is now kept, a goovt fvtotory j d well! n ao d other nece&sary at nouses Terms ey, apply tfr ii RicKs ilil!iard-tMJ, N. C, tg'S) Sta. II. H0D6ES HODGES & HODGES, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN liat and Gapn ......AND . Ladies Trimmed GfccfJs) 4SC03HISRCEST. . i . NORFOLK, J. 1IARRISS j-H'boksale & Retnil Dealer i GR0CER1E S& X of every style' and quality iClanketf, an(l 1 1 wlFfthd in fact eterytfnngta v found in & yt ell arranged tore. v ; ' " propdr wetefall sele3tf dvitlt care, and bouhti for catb wldca tcablt os. to offer to customers the (very west bargain. - 1 " i TMrrmbiie ara inritcd to tall and exkroih tMt tockl Vi u H l.- Very Respectfully . -Ij : : r DAK EH & CO B B SelI-tt ! - " I ' INSURANCE Old North State Fire; : COMPANY OF WARUENTON, .N. , C4 Has beu ija Siicce'sful crperatiarj foY iilgbt Yesrw ' ;t ;.'iT!i)roogh1y.IleIiMe lfor9e'Ctnpatrf 3. DAVf. PresiJtnt f. II. ARMATf Ag't. i Headquarters for Barcains Z Now offer to bis oW (riwU faOAat. - i . f ... -A- hA , t eooihthig of his kxrsv stock of COFFEE. ' FLOUH. LARD, rr BUTTrX VA. sep24-tl MEAT. Ac All p irc!iMd prerlow to th airing pric, sndwill be soM chtap . GRAND FALL OPENING Bum, -Th OTlJ$Ss 4TJ?. cajxits; . siiQbiiSt coops. - IvtTJTJd&f.TS, t?mmed iu th . laUrt tt jlea at prices tttat wflS Atontdi yoa. HOiimEESTiKE NOTICE. FCf XTf Eirf U the ri' ace to set B ARO A I.V. .AH f his roM miht fof risir nl t nrire far t!o n vJ!,- mi In not U tuflwraoMl. . jAjid a farth er eIdeijrec aks jou not to belir hint, or ill jmi le ou papr, but U call ami tttr TAiirUt Vr.fl Tiu. m miittdv .. J ' r J I ! i 1! I i i! 1-5